PAGE EIGHTEEN THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1919 In your Tires and Tubes Adds PLEASURE to Your Trip by Auto Our Goodyear or Savage Tires give confidence and miles WILKY-WARTMAN OIL CO. Phone 1887 145 West Jefferson St. Phoenix For Rent Furnished COMPLETELY furnished Apts., at the Library Apts, corner Jefferson and 11th Ave. dp For Sale Automobiles 1918 FORD. Rood as new; used by UkIv only; three new standard tires; $450. Owner 1317 E. Wash. St, dn For Sale Eggs and Poultry ROAMER Pit Games, eggs J 5 per sttting of 13. Phone 3132 or address postoffice Box 1044. tf It Will Pay You to See These Cars and Trucks At Once Must close out all used cars and trucks by July 1st Real bargains in everv one of them; all have been over hauled in our shop and put in perfect mechanical condition. Reasonable terms. Will also trade for. first pay ment. 1 5-passenger Paige Cw, 1917 model A bareain. lOne-ton Republic Truck, stake liotiy. Good as new. 1 -..-ton Republic Truck, Express bndv. Bargain. iOne-ton G. II. C. Truck, combi nation body. See it. 1 Smith Form Truck. Buy it and haul cantaloupes. Southern Border Motor Co. 337 WEST WASHINGTON ST. do Rebuilt Automobiles Our ad announcing why we will sell more used cars, brought big results. In each case the buyer stated that he was impressed with our methods. You will be interested. Come in and talk it over. Our rebuilt car sell from $350 to fl"00 SPECIAL TODAY NEW FORD TOURING 6 EIGHT OVERLAND TOURING. .37.) TRUCK, 1500 LBS. CAPACITY. .JUaO KISSEL ROADSTER, LIKE NEW 13 50 OLDSMOBILE, BARGAIN $S50 OTHER GOOD CARS TO SELECT FROM BUY WHILE OUR 10-DATS SALE IS ON Geo.H. Reuben Auto Co. 235 N. Central Ave. Phone 3584 tf CHICKENS WANTED Will pay 3c per pound. Tribolet Market. 15 E. Washington. tf HALF A HOUSE, 3 rooms and screen porch, . beautifully furnished; one block to car. No children. Three blocks to capitol. 2015 W. Monroe, dp For Rent Furnished Houses 4-ROOM bungalow, furnished, for rent; can be seen after 7:30 evenings. 368 N. Second Ave. dn For Rent Housekeeping Rooms 2 NICELY furnished, screen house keeping rooms. Suitable for couple or 2 ladies, employed. Strictly mod ern. 521 E. Monroe. Phone 8703. dn FURNISHED housekeeping room. Phone 2066. Call morning and; evening. dn FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 3120 West Van Buren. dn 2 ROOMS, furnished for light house keeping, cool and shady, close in. 71$ West Jefferson. dn FOR RENT 3 rooms, furnished with bath, use of piano and sewing machine. No sick or children. $25.00 for sum mer. 309 E. Polk. Phone 8616. It 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. with piano, also 2 screen sleeping rooms. 432 E. Washington. dm TO RENT Six-room furnished cot tage for several months. A snap. Apply 1710 E. Monroe. dr LIGHT housekeeping rooms; light and water furnished; good, shade. S15 W. Washington. 7-dl FOR RENT Well situated, good 6 room house, plenty of shade, big lot, fine lawn. On car line. Will rent either FOR SALE Fryers; $6 dozen. Phone furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable -.Til 1 ,7 , . ! . - . 1. i rem, or win lease lor long ume 10 nnt party. .Walker Realty Co.. 315 W. Wash. dn or.PJ l. For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE Or exchange, fixtures of a cold drink stand, doing good busi ness. Also lease on 4 living rooms, up stairs, furnished. Inquire 1018 E. Wash. Michigan Grocery. dn 2ND HAND sewing machines, all makes. White Sewing Machine Agen- .-, 209 West Wash. dm WELL IMPROVED RANCH, sixty miles north of Roswell, New Mex. for sale or would trade for farm near Phoenix. This ranch will graze two thousand cattle and fifteen hundred sheep, clear of all incumbrance. Three miles from school, store and postoffice will trade ranch and keep cattle. T. M, White. Ingle illp. New Mex. 7b'n WANTED TO EXCHANGE FIRST- CLASS PRODUCING OIL STOCK FOR CAR. NO WRECK CONSID ERED. MUST BE IN FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL CONDITION. AD DRESS BOX S2-H, REPUBLICAN, dr 6-ROOM brick house and 2 screen porches, beautifully furnished. One block to car, ? blocks to capitol. 