Newspaper Page Text
PAGE ELEVEN For Sale Houses For Sale Houses 5 For Sale Miscellaneous 4 . For Sale Automobiles 42 For Sale Automobiles 42 For Sale Automobiles For Rent Houses THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1920 Los Olivos Home In Los Olivos, we offer splendidly constructed seven-room home, includ ing three chamber rooms, dining room, large and attractive living room, and hath, and large front porch, partially Vveened. Includes also good basement ttffi furnace. Construction is brick, l-h dashed, and the floors are hiinlwood. throughout. Has large double garage. Lot is one hundred by three hundred feet. Owner today no tified us to withdraw from market after this week. Let Mr. Lane show you. This is a real opportunity. Dwight B. Heard Co. Central and Adams Sts. Phone 1631 br FOR SALE By owner. 6 -room ce ment block house. Modern. Inquire .1010 East McKinley St. ds $500 First payment will buy any one of six homes we have for sale; all sum mer bargains; well located. Let us show you today for they won't last long . SAXDIGE AGRICULTURAL CO. 323 "West Washington St. Thone 3.11 1 ds Satisfaction First Beautiful 7-room home, near Capitol, on pavement, garage, fine shade and fruit, $6500. Kasy terms. Another beauty, northeast, on pave ment; finest location in city, $8750. Two acres near Osborn school; fine house, all kinds of fruit, $S500. Terms. SO acres fine land. $400 per acre. Dandy six room house, furnished, northeast, $4300; terms. C. S. NORMAN 23 AV. Monroe Phone 173S It Leaving Town "Will sell at sacrifice price, a six room brick, modern, built-in features, nice shade, garage, cement walk and walkway. This is priced for immedi ate sale, $3950 $1630 cash, balance $40 per month, including interest. SEE A. J. HALL. WITH F. A. JEFFERSON .12 S. Central Ave. Phone 710. BEAUTIFUL 10-room corner house, near- Capitol; wonderful grape arbors, jihade, fruit; garage, basement. Owner, 2175. ds FOR ' SALE 6-room brick house, 310 N. First st.; $5500; $1000 down. asy terms. Phone 2256 or call at 711 E. Adams St. 'Owner. dd International Mines & Realty Company , . 40 NORTH FIRST AVE P. O, BOX 1089 PHONE4955 Special agents for financing merito rious mining and mineral propositions Careful reports and examinations ren dered. We buy, sell or exchange real estate of all descriptions and size, lo cated anywhere. Our expert service guarantees satisfactory results. Call or write, stating your requirements. CITY LOTS We have a block of eleven attractive city 'lots for sale, with abundance of old shade and fruit trees. Pricet cheap, cash or terms. ONE DOZEN ACRE TRACTS Located near city limits, suitable for trucking or chicken raising, $250 cash, balance $23 per month. GOOD COTTON FARM 80 acres, all planted, good stand, must be sold, $350 per acre. Cash $6000. BRADSHAW MOUNTAIN SUMMER HOME House with 4 rooms screened porches bathroom 2 acres ground fine spring water. Worth $3500 can be purchased for $1000 cash. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE $16,000 secures this valuable proper ty. - $125,000 gross sales la-et year. Good reasons for selling this highly profit ar' business, located in thriving town liefer. Phoenix. Will invoice. lmme Jiate possession. Investigate. EIGHTY ACRE FARM Five miles from capitol; 6 room Mone house, basement, barn, garage and corrals. Fifty acres in cotton, 20 cres Sudan grass, 10 acres hegira; tine sandv land, no alkali: old garden water right, well with good soft water, plentv of shade: cash and terms. PAYING RESTAURANT FOR SALE $1000 buys this money maker; cen trally located. CATTLE AV ANTED We always have buvrrs for cattle. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOT A 'fine apartment site, corner lot, facing capitol, for sale at very reason able price. DESERT AND HOMESTEAD LANDS AVe can locate desert and homestead land seekers on good level land at a small expense. HOUSE FOR RENT We have a few desirable houses listed for rent for which we will be glad to give information. LISTINGS AV ANTED On all kinds of property . COMMISSIONS Of all legitimate nature promptly ex ecuted to your satisfaction. International Mines & Realty Company P. O. BOX 10S! PHONE 4955 Suit 3. -0 North First Ave. bm CLOSE IN SPECTAL PRICE FOR 2 DAYS MOVE IN SUNDAY. $7.