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THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR 8 PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1915 8 PAGES VOL. XXYL No. 7 P - M ANS SEE NEEDS OF TRANSPORT Some Obstacles Which War 'Across Atlantic Has j Jhrown Into Paths of 4 Prosperity Outlined at Opening of Conference. THE PRESIDENT IS FOR UNION Incidentally Secretary Mc . Adoo Promises to Take Up Question of Steamship Lines to Operate with the Southern Republics. ' t ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH WASHINGTON, May 24 Some ob stacles which the war across the At lantic has thrown into the paths of in tlustrial and commercial prosperity and the march of trade in the western lieniiphere were outlined at the first s-ession of the Pan-American financial inference. The outstanding thought f the conference as expressed by many speakers was the crying need of im iimrrtiimt of transportation for the re iidjustment of the methods of financial xi'hanse and for uniformity of laws north and south of the equator with Telalion to subjects which vitally effect international relations. The president welcomed the delegates and talked of the need of the development of transportation. Secretaries Rryan, Redfiel.i and Mc--d.-o and Postmaster General Burleson later ridded their recommendations for Mt-amship lines independent of Europe (.i ply between all the principal uorts f the two Americas. The expression t" this idea culminated tonight in the promise of Secretary McAdoo to select committee of representatives of the 1'nitert States and the South American i-ountries. including Argentina. Brazil ;n.' cHile and possibly others, to take m tomorrow the question of steam ship lines, either co-operative under these governments or under private control. Besides the delegates from the 15 : Tjl t in- Amprii'ftn pnnntrinQ i.rl !i'ii..t i ' . -. . ... i the conference which is to continue Throughout the week, are members of the prcsidnfs cabinet, the federal rer erve board, the federal trade commis sion, treasury officiuis and more than ne hundred representatives of great Vmerican banks, industrial corpora tions and commercial houses. The opening day was devoted chiefly to speech making. The president he can with the unequivocal declaration that the conference is not for the ex ploitation of the invited nations, but lor a union of the interests in which he Vnited States would not try to 'nn'se use of the others but to labor to i he ao vantages of all. 'It would be a very great thing." saiil th. president, "if Americans could ld to the distinction which they al ready wear of showing the way to peace l permanent peace. The way to peace, for u.s, at any rate. Is manifest. It Is the kind of rivalry that does not in volve aggression. It is the knowledge that men can be of the greatest service to one another and nations of the greatest ervietr to one another when th.. jealousy between them is merely a jealousy of excellence, and when the Uis.s of their intercourse is friendship." Tne only private American represen tative who spoke was Frank Vanderlip f the National City Bank of New York. Mr. Vanderlip declared that at the present time the national banks of the T'nited States as shown by last re port! to comptroller of the currency, have a total surplus over the legal re sere requirements of more than $700. Mm..i ;,nd that the state banks prob ahlv have a "similar plethora." "That means." he said, "that we have a perfectly enormous capital for the expansion of loans, probably enough to expand loans of two or three billion dollars, so if we are in a state of un prepared ness for war we are prepared io extend our financial relation abroad for the development of banking credits ot home. NEGOTIATING WITH THE ALLIES I ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH LONDON. rTuesday) May 2" A dis patch to the Daily Chronicle from Bu charest says "The Rumanian govern ment is negotiating with the allies. King Ferdinand has reviewed the army and great enthusiasm prevails. ATIGN Demand Increases For The Republican Special Edition Two days after the special Salt River Valley edition of The Repub lican had been placed in circulation, the demand for extra copies was on the increase rather than on the de cline. Yesterday hundreds of appli cations were made for copies to be nailed "back east" and clerks kept busy in The Republican were ; busi-I miM ffice meeting this demand. From every side came complimen tary remarks relative to the appear ances of the pages of the special. Jlcial reference was invariably made to the subject matter. Discern ing readers conceded that it was an Inmr that Is certain to result In iAPPROPRIA TION BILL 1 GOES TO CONFERENCE FOR THE