201a W. Monroe. dp 6-ROOM house, modern, furnished, shade, fruit; $35.00. Cor. lath St. and Van Buren. Lagrange. dn FURNISHED 2-room house, toilet and bath. No sick or children. 917 E. McKinley, Brill car line. Phone S0S9. 7-b MODERN furnished up-to-date home, near capitol, with piano. Every thing new and the very best. Price $50.00. Adults only. Phone 3637. dm SMALL house and 2 acres. 3364. Phone dn NICELY furnished bungalow, sur rounded by shade. No sick. $20.00. Sleeping porch. 1701 E. Van Buren. dn FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, 2 screen porches, garage, shade. 1109 N. Central Ave. dn FOR RENT For summer, furnished house. 1635 West Adams. Phone 8119. dk S ROOMS and bath, furnished, hot and"cold water, electric fan: close in. 359 No. 6th Ave. tf FOR SALE or exchange for Phoenix property or car in good running con dition, one four-room house and lot and one-room house and lot, both well finished, in Cottonwood, near river and cottonwood tree grove. For particulars inquire of J. F. Pratt, Cottonwood, Arizona. dr FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE for horses or mules, two Holstein cows, 4 and 5 years old and giving lots of milk One has been tresh but eight days, heifer calf by her side. Call and look them over if in the market for a good one. 311 North 7th Ave. O. K. Corrals. tf GARAGE for trade or rent. Republican. Box 16J 7-g For Sale Fruits and Produce BLACKBERRIES I-.T.-2. for sale. Phone ' gs APRICOTS, 1 and 1V3 cents per pound. Wm. Doner ranch, mile S. Eastlake park, 4 mile east on Hen- shaw road. dm PEACHES, figs, apricots, plums. Bide-a-Wee Place, 16th St. and Roose velt. Phone 8645. dm 2-ROOM house, paid water, gas and electricity; shade and bath. $10.00 per month. 912 Grand avenue, tf A 5 ROOM, with sleeping porches, nouse nicely furnished. 129 N. 9th Ave, Price 40 per month, no small children; no sick. Inquire Ford s Stores, 220 E. Wash. Phone 1776. tf TWO-ROOM cottage, paid water, gas and electricity; bath, shade. $15 per month. 912 Grand Ave. tf FOR RENT Furnished cottage and garage; no children or sick. Plenty shade, price reasonable. Apply 443 W. Washington, also 2 rooming houses for rent. Phone 3539. dra Rooms and Board HEALTH SEEKERS spend the hot summer at the shadiest and coolest resort in Phoenix, Parkview place. Suitable table, plenty fresh milk and eggs; 4 blocks south on Twentieth St. Phone 1311. dp Wanted To Rent . WANTED Office desk and oscillat ing fan. Phone 3054. Frank E. Bel lamy. dn WANT a small, modern furnished house. See Mr. Dawe, Room 13, Dono- frio Bids', or phone 1774. dn i WANTED To lease, land for sum mer crop on shares. Would like to hoe for cotton if possible. 212 N. 9th St. Phone 1440. dm THREE-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished, by July L Will lease for year. Give location and rent asked. F. E. Grim. General Delivery. tf HOUSEKEEPING ferson. rooms, 427 W. Jef-dm TWO DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, and 1 room screened. Jib jn. 3rd avenue. dm It makes no difference what your wants may be, you can have them sup plied by using and reading The Repub lican Classified Pages. LIGHT houskeeping room to rent. 431 N. Fourteenth St. Phone 2929. dn For Rent Land FOR RENT Grading outfit, mules, dump wagon, Fresnos, plows. Will con tract for grading. Address H. M. Snv- fier, Route 1. dp ALL OR PART of 160 acres to rent for summer crop. GREENE & GRIFFIN 124 N. 1st Ave. tf WANTED To rent a 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished, modern, with shade, no sick and no cniiaren. Aaaress Box 19 J Republican. tf WANTED To rent, house of 5 rooms in northern part of the city. Phone 2342. dm WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6-room modern house in good location. Will take long lease. Call 1843 or write G. R. Ulmer, Treasurer, McCall Cotton and Oil Co., Phoenix. Ariz. dm I WANT TO RENT up to 160 acres to plant to cow peas. Mr. Landowner, if you have grain land which you want improved at the same time you are getting paid for It, phone 122J2- dn FOR SALE 100 acres oil lease in Holbrook, 4 miles from actual drilling on the anticline, $1.75 per acre. Must sell at once. Box 65-G, Republican, tf For Rent Miscellaneous FOR SALE 100 acres grain stubble and Johnson grass for sheep. Call R. M. Tuckey. 