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REPUBLIC AH JL JO A liDEPEWDENT PROGRESSSVE JOURNAL THIRTY-FIRST YEAR 20 PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1920 20 PAGES VOL. XXXL, NO. 17 GHASTLY FAILURE OF SOVIET RULE TOLD II REPOR T High Red Cross Officer Finds Bolshevism a Social Adventure Become a Hor rible Failure Govern ment Hopeless All Now Poor Repubrican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May X3 The Rus sian bolshevik government is a "social adventure become a ghastly failure." according to Col. Edward R, Ryan, Red Cross commissioner ' for North Russia and tne Baltic states. Colonel Ryan Is just back from a' 'surreptitious visit into Russia with the Esthonian peace delegation and in a. report received by the state depart ment, he declared Russa cannot hold out six months without aid from abroad. Ryan left Reval on March 23, travel ing as private citizen with the Estho-: nian mission. He spent the following Oay in Petrograd, arriving in Moscow March 26, returning to Reval. April 2. His report was communicated to Rob ert E. Olds, Red Cross commissioner for Europe, and forwarded here. Colonel Ryan visited hospital schools, . churches and theaters and observed in timately a community life which he described as so hopeless as to have reduced even himself in the 10 days spent amidst it, to despair." Soviet Government Hopeless The government was "clearly hope less," Colonel Ryan said, and all gov ernment officials admitted the trans portation problem would eventually re sult in the overthrow of the present regime unless help came from the out side. Lacking outside aid, a revolution Is expected within six months, when 'trouble of the worst kind must be faced," the report said, continuing: "The general belief is that it will start with a gigantic pogrom and the best that is hoped for is that from the welter -and middle cla-ss inteligencla may emerge" At no time, he said, was he permitted to make any dependent investigation. Except when he was asleep, he was not alone for a moment. He saw, according to an explanation of Colonel Olds, what "his guides saw fit to show him," and was unable to Jake notes. Moscow and Petrograd Filthy Roth Moscow and Petrograd were "indescribably filthy In appearance," Colonel Ryan said. The streets, he was informed, had no. Oeen cleared for four years and were at least ankle deep in most places knee deep. In dirt. Only part of Moscow is supplied with water, few electric lights were visible and there was no coal and little wood, with the result that "everybody was cold." he said. "Meat on sale was mostly horse meat," and the whole population seemed engaged in the effort to obtain food enough to sustain life. A dailv bread ration of one pound is prescribed, but In reality had been reduced to one-quarter of a pound. In a conversation with Rvmoskow, minister of public health. Colonel Ryan inquired w-hether there had been any , attempt to classify a-nd register the ' poor. "There are no poor," Symoskow re plied. "In Russia all are equal 'and In the same c'ass. "A Disgrace to Be Clean Inhabitants of Moscow are so poorly clad that "one gets the imnression that it i3 regarded as a disgrc- to be clean or neatly attired." the report said, Of the hospitals visited, 75 per cent ,.jf the personnel of one was said to have died In the preceding three months. Medical supplies were totally lacking, including rubber goods and teart stimulants, and surgical instru ments and anaesthetics were absent. Schools apparently were in operation and it was stated that "in general, the children are being cared for next after the red army." Churches also were open and appeared "to be doing a good business." Picture galleries were open and kept up as they were before the war. At the theaters, which have been taken over by the state and opened to the public without fee, Colonel Ryan stated he attended presentations of "The Bride of the Emperor," Chalopin in "The Barber Shop of Seville," and a ballet, "The Sleeping Princess." "Women," he said, "presented a dole ful appearance everywhere." Colonel Ryan declared he saw no attractive looking women during the entire course of his stay." o Police Barracks In Ireland Destroyed In Mysterious Raids Republican A. P. Leased Wire DUBLIN, May 13. Fifty police bar racks were destroyed in the raids Wednesday night, according to an of ficial statement issued from Dublin rastle this evening. Twenty income tax offices were raided and the documents turned, and seven court houses were ilso raided. Most of the barracks had oeen abandoned and no loss of life re sulted. Several attacks occurred in the coun ties of Antrim, Cork, Leitrim and Wex tord, where one or two barracks were burned, including attacks at Cavan. Londonderry, Galway, Limerick, Meath. Donegal, Tyrone. The