Newspaper Page Text
r i J J r 1 4 1 i I 7 PAGE EIGHTEEN For Sale Eggs 8c Poultry 6i FOR SALE 100 McFaln strain White! IiCghorn laying hens. 1900 W. A flams. ilr ! ABOUT 300 high grade laying While Leghorn hens for sale. $1.25 per lien for the entire lot. mile east of Indian Sanitarium on Indian School road. Phone 41R11. A. C. Olin. lr 75 OK 100 White hens, Phone !RU. Leghorn lay in? gS 250 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens for sale, 400 baby chicks 3 weeks old; 2 family milk cows, 1 Jersey and one Ilolsstein. Phone 3RR11. dr standard Red?. S. E. corner Northern Ave. and new Black Canyon rorid. dp FOR SALE Three hundred Leghorn hens. 15R3. White dp PURE-BRED laying hens. 6 Brow n Leghorns, 6 White Leghorns, 6 Rhode Island Reds. 1020 Grand Ave. tf EGGS and poultry bought and sold. (.02 W. Van Buren. Phone 80SQ. 6hl For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE A large Orafonola and 70 records; will take gun In trade. Alhambra Blacksmith Shop, Alhambra, Ariz. l FOR SALE or exchange for property In or near Phoenix, 160-acre relinquish ment in Casa Grande Valley. 205J11. S3 FOR TRADE 4-room brick p. d., right on car line; $2500; equity $11S0; balance $20 per month. I want a car or something worth the money. Wilcox Realty Co. 114 West Adams St. dp A DAXDY ranch in Montezuma county, Colo.; will sell for a bargain or trade for property here. Produces any kinds of grain or vegetables. Call at 10 N. 2nd Ave. for further information. WrHITE restaurant In Prescott, do ing splendid business and season just opening; will trade for rooming house or some busines in Phoenix. Good rea- I son for leaving here. Address Box 53, j Prescott. Ariz. m WILL TRADE Buick light six fo city property. .Phone 8931. tf For Rent Houses UNFURNISHED house for rent; five rooms, bath, sleping porch; 1520 West Adams; $50 rental. dr YEAR'S LEASE, 724 E. Portland; 4 rooms and 2 screen porches; large lot, garage. $50 per month. dr FOR REXT 6-room house, plenty of shade, cool place for the summer; Yuma road, 1 mile from city limits. S. W. Stewart. dr FOR REXT 6-room brick, bath and gas and electric light, 2 screen rooms, 921 E. Pierce. gs FOR LEASE 6-room hollow tile P. D.; northeast; modern. Better lease a house, as rent will be higher next win ter than last. WOOD REALTY & IXV. CO. 23 E. Wash., Room 1 Phone 4207 dr HALF house for rent, unfurnished. gs FOR REXT Half house, 4 rooms and bath; Just newly papered and painted. Apply owner, 142 W. Wash ington St. It FOR REXT -r- Unfurnished double brick, pebble dash house; 5 large inside rooms, one screen room ; 2 rooms can be rerented; solid concrete basement and gaarge; 3 doors north of Van Buren St., 315 X. 13th St. See owner, J. B. Lodwick, 546 W. Portland, or Capitol City Realty Co.. 23 W. Monroe St. It FOUR-ROOM house, toilet and bath; $25 month. 1324 E. Monroe. dr JUST completed; five-room modern, unfurnished house; small family; no sick. Call 1021 N. 9th St. dr FOR RENT Unfurnished house, 4 rooms, bath, large screen porch. Fur nished house, five rooms, shade. Fur nished house, five rooms, garage. F. A. JEFFERSON, Realtor, 32 S. Central Ave. Phone 710 gs FOR REXT Unfurnished 5-room cement block home on carline and paved street; garage and shade. CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO. 23 W. Monroe It FOR RENT Brand new house located on paved street in Capitol addition; will rent at a very moderate price for the summer. TEXAS CITY REALTY CO. 33 W. Monroe St. Phone 1756 It MODERN 6 rooms and bath; ga rage; water paid; no sick; no chil dren. 130S E. Van Buren. dp FOR RENT 2 rooms, rooms. 1341 Grand Ave. screen dr IF YOU WANT to rent a house call on me. I have all kinds of houses for rent, large and small. Call 521 E. Mon roe St. Phone 8703. dg THREE small Phone 815S. houses, very cheap. dr 1612 W. WASHINGTON. One-half of my residence, four rooms, bath and garage. Desire a quiet couple; no children, no sick. Rent $40 summer months, $50 winter, unfurnished. I furnished $60 summer, $75 winter. Geo. O. Ford. tt For Rent Apartments 10 LOWER four-room furnished apart ment in modern apartment house; sleeping porch, electric fan, garage, on car line; ideal for business gentlemen. Phone 8543. 