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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1920 PAGE ELEVEN OffBUl SUGGESTS PUK OHI TAXATION T0S.F.CIHT1 Advocating romovins the tax on business income and placing it on the owners' income, and further advocating- all income tax assessments be ad ministered by federal and regional boards. C. M. Zander, chairman of the Arizona tax commission, has forward ed to the committee on resolutions of the Democratic convention a taxation plank. In' a measure the plank Is identical to that which Mr. Zander has advo cated at the different sessions of the national tax conference and which ia being regarded with favor by a num ber of leading tax experts throughout the country. , It was Mr. Zander's idea to have the plank presented to the committee by Alexander Baker, assistant attorney general and attorney to the tax com mission, but owing to illness Mr. Baker was unable to attend the convention, fo that yesterday Mr. Zander took th matter up with James A. Harrison of Xogales and also wired his views on taxation to William Jennings Bryan and other prominent Democrats, whose support he urged. Following was the plank suggested by Mr. Zander: Suggest taxation plank favor remov ing tax on business income and trans ferring to recipients business income. That all income tax assessments, but not collections, be administered by federal and regional boards. Reasons tax in present form absolute necessity during haste in war because tax so new full machinery and records not de veloped to collect entire tax burdens from persons, but these defects no longer exist, also business formed great collecting agencies perhaps will ingly, but tax passed to consumer. Its operation resolved into consumption tax denounced always by party. Great cause high prices. Administration too far removed from people never full success and minimum friction until brought closer. Depletion and invested capital never can be fixed by law, but must be adjusted by responsible boards according to found accounting and changing conditions. Neither can rul ings in Washington be satisfactory to small taxpayers who cannot afford ex pense to Washington for satisfaction. Iarge taxpayers only enioy this priv ilege, and with thfse present advisory board overwhelmed with cases that can never be reached. Locally tremendous federal taxes paid by Arizona mines reduces value mines assessed on ad valorem basis. Many other states af fected similarly with same or other classes of property. In discussing the plank yesterday Mr. Zander declared that the present operation of the federal income tax on business has resulted in consump tion tax because business has added the, tax to the cost of opeiation and charged it to the public. "During the stress of war and the fact that the income tax machinery was not perfected the present tax was the best method of getting the money, but now the treasury department has well organized machinery for the ad ministration of the tax, and the further fact that the treasury department has also all the information necessary cov ering persons who receive the income from business." said Mr. Zander. "It is therefore no longer excusable to col lect a tax off business, but it would be feasible to follow that business in come to persons receiving it and tax it there. In this event there would bo no way of charging it un to the cost of doing business. The government would get just as much -tax and operators would not be loaded with excessive costs. "Arizona's interest -in this situation is due principally to the fact that the large producing mines have been pay ing large sums under the federal in come tax and those sums must be de ducted from the net revenue produced in Arizona which naturally results in a reduction in the valuation of proper GOODYEAR TIRES SIZES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS For Sale By ED RUDOLF 316-46 East Adams St. H ties. No act of the government snouia result in lessening the value or the functioning of any of the instruments by which wealth is produced." asserted Mr. Zander. "If the tax is placed on persons the same amount of tax would be raised without interfering with the instruments that produced it. "There van be no question but that the manufacturers throughout the country have taken advantage of the situation and not only the legitimate charge against the cost of operation for taxes has added everything to it that could lie made to stick. This, however, is not true of the metallifer ous mines, because even though th mines nught have followed the same course it has been impossible for them to do so, ps in their case th market has controlled the price of metals, and not the supply. "While the question of administra tion of thf federal income tax is not of so much interest to the Arizona tax commission, yet anything" that will tend to reduce the friction between the tax gatherer and the taxpayer make easier the task or all tax depart ments. "There is at present considerable ir ritation among the taxpayers because of the difficulty and expense of having moot questions adjusted at Washing ton. It would certainly be greatly to the relief of the public if the adminis tration of federal income tax assess ments was decentralized and brought closer to the public by the creation of regional income tax boards." HELD GISSOB ALL INT ID DAY IS CHARGEAGAINSTTWO Estcban Ebarro and Qoquin Cota two Mexicans, were arrested last night and placed in th county jail on a charge of having committed a statu tory offense. A charge of assault with a deadly weapon, it is said, will also be filed against Cota. The men, it is alleged, kidnaped a 15-year-old Mexi can girl last Sunday night and kept her a prisoner until yesterday when she succeeded in getting the mother of Cota to take her back home. After reaching home the girl gave the infor mation that led to the arrest of the men. According to the story told by the officers, the two men entere'd