procedure in all ases was alike. Where caretakers were in charge they wore first re lieved: then inflammable mixtures of explosives were applied to the huts and the buildings were partially or wholly dstroyed. In the revenue offices, if there were any occupants they were ordered out or bound with ropes, and then the doc uments were abstracted and destroyed. Among the court houses attacked were those at Cashel and Ballinamore. These were completely destroyed with all documents. Armed guards were posted while the raids were proceeding, but all private property was respected. o PCSSE SURROUNDS FUGITIVE C.KKENV1LLK, 111.. May 13. Ifarvey O Peasley, a farmer charged with !' murder of his wife and their two -n:aU suns at Webster Pity. Iowa. Sun day, is reported surrounded by two i.o.-s-'s it! the woods near here tonight. A leH-phon. mcssis" received by Co'ustabie Harper hue tonU'ht said the . .0 .tjioti are waiting for daybreak to ,' lose on Peas'py. PRESIDENT TALKS OF TEHEHET TO MDE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS Congress Quickly Challeng es Wilson Statement That It Shows Tendency to Un duly Interfere Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13. President Wilson pointedly informed congress to day that in his opinion the legislative branch of the government was showing I an Increasing tenedncy to Interfere un duly with the exercise of excutive functions. Taking as a vehicle for his admoni tion a sharply phrased veto of the an nual legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill, the president de clared that one of the riders of the big supplv measure would muzzle executive officials with a "censorship" regulated by the congressional joint committee on printing. Immediately the president's position both on the general principle involved and the specific case cited was chal lenged by Republican leaders of the senate and house. Senator Smoot, Re publican, Utah, chairman of the joint committee, declared in a formal state ment that the president apparently had been "deliberately misinformed" about the appropriation bill, and Represen tative Good, Republican, Iowa, chair man of the house appropriations com mittee, told the house that "there must be some mistake somewhere. Whether re-passage of the bill un changed will be attempted or whether the feature objected to by the president will be eliminated had not been decided tonight. The measure carries $104, 000,000 for salaries and miscellaneous expenses of many government depart ments, and it must be approved in some form before the end of June or these funds will lapse. The president also cited several other measures enacted or proposed in the present congress to support his charge that there had been "an invasion of the province of the executive, calcu lated to result in unwarranted inter ference in the process of good govern ment." He said that some of these measures he had permitted to become law as temporary expedients but that he felt that the time had come to call a halt before "destructive precedents had been established." The section of the appropriation bill which led to the veto would prohibit the printing or mimeographing of any government publication! except by au thority of the joint committee, Such a provision, said the president, would stive to the committee "power, to de termine what Information shall be given to the public by the executive de partment." A row between the joint committee and Roger W. Babson, formerly con nected with the committee on public in formation, was blamed for the presi dents action by Senator Smoot, who said in his statement that Babson ap parently had "made use of the presi dent or his advisers in carrying out his threat and determination to end the censorship which, without the least foundation, he has charged against the joint committee." o Suspect Admits The Killing of Retired Banker of Nebraska Republican A. P. Leased Wire LOS ANGELES, May 13. George Goldbach, 28 years old, said to have been at one time an inmate of a hos pital for the insane, confessed today, the police announced tonight, that he had killed II. J. Robbins, retired banker of Shelton, Neb., here the night of May 3 because Robbins ''tried to crowd him off the sidewalk." Goldbach was taken into custody two days .ago, the police said, when they found him with a ham sandwich in one hand and a long knife in the other wandering around in the vicinity of the Robbins residence and asserting he "was looking for some one." They held him for observation until today when, they stated, he confessed Goldbach, according to the police, told of meeting Robbins, who was 68 years old, early the night of May 3. "He seemed to want to crowd me off the sidewalk," Goldbach was quoted "That made me mad. I hit him three times. When he fell, I took