-(iO Modern Brick Bungalow, with 2 Front Entronces. Cement Porch. Steps and Walks, 5 Large Rooms Bis Screen Porch Extending Around the' Side Nice Lawn Shade Trees irange Tree Grapefruit Fig and Peach Tree Lots of Roses I :!!; I: race with Cement Floor Street. ;i:eexi: cmKi 'X Tel 12 1 X. l-'ir-M -V C LAS PALMAS RESIDENCE FOR 1 PALK BY OWNER. SS AV. HOLLY STRKET. II AN adobe house tor sale. Jefferson. 172$. K. Real Buy 6 big rooms and 2 screen rooms, oriek pebble dash, hardwood floors, built-in features; lot 75x190; garage, thicken house and yard. This is one of the best built houses in Phoenix;, couldn't bo duplicated for less than $9000; a real home. Price $7500, terms. Located near Kenilworth car line, near North Central Ave. See this. CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO. L'3 West Monroe It CITY BARGAINS A grocery store,' well located: lot. stock and fixtures, a bargain for $4200. House and lot. Grand Ave., 5 rooms, two screen porches; $2500; half cash. Good house. 1542 West Taylor: 5 rooms and screen porch; $4500; $2000 cash. AVood and coal business, well lo cated, for $4000. One automobile to trade for lot. D. H. Claridge Realty Company No. 301 North First Ave. Telephone 1245 br I "OR SALE BY OWNER New, mod ern six room brick on paved street, just completed.' Has two inside bed rooms, two blocks to car line, near Kenilworth school, $3500 will handle; terms. Also new apartment house in same location, complete with four rooms and bath for each of the two apart ments. Rents well. Have Oldsmobile in good condition: will sell for cash or trade on small property. Also have steel range for sale. Phone 8267. 826 North Seventh Ave. ds Two Sacrifices 4-room redwood houso and large screen room. House all cheated inside. Toilet, bath and washstand, and. in fact, this house is well furnished. Two car garage. Sell on account of sick ness only $3600; two-thirds cash. See Barney. $6800 5 houses, well furnished, on two cor ner lots. These are bringing in at sum mer prices $135 per month, or 20 per cent on investment. Must be gold this week; $3000 cash will handle, balance $50 per month. Owner said sell both of these sacrifices for $10,000, half cash. Must be sold this week on ac count of sickness. See Barney at once. Phone 1756. Texas City Realty Co 33 West Monroe St. bn Most Attractively Located lot, 75x140; pavement, side walks, garage; at cost. 1 block south of McDowell. Call 217 E. Willetta for information. ds For Sale Miscellaneous Babbitt Bros. Used Cars These cars are underpriced to pro vide much-needed floor space. See them. - Hudson Super Six. 1918 model, in splendid condition; runs like- a new car, as it has had very little use. Cords, spot light, bumpers, motometer, two spares, extra tools, etc. Grant 6 Run 4000 miles; five good tires, new paint, top, upholstery like new; in fact, is a new car and priced to move quickly. Buick 4 Original paint, five good tires, only run 3000 miles: top and upholstery fine condition. This car is worth quite a little more than the price asked. See it to appreciate it. . . A Kissel Has both one-man and Sedan tops, and they are interchange able. Run 6000 miles on Central ave nue. Is a new car in appearance and mechanical condition. lias seat cov ers, two bumpers, spare tire; a car that anyone would be proud to own. These three Buicks may be seen at 313 N. Central ave., or phone 1450: 1 five-passenger, 1918 model, in per fect condition, new paint and top. 1 1919 five-passenger in perfect con dition. 1 1918 seven-passenger in perfect condition. See the first four listed at 131 N. Central ave., phone 4299; the balance at 313 N. Central. Both are Babbitt Bros., and you will have the satisfac tion of buying your car from a respon sible firm and save all commissions, as the cars are all taken on consign ment, br Babbitt Bros. FOR SALE Good roll top desk and office chairs. 