SECOND TIME i ! JUDGE ORDERS 1 j i RAILROAD SOLD j KKTKolT, May 24. Judge Tut t!e . in the United States court, issued an order that the Pere Mar quette Raiyways system be tsold at auction on October 14. Claims against the system amount to more than $S,000.00. I ! Special Commissioner Holds Conference with Presi dent and While Not Madt Public Relieved No Policv Chang.' Will Result. ASSOCIATED PRESS UISPATCHl i WASHINGTON", May 24. The 1 president received first hand informa tion concerning the 'Mexican situa tion tonight from Duval West, the special commissioner who recently returned from Mexico. The report was not made public. ', It is understood that West s report will result in no change of policy of the administration toward Mexico. He j is said to have avoided favoring any, j faction or leader, devoting his report to tne president io iniormation garn ered about conditions generally and about the attimde of the different leaders. It is understood the admin istration will continue the policy of "hands off" while the Mexicans are fighting for supremacy in their country, in the meantime doing ev erything in its power to protect for- eigners and their property and to bring about relief in sections where there is a shortage of food. After a conference with the presi- ' dent. West said he would remain in Washington for several days, but be yond that he had no definite plans. He is not expected -to return to Mex ico immediately if at all. 1 Official dispatches to the state de-' pt.rtment describe the Carranza. forces at Vera Criiz and the Villa forces at Chihuahua as celebrating victory over the other. American Consul Silliman reported the bells ringing at Vera Cruz over a victory of Obregon against Angeles. Consular Agent Carothers at Chihua- ' hua telegraphed that Diaz Lombardo, ' the Villa secretary of state, officially announced Angeles victory over Ob regon. f From these dispatches the officials concluded the fighting was not de cisive and that there have been heavy losse on. both sides. ! It appeared that while the Villa troops swept southward from Leon. Obregon and the main bulk of his army were well entrenched and for tified at Celaya. where the real con test would ensue. The Villa agency gave out a state ment tonight that La Vacns across the river from Del Rio, Texas, has been captured by Villa troops who control the entire front of the state of Coahuila. WEST REPORTS ON SITUATION IN 0 0 MEXICO: I i SPECIAL CAR FOR ARIZONA DELEGATES TO LAUNCHING Taking .with them some of the first water to flow over the Roosevelt dam Governor Hunt and staff, and mem- j bers of the launching commission will leave Phoenix June 14 in a spe cial car for New York City to at tend the christening of the battleship Arizona. Plans for attendance on the ceremonies and other important de-1 tails of ' the launching took definite shape yesterday, following the ar rival of Captain 1,. V. Mix. of No- j gales, chairman of the committee, and the naming of the .executive committee. much good to thV Salt River Valley i The Silver Service and that the greater the outside cir- I The matter of securing funds for culation the greater the benefit thata suitable silver service for the new will accrue. idreadnaught was taken up, and Very few readers of The Rcpubli- i Messrs. Stapley and Powers, chair- j can are overlooking the opportunity , to send these papers to their friends. They insist that such an to the waiting ones hack be received much the same as would a good, long letter. There is still a good supply of copies of the edi tion that may be secured at the re- , Thev may be had wrapped ready for'0' ,h", Run1 "-"r-. and to raise m.iiir,r Foor onto in r " otl,"r hi,lf D" Popular Sllbscrip- required to carry the big number. j surance, all A ii rec nient Will le Reached or That One Could Re Found Satisfactorv to House. FOUR MORE DAYS' PAY RE EN PROPOSED Resolution of mined Purpose Undeter in House Pro loses a Suspension of Prohibition Amend- merit. It will be known tonight whether the laboring extra session will pro duce a general appropriation bill. That will depend upon the result of a negotiation between conferees on the part of the house, consisting of Chairman Powers, and Representa tives Johns and Richardson, the former managers for the house, and a senate committee consisting of Chairman Stapley and Messrs. Mar tin and Crabb. Messrs. Bacon and .! McMillan, the former senate con ferees were absent from the city. This arrangement was reached at j the end of a day spent an attempt to read in the house the former was finally Though no conference report which rejected by the house. definite instructions were given the house conferees, special mention was made of the objections of the hoiise to