a rope from around my waist and started to tie his hands with It. The rope slipped and went around his neck. Then I drew it tight and choked him to death. I did not intend to kill him.when I started." o Post Asks Committee To Investigate Files Of Attorney General Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13. Counse for Assistant Secretary of Labor Post today asked that Attorney General Palmer be called upon by the house rules committee on his appearance May 24 to produce files of the department of Justice which they said would dis close orders to department agents cor roborating Mr. Post's charges of un lawful practices and "police inquisi tion" methods in the roundup of ac cused radicals in the last six months The orders were said by counsel to have related to raids made in variou cities in January and to have informed department of justice agents that "ar rangements would be made to have meetings" of the communist and com munist labor parties in order to facili tate arrests. Specific reference was made in the counsel's letter addressed to Chairman Campbell of the committee to an al leged communication, signed by Frank F'urke, as assistant director, and chief of the bureau of investigation, Kent to a Boston operative, directing forcible searches of persons, and ordering ac cess to meeting places to be gained without search warrants. -o- BEAUT! FU I. RUSSIAN FOUND DROWNED GENEVA. May 13. The body of a beautiful young Russian woman has t.fen found in Iike Geneva, off Ouchey. She was clad in expensive clothing and wore furs, a pearl necklace and a gold watch. On the reverse side of one of the many bank notes found upon her was written: "Goodbye. Am another i victim of the holshevists." !i. was i signed "Countess W." 1 Efforts are being made !' t li - r.oii. e to establish the identity of this, the I sixth Russian noble woman to commit ; suicide, by drowning In Lake Geneva. ARCH-BIGAMIST IS CLOSELY GUARDED FOLLOWING THREAT LOS ANGELES, May 13 Sheriff Cline announced tonight that be cause of numerous threats made against the life of James T. Watson, who recently pleaded guilty to the murder of Nina Lee Deloney, and is alleged to have confessed the mur ders of eight other women he had wed, the prisoner will be taken sec retly to San Quentin prison to serve the life sentence imposed on him here. DANIELS VBR1DS US FORGERY SIGNATURE TO CABLE MESSAGE Republic!) A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13 Secretary Daniels told the senate naval investi gating committee today that he had not signed a cablegram bearing what purported to be his signature, which was among those read to the com mittee by Rear Admiral Sims when the investigation began. The original oi the message. Mr. Daniels said, did not show his signature and he added that his name had been forged to the copy presented by Admiral aims. Mr. Daniels declared Admiral Sims in his statement had stressed the words "signed, Daniels" in commenting on the message, and had said that its purport had made him feel like "jump ing overboard." The cablegram concluded with the sentence: "In regard to convoys, I consider that American vessels having armed guards are safer when sailing independently." The original of the cable was found at the British embassy, through which it was transmitted, and was signed "A. F. Carter, by direction of the chief of naval operations," Mr. Daniels told the committee, presenting copies of the original dispatch. He added that he had never held the opinion set forth and knew as soon as Admiral Sims read the message to the committee that he had not signed it. "Somewhere somebody was guilty of signing my name to an official dis patch which the original produced shows I never signed," said Mr. Daniels, "or of altering a dispatch by erasing the real signature and substi tuting 'Daniels I knew that if my name appeared on such a telegram it would be because somebody had forged my name to it. Admiral Sims owed both the country and himself an apology for the impression conveyed by testimony based upon the false signature, Mr. Daniel3 said, and should produce the person who altered the sighautre. Secretary Daniels was told today of persistent rumors in Washington that disciplinary measures had been ordered against Admiral Sims, effec tive as soon as the senate Inveseiga tion ended. He denied, that, he had issued any such orders and said: Just now x am presenting a case before a senate committee. I have had no time to consider such a thing and have no further comment to offer restrains it. i win not even form a conclusion until all the evidence is in. DEBS ffilD fS SOCIALIST IMIIE TO HIGHEST OFFICE Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, May 13. The national convention of the Socialist party today acclaimed Eugene Victor Debs, fed