850 N. 5th Ave. gs FURNISHED half house three large rooms, private bath, to healthy adults only. 1001 N-. Second St. gs UNFURNISHED two three-room apartments, 210 E. Grant and 210 E. Lincoln. Apply 604 S. Third St. gs THREE ROOM and bath unfurnished apartment for rent, cool, Y2 block from city hall. Inquire at 222 E. Jeffer son, tf FOR RENT Am leaving my apart ment at Blenheim Apts., 911 N. Cen tral Ave., June 1. This apartment l-i on shady side of house, sleeping porch, living room, kitchen, bath and dress ing room, linen, silver, electric fan, hot and cold water supplied: maid ser vice if desired. Suitable for 2 or Call at 115 W. Monroe, or phone 1210, Mr. White. gs FOUR-ROOM apartment nicely fui nished; close in; no sick or children. 201 E. McKinley. dr WILL sub-lease 4-room furnish ci .apartment: $75 for 3 months;, no sick, no children; 920 E. Pierce, on car line. Call mornings after 7 p. m. (s FOR It EXT One of the Hartmun furnished apartments. 605 X". 4th Ave. n THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished. Xo sick or children. 128 X. 10th Ave. dr PIERCE APT.. 701 X. 1st St. Small well furnished apartment, cool and Hose to business center. ir FOR REXT Beautifully furnished apartment of four rooms ami larz sleeping porch; vise of piano and gar age, janitor service, hot and cold watr. Phone 49S4. FOR REXT Upstairs apartment; largp sleeping porch; $25 per month. 650 N. 4th Ave. dp r 101 COOU shady apartment, r.21 W. Van Burcn. close in. dp FURXISIIED apartment for X. 4th Ave. Phone rent. i'OK REXT Modern, three rooms, unfurnished. S05 8. First Ave. tf XICE Adams. furnished apartment. 129 13. op BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4 -room and bath arartment on carline; $."0 per month or $4 5 if taken for four months. Phone 4429 It TIUlKK-room apt. C10 X. 4th Ave 3-ROOM cool, renovated housekeep ing M;iartment. 1023 E. Pierce. dp FOR REXT Until October, fur nished apartment -of three rooms, be sides kitchenette, bath and sleeping screen room, in new double house, one Mock from Indian School carline, on Willetta St. Phone S510. tf For Rent Furnished Houses 11 FOUR rooms, no children ; $2:!. for 2 healthy people; 1411 E. Adams. dr FURNISHED HOUSE Paved. Sixth avenue. Six-room peb ble dashed with upstairs sleeping" room, also- sleeping room over garage. All furnished. We will rent this home to responsible party for $100 per month. TEXAS CITY REALTY CO. 33 W. Monroe St. Phone 1756 It FURNISHED house for rent, street; $50 per Adams. 6-room modern brick northeast, on paved month. Call 17 East dr ONE-HALF Washington. house, modern. 715 E. dr FOR REXT 6-room furnished brick, on paved street. 2137 West Jefferson. COMPLETELY furnished house of 7 rooms, close In; no sick or children; $60 month. International Mines & Realty Co., 40 N. 1st Ave. dp TO particular people A choice 6 room brick, completely furnished. In cluding pianp; clean, cool, sanitary; j garage; shade; until Nov. l omy. ! W. Monroe. - gs FURXISHEO house, 3 rooms and porch: electricity and gas; cheap rent. 1024 PI McKinley. ; dp FOR RCXT 2 modern furnished houses, one 6 and one 3 rooms. Call at 209 N. IStb Ave. dp FOR RENT First-class furnished house on 6th ave. Inquire 740 EL. More land St. gb FOR REXT On paved street, a 6 room house, furnished; would lease for 1 year to desirable tenants. 2137 W. Jefferson St. dr BEAUTIFULLY decorated and fur nished cottage, fine shade. No children. 214 E. Van Buren. gb FOR REXT My home for summer or one year. 2004 W. Madison St. dp THREE-ROOM modern apartment for rent; screen porch. 706 S. Central Ave. Inquire at 710 S. Central. tt FOUR-ROOM house, 356 N. Sixth Ave. $25 a month dp COMPLETELY furnished house, modern, four rooms, bath, two screen porches, excellent location on corner, cool and quiet; one block to carline. From June 1 to October 1. $50. 901 E. Brill. Call between 10 a, m. and 12. dp THREE-ROOM house, modern, half block to car and paved street; two and half blocks from capitol. Nice lawn; $25 per month. 