Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1920 PAGE SIXTEEN For' Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate 2 A' ill in in ii in mil i ii I clJj sLii tsascQ tfcg?f Your COTTON CROP must be hoed. See our line before buying. Quality best and Prices right PRATT-GILBERT CO. The Arizona Republican is the rec ognized want advertising medium of Arizona. -iVV;. i I RATE IMiC per word per day. no dis count for time or space; cash with order; min. charge 25c. PHONE YOUR ADS TO 4331 Ads received before S p. m. will be properly classified. After 8 p. m. will appear under "Too Late to Classify" on following morning, and thereafter under proper classification. Orders by mail should be accom panied by remittance and addressed to THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WANT AD DEPARTMENT PHOENIX, ARIZONA Auctions AUCTION SALE Taylor's Auction House 241 W. Washington Street Saturday, 1:00 P. M. Big sale of good stuff, dressers, beds, cots, rugs, tables, rockers, chairs, cup boards, refrigerators, library tables, fans, sewing machines, stoves, gas ranges, oil stoves, dressing table, fine kit of carpenter tools, steel miterbox, 1.000 pounds barbed wire, large lot woven wire, 0 cedar posts, chickens, horses, mules, wagons, harness. The yard will be filled with good stuff. Taylor & Taylor AUCTIONEERS Phone 1917 dr AUCTION Jerry Doyle's Auction Yard Third Avenue and Jefferson Street Saturday, Mav 29, 1920 SALE CALLED 1:30 P. M. Will sell to the high bidders several head horses, some good work mules, some cows, chickens, farm wagons, spring wagons, buggies, harness, double nd single; saddles, plows, cultivators, iiscs, harrows, tents; some furniture, farra tools all kinds; and other articles. List your property with the clerk. J. P. Hannan, Clerk McMurtry & Plummer Auctioneer AUCTION SALE t f high grade furniture. Saturday, May 23, 10:30 a, in., at 31S X. Center street. Having sold my residence I will sell all my furniture at auction, consisting of dressers, chiffoniers, commodes, beds, springs and mattresses, cots, carpets, rugs, rockirg chairs, dining table, din ing chairs, electric light fixtures and other articles too numerous to mention. J. J. Sweeney, Owner C. O. McMurtry, Auctioneer. Office, Room 5, Monihon Bldg. Phon 1210 gb AUCTION Friday May 28th J :30 P. M. 27 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE Dressers, beds an -J. springs, mat tresses, refrigerators, electric fans, oil stoves, ice cream freezers, sewing mat-hires, rockers, chairs and tables. Some young fryers and thousands of other articles. Send us your goods we get you more money. Phone 4779. We nell f'jr commission or buv for cash. J. B. GUESS, AUCTIONEER. - - dp AUCTION 27 S. Fifth Ave. Friday, May 28th B? sure pnd come. nice lot of 'goods, beds, dressers and cooking uten sils, refri.rcn tors and electric fan:;, oil stoves and many other articles. If you tave anything to :I. "f,!l 42fiG ,'.ct;oi:e cr 4', r. J. b. ct;::. :s. ' h. u h ' r .). i. Ai .'CTli SELL ; s i i' L'S OS 47' COM- tf Til 10 Taylor Audi -in Mmj.s wants ;u;r turret are. Wo buy ;,nd pay cash. We sell for yc cr. conn: issuer . Sales very Saturday. 1 p. ri. IVa'ch our place. the crowds that etter.c Washington at.: our e.ik's. rhone 131" HI V." tf em ; t v. j ;f ? f t v - ': , - r For Sale Real Estate PARADISE VALLEY DEEDED LAND 47 acres of the best land in Paradise valley, under Paradise-Verde project for sale by owner. See me at Room 421 Fleming Bldg., 3 to 12 a. m.. daily. go HERE'S YOUR COTTON LEASE 35 acres of good stand cotton, on good, clean land, on .0-00 basis. Also 10 acres ready for maize. Can be bought for $1500, $1100 cash, balance when coton is picked. A FINE 80 Thirty acres, good stand cotton; 50 acres fine' alfalfa ready for second cut ting. Price and terms right for quick pale. GARRISON, WEISSER & GOODIX 119 X. Second Ave. Phone 3793 dp Two Real Cotton Farms, 160 Acres All In cotton, perfect stand. Price reasonable and very good terms. 