eral convict No. 2253 in the Atlanta, Ga. penitenitary, its candidate or tne fifth time for president of the irnitea States. A 21-minute ovation followed Debs' formal nomination as "the Lin coln of the Wabash." Seymour Stedroan of Chicago, gen eral counsel for the party, was nomi nated for vice-president on a pecona ballot. The first vote for him was 10 against 2G for Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare of Kansas City, now serving a sentence in a Jefferson Citv. Mo., prison, for violaiton of the espionage act. In nominating Deb?, the Socialist party of America signifies its determ ination "not to recede one inc h from our revolutionary program." Morris Hill quit of New iork, leader of the "con servative" forces, declared. "Socialism in the United States has not cnange.i and does not intend change." lie said. to Another ovation greeted this declara tion. Tonight a special committee of five, headed by nniqnjt. will leave for Washington, where tomorrow it has an appointment with Attorney General 1 lo Piead amnesty for all X PriSnP1-S " throughout po the or-U!'r,ay the samo committee has an artr te,h TumuHy , Vh!to H""se to present a me morial on amnesty for delivery to Ppm- tl Lk" S" rfceive thc committee ,,rt,it OI aninestv for scient.ous objectors" imprisoned con-dur- "J Wf!r tor failure draft laws. to obey the TV,J tt-ti convention adopted the "evil-1! ,atform virtually as submitted seveiat days ago, voting bv decisive maiViriMfio . , . uu wue me socialist ram. pajgn this year alor political lines. "conservative" Crisis Now Arising In Central America Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON. May 13. Indica tions that a diplomatic crisis i.s devel oping in Central America were given today in official mid unofficial reports from various capital.-- there. The state department has been of ficially advised of a protest by the Honduran government, of a mass of malcontents presumably for an attack on Honduras. Official reports told of a resolution in Salvador, but it was be lies ed in official circles here that this report was based "n the protest by Honduras. President Gutierrez of Honduras is ! s-aid to have v idence that tho sup porters ot rx-l'rrsident Hertram. who 'was livnMirnw i! by the revolution led ; by Gutierrez, have beet) conspiring bring about the o erthrow of the pre.-s lent government. SE1TE DOTE ON EACE MEASURE COMES SATURDAY Passage of Peace Resolution and Its Veto by President Regarded as Equally Cer- r i i a i On Plan Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13. The sen ate agreed today to vote at 4 o'clock next Saturday on the Republican peace tesolution. The arrangement followed an im portant revision of the measure by the Republican leaders In striking out the clause requesting the president to ne gotiate a separate peace treaty with Germany in order to "establish friendly relations and commercial intercourse." Adoption of the resolution is conceded by Democratic opponents, with a veto by President Wilson, regarded as equally certain. It proposes to repeal war declarations with both Germany and Austria, while the house measure dealt with Germany alone and differed radically also in other respects. General indisposition of senators to discuss the resolution led to today's agreement for final action Saturday, in which party leaders concurred Few more speeches are planned and the resolution was laid aside today after addresses in its support by Sen ators Kellogg of Minnesota and Lenroot of Wisconsin. Republican members of the mild reservation groups in the treaty fight. Both senators criticized President Wilson, charging him with delaying peace by his position on the treaty and predicting Republican success in the November campaign if the treaty issue were carried into the campaign as he had urged. During the debate another Democrat, Senator King of Utah, came out in op position to the president's position on the treaty issue. Mr. King, who voted for some of the Lodge reservations, ex -pressetl belief that the San Francisco platform would not follow the presi dent's wishes. Senator Pomerene, Democrat, Ohio, Is the only speaker scheduled tomorrow and the debate will be closed by the party leaders for the Republicans and Senator Underwood for the Democrats in opposition. iOlEllOlLElSUE WITH RESERVAT10WS (Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, May 13. Herbert Hoover, replying by teleraxb. fbday to the request of the Hoover Republican club of Portland. Ore., for his "views on various matters arising in the Ore gon primaries," declared the Repub lican party "must support the league with reservations. It must not fall Into the trap that the president ana Senator Johnson are enticing it into." "The president has declared," Mr. Hoover said, "that the Democratic