certain features of the report the agreement upon the appropriations for the land commission, for the tax commission and for the expenses of the offices of the attorney general and the auditor. The report was taken up in the morning at the point where an agreement had been made by the house conferees to a new section by the senate appropriating $75,000 for a mining and engineering building at the university, an equal amount to be raised by the citizens of Tucson and others interested in the mining industry. Mr. Christy- said that in the be ginning he had been opposed to ap propriations for buildings for any of the public institutions and was yet opposed to such appropriations but in the interest of harmony he would vote to concur in this amendment. Mr. Lines and others charged that an unfair advantage had been taken of the house with reference to this and other new sections by the sen ate. They had been told that they had been eliminated. Mr. MeOlain made the same charge more speci fically. Plea by Mr. Powers Chairman Powers spoke at some length. He said that the aopeal he had made on Saturday to the mag nanimity of spirit of the house had met with no response or not with the response he had expected. He said that in the preparation of the con ference report he had tried to sub merge his interest in the county in , the larger interests of the state. Such 'a submergence be declared, had not been general and both houses in this respect were equally at fault. "I am now come," said Mr. Powers, "to a 'more delicate matter, the division o' j this house into two so-called fac ' tions. I have been charged with be longing to the administration faction, but I have at no time been Influenc ed by the administration. I have be longed to a certain group and I will (Continued on Page Five1) At a conference of members of the commission held ut the Arizona club yesterday mor.niiig( Captain :.i:x ap pointed Dwight B. Heard, W. G. Hartranft, Judge Joseph H. Kibbey mid Lindley C. Morton members of the executive committee, and with them discussed plans for the trip to New York and arrangements for the attendance of a number from this ' state. Later in the day the executive committee, with Misses Eva Behn and Sally King, who will be maids of honor ;vt the launching, met with Governor Hunt at the state house, and definitely decided to charter a private car for the journey to New York. The car, on the regular of June 14. will which will leave here train on the evening be run over the San Vhicago, and thence ills and the LeJiigh ta Ft? lines lo via Niagara F Valley to New York, arriving on the day before the launching. m,n of appropriations committees, f th Benat(. an ho.s(. WPrt. .aiied into conference and promised their co-operation in securing an appro priation for this purpose. The silver service, it Is stated, would cost ap proximately $8,000, and it was de- idol to risk the legislature for half (Continued on Page Five) There Is No Either, That WALSH METHODS AHE DENOUNCED BY WITNESSES AY. L. MacKensie King and L. M. Rowers Prove In tractable Witnesses Re fore Federal Industrial Relations Commission. DO NOT LIKE INVESTIGATIONS Particularly Are Walsh and His of Questioning Chairman Methods Critisized by Former Canadian Cab inet Officer. ' ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH WASHINGTON. May 24 W. L. MacKenzie, director of the industrial relations department of the Rocke feller foundation, and former Cana dian cabinet officer, interrupted his testimony before the Federal Indus trial Relations Commission to roundly denounce the methods of Chairman Walsh in conducting the commis sion's Colorado strike inquiry. The outburst came in the midst of ques tioning regarding the plan suggested bv him to Rockefeller for dealing with the situation in the Colorado coal fields. The chairman sought to show the plan would eleminated union representation on boards and confeiences between employers and miners. King objected strenuously to any inference Hiat he was unfriendly to organized labor. "1 have seen witness aft-r witness on the stand here treated in a man ner that was an) thing but fair," said King. "In the name of labor I pro test against the way this hearing has been conducted." "Vou do not like the way the inves tigations are conducted in this coun try?" asked Walsh. "1 do not like U way this hearing has been conducted " he replied. "Vou do not like this commission'? conduct of the hearings?" ' 1 do not like the way you. Mr. Chairman, have conducted the ex amination of witnesses." "Then you exonerate the rest of the commission?" " Hi. yes." ''I your objection to the examina tion," asked the chairman, "based in your observation of the examina tion of