Newspaper Page Text
u PAGE TWO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1, l'JU 1 tract. re,lUy recw'l. on the con- OfC'rman Hck" Pleased from rhLhIrt ,nform the telegram of'v.r S :innouinS the dismissal had iLi-J,Un'Un I"-oceeUinS8. -but I homf. ! 0,1,15 h,1Se tllat t,,('1; those Of the ,WhUl U Wats count 1 lj"ndin attorney in the eAml m l? be a" rlftht- They are examining and passing on bonds everv out of the way is -oins; to escape them. i?,l,U,haM' I ,'"n awful strain on that hondine house to have honds it bought declared to he illegal. The public would lose confidence in almost any bonds h.ul these l.-en successfully attacked in the courts. "However, aside from little un pleasant notoriety lor the community, ine whole affair has amounted to noth, inc and has cui-ned us not the slightest Inconvenience. went riKht ahead Un all preparations and no did Twohy Brothers: in fact, we told them to go right ahead and not to lose a dav on account of these threats." . After considering the evidence th judge ruled that a court in Chicago cannot Interfere with the affairs of a county in another state. 1 o TEN OF ELEVEN CANDIDATES ENTERED (Continued from 1'age One) within and no enemy without must im pair it or diminish it. "The dangers are not distant: the fears are not mere fancy. They arj living, breathing things and always pregnant with disaster. Therefore your candidate must he more than the mere roouth piece of your policies. He must be the embodiment of your freedom and the exemplar of your liberties. He must be the intrepid defender of your Institutions, a courageous crusader in the cause of law and order. Above all. he must be the ardent advocate of Americanism; and the Democracy of Pennsylvania has commanded me to Present to VOU hi ramlirlacv "In the exacting time through which we have passed in recent years he has. shown all of the qualities of leader ship. ""In Pennsylvania when a powerful political organization under the leader ship of the present high priest of the Republican party, the invisible power that dominated the recent convention at -Chicago had tempted even the leaders of our own party to betray her' interests, it' was he that entered Into the conflict and rescued Democ racy from her faithless leaders and from her shame. It was he that fear lessly exposed the crimson record of Republican corruption and regenerated his party so that now it may ho!d high its head in the pursuit of those lofty ideals and pure purposes that are the pride of the nation's Democracy." "It Is not yet determined." he said, "whether the great sacrifices made by America's sons in the war were in Tain. Eighteen months and more, while civilization has been hovering over the brink of dissolution and an- archy and bolshevirm has spread, the lnlted States senate under reactionary , Republican leadership has supinely de feated. That this nation had bcrorae ihe great moral leader of the world, looked up to. admired and loved by the; people of all countries, and that ; ! hirers if you want the genuine in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught- j in Tk SPUDS-49 Fancy California Burbanks, 6 pounds 50c Fancy California Burbanks, per hundred $7.90 Large White Onions, 6 pounds 25c Home Grown Watermelons, 31C per lb "- Home Grown Cantaloupes, 10 C each Tomatoes, 15 C per lb Sunkist Lemons, 28 C per dozen Fresh Peaches, 15 C per lb Navel Oranges, 70 C per dozen Armours Grape Juice, S4:C pints Bass Island Grape Juice, Q2c quarts Olives, extra large pint 25c cans ; Jell-O; all flavors, 14 C each while they wrangled and talked, ad- j miration was rapidly giving way to distrust and love to hate, seemingly mattered not to them. Truly, lias U been s.-iid that the honor of this nation is now committed into the hands of the Democratic party, and it will not fail in the full performance of this trust." GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK j "The Democratic jarty must stand ; or fall upon the record made by the! Wilson administration." former Gov- ' ernor Shallenberger of Nebraska told 1 SENATOR the Democratic national convention to day in nominating as a candidate for the. presidential nomination United States Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock of Nebraska. "We have no other political asset." declared Mr. Shallenberger. "Without it we are bankrupt." ROBERT L. OWEN Described as a man whose record would appeal to the women voters, the business interests, the farmers, the laboring men, and