Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1920 TO PROSECUTE UTAH ! Vwiest,Price Our Li to AIT?) TKTl JLL -LL - L -LL T KM XIKANAB CREEK-WATER If Utah stockmen are befouling tht 1 waters of Kanab creek which flows Into Arizona they will be prosecuted, according to word received from At torney General Dan li Shields of Utah who has placed the complaint from this tate with the county attorney and county commissioners of Kane county. This information was contained in a letter to Attorney General Wiley K. Jones who placed the matter before ' the Utah legal department after re ceiving word from Fredonia that Utah stockmen were polluting the waters of the creek by carcasses of animals in reprisal for the enforcement of the grazing law taxing transient herds of sheep. Attorney General Shields declares that if acts of depredation complained of have been committed, the perpetra tors will be prosecuted. He will de mand an investigation, he writes in a letter in which he also questions the validity of the lav which prompted the alleged offense which has rendered the waters of the creek unfit for use. The law was questioned by a Utah? stockman who refused to pay 25 cents a head on stock which crossed the line for grazing purposes. The case was heard before Judge Bollinger who up held the law. Referring to the court's decision, . Attorney General Shields says that he is not at all in harmony with Judge Bollinger's opinion. After sin extensive investigation and study he is of the opinion that the law is uncon stitutional. Utah has a similar law on its stat ute books, and there has never been attempt to enforce it, Attorney general Shields says. He believes it "would be an interesting question in the United States supreme court. C. OF C.TD HAVEMDRt The Phoenix chamber of commerce soon will be established in new and more commodious quarters in the new addition now beins built to the Arizona Kire Insurance building, the old cham ber of commerce building, if the plans of the chamber and contractor for the building: are fulfilled. Secretary "Welch yesterday stated he believed it would be possible to occupy the build ing in 60 days, although minor changes which are to be made in the present - plans may cause a slight delay. i Greater efficiency m handling the laree volume of business done by the organization will be made possible by this move, as the interior arrange ment of the new chamber will be such Ha to pave space as well as provide sufficient working room for the de partments which are now very crowded In- the old quarters. The entrance to the new chamber will be to the west of .the lobby of the present building, to which the addition now under con struction will join on the west. A central information bureau will ix,cupy a large space in the new i.ihamberf of commerce quarters and trill be a general clearing house for the Smaller rooms will flank the main office for the housing of the various departments, and a large di , rectors room will be included for the proper accommodation of that body. An assembly hall which will hold 12a persons is also to be a part of the , equipment. ' .The present quarters of the chamber .will be occupied by the offices of the Arizona Kire Insurance company when .. the present occupants move out.' The tseeond floor of the addition will consist of offices to be occupied by other local businesses. W. 0.1. TO MEET ON T The contract of the firm of Carriek and Mangham, covering the proposed development of lands west of the Agua Kria river by means of irrigation with water obtained through drainage oper ations in the water-logged areas of the Salt River project, will be considered at a special meeting of the board" of governors of the Water Users' associa tion, Tuesday, June 22. K. A. Reid, president of the associa tion, yesterday telegraphed Secretary V. C. Henshaw from a Texas city to call the meeting. Mr. Reld wiJJ arrive in Phoenix to attend the session. In addition to the Agua Fria business the meeting will dispose or (any other , routine matter which may be brought i lfore its attention. MM. IMS (IF VALLEY STOCK SOLD I Several excellent lots of horses and cattle have Just been sold and shippeo. from the valley through the agency of the Arizona Livestock Commission company, headed by A. J. Moore. One of the shipments, consisting of a num YT o" blooded f.vo-ycar-old colts, stal .lions and mares, was consigned to Al Ibert Cuvillas, former goverjior of So T.ora, Mexico, who has large holdings in that state. A car of Holstein cowk and two bulls were also sent to the 'former Mexican executive, and his son, who is a member of the Pacific JVtro um company's Casa Grande office. The stock was bought from Dan Klein man of Mesa. '.