2009 W. Monroe St. Phone 3129. dp 6-ROOM house completely furnished 2 screen porches with or without garage for 4 or 5 months. References. Phone 1748. dp FOR RENT Six room and bath fur nished. Piano and sewing machine. Can be used as double house. Ready June 1st. No sick, no children. 721 N. Sixth St. - dr 6-ROOM pebble dashed, furnished, dp modern. Phone 3506. WILL, rent my beautiful new home for 3 or 4 months; splendidly and com pletely furnished; new garage, etc.: half block Indian car line. See it and owner at 315 East Willetta St. dp FOR RENT AT THE "ARIZONA," LARGEST APTS. IN ARIZONA. FREE GARAGE. SUMMER RATES. THIRD rAND ROOSEVELT STS. PHONE 674. 5dp TWO-ROOM cottage, gas, electricity; adults. 33 E. Adams. free showers. See Conrad. tf Rooms and Board ROOM AND BOARD, $12 week; no sick. 922 E. Taylor. J?s ROOM and Brill car line. board 1 block 514 N. 9th St. from ROOM and board, home cooking. E. Washington St. 720 PS PHOENIX. SANATORIUM Diseases of the throat and chest a specialty. 2227 N. Central Ave. Phone 4159. if CALIFORNIA INN S50 N. Sixth Ave. Cool, comfortable rooms with board: no sick. 6? MOUNTAIN AIR SANITARIUM In the foothills, ideal for health seeker. Phone 2.111. tf PARKVIEW Place, modern home for health seekers. Open all summer. Phone 1311. P. O. Box 1383. 6-n ANNEX dining room; meals served family style; special rates by week or month. 515 N. Central ave. tf For Rent Furnished Rooms 14 XICELY furnished front room with sleeping- porch suitable for two. Break fast if desired. Phone 8476. dp 1 LARGE front room, exceptionally high ceiling; private front entrance. 1119 W. Adams. to BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room with piano; connecting screen room. 378 N. 1st Ave. dr NICE furnished St Phone 3969. room. - 910 N. 6th b TWO nice front rooms, connecting bath, suitable for couple. 612 N. Sec ond Ave. Phone 2620. dr TWO furnished houses for rent, with screen porches. Call at 1137 E. Fill more. gs LARGE airy front room adjoining porch, suitable for two, strictly mod ern, telephone service; also nicely fur nished screen sleeping porch for gen tleman. 706 N. First St. It FOlt RENT 12x14 screen house to person employed days; no sick, no chil dren; has stove and cois, $8 month. Apply 1125 E. Monroe after 6 p. in. gs NEWLY furnished front room, five windows, ideal for summer. 1317 W. Washington. ' gs COME TO 333 N. Second Avenue. Hot and cold water and plenty of fhade. The coolest spot that ever was made. yurnished sleeping and light housekeeping rooms. rs FOUR rooms for rent; nice, clean, cool, shady plate, $2.50 per room per work-. At 1130 Grand Ave. gb FRONT bod room for rent: gentie mcn only. i'hono 3423; 846 N. 6th Ave. dr COOL, breakfast roe St. nicely furnished if desired. 3H09 W. room; ONE large screened room for rent, close n; lots of shade. 610 S. Center, dr For Rent Apartments THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. FRIDAY MORNING, For Rent Furnished Rooms 14 NICE cool sleeping rooms with run ning water. Housekeeping room. 1 sleeping room; $15 per month. PhU lip's House, 225 N. Fourth avenue, gs FURNISHED screened sleeping room for rent. Can be used either by one or two. Outside entrance. 1140 E. Wasn inirton. dr OXE furnished room for rent; gen tleman preferred. 713 X. Central, dp ROOMS 427 V. Jefferson. dp FOR RENT Furnished room with private sleeping: porch. S.22 X, 5th Ave. LOWER four-room furnished apart ment in modern apartment house; sleeping porch, electric fan. garage, on car line; ideal for business gentlemen. Phone S543. 850 X. 5th Ave. es CLEAN", airy room, nished. 22 S. 7th Ave. newly f ur dr FURNISHED ROOMS 2 nice rooms private entrance screen porch walking distance no sick. Phone 1089 Price reasonable to permanent people. gs NICELY furnished rooms for 621 S. Central. rent, dr FURNISHED front room, bath con nection. 