John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. and is it caused in pmt by the statement, you heard a witness make here that he is 'guilty of high treason and should be punished?'' King spoke only of the general ex amination of all witnesses. He was questioned at length about his ser vices to John D. Rockefeller Jr., and to the foundation, but he declined to say what salary he received. L. M. Powers. veteran former treasurer of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, now member of the personal business of Rockefeller. Sr., occupied the stand the greater part of the session. He was questioned closely as to the conduct of the strike by the coal companies, and dis claimed reponsibility for the vio lence and bloodshed which 'charac terized the disturbances.! ; Mr. Bowers showed the effects of his recent illness and was frequently agitated by the questioning. He told of his efforts to improve the condi tions in the coal fields after he went there in l!07, but did not defend the officers of the company prior to that time nor would he assume the re sponsibility for the present officers, other than himself. He was em phatic, and sometimes apoligized for being "wrathy" in his manner. (Continued on Page Three) First Referendum Petition Aimed At Senate Bill No 2 The first referendum petition to be filed against any measure pass;- by t!ie second state legislature reach - ed the office of the secretary of state yesterday from Greenlee county. The petition, which is directed at Senate Bill No. 2. providing that jury lees may be included in the judgment and taxed as costs, is signed by twenty residents of Greenlee county, and was filed by L. Kearney, a Clifton attor ney. The number of signatures neces sary for the referendum on any bill passed by the legislature is five per cent of the total vote, for governor at the last general election, or 2531. law The time limit prescribed by expires June 9, ninety days from the date of adjournment of the legisla ture. Already, it is stated on good authority, a large number of signa tures have been obtained to a pe tition for a referendum on the law providing for the semi-annual pay ment of taxes, and it is considered probable that this measure will be referred to the people for their ap proval at the next general election. The petitions are being circulated in Gila county. The State Federation of I-abor is said to be behind the movement to refer Senate Bill No. 2. AUSTRIAN DES ?ERS OPEN ACTUAL WARFARE ON THE ITALIAN COAST Little or No to Elapse laration of Time Allowed Retween Dec War and Ac- tual Itah Fighting .Between and Austria. CAMPAIGN NOT DISCLOSED Relieved That Attempts Will Re Made to Inflict Quick and Decisive De feat and Discourage Jtal ians at Beginning. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH LONDON. May 24. Little or time has been alhiwed to elapse no he and a od tween the declaration of war Httual fighting between Italy i stria. Karly this morning Aus trian aeroplanes, destroyers and tor pedo boats descended on the fta'ian oast of the Adriatic and towns, including Venice, while in the I Tyrol and on the eastern frontier, jtiie Italian and Austrian advance ! guards are already in touch, have .exchanged their first shots. j Tile plan of the campaign has not j yet been disclosed, but it is belie' ed j generally that attempts to inflict I quick and decisive defeat, or at least! 'one that will discourage the Italians. jwill be undertaken, largely by the' (.ermans under Held Marshal n ! Hindenburg. , It is said that Oertnan troops, with ne:vy guns, aeroplanes and Zeppelins are already passing through the vnl- i ley of the River Adige in the direc tion of Verona and that rapid and j fierce blows will be delivered almost j at the Italian center. This the Ger- ; mans doubtless believe will serve to : hold off the Italian advance from the 'province of Venice, where the flat , nature of the country- would give the j Italians a greater chance of success. I Throughout Austria and there is hitter denunciation which for the moment has Germany of Italv replaced F.ngland as the most hated enemy. The most important battle. however. is that raging southeast of where the Austrians and Przemysl Germans are making repeated attacks in an endeavor to break the Russian line and thus relieve the pressure the Russians are bringing to bear on the Oermans who crossed the San. Fighting is also in progress in mrtland, along the I-,.st Prussian frontier, and in central Poland where tne jermnns attempt? i an or - fen: ive along il-c Raw ka :n cr. None I" these acti'-i.s :,pparentlv' have been decisive :!!: itiah heavy lonses were suffered . on both sides. Russia ex presses satisfaction with the situa tion along her front. Heavv fighting was resumed