144 N. 2nd Ave. It LIBERTY bonds taken at par for good homestead filings or relinquish ments in Casa Grande A'alley. Box 4'K. Republican. dl FOR SALE High grade hegari en silage for sale; high percentage of grain. D. R. Van Petten. c"d LATE model 6-cylinder two-row Avery motor cultivator, never used, at a bargain. See Mr. Coan, Stapley Co., Phoenix. hr FOR SALE One new Avery 6-cylinder motor cultivator. Would trade for mules. Herbert B. Atha, Arizona Egyptian Cotton Co.. Phoenix. tf FOR SALE Cement blocks S by 8 by 16, 22c apiece. Cheapest, coolest, most substantial building; material on market. See them at 109 N. 12th Ave. tf BUY YOUR cut flowers direct from grower. Extra fancy roses. 50c per doz. delivered. AVe are cutting frcui 100,000 rose bushes. Five years as wholesalers has amply equipped us for the retail business. Clay Tice Flower and Plant Co. Phone 102.1?.. dd KILL YOUR ANTS AND GOPHERS WITH A DOSE OF CARBON BI SULPHATE. SAFE AND SURE FOR RESULTS. PHOENIX SF.ED AND FEDD CO.. 125 E. JEFFERSON ST. tf BRASS beds, polisheu an. retac-V.-ered. Pb entx Plating Co. 21 E. ":m- tf PHI pens lumber, cut all ready to " up. Phone or write 24R5 or 3TJ3. ' ion,i Box 'n. tf FOR SALE -- Fruit jars, dining chairs, porch chairs and swing and other furniture. 1015 X'. 2nd St. br LUMBER Prices are per 1000 square feet. 1x6 to lxl2-ineh boards $45.00 Rough No. 1 com. 2x6 Joists, rough No. 1 com $45.00 4-ln. studding, rough No. 1 com. ..$45. 00 -ln. studding " " ..$45.00 2x6. surfaced 4 sides ..$65.00 to $75.00 2x4. surfaced 4 sides ..$65.00 to $75.00 1x6, dressed and match. $65.00 to $75.00 x4, beaded ceiling $45.00 to $65.00 x6 and wider resaw $30.00 Good grade cull lumber, per 1000 feet $25.00 Mining timber. 6x6 to 10x10 $45.00 Battens, 4x3 $45.00 50.000 feet of S2S No. 1 com. boards $65.00 Roofing. Sash, Doors. Frames, Mold ings. Let me make you out a list of lumber required. Bring your plans. I can read them 30 years' practical ex perience. have the" right stuff that will build a little home for little money. My prices are spot cash at the yard. These prices hold good until further notice This stock just been unloaded. I bought it for spot cash and spot cash will mov It. OHLRAU LUMBER YARD AMD PHOENIX PLANING MILL 602 S. First Ave. tf JFOR SALE Standard sewing ma chine, rotary shuttle; bargain at $20. 1133 E. Polk St. - db COMBINATION parlor pool and bil liard table, 4 size, fully equipped, cheap. Phone 2831. ds FOR SALE 2-6x8x10 butchers' re frigerator boxes, first-class condition. Price right. Phone Mr. Gray. 2277. ds LADY'S $18 new champaign., .shoes, $11; size Z1; man's low canvas shoes, $3.50; new $22 voile dress, $12, size 3S; sample underwear, hose, corsets, fancy work, crochet cottons. 2175. ds FOR SALE One one-ton Utility trailer, one milk cow, chickens, chick en house and pen, and good many other things. Am leaving. Come early in morning er after 6 in evening. Across street from lettuce shed in red house at Six Points. It CRADLE. $4; cupboard, $10; table, $2: lady's bicycle, $25: man's bicycle, $35; commode, $3. 1S34 AV. Sherman. db FOR SALE A garage, worth, $175; priced for a few days at $125. Phone 1080. ds FOR SALE Household furniture, electric washer. 705 N. 6th St. Phono 3618. ds Barbecue Meat In any quantity, corner 15th and Grand Avenue. Leonard's Store. It FOR SALE 1 cold storage plant, ,-2-ton capacity, with ice chest, pipes, and all accessories complete. This plant has been in good working order to date.. Anexcellent opportunity for small meat market or restaurant to secure good equipment at a reasonable price. Can be seen on the Normal school campus, Tempe, Ariz. Bids will be received to July 1. 1920. Address same to the Tempe Normal School of Arizona, Tempe. Ariz. dn FOR SALE One four-burner De troit wickless oil range, practically now, for less than half price if taken at once. 1610 AVest Jackson Street, ds 9-COLUMN Burroughs hand lever adding machine for sale cheap. Bar rows Furniture Co. tf FOR SALE Boy s bicycle, $15, and canary birds. 