1586 or 8994. dn FOR RENT Blacksmith at 939 E. Van Buren, with blacksmith tools suit able for automobile work. Phone 1967. dp STORE ROOM FOR RENT 36x24-6. 113 South First St. Inquire at Phoenix hotel. dp Wanted Real Estate WANTED To buy, 10 to 20 acres N. E. Will pay $2000 cash. Phone 8-J-3, or call at Rousseaus' ranch, cor. Orange and Thomas 'roads. dn WANTED At once, a well located house of 4 or 5 rooms in northeastern part of town, within block and half of carline. Must be attractive and worth the money. Half cash or more. Address Box 583. dm WANTED TO RENT ALFALFA LAND, ANY SIZE TRACT, AND WOULD LIKE TO BUY SOME DAIRY CAT TLE. CAN ALSO USE SOME STEERS AND HEIFERS. THE LONE STAR LAND AND I CATTLE CO- PHONE 4115. 27 N. CENTRAL. dm John Deere Power Lift Tractor Disc Plow Wanted Miscellaneous JOHN DEERE Power Lift Tractor Disc Plows get right down to work, regardless of difficult soil, and do a good job of plowing. Their rood work, long life, and operating conveniences make them unusually satis factory plow investment. Because of their wide range of hitch adjust ment, these plows can be hitched properly behind any tractor. Both furrow wheel are controlled by the hitch. The plow runs steady. The Power Lift Works from the land wheel, and lifts the plow on all three wheels. This a feature that you will not find on other makes of plow. We sell it with the DEERE GUARANTEE that it will not bend or break. It will pay you to investigate this thorough-working, lone lived, easily-operated plows. THE RYAN VEHICLE & MACHINERY CO. 134-140 East Adams St. Phoenix, Ariz. ' WANTED An adjustable dress form, reasonable. Phone 3101. dn WANTED To buy, pair of first- ciass leather puttees. Prefer pig skin. Telephone 432L State price and where can be seen. dp Wanted Help, Male WANTED A barber. Saturday. ?7 and percentage. 41 S. First Ave. Guar antee. ' dp MATTRESS FACTORY Will make over old mattresses. Joe Leybas, Telephone 4554. 7-dd WANTED Carpenter. Take car. Apply 1053 N. H'th St. WANTED Man in shipping Dept. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. dn HIGHEST PRICE PAID for scrap red and white metals. Chicago Junic Co., Phone 1782. 7th Ave. and Santa Fa tracks. tf LIBERTY BONDS Tjoufnt for cash. Occidental Life, O'Neill bldg. tf WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS and pay cash. " Also loan money on bonds. Come and see us before you sell. Arizona Commercial Service, 32 North First Ave. Phone 4967. tf WANTED To get in touch with a man capable of handling an extensive remodeling job on a first-class resi dence and capable of handling the en tire work carpentry, painting, etc. Must be able to work himself and su perintending the whole proposition, buying the material, etc. Telephone 4321. dp WANT TO BUY, from owner, double house and lot, within five blocks north and west Adams hotel. Easy terms. P. O. Box 677." Phoenix. dn FORT LOWELL REST RANCH Sleeping porches, bath, shade, good water, home cooking; $12 per woek. Mrs. D. Cate, R. R. 2, Box 56; phone 1210J5. Tucson, Ariz. dp LIST your ranch and city property with us for sale. Herbert S. Prince Co.. 14 W. Adams. tf WANT to buy residence from owner. Give details; location, terms, etc. Box 17.1 Republican, dm $1,000 CASH and well-built five room brick near Capitol for six-room brick with parage near car line. Answer immediately. Box 34-J. Republican. It PHOENIX SANATORIUM Diseas es of the throat and chest a specialty. 2227 N. Central Ave. Phone 4159. tf For Sale Live Stock FOR SALE Extra good family Hol stein cow 925 East Polk. dr FOR SALE 200 HEAD STEERS, 75 HEAD HEREFORD YEARLING HEIFERS: ALSO DAIRY STOCK. PHONE 1881. ARIZONA LAND & LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE. dr BLACKBERRIES. $2.50 at ranch; jelly plums, 3c; canning plums, 5c. HALL BROS. FRUIT RANCH Phone 124R2 tf FOR SALE Holstein cow. fresh; cives 2 gallons at a milking. $80 takes her. Phone 8821 or call at 502 N. Six teenth St. dn FOR SALE 3 good cows and three heifers. Robert N. Moore, 2 miles south of Yaqui village, Tempe. dn NICE Jersey cow for Phone R4. sale. cheap-dn FOR SALE 84 head of draft horses, at a bargain. Can be seen at Nation's feeding pens on South 7th St Owners, Cox Brothers, Room 26, Phoenix hotel. 