715 E.. Adams. gs WASHINGTON HOTEL, 22S North First St.: under new management: hot and cold water In each room; thor oughly renovated throughout. Rates reasonable. Mrs. W. H. Turley. pro prietress. For Rent Housekeeping Rooms 14 SCREEN room, with housekeeping privileges. 515 N. 3rd St. Phone 1S01. It HALF house for rent; floors, electric fan, good lawn; no sick or children. hardwood shade and Call S74S. SCREEXED porch for light house keeping for rent, furnished. 929 E. Taylor. " dr FOR REXT Furnished, clean light housekeeping rooms and sleeping porch; light, water, shade; good loca tion; summer rates. 803 W. Adams: phone 8384. dp HOUSEKEEPING rooms for batch ing, 702 E. Jefferson. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, clean and cool; fine sleeping porch. 118 X. Uth Ave. dp UNFURNISHED close in and cool. 222 E. Jefferson St. rooms for rent. No sick. Apply tf For Rent Land 15 FOR LEASE 40 acres of cotton; no Johnson; now being chopped; a good stand. Two miles east of Roosevelt school. C. L. Archer. R. F. D. 5. dp I WILL SELL you good cotton land cheaper than you can rent it. Box 81F. Republican, tf COTTON LEASE 35 acres good stand of cotton: 10 acres reserved for maize. Small house and well. 120J5. dr For Rent Store & Offices RESPONSIBLE married man will take care of home while resident is on vacation. Have no children. Could occupy June. Sd. L. II., 347 N. Fifth Ave. It GARAGE TO RENT- -324 N. Fourth dr Ave. FOR REL'T Office space, ln;Iuiin.? desks. Stewart Realty Co., Phono 199 1 17 W. Adams St. gs GARAGE and residence for rent; both brand new; good water and shade: $50 per month. South Center and Temps road. Call J. C. Davis, Phone 1562. - dr Wanted Real Estate 18'z I WANT TO BUY a good ranch or acreage from owner. Slagle, Room 3, K. of P. hall. 23 E. Washington St. tf I WANT TO BUY a home from own er. Slagle, Room 3. K. of P. hall, 23 East Washington St. tf WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOUSES. LOTS AND VAL LEY LANDS. COME IN AND GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS AND WE WILL MAKE SALES. , J. G. HARMON REALTY CO. 110 N. CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 170S dr WANTED A quarter or half section, either deeded or desert relinquishment, in Casa Grande Valley. State location, character of 60il, depth to water, im provements, price, etc. P. O. Box 3651, Lowell. Arizona. gs WANT to buy the best house that $600 cash payment will buy. Phone 4990. It Paradise Valley Lands We have customers with the cash looking for Paradise Valley lands, 40 to 320 acres. See us at once. MADISON, WITH Chas. S. Keafer IS W. Adams dr Listings Wanted We have several buyers for homes. If you want, to sell, phone 4251. BAUM & MASON 117 XT. Second Ave. dp WANTED Listings of houses and growing cot ton. GARRISON & WEISSER 119 No. 2nd Ave. Phone 3793 tf I HAVE REAL BUYERS for homes In any part of the city if jour price is right. Call Slagle. Phone 4171. tf Wanted, Situation, Male 13 STENOGRAPHER Could work evenmgs or take contract for any kind of job work all summer. Will furnish duplicating machines and typewriters. Box 7 PP. Republican. dr WORK for Cleveland Tractor. Phone 170X. 9 to 5 p. m. gb POSITION as private chauffeur, have five years' experience. Chas. JI. Seramier, 34 7 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 4065. gs WAXTED Position as truck driver or any kind of driving. Box 74 I-', Republican. dr GOOD carpenter, all round handy man. wants work. 73F. Republican, dp B )OK.KEEPER would like sot of books; can write up in own office or evenings; any system. Box 78F, Re publican. dr WANTED work for Fordson tractor. T. J. Crowl. R. No. 5- 6dn Wanted Situation, Male 19 COLORED man wants job as fry or dinner cook. 215 X. 9th St. Phone 8971. d IF IT'S PAINTING or paperhanging. we do it. Phone 3314. tf IF IT'S PAINTING or paperhanging, we do it. Quality Painting: Co, 3314. 6J 1 CLKAN your house, rugs, polish your floors, guarantee the work. John King. Phone 1249. gb KX-SKRVIUB WHS SEEK JOBS When you want help give the first chance to ex-service men. A number of men who have served U-.eir country now are looking for positions here. Phone American Lesion Headquarters. 