Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1920 PAGE NINETEEN J J -27" FOR SALK A good paving, bu mess Ideal location. $2500 will handlr. Al- ilCSS 1' o. linx 63 Phoenix. lr Wanted, Partner Who can invest about $6000 in a good, sound, well established business earning from $700 to $900 monthly. Would like partner who could take ac tive interest, as this business could be made a bis proposition with invest ment secure. Apply r.ox &51", Repub lican; g GARAGE rou SALE Fully equipped battery service sta tion and auto repair shop In livest small town in Arizona. Fine proposi tion for first-class mechanic. Box S4F, Republic am ; gb WANTED Partner in cleaning and pressing business as outside man; small capital required. Phone 4136. gw GO(.)U cash business for sale; smalt amount will handle. 1145 E. Portland. dp SHOE SHOP for sale at Second St. 31 Nortn dr ONE of the best equipped automobile and machine shops in the state. With all equipment. Inquire Box 1SD, Re publican, tf Business Chances Government Land Can show you desirable homestead or desert clair lands in Maricopa s county. Charges reasonable. Call at ' 119 North Second Ave. frs Special Notices WANTED If you ihink you have paid too much freight charges on your household effects or other goods, bring your freight bills or bills of lading to the Arizona Traffic Association, IS Donofrio Eldg., 11 W. Adams street. Phoenix. 5dp NOTICE I herewith withdraw all of my property listed for sale. E. Viault. dr NOTICE to all Real Estate Dealers: My property at 71- N. 1 hire! t-t. is withdrawn from the market. J. W. I Greer. dr f THE firm of Shockley & McCrevey hts dissolved partnership. I will not be responsible for any debts contract ed by this firm. J. T. McCrevey. dp WANTED - Infor mation regarding P. 0. Address and whereabouts of L. L. Dickerson, whose old address was 1125 E. Pierce, Phoenix. .Standard Furniture Company. dr DAVE D1DIT. the Sign Painter. West Washington. Phone 2770. 514 Accountants JOHN W. WAGNER Certified Public Accountant. Room 3, Central Bldg. 139 N. Cent. Phone 1223 Attorneys-at-Law WELDON J. BAILEY O'Neill Bids. . Phone 15 tf Auctions J. B. GUESS. AUCTIONEER Pales called any place. Satisfaction r":ar'T''Teer1 Phono 4296- tf Auto Laundries MOSE WALKER 60S W. Wnshington St. tf Auto Time Table GULLIAM'S STAGE LINE TOLLESON CASH ION AVONIiALE LITCHFIELD Stages leave First and Washington 'ftreets at 8 a. m.. 10 a. m.. 12 dood. 2 p. in . 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. Telephone 4183 tl OVER APACHE TRAIL Union Auto Transportation Company CADILLAC "8" SERVICE Globe-Miamt via Roosevelt Dam Leave Globe-Miami 8:30 a m. dally. Leave Phoenix 8: 20 a. m. dally. Florence stage leaves Phoenix 4 p. m. Arrives Florence 7:30 p. m. Leaves Florence 8 a. m. Arrives Phoenix 11: 0 a, m. Office 11 Eat Jeffern. Phone 71L Auto Painting DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 613 S Central ave. Pbor- 4677 tf Auto Wrecking j-Lnj-urui "" ii -) - iii i Lri.nitr STEINBERG AUTO WRECKING CO. A MILLION AUTO PARTS 21-431 N. -?ntral Ave. Phone 482 tf AUTO SALVAGE CO. Highest prices paid for cars. Partu for nil models. 412 W. Adams. tf Awnings MEDIUM and heavy grade tents, all size, made to order. We make every thing known that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent Awning Cq., corner First and Monroe Sts Phone 141L tf Autos for Rent AUTOS FOR RENT Without driver by hour, day or week Phone 1474. Rear 201 N. Center. tf Bicycles PHOENIX CI CLE COMPANY Harry Crandall, Prop. 108 East Adams Phone 1717 tt ICING BROTHERS 110 E. Adams Chiropractic DR. E. E. HELFRICH. ropractor Phone 4949 Street licensed chl 309 N First tf Collections SH EDO'S MERCANTILE SERVICE Collects your slow and bad accounts '!''