- One hundred and fifty yearling "titeers were brought from the Afher Moore ranch, on the Verde, and shipped to Paul Adams of Ajo. who will fatten $We stock on the pastures he owns in the southern part of Arizona. ! .,.!. t, tfusUay w jili 'til Ml m mm PROPOSED IT if you want the genuine in bottles for the heme at soda fountains and on draught- $2.49 Dresses .$1.87 $2.98 Dresses $2.23 $3.95 Dresses $2.97 $5.98 Dresses .$4.49 Children's Dresses -Mezzanine Floor Ruffled Nets Stylish. Ruffled Nets for Dresses in full flouncing and 27-inch widths in plain and Point de Es prit Net. Some with colored sat ins, ribbon edges, extra special 25 now at Discount "Eiffel Maid" Union Suits The cleverest and daintiest of fine Union Suits made of very fine stripes and cross bar dimity, some with Seco Silk bodices, all sizes at 0 QQ to Qfl from. . . 90V dO.VV Exclusive with the Boston Store. Ask to see them Women's "Sealpax" Suits Women's athletic cut Union Suits made of fine quality materials, "Sealpax" is the union suit allow ing freedom of motion, does not bind, comfortable" and service able. Come in pink and white. Extra 01 JO Special; DJ..fi7 Women's Gauze Vests Women's summer gauze vests of special wTeight and quality, fancy beading top, comes in pink and white. All sizes, ex- f( tra special, 3 FOR. . . A,u u A woman's fine gauze vest with crochet top, a beauty, in JQ p flesh, pink. Special Women's Union Suits Of special quality Swiss ribbed gauze, made either tight or loose knee, full outside size. 1Q Extra special tPl.U Gauze Union Suits Tailored top union suits of spe cial quality, shell knee QQs closed gore, special ?OC Women's gauze union suits of very fine quality cotton, tight knee, bodice top, all sizes up to 44. Extra Special value per suit Remember we are the. sole sell ing agents in Phoenix' for the celebrated "Munsing Wear," the union suits of perfect satisfaction. Children's and Misses' Dresses of White Children's and Misses' Dresses of White, made from fine sheer American and Imported Organdies, Victoria Lawns, India Linens, Flax ons and Batiste, prettily, daintily and stylishly trimmed in Valenciennes, cluny and filet laces, pretty embroideries, sashes and, ruffles. All sizes from .5 to 14 years, and Juniors from 13 to 19 years. 'Specially priced as follows: $2.69 Dresses $3.49 Dresses $4.98 Dresses $7.50 Dresses Special Sale of White Values in Fine Nainsooks Long Cloths, White Skirting, Organdys and White Goods Extra Special 500 yards assorted fancy white goods in novelty plaids, satin stripes and fancies, dainty sheer white goods of actual values to 69c. OQp Extra Special for this sale of white O C WHITE VOILES PLAIN WHITE FLAXONS An exceptional value, plain white voile, 36 Dainty fine sheer' fabrics for infants' wear, inches wide, sheer even ' weave, very fine lingerie waists and dresses tho fabric of thread. Specially priced ff perfect satisfaction. f-Q and 7Qr per yard TctJC' Kxtra special values.. J7C I 17 L WHITE ORGANDIE WHITE SKIRTINGS Full 36 inches wide, very fine quality, a Not ordinary white skirtings, but white value greatly in excess of the price. Very skirtings of class and value, all thf latest fine thread and even weave. QG designs and patterns, full width, values up Special OOl to J1.50 yard. Kxtra special values at MERCERIZED POPLINS yard 79c, 98c $1.19 Of special weight even weave fine thread. PAJ AM A CHECKS mercerized, a poplin of 50c value, white Xot ordinary coarse w sma chock 'only. I,xtra special value per ,jut Jhe r?a, Pajama checkSf 38 jnches wdc ald special weave and finish, per CCO FANCY FLAXONS ard 0C The white goods with a permanent linen FRENCH NAINSOOK finish in assorted fancy hairline and satin Extra Special Value A crack-a-Jack 36. Gripes, dimity checks and plaids. Extra rricc today very fine even weave, dainty special values, per yard and sheer (limit 10 yards) Ilxtra special 49c, 55c, 65c, 69c UU 39c