7-b FOR SALE 2 Swiss milk goats. Will sell cheap. 25 West Portland. dn ONE HOLSTEIN Jersey cow, just fresh w-ith heifer calf, giving 5 gals, milk daily. Call 1530 E. Jefferson, dp FOR SALE Fine angora goats in 'good condition and price right In small or large lots up to 2700. Smith Commis sion Co.. Tucson, Ariz. dn FOR SALE 3 fat cows, 2 heifers and five steers. Phone 107J11. dm FIFTY HEAD Holstein dairy cows; 4 miles north Tolleson, 14 miles west. V .1. Parkirson. 7b ONE TEAM black horses, six years old, sound, good wind, broke single, rlonble and ride, good all purpose team, well worth two hundred, for quick sale one hundred and twenty five dollars. 360 a. Palm Lane, phone 4747. Also one blood bay pony, three m sound, broke, all ways, one sad rile blanket and bridle, complete $75, wall worth $100. Phone 4747, call 360 K. Palm Lane. tf 100 GOOD MILK COWS, 60 head of Holstelns. 40 Durhams. Come and see thm milked and be convinced. Jauiu van and Green. Glendale. . tf FOR SALE PR TRADE Heavy fresh Holstein milch cow for weaned steer calves. 1302 E. Monroe, fhone 1744.. i dm NOW IS THE TrME to get your pick of the best dairy cows in the val ley. Get a move on and come in and see for yourself- Any kind, any num her. PHONE 1881. 117 N. SECOND AVE gs FOR SALE 100 head more or less, white faced heifers. For particulars write or wtre Box 58. RaV Ariz. br BLACKBERRIES for sale. 1 mile west of Center St. on Glendale road. Phon 29-R-4. dn FOR SALE APRICOTS, delivered. Royals .03c per pound; Moorpark, .03c per pound. Phone 202J4. dm PLUMS 2Vi to 4 tents; blackberries and up. Large and fine flavor. Strivens Bonnie Briar ranofi, " mile nortn ci Insane asylum. Phone 20R3. dp PLUMS Canning and jelly, 2 cents and up. Large and tine flavor. Strivens Ranch, cor 22nrJ Ave. and lower Buck eve road. Phone 125R11. dr 5 ACRES of cantaloupes in field for ale. Extra good crop and at a bar gain. Inquire a. u. Brown, j-ive wire Employnent. Phone b93, 3 Cactiss Way. agency. dm BLACKBERRIES 24J5. for sale. Phone dn FOR SALE Extra fine Royal apri cots, lc lb. Half mile west of 7th Ave. on Glendale car line. J. C. Curry. dn For Rent Houses HOUSE for rent, 6-room $30.00 per month. Phone 8556. modern. dm UNFURINSHED flat for rent. quire at 1010 E. Wash. In-7-b 1 ROOM HOUSE, fine shade, $5. 1100 E. Portland. tf HOl'SK, 730 W. Filmore, shade. tf For Rent Apartments ru-u-ij-ij-urVLri.riji jir r i i i ",rr' i1 if1 1 " FOR RENT Unfurnished apartments and houses; houses for sale, easy payments. Fire Insmance, Notary Public, Public Ste nographer. FRANK E. BELLAMY Room 7 and 8 Monihon Bldg. dm LARGE, cool room with connecting bath, opposite library, 25 S. 12th Ave. Also garage. tf It makes no difference what your wants may be, you can have them sup plied by using and reading The Repub lican Classified Pages Arizona's lead ing advertising medium. PHILLIPS HOUSE, C25 North 4th Ave. Home cooking, prompt service, moderate prices. Table board a spe cialty. tf HYATT'S DESERT FIELD CAMP, Cactus, Paradise Valley, Arizona. (Dry desert), summer rates, furnished cot tages for light housekeeping, or dining room one or three meals a day, table supplied with the best market affords. Remember, "one summer in desert is worth two winters. Practical nurse at any hour. Stage in front of Phoenix Bakery, 10 a. m. adily. Established 1914. tf BEAUTIFUL room for two men. in private home. Ideal sleeping porch; first class board. Phone 8341. dm For Rent Furnished Rooms PHOENTX'S real summer house is the Glynwood. Large front room for gentlemen. dm A SMALL bedroom, close to post office. 12 W. Van. Buren. Phone 3253, dm LARGE screen sleeping porch. Sum mer rates. Phone and garage. 1302 E. Pierce St 7-b FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. One block from car line. Phone 2998. dra Wanted Situation, Male WANTED Position as truck driver or hoist. Have had eight years' ex perience, or will take tractor. 