. Kb-mins: R I -1 '-. Phone 1S-;i. tf f Contractor and Builder CRISMAN CO General contractors. Estimates fur nished No building too large or small. 21 S. 5Ui Ave. rhone 1923. tf Carpet Cleaning OHIO TUEC ELECT RIC SUCTION SWEEPERS For a1 or rent o-i easy payment plans ARIZ. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO. IF YOU WANT your carpets c".ean?Q clean. phoM 733. Tb fcJMtrJc Carper i Cleaners- Chiropo'dist CHIROPODY Bunions. corns, cal louses removed; painless and blood less. 50c each; moles, warts, etc.. re moved by electricity. 29-31 E. Adams St. Frank Shirley. Ph"ne 3.704. xt Corsetiere SPIRELLA CORSETS Miss 1014 East Taylor. Phone 8169 Smith, tf SPIRELLA CORSETIERE Mrs. Kuhlwilm 706 W. Madison, Phone 1442 tf Carpenter Work GENERAL CARPENTER WORK Contracts, repairing-, cabinet making FRANK O. IIERMANCE, 1133 E. Van P.uren Rhone S660 6ds Carpenter work, jobbing and repair ing. G. A. Jones. 163S 10. Van Buren. tf Dentists DR. MORRISON Sanitary System Phon 308936 E- Washington tf Dresses and Shirts HOUSE dresses, bungalow aprons, and nurses' uniforms made to measure. ALSO Men's shlrta made to measure. MANNING APRON CO. Phone 2405 Second Ave. and Monroe Dressmaking SEWING for children a specialty. v T, , T , i 1199 TP 11 r.-.! .. 1 eon FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Phone 6dm (2770. DRESSMAKING. Call from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 756 E. Fillmore. dh FIRST CLASS dressmaking Washington. 514 W. ds First class dressmaKmg. Gullck and Flagler ,343 N. yd Ave. Phone 2531. tf UP - TO - DATE DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATION. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 321 E. Pierce St FIRST-CLASS Gowns and suits Weatherholt. 230 : 2607. UhilSSilAKINQ i specialty. Mrs. F. ;. Second Ave. Phone tf fJRESSMAKIira AND ART NEEDLEWORK Miss Smith. Room 31. Annt hoteU tf Detective Bureaus Commercial Detective Bureau Investigations of all kinds. 10 to 1 p. m. Hours 2 to 6:30 p. m. Room 12. 122 W. Wash. Phone 7 395 Disc Sharpening COLD rolled disc sharpeneing. No grinding. Smallest cultivator to larg est plow discs. R. A. West. 707 S. Center. Phone 1727. tf Fuel and Feed Hav Grain and Wood for sale. Five Points Wood Coal yard, 728 Grand ave. Phon lv. tl Electrical Dealers HOEPPNER ELECTRIC & MACHINT5 COMPANY Everything Electrical tf We repair electric motors and fans, motor rewindi'. elevators maintained nd repaired. Vinson Bros, and Carter. 28 N. 2nd ave. Phone 2598. tf Furniture Repaired MARE ISLAND FURNITURE SHOP. I repair your furniture, do your packing and all kinds of carpenter work. All I want is a chance to show you. I also buy your second hand furniture. 15 E. Hadley St.. In rear. M. Arons, prop. Phone 8767. 61 Floor Scraping PHONE 1405. First-class work. tf Fruits and Vegetables Send rs your order for Grapefruit. Oranges, and all other assorted fruits Bhinping is our epeclc.lty. SANITARY FRUIT CO. 616 West Van Unrein Strwt tt Hats Cleaned and Blocked All kinds of hats cleaned and blocked. 6 E. Washington St. tf Hair Dressing CLASSIQU.-: DEN STUDIO Shampooing, soft water, hair dyeing, chiropody, children's hair cut, Violet Ray treatment. SI N. Cntr. Ph. 704. Insurance J. E. GEARE Sevf location, 142 W. Wash. Fire. Auto Ins. l,oan. Notary Publla Jeweler and Watchmaker M. Meckler & Co.. 305 E. Washington, expert watchmaker and jeweler. tf CHAS. A. First Ave, SHELDON Phone 8385 106 N. Livery Stables HORSES, mules, buggies and harness for sale. Monroe Corral. 616 W. Mon roe. Phone 3392. tf STAR CORRAL ND FEED YARD Open day and night. Good eaddlers and buggy horses. Call and see taa. William F. Cavnecs. 