Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1920 XSection Two)' Long Beach High Has Slight Weight Advantage On Coyotes .Team Average Is 167, According To Figures Submitted By Coast Sport Editor Eleven-Game Schedule Will Be More Detrimental Than Helpful Locals Start Final Week Of Practice For Big Game Phoenix hljrh school jrridlrone rs xvill enter upon their final lap of practice tomorrow afternoon In preparation tor the bijrjrest athletic event in which a local team ha ever participated a football game with Lorn? I teach high. California state champions, to deter mine the interscholastic gridiron cham pionship of the southwest. Only once in six years have Coach Geary's men suffered defeat and that was at the hands of a coast eleven the Santa Anna squad. Will a si '.ond . coast team again prove u felurnblinK blo k? There is nothing- on which to mold even a mild comparison of the two squads that will meet nxt Saturday at Long- Beach in the bifrest game ever played between high school elevens in the southwest.' statistics from the coast, however. the Sea Eiders a bit heavier and far more ex perienced than the locals. On paper, in other words, Long- IScach appears to have an edce. L. B. Mas Weight Advantage The average weight of the Jac k Rab bits is 167, according to figures sup plied by J. Franklin Hall, sporting edi tor of the Ijong Beach Daily TVItKiam. If this be true, then the coast squad will have from thr-e to five pounds per man on the Coyotes. As to experience, the Seasiders have played an eleven-game schedule this season a-s compared with five for the locals. The Lons Beach record for the season follows: Long Beach 61; Wiittier Hish, 0. Long Beach, 6S; Cnmpton High, 0. Lons Beach, 62; Whittier State, 6. Long" Beach, 13; L. A. Poly, 0. Long Beach, 7; L. A. High. 0. Long Beach, 58; Coronado, 0. Long Beach, 41; I'asadena. 0. Ixng Beavh, 21; Santa Monica, 0. Long Beach, 47; Fullerton, 0. Long Beach. 41; Dinuba. 0. Long Beach 21; Berkeley. 14. But the big question now is whether this long schedule and long playing season will work to the benefit of Long Beach. If the team's play in the Berkeley game eight days ago is to be taken as a criterion, it will prove a. burden that should make the Coyotes the favorites when they take the field. Coyotes Not Overtrained, Hardly The whole world may just as well know and realize that Coach Geary is not going to send a bunch of over trained, season-tired athletes against Ijont; Beach. N'ot that anyone knows anything about. On the "other hand, he's taking about the jazziest, pepperl est. most tree-heaited wearers of the moleskin that ever trod & gridiron. Over-trained! Say, this squad of Coyotes have got so much pep that they could run a mile, give their wolf like namesakes a couple of miles handicap and then beat the desert wolves on a ltio-mile jaunt over hill and dale. If Long Beach is figuring on catching a team cold-handed, a worn out, broken down machine, as it were, the California state champions are in for one of the hardest blows of their career. Norton to Play Quarter Kvery member of the squad is now in good physical condition save for the single exception of Brawner, who is now hopelessly out of the fray. Geary has about definitely determined to send Norton in at quarterback with Cap tain Bryant callfng the signals. Cof fey will also probably be out because of scholastic difficulties. Two scrimmages are on the program for this week. Thursday the team will do but blocking and tackling practice, after which a fast signal drill will be run. The squad will leave Thursday evening for Long Beach. Alumni representatives now on the coast have received an invitation from the Los Angeles Athletic club to have the entire squad make the club their headquarters while on the coast. The invitation yill undoubtedly be ac cepted. Long Beach has resumed practice af ter a 6-day layoff and will work out twice daily for the next few days. Work was started yesterday in con structing extra bleachers to give the Long Beach field a seating' capacity of 15.000. The largest crowd that ever witnessed a high school football game on the coast is expected to turn out for this game. Iff' frl T N ES BULK OF TRACK CHARLES RENTROP Middleweight Grappler. Charles Hentrop. holder o the Kuropean middleweight wrestling championsnip and possessoj of the Ixrd Lonberry diamond-studded belt, has accepted the challenge of (Jus Pappos, claimant of the American mid dleweight champion, who recently de fied any wrestler in Arizona to step into the same ring with him. Rentrop, who is wintering in Phoe nix with the "Wortham shows, read the challenge and immediately headed for The; Republican office, offering to bet a neat little sum on the side that the Greek over-estimated his own abilities as a mat performer. Pappos having Issued the open challenge and Kentrop having accepted the same, through The Arizona Repub lican sporting department, about the only thing that prevents the two from getting together is the posting of a forfeit. All contributions are heartilj accepted. RAZZ BERRY" Time Is money. Certainly is in the case of Jack Dempsey. Kvery day he holds out against feigning for a bour with Carpentler the offer is raised.. It started at $75,000 then went to $100. 