4S3S. anJ v may oe abla tu tUl your needs " tf Wanted Situation, Female WAXTED By first-class laundress, rough dry 75c doz.. finished work. Reasonable rates. Phone 2143. tf ROUGH dry washing wanted. 4S21. Phone POSITION by Al stenographer; best of references. Address Box 76F, Re publican. dr GARAGE men and machine shop Bring your dirty coveralls to 910 N. 15th ave. I make them clean for 25 cents per pair. Phone 2413. dr YOUNG LADY would like position with fine family traveling this summer to take care of children. Box 75F, Re publican. y POSITION in insurance office. 2ls vears experience, f none hs-ju. up PLAIN sewing, children's dresses; men s dress smrts. Jnone j.5.x. LADY going east, will care for in valid or children. Part fare expected. Box 100 Cactus. Arizona gb WANTED Housecleaning or pre paring mer.'s nv lady. Phone on PHONE 8925 for nurse. tf WANTED Employment in doctor's office; best of references. Phone S93o. WANTED Spanish pupils by Span ish-American teacher. 727 E, Port land. t?b FIRST-CLASS able.. Phone 2667. Laundry; rea son -tf WANTED Family laundry. We call and deliver. 317 N. 12th St. Phon 3336. tt Wanted To Rent 20a WANTED Comfortable four or five-room home, well shaded, unfur nished. . Will take lease for year. State rental. Box 93-F. dr WANTED To rent, 4 or 6-room fur nished or partly furnished house, with porch, good shade, in good location, north of Washington, reasonable rent. Phone 3453. 381 X. 1st Ave. gs WANTED By June 1, four or five room house, screened, electric lights, phone connection, shade; steady rent er, three children; rent must be rea sonable. Phone 1405. gs WANT to rent a piano for the sumr mer. Mrs. C. A. Bennett. R. No. 1, Honshaw Road. Phone 121.Tr,. dp WANTED By married lady, place to board and room in country. Mrs. W. H. Roberts. Adams Hotel. dp WANTED 3 or 4-room house, bath, electricity and old shade. Would not object to out of town if near carline. Must be reasonable. Box S3F, Re publican. dp WANTED PASTURE. State size, kind and price. Box 2SF, Republican. dp WANTED TO LEASE Desirable 4 or 5 room unfurnished house in good neighborhood; not over $50 a month; only two in family. Address Box 61F, Republican tf LET ME RENT your house for you. I have more than 100 people waiting for a house. Call 521 E. Monroe St. Phone 8703. gb WILL take care of home for the summer while the owners are away. Phone 2420. gs Wanted Miscellaneous 21 WANTED Care and board for 7 year-old boy in good country home. Party must be healthy. Box 86F, Re publican, gs WANTED To rent piano for sum mer; best of care. Phone 3607, Wil son. gs WANTED rord Touring car; must be in good condition, late model, cheap. Four miles south, lib miles west or Southern avenue. John Williams, dp WA XT ED Cocker puppy. Phone 8642. Spaniel male gb Liberty Bonds BOUGHT FOR CASH B. H. Dodt 2 WEST ADAMS WANTED Fiano, f-econa Hand, for cash. Box 89A, Republican. tf ERIXG .US YOUR OLD SACKS Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. 125 EAST .TEFFr.SQN ST. tf WAXTED SWEET POTATO PLAXTS. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO.. 125 E. JEFFERSON. tf WE want to tuy all your rurmture. household goods, tools, harness or any thing of value. When you get ready to sell, call 2093. We will give roort than any one. Jefferson Street Auc tion HOIIFP. tf BUTCHEK STH'JK. FAT CATTLE. CALVE?. SHEEP AND HOGS. FIV.i: POINTS MARKET. PHONI- 4964. WANTED Well drilling; all worn guaranteed. Phone 4514. Robert Azbill. 6m WANTED Plowing or discing for tractor. Call 1708, office hours. gb SbOT CASH for Liberty E. Adams St. Bonds. 12.S Cb IK 1 want to buy or Bell farm Implements, furniture, wagons, har ness, call 8029 Fourteenth street and Van Burn. tf DESIRE purchase fruit and produce from producer direct, small shipments, mail or express. Quote prices and when can ship. Address M. N. Swet nam. Copper Hill. Arizona. It HIGHEST )r;ci- pa'.ff ror raei I clothing, shoes a -1 br.ts. 407 EL Wash. Phor.i- 4 77. tf WANT TO BUY 2-month-old calves. I'hono 4706. S. A. Monroe. tf WANTED Grammar grade pupil to tutor.' Phone 2160. gs 1 CAN pay you more for your second band goods and sell for loss. O. K. Exchange. 