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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
TJ1E ARIZONA JJHPUHLICAN SALT HIVElt VALLEY ED1TJOX. SUNDAY MOHXiNG, MAYT 23, 1915 Bees And Honey Are The Basis Of Arizona's Sweetest Industry PAGE El (JUT Surprising Results From Bees On Three Acre Ranch i . 1 1 'II (By WILLIAM DONER.) Mav r.'i.i. r !:, i.ul.Ii' nr. u: w.- my vn ij-ai living frum l n . n my Jlnvt- acre 111 tti. 'iImhi iiMrht. I have .:.irn:s . f Im 'S. The initial ct .-t..i. I i- ali.',t ?r..r,n and my im i'ine in in v.ioh .taiiil runs 1 haw some liiws that n-I Ik :i renewed in all the is that I have bein working r.i. .!-u u f my lies are i'"fr I' 'hail strain anil of ; i: ii variety. The life K. ejit r is one of plenty of ni".--i -i wiiii n is mit ;ooi-s 1 liii'i'i' al! my own hives am! fill my brood combs and my honey onibs with a complete she t of f tuidation. which I wire in botn 'own and across the comli on ac lount of the possibility tf its falling: duiinn the extreme hot weather. So far I have had srent suarss with that metal. I n.ise but very little section honey, giving all the efforts of the colonies to raisin comb lur.ev for extraction. I extract it myi-elf and marketed either through the lo cal association or local jobber. Thus far it has made me a very good living indeed, and there is profit in the business even at a less rate than honey is bringing now. On my three acre patch, in addition to my bees, I have an eighth of an acre of Thompson Seediess Grapes and (t;ile a number of fig trees, with Thomp son Seedless Grapes selling ar 1 1-4 a pound, I made ?4 off tht't little patch. The figs also sell -.veil and tile trees yield well. Kight here I want to diipess a little and tell you Konielhir.a; of the position of the bee in the l'fe of atiy iigricult ural community. The bee does not. as some people sup pose, live entirely to make honey. Honey making vith the industrious little fellow is a by-product. The whole purpose of the bee's lifo is to fertilize flowers, so that with the greater number of bees in the val'ey there w ill be i greater prod'i li' e ness of fertile plants. The bee car ries the polon from flowr to flower and makes it possible for tlef-e flowers to reproduce in kind. Al' this i t : ; -MiM 1 being so. I hardly think we sive (enough importance to the honey in dustry and bee keeping in this com munity. The. taxable valuation on bees in Maricopa county alone is about $t!5.000. which is more than i that of .chickens and pn re than that ! of hogs. I thing, therefore, in view of this that some; steps sh'Ui'd le taken to provide a greater space for display and appropriation for the purposes of frora the iPtate J Fair which is 1 eld here annually. I And in this onn'?ctiou. I might say that this wo'ild be a splendid ad verisement for the valley, because it would increase the interest in the work. Increase the investment in the business and thus increase the va!ti? of all growing useful plants in the valley. o Members of the British parliament cannot be arrested for debt during sessions, or for forty days before or after. as ' . -IS' -s5l ' "JUT WHERE A 'FEW OF THE 800,000,000 LIVE. Salt River Valley bees are assessed at $65,000, and their record annual output, when extracted, filled 37 cars. Alfalfa, orange -ird mesquite are the leading honey flavors. Honey Produced Here Has No Superior For Use On Table CUTTING (JIJEEX FEED VOW SILACJK. At the "Mountain View Dairy and Fruit Farm," whose owner. J. Stanley Howard, is a most successful breeder of Registered Hoistein-Fr.esians. (By WILLIAM LOSSING.) In complying with your request, will endeavor to partially state a few facts concerning apiculture in Maricopa county. There are approximately 22,000 col onies kept in Maricopa, county which are owned and managed by their own ers who are mostly up to date apicul turists. The honey produced is excel lent and much of it has no superior as table honey and finds a ready sale at top prices. It is mesquite and cat-claw honey. Alfalfa honey is a light amber and has no superior as a commercail article used extensively in bakeries. The number of carloads of honey shipped close to 33 per season and usually leave about $2100.00 per car cash to the producer. lieeswax amounts to about 2 pounds per case of honey produced in rough figures 21O.0U0 pounds in an average season. There are 4",000 bees in a colony. This multiplied by 20,000 colonics in Maricopa county makes a grand total of S00.000.000 bees. The value of a colony depends much on the hive a well as condition of the same. Perhaps it would be fair to say from $.".0() to $6."i0 per colony. Price of honey for the last season has been the lowest for 1ft years. Most of it moved at 4 cents per pound. This was caused largely by the Buropean war. The highest price was T'-i cents per pound. . One more thought, am pleased to F had the easier they were sold at a little above the market price. By buying