1133 E. Van Buren. br FOR SALE One nev No. 5 Byron Jackson deep well turbine pump. Im mediate delivery. Herbert B. At has care Arizona Egyptian Cotton Co. tf FOR SALK X'crtllUer for lawn. Cll 4203. tf FOR SALE One new auto tent, one new double canvas cot. 4 dozen Mason quart jars. L. L. Miller, 527 E. Port land, ds IF YOU want good light. nv your reflector replated. Fnoenlx Platlnf Co.. 21 5 ltust Adam. ' tf TRUNK. 925 K. McKinley. br FOR SALE Piano, fine condition, 1150. 805 N. Second street. tf TVIN two speed Thor motorcycle. in good condition, $60. Garage. 401 N. First Street. br DEAD Gophers are absolutely harmless. POISON BARLEY will kill them. FOR SALE AT PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON. tf FOR SALE Sideboard and 'Gibson's Cambria refrigerator. 70 AV. Lynwood St. hr LONDON PURPLE . Will kill the ants. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON. tf FOR SALE Dog houses (kennels), ready to nail up. all lumber. Phone or write 24R5 or 37J3, Arizona Box company. ' tf PEERLESS AVorm killer for screw worms. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON. tf FOR SALE Chicken sheds, lumber cut 3 sides to fit; also roosts. Phone or write 24R3 or 37J3, Arizona Box company. tf CARLOAD pine sawed blocks. Ari zona Box Co., Phone 24R5 or 37J3. Phoenix. Arizona. tf CARBOL1NEUM Will kill lice, mites and other pests. It will disinfect your poultry houses also. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON. tf FLOOD gates, lumber cut ready to nail, any size. Arizona Box Co., Al hambra. Write or come see lis. tf FOR SALE Fordson tractor and 10 inch gang plow. Tractor in perfect mechanical condition. Has broken about 60 acres of land. A bargain. 1 mile north Gilbert school house. 2'i miles east. Fhone 21R2, Mesa. G. AV. Harris. db FOR SALE One steel range, coal or wood. 324 North First Ave. ' br TAPPOON CANVAS OK HEAVV GRADE FOR SALE AT PHOENIX SEED A.ND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFFERSON tf FOR SALE One complete one-chair barber outfit: also gold watch to ex change for bicycle. 318 W. AVashing ton. tf FOR SALE 25 h. p. engine mounted on truck. 1015 X. 2nd St. br PIANOS, PIANOS PLAYER-PTANOS AND riANOS AT FACTORY RETAIL PRIOS3. CASH OR EASY TERMS. J. W. DAWSON tOt J. KEOOND T. ON'E 817? t For Sale Automobiles '3 $650.00 Packard 7-passenger; lour U. S. Royal cord tires; gone only V ' tires good as new; seat covers: engine in K'ood shape; sec it at 506 Xort'i Center. Phone l-tf2 ul'rn unoa. lb I'Ol: SALK Two Fon I trucks cheap for cash if taken at once: owner leav - ing town. I n't uire Schalier's Express. 2nd St. and Wash. ds Just Back From The Paint Shop Put in A-l mechanical condition 1919 Oldsmobile 8 at $1500 1019 Oakland 6 at 900 1918 Kissel 6 at 1100 1918 Hudson 6 at 1300 1918 Olds at 1100 1918 Olds 8 at 1100 1918 Marmon 6 at 2750 1917 Reo 4 at 650 1919 Olds 8 at 1300 1920 1-ton Utility trailer 200 Small down payment, balance monthly Ferguson-Keeler Co. 321 N. Central Ave. It How About These 1918 DODGE Touring Car. Has 5 new tires, a new top, and is now being overhauled. Looks like new $900.00 CHEVROLET Baby Grand. Has been overhauled and . is in splendid running condition. Good rubber $475.00 STUDEBAKER 191S. 6-cylinder Touring Car. Looks good and is priced at about half value $650.00 FORD TOURING CAR, with new top and seatcovers. JIas had complete overhauling in our shops. Priced for quick action j $365.00 AVE HAVE SEA'ERAL OTIIERS BEING OVERHAULED. ASK. ABOUT THEM. CASH TERMS TRADES Motor Sales Co., Inc. "MITCHELL DISTRIBUTORS" 24S N. First St. Cor. Aran Buren br $250 BUYS 1916 Ford tnnrintr fair condition, shock absorbers and seat covers. 329 AV. AA'illetta. in rear. ds NEW FORD truck, will sell at a loss. Must sell today. See Thomas. CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO. 23 AVest Monroe It BUICK TOURING Run 4,000 Miles Phoenix Nash Co. 521 N. Central Ave. Phone 1434 It IS IT A DODGE? We have two good ones, cheap. Phone 4262. A. E. GARDNER & CO. 5th Ave. and AV. AVash. br Chandler Chandler 191S model; onlv $1200. Thone 4262. AV. E. GARDNER & CO. 5th Ave. and AA AA'ash. br FOR SALE Light Ford truck lor repair bill. 1337 E. Van Buren. br FOR SALE 5-pass. Dodge touring. $i00. Inquire Phoenix Hotel. db FORD for sale. After 6 p. m., 1815 W. Lincoln St. No dealers. br FOR SALE An Overland four pas senger automobile in good running rlupe. $150 cash. Phone 10.12. br 1920 BUICK light six, run only about 3000 miles: extra tires, chains, moto meter, bumper and dimmers; absolute ly perfect condition; finish just like new. Apply 20 West Adams. It FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck and trailer; cash or terms. 