423 E. Adams. dp TWO CARPENTERS, now working in city, desire outside job, will go any where. Will furnish estimates, super intend or contract Write C. O. Wing, R. F. D., No. 2. dp WANTED Position by junior ac countant who has three years experi ence with large coal co-operations. Qualified to install and operate most successful payrool and cost accounting svstems known. Employed but de sire change on account of health. Would consider position in Mexico Age 21 years. Minimum salary $200 per month. Address R. B. Ferrell, Box 432, Omar, W. Va. dn PAPERHANGING, tinting, painting, roof painting; first-class work done reasonable. Phone 4294. dn YARD WORK and hauling done rea sonable. Phone 8158. gs WANTED Well drilling guaranteed. Phone 4514. ail work 7bd HELLO! Now is the time to kalso mine. Also house cleaning and any other kinds of work. G. H. Haywood, Phone 25S6. tf MOTORS to rewind and repair. Work guaranteed. New States Electric Sup ply and Friction Co. 7t SCRAP METAL We are paying highest prices for scrap aluminum, brass, radiators and battery lead. EFFRON CO. 1099 E. Madison- Phone 1832. tf FURNITURE Wo pay full value, in cash, also sell on commission anything of value. Phone 2093. Sales Wednes days and Saturdays. Jefferson St Auc tion House. 1st Ave. and jef ferson St. ti HIGHEST price paid Tor mens elothine. shoes -ad hats. 407 Ev Wash. Phone 4776. tf WE PAY full value for furniture and household goods. Also we repair everything. Remodeling Furniture Co. S9 S. First Ave. Phone 1479. tf PLOWING OR LISTING to do with a tractor. Prices reasonable. Phone 8694. tf LIBERTY BONDS purchased for cash at Hill's Smoke House, Goodrich Bldg. tf WE REPAIR electric motors and fans, motor rewinding. Elevators main tained and repaired. Vinson, uv w Broadway. Phone 3598. tf O. IC EXCHANGE Buy and sell furniture, wagons, buggies, harness. In fact anything. 14th St and Van Buren. Phone 8029. tf WANTED TO BUY Number of good mules and horses. C. R. McMullen, O. K. Corrals. 311 North 7th Ave. WANTED Children to care for in a good country home. Box 67H. ibm Brill dn Wanted Help, Female - Lost and Found STRAYED To C. C. Hurley's. 74 E. McDowell, three horses, one sorrel mare with two white feet and a whiii spot in the forehead; two colts, onu black and one brown. Owner call at once. dm LOST At Riverside, U- S. navy pin, Saturday night Return to Miss Peggy Hazzard. 315 E. Monroe. dm LOST One 34x4 rimand cord cas ing. Reward if brought to Batcher Garage 108- N. Second avenue. 6'' CAMB to my place last Monday, bay mare, with knot on right flank, saddle, bridle and haitar. Owner please see Arthur Murphy, mile south of Grand Ave., on Lateral 16, and get your horse. dr WANTED A lady bookkeeper, Jones Cleaning Works, 255 W. Adams. Phone 1768. dp LOST Lady's black purse, between Korrick's and Goldwater's, Tuesdav evening. Reward if found and returned o Lucile Nelson. Republican office, dp WANTED A young lad with soda fountain experience; also one for table work. Bayless Grocery Co. It EXPERIENCED fancy pressers. Jones' Cleaning Works, 225 W. Adams. Phone 1768. dn STOLEN Iver Johnson racer No. 97905, large curved handle bars. Troxel Climax seat. United States Road Racer tires. Return or notify King Brothers' Bicycle Shop. Reward. , dp A SMART GIRL lor shampooing. Apply 18 E. Adams. dm WANTED Several experienced salesladies for ready-to-wear and piece goods departments. See Mr. Robinson at Boston Store. dm WANTED Woman cook. Phone 3279.. on ranch, dn WANTED Refined woman for gen eral housework and assist in care par tial invalid. No washing or ironing, four in family. Have second girl. $35.00 per month. Call 602 N. 7th St, 3 to 8 p. m. dn THE ADAMS HAIR STORE, 18 E. Adams St., will take one educated girl to learn beauty culture in return for services. Apply the Adams Hair Store, 18 E. Adams. " dm must be quick, clean and know service none other need apply. Write or phone, stating experience, etc. Lucas Leos, Florence Hotel. Florence. Ariz. dn COMETENT lady bookkeeper, good health, permanent position, in local business give qualifications and ex Derience. Box 59G Republican. tf BEFORE you sell your furniture phone 4296. I pay more than any one. J. B. GUESS, Auctioneer. tf WANTED $1000 private money. Best security. Address Box 13 J, Re publican. dm 16-YEAR-OLD boy wants work on ranch. Phone 5R4. dl Wanted Situation, Female FOR RENT 4 rooms. 