80 Acres 70 acres in cotton. Trice $500 per aero; terms. .These two ranches will raise better than one bale cotton per acre. No Johnson grass. SEE J. M. GOODIX With GARRISON, WEISSER & GOODIN 119 X. Second Ave. Phone 3793 gs HERE Is your last chance to get a fine 20 acre tract at a bargain. PALMER 3" X. ;!'-cnd Ave. dp 40 ACRE HOME BARGAIN 40 acres, all in cotton; G-room house, good well; gas engine and pump; barn and outbuildings, tenant house; "A" water; extra fine soil. Price $750 per acre; $11,500 cash, balance easy. MR. BE AX KETYSTONE REALTY CO. 15 X. First Ave. dp 20 ACRES 18 acres perfect stand of cotton. 2 acres pasture and improvements, fair house, good shade; convenient to Glen dale; can be bought with equipment if necessary. If you are in the market for a good 20 at a. reasonable price on easy terms see this. BAUM & MASON 117 X. Second Ave. dp ANYTHING from 4 acre to 20, ask or tell Wootton. He specializes in these, all lots and business deals. LIVE WIRE REALTY. CO. 142 West Adams St. dr A Ranch Bargain 135 acres all in cotton, good land, very little Johnson grass. Price $600 per acre. $10,000 to $12,000 cash, bal ance easy. MR. BEAN KEYSTONE REALTY CO. 1 5 X. First Ave. It 10-Acre Bargain We have a choice 10 acre ranch north in orange belt, fair house, fine obi shade; in fine crop of cotton and melons; worth $1000 per acre, for a few days at $850, with easy terms. Wilcox Realty Co. 114 W. Adams dr Good Cotton Lease SO acres, south, good stand, $34 an acre for '2 interest. Owner sick, must leave. SANDIGE AGRICULTURAL CO. 323 W. Washington St. dr ALFALFA SO acres of the finest land in tho valley, all in alfalfa; improvements are of the best; good modern brick house and large law n. If you want a good stand of alfalfa, let us show you this. Good terms. Webb Realty Co. Room 4. Talbot Martin" Southwest Cor. First Ave. and Adams It Trackage Property 75x1374 ft. located in $13,000, one-half cash. heart of city. NORDQUIST Stewart Realty Co. 17 W. dims. gb $600 PER ACRE Worth $1000 per in less than six months. Let us show you this fine SO; Vi down, balance to suit. WOOD REALTY & IN'V. CO. 23 E. Washington. Room 1. I'hoi.e 4207 - dr J ci I i Jtr - -t -t CI LVTEUNATtOXAi, MIXES AND REALTY CO. 40 X. FIRST AVE. P. O. Box 10S3 Phone 4618 Special agents for financing merit orious mining: and mineral proposi tions. Careful reports and examina tions rendered. We buy, sell or ex change real estate of all descriptions and size located anywhere. Our ex pert service guarantees satisfactory results. Call or write stating your re quirements, tf VERY CHOICE Five acres in cotton and half the crop on six acres near it, and a team of mules for $3,500; $2,000 cash, bal ance easv, Pest of soil, fair home. LIVE WIRE REALTY CO. 142 V. Adams St. dr 40 ACRES North, 20 acres, cotton, stock farm, implements, all go, good improvements, at $623 per acre; $6,000 cash, balance terms. An extra good location. SEE MEYERS, "WITH "WELDON REALTY CO. 110 N. First Ave. dr 20-Acre Bargain IS acres of fine cotton; thinned and perfectly clean; 2 acres pasture; good little house, city water; right in the town of Glendale; subject to sub division; the naked land is worth more than is asked; he gives you the crop and Improvements; $630 per acre, with extra good terms. Wilcox Realty Co. 114 "West Adams St. dp Paradise Valley Have several good buys in deeded land and also some relinquishments. GARRISOX & WEISSER Phone 3703 119 X. Second Ave. gt ZTJXDEL will take care of your wants on all acreage from 20 to 10,000 He has the buvers. LIVE WIRE REALTY CO. 142 W. Adams dr FOR SALE Desert relinquishment in Deer Valley; land under the canal perfectly level and with "A" water right; will make a small fortune for someone, at only $25 per acre. Address 97F. care Republican. gs Homestead Land and desert claim. Reliable Informa tion furnished and land shown. GARRISOX & WEISSER Phone 3793 119 X. 2nd Ave. tf DESERT LANDS We make a spe cialty of loeaing you on desert land good soil; ideal climate; near land un der cultivation; also railroad; fine op portunity to get good cotton land. This is government land now open for entry- See us at once. 325 X. Fourth Ave. Phone 1049. dp 90 ACRES COTTON Northwest, rented on 50-50 basis. Finest of soil. Can give you one of the best propositions in the valley at $475 per acre. $10,000 cash wi'l handle. See Wr. B. McCandliss 31 X. First Ave. Phone 4145 tf $475 ACRE CATTLE RANCH IN PARADISE VALLEY Has water right and water enough to irrigate this ranch the year around. 