14th St. and Van Buren. rhone 029. tf MAY 28, 1920 SIX PER GENT mS PER CENT FOR SHOR Many people move to Phoenix with money to invest, but because of not knowing conditions and values hesitate to loan it until they have studied condi tions a while. Naturally they want the money to be earning something during the waiting period, and they use a Savings Account or a Bank Certificate of Deposit at four per cent for the purpose. The Gold Notes of this Company are Certificates of Deposit by another name and they pay six per cent interest, a clear gain of two per cent, with equal safety and accessibility. This Company is one of the largest capitalized in the State' and has been doing a successful business and is officered and directed by ten of the prominent men and bankers of the state. Why not get all the interest your money will bring while N STA fiaifcK Wanted Miscellaneous 21 WANTED Carpets to clean. Elec tric Carpet Cleaners. 618 S. Center, tf WANTED Veal calves, lambs, sheep, hogs, fat cows and steers. Highest market price paid. Star Market. 206 W. Washington St. Phone 18S5. tf Wanted Help, Male 22 BOY .wanted, 16 years or older, for stock handling and shipping depart ment. R. A. Watkins rtg. Co., Noll Bldg. dr LONG'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 41 Wall St., corner Jefferson 25 teamsters, S hours, $4.25. 20 laborers, 8 hours, $4.00. 4 ranch teamsters, $3.00, board. 20 ranch hands, $2.50 and $2.75. Camp cook, 6 to 8 men, $110. Dishwasher, camp, $80. Camp waiter, $75.00. Milker, $80. 6 rough carpenters, $7.00, 8 hours. WAN TED Barber, steady Ave. work, dr Kane's. 15 S. Central WANTED Six first class painters, best of wages paid. Kirchefor Co 526 W. Washington. dr WANTED Man to take contract to cut 500 cords mesquite wood near Arlington. L. W. Coggins, 130 W. Adams St., Phoenix. dp WANTED Experienced general mercantile man; must speak Spanish, Peoria Mercantile Co., Peoria. gs WAN TED Barber a t 20 N. Second dr street. WANTED All round baker, capable to take charge. v ages $15 a weeK. Good job for right party. Address Bakery, Blythe, Calif. rtr WA'Tl-"tl Art vertisiriff . KO'icitor. Specialty advertising solicitor. Salary, expenses or commission and expenses. Woman solicitor also wanted. Perma nent position to right party Apply Room 401 Adams j-iotei. n.' to i. jp 10 INSIDE wiremen and 1 line man. Bertram Elec. Co. 124 W. Washington Street tf WANTED Bell boy and elevator boy. Apply Commercial Hotel. dp WANTED Man to care for lawns and roses; salary $60, room and board. Glendale. 109R2. dp WANTED A camera man with cash for concession. Box 62F, Repub lican. dp WANTED Two first-class automo bile mechanics. Phoenix Nash Co., 21 N. Center. K WANTED Points Drug A boy. Store. Apply Five dr PH O XE B K A D M A N 4 988 PHOENIX EMPLOYMENT OFFICE RELIABLE HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. 117 S. 1ST ST. tf WANTED Man to care for poultry. Call Glendale, 10?R2. dn WANTED Cotton choppers. 11. S. Dye. corner Maryland and Seventh Aves. Phone 12R5. gs WANTED EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN. PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. tf WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERIEXCED SALESMAN FOR OUR HOUSE AND LOT DEPT. MUST BE AN ACTIVE. ENERGETIC MAN AND HAVE "OWN CAR. AN EXCELLEXT OPEXIXG FOR A MAN WHO KNOWS HIS BUSINESS. APPLY TO MR. FISHER. Davie Realty Co. 126 N. CENTRAL dn LIVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGiSNC Y 3 Cactus Way. Phone 693. Competent heio sent to any plac in the state on short notice. tt SALEM AN WANTED To sell a line that is in demand. A money maker for salesman and purchaser. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Ore. 6d WANTED low to enroll at the Prescott Busness College and loarn to earn your living while spending your vacation in the Mile-High City. Bet ter secure reservation now while we have several desirable plain rooms: also modern 2, 3 and 5-room furnished apartments; garage; on bc?;t street in city; very reasonable. The Prescott Business Colleffe, Prescott, Ariz.. Head Hotel. Phone 361. tf LEARN To .ill. a MECHANIC Practical instruction by actual work on all models of cars. ARIZONA AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL W. Adpms S:. P""n!T. Arl f NOTICE I am now open for all business. The Star Eir.p!ovn:Pnt and Real Estate office, 214 W. Washington. Phone 3514. j tf 1TEXKV 1 1 OS r;(. K A N S. long s em FLo x" m en t agency Furnishes help freo to employers. Phone C24. 41 Wall St. Cor Jeffersor. St. tf CENTRAL EMI'LU i M EXT AGENCY 1 WALL STREET PHONE 46f.. RELIABLE HKI.V r.'RMSHED t r MEXICAN help furnished free of charge to employer. Central Employ ment Agency. 15 Wall st- Phone 46S. SPANISH AMERICAN EMPLOY MENT AGENCY. 506 S. Central. Phone 3773. Mexican help on short notice. tf CEMENT finishers wanted, for curb and gutter work. 203 O'Neil building. Telephone 4208. tf TEAD T TIPIE m looking lor a permanent TES iECURITIES Jefferson Hotel Building Wanted Help, Male 22 WANTED at once, experienced shoe salesman. GOLDWATER BROS. dn WANTED An experienced grocery stock man; unless experienced do not apply. Phone 8479. tf RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT OFFICH If in ii.ed of first- class ne!p call on us. 233 S. Central. Phor.- 177?.. t COMMERCIAL Employment Bureau. High-class office, sales and technical positions. Hours 10 to 1 and 2 to S:30. Room 12. 122 W. Wash. St. Phone 1395. tf COTTON choppers. Corner Central Ave. and Thomas road. gs Wanted Help, Female 23 WANTED Housekeeper for 2 men; in country; light work; no objection to small child. J. Bolen, Chandler, R. R. Xo. 1. dr HELP WANTED Wanted at once, thoroughly exper ienced and compe tent saleswomen for Corsets, House Dresses, Dry Goods and Basement Ready - to - Wear, Cashierl All steady positions, good sala- A 1 , nes. Apply at Jtsos ton Store. It WANTED A girl to work at Woods' Candy Kitchen. 144 E. Washington St. dp WANTED By widower, at once, lady to cook for one on ranch. Call Phone 30JU for W. C. Lewis. dr WANTED Lady ' pressor. Jones Cleaning Works. 225 W. Adams. dr DISHWASHER wanted. Inn. California WANTED Good sales girl. Apply Barker Bakery. dr WANTED tel Adams. -Telephone operator. Ho dr WANTED Woman or girl to care for boy 7 years old; also do light house work. Pox S7F. Republican. gs WANTED An experienced bormnid. 215 S. Maryland St. cham- WANTED Competant exper ienced, stenogra pher. Apply Box 85-F Republican. WANTED Several young ladies tor evening work. Apply Soda Fountain at dance hall. Riverside Park. dr WANTED - Wait ress: must be exper ienced. White House Cafe, 435-437 West Washington, $17 per week, 8-hour shift. tr WANTED At 230 N. 2d ave lady helpers in a dressmaking shop. dn WANTED White woman Y. W. C. A., 806 N. 2d St. for cook. dp WAXTED Two waitresses. California, restaurant. Apply dp SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING New classes begin June 7 at the Gregg Shorthand School, second floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. dr WAXTED A BRTOHT INTELLI GENT STENOGRAPHER. PREFER ONE LIVING AT HOME. PERMA NENT WORK. SALARY DEPEXDS OX ABILITY AND INITIATIVE. AP PLY MR. THOMAS. OVERLAND ARIZONA CO. dr COMMERCIAL Employment Bureau, -class office, sales and technical positions. Hours 10 to 1 and 2 to 6:30. Boom 12. 122 W. Wash. St. Phone 1T3 5. tf WAXTED A middle aged lady to cook in small restaurant, long j)osition. $S5.00 per month. Lock Box A. Well ton. Ariz. dr WANTED A bookkeeper and sten ographer, one experienced in fire in surance preferred. E. E. Tascoe, 10 W. Van Buren. i OF investment: Money to Loan 25 WANTED Loan of $1,000 for 90 days; will pay a commission for same. Have ample securjty. Box 89F, Re publican, g WANTED $1500 loan on new house; $1000 now and balance when house is complete; will pay 10 per cent first year. 233S N. 3rd St. La Belle Place. dp WANT to borrow $3000 on $750tf home. R. W. Hales, 16 E. Adams. PHone 1586. dp Money to Loan tTnllmited funds to loan on improve Salt River Valley ranch lands and In come business property. D WIGHT B. HEARD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS. CENTRAL & ADAMS tf $1500 TO LOAN oi. pood town prop erty. Apply 215 W. Washington. M. H. Shelton. tf MONEY TO LOAI on Improved city property or for building; purposes, at lowest rales. E 1 Paacos. 