in the western zone. Duke f Avarina Departs from Arras to the sea in which both I VIENNA. May 24. The Italian am . v, - ,i. ,.iim , i hassador to Austria-Hungary. the , ... .... . t , the allies do not intend to relax their efforts along thi front although the big general movement has not been undertaken, the present opera - tions having as an object the im- provement of their positions and the forcing of the Germans to counter attacks. The allies landed additional troops on the Gallipoli peninsula and al though progress there must for some time continue to be slow, there is every confidence here that the resist ance of the Turks before long will be broken. The loss to the allies (Continued on Page Three) E DEATHS ARE Tl associatkd press dispatch! JOHNSTOWN, Pa.. May 24 An ex plosion in Mine No. 1 of the Valley Smokeless Coal company near here to day, caused pine deaths. Eight miners were killed by the explosion and Homer Phillips, chief of the first aid depart ment of the Cambria Steel company, died at a hospital tonight as a result of being overcome by gas while head ing a rescue party. The miners killed, all of whom were Americans, were Edward Evans and UHLICH NOT GUILTY Seven Witnesses Swear He Was Trinidad Day of Battle in I associated press dispatch TK IX I DAD. May 24 A verdict of m.t guilty was returned tonight by the jury in the case of Robert tTh lieh, union leader, charged with the ijpurder of Mack Powell, a cowboy, dur'ng one of the fights near Lud-lov.- in 1913. The verdict was reached ot the first ballot. The case was given to the jury late today alter the jury had been in sU'icted by Judge Hillyer and arnrit r.ients made by counsel for both sides. Tie verdict was' returned after two hours and forty-fiw minutes deliber ating. Evidence presented by the state sought to establish that the but tle in which Powell was killed was stunted by striking coal miners of the Lnc'low colony who were armed n.nd led by'l'hlich. Seven witnesses for ihe defense swore that Uhlich was in Trinidad the day of the battle. JOHNSTOWN MINE EXPLOSION COMING TO THE SURFACE HO.VuLCLU, May 24. The sub marine F-4 was raised 21 feet to day and lifted to within 87 feet of the surface. Naval officials are confident the submarine will be brought to the top of the water this week - 1 DIPLOMATS ARE LEAVING POSTS No Arrangements, However, Have Reen Made as Yet for Departure of Kalian Ambassador from Ger man Capital. I ASSOCIATED PKE8S DIBeArCMJ j BERLIN, May 24. No arrange- . ments as yet have been made for the departure of the Italian ambassador (from Germany, ow ing to the Whit- jsuntide holidays no newspapers pub- THE F-4 I lished today and therefore there was dent's signature and will be formally tio press comment on Italy's deelara- j issued tomorrow. tion of war. The public received the Secretary Bryan announced that the news with remarkable calmness, and j American embassy at Vienna haJ seemed more bent on enjoying holiday j taken over the care of Italian inter outinss in the brilliant, summer : ests there. Ambassador Pace ad- weather than worrying about latest accession to the ranks of thc Ans- 1 1 ia-H ungary's enemies. Germany is whole heartedly on the i sine ot nej- any. vn Jtauan jniiuary attache recently summoned to Ger- man headquarters, was shown a map of the location anil strength of the Austro-German armies on the Italian frontier so that his government will have no reason to doubt that Ger many would assist Austria with every' available man in case of war. . Von Buelow Leaves LONDON (Tuesday) May dlspateh to the Stefani agency from ( Rme says that Prim e von jthe German Ambassador, Buelow, aecom- ! .pUnied by the an.i o ,(, ( Princess Von Buelow, j crman representatives to the Quirinal and Vatican, train at 9:' departed it o'clock I from Rome, by ' ! last night. I Duke of Avarna. .ml members of theiian quarters it is confidently as embassy staff left here this evening "n board a special train by the way i of Switzerland for Italy. Their ile- j parture was without incident. To Move Italian Court FLORENC7K. May 24. A report is current that the Italian court is to be moved from Rome and installed at the Pitti Palace in Florence. WEATHER TODAY associated press dispatch 1 WASHINGTON, D. C May 24 For Arizona: Fair in the south and show ers in the north. CAUSED BY hi sons Davis and James Kvans: Jacob Wolf. John Hoffman. Charles Stepliein, Valentine Chaschal and C; F. Hays. The mine was not in operation today but the victims had received permis siou to do what work they could to earn extra money. o THE MINERVA IS SUNK associated press dispatch NEWCASTLE, England, May 24. The Norwegian ytenmer Minerva was sunk by a German submarine on Sat urday night. The crew was landed here