000 and halted there momentarily while the ores3 agents took a fresH shot in the arm. The next halt in the j thermometer was at the $125,000 and then it went on upward to $15,000, $175,000 and $200.0u0. ITcfs agents took two shots thh; time and came back for another struggle with the typewriter. They found it easy to knock off a few more figures and made it a. quarter of a million. And someone must have slipped an extra pill in their pipes for the next seance, for they "hopped" to $500,000. Still unconscious, both sport ing public and the press agents, are sparrinp for time and they'll come back with more figures later. There is no limit. But a buck in the hand Is worth a whole row of figures on the type mill. July 4, 1921 Jack Dempsey today was offered $20,000,000,000 for a match with Carpentier. It is believed he is now too weak to fight, however. He's been broke for weeks and has eaten only a few bit3 of dry bread with water. If time was money. Jack would be a millionaire; The dollars offered him to box Are freer than the air. "Oh, winter's camf." the hunter said And chortled in his glee; What if it has?" the golfer wailed, "It ain't no good to me." Having just been through another orgy of Christmas buying the dear v4. If these leather coats and moleskin coats with leather lining had arrived during the holidays, we wouldn't have them for you now, for they're so good, and they are so perfectly just what you want, that once your size is put on, you can't take it off. They won't last long, so if you hanker for one, better come in and get it tomorrow. Moleskin $25 v Full Leather $40 to $65 If Man Wears It, We Sell It A Hanny Guarantee Guarantees Clothes Insurance Home of Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Clothes readers of the sports page can readily appreciate how little a dollar really matters nowadays. The war tax on a 1919 Christmas present amounted to as much as the principal in the "good old days." o PURPLE RALLY FALLS SHORT MIXNKAPOLIS. Jan. 3. Minnesota "defeated Northwestern, 19 to 12. in the opening of the Western Conference basketball season tonight. Making only three points in the first half. N"orthwes(ern's strong rally in the final period fell short. o QUITS PROFESSIONAL BALL BLOOMIXGTOX, III., Jan. 3. Out fielder Jack Kibble of the 1919 penm: winning Bloomington club, has ttc cepted a post as manager of a semi professional ciub at Roundup, Mon tana, it was announced today. , o t It makes no difference what your wants may be you can have them sup plied by using and reading The Repub lican Classified Pages. AND 0 STARS Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, ree. 31. Following the custom inaugurated by the. late James K. Sullivan, officers of th Amateur Athletic union have selected ail-American athletic teams for the year just closing. Secretary F. W. Ru bien, in naming the mythical combina tions, shows that of the all-American team 16 a-re from the east. 12 from the middle-west, three from the Pa cific coast and one from the south. Nine have college affiliations and 23 athletic club connections. Of the all-American college team, ten are from the east, five from the middle-west, one from the south and ne from the Iacific coast. The per onnels follow: AU-American athletic team by jvents: Sixty-yard dash, Carl Johnson. Uni versity of Michigan; 100 yards. Charles V". Paddock, University" of Southern California; 220 yards, Henry Williams. Spokane A. A C; 300 y"ds. Loren Murchison, New York A. C; 440 yards, Frank J. Shea, Pittsburg A. A.; 680 rards. Thomas Campbell. I'nlversity f Chicago; 880 yards. Homer Baker, DIencore A. C. New York; 1.000 yards, John R. Sellers. New York A. C ; one nile, Joie Ray, Illinois A. C, Chicago; :wo miles, Ivan C. Dresser, Cornell anlversity; five miles. Carlos Porras, kllllrose A. C. New York: ten miles. rYed Faller, Dorchester (Mass.) A. C; ;ross country, John Simmons, Syra :use university; 70-yard hurdles, tValker Smith. Cornell university; 120 Vard hurdles, Fred W. Kelly, New York A. C; 220-yard hurdles. Robert Simp ion Illinois A. C. Chicago; 440-yard burdles, Floyd O. Smart. Chicago A. walking. "William Plant. Mornlng lide A. C-, New York; standing' broad Jump. J. C. Hoskins, Chics go A. A.; uta-ndlng high jump. W. II. Taylor. Marietta (Ohio) Y. M. C. A.; runnlff iroad Jump. Sol Butler. Dubuque col ,ege. Iowa; running high jurftp, John Murphy. Multnomah A. A. C, Oregon; running hop. skip and jump. Sherman 3. Landers. Chicago A. A.; pole vault P. K. Foss, Chicago A. A.; 