to all lovers of pop ular government. Senator Robert J. Owen of Oklahoma was placed in nora- j illation today before the Democratic national convention by D. Haden Line baugh of Muskogee. Mr. Iinebaugh declared that "party lines were binding more loosely" and that the need of the hour was "a can didate whose record and whose char acter will inspire the confidence of progressive-thinking, forward -looking men and women, without regard to past party affiliations." "We offer you a man." he said, "who in three great campaigns has shown himself capable of attracting the sup port of progressive men and women who are not affiliated with the Demo cratic party. "We present you a candidate who will appeal with extraordinary power to the eighteen million women voters in the United States. Who, when all other candidates were silent. Iiuliffer- their valiant champion and the chosen leader of the woman suffrage forces in his state. We presertLJN'ou a man who has always been for those things which women deeply desire. If there be a man in America who is entitled to the support of the women of America, that man is Senator Owen. "Oklahoma presents you a man who without bigotry has been the faithful! champion of prohibition in his own' state iind throughout the nation. One) who can be relied on to faithfully ee- ( cute the eighteenth amendment. "We present you a man who has j proven beyond doubt his attachment and fidelity to sound principles of gov- : ernment. and who has for years stren- j uojsly and successfully labored to pro- j mote the peace, happiness and pros- j perity of our people by making ourj government. &xd all cf its agencies. truly responsive to the people's will. "We preent you a man who hasj been a faithful leader and supporter; of the great legislative yrosram ofj Democracy. Senator Owen has sup ported every ITno ratic policy, evrryj progressive act and every war meas ure. His speeches in support tit the f.ace treafv of our great pre:dnt. Woortrow Wilson, were ur.urj,.aed in the senate fhsm!r. JAMES W. GERARD Prai'ing President Wilson's attitude rn th prc treaty and term-ire i-n-ator Lodge's keynote spech at th It - p jtdican convention nt fl.lriM ' . i rrene hrnn of hAte." 1". P 1. ' errv udy placed the name i f former Km . lsaoor James rrj jo mir:ir,- ITn lor irir pr-iii-n y itiu-i I erncvra'lc national rr.vtntiun In sioi here. Mr. Cherry palrd for m nondna tton of a jfe and .n mn. a ii;.'t tan, hut on r-.f thr -ar lin. nin h his t:i tri-l s th ttrjt furnace of ti e, n 1 h c .a'n-.. t IDNS-SPUD that James Y. Gerard had all these o. ualities. Mr. Cherry's address in part fol lows: "Things have been going on in this j world during the last six years." said I Mr. Cherry, "very ditferent from the. ! things which had occurred before. I Some thirty-five or forty millions of ! rr.en were hurled into deadly conflict. jlintUe fronts were organised sufficient to reach ocean to i renches. 1 1 aitiing tlie most across this continent from i ocean. The men in tlioj in the reserves and in thej imps were the most capable.! active and the most fit fr-v civil pursuits, tuitions, enga possessed by some trurty ( e l in the appalling con- ! flict. Those nations quickly turned away from the processes and purposes of neace. threw nil their ldivsical. all t their economic and ail their moral powers and resources into the most I stupendous mortal combat of al! tiini". l lie great, war was m t-uro'ie. it ex tended quickly to t!ie continents of Asia, of Africa, of Australia, of North Am'iiica and of South America. Kvery s:reat nation on e:rth was a belligerent. Sometimes, in very truth, it seemed j that western civilization, and eastern j civilization as well, was being wiped; J out. There was doubt and discourage- ; ment, but not yet despair, in the faces of stout h.earted men and women j 'everywhere. Then this world convul-j I sion subsided. Tli armistice was ! j signed. The stupendous conflict j ended. And then the nations, and the men and women within the nations, j bean the reorganization of their af- i fairs, anil of a new world order: and; began the organization of a now. n higher, and even a better civilization than the one that has so suddenly and ; so ruthlessly been torn ap.irt and out, of which this world disaster had is sued. "The price which hnd been paid wa ' appalling. Ten mil'.ions of the best ! lives were gone. Vorty biliion of n:t- j tional debts, resting upon the bel- Userent nations before the war be mm had le.ipod'to two hundred billions of debts. Property destruction beyond the! estimate of experts had ben suta!ne,( by individ'inls, by eon.munjties and lv : rations a!;Ve. Waste and destruction J had been plied up like mountain upon mountain. Literally, not figuratively. thousand- of villages ar.d hurdr.Ii njvon hundreds of citb n und towns h.i one out cf existence r s to thetr in habitants, as to their places of tiKi-i ness. and as to their homes. A tiri! of WHStef t'lness. of ntr;nc:i nee and ' recklessness h: .!. prfori e. t vken I !! of the human m!nd m er here. Th econornic. the rnor;l ar. t the relictous worl i had received a shock tiw I nr.