2nd Ave. and Madison St. Phone 4131. tf E. A. STARR LIVERY SADDLERS. DRIVERS AND RIGS. 74 WEST VAN BUREN. PHONE 1063. tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened NEAL, the expert on lawn mowers and saws, r t Taylor's Auction yard, 3rd Ave. and Washington. I repair any old thing. Phone 1917. tf Motorcycles INDIAN MOTORCYCLES New and second hand machines. 87 N 2.1 St Phone 1754 Machines FAIRBANKS. Morse & Co., engines, pumps, motors, etc. Smith Hughes & Co.. Third Ave and Jeiferson. Phone 606 tf Millinery FIRST CLASS trimmer wiil call at vour home and trim your hat3. Phone sr.fis. 6d LADIES MAT SHOP CM bats remodeled. Hi E. Roosevelt Mechanical Engineer e. t. I So N. ADAMS. M. E. CENTRAL A.VE Piano Instruction MRS REILY, COS X. S5 36. 11th St. Phone tr i Navajo Rugs 0nuln Navajo Rugs and Hlankat MRS E. W. WHEELER 06 N 2nd St Phons 27 tf Photographers for Fine Portraits THE RUSSELL STUDIO Phone 4 5SS S3 E. Washington tf Printinn r-i-L-u-.r .r-.rn.ujwuiuuiAT,u.w i-TUXr.! uri- j:arrn n(ar Hfji. Plans aild SPeCifl- WESTEPN PRINTING CO 1 cations may b obtained from the Pres Washiniton ai;d Third Sts. Phone 1239 i Mont's office, University of Arizona, or J-i from Mr. C. J. Wood, Mesa, together M. M. HAVES PRINTING CO. Fine office printing our specialty. 12 Wn'l St. Phone 49 t6 tf SPANISH PRINTING Translation. Spanish to English, English to Spanish, 62 South Third street. tl Produce For table use sna canning Phoenix. Fruit and Produce Company Phone 1780-1402 101 West Jeffersoo tt Pianos and Players pianos and pla Vers" Largest stock of high grade Instru ments in Arizona. Bargains In used pianos. Repairs and ref inlshlng. REDE WILL'S 222 West Washington Strt Piano Tuning S. L. HAMILTON. Piano Tuner. Sixteenth year in "honn 320. Faint Supplies MATHEWS PAINT CO, 219 N. CENTRAL AVE.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES. ETC. PHONE 125i HROWT DELIVERY Plating We i .-plate all kinds of metal, brass, i liver, nickel and copper. Phoenix Plat Irg Co.. lo E. Adams tt Plumbing STANDARD PLUMBING CO. T47 Grand Ace. Phone 494S. Public Stenographer MISS HOUGHTON. Bldg. Phone 1789 408 Fleming tt MRS. Phone 4 TAYLOR, rsc. 17 Adams, dp Repair Garage and Black smithing PEOPLE'S GARAGE and blacksmith 6hop; all work guaranteed. G. S. Rid. gers. Prop. 31 So. 3rd St. Phone 1316. Real Estate Offices Real Estate, Loans and Insurance W. S. DORMAN I15.W. Washington. Phone 27 tf HOLT REALTY CO. ' City, Suburban and Ranch Property Business Chances and Rentals 40 E. Adams Phone 1910 tt CENTRAL ARIZONA LAND CO." Specialty Casa Grande Valley Lands 416 National Bank of Arizona Building ROY NEBLETT REALTY CO. 110 North Central Phone 1709 tt D WIGHT H. HEARD Insurance Loans Investments Real Est. CENTRAL AND ADAMS tf Real Estate Loans Insurance FRANK R. STEWART M. of R. B. PHONE 1(11 Phone 199717 W- Aduma St. U JORDAN, GRACE & PHELPS Everything in Real Estate 1S7 N Central A- Phone 117S Radiator Repairing C. K. SEFTON r33 E. Washington tf Sign Painting UNION SIGN CO. Elfcs Theater Basement. Phone 4225. 5heet Metal Works PHOENIX SHEET METAL WORKS 220 W. Washington St. Phone 3589. tf ARIZONA Metal Products Co. do all classes of sheet metal work. 505 East Washington st Phone 4110. tf Second Hand Wagons and Harness w. 402 E. Jefferson II. GRAY Phone 4130 tf Storage Batteries STORAGE BATTERIES Manufacturers ot batteries and elec trical appliances. PHOENIX AUTO ELECTRIC CO. ' 407 W. Washington. tt School of Music Everything in music, expression. language and dmrlng. "pane 1009. tf Transfer and Storage CHAMBERS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Any kind of hauling. Fireproof storage, phon? 1228 or 3526 tf Eabsgage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage. Llghtnlns Delivery Co.. 42 S Center. q,r. nes H0S4 and 12. tf Tires GENUINE Caterpillar tires save you money and trouble. Also cars for sale. Repairing done. 719 W. Washlnston. Undertakers & Embalmers YARWOOD & HOCKREY Funeral directors and embalmers. 