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rrTi m m ARIZ ON A REPUBLICAN 1 H iH . ... .Ill , AIM INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL VOL. XXXI., NO. 64 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR 16 PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1920 16 PAGES 4 1 U. S. NEEDS NO COUNCI L TO OF DUTY, SAYS HARDING Republican Nominee In First Speech of Campaign Declares the Preservation of Americanism Is First and Highest Duty of All Citizens Coolidge Also Speaks WASHINGTON, June 29 Declaring that nation "requires no council of foreign powers to point the way of American duty," Senator Harding, Republican nom inee for president, in his first campaign speech today, urged the preservation of Americanism as the first and highest endeavor of all citizens of the republic. The candidate's first utterance of the campaign was heard by no audience today, being made for a phono graphic record to be released on the Fourth of July and to be used throughout the campaign. A copy of the sena tor's address was made public at his office and with it a speech made last week by Governor Coolidge of Massa chusetts, the-party's vice-presidential nominee for a simi lar purpose. Not Shunning Duty Senator Harding chose "American ism" aa his subject, while Governor Coolidge spoke on "law and order. America, Mr. Harding aid, does not mean to hold aloof, chooses no isolation and shuns no duty, but, he continued, we arrogate to ourselves the keeping of the American continent and every concept of our moral obligation. The presidential candidate added that "it is very practical to make sure our own house is in perfect order before we attempt the miracle of old world stabilization . " In urging maintenance of law and order, Governor Coolidge defined the need of America as "a broader, firmer, deeper faith in people a faith that men desire to do right, that the government is founded upon a righteousness which will endure." "The first flaming torch of Americanism."- said Senator Harding, "was lighted in framing the federal consti tution In 17S7. The Pilgrims signed their simple and majestic covenant a full century and a half before, and set aflame their beacon of liberty on the coast of Massachusetts. , Other pio neers of new world freedom were rear ing their own standards of liberty from Jamestown and Plymouth for five gen erations before Lexington and Concord heralded a new era. It was all Americanism in the destined result, yet all of it lacked the soul of nation ality. . In simple truth, there was no thought of nationality in the revolu tion for American independence. The colonists were resisting a wrong, and freedom was their solace. Onco it was achieved, nationality was the only agency suited to its preservation. Constitution Temple of Equal Rights "Americanism really began when, robed in nationality, the American re public began the blazed trail of repre sentative popular government. Rep resentative democracy was proclaimed the safe agency of highest human treed om. America headed the Cat ward procession of civil, human and religious liberty, which ultimately will effect the libetation of all mankind. The federal constitution is the very base of Americanism, the ark of the jovenant of American liberty, tne very temxle of equal rights. The consti tution does abide and ever will as long is the republic survives. "Let us hesitate before we surrender the nationality which is the very soul of highest Americanism. This repub lic has never failed humanity nor en langered civilization. "We have been tardy sometimes, like when "we were proclaiming democ racy and neutrality while we Ignored our national rights, but the ultimate and helpful part we played in the great war will be the pride of America so long as the world recites the story. America FirstThen Europe "We do not mean to hold aloof. We choose no isolation. We shun no duty. I like to-rejoice in an American con science, and in a big conception of our obligations to liberty, justice and civ ilization. Aye, and more. I like to think of Columbia's helping hand to new republics which are seeking the blessings portrayed in our example, but I have a confidence in our America that requires no council of foreign powers to point the way of American duty. We wish to counsel, co-operate and to contribute, but we arrogate to ourselves the keeping of the American continent and every concept of our moral obligation. It is fine to idealize, but it is very practical to make suro our own house is in perfect order be fore we attempt the miracle of old world stabilization. "Call it the selfishness of nationality if you will; I think it an inspiration to patriotic devotion: "To safeguard America first. "To stabilize America first. "To prosper America first. 