40 acres now being cultivated, 200 acres have been In cultivation; has 4 room house and barn, the very best of alfalfa land lays very level and s easy to irrigate. Price $12,500. $7000 cash, balance terms. Xordqulst Stewart Realty Co. TeL 1397 17 W. Adams St. dn FOR SALE By owners, a real SO- i acre home, 2 miles south and 4 east of Gilbert, Ariz. This land is some of best in the valley, 60 in cotton. 20 hay and orchard, etc. Stock, machin ery, chickens, cows, everything you need. Will pay you to ' look at this. Reason for selling, dissolving partner ship. Shultz & Bro., Gilbert. Aria, gb $500, 40 ACRES $500 This place is well improved, close in and rented; money rent; if you buy you get $1300 off for rent, with pos session first of 1921 or $75 rent for next year; 4 in advance first of year. Exclusive Cox with Palmer 10 N. Second Ave. dr City Property IS ADVANCING EVERY DAY. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECOND AVE. AND VAN BUREN ST., 150 FEET SQUARE. PRICE IS ONLY $45,000, i; CASH. IF YOU DON'T WANT IT NOW, BUY IT ANYWAY AS Till: BUILDINGS ON IT PAY TAXES AND INTEREST. AND THIS FALL IT WILL BE WORTH A LOT MORE MONEY. Frank W. Shedd Co. 16 E. ADAMS. PHOXE 15S6. dr 20 ACRES Close in to Glendale; it has IS acres tirst-class cotton; small house; the price is only $650 per acre; $6000 cash, this has city water. It's worth more. H. E. GROOM 106 W. Adams Phone 4246 dp FOR SALE 40 acres level land, fine silt soil, 12 miles north on 7th Ave. $lo0 per acre; half cash. Address owner. I'. O. Box 1077, Phoenix. dp 2,i ACRES, in wheat, 4 room house, 200 chickens, 12 turkeys, cow, 2 pigs. $H25'. $215o cash. lal. $20 month. 1 020 E. Roosevelt St. fta LOT' 25 So. McDonald St., Stewart Addition. $475.00 cash. 1132 E. Wil leta St. gs 10 tion. Bat?? ACRES, 8olid alfalfa, good loca Will trade for city property. a;n. 1020 Grand Ave. H BARGAIN in relinquishment. -Must ; pro east Jure '20. $1,600 will buy a i i hu e that will pay for itself by S-pt. j J5. A!.- H'O white Leghorn P'.ilV'ts T ; 7.".c, 5 "-'t Whit" Leghorn cockerels fit I .".".-. See N. Lawrence at Coliseum ! Shooting iu Uerv. dr i 80 ACRES of deeded Paradise val lev land for sale. $150 per acre. Phono i D 43. L'd 50 IN COTTON Good house; pood stand cotton; good fence. Here's an opportunity at only $375 per acre; $6000 cash. Nicely lo cated west of Phoenix. See this week. NUNNELEY 29 No. 1st Ave. dp Special Bargain 160 acres deeded land, close in to Casa Grande; half cash,' balance two years. See IT. M. SNYDER Commercial Hotel, or Room 4, Crz Bldg., Casa Grande, Ariz. dp HOMESTEADS, good one now but they are getting fewer every day. Soe us at once before it is too late. Some fine relinquishments and school leases for sale or trade. O'Barr & Pinnick 34 East Adams. dr FOR SALE WATCH PIIOEXIX GROW 320 ACRES The bargain of the valley; 320 acres, all In cotton; a modern $30,000 home; $525 per acre. This place is $400 per acre under value when you count your cotton crop at the present price. 160 ACRES All in cotton; 2 houses; $500 per acre. Easy terms. 