334 W. Monw. rhone 3099. tf Tel. 1670 H. M. MAUS Tel. 311 North First Ave. 1929 tt J. T. WHITNEY 14 WEST ADAM'' STREET tf THE GEO. F. MEKRYMAN CO, 124 North Second Avenue. Phonw S51 tt MOORE McLELLAN Funeral directors ttrd embalmers. 829 West A-)4m Sr. Phone ai. tf Used Car Agencies Cars bought, sold and exchanged. Harper-Parthum Motor Co., 245 N. 1 street. 1st tf Vulcanizing &. Retreading ' HOST modern cquinmr i.t in town ' r-.4 I- j-. - et n rrnn with IS var' txperiinc; satisfaction guaranteed. TV1I.KY-WA RTMAN OIL CO. tf Wall Paper and Varnish CHICAGO WALL PAPER CO. 327 W. Wavh. f'brr 634 ff Women's Exchange WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 115 N. Second Ave I'r.or.e "83 tf Legal Advertising LEGAL NOTICE On or before Juno first, nineteen twenty, th3 Board of Regents 0f the University of Arizona will receive j sealed proposals for general contract covering construction of a residence at the University of Arizona Experiment with full Information as to the proposed work, and are on file for inspection at the President's office. University of Arizona. Contractors desiring to submit pro posals may obtain full or partial sets of plans and specifications for esti mates on request or by appointment, and the returns of such plans and specifications must be guaranteed by a deposit of $25 which deposit will be refunded on the return of the plans and specifications In good order. Every such proposal must be accompanied by certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid included in the pro posal as a guarantee of the Intent of the contractor to enter Into a contract with the University of Arizona to well and truly perform all the matters in cluded in said proposal, and in accord ance with plans and specifications or as liquidated damages in the event of fail ure or refusal. on the part of the con tractor to enter into contract as above named. Said certified check will be returned to the contractor whose proposal is not accepted, and to the successful con tractor upon execution of a satisfactory bond and contract hereinafter provided. The University of Arizona reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to withhold the award if for any rea son it may so determine. o IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of Maricopa County, State of Arizona In the Matter of the Estate of Lulu P. Bradbury, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION Notice is hereby given that Charles C. Bradbury has filed in this Court a certain document purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Lulu P. Bradbury, together with hie petition praying that said document be admit ted to probate in this Court as the last Will and Testament of paid Lulu P. Bradbury, who, said petitioner al leges. Is deceased, and that letters gtes tamentary Issue thereon to said peti tioner, and that same will be heard on Tuesday, the first day of June, A. D. 1920, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the courtroom of paid Court, In the Court House, in the City of Phoenix, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said pe titioner should not ce granted. CLAUDE S. BERRYMAN. (Seal) Clerk. By W. II. LINVILLE. Deputy Clerk. Dated May 20. 