party must demand the acceptance of the league in full as presented by him to the senate. Senator Johnson de mands that the Republican party op pose the league altogether. Two more destructive attitudes toward a great issue could not be found. "An emergency is created by this allegiance of destruction. The aspira tions of the great majority of our peo ple will be thwarted by either of these extremes. This majority Is fixed In its determination that the United States, loth for our own protection and in the interest of the welfare of the world, shall join the league by rati fying the treaty, which provides for substitution of methods of peace for methods of war, but that we shall do so only under assurance of no in fringement t'f our constitution and our traditions." o WOOD GETS 'BIG FOUR' iii DELEGATES Republican A. P. Leased Wire INDIANAPOLIS. May 13. Indiana republica-ns In state convention today by a margin of seven votes, instructed the four delegates at large to the na tional convention to support Major General Leonard Wood for the presi dential nom.nation. The vote was 1ZZ to lin. The convention adjourned to night. One of the ntost interesting and closest contests of the convention wa on the question of instructions for the "big four.' the Wood forces winning- after the Marion (Indianapolis) county delegates had been polled twice. Six district delegates to the national convention in Chicago also have been instructed for Wood, giving the gen eral ten supporters in all from Indiana-. Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cali fornia, who ran second to Wood in the state primary election last week, will have four instructed district delegato- i Sixteen other delegates irom Indiana- will go to the convention without in structions. . O ' Butte Mining Company Officials Prepare To Oppose I.W.W. Activity Republican A. P. Leased Wire Tll'TTE. Mon'., May 13 Officials of minim- companies in this district which had posted notices announcing they would employ no members of the In dustrial Workers of the World, con ferred here today on what they said were plans to rid the district of radi cal organizations which they blamed for numerous strikes in the district during the past six years. Concerning the notices, which ap peared during a strike for increased wages and a six-hour day called April IS by Metal Mine Workers' Unicn No. son, I. W. W.. John Gillie, manager of the Anaconda Mining company, said: "We have taken this action to pro-t-iM our own interests and because we believe it to I e our patriotic duty. We will not quit until every I. W. W. and all other radicals peeking to per retuate troubl" in this district, and ad vocating the overthrow of the govern ment has been driven uot." PAPER CHANGES TO AFTERNOON FIELD TO GET OPERATOR RED BLUFF, Cab. May 13 In ability to obtain a linotype operator who w-ould work nights has caused the Red Bluff Sentinel- to change from a morning to an afternoon newspaper. In announcing the change today the management said "If a man could ??ot be brought to the job. the job should be taken to the man." An operator was ob tained under the new arrangement. COBESS ASKED TO IELP H0ADS REMOVE FBHTCDHSTI Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13. Congress was asked today to help the railroads overcome the freight congestion so as to keep production needed to put down the cost of living going full tilt. As a means of enabling the roads to provide equipment, shortage of whic is said to be largely responsible tor failure to move mountains of freight piled high at the principal gateways in the east and middle west, the sen ate interstate commerce committee ap proved an amendment to the trans portation act under which the railroads would be given 15 years instead of five to pay back advances under the J300, 000.000 revolving fund. Railroad officials said this would help, but they pointed out that the immediate trouble called for heroic measures to relieve congestion and that the carriers, for instance, required 226.000 cars to reach normal. While most of the roads were swamped with freight at junction points and big gateways, American Railway association otnclals said a perceptible improvement was shown by reports received from all sections. Complaints still come from shippers, however, and the car service committee of the association, which directs the car movement, endeavored to allocate equipment to sections and industries In greatest need. There was no embargo on the move ment of coal, livestock and perish ables and these commodities had a preferential rating and right of way next to passenger train service, which thus far has not been affected. Gov ernment agencies in touch with the transportation system put forth every effort to help relieve the situation, ad mittedly bad, but not