2125 E. Jefferson St. Good repairs. dn ONE NICELY furnished front room on first floor with bath and dress closet. 2 large, pleasant rooms with screen sleeping porch, nice dress closet 830 N. 2nd Ave. dr MODERN, completely furnished, 3 rooms with screen sleeping porch. Summer rates. 621 N. 2nd St. dn FURNISHED Adams. apartments. 720 FOR RENT AT THE "ARIZONA," LARGEST APTS. IN ARIZONA. FREE GARAGE. SUMMER RATES. THIRD AND ROOSEVELT STS. PHONE 674. tf REX ARMS apartments. Apart ments, rooms. for rent 137 N. First St. tf SANTA BARBARA. CAL. Mrs. Le lia Weekes Wilson, room 32S- San Mar cos Bldg. Estates, furnished houses and apartments for sale or rent. 7bs For Sale Eggs and Poultry YOUNG Rhode Island Reds. H. Pierce St. i 1 1015 dp FUR SALE 25, 2-months'-old chick ens. 315 E. Polk. dp FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds,. 8 hens and 26 chickens, almost large r.cugh to fry. 319 N. 6th Ave. dn H4 POUND FRYER delivered, per dozen Phone 3339. Wheat For Chickens New crop PHOENTX SEED & FEED CO. Phone 1067 tf Grain Screenings All kinds, 25 rtnts to $2.03 for sack. Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. MODERN furnished apartment, half house, fine shade, healthy adults. 34 N. 4th Ave. tf ELEGANT furnished apartments, for light housekeeping at Blenheim. 911 North Center. Phone 1962. 6 -dm MODERN four-room furnished apartment, screened sleeping porch and Drivate bath. Can be seen between 6:30 and 9 o'clock evenings. 1335 West Woodlawn Ave. dm ONE-ROOM apartment with screen sleeping porch. 602 N- Second St. dm DESIRABLE 4 rooms, bath and solar heater. 1011 W. Adams. dm It makes no difference what your wants may be, you can have them sup plied by using and reading The Repub lican Classified Pages Arizona's lead ins Advertising medium. FOR RENT A 3-room modern apartment, newly papered; close in; cool place. Price $25 a month. STREET REALTY CO. 510 West Washington Phone 1041 dp FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment. 3S5 N. Second Ave. Mis ; Jui Apartment. dn ROOMS 427 W. Jefferson. dm NICELY FURNISHED front room. connecting bath for gentleman. Pri vate entrance. Phone 2756. 1219 Wood land Ave. dp FOR RENT Nice room with use of screen room by week or month, close to capitol and street car. Call at 151$ West Adams. ti FURNISHED screen room, no sick. 346 W. Monroe St Close in. dm FURNISHED front room; separate entrance; two beds, one outside. - 22 South Seventh Ave. dm FURNISHED rooms; shade; line- 1328 E. Washington St on car dm TRY ELITE ROOMS for cool sleep ing porch. Mistress Ramage, Proprie tor. 40 N. 1st Ave. 7-ds 6TH AVE, McKINLEY Calif. Inn. Summer rates. Sleeping porches shaded by surrounding park. Four bathing rooms and showere. tf LARGE front room, with screen porch, suitable for 1 or 1 gentlemen. 800 North First avenue. dp FURNISHED rooms to rent Call mornings or after 7 p. m $15 N. 2nd street. dm FRONT bed room with sleeping porch and bath. $10 per month. 629 N. 7th Ave. dn FURNISHED screen aooms, close in. No objection to sick if able to get aronnd. Inquire at 519 North 3rd St 7-b WILL RENT to lady, bed room in cottage at 915 North Sixth street Call mornings! dp NICELY furnished front room for rent. 315 E.Polk. dp For Rent Housekeeping Rooms NURSE going to Denver would care for children or invalid. Mrs. North, 227 E. Monroe. 7-d SITUATION wanted by Christian woman as housekeeper or cook; have no encumbrance. Box 33-J, Rep. dn STENOGRAPHER wants permanent position. Can take your dictation and transcribe my notes correctly regard less of your line of business. Address 3 -J. Republican. dn YOUNG LADY, recently from Los Angeles, "wishes temporary or perma nent position, general clerical, Asst bookkeeper or cashier. Four years' ex perience. Reference, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Los Angeles. Phone 8488. dp SITUATION WANTED Young mar ried man, several years experience in groceries and gen. mdse. wants posi tion with reliable firm in Phoenix. Ad dress W. H Franklin, Valedon, New Mexico. dn WANTED Dress making, prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. 