1920. ' o NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until 2 p. m.. May 31st, 1920, at the office of the Greenlee County Highway Commis sion. Clifton, Arizona, for the construc tion of a bridge across Railroad Wash on the Clifton-Franklin Highway, Fed eral Aid Project No. 13. The work consists of two 32-foot Standard Reinforced Concrete Girder Spans. All bids shall be addressed to Thos. Maddock, State Engineer, care of the Greenlee County Highway Commission. Clifton, Arizona, and plainly marked on the outside of the envelope, State Highway Contract, Railroad Wash Bridge. All bids shall be accompanied by an unendorsed certified or cashier's check for 5 of the gross amount of the bid, payable to the State Treasurer of Ari zona, The State Engineer reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Copies of the plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State En gineer. Phoenix, Arizona, or at the of fice of the Greenlee County Highway Commission, Clifton, Arizona. Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained on payment of $5.00 to the State Engineer. Satisfactory bonds will be required of the contractor to whom award is made. THOS. MADDOCK. State Engineer. Phoenix, Arizona. May 3. 1920. May S, 15. 23, 2S, 1920. o NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the As sessment Roll of Maricopa County. State of Arizona, for the year 1920, has been filed in the office of the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, where the same may ba inspected b3' those desiring to do so. The Board of Supervisors will sit as a Board of Equalization commencing Tuesday, June first, 1920, and con tinue its session until the afternoon of June tenth. 1920. CLARENCE I,. STAND AGE. Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Maricopa County, Arizona. : o VERDE RIVER GRAVITY WATER SUPPLY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Phoenix. Arizona. Sealed bids will be received until June 16th, 1920, 10 a. m., by V. A. Thompson. City Manager, Phoenix, Arizona, for the installation complete of an infiltration intake system, con sisting of approximately 13.000 lin. feet of 60-inch reinforced concrete pipe, in accordance with plans ana specifications now on file with the City Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona. Trench excavation varies from one to twenty-five foot cut. Five 5'4) per cent deposit will be required with all bids. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona, or copies may be necured for a payment of $5.00. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or parts thereof. V. A. THOMPSON, City Manager. VERDE RIVER GRAVITY WATER SUPPLY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Phoenix, Arizona. Sealed bids will be received until June 16th, 1920, 10 a. m.. by V. A. Thompson, City Manager Phoenix, Ari zona, for the furnishing of materials, equipment, labor, etc., as specifically mentioned in the nlans. nrofiles. and specifications now on file at the City Ktifflnoor' office, f'ifv lb!!. T'hoeti i v Arizona. The work consists of excavating find back-filling a pipe line trench; con- structing and placing of foundat ions, trestles, and other appurtenances in- cidcntal to the installation of approx- imately thirty-two (32) miles of 36- inch sjid 3S-inch Redwood Continuous - the stave pipe line, from a point on Verde River to the City of Phoenix, ArUcna; and for the furnishing of ail water for filling and m lintutmng full the completed poi tiou or portions ot said pipe line dun at: t!: construction and test period. of said pipe line; and for the hauling and distributing of ail materials u: e.l in the consu;.ctioa of the pipe lire as specified iu th3 speci fications above referred to. 1-lve (u-.? per cent deposit vih '-e required witli ail Diets. I'lans. proriies ami specifications may be seen at the office of the City Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona, or copies may be secured for a payment of $5.00. The right is here by res'-rvi-dto reject any and all bids, or parts thereof. V. A. THOMPSON, City Manager. o NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals, addressed to MIT SIMMS, Secretary of State. State House, Phoenix, Arizona, endorsed "Proposal for Printing the 1920 Initia tive and Referendum Publicity Pam phlet for State of Arizona'' will be re ceived by the said Secretary until 2 p. in.. June 15. 