quite so bad as a week or ten days ago. WOMEN IN JEWISH ASSEMBLY NEW YORK. May 13. Two women won seats In the Jewish constituent assembly of Palestine in the election, held a few days ago, the Zionist or ganization of America announced to night. It was the first popular elec tion ever held in the Holy land, it is paid. Seventy-five per cent of the Jewish population Is said to have voted. TRADE POSSIBILITIES i PACIFIC REGIONS TOLO AT CONVENTION Republican A. P. Leased Wire SAN FRANCISCO. May 13. Trans Pacific trade possibilities and obsta cles' to their realization, placed by what fspeakera termed governmental inefficiency and lack of co-ordination, were discussed today at the seventh annual national foreign trade conven tion here. Trade leaders from the Far East told how approximately one billion people, a. vast majority of them more friendly to the United States than the Americans can imagine, are waiting on the Pacific shores for long needed de velopment of cable or wireless com munication and ships. Representatives from China, Japan, the Philippines, French Indo-Chlna and the Dutch East Indies described the wealth of resources of these countries awaiting development of commerce that will swing the world center of trade to the Pacific. American experts discifsscd neces sary governmental slops to pave the way for world trade by Americans. President Henry Suzzallo of the Uni versity of Washington declared that reorganization of governmental agen cies and legislation to remove barriers the United States has set against American foreign traders Is the first essential. Primarily, he said, greater freedom must be permitted for the combinations of industrial and finan cial interests in a corporate way for foreign trade: foreign concerns must be relieved of the payment of excess profit taxes when they pay taxes to the country in which they are operat ing, and an efficient system guaran teeing1 adequate mail, cable and wire less communication by the govern ment must be inaugurated. Politics must be taken out of the diplomatic and consular service, de clared Phillip II. Kennedy, director of the United States bureau of foreign and domestic service. Kansas Minister Tells How He Failed To Get Howat To Love Allen TOPEKA. Kas., May 13 Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, widely known pastor and author, in an address before the Kansas Congregational conference hero today told how he had failed to induce Alexander llowat. president of the Kansas miners to love Governor Allen. "1 asked him what he thought would be the first thing Jesus would do if he were here today," said Dr. Sheldon, lie replied: " "Well, I expect he first would clean up Governor Aden and the state house.' "I asked him if he believed in Christs'a teachings all of them. He assured me he did. Then I said if that is the case you thou'd love Governor Allen." llowat leaned up against the door and thought for a moment, then said like a flash: 'Well you go back to Topeka and tell Governor Allen to lovo me.' " B'NAI B'RITH CONVENTION ' CLEVELAND. May 13. The Inde pendent Order of li'Nal H'Rith con vention closed after abolishing secrecy in the ritual and opposing the aduiis- ! siou of women as members. The reso- lution to aboi!h secrecy was reconsid j ered and adopted today afi-r its defeat ' yesterday. CARRANZA TROOPS ARE DRIVEN FROM STRONG POSITION President's Army Retreating Northward, According tr Same Report Advices Tell of Heavy Attack on Position Obregon Reports Carranza Surrounded by Rebel Detachments Republican A. P. Leased Wire VERA CRUZ, May 13 President Carranza's troops, which had been standing at bay north of San Marcos, in the state of Puebla, have been driven from their positions, according to advices received here tonight.. Part of tha president's small army is advancing toward the north, in the direction of the state of Hidalgo, apparently for the purpose of opening a path for the remainder of the troops loyal to Carranza to make their escape. WASHINGTON REPORTS SHOW REVOLUTIONISTS FIRMER POSITION Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, May 13. Reports from American and Mexican sources in Mexico appeared tonight to Indi cate that the revolutionists were set tling into firmer positions, notwith standing the uncertainty that still sur rounds trte fate of Carranza and re ports of federal activity in a restricted area in the north. Announcement was made by the revolutionary agents that General Manuel Dieguez was a prisoner at Guadalajara, capital of Jalisco, and that Generals Hernandez, Mendez and Garza, garrison commanders in that state, had placed themselves and their forces at the orders of the revolution ary government. The adhesion of the federal forces in Jalisco and the arrest of General Dieguez were reported by General Ob regon