710 N. 7th avenue. gs HOME HAND LAUNDRt Family laundry work; every bundle run sepa rate; work called for and delivered. 1533 E. Van Buren St. Phone 1973. tf WANTED Furniture of ail kinds; we positively will give more than anyone dare pay you. Give us a chance to bid; let us convince you. We pay cash. Call 1917, Taylor's. Auction House. tf SOME people want the earth. I simply want that's on its top. Which means I'll bu yeverything you possess except except except no, I'll make no exceptions. I'll clean your house from pillar to dome and Til pay spot cash. Nothing too good and yet, medium, suits me as well. Fords Stores, 220 E. Wash. St. Phone 1776. gs Wanted Help, Male EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted; good salary, excellent oppor tunitv for permanent party. Apply Box 6F Republican. tf CHAMBERMAID Denver Hotel. wanted at The gs WANTED Woman for general house work on ranch. One who understands preserving fruit. Write Box 58, Ray, Arizona. dr WANTED A first class cook, family of 3: also wish second girl to do laun dry and house work. Will pay best wages to both. Call Glendale 109R2. dr WANTED Girl for general house work. ' Phone 3025. dm Wanted Help, Male and Female WANTED A Miner, married, $5.25, and wifs to cook for 6 men, $50 pe month; good camp in Bill Williams River, 30 miles north Bouse, Ariz. Box 68. Bouse, 'Arizona. dp WANTED Salesmen to sell rope as side line. Address J. Armengol. Laredo, Texas. 7-8 BARBER. $25.00 a week guaranteed. Kane's, 15 S. Central. ' dn WANTED At once, bookkeeper. Must be experienced. None other need apply. Vance Bros. Phone 13, Mesa. dn WANTED Experienced tailor and bushel man. One with a knowledge of women's wear preferred. Apply Kor rick's. dm WANTED Bricklayers. C. H. entine. 825 N. 3rd Ave. Val-dm LIBERTY BONDS bought for cash. Occidental Life, OTS'eil Bids. tf STENOGRAPHER wishes position, who has attended the Lamson Business College for eight months. Can do good work. Phone 8053, call Miss Marshall. dm LTVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 3 Cactus Way. Phone 693 Competent help sent to any place In the state on short notice. tf HOME HAND LAUNDRY Family laundry work; work called for and de livered. 1533 E- Van Buren St Phone 1973. tf WORK WANTED by first class colored hand laundry. Work guaran teed, rough dry 60c dozen; finished work reasonable prices. Phone 2143. 7n EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position; permanent. Can furnish ref erences. Box 9J, Republican. dm ROUGH DRY washing wanted. 45c dozen. Perry's Hand Laundry. Phone 3558. gs HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Washington. 725 East gs 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent at 522 North First street, dn YOUNG lady, 30 yrs., desirous of go ing to coast would act as companion to lady or nurse maid for children or would do light house work in exchange for transportation and expenses. Apply 1710 E. Monroe St. It POSITION by educated American girl, speaks French and Spanish. Slight newspaper experience. Also switch board. Telephone 8605 dn WANTED Laundry work Fhon.0 21S7. . by day Phones Br adman 4988 Phoenix employment office. Reliable help furnished on short notice 117 So 1st St tt ELECTRICIANS WANTED Per manent positions for several first class inside wiremen. Steady work, eight hours, six dollars. Open shop. Graham and Collins, - San Antonio, Texas. dp WANTED First class auto me chanic; come ready to work. Maricopa Creamery. dm WANTED 2 or 3 first class auto mobile repair mechanics. Apply 146 South Second avenue dp WANTED Ranch teamsters. 201J3. Phone dn LIBERTY Bonds bought. Cash or Mdse. Ballsun Store, 31 West Washington. 7-1 GOOD all-around cook and dining room help, man and wife preferred, but will consider any good couple that can deliver the goods; permanent job and good wages to parties that want to work. Money to Loan LOST One peacock in full plumace. Return or notify Mrs. S. R. Yaple, R. 6. Box 48. dr Business Chances SMALL GROCERY DOING FIN R 3USINESS. IX GOOD LOCATION, 6- ROOM BRICK HOUSE. TWO LOTS, HORSE . AND DELIVERY WAGON, $1,200 STOCK OF GOODS ALL GOES FOR $6.000 $3,000 WILL HANDLE. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Mead M. Bledsoe 136 NORTH CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 3579 OR 3606. OIL GAMBLERS!! BEST BET IN TEXAS. ONLY $200 PER ACRE. IN THE HEART OF THE DUKE-KNOWLES POOL. 5-YEAR COMMERCIAL LEA SF. 6 MILES NORTH OF DE LEON. All or part of fifty acres. This is in ten 12,000 barrel a day Gusher Field or Texas. You don't have to drill. You can merely hold it and make a fortune. A lease sold for $48,009 an acre near here a few days ago. We are also forming a company ot our own, and if you want to gamble a few dollars on a fifty to one ground- floor basis, come in and look at our maps and holdings. We have a mighty good proposition to offer you. AKIZONA COMMERCIAL SERVICE 32 North First Ave. Phone 4967. gs BLACKSMITH snop ana garase fully equipped; splendid location. $225. An swer at once. 29 South Third St- dm FOR SALE Three-story brick hotel in Venice, California. Good income property all furnished. Modern. Price $22,500. Terms. Write owner, John Burke. Hotel Antler, Venice, Cal. dp FOR SALE Confectionery, good lo cation. A bargain and cheap rent. Phone 1881. 117 N. 2nd Ave. tf STRAYED 1 pair gray mares, weight about 1200 pounds, had reached mane; 1 bay mare. 4 year old, weighs about 1300; one 10 year old horse, chunky built Lambert and Langley. Five Points. Phone 3036. tf Money to Loan Unlimited funds to loan on improved Salt River Valley ranch lands and in come business property. DWTIGHT B. HEARD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS CENTRAL & ADAMS tf MONEY WANTED I have applicants for several well secured loans in amounts of $500, $1250 and $2000. No expense to you, we fix all papers and can give you guarantee policy if you desire it. - B. W. GETSINGER, 16 E. Adams St. dn MONEY TO LOAN on furniture, pi anos, livestock, implements, etc, m sums up to $300 at lawful rates. Repay in small monthly installments if de sired. Just and courteous treatment. Peoples' Loan and Invest. Co., 2.3 E. Washington over Donofrio's. Phone 1396. ' tf $600 BUYS best paying office busi ness ill Phoenix. Clears $200 to $300 a month year 'round. Established nine years. See B. C. BROWN, 7 Live Wire Employment Agency. 3 Cactus Way. Phone 693. dm Rooming House Just the place for some one who wants to make a rood living out of their home. 12 rodms in this big close in brick house and it will be sold away under value. Not a heavy payment down, and price lower than the or dinary five-room house, better hurrv. ASK MRS. BUTTERFCELD 107 North Center St. dm WE BUY Liberty bonds and pay cash. Also loan money on bonds. Come and see us before you aelL Ari zona Commercial Service, 22 North First avenue. Phone 4967. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property or for building purposes, at lowest rates. E. E. Pascoe, 303 N. Cen tral Avenue. r tf MONEY TO LOAN Ranches and City Property. J. S. GRIFFIN (ALONE) 118 1ST AVE. tf Lost and Found FOUND Bathing suit. Sunday. W. W. Shelley, Room 3, Gooding Bldg. Phone 1777. I dn LOST Shorthand book, " Paragon system. Finder please phone 662 be tween 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. dn REWARD Offered for return of pure white cat with blue eyes. Phone 1957. bm LOST Black hand bag, initials H. C. M. on corner in or near New York store. Call at Adams Hotel, room 429. Saturday. Return to New York store - ' . It and receive reward. dm FOR SALE Silver mine, stiver, gold lead well defined ledge; have smelter returns. 14 miles from railroad. Ben Sweniger. Wlckenburg. 7lh Walton and Bailey Attorney s-at-Law 412-14 National Bank of Ariz, Bldg. Phoenix, Arizona T-m PARTNER WANTED who can in vest $1000 cash in a splendid lead-silver proposition In Durango, Mexico: proposition stands strict investigation. This ore is netting above $40 V. S. currency per ton. Address Box 1J2S Jerome, Arizona. dm FOR SALE Confectionery and ice cieam parlor. Best location In Phoenix. At a bargain. Stewart Realty Co, 17 W. Adams. Phone 1997. p PHOENIX Shoe Shop, 23 W. 2nd St, for sale. A good paying business. Best location in town. From $30 to $40 a day work. Cheap rent. dp Use The Republican ClasmfledPges for results read for profit.