'To think of America, first. "To exalt America first. "To live for and revere America first. "Let the internationalists dream, and the bolshevists destroy. God pity him 'for whom no minstrel raptures swell. (Continued on page 2) INDICT EIGHT IN CONNECTION WITH BERGDOLL ESCAPE PHILADELPHIA. June 23 A special federal grand jury today re turned indictments against eight Xcrsons as a result of the investi gation into the flight of Grovcr C. Liergdoll. army deserter. It also jsabinftted a report censuring P Clarence Gibboney of this city, and Samuel T. AtikHI and Kdward S. Kailey of Washington. BerjTdoll's counsel, for gross carelessness. J recommended court martial for Major Hunt. 5n command of the barracks at Governor's Island, from which Bergdoil was released to ob tain his buried treasure, and for the. two army sergeants from whom ho escaped. Hone! i warrants were issued by Judg Thompson for four persons whose whereabouts are l.nown. EUROPEAN POINT MMODEST DRESS 10 L PLAYS ARE FLAYED BY PRELATE Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, June 29. Archbishop Patrick J. Hayes today vigorously ar raigned the "modern tendency" towaytl secularism, federal centralization and Socialism In education In a sermon at tho solemn high mass which opened the seventeenth annual convention of tho Catholic Educational association here today. "With science giving" the shrug of doubt aa to the existence of God." he said, "with law courts grinding out di vorces ad nauseam, with passing lit erature that finds it pays to portray characters reeking with moral sham and condoning the offense, with young and old gone mad over the lurid mo. tion film, with the drama depraved In spite of heroic efforts of the many who. patronize and love the clean play, with the daily press mirroring ihe crimes and sins of society, with feminine dress mocking at -decency and modesty J with ever decreasing: respect for au thority and reverence for the flag of our country where !s the power who has the wisdom? Where is the salva tion of youth of our land?. ' "The philosophy of the world Is to enjoy what one pleases, to think as one pleases and to do what one pleases without the checks placed by religious sanction and the moral law." o BAPTISTS FAVOR UNIFORM DIVORCE LAWS IN STATES Republican A. P. Leased Wire BUFFALO, N. Y., June 29. The thirteenth Baptist Northern convention closed today with the election of offi cers and adoption of resolutions cov ering a wide range of subjects. By a vote of 69 to 422 the delegates refused to censure the Rev. J. W. Brougher of Los Angeles for marrying Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick ford by dropping him as a member of the executive committee, but adopt ed a resolution urging more uniform divorce laws to do away with "scandal of easy divorce states." The resolution also urged the Bap tist ministry "to hold rigidly to the scriptural standards regarding di vorce." Another resolution called upon the federal government officials to be scrupulously fair in its treatment of Orientals in this country. The convention refused to approve & portion of the report of the social serv ice committe -vhich condemned com pulsory military training and voted to refer it back to committee. REVIVE PLANS FOR "ONE BIG UNION" IN RAILWAY CRAFT CHICAGO, June 29. Plans for a "One Big Union" movement among railroad employes were reported to have been revived here today at a secret conference at which, leaders de clared, 105 delegates from American Federation of Labor locals throughout the country were present. H. M. KMfer, district chairman, de nied that the organization had any radical intent or that a strike was be in;? considered. "We simply believe that all railroad workers should belong to one union, instead of half a dozen brotherhoods," Kcifer said. "We have ?,0JQ members in Chicago now. We believe the A. F. of L. has lost its power. ' HOPES VISIT WILL TEND TO RESTORE CONFIDENCE, SAYS Republican A. P. Leassd Wire WASHINGTON, June 29. Fernando Iglesias Calderon. sent to the United States by the new Mexican government as high commissioner with ambassa dorial rank, declared today that his mission "was calculated to bring about better relationship between the two countries and o restore that feeling of mutuau confidence tat formerly existed and should exist. "The new government, under Presi dent de la Huerta," Calderon added, "will seek scrupulously to fill fll its obligations, international as well as national, also that the country may once more take its proper place among the families of nations." o FURNITURE PRICES TO DROP ! CHICAGO. June 29. The peak of high furniture prices has been reached. I according to members of the Retail I Furniture association of the United ) Suites, which opened a two-days' con i vention tonight. PATH Lowden Not To Run Again For Governorship SPRINGFIELD, III.. June 29. Governor Lowden will not be a candidate for re-election, it was announced tonight following a con ference of party chiefs with him. The announcement said Governor Lowden would support Lieut. Gov. John G. Oglesby for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. BlPIOlFfiBEEK