1520, a-nd will be opened in the presence of bidders at the above place at 2:15 p. m. June 15, 1920, and thereafter considered. RIDS NOT MARKED ON ENVEL OPE AS REQUIRED WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Specifications may be obtained upon applying to the Secretary of State. Prices must be f. o. b., Capitol Building.-Phoenix, Arizona. The Secretary of Sta.te reserves all rights to accept or reject any bid, or to waive any informality in any part, as the interest of the State may re quire. MIT SIMMS. Secretary of State. o NEW YORK. May 27. Trading in stocks today fell considerably under the recent average, but the undertone of the market was steady to strong. Profit taking and bear pressure ma terially reduced many gains at the close. Sentiment among the profes sional element was favorably influenced by news of the arrival at Pacific coast points of several large consignments of gold from the Orient. This was ac companied by reports that a similar movement from South America may soon set in. The origin of the gold from the Far East was somewhat obscured, but it is understood the metal will be applied toward payment of the Anglo-French $500,000,000 loan maturing next Oc tober. Movements of foreign exchange were rather confused, rates to most of the middle and eastern European centers receding while bills on London strengthened. The reaction in German and Austrian remittances tended to confirm belief that the recent advance of marks ami crowns was largely due to speculation. Rumors that a large loan to Belgium is approaching the stage of completion lacked confirmation. Rankers identi fied with previous loans to that country intimated that credits expiring at the mid-year are likely to be renewed. Call money was again available in large amounts at 6 per cent, but bids for time funds at Si- and per cent evoked little response. The retrograde movement in industrial conditions was again most apparent in the textile and leather trades. Pools enlivened the dull stock mar ket by advancing prices of various specialties, oils, motors, steels and equipments were taken In hand at times with rails, shipping and food issues. Sales,, 625,000 shares. Liberty bonds were distinctly strong, also French mu nicipals, the general domestic list also tending higher. Total sales (par value). $16,500,000. Old U. S. bonds unchanged on call. PRODUCE Chicago CHICAGO. May 27. Butter, lower; creamery, 411? 52c. Eggs, higher; re ceipts, 9.44 4 cases; firsts, 29 it 40c; or dinary firsts, 354 St 36 ',3 c: at mark, cases included. 37 33c; storage pack extras, 43c; storage packed firsts, 42Vi ji42c. Poultry, alive, lower; fowls, 34c. Potatoes, receipts, 47 cars: northern white, packed and bulk, $7.504i 7.75; new, weaker; Florida No. 1. barrels. $14.73ii 15.00; Louisiana white, $7.50 8.00 cwt. Kansas City KANSAS CITY, May 27. Butter and poultry unchanged. Eggs lc higher; firsts, 3Sc. METALS NEW YORK. May 27. Copper and iron unchanged. Tin, spot, $52.00; June, $31,25; July, $51.00. Antimony, $9.25. Lead, firm; spot and May, $8.S5 asked. Zinc, quiet; East St. Louis, spot, $7.40(i?7.70. GRAIN CHICAGO, May 27. Close: Corn. May. $1.94; July, Sl.CS'i