16-pound jhot, P. J. McDonald. New York A. C; "6-pound weight. M. J. McGrath. New V'ork A C; discus. A. W. Mucks. Chi cago A. A.; 16-pound hammer, P. J. Syan. LMiphlm Lyceum, New York; :avelin, George A. Uronder Jr.. New V'ork A. C; pentathlon, Robert Oen lre. Georgetown. N. Y.; all-around. S. iarrison Thompson, Princeton univer iity; steeple chase M. A. Delaney, Hillrose A. A.. New York. Ail-American college team: One hundred yards, Charles W. ?addock. University of Southern Cali ornia; 220 yawds. W. Creed Hammond. University of Pennsylvania; 440 yards, 3. C. Curtis, University of Chicago; J80 yards. Kurt A. Mayer. Cornell uni versity; one mile, Dennis O'Donnell Harvard university; two miles, Ivan C. Dresser, Cornell university: cross lountry, John Simmons, Svracuse uni versity; 120-yard hurdles. Walker Smith. Cornell university; -20-yard hurdles. Carl Johnson University of Michigan; running high Jump, R. W. Land on. Yale university; running 3 road Jump, Sol Butler, Dubuque col lege, Iowa; pole vault, K. A. Myers, uarinioiiin conege. lo-pouna nammer, 1. l. eia. partmouin conege; ais cus, E. Uilfillan. Notre Dame; javelin, R. M. Angier, University of Chicago; pentathlon, Robert Le Gendre, George town university. Very English I goes into a prize fight 'ouse To see a prize fight fit. An' long afore Th' gong'd blow Th'fight was o'er wit. You arsk as ow it 'arpened so 'arlf a,n 'our afore th' round? Well a Scot wit a bottle Was a pullin' th' throttle An' 'e forgets to muffle th' sound. NEBRASKA TO PLAY RUTGERS LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 3. University of Nebraska athletic authorities to night announced that a contract had been entered into whereby the Nebras ka football team will play Rutgers col lege on the Polo grounds, Tuesday, No vember 2. o Near-beer and New Year resolutions Are useless as Mexico's revolutions. i Such is life in Cleveland billiardist sues building owner because shaking of structure spoiled many a shot. There is ns much harmony in Yale football circles as there was in Ger many Just previous to the knockout punch. Back to the 'farm, I'll be a hick: And make hard cider With a kick. If you do your duty today you'll wear that comic necktie you got for Christmas. A woman's motto seems to be: "I'll let no rival outstrip me." Minnesota professors are kicking be cause Doc Williams, the football coach, gets $5000 salary. They should get their names in the papers and demand a raise. Th?re is no more enthusiastic "dry' than the man who has his cellar rpll filled. A rH l9 0Tt nrnffAnal fin t Vto 1 1 urn moier paia oir nis piayers witn oaa checks, which proves that football is a strenuous game and a test of endurance. "EAKIN'S BEST" Plug Smoking A clean, mild Virginia Tobacco in plugs, or sliced ready to rub, made expressly ' for ua, $120 par pound. it ft ALHAMBRA1 Manila cigars, any size, any qual ity. Boxes of 50 at $225, $2.40 and $3.50. Boxes of 25, a little larger and a little finer, at $2.75. Mail orders given special and prompt attention. Wo ship any where. Trio abovo pricos includo postage and tax. Arizona Cigar Store C. C. EAKIN, Prop. Tho Big Cigar and Pipo Store 15 North Central Ave. Phoonix, Ariz. - A mi 0t ... - C'mMM - is ii i Good Warm .LP eonie To keep out the cold You can't beat a good, warm Overcoat for real warmth and comfort, and espe cially when the days are warm and the mornings and evenings sharp and chilly. You can "shed" the "Bennie" during the middle of the day, and have it ready to apply just at the right time when it gets chilly. Welve had a hard time to keep stocked with Overcoats this season. We were prac tically sold out by Christmas, then along came a shipment of long- overdue coats. Big, roomy loosebacks, some form fitting, some belted backs just about the best assortment we've had this season. Every one all wool and of assorted color com binations that leave nothing to be desired. They're worth more money than we've priced them: at, and wholesale quotations for future delivery are still higher. You can pay more money but you'll just about t be pleased with those at 99 and $40 Copyright 1919, Hart Schaffner & Marx Duof old Underwear If you're "fussy" about your undei wear, you'll find in Duof old ttiQse features that will please you. Duof old Underwear is made of the best close woven cotton, silk or wool in different combinations and is made of two layers of fabric with an air space be tween, making the garment warmer, yet lighter in weight. They are real values at 5 to FOOTNOTE From all indications shoes will be still higher than at present. We can't help the high prices but can give you the best values for your money. We believe you will find the best values in Crossett Shoes 4 $X0 anc Up If man wears it, we have it A Hanny Guarantee - Clothes Insurance Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes .... J J i vum? "ttftr uw mn kg 5k