OFFENSIVE CONFUSES YOUIG TIM LEADERS Republican A. P. Leased Wiref CONSTANTINOPLE, June 29. Mustapha Kemal Pasha personally is in general command of the 'military movements against the Greeks. He is conferring at Balaikesri, which lies midway between Pandemia, on the southern coast of the Sea of Marmora, and Soma, with the leaders who are opposing the Greek movement toward Pandemia. Ismet Bey, the nationalist chief of staff and a bosom friend of Enver Pasha, is commanding the entire Smyrna front. The nationalists appar ently have been much confused by the rapidity of the Greek attack. There are many indications that the nationalists are concentrating at Guieve, a short distance southeast of Ismid, preparatory to making a big stand there after getting the Greeks scattered over long lines of communi cation. The nationalists are showing a le friendly attitude toward the American relief workers than formerly. Through the port of Mudania, lying on the Sea of Marmora, southwest of Ismid, the American commission for relief in the Near East had been able to keep up communication with many interior re lief stations through co-operation of the nationalists. Since the British force landed there and has been en gaged in skirmishes, it is clear that American ships are less welcome and there is danger that the nationalists will close all the Marmora and Black sea ports to American ships. All the American women relief work ers have left Batum for Constantinople. The British say they will avacuate Batum within a few days, but they have said this repeatedly during the last three months. Operators Oppose Closed Shop Plank In Mine Contract Republican A. P. Leased Wire SCRANTON, Pa., June 29. Meet ings of the anthracite coal commission this afternoon were adjourned until Wednesday morning of next week. 'To day's session was largely given over to the presentation of final data on the cost of living and wages paid to miners in the anthracite mine region by W. Jett Lauck, consulting econo mist of the United Mine Workers of America. At the afternoon session the pro posed recognition of the union clause, which was contained in the demands of the mine workers, was discussed at length. The operators intimated that recognition of the union would be granted if the closed shop feature weer taken out of the clause. The miners' representatives main tain that because all miners are not connected with the union, differences of opinion arise between the union and non-union men, with the result that trouble is experienced not only b the union officials, but the operators themselves. This, they claimed, would be obviated if the closed shop was in effect in the mines. o Ohio Republicans Celebrate Harding G. O. P. Nomination Republican A. P. Leased Wire COLUMBUS. Ohio, June 2D Ohio Republicans met in state convention today perfected a temporary organiza tion and heard "harmony speeches" by W. H. Boyd of Cleveland and Harry M. Daugherty, Senator Hardin's pre-con-vention campaign manager. Tonight's session was given over to a jollification over the nomination of Senator Harding. Senator James E. Watson of Indiana delivered the prin cipal address. The convention will adopt a platform tomorrow morning, select two presi dential electors at large, and ratify the 22 electors selected today at district caucuses. ASK INCREASE IN PASSENGER RATES Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, June 29. Increase of passenger fares as well as freight rates, to permit railroads and electric lines to operate both branches of their service at a profit, was urged today be fore the interstate commerce commis sion by Clifford Thorne of Chicago, representing shippers, and Charles L. Hendry of Indianapolis, chairman of the American Electric Railway asso ciation. Their pleas for higher pas seneer rates broueht that Phase of the revenue question to the fore for the first time since the rate hearings be gan. Mr. Thorne advised a 5 per cent in crease in passenger fares for the rail roads, while Mr. Henry contended that traction lines, with fright making no only a -small portion of their business, could not absorb passenger losses if an increase is allowed in freight rates only. TO REWARD 7 FOR MINE RESCUE WORK WASHINGTON, June 29 Award or hero medals to seven miners for res cuing feilow workers, whose lives were endangered by mine accidents during the last three years, was announced today by the Joseph A. Holmes Safety association, an organization created in memory of the first director of the bureau of mines and the humanitarian work started by him. Three of those receiving medals gave their lives in attempting the rescue of companions and the medals will go to their nearest kin. All lived in Mon tana, Idaho and Minnesota. . P. PLATFORM FOAMS SUBJECT OF LONG SPEECH Convention Chairman Takes Issues With All Things Given to Republicanism Assails Party for Disclos ures of Pre-Convention Campaign Funds Republican A. P. Leased Wire SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. Senator Robinson of Arkansas, permanent chairman of the Democratic national convention, in his speech today as sailed the Republican party for its Chicago platform, for the disclosures of large sums of money in pre-con-vention contests, and particularly at tacked the Republican senators who fought ratification of the peace treaty with the league of nations covenant. "The Republican platform adopted at Chicago is an amazing jumble of ambiguities, inconsistencies, evasions, misrepresentations, 'straddles' and slanders. It is deliberately unfair in charging upon the Democratic ad ministration all responsibility for mili tary unpreparedness. Everyone knows that the Republican party controlled the government for a long period prior to the inauguration of President Wil son. When the Democratic party went into power March 4, 1913, both the army and the navy were' far below the authorized number. If criticism of the pre-war national policy as to military preparoiness is justified, the censure must fall upon the Republican party. Takes Issue With G. O. P. Platform "Tho plank in the Republican plat form respecting taxation is manifestly insincere. They promised no substan tial relief from the exacting tax bur dens necessarily imposed during the war. There are many vexatious taxes that should be repealed now that tho war is over. The big joker in that amazing doctrine is the pla.nk in the Republican platform concerning prof iteering. "We condemn the Democratic administration for failure impartially to enforce the anti-profiteering laws enacted by the Republican party. "Who will be deceived by this ab surd pretense? The Republican con gress enacted no anti-profiteering laws. The amendments to the food control act were suggested by the pres ident and supported by the Democrats in congress. The president recom mended four additional measures to prevent and penalize profiteering. "It is said partisanship ceases at the water's edge. The political record of the last few months belies this declara tion. The Republican party in the senate and in its recent convention presented to the world the humiliating spectacle of discordant and conflicting factions seeking to discredit the presi dent in his efforts to maintain the re spect and confidence of our allies. Asks Meaning of Mexican Plank "The Chicago platform declares that the policy of the Wilson administration towards Mexico is responsible for the loss of lives and property resulting to American citizens in Mexico. Never theless, the provisions of that platform regarding Mexico are ambiguous and indefinite. Does the plank, the Repub lican platform on Mexico, mean that celled in a multiplicity of ambiguous citizens in Mexico ate hereafter en dangered this government will make war on Mexico and establish a protec torate? Why was the convention not frank enough to announce a definite policy? Why was its meaning con cealed in a multlplicit yof ambiguous "The president is condemned for asking authority of congress to exer cise a mandate for Armenia. It never has been contemplated by anyone that the United States shor.ld assume that responsibility without first prescribing the terms and conditions of the man date. It would not be difficult for the United Estates to so safeguard its re sponsibllties as to proceed with the united spirit of England, France, Italy and Japan, as well as every other member of the league. The mandate may readily be made self sustaining. Then should the president's request be treated as audacious? The Republican party would deny any encouragement or assistance to Armenia and would force a protectorate on Mexico. They are deaf to the appeal of the oppressed but as always they are sensitive to the call of wealth. They are unwilling to incur expense or deign to protect mil Ions of God-fearing Christians from massacre, but they are anxious to in vade a foreign land for the protection of property rights. "Great Republican leaders, Including Mr. Lodge, Mr. Roosevelt, in public ad dresses prior to the war, championed (Continued on page 2) o 3 KILLED, 3 HURT IN COLLAPSE OF HOTEL BUILDING Republican A. P. Leased Wire . BUFFALO. N. Y.. June 29 Three men were killed and three were in jured in the collapse of the four story Sutherland hotel in lower Main street today. Andrew Burns, a clerk, is miss ing, and is believed to, have been killed. Tho known dead are: John Hennes sey, John Carroll and Patrick Eagen, laborers. The city fire chief and fire under writers, after examining the ruins, were inclined to the belief that the fall of the building was due to a gas explosion. The absence of any sign of fire was the puzzling feature. The building was one of the oldest in the water front district. o CHICAGO GRANTS CITY WORKMEN A BIG WAGE RAISE CHICAGO. June 29 The city council today began consideration of pay increases to city employes, totaling more than Jl.500,000, by granti'ng a maximum yearly wage of $2,100 to firemen and policemen. A blanket resolution calling for the payment of the union wage ecale to members of the union crafts em ployed by the city also was passed but will be reconsidered tomorrow. Policemen and firemen now, re ceive $1,992. The union crafts asked $10 a day. 