Sop- tern be r. $1.55";. Oats, May, $1.04; tember, 76'ic. Pork, July, $34.95; Lard, Julv, 121.27; Ribs. July, $18.4 5; July. S9Tc; Scp- Septcmber, $37.50. September, $22.07. September. $19.17. COTTON NEW YORK, May 27 Cotton closed easy, net unchanged to 32 points higher. LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK, May 27 Liberty bonds today were strong, closing at: 3Vis, $91.60; first 4s, JS6.30; seconds 4s, $S6.00; first 4'is, $87.10; second 41is, $S6.40; third 4!4s, $90.70; fourth 44s, $87.14; Victory 434s, $96.10. $96.1; Victory COPPER NEW YORK, May 27 Cc-per changed. Bar silver $1.02. LIVE STOCK Kansas City KANSAS CITY. May 27 t. reau of Markets') CATTLE: 3.500; best steers steady; let!: 6i 11.75; no choice stock oi'tei she-stock and yearlings weak; veals and calves stead good and choice veals, $11.7." v HOGS Receipts, 11,00.; lis medium steady to 10c higher: weak: heavy 10c higher.. Tor. r.' U'ts, 111.00 'J, fat . n.nd : bulls .2.5'1. 'it and iosed T 54,80; bulk light and medium,' $ 14.- 1 1 1. 75; bulk heavy, $ 14.25 Cu U. 60. SHEEP Receipts, S.OO. -rring lambs mostly 25c higher; p'und California lambs, $15.25; odl bvnehes natives, $16.25; sheep slow ; l,2-';- Texas wethers, $10.00. Chicago CHICAGO. JInv 27 (I. S. T! Markets) CATTLE: R.. iu of ;!.000; early isses ogna ;toek. j b'-pf steers steady i sales, S11.25' 13.1f to r ! all mostly stead v; bulk "' i:.3(;"fcw lots 'it $11.0'': ' j hulls mostly $S..V); j $ 'S.50 -ft I O.un. j HOGS Receipts. 2S higher; big packers. i j $16.15; bulk lijrht an5 I SI 4.90 Si 13.1 0; bulk 250 : s'y 25c - Top, i tellers, d over. Legal Advertising $14. ".I'll 14.75; pigs 25c higher with bulk i 112.00-rj- 12.50. j SHEEP Receipts, 12,000; lambs ! cipnilv to "Tif hiErher- heen nnevenelv lower; choice California shorn lambs', $17.50; good handy weight shorn lambs, $16.30; choice fat ewes, $1.1.00. Denver DENVER. Colo.. May 27 CATTLE : Receipts. X.30C; strong, 15c higher; beef steers, $11 .23 12. ."0 ; cows and heifers, $9.25iii-1 1.00; stoekers and feeders, 5 8.2r, 'u 10.7.r; calves, $l3.00Cu 16.50. t HOGS Receipts, 1.300; market 15 to i o.-K, higher; top $i4...o; bulk, $!... 14.25. SHEEP Receipts, 2,100; strong: Iambs, J 6.25 & 17.50; ewes, $11.00 12.00. CompJitd for The Republican br i R, Aliyn Lewis. E, F. Hutton & ! Co.'a leased wire. Hotel Adam Build lijr. J19 North Centra! Ave Anaconda Butte Calumet & Arizona .... "erro de Pasco , Chino Inspiration Kennecott Miami Ray Cons Utah Aritex Big Ledge Calumet & Jerome .... Dundee Green Monster Jerome Verde Magma Magma Chief New Cornelia Ray Hercules u . .60 '" . -44- . 32 . .52 ..27'i . .20 ' a . .17 . . C3U 2 A 30 '9 16'i 17 Silver King 1 United Eastern 3i Verde Extension 20 Verde Combination y o 178 3- frn if Among the arrivals scheduled for to day will be a carload of potatoes, which will tend to equalize supply and de mand for that staple here. A car of California Sunkist lemons was received yesterday by one local wholesale pro duce company. Every morning the local market is supplied with a large shipment of choice vegetables and delicious berries and fruits from California. The local vegetable supply will be of little help in supplying the demand here this summer, due to the hailstorm, which ruined a large acreage of truck gardens. The produce market yesterday was as follows: from To Eges. candled, cases re turned ...J .42 $ ... iTytrs, lb 25 ... Feterita 2.90 ... Kaffir corn 2.90 What. cwt 4.25 Barley 3.00 ' Alfalfa 33.00 Bran, sack 1.85 ... - MIlo Maize 3.35 Retail Selling Prices Almonds, lb .40 .BO TurKeys 43 Hens 38 Butter 70 Sugar, 1 lb 26 Flour. 24-lb. sack .. 