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PAGE FIVE 'is- o I site F TT fei hi s liil 1 i is it 20 fCedneiiioiiii J!1 WjWBtt Sale Out o Just Think of It! A Clear Saving of One-Fifth and One-Fourth on Staple and Standard Merchandise Throughout the Store On Purchases of $100, You Save $20.00 to $25.00 On Purchases of 50, You Save 10.00 to 12.50 On Purchases of 25, You Save 5.00 to 6.50 New Organdie Dresses 25 Discount The season's newest and most charming dress es selling at a discount. Crisp and beautiful organdy dresses in the season's best shades white, pink, maize, apricot, French blue, or chid, orange, beautifully trimmed with pretty ruffles and lace, hand embroidered with silk and wool chenille and yarn in bright colors. $19.95 Dresses sell for $14.96, you save $ 4.99 $22.50 Dresses sell for $1G.88, you save $ 5.62 $25.00 Dresses sell for $18.75, you save $ 6.25 $27.50 Dresses sell for $20.63, you save $ 6.87 $30.00 Dresses sell for $22.50, you save $ 7.50 $35.00 Dresses sell for $26.25, you save $ 8.75 $40.00 Dresses sell for $30.00, you save $10.00 $45.00 Dresses sell for $33.75, you save $11.25 A great and wonderful assortment of dresses, every kind of material wanted, silk or wool.. Every woman in Phoenix and vicinity knows that our regular prices are lowest at one fourth off you make a big saving. Second Floor JL A Millinery Of, Including the new models which are arriving regularly. The new summer models of horse hair braid, Georgette, navy blue taf feta, soft sport hats, tailored models, milans, and trimmed leg horns. This is an exceptionally good op portunity to save on your sum mer hat. , . Second Floor Store Closed Monday In Memory of Those Who Have Died In Service New Summer Skirts Plain and Sport Models 25 Discount Skirts that are beautiful and irresistible, in wonderful delicate colors, also bright sport colors ; beautiful designs, half -revealing, half concealing pleats. Materials to satisfy every heart's desire, beautiful Polo cloth, Fanta-si, plain and printed Georgette, Dewkist, Kumsa Kumsi, Baronette Satin, Pongee, Tricolette, etc., also a large assortment of wool skirts, plain and pleated models, sport plaids and stripes, and plain colors. $15.00 Skirts sell for $11.25, you save $3.75 $20.00 Skirts sell for $15.00, you save $5.00 $22.50 Skirts sell for $16.88, you save $5.62 $25.00 Skirts sell for $18.75, you save $6.25 $30.00 Skills sell for $22.50, yqu save $7.50 Second Floor Special Purchase of Cp AC actual values to $11.50 No Further Discount From Sale Price A remarkable assortment of colors white, pink, flesh, champagne, Copenhagen blue, French blue, orchid, orange, jade; hand em broidered with silk and wool chenille and yarn, in bright colors. See window display. $6.45. No further discount. Second Floor All Silks o V Some of our silks were marked at special saie prices even they are reduced 25. 40-Inch Imperial Radium $2.95 A washable taffeta in every Wanted shade. Regular $3.95, less 25, $2.95; you save $1.00 40-inch Crepe de Chine $1.88 A complete range of colors. Regular $2.50, less 25,1.88 ; you save .62 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta $2.63 A complete range of colors. Regular $3.50, less 25, $2.63'; you save .87 40-inch Georgette Crepe $2.25 A very fine grade in all wanted colors. Regular $3.00, less 25 , $2.25, vou save .75 40-inch Crepe de Chine $2.63. Extra heavy quality, full line of colors. Regular $3.50, less 25, $2.63, you save .87 36-inch Imperial Satins $2.63 Black and all colors. Regular $3.50, less 25, $2.63 ; you save .87 40-inch Plaid Sport Silks $5.95 Regular $7.95, less 25, $5.9o; you