80 ACRES Modern house, 40-acre cotton, clean; 40 acres in alfalfa, $48,000, $7500 cash. $6000 a year. 10 acres fine garden land, well Im proved; close in; $8500. M. II. S HELTON 215 West Washington tf , California Stock Ranches $23 TO $33 PER ACRE Located near the coast; soil and wa ter conditions first class; ranches are all improved and dotted with oak trees; 5,000 acre tracts and up. F. P. Turner 119 E. Colorado St. Pasadena, Cal. - dr CASA GRAXDE VALLEY 320-acre relinquishment Finest soft loam soil, 40 feet to water, upder all projects. In best-developed district; 10 miles east and near highway; $33 per acre for half or all. 640' acres, state lease; will subdivide in S0'8 or quarters; on main road; is best of soil and can be irrigated by flood water. An extra good buy at $7 per acre. 160 acres, deeded; right at a station. A snap at $25 per acre and terms. S. C. MILLER COMPANY 32 X. First Ave.', Phoenix, Ariz. Casa Grando Hotel, Casa Grande gb For Sale By Owner Forty acres in Center of Deer Valley. This is best 40 acres under Paradise Verde project. If you have soma money to invest, that will double in value in next 12 months, hero is your chance. 331 East Washington St. dr 20 ACRES Very close to Glendale, IS acres fine cotton, chopped and plowed five times, V2 mile to Glendale high school. $13,000; $6000 cash; immediate possession. SEE MEYERS. WITH WELDON REALTY CO. 110 N. First Ave. dr Mr. Speculator I have 60 acj-es at $400 per acre, 52 in cotton, absolutely no Johnson, Bermuda, nor water-log; the owner is sick, that SPELLS just $20,000 prof it to you. $10,000 or less will handle. H. E. GROOM TOfi W. Adams. Phone 4246. dp 20 ACRES COTTON FOOT HIGH, $550 Per ac 3, sandy soil, good house, Zl;z miles ou Good for bale an acre. Fine It inch cotton, $630. Fine 13 meh cotton, $S50. And 100 others. Come and see us. MR. BLACK Page Realty Co. 44 E. Adams. Phone 41S7. dr 160 Acres Northwest A11 in cotton, fully equipped with stock and machinery. For quick sale will let everything go for less than $450 per acre. You should easily clear 5300 per acre net on this land by Jan uary 1, including the advance in value of the land. The farmer will continue on the ranch if you detsire. Don't let this opportunity pass. Let our land expert show you this ranch. "Ask" PHOENIX CASA GRANDE REALTY COMPANY 7 and 8 Monihon Bide. It 160 ACRES 45 ACRES GOOD STAND OF COT TON, BALANCE IS IN THE FINEST STAND OF ALFALFA IN VALLEY. GOOD BUILDINGS AND OTHER IM PROVEMENTS. PRICE IS ONLY $650 PER ACRE, $25,000 CASH, BALANCE EASY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AND ALL CROPS GO WITH PLACE. WILL SELL SO ACRES WITHOUT BUILDINGS FOR $600 PER ACRE. $10,000 CASH. THIS 80 HAS 50 ACRES IN ALFALFA, 30 ACRES IN COTTON. IF YOU WANT A REAL RANCH AND HOME LET US SHOW YOU THIS ONE. Frank W. Shedd & Company 16 E. ADAMS. PHONE 15S6. gs Live Wire Realty Co. Zumlel sells acreage. Cljwson sells home: Wootton si's . and handles ropos-itiOTis. mall acreat business Live Wire Realty Co. 142 W. Adams. OAKLAND TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF CAPITOL 2 BLOCKS FROM WASHINGTON STREET CAR . PAVED STREET ALL THE WAY. LOTS 60x145 TO AN ALLEY CEMENT WALKS CURBS GAS LIGHT WATER AND SEWERAGE. PRICES $500 FOR INSIDE AND $550 FOR CORNERS 20 PER CENT CASH AND $20 MONTH. GREENE & GRIFFIN Tel. 1604 124 X. First Ave. tf FOR SALE 7 acres fully equipped, 5 acres In cotton, old shade, fruit, chickens, cows, horses, wagon, tools, rabbits. Deal with owner. $2800 cash, balance easy. PHONE 16J4. gs '68 ACRES 60 acres In cotton, knee high and clean; red sandy soil, splendid location; 4-room house; immediate possession, at $550 per acre; $10,000 cash. It's a bargain. SEE MEYER, WITH WELDOX REALTY CO. 110 Xorth 1st Ave. dr THREE and half acres in cotton on car line, 23 hens, thoroughbred New Zealand rabbits; 10 acres cotton: lease, all for $2500, easy terms; consider good light car. Also Fordson tractor and plow, cheap. Elam, Meadowbrook station, Glendale carline or box 208. tf Paradise Valley We still have a few good SO and 160 acre tracts left at attractive prices. Better see us at once. Paradise valley lands are going up. FLICKINGER AND DIBBLE REAL TY COMPANY 1C W. Adams Phone 307- dp Now We Can Sell 1880 Acres . Fine land. 350 in cotton; 273 In bar ley; 150 alfalfa; 100 volunteer