'Home Town' Puts On Best Togs To Receive Harding Republican A. P. Leased Wire MARION, Ohio, June 29. Sen ator 'Harding may not know his home town when he arrives to re ceive the acclaim of his old friends and neighbors at the home-coming next Monday. Practically every business block in the city has been painted or is undergoing repairs, and the city council has paved the way for many city improvements. By next Monday it is expected 'to have the two 700-foot train sheds at the union station nearly completed. Work on them was be gun yesterday. VOTElilT FUNK By RATI OF Tl TO 0 SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. The sub-committee of nine, making a preliminary draft of the Demo cratic platform, rejected tonight a proposal to include a wet plank. The deliberations and vote were secret, but it is understood that the vote against a wet plank was at a ratio of two to one. After the platform sub-committee had been in session for more than two hours, it was still working on the language of a league of nations palnk Senator Walsh of Montana left the committee room just before midnight, bound for bed. Other members of the sub-committee were understood to have decided to remain in session through out the night. It was said the committee was in disagreement as to proceed lire. Some members, led by Senator Welsh, felt that the views of each member of the full committee should be ascertc-ind on important issues before the work Of drafting the planks was taken up. The opinion was expressed among some sub-committee members that the draft could not be . completed before tomorrow night at the earliest and possibly not before Thursday morning. Actual work on the Democratic piat- form was begun tonight by the sub committee of nine after last l.iinute suggestions from many sources had been heard at an all-day public hear ing. The committee meet behind closed doors. Just before It was called to order, Chairman Glass announced that nothing would be made public regard ing sub-committee recommendations a-s to platform planks until the full committee had passed upon them. Special precautions to guard the sub committee deliberations from inter ruptions were taken and it looked like an all-night session might be in pros pect. When the sub-committee met. the most serious problems confronting the convention, including prohibition, the league of nations, and the Irish Ques tion, still were far from solution and it was apparent that some of these subjects, at least, would develop fights in the full committee and probably on the convention floor regardless of what action the sub-committee might take.1 Because the sub-committee is head ed by Senator Glass of Virginia, an ad ministration man, and holding a clear majority for many administration pol icies, most of these holding views not In harmony with, the White house de cided not to ask for sub-committee consideration for their suggestions. One of those who declined to take his proposals to the inner circles of platform builders was W. J. Bryan, who said he preferred to wait and make the fight for his league of na tions and bone dry planks in the full committee after the sub-committee had acted. Senator Walsh of Massa chusetts, who also had a league plank of his own, made a similar decision. In their deliberations tonight the sub-committee had, as a starter, the Virginia platform written by Senator Glass and approved by President Wil son. It also had a mass of testimony collected at the day's public arguments during which feeling on the prohibition and Irish questions several times ap proached the boiling point. At the conclusion of the hearing to day the full platform committee ad journed until 10 o'clock tomorrow, but members of the sub-committee pre dicted that, despite the long night ses sion, they would be unable to report by that hour. It was said that If a report was ready during the day the full committee might consider it at a night session tomorrow' in the hope of having the platform ready for the con vention itself Thursday. George Creel, who was chairman of President Wilson's committee on pub lic information during the war, joined the committee of nie which is draft ing the Democratic platform and It was understood he would work with the sub-committee in drafting the doc ument. Mr. Creel came to San Fran cisco with Secretary Daniels. His part in the drafting cX the platform, it Is said, would be to look after its literary qualities in somewhat the curie man ner that Col. George Harvey polished up the Republican platform at the Chi cago eon vention. 