1931 AV. Mon roe, ds AA'ANTED An old Ford or speedster. -Thone 2424. ds 1917 FORD touring car, just over hauled and in excellent condition; all 30x3i tires and in fine shape. Call 317 North 11th St. after 5:30. db $1500.00 7-passenger Jordan touring; new top, good rubber, new scat covers, newly painted, wire wheels, thoroughly overhauled, in all around first-class condition. This is a snap. 506 North Center St. Phone 1362. Open Sunday. ds A Million Auto Parts Of over 250 makes and models, at a saving of 35 to 90 per cent. AVe satisfy or refund your money. Steinberg Auto Wrecking Co. 421-31 N. Center. Phone 4292 Oldest, largest and most reliable auto parts house in the Southwest. AVe buy cars in any condition. tf CLASSIEST used Oakland in town. Has a new paint job; new seat covers and new top; almost good as new; no fooling. Phone 4262 today; call for Jayne. br FOR SALE One 7-passenger Paige car, with wire wheels. T. H. Shairette. S10 AA Madison. ds FOR SALE Cadillac 8;'" mechani cally perfect; cord tires, new top; no expenses necessary; driven 11.000 miles by private party only; for quick sale, $975. See Mr. Brower. Dixie Fiver Motor co.. Polk and 1st Sts. ds FOR HALF. 7-passenger touring car; good rubber, new top, new bat tery. Red Seal Continental motor, Grand David starting and lighting system; would consider trade on Dodge; will pay or take difference be tween Dodge. AV. W. Allison, 1150 E. Van Buren. - ds FOR SALE Ford electric starter, complete. $70. 417 E. Van Buren. dk SEVEN - PASSENGER ' S-cylinder Peerless automobile; a real bargain, for $1500. Phone C43S. ds FOR SALE Chalmers roadster in good condition, owner leaving town. See Manley. 125 i".. Jefferson St. db FOR SALE 1 GRAY DAVIS PELF STARTER COMPLETE WITH GENERATOR; 1 SPLITDORFF M AG X ETO : 1 AT W A T 1 : R - KE XT DIST. COM IT.: 1 MASTER A'l BRATOR; 1 KINGSTON CARBU RETER. COLLINGS A'EH. & HDW. CO.. 2S-32 E. ADAMS, tf Auto Salvage Co. i Y7a.f ? r fill mrlc T'vndrt wtam- chanics to wait on you. Everything binned and tagged. Save money and time. Mail orders filled same day re- NTow cars ordered hv wire 432 W. Adams St. Phone 797 tf j 2 j WANTED A good first-class Ford ' touring car; must be in good condition. Phone 1213. S3 CHEAP One 1916 Ford truck, mechanically in fine shape, for $300. CHEAPER One 1917 stripped Ford, extra good rubber; the fastest Ford in Phoenix, for $300; $150 cash, balance 6 months. CHEAPEST One 1917 Ford touring with new top, seat covers, shock absorbers, foot feed and battery; very good rubber; $300 buys this; $150 down. Might consider trade on car with a starter on any of these. 517 N. 5th St. Phone 2427 ds. WHA'T IS A -BARGAIN? Do you consider an automobile a bargain because it is cheap in price? AVe don't. AVe call a bargain, a car that is in first class condition and priced 20 to 40 per cent under its true value. HERE IS OUR CONCEPTION OF BARGAINS 1919 Oakland, almost new $ 950 1918 Dodge touring, rebuilt S50 1918 Dodge touring, a bit better.. 900 1919 Buick Big '6". 7-pass 1250 1917 Buick "6", in good shape.... 875 191S Olds "S", 5 or 7 pass 925 1918 Haynes, 4 pass, roadster 985 1918 Chalmers Eight "6" 725 CASH, TRADE OR TERM 65 Wolman Motor Co. 338-40 East AVashington St. Phone 1895 li Look These Over! FORDS x Two late model Ford touring; cars. One 1920 Ford one-ton, worm-drive truck. Just as good as new-. One late model Olds "S" Touring car. One 7-passenger Studebaker Four. Excellent mechanical condition. 