sorghum with abundant private ditch water, at $225 per acre. Terms. X. A. MORFORD 15 E. Adams St. Phoenix. Ariz, tf 150x140 foot corner of Fourth and Mon roe street, worth looking into. See us today. Must be sold. John L. Irvin & Co. 11 N. First Ave. dr 210 acres of cotton at $350 per acre, in cluding stock, tools and all equipment; $10,000 to handle. Glendale Produce & Real Estate Co. , Glendale- tf "IT PAYS TO SEE US" If it is Paradise Val ley land you want we have it in any size tracts. Davie Realty Co. 126 N. Center Phone 3599 tf See H. M. Snyder For Casa prando Valley lands and city property. Special bargains and good terms. Room 4, Cruz Bldg. Casa Gratide, Ariz. P. . Pox 262 Phone 70 dr For Best Bargain In Casa Grande Vallev lands see K. O. GRANT Casa Grande. Ariz. 10 ACRES Has 4-room house, good cellar, ga rage and machine room; good well, en gine and tank; water ptped in house and corral; plenty of shade, garden, some fruit; 8 acres good cotton. This soil is best of sandy loam. Price $S500. $4500 cash. 13i ACRES Country Home Has 5 -room house, barn, garage, chicken house and runs; 160 fruit trees, consisting of plums, apricots, peaches, pears, quinces, grapes; 10 acres of best cotton in valley. Let us show you. Price $10,5M $6500 cash, balance terms. XORDQUIST Stewart Realty Co. 17 West Adams St. Phone 1P37 trs lilvaie Your Colt WITH a COTTON KING disc harrow one of the best im plements made for this purpose. Gangs on the Cotton King can be reversed, extended and tilted for in-throw and out-throw, for work in orchards as well as cultivating . j j. . . jT t t t ii cotton or otner row crops. wen built, steel frame, 3 bearing gangs, i dust proof. We can make immediate livery on 4 and 5 foot sizes. THE 0. S. STAPLEY CO., Inc. Mesa Phoenix Glendale Chandler T 'tf For Sale Reai Estate International Mines and Realtv Cc 40 X. FIRST AVE. P. O. Box 10S9. Phone 4618. Special agents for financing merit orious mining and mineral proposi tions. Careful reports and examina tions rendered. We buy, sell or ex change real estate of all descriptions and size located anywhere. Our ex pert service guarantees satisfactory results. Call or write stating your re quirements. CASA GRAXDE BARGAINS 160 acres patented lis miles from town; SO of "A" water right; SO in cultivation; all fenced; $175 per acre, $7,000 cash, balance In 3, 4 and 5 years. Actually worth $250 now. 160 acres patented, 5 miles from town on county highway to Florence; under diversion dam; very level, 43 feet to abundance of good water; $80 per acre; $5,000 cash, terms on bal ance; this is an exceptional good buy. Five acre tracts; 2 miles south of town on highway at from $120 to $200 per acre; fine for truck gardening, fruit or chicken raising. 320 acre relinquishment, three miles northeast of town, partly cleared, at $27.00 per acre. A good pickup for some one. 640 acre school lease located 9 miles west of Casa Grande, fronting on main highway between Casa Grande and Maricopa: will cost from C5 to $G per acre to clear; 6 miles to town; price $6 per acre, easily worth $10: $1,000 cash. $1,000 in 6 months, balance 6 months thereafter. 640 acre school land lease near Casa Grande; $1,000 cash, balance in ex change for improved or unimproved city or country property; at $7 per acre valuation. This is a snap. . SPECIAL! A REAL GILBERT. ARIZ.. BARGAIN 125 acres, Zls miles southeast of Gilbert; 80 In fine stand of alfalfa now ready for cutting; 45 acres in good cotton; traction engine, 2 cultivators, 2 mowing machines, 2 wagons, 2 teams, harness; good well and pump: 2 room house with screen porch. $10,000 cash first, payment, balance in 4 equal pay ments; $450 per acre takes cotton crop, $1500 to $2000 value of alfalfa now ready for cutting. This is an excep tional bargain. Real value. CATTLE BARGAIN For Sale 100 yearlings, 42 two-year-olds, 23 three-year-olds. INTERNATIONAL MINES AXD . REALTY COMPANY P. O. Box 10S9. rhone 49ao. 40 Xorth First Avenue. tf CHOICE