1.75 2.10 Pe!l peppers, lb 50 ... Green chill, lb 60 . ' Cabbage 03 Cauliflower 20 Rhubarb, lb 15 Lemons, dozen 40 45 Oranges, dozen .. .40 .71 Bunch vegetables, 3 for .10 Lettuce, per head 10 .15 Dry onions 08 Celery, bunch 2S .( Potatoes, lb u mw New Potatoes, lb I2i ". Brazil nuts. lb. 50 Hazel nuts. lb. 45 Walnuts, lb .40 (0 Olives, qt, 85 Orsrefruit, per dozen... .40 J.00 Tomatoes, lb 20 Cucumbers, each 10 Tangarlnes. dozen $0 Dromedary dates, pkg... .25 .l Lima beans, lb 20 Artichokes, each 25 ... Cabbage, red 15 Bananas. 1 lb. for. 15 Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs for .20 Strawberries 30 .40 Peas. lb. 22 .33 String beans, lb 224 "... Apricots, 3 lb. for 25 Squash, 2 lb. for 25 Blackberries, box ....... .35 Raspberries, box 33 Cherries, lb 30 ... Loquots, lb 20 o In accordance with its annual cus tom, a Philadelphia piano firm recently distributed 50 square pianos among de serving poor families in the Quaker City. Commission Merchants LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENTS STOCKS BONDS COTTON GRAIN MINING AND OIL STOCKS PRIVATE LEASED WIRES Correspondents LOGAN & BRYAN STOCKS BONDS R. ALLYN LEWIS ADAMS HOTEL BLDG. Correspondents ef E. F. Hutton Exchsnge. Direct LIBERTY BONDS AUTO STAGE TABLE 3 P. M. STAGES DAILY TO 8:15 A. M. ROOSEVELT DAM GLOBE MIAMI SUPERIOR RAY STAGES HOURLY TO TEMPE MESA CHANDLER UNION AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO. 11-13-15 East Jeffsrson St. Phones: 1-165, 711 PHOENIX-CASA GRANDE SHORT LINE STAGE DAILY SCHEDULE Lv. Phoenix 10 a. in. Ar. Casn Grande l:.?0p. Lv. Casa Grande 4 p.m. Ar. Phoenix 7:50 p. OFFICE AT CACTUS GARAGE, 126 South First St. ii NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE , j. Furnished By R. ALLYN LEWIS , Private Leased Wire to all Ex changes -a American Beet Sugar American c.-m Americ.iii Locomotive American Smelting & Refinint American Tt-1. Tvl. Co , Atchison Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore K hio Lethlehein Stool tB) , Canadian Pacific Central Jeathcr Chesapeake .i Ohio Chandler Motor , . 90 . , r"t . 92 . 79 .111 . 3 ! 1 ,ir.',.. . 65 . 52'.. .131 Chi., Mil. Ai St. Paul 32 Chi.. R. I. & Pac. Ry Colorado Fuel & Iron 30 1 Corn Products Crucible Steel Erie General Motors Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore International Paper Int. Mer. Marine pfd Mexican 1 't t rolc-um Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Central N. Y., N. It. Hartord Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific . 94" .135 . ID . 71 . M .174 - 42', . - . 6' . 2 S ' . !0i . 73 ; .lf'3RH . 9S ' . . 4 9'i . an . 90 .114TS '. 93"., . 05 'tl . 4?' : . 6t . 94 U 9 ? 1 J '. 2S " Pan American oil Pan American "B" Pennsylvania Pierce Arrow Reading Republic Iron & Steel Royal Dutch Southern Railway Southern Pacific Studebaker Co Texas Co Tohac-o Products United States Rubber United States Steel United Oil White Motors 52' i Willys Overland 17 U Money opened, 6: high. 7; low, G; ruled, C; closed at 6 and 7. o The Long and the Short of It '"He reached so high he tojciied t!; sky" and on the other hand "he only as big as u minute." The giar.t is Van Albert of Amsterdam. He's i 'J years old, weighs 163 pounds and stands 8 feet, 5 inchf in his wool, n socks. His little friend, Stppton;, !h? midget, hails from Switzerland, and towed. merely a couple of 12-inch i i t in the air. o Hydro-electric plants completed or under completion in France will giv that country 1,600.000 horsepower from its waterfalls. LAWHON & PIPER 39 South Central GRAIN COTTON TELEPHONE 1416 & Co. Members of New York Stock Private Leased Wire OIL STOCKS ME rn. m. u- 1 ft 1 " f i- - ? i I ' ; I .. .. I - c : I ' j ' , ;H t. . ' j . ! ' - ! - : -"ill ; - j : j" ? W it,' 1 - ' I .4 ' - 7" ?