1 I 1.1 -. -O .1 . . A , 1- . for the right person. One 7-passengcr wire-wheeled Paige. AVe deal for cash. trs?de nr fT-m Come in and tret vour monev's worth cars are reh"ilt. Harper-Parthum Motor Co. 245 North First St. ON SALVATION ARMY LOT Phone 4937 It Saturday Specials In Reconstructed Cars STUDEBAKER 19 SERIES Five passenngcr, new top a.nd paint. Excellent mechanical condition. Looks and runs like new. STUDEBAKER IS SERIES Five or seven passenger. A'erv de sirable body features for touring or" camping. STUDEBAKER 4 -CYLINDER Touring. Priced very low to move quickly. ClIEA'ROLET 4-90 Touring this car is priced-. to move today. No reasonable offer refused. KISSELL 5-PASS. Touring car in good condition throughout. ' IF YOU DOXT' SEE THESE BE FORE YOU BUY, AVE BOTH LOSE. CASH OR TERMS OUR RESPONSIBILITY YOUR GUARANTEE Barret & Pottberg p Inc. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS 125 N. First St. Phon? 4419. It R OPER'S ENEWED OAD UNNERS IF IT'S QUALITY COMBINED WITH A RIGHT PRICE THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN A RE NEWED AUTOMOBILE, YOU AVILL BUY FROM US. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR CARS AA'ITH THEIR PRICES BUT TOU MUST SEE THE CARS TO RE ALL A APPRECIATE THE VALUE AVE OFFER. CALL ON US. YOU AVILL BE COURTEOUSLY RECEIVED AND WILL BE PLEASED AVITH ANY CAR YOU BUY FROM US. Maxwell Road Runner. One at..$ 500 Ford touring, overhauled; only... 400 Buick light six; soon out of paint shop x 900 Hupmobile, model N 850 Chevrolet 490 350 Overland 90, renewed 600 Maxwell l'i-ton truck 1000 Chalmers 1919 tourinp. liko new.. 1500 USED CAR DEPARTMENT R.D. Roper Motor Co Phones 4127 and 4261 211 N. Central SEE THE MAN IN THE BOX It WANTED Good light four-cylinder car; spot cash for bargain. 713 North 2nd Street. ds Nash Bargains Ford touring. Dodge touring. Buick touring. Buick, 1920, run 4000 miles; touring. Reo touring. Saxon six touring. Nash 1-ton truck. 1i;.tnn ITtititxi- tfj.ile.t- ' PHOENIX NASI t CO. 521 N. Central Ave. Phone 1434 It REO fully equipped, will sell for $450 cash as I am going east. N. AV. cor. 3rd and Van Buren. bp FORD truck. $;90 cash; roadster bodv extra. Mr. Bump, Express Depot. br 5-PASSENGER Studebaker for sale or trade for lot. Phone 8077. br FOR SALE A bargain! One Dodge touring, good tcp. paint. Ixioks good as new. Car. be seen at 71? AV. AVashing ton St. br FOR SALE or trade on terms, (loo.l Indian motorcycle. IS Model, chain drive Ford thnt will do -your heavy hauling. Also a good Ford touring car. Cor. Hth St. and Van Buren. ds FOR SALE 1919 OVERLAND 1-TON DELIVERA' WAGON. ONLY BEEN USED 5 MONTHS, ALL IN GOOD SHAPE. AVILL SELL CHEAP. COLLINGS A'EH. . & HDW. CO., 28-32 E. ADAMS, tf FOR SALE One 1919 Chevrolet touring car, like new. Cramer the AA'elder. 340 E. AVashington St.; Phone 1895. tf FORD touring. 1918 model, first class mechanical condition; extra equipment. 315 N. 14th Ave. br FORD touring car for sale, inquire Sam Field's, S01 Rear North Center. br For Sale Live Stock 5 FOR SALE Extra nice Shetland pony, gentle, for small children; ,5 years old, and a perfect beauty. Phone 4 267. 184 4 N. Central Ave. ds TWO fine teams. One mile south Roosevelt School. Smart. dk ONE or two family cows, cheap. Phone S776. ds THOROUGHBRED female Airedale doer, $.10. Call at 59 Holly St. between 5:30 and 8:00 p. m. Owner leaving. ds FINE team of horses for sale, cheap. Phone 1554. db BULL TERRIER puppies, cheap; make fine watch dogs. First house on S. 22nd Ave., off of Buckeye Road. br FOR SALE Good gray team and 3',4-inch Moline wagon, nearly new; one mare, 6 years old, weight about 1150; horse, 8 years old, 1300 lbs. 1807 E. Madison. ds 14. HEAD of ewes and lambs for sale. Phone 118J3. dl FOR SALE 27 good grade Holstein cows and a registered Holstein bull. Phone 106AV. E. Allen, 266 E. Second Ave.. Mrta. dd AA'ANTED 200300 yearlings at once. Call up phone 4955. tf FOR RENT Eight good mules and harness. AV. L. James, 6th Ave. and Monroe. Phone 3392. dl SAxvr Your sheep and cattle to keep them In prime condition. AVe have rock, block and sheep salt in any quantities. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. JEFF. ST. tf AV ANTED Milk goat, 2 quarts. 714 W. McKinley St. br EIGHT head well bred Holstelns; S springing heifers; one extra fine cow; 4 old milk cows. H. C. Healy. 