White Goods Department Main Floor Every Day Special Sale of White Prices INDIAN HEAD SPECIAL Genuine Indian Head shrunk soft finish for misses' dresses, aprons, children's wear, middy and smocks, 45 inches wide. Extra Qf special for this sale of white : . . xtV BLEACHED MUSLIN UNDERWEAR CREPE ' . . , ,. . , i. t.w.1. ift Pacific Mills Crepe Phase, cry fine finish. Extra Special alue A crack-a-jack, Jt :, . , . . , permanent mercerized, the ideal fabric for mches wide in Cambric or Isainsook finish. ' . " , ., , , rti Summer undergarments, pajamas and child- - 35c 54c UNBLEACHED MUSLIN WHITE DEVONSHIRE CLOTH Eess than Mill price today full 36 inches The cloth with a national reputation for wide good weight even weave free from wear and service, exceptionally good for knots limit 20 yards. JQ Hoys' Tub Suits, Middy Waists, Smocks and Extra special vC Tub Skirts. Extra value, ZQf per yard . JUs CAMBRIC MUSLIN LONG CLOTH Extra special value a cambric of service. Less than Miil Pn'ee today, Eons Cloths of permanent finish. 30 inches wide, very fine exceptional value, very fine oven weave, for thread. -Made from selected Imperial Val- fine needlewoork. Extra values per vard 'T..Z:Z 49c 45c, 49c 57c ' Staple Department Main Floor An Annual Event of Which We Are Justly Pre Prices, We are in a Position to Supply Your Muslin Undergarments Knit Underwear Lace Skirts Children's Dresses Waists Towels, SI and White Goc .$2.00 $2.60 .$3.73 .$5.60 ottori Goo OS Extra S Not one item but Woederfu! Two Opening Saturday, June 19tt Store Open Week Beautiful Undergarments in Silk, Crepe, Batiste and Fine Cotton Specially priced for this sale of White "Dove Brand" Undermuslins Are considered and have the reputation of being one of the very best and mot satisfactory of all mnkpo of fine I'nderwear Muslin "Dove Brand'' undermuslins are sold exclusively by The Boston Store? in Phoenix. "DOVE BRAND" NIGHT GOWNS All made from the finest of materials, such as Cambric. Lon Cloth, Pink & White Batiste, Butterfly Crepe, and plain Crepe, these in high and low neck and long and short sleeves positively the greatest Gown Values in thu State, specially priced for this Sale of White as follows . . , $1.9S Gowns ...$1.49 $2.&0 Gowns $1.Sa $3.50 Gowns $2.80 $4.50 Gowns $3.60 EXTRA SPECIAL 10 dozen Night Gowns of special summer wesht batiste, fancy embroidery trimmed, V-neck style. A regular $1.50 QQr value (Limit 2 to BATISTE GOWN SPECIAL Pink colored batiste tailored stylos, a neat pretty and good service gown, all sizes. A gown of good $1.79 value. JM Ofti Special .; O PHILIPPINE HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS Made of dainty sheer Pineapple tissue, hand embroidered yokes and tdeeves f tb finest needle work. Extra value gowns, spcially priced for 20 D,SC0UNT this Sale of White, choice J Envelope Chemise . "Dove Brand" Envelope Chemise, a certain guarantee c style and value, the ideal warm weather garment, all special t prced for this Sale of White. $1.00 Envelope Chemise SOc $1.69 Env. Chemise. . .$1.35 $1.98 Env. Chemise. ..$1.59 $2.49 Env. Chemise. . .M.39 Envelope Chemise Special 10 dozen Envelope Chemise in both Pink and White Batiste, narrow embroidery trimmed yoke, sleeve and skirt all sizes, a chemise of extra special 79 C value Philippine Hand Embroidered Chemise Made of the same beautiful quality fabrics as the "Night Gowns, the most exquisite hand embroidery needle work Extra special during sale of OA of White .."VO Discount "Dove Brand" Underskirts - When vou buy "Dove Brand" Undergarments you rest secure in the knowledge of the fact that you are certanly get ting the best. $2.50 Underskirts ...$1.98 $4.50 Underskirts ...$3.59 $6.00 Underskirts ... $4.79 Sateen Underskirt Special Plain white sateen underskirt tailored and perfect fitting, a $2.40 value, special oedal. what you can pi Days Until 6 P. 1$;- tUV each customer) $4.00 Underskirts ...$3.19 $5.50 Underskirts ...$4.39 $7.50 Underskirts . . .$5.98 of mercerized sateen, well sateen underskirt of $(J9 (Muslin Silk Und Dtrrir Silken Undergarments of the Crepe de Chine and Tub Silk med in dainty hand embroidei Pajamas, Camisoles, Envelop, is today actually, in many inst? Sale of White All $2.50 Garments . .$1.85 All $5.00 Garments . . $3.7' All ST. 50 Garments . . $5.6Z Silk Underwear Dep. 4