the tent of the girl's parents last Sunday night in a camp two and one-half miles east of the Indian school, and while. Ebarro seized the girl, Cota knocked her father down with a revolver when he attempt ed to interfere. The men then carried and dragged the girl across the cotton fields to the Arizona canal. Officers were unable on Monday morning to trail the fugitives after they had crossed a hard road. On Monday night, after hiding all day in the brush along the canal, it is said, the men took the girl to the home of Cota, six miles southeast of Phoenix on the high line canal. Cota was arrested by Constable Haze Burch in Phoenix while he was waiting for his mother to return from taking the girl home. Ebarro was captured by Deputy Sheriffs Blanco, Troutman and 'Price near the Cota home. SPECIAL CARS FOB FROM DAYS TD FJ PHOTO the announcement the "investigation" of the land department was pending and Mr. Jones asserted that he would make his fight on the stand he had taken in the matter. "No man or corporation shall pay one dollar for leases beyond that fixed by law-, and I sliall use every effort to end rumors of irregularities in the land department."' Mr. Jones, at a later meeting of the land board, called during the absence (if Governor Campbell, made the motion that the investigation be terminated, which had the etl'ect of "whitewashing" the land department. o Sixty ex-soldiers are employed as guards at seventeen distilleries throughout the state of Maryland. This peacetime strength infantry company is composed of men who know all about night raiding parties, hand-grenade throwing and shooting. , . o SEPARATED WHEN A BABY SEEKS TERRK HAUTE Police celved a letter from H. A. MOTHER have re (Irove, of- "It's all aboard for Prescott, the Fron tier Days and fourth or juiy, leaving Phoenix at 7:50 o'clock Saturday morn ing with as many cars attached to the regular train as are needed to accom modate the crowd, it was announced at the Phoenix ctvamber of commerce following a meeting of its excursion committee yesterday. The committee comprising B. E. Marks W. W. Lawhon, F. P. Cruioe and II. D. McVay reported that 50 members of the Knights of Pythias lodge would go in a body and would iike to have the city and county go along officially. The committee also reported that many had concluded to go, if the excursion was run, from all parts of the valley. It also reported the request of the chamber of com merce of Prescott to the chamber of commerce of Phoenix to have the Phoenix and Salt River valley people go up on a special train, or In one train if it were deemed advisable to enlarge upon one of the regular trams running through Prescott. The conclusion was to enlarge upon the regular train, adding as many cars ns will be needed to accommodate com fortably all who take part in the ex cursion. The Frontier Days festival starts July 2 and continues over the Fourth to include the fifth of July. The tick ets for the round trip will be $8.10. including war tax. good for return within 15 days. No excursion ticket is required as all going to Prescott on the excursion will meet -at the train Saturday morning in time to purchase regular tickets at the office there. Tickets also may be purchased at the city ticket office. Adams street and Central avenue today and Friday. o W ATTORN L IT atch the EV TO BE FOR OFFICE AGAIN It takes money to run for governor or United States senator, said Wiley E. Jones, attorney general, who stated yesterday that he would be a candidate for re-election. "My money is tied up in Arizona property," said Mr. Jones, who believes that it is less expensive to run for legal advisor to the state than to be a candi date for chief executive. Mr. Jones stated that he was not making a formal announcement at the present time, "merely sending notices to the papers that he would announce his candidacy in a few days." Some time ago Mr. Jones, in an inter view in The Republican, declared that there were many matters of interest pending in the attorney general's office and that he might ask the people to permit him to finish the work upos which he was engaged. At he time of EDAN This Week -IN- Non-Stop Motor Run For Seven Days, Starting Satur day, June 26, at, 8 o'Clock, and Ending Next Saturday Night at 8 o'Clock. CAL MESSNER 401 WEST ADAMS STREET. I J Service all the Time GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES JOHN P. COATS TIRE HOUSE 301-303 N. Central Ave. SATISFACTION For three years with Goodyear Tires and Tubes Wilky-artman Oil Co. Second Ave. and Jefferson St. Phone 1337 Babbitt Automobile Co. 311 North Central Goodyear Is Good For You Goodyear Skill as Represented in Tires for Small Cars mmv The high relative value built into Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-,30x3 and 31 x 4-inch sizes, results directly from the extraordinary skill and care applied to their manufacture. To make their quality available widely, Goodyear operates the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking one of these sizes, you can equip it with Goodyear Tires at our nearest Service Station. Go there for the exceptional value in these tires made possible by Good year's resources, experience and demonstrated expertness in tire manufacture. 30x3'2 Goodyear Double-Cure fc- -550 Fabric, All-Weather Tread A J 30x3 Goodyear Single-Cure $-150 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread , , J.m Goodyear Hesry Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit why risk costly casings when such sure protection is available? $ 5 0 30 x ZVz size in waterproof bag i Goodyear Tires Sold in Phoenix by Paul Bennet Auto Supply Co. 328 N. Central Ave. Phone 1707 WASHINGTON STREET GARAGE Goodyear Tires and Tubes SERVICE HARRY CRESWELL 808 W. Washington. Phone 4490 fc ! fliWMii in mmiiu. wimiiiwi mmm I ill in n a a a q i These others fellows are not the only pebbles on the beach Goodyear Tires and Tubes F. C. Paine Rubber Co. 31 S. First Ave. Phone 1031