0 Requests America To Seek Allied Aid For Hadjin Relief Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, June "3. The American government was requested by the Armenian Hadjin relief union of America, in a memorandum pre sented today to the state department, to urge the allied powers, "particularly France," to send an expeditionary force to the relief of the Armenians in the city of Hadjin, besieged for four months by Turkish nationalists. If a force were dispatched at orce, the communication stated, the siege could be raised in less than a week. The memorandum said that Arme nian troops would join a relief expe dition and suggested that American marines from a warship anchored in the Bay of Mersina co-operate "with a view of saving the Christian popula tion from imminent destruction." o 837 HERO DEAD COME HO ME" NEW YORK, June 29. The bodies of &37 A. E. F. dead, consigned direct to the homes of their parents, reached here today from Antwerp aboard the transport Mercury. WE ANTI-WILSON SWEEP SESSION OF DEMOCRATS Administration Forces, In Control of Con vention, Get Ready for Action Perfect Organization and Hear "Raps" at Re publican Party SAN FRANCISCO, June 29 The Democratic na tional convention wound up its preliminaries today and prepared to get down to business tomorrow. With administration forces continuing in apparently complete control, it perfected its organization, accepting Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas as its permanent chairman ; permitted states to upset the unit rule, provided for taking women on the Democratic national committee and prepared for the business of having candidates nom inated by adopting an order of business which will per mit the delivery of nominating speeches before the plat form is brought in. Balloting for a nominee, however, will not be per mitted before the platform is adopted by the convention. With the slate thus cleared of preliminaries and ar rangements set for the principal business, the convention, after a three hour session, yclock tomoiTow morning. AMER STRIKE OF SOFT COAL MINERS Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHARLESTON, W. Va.. June 29 Six. thousand miners in Mingo county, West Virginia, and Pike county, Ken tucky, were today ordered by district headquarters of the United Mine Workers here to refrain from report Ins for work tomorrow. Insuance of the strike order. District President C. F. Keeney announced, followed the re fusal of the Williamson Coal Operator' association to treat with the miners. The men affected by the strike order include practically all the miners In Mingo county and almost 1,000 who work for West Virginia corporations with mines on the Kentucky of Tug river and along Pond Creek, one of its tributaries, say union officials. These miners were recently brought into the union, it was said today, and last week's demands were formulated for presentation to the operators. A total of 1S3 miners families have been compelled to leave company houses since the organization of miners began in Mingo and Pike counties, ac cording to reports received at union headquarters here. Tent colonies. It was added, have been " established at Springgs, Lick Creek and Nolan. o NEW BEVERAGES ADDED TO LIST OF INTOXICANTS WASHINGTON', June 29. Black berry cordial and wild cherry wine were today added by the bureau of in ternal revenue to the-list of intoxicat ing liquors and may be sold by drug gists in retail quantities of less than five gallons only to persons who have obtained permits to purchase intoxicat ing liquor. Instructions were issued to federal prohibition directors today detailing a number of preparations containing al cohol which are held to be fit for beverage purposes and are, therefore, regarded as intoxicating and subject to prohibition regulations. Klixir of licorice came under the bu reau's band, along with the elixir of anise and bitter orange. Compound spirits of juniper and myrica were ruled intoxicating as well as compound tincture of lavender and a number of other pharmaceutical preparations. SHIPPING BOARD PURCHASES COAL ON OPPEN MARKET Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, June 29 Freight congestion and car shortage has com pelled the shipping board to go into the open market to obtain coal for the government merchant marine, it was said today at the board's offices. , The result is. officials said, that bunker coal which under contract could be purchased for $7 a ton is costing the shipping board as much as $18 a ton. Coal operators, under contract to de liver coal for bunkerinpr purposes, have been unable to pet their shipments to the seaboard because of the freight congestion and car shortage. While operation of the nation's mer chant fleet as yet Has not been ham pered by fuel difficulties, shipping board officials freely admitted that a serious situation was developing. RICH FARMING LANDS HELD BY ANTI-REDS Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, June 29 General Wrangel's anti-bolshcviki troops in southern Russia now control approxi mately 22,000 square miles of rich agri cultural land with heavy stores of grain, according to reprts today to th state department. The fighting be tween General Wrangel's forces and the holsheviki is reported as severe at times with the former showing con siderable spirit an confidence. Southern Russia advices received by the department indicate that clothing, shoes and medicine are most needed by the people in the territory controlled by General Wrangel's armies. o TO FREE ALL, RIOTERS LONDON', lino 29. Sir Herbert Samuel intends to signalize his as sumption of the high commissionersiiip of Palestine by proclaiming amnesty for all persons convicted of rioting in Jerusalem. 