19 Wast Van Buren St. tf MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city and country propty. erty. L .L. Plank. Real Estat and Loans. 220 Fleming block. tf MONEY to loan on real estate se curity: mortgages bought and sold. J. E. Geare. J2 W. Wash. St. PUone 185. tf CHATTEL LOANS EASY TO GET in sums up to $300 at lawful rates on your furniture, piano, automobile, live stock. Implements, eta Repay in small monthly Installments, if desired; am ple funds; Just and courteous treat ment; ttrlctly confidential. Peopls'i Loan and Invest. Co. 23 E. Washing ton St Phom 1396. tf IdU.NKI to loan on improved rancii or city property. No delay. E. A. MARSHALL West Adams St. tl Lost and Found 29 STRAYED from J. IT. Rhodes' ranch corner McDowell and Four-mile Road brown muley Jersey cow, branded E X on hip. phonf 15.12. ki LOST Two girls' Finder call 44.12. t'athing- suits. dr LOST On Washington street, two suits woman's Poliyanna underwear, white trimmed with pink ribbon, glz" 36. Return to Ciold water's. it LOST A large old-fashioned cameo pin between French Shop and Faywajs or between Faywaya to Fleming l?lir. Return Mrs. Claufen at French Shop. Reward. LOST Kodak, left in machine coin ing from Forest park Sunday evening Notify Anthony, 42 X'o. Center. ! LOST Diamond brooch in or near School of Music. Return to 1S"0 North Third street. Reward. STRAYED Black mate mule, weign ing about 3 250 lbs., with sear on right jaw. If found please notify R. K Kees'er, 55 Weldon Ave. CAME to my ranch on Osorn ro;ul, ?i mile west of Center St., 4 hnr?r one mule, hobbled. Owner can eay by paying cost. Clarence Gould. dr STRAYED to my place 2 work horses. Owner can have fame by iden tifying. Call 200R3 or Meyers Farmer At Co.. Tolleson. n FOUND On road between Huls;dn and Congress Junction, one Armstrong cord tire. No. 5632, size 3"x5. Commu nicate with Ernest O. Walker, Biolog ical Survey Office, Phoenix. dn CAME to my house on May 6. two Holstein calves. Owner may hav same by paying cost. Phone f.Rll. ln LOST Saturday night a: Donofrio s new dress wrapped in paper. P;o return to Switzcr's Style Shop anJ re ceive reward. LOST A leather hand grip of tool. between 5th and 12th Sts. and Washing-ton and Madison. Liberal reward. Call at Republican. Box 69F. dp STRAYED to 1700 E. Roosevelt, ono gray mare about 1100 lbs., unbranded, and one dark yearling female colt, branded Y on left hip. Owner call and ray expenses. rir UNCLAIMED one hrown male mule, weight about 1,200 lbs., hair clipped cross on left hip. Branded 7 on right shoulder. Inquire Salt River Vallev Water Users' Association, Phoenix. Phone 612. dr Business Chances 27 FOR SALE Tailor shop. I havs worked u splendid trade, finest loca tion in city. Will almost give it away. I must leave city. For particulars call at 111 S. First St.. City. dr I HAVE one hundred shares of stock IN CENTER OIL COMPANY' of TEXAS I will sell for $200. This com pany has 80 ncres in center of pro duction, valued at one hundred sixty thousand dollars, and is now drilling. Total amount of stock issued t.s forty thousand shares. This is a sure win ner, but I need the cash. Box 8SF. Republican -X FOR SALE Xew restaurant I -owner; long lease. Apply 27 E. Adams. g WILL SELL or trade rabl.iicry. this opportunity. 1 1 :V? K. WilVtn. S e ' FOR SALE -Lease and furniture of 11-roouj house part housekeeping low rent An exceptional bargain at $1300 $750 cash; bal. monthlv. HOLT REALTY 'O. 40 EAST ADAMS drt SILVER property adjoining the l-ig silver strike at Ray. Arizona, to lea to responsible parties. For parti-'ii-l;,rs- address 1'ov Rem; ! : . :'i tr-i IK YOU have a busines oppi i t ! n i i for sale list with us--we e-t results. SOUTHWEST REALTY CO. 23 East Washington Street, Up Stairs t: COMPANY r ( i r I