building lot. close to car line, citv water, easy building restric tions. Price $400; only $50 cash, bal ance $10 per month. THOMAS REALTY CO. 20 W. Adams St. It 21 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH 4-room frame: 100 bearing fruit trees; fine shade; 150 laying hens; close in on pavement; price $4500; only $1500 ash. call Mcelroy WELDON REALTY CO. 110 X. 1st Ave. Phone 30S3 '': I Deer Valley Bargain 160 acres patented; under project; 10 miles r.orth of fairgrounds; 40 fenced i0 clearedt within 2'j miles of land o-i Arizona, canal worth $500 to $700 i acre; price $12, 00C-. International Mir.e and Realty Co., 4 0 North First A ven .;-. tf Full SALE 1 city lot in Scottsd; ie I'O' f4F. Republican. g! Two Good Buys Five room frame bouse, fine lo . tion. northeast. $3500; $1000 cash. Six room brick, l ine shade, gara located northeast. $5500. $1000 cash. HOLT REALTY CO. 40 E. Adams. phone 10S0. d POULTRY NETTING JACKSON FENCE We have just unloaded a sV? ant of oj y netting and have a car of Jackson fence on tho ro . If you need fence net your order in early as it will not last Ion?. We also have a good stock roj ced?r, split cedar, and EJ'Jvn redwood posts. We will be closed all day Mcr. iay, D.i.c-t j i.,.-. Day. THE O'MALiEY LUMBER COMPANY i 4 de- mi For Sale Real Estate HOW IS THIS? You want safety for your investment funds. Have you $25,000 cash to invest in modern. Phoenix, close in, income property, exceptionally well located on paved streets, abundance of shade, and paying handsome income of over $6000 a year? Very desirable. For further particulars address Box S2F, Repub lican, b !!20 ACRES!! Eighteen acres planted to cotton, 2 in pasture; it has city water, 100 per cent crop cotton, very little Johnson grass; small house and plenty of shade, sandy loam land. Also 20 acres with IS acres In cotton, fine shape, 2 in alfalfa, 4J,2 acres cotton, rented 50-50 adjoining, 1 spar. 1100 pound mules, harness, tools, all kinds, cow, 200 chickens, 2 hogs, ami immediate possession: all this for $14. 000 with 2 cash. Better call right now and arrange to see these. Th?y won't last. ask; for zt'ndel live wire realty co. Phone 1333. 142 W. Aflnmw. 160 OR 320 ACRES Government land! We'll locate yo""i on choicest land in Arizona, opened for entry for 50c per acre. Big boom now on. Virgin, level land; shallow water with gravity water virtually assured. Avail yourself of the holiday and Join our party. Leave Sunday morning 3uth. back Monday evening. For particular call S700. dr FOR SALE Twenty acres land with cotton crop. Layer can ret.t adjoining 20 cotton on shares. 377 X. 5th Ave. dr For Sale Houses WHY PAY RENT Four room and b'lth, pebble dash, also has screen, hardwood floors an 1 other modern improvements; wv r lived In and in northeast part of city. Price $4500 and $1000 cash will handle, balance easy. Another Four rooms and bath and 2 scrteti. brick p. d hardwood floors, and all built-in features, good cement porch and walks. Plenty of old shade and on the pavement. A good buy at $5500; easy terms. Las Palmas Five rooms and bath and 2 screens, just finished, and a beauty; hardwood floors and built-in features. To see this property is to be pleased with a well as the price, and $2300 cash wiil handle, balance easy. Double House Three rooms and hath and 1 screen on each side. Located in northeast part of town, large lot and double garage: brings good rent; $7700, and $ HmO will handle. SEE RAY SMITH WITH Stewart Realty Co. ,V. Adams. Phone 1P97 dr j A Small Payment ! A i ri o t! ly payments that are je.-isi- .!: ii r; nt. wiil give you a !andv j ,if.v i ir i -c i cottage, on the cir Ihv, :ei- v.-i cr. intmediato p-isscfion. The ' pri " of : ..!.' i makes this a pickup- I Thomas Realty Co. i West Adams Las Palmas .-; - ! .idj rooms. 2 sleeping porches. ,- , .it- .,..! ;';oors. built-in features, i- :i .- a le. This is a real hom. I's .1 1. 1 . :P1T'L CITY REALTY CO. - W. Monroe. Phone 4:'?'t. It k