0 11 CONTESTS AWAY IN SECONi adjourned to resume at 11 Reed "Ruthlessly" Denied Seat What the second session lacked in the dramatic fire of the opening day it made up in the smoothly working control which administration support ers exercised. Anti-Wilson contests, such as that of Senator Reed of Miss ouri for a place . on the floor, were swept away with ruthless but good natured haste. Even the "booea" and hisses which greeted mention of Senator Reed's nam had a tone of humorous ridicule. The announcement of "unanimous vote" delivered by the chairman against a feeble chorus of "noes" here and there never failed to bring cheers and laughter from the delegates. The great auditorium was filled with even a greater crowd today than yes terday. There was no vacant Feat in the impressive sweep of the galleries rising: steeply in walls of faces on three sides on the floor. Long before the day's business could proceed the hub bub of conversation rumbled and mumbled a steady undertone to the music of band and pipe organ. Boom ers for Attorney General Palmer or Governor Cox took lively, If impromptu part in the entertainment features. Senator Robinson had a little diffi culty keeping the machine going at the pace Mr. Cummings had set. There was a little confusion on parliamentary procedure at times, and once Mr. Cum mings Intervened to straighten out a resolution to perfect the colonel's plans to give women full and equal repre sentation on the national committee. The committee women already have been elected by many delegations. The delegations were still of a mind for more pounding- of the Republican party and the Chicago platform when Senator Robinson delivered his speech as permanent chairman. He woke them to uproarous approval when ha shouted that he made no "apology for article 10" of the league covenant. To the accompaniment of applause, ha lambasted the senate under Republican leadership for procrastination in deal ing with the treaty and for its rules that a senator could talk to ruch an extent on any subject that "nobody but God can stop hm." Shouts Disapproval of Senate Acts The chairman had potten the con vention up to a good pjtch by that stage and with perspiration rolling down his face from the effort to drive his words to the farthest corners of the big building, he leaned down over the roped speakers stand. "It is to the Ehame of the senate," he shouted, "that it took a greater time to defeat the treaty than the army and navy took to win the war." The delegates leaped to their feet cheering. It was a minute before he e.ld be heard again, shouting: "And they left the treaty right where it was when the president brought it back from Paris." Failure of the president to take with him to the peace conference members of the senate had rankled 1n some senatorial hearts. Senator Robinson continued, but he added that if the president had done so and the sena tors had "shown no more intelligent at the conference in drafting the treaty than they have shown in Hm consid eration then God bless Woodrow Wil son for leaving them at home." Again the delegates clamored their agreement. Mr. Cummings, in putting through a resolution congratulating Governor Roberts of Tennessee for having called a special legislative session to deal with the suffrage amendment, got cheers when he declared it unanimous in the face of a mutter of negative votes, coming mostly from the vicinity of the Georgia and other southern delegations. Predicts Democratic Landslide "American women are for peace and against war," Senator Robinson told the convention, "and thev'll yoto that DISCOVER PLOT TO DEFRAUD THE EX-SERVICE MEN WASHINGTON. June "0 Arrest of three employes of the bureau of war ri'sk insurance on a charge of conspiracy to defraud former ser vice men of compensation resulting from disabilities, was nnnnirneed i day by the Serotary of the Treasury Houston. The names of those ar rested were not made public. The three employes were said by Mr. Houston to have advised ser vice men on presentation of their claims that they weie entitled to only $200 or $300 compensation and later to have agreed to obtain ad ditional compensation on promise to divide the increased amount. In all cases, the service men could have obtained the larger amount with out assistance, the secretary said.