625 E. Culver Phone 8238. tf AVE buy old horses to destroy; dead stock removed free of charge if notified at once. Phcne 98. Glendale. 7k For SaleEggs & Poultry 6 LEES GERMOZONE Is the best poultry. f, disinfectant. Kaep your poultry healthv. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 125 E. Jeff. St. tf RHODE Island Red hens, standard bred; also 200 chickens 2 and 4 weeks old; turkeys, old and young. S. E. Corner Northern Ave. and New Black Canyon Road. ' db FOR SALE 5000 1 -year-old White Leghorn selected layers. Best buy of season. AAre ship everywhere. Please order at once. Choice stock is scarce. Fancier's Exchange, 640 S. Main St.. Los Ansreles. Cal. . dg Large setting and laying hens, 2175 dn MILK MASH Is the best feed for growing chicks and fryers. Produces wonderful re 6ults after a few feeds. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. Jefferson St. tf FAT HENS at 25c lb. Come early if you wart any. Pbon S502. tf For Sale or Exchange House for Car Good 3-room house, well located. AVant car. CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO. 23 AV. Monroe Phone 4990 It For Exchange 160 acre relinquishment Casa Grande valley, three miles from station, low water lift, small house and 40 acres cleared; will exchange for Phoenix residence nd some cash and nssume. H. L. Stine & Co. 136 North Center dl FOR SALE OR TRADE Chevrolet touring car in good condition: Just overhauled; for vacant lot. Phone 8970. ds WILL trade house and lot for Ford car; must be in good condition: also milk cow for sale. 1604 AV. Roosevelt. ds LIGHT truck, exchange for corner lot or as payment on small modern house. Phone 2175. ds FOR SALE or exchange for Phoenix property, AVashington acreage, SO miles north of Portland. Ore., near Chehalis, Wash. Phone 4942 for particulars, ds EXCHANGE 320 acres Deer A'alley for modern bouse. Phone 4506. br FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Twenty acres northeast in best loca tion, fine soil, good house; or Will trade for well-located school lease In Paradise or Casa Grande and some cash and terms. Phone 15.14. tf FOR SALE OR TRADhr Attractive home with business possibilities ; one of most beautiful towns in California orange district, for Casa Grande or Phoenix business or ranch property. Phone S756. tf WILL TRADE Uuick light six for city pronerty. Phone 6T2. tf For Sale Fruits & Produce FOR SALE Apricots, 5 cents per lb. Phone U7.I11. ds APRICOTS. 6c per lb. s mile south of Scottsdale. Today and tomorrow. br For Rent Houses NEW cottage. 1103 N. 5th St. Thone 64S. db FOR RENT House; every conven ience; solar heater, maple floors, built in features; first class in every way. Joe Swain, 5th Ave. and East D Street. Glendale. db FOR RENT New 4-room house and 2 acres of ground. Roosevelt and 23d ! Sts. Miller. ds ; NEW cottage, unfurnished. 1103 N. j orn rt. i-none 045. n NEW, modern 5-room, brick, hard wood floors, built-in features, new linoleum on kitchen. 1200 block Ea-st Culver. $40. 'all U02 E. Pierce. Uh : EXT Sm-i '! 3-".01 W. lis 2'i acres-. 4-room houso. fine shade.' Close jn. Price $25 per month. See ; Johnston. 31 N. 1st Ave. It' 3-Rmom house, screen porch, o S. 16th St. ds FOR KENT Modern new bungalow, on paved street, 3 block from car line; lease till ot. with possible ex tension for a year. $60 per month. Healthy adults only. Inquire at 1424 E. Pierce. ds For Rent Apartments 10 ONE large cool screen sleeping room with kitchenette, close in. on car line. Geare & Oldakcr, 142 AV. Washington. d-i FOR RENT 2 new modern 4-room apartments, unfurnished, close in, on north side; shade and garage. Apply qeare & Oldakcr, 142 AV. AVashington. ds NEATLY furnished apartment; cool house, close in. Call 314 N. 5th Ave., or Phone 2040. ds FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment, 1312 Ar. Washington. Phone 4173. Also 4-room unfurnished house. SHAW, KEYSTONE REALTY CO. 15 N. 1st Ave. dh BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room and bath apartment on car line. $45. Another one, 3 rooms, furnished, $25. Call 4429. It FOR RENT APARTMENTS . For lease New apartment house, nearly completed. lt and Taylor, Owner at building. dk MODERN, 4 rooms and bath, neat car and school, close, fine shady place; lease. 