to Adolfo de la Huerta. the pro visional head of the revolution in So nora, who communicated tfce informa tion to the Mexican agents here. Obre gon's report added that Dieguez was being held subject to De la Huerta's instructions. Greater significance was attached by revolutionary agents of the capture of Dieguez and to the breaking of the federal resistance in Jalisco than to the entry of Manuel Palaez and Arnulfo Oomez Into Tam plco, reported in official dispatches. The revolutionists have expressed confidence that Palaez, de facto ruler of the oil region, would co-operate fully with the successors of the Car ranza government. They reaffirmed today that ho would not take advan tage of his position in Tampico to op pose the work . of consolidation, but the operations of Dieguez and the fail ure of other federal officers in the state of Jalisco to join in the move ment have caused rebel leaders some anxiety. With Jalisco in line, t'ney said, there remained no break in the revolution ized line along the west coast that con trols access to the important port at Manzanillo. American officials as Well as the revolutionary representatives were carefully watching the federal strength northeast of Monterey near the border. Official and unofficial information that the governors of San Luis Potosi. Nuevo Leon. Tamaulipas and Coahuila who fled from their posts to the fron tier have succeeded in mobilizing a pmall force of federal troops near Camargo, about 90 miles west of Mata moros, opposite Urownsville, Texas, where General Corlttnga, the federal commander, has displayed reluctance to surrendering the city. American army officers saw in the federal opposition no military advan tage, but admitted that tintil the fed eral frroup was accounted for there re mained a possibility that any one of its leaders miht liecome an outlaw and play a part similar to that held for years bv Francisco Villa. Operations of any such rebel leader might serve as a basis for further de fections or even a. counter revolution,, they said. Inadequate cable and telegraphic communications again served to hold back news of the' result of the fiht Carranza was reported making be tween the capital and Vera Cruz. In formation that the fight had begun Tuesday was contained in a report made by Obregonlo De la Huerta and forwarded here. Obregon said Car ranza's convoy, consisting of "rem nants of the forces of General Mur guia," had been attacked Tuesday near Rineonado by Reyes Marquez. Press dispatches dated Wednesday, May 12, at Vera Cruz, reported that the fight ing was still in progress. Obregon ge nerally reported that General Iturbe, who refused for t-o long to surrender the port of Mazatlan, had sailed to Manzanillo, where he. would place him self under the orders of the rebel com mander. Eight Persons Drown In Cloudburst Flood HEMINGKOUD, Neb., May 13. Eight people were drowned in their homes today at Ardmore, S. D., as a result of a cloudburst, according to a report that reached hero this evening. No details have been received. A cloudburst near here has taken otrt an entire earth fill on the line of the Bur lington railroad. It will require a bridge of five .spans to connect the track. Every bridge on the Niobrara for ,r0 miles -'-ast and west Is out. There are many bad washouts near Uelntont in the Pine Ridge country of South Dakota. The storm around Hemingford was accompanied by wind and hail, doing some damage to build ings. ALLIANCE.' Neb.. May 13. Confir mation was received late tonight of the drowning of eitrht persons near Ardmore, S. D. Five members of one family were lost. The bodies of the father, mother and one daughter have been recovered. Two sons are miss ing. When their home was surrounded by water they attempted to escape to lii'-her ground and were caught, hi the rushing water. The house they aban doned was scarcely moved from its foundation. The other victims were Charles Certz, John l.anjjley and Har vey Dell, homesteaders living a few miles front Ardmore. Their bodies have not been found. FAMOUS RAIDER SURRENDERED I'lRTll U FORTH. Scotland. May 13. The German raider Moewe, which sank so many allied ships during the war, has; arrived here. It has been surrendered to the naval authorities. fael Cepeda, former governor of San Luis Pntni hnva n ttri nzeA ie rpnf guard of General Carranza's army, capturing two trains. At noon today rebel forces were en- troops along a line approximately threfl uiiica iu leuKi-n. inese reoei units nvja been brought up to San Andres by Gonzales. At San Andres these lead ers, wnose troops numbered about 4,00i were joined by more reinforcmnts un der command of Gen. Liberato Lara, and ail united in the movement against the Carranza positions. Colonel Roeha a. rehel lenrtof whW made a bold attack upon the presiden