save $2.00 Main Floor A40 toOmMTON THE STORE OF SERVICE THE HOUSE OF COURTESY PHONE 1602 Georgette Waists $ .75 Our regular $5 lot - An unusual value at our regular price, flesh, white, maize, gray, blue, and pink, hand em broidered in wool and silk chenille, and plain models; you save $1.25. Georgette Overhlouses 25 Discount A wonderful assortment of the season's most stylish blouses in pink, flesh, white, bisque, and other delicate shades. $ 6.95 Overblouses sell at $ 5.21 your saving, $1.74 $10.00 Overblouses sell at $7.50 your saving, $2.50 $12.50 Overblouses sell at S9.38 your saving, $3.12 $15.00 Overblouses sell at $U.25 your saving, $3.75 - $20.00 Overblouses sell at $15.00 your saving, $5.00 $25.00 Overblouses sell at $18.75 your saving, $6.25 , Sport Coats S f Regular $22.50 - u Jerseys and velveteens in all colors, including black and nayy blue, our leader all through the season at $22.50, now $16.88; you save $5.62. Second Floor Women's Hosiery 20 Off Onyx Novelty Lace Hose $5.40 Full fashioned sHk from top to toe; black, white and cordovan. Regular $6.75, less 20, $5.40; saving $1.35 Onyx No. A90, Silk Hose $3.40 Full fashioned, all silk, reinforced heel and toe ; black only. Regular $4.25, less 20, $3.40; saving 85c Onyx No. 100, Silk Hose $2.40 Silk lisle top, full fashioned, reinforced heel and toe; navy, gray, cordovan, black k.nd white Regular $3.00, less 20, $2.40; saving 60c Kayser No. 2X Pure Thread Silk $3.20 . Patent marvel stripe to prevent runs, full fashioned, reinforced heel and toe, black only. Regular $4.00, less 20, $3.20; saving 80c Radmoor No. 9202 Pure Thread Silk $2.40 Full fashioned, silk lisle top, pink, gray, brown champagne, black and white. Regular $3.00, less 20, $2.40; saving 60c Radmoor No. 9974 Silk Hose $1.40 Semi-fashioned, lisle top, heel and toe ; navy, gray, brown and white. Regular $1.75, less 20, $1.40; saving 35c New Store Hours After June JL 8:30 a. to 5:30 p. m. m. Wool Jersey Suits Our Leader at $25.00 Now $18.75 A wonderful assortment of colors and mix tures, a big value at our special price, $25.00 ; ' 25 off makes them only $18.75. Tricotine and Serge Suits 25 Discount It will pay you to anticipate future needs. Get a suit for fall wear, and save one-fourth. $42.50 Suits sell at $31.88; you save $10.62 $45.00 Suits sell at $33.75; you save $11.25 $50.00 Suits sell at $37.50, you save $12.50 $55.00 Suits sell at $41.25; you save $13.75 $60.00 Suits sell at $45.00; you save $15.00 $75.00 Suits sell at $56.25; you save $18.75 $80.00 Suits sell at $60.00; you save $20.00 $100.00 Suits sell at $75.00; you save $25.00 Tricotine and Serge Capes Pleated models, just what youU need for the vacation trip. $25.00 Ca.pes sell at $18,75; you save $6.25. $27.50 Capes sell at $20.63; you save $6.87. Second Floor Economy Bargain Basement Everything 20 and 25 off Silk and Jersey Dresses $17.96 A big value at our former prices, $23.95, sell for 25 off, $17.96, saving you $5.99. Voile and Gingham Dresses $6.71 Our former special price was $8.95, selling for 25 To off, $6.71, saving you $2.24. Voile and Gingham Dresses $4.46 Regular $5.95, less 25, $4.46, saving you $1.49. Amoskeag Dress Gingham 23c 27 inches wide; stripes, plaids and checks. Regular 29c, less 20, 23c. Extra Heavy Bath Towels 63c Mill sceonds, large and heavy; regular 79c, less 20, 63c, saving you 16c. Yard Wide Percale 36c Fast colors; regular 45c, less 20, 36c, saving you 9 c. Berkley Cambric 47c Yard wide, for underwear, gowns, etc ; regu lar 59c, less 20, 47c; saving you 12c. Hope Muslin Yard wide; regular 42Vi;C per yard, less 20 , 34c; saving 7J-;C.