-. lirenent dav irr of xmdrt.-iri.tir-ir The customs n-. frKi!, of htghtv civt! e, ap crfiiT iicl l.fe had t-een Inrgety ir v . ilrft r.itions. even !us-ia with l r hun-ir--l and thirtv ; million !i!, anl the f-i ir u!v-r!l--ta t it; romrrf" irg rr. cdi Jl'r;e w:h the!'- hundred irl rfnt v f i v e nii''n o;!. tetan tt) to!tr I !n f i iTtv . k i"ti"ia.e. r'; ' trvatifn. l,n w mi rv.J in Kt.; area fnrfr-r! ft ft of r.t ' ',-e- esed Of tt e !..!: r .J-.fitton KEEP M'ADOO OUT OF WHITE HOUSE CRY OF VETERANS tidfi t'.at ,'if a ? '! ? - ret! 'he rcrr:!'.alor. if it ! t-.t-m prm ! let f ;"tf ihiwk to t'- "- - l . prt v !,! To r) i . -r , !-r ;- e f.r- t -r t tnw?t ' 1 ' ? -1 m j ,!lt. : f t-.i - . . . a. . - e t i i.mrf T1 e f y t r - ' r r. .-. t h r- t ' " i.- ! '4 the :tn' I o U:'.r l-veii en t- t -i at. t; ta ?-. -. ni ? ' t t .-.,, " .Mr t Urtt e i t tVr.fa r uri -f IY thret?-t f ,i , 1 ., H. St ?-!-!. wc-.: ', 1 rt ..'v Bread, 20-oz. loaves, ?r 2 for .wtJV, Familv size Ilorlick's Malted Q 0T Milk, each OO.a-.tJ m. j. b. coffee, 09 rrq 5-lb. can 0-.00 Hill's Blue Coffee, OO 3-lb. box OX.OO 4S-lb. Moses' Best QJ (f Flour tl.UU 48 lbs. Star CO A n Flour OO.i Gi :-lb. box Crax, 1 Or each OX O 8-lb. can Snowdrift, CO A H each O.I 1 gallon can Wesson Oil, CO (0 each O.UO Pint Fruit Jars, er dozen OtJL Quart ri-uit Jars, Q1 r per dozen X C on a wave toward the nomination. Smith May Be Running Mate "To strengthen their program, the inside loaders hit upon a plan to take Governor Smith of Now York as a run ning mate for the candidate they hope to ultimately select, despite the notice which W. Hourke CocUan gave to the convention today that New York would accept no second place for the gov ernor. It was no secret that the Tam many delegation came to San Fran cisco with no intention of holding to Smith for very many ballots, and as for the breaking up of the unit rule, many delegates were expected to go eventually to ('oxpr Kdwards. Rather than push Smith too hard, the plan of the Tammany managers, it is said, was to run him again for governor of New York and then hold him in reserve for the candidate for mayor of New York after a second term at Albany. The licmonst ration which swept the convention today after he had been placed in nomination bj W. Hourke Cockran was not on account wholly for Smith's nomination. Nevertheless, it served the purpose of putting thv convention in a very happy and friend ly mind toward the ..-v York gov ernor and there were possibilities of its being capitalized in the t-ituation suddenly presented when the party leaders decided to make an effort to I beat McAdoo. None of the old line insiders made any effort tonight to conceal his con j rem at the jnran in the McAdoo boom i or to deny that it was loaded witl; i threatening possibilities from turMr j viewpoint. i The night after a grilling day in the convention hall, far from being spenji ; in rest, saw much planning and round- ! I ing up of forces. Some old-time leaders! I aereed that the boast so frequently! j made on the convention floor as a jibe' i at the Republicans that the Democratic) candidate 'would not be in a fie in a1 hotel room at 2 a. m." was in danger of being challenged by "the impending de- ! velopments. Those who were willing) to speak frankly, although not puN- holy, acknowledged that they had an uphill fight on their hands trying to; stem the McAdoo wave. j 4, . ; BELIEVE FIRST BALLOT MAY BE CAST THIS P. M.i (Continued from Pace tie) j fised door of the platform commit- j tee. hut it devoted itself wholly so far j as, the organized program with getting the nominating speech out of thej war and clearing the decks for con- j Mderatioa of the platform tomorrow , It w.ts rpe.