this evening by the steamer Iris. The captain of the Tris reported that after he had rescued the crew of the Minerva the submarine sent a torpedo at the Iris, narrowly missing hr. To Begin Trial Of Officers Of L. A. Investment Company ASSOCIATKD PRESS DISPATCH 1 LOS ANGELES. May 24 Charles A. Elder, founder, and ten former asso ciate officers of the Los Angeles In vestment company will go in trial to morrow in the United States court on the charge of having used the mails in a conspiracy to defraud the stockhold ers and investors. More than one hun dred witnesses from various cities in California, Arizona and other states will be present when the trial opens. UNITED STATES TO LOOK AFTER MANY INTERESTS jJtalv's Entrance Into War Sets in Motion Various Rranehes of Official and Diplomatic Activity in Washington. iTHTS COUNTRY TO i REMAIN NEUTRAL Secretary Rryan Announces American Embassy at Vienna Has Taken Over the Care of the Italian In terests There. 1 ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH WASHINGTON, May 24 Italy's en -trance into the war has set in mo tion various branches of official and diplomatic activity. County V. Mae chi Di Cellere, the Italian ambassa dor, formally notified the United States of the declaration of war of his government on Austria and ex plained informally to Secretary Bryan and Counsellor Lansing the contents of a note to be delivered late tomor- I " . ' Ition. Dr. Constant'.n Dumoa. the j Austria ambassador, also advised . Secretary Bryan of the existence of the war A neutrality proclamation, J Bimj;ir to those made early in the i vvur nas been prepared for the presi- vised the state department from Rome that Spain has been entrusted with Austria's diplomatic interests. It de veloped that while preparations had been made for the American em bassy at Rome to take over Aus tria's affairs, the final decision of Austria was to place her Interests in the same hands as those of Germany, which had cnlled upon Spain. j Notice of formal declarations of ! war by Germany, and Turkey on i Italy will mean additional interests tIia 1 'nii..l S2r..)T(3 ta hikf care of jiii Constantinople and possibly in Berlin although it is believed that j Switzerland may care for Italian af- j . .... irl (i-rTn.,n because of the geo graphical proximity and eae of maintaining communication over the exchanges of prisoners and other Questions usually cared for by the j neutral in whose hands the diplo imatie interests of a belligerent are j placed. j The iMjssible attitude of Greece, j Rumania and Bulgaria continued the I topic of absorbing interest in offi and diplomatic circles. In Ital- serted that if Rumania entered the war, Bulgaria either would remain neutral or Join her, and that there is little possibility of an attack by Bulgaria. Among the Austrian and German diplomatists belief prevailed that Rumania would remain neutral. Negotiations and conversations, it is understood, are in progress among the Balkan countries, but the three legations of the interested nations were not closely informed because or the difficulty of communication and changes in the day by day parleys. Besides the interest in the Balkan situation. officials and diplomats manifested much interest in the ar guments and contentions of Austria and Italy over the negotiations just concluded Viet ween them. The Italian ambassador let it be known the note he will make public tomorrow would explain and justify Italy's position. At the Austrian embassy while no formal statement was issued the at titude outlined is similar to that of Emperor Francis Joseph In his proc lamation to the army and navy, namely that Italy deserted nn ally to gain territorial possessions to which she ha.s no legitimate aspira tion. -o- WIRELESS HANDICAPPED (ASSOCIATKD PRKbS DISPATCH NEW YORK. May 24 Wireless com munication between the United States and Germany has been severely handi capped and probably will continue so until about July 1 on account of tin electrical activities of aurora borealis. accompanied by electrical storms over the wireless routes. lntU normal con ditions again prevail, uncensored com munication between Germany and the outside world vvtll be limited and the news agencies in the meantime will bo obliged to depend on London for regu lar transmission of the daily German war office statement. C. T. Walton, I'nited States marshal, estimated the trial cot will he more than $50,00(1 mileage and fees alone. The defense will be built, it is stated, on the assertion neither Elder nor the other men entered any conspiracy. Eider and several of these defendants were also indicted by th county grand jury a rew week ago in charges that hey loaned themselves more than $1,000,000 of the company's funds.