grain in quantities I could also make a saving. I now keep just enough calves and young stock on hand to clean up all surplus green feed on the place. About four or five years ago I cleared up my last indebtedness and what 1 have cleared up since that time 1 have laid away for a rainy day. Trusting that this article will encourage someone starting under si milar circumstances I remain. Yours respectfully, ('. AV. AI.EXAXDKR, Tempo, .riz. know that we are protected by a (strin gent foul brood law, which guards our industry against diseased bees being shipped in our state, which would if allowed to some in as wished would ruin our industry. j Furthermore in locating an apiary one should be careful not to infringe on the priority rights of others by locating closer than one mile from said apiary, ' as in nine cases out of ten the priority j apiaryint will succeed while the in- j truder fails. i One of the best methods is to buy the established apiaryist out. There are plenty of new irrigation projects being opened in our fair state that will pro vide localities for many more apiarys without encroaching on old established , apiarists. R. F. D. 3, Phornix, Ariz. j O j Poultry Lifts j To Prosperity (Continued from Page Six) j I ther away from town. That I also t paid out in about one year. During this time I disposed of my hogs al- J altogether, not because there was no money in them, but because I ; thought I could do better to apply ; my time strictly to the hens and the 1 marketing of their product. I learned during this time that the more eggs ComstockCastIe Stove Company s Quiii cy, Illinois THE CELEBRATED ECONOMY LINE Complete Line of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters Rich Hardware Co. State Distributors dwar: COMPANY V- ARIZONA'S OWN HARDWARE AND PAINT JOBBING HOUSE What We Have Done in Less Than Two Years. The Uirli Hardware Company was organized less than two years ao to do a trietly exclusive and legitimate JOBBING business, the necessity for which in Arizona had Ion;: been keenlv felt. We start ed with a complete line of Heavy Hardware and HI aeksniith's Sui.i.lies, and have been the RECOGNIZED STATE HEADQUARTERS and SOUKUil U" SUi'i'L.Y lor ever ihinir in these lines, including Steel of All Kinds. Horse Shoes and Nails, Bolts, Wagon Hardware, Hardwood Lumber and Wagon Woods and Blacksmith Coal. We have added different lines from time to time, always world v.g on the policy of buying direct from Manufacturers, and in ear lots where volume is concerned, so that we are in a position to distribute out of l'hoenix stock to all parts of Arizona and even beyond. I'very line we handle is an absolute and recognized leader the country over. A few of the well-known lines of goods we carry: Shoes PERKINS Horse IJecoinuzed the world over as the shape and best material, and therefore the longest wearing and easiest to fit. Horseshoes in all weights. Mule Shoes. Fitted Cowboy Shoes. Side Weights and Toe Weights. Thin Steel Countersunk. ; Everything in the Shoe Line. The I?est Toe Calk in the World. arrett Manufacturing Company COAL TAR PRODUCTS The Barrett Specification Roof We have just received a ear of the celebrated AMORITE AND PANAMOID ROOFING in 1, 2 and 3-Ply Deadening Felt and Building Paper Pinney & Boyle Co. LOS ANGELES, CAL. PAW EENS 3 The best made and most widely used Canteen ever shipped into Arizona. Everybody knows and uses them. Double Clinched Rim, Center re-inforced, Wool Covered, Canvas Strapped. Will last a life time. Northwestern & Union Horse Nails Guaranteed to Meet All Requirements Absolutely Dependable Made by the UNION HORSE NAIL COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by Jobbers and Dealers THE DESHLER BROOM FACTORY Largest in thr world, Manufacturers of the Deshler Broom and Whisk 44 OUR MOTTO Quality Counts Deshler, Nebr. We sell Heller's Celebrated American Files, Rasps, Tools and Steel because they are the best made Rich Hardware Co. PAINT DEPARTMENT The largest, most complete and best stock west of St. Louis. We are exclusive State Distributors for Patton's Sun-Proof Paint, Velumina Flat Wall Finish, Kalkoma Calcimine, for hot or cold water, Auto Gloss, the Only, Pitcairn Varnishes and Stains. Dry Colors and Paints, Lead, Oil. and all Paint Materials, Paint Brushes of a. 11 kinds. Bin' at Home. If your local dealers do not handle . these brands of goods, Write Us. Rich Hardware Co. PHOENIX. ARIZONA 435 South Third Avenue, Corner Buchanan Street Phone 1870. Rich Hardware Co. IJesident Agents For Celebrated Beckwith-Chandler Company, New York Highest Crade Varnishes. For Carriages, Automobiles, Wagons, etc. These Varnishes are used by the largest and most important Carriage and Motor Car Manufac turers throughout the Country and conceded to represent the Standard of Quality ami Excel lence. Buying and Using the best Varnishes rep resent, in satisfactory results and durability of fainting truest and best Economy.