1133 East Van Buren. tf' BLENHEIM apartments; elegant clean cool apartments. 911 N. Cen ter St. 7-h; THREE ROOM apartment, newly furnished. Close in. 609 N. First St, 4 ROOMS, 1 screened, furnished or unfurnished, for rent, cheap. 1005 E. Taylor. ds 3 ROOMS, with bafch, phone, gar age, $35. 4 rooms, with private bath, partly furnished; $27.50. 3-room cottage, $12. 740 E, Portland. Phone 3814. br BEAUTIFULLY furnished apart ment. Knickerbocker Building, E39 N. , 2nd Ave. Lower floor, cool and com fortable. Four months' lease. Summer rate. Phone 1845. br TAVO-ROOM apartment. 215 East Polk. FOR RENT 4-room furnished apt. Phone 8935. ds FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished, apartment, 3 rooms, screen room and bath; healthy adults; rea sonable rent. 1C03 AV. Washington. d.' FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment, bath and garage. $50.00 per mo. to healthy adults. 2245 X. Cen ter. 1s FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, new building. On car line. Electric fan. Janitor service. Thone 8543. 850 N. 5th Ave. br THE ROSEBUD 817 N. 4th Ave. Four room apartment, well furnished. db NICELY FURNISHED FRONT APARTMENT 'SHADY SIDE. CLOSE IN. SUMMER RATES. 715 W. TAY-' LOR AT SEVENTH AVE. tf' FOR RENT Apartment, ' rooms and kitchenette, private bath, sleeping , porch. At 3S5 N. Second Ave. Phon 4498. hm FIrE ROOM and screen porch apart ment. Call 3471 corner Second and Roosevelt. br HIGH CLASS, strictly modern, best furnished apartment in city; built-in features, garage, Janitor and maid service included. Phone 1468. br ARIZONA APARTMENTS Largest apartment house in Arizona; every-' thing strictly modern; free garage: summer rates. Cor. 3rd St. and Roose velt. ' tf For Rent Furnished Houses 11 Three-Room Furnished House J For rent Reasonable rates; good neighborhood. Apply H. P. Tunstall, 1150 East Polk or at American Tailors and Cleaners. 102-04 East Adam s St. da FOR RENT Furnished cottage, z rooms and screen porch. $20 a month. Phone 214.12. St FOR RENT To adults. 3-room fur nished house. Call at 1723 AV. Linden after 5 p. m. g. FURNISHED house Tor rent to a quiet couple; no children, no sick. A nicely furnished four-room, bath, ga rage at $60 per month for summer: winter $75. 1612 AV. AVashington. tf THREE-ROOM brick; good shade; $50; healthy adults only. 349 N. 7tli Ave. db HALF house, 4 rooms and porch: no sick, no children. 925 E. McKinley. 11 WELL furnished 6 rooms; year's lease; $S0. AVilcox Realty Co., 32 N. 1st Ave. Phone 796. ds SIX-ROOM furnished house. largct cool, modern, in best residential sec tion. Phone 26R5. ds COMPLETELY furnished six rooms and large screen porch; adults onl. or three furnished rooms. 601 N. 5th St. Phone 2975 or 4781. ri NICELY furnished 6-room house: $50 per month for summer; no sick, no children. 1009 N. 1st St. br 5-ROOM furnished house, modern, on pavement, 2 blocks car line; no sick or children. Phone 4510. ds' FOUR rooms and garage, modern; nicely furnished. Apply 740 E. More land, di 4-ROOM brick, with garage, on E. Van Buren and 20th St. ls FOR RENT For summer, beautiful furnished $10,000 house, piano and, everything needed for housekeeping: only $75 a month. Phone 1554. dl 3-ROOM furnished house. 171S AV. Lincoln. br SIX-ROOM pebble dash brick, mod ern, furnished, fine shade; very toot house; $50 per month, water p.iid. No children or sick. 1620 E. A'an Buren St. Pa ved road. tr FURNISHED half brick house. 7lpnty of shade and screen sleeping porch. Phone 81 5S, br 3-ROOM furnished modern cottage. 1 screened: also 2 housekeeping rooms. 333 N. 2d Ave. dh 2-ROOM houje, 1 screen, furnished. 307 AAr. Maricopa St. br CASA GRANDE VALLEY Homestead filings, relinquishments, state leases, at as low as one dollar per acre. Patented lands and im proved ranches in best part of the valley. H. L. STINE & CO. 136 North Center -A '."5 r . r r I t