tial trains north of San Marcos, wa.1 captured in the resulting melee, and has been executed, according to ad vices to the newspaper El Dictamen ol this city. General Sanchez is reported to hav called a council of war to decide imoi further operations. Carranza Surrounded ' EL PASO. Texas, May 13 Presl- " dent Carranza of Mexico is iur- ' rounded and ia in desperate straits at Rinconada, near Esperanza station, in the state of Pueblo, ac- cording , to a telegram from Gen. ! Alvaro Obregon, former candidate ' for president of Mexico, received tonight by Roberto V. Pesqueira, financial agent for the revolution ists, with headquarters at El Paso, Instructions have been given to allow Carranza to leave the coun try in -safety, General Obregon's message said. "Carranza has not been made prisoner," the telegram, which was dated today, read. "He has been surrounded, for the last three days, having fought at Rinconada, near Esperanza station, and I think he cannot stand much longer. "Orders have been sent to the offi cers directing the attack that they notify Carranza that he can go out of the danger zone in order thryt his Iif may be spared, offering Mm a guard to escort him to Vera Cruz that he mav leave the country and be free to c'o wherever he wishes. "Colonel Orozco. noted for his crim inal proceedings, has been captured at sea by one nf our ns.val units, together with Gen. Jose Murguia. '" "As to the Bhooting of rrfsonrr.. in which you refer. I can assure you th ,t It Is only newspaper talk, as we do not jet know the casualties on the enemy (Sisrned) "A. OBREGON" Make Charges Against President Gen. Plutarco Elias Calles. comm i-).'-er of the Mexican revolutionary forces nnevn0rlhW'e&t' m arrlV,? !n Juarez, opposite here, tomorrow morning, ac cording to an a-nnoucnernent tonicht bv ttiffS0 Jos; 1-opoz L1ra- ' ff statf to Gen. lose Gonzalo Escobar mimSddiIstrictUie Ch,hUh l ' clL Vir.?J,i'Ct'i 1,Pre that General Cades would remain in Juarez a feu days and then would proceed south ward toward Mexico City. Manuel I neto, former mayor of Juarez wi'l accompany Geeral Calks to the border it was said. ' Charges that President Carranza has used the nation's resources to ' suborn perjury and to buv v are contained in a manifesto i.-sued dM.t ,fV AIyaro Oregon, former can didate for the presidency of Mexico, at Chiipancingo. capital of Guerrero. April Copies of the document reached El Paso todav. "The present chief "executive of tha nation, lorgetting bis high office, con verted himself into a demagogue- of political faction and placed at its ser vice all the resources that the nation had confided into Jus care, the mani festo says. J "A Strike of Soldiers" 'He has endeavored to make th national army an executioner and hi jratn ered around the members of hi army, who, conscious of th ir honor as soiaicrs and their digrdtv as citi zens have refused to . perform which might blemish their honor a- their sword. "The chief magistrate has stripped himself, in his political passion, of th respect that every functionary phoultt hold for our laws, ordering a jserb-a of abuses on the sympathizers of the in dependent candidate and against tho candidate himself. These acts hava shown him to be a man of petty am bition, and, entirely straying from th path marked by duty and law, be ix trying to impose upon the. country a. successor, who will servo his in-u'iVo ambitions and those of his friends wlio have trafficked in the public interests Luis Cabrera. Carranza's secret j,r of the treasury, three days before leav ing Mexico City, issued a statement that the present uprising was r,u a revolutionary movement, but a strike of soldiers," according to Renigno Val enzuela, publisher of El Monitor R. publicano. an Obregon newspaper o Mexico City, who arrived here tod.;v Thn trip from the Mexican capita! tooi; eight days, Senor Valenzuela rcporb-d. Matamoros to Surrender BROWNSVILLE. Tex.. M iv 1 Matamoros, the last remain-in Strong hold of the Carranza government along the Texas-Mexican border, will be sur" rendered to the revolutionist forces Friday morning at 9 o'clock. That was formally announced tonight follov.iri -a long series of conferences between Gen. E. Reyes, revolutionary repre sentative, and General Corluntia, Cat -ranxa commander at Matamoros. The agreement provides that Gen eral Colunga and his staff will re;,) ,, control of Matamoros and that aM lo cal officers will he asked ;, r. : m a i In office until further advicf.s are ie ceived front revolutionary b ad'iu ir ters. General Reyes acted as repre sentative of Uovprnor !c i t lia- rt.t of Sonora. leader of the revolutionists. j tienerai uyes win ct-os.- Co irstor ! national ! -ridge tomorrow it-o.-isi'v.-I and at 9 oYl-v;!;. Mevi.-.i time, he v V,; declare the city ur.der rr-voiut iora r v