-ted that all the r,o;niru-t- , log speeches would te made today and ! that when an ad)outrtment wan taken i unt.l tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock ' Use convention would hne u clear j track to ! -oi-;d alum of the) piriform with it ur f neht on the et ; :.n. dry l;e ai d possibly om other ' pi. ink .; Rut after eight wearv and rjt kir3 i hoars of or-tir.uous seton that '.! Jrtimd with rere tr.ln. the ir.nvfi. i ion felt St bad id rnough ,ifrr il ' be'trd r.erv.;!i.inng he for ran- j ii!dat s. cor. hid : g w,t! Governor iM - i ward of New Jersev. arc., on motion) of 1 1 .rrr.!t . e flood ef Virginia. ! M.-ii.,t i? ru and too a r--c until 11 tomorrow morning. At that hour tomorrow the business of placing candidates in nomination will lie re sumed with the prospect of the name cf .John W. Davis will he the only one presented. The platform committee, the convention leaders hope, will be ready to report at that time and the convention can then di.-n;' of the platform and proceed to balloting for a presidential nominee. possibly to morrow niaht or Friday. Many of the friends of Ambassador Davis felt that tin- presentation of his name tomorrow before a convention refreshed hy a night's rest instead of at the fag end of a hard day. gave him an important advantage. Harmony Fills Convention Air SAN FRANCISCO. June 30 Lifted out of itself by hours of oratory, old songs that tugged at the heart strings and the throbbing appeal of a mighty pipe organ, the Democratic national convention brought nomination day to a tremendous emotional crisis that had nothing to do with candidates or plat form issues. Factional differences were forgot ten: political jealousies were swept aside and from seething tumult on the floor to the singing, cheering thou sands in the p icked galleries; the vast assembly gave itself up at intervals without stint to a great brotherly re- Registered Chemical Fibre Indemnity Protod Checks are manufactured under supervi sion of the CJeneral Indemnity Cor poration of America whose I'.ond insures user and his bank jointly atrainst 1st Forgery. 2nd Erasure of the name of payee. 3rd Raising of the amount, which is prevented through the use of the Todd two-color Check Writer. "Protod" (similar to paper used by the the silk thread I'nited States manufacture of be obtained in government in th liank Notes cannot b the open market and vents duplication of and forger). thereby pro check forms THE TODD CO. 140 W. Adams Street Phoenix, Arix. Phone 1305 "Better be safe than sorry Our system of registration pre vents us from itllixg checks to Sanks for the use of depositors. We sell forgery-D'oof chests to beeh fer tK.r en ue oety end to Cus tomers drct. IAVishTo Announce That I Have Changed the Name of Mv Firm From Gass Bros." To Chop House as I have leen the ov owner For over eitrht years. There will be no change in management or in operating the business. It will be conducted the same as before buying the best of everything to eat, employing only competent help that have experience in the restaurant business which enables us to serve you with quick and polite service night and day. Thanking mv friends, customers and the public for the loyal support they have shown me in the past I hope they will continue to do so in the future. Chop OPEN DAY FORMERLY 19 North union as unexpected as it was over whelming. The scene was unparalleled in the memory of the oldest convention ob server. There was no feature lacking to draw the thousands from their sober business into a riot of feeling and the convention surrendered unconditional ly. Flooding silver light from the electric arcs hish in the galleries bathed floor and platform in a strange appealing glow; the crash and clamor of the military bands, the great im pressive sweep of the arched roof of the auditorium, and always the solemn elation in the voice of the great organ tuned to the melodies of other days, were not to lie resisted. Kven before the convention was called to order before noon, the hall was touched with the hint of what was to come. Hooters for Palmer and for Cox had come armed for great demon strations. There was no mistaking that. The crowd expected it. Ohio Has Own Band High against the wall of the west ern gallery a red coated band from Ohio was placed, fronted by a solid The Constructive Spirit constantly on the alert to promote and protect ths finan cial interests of its friends and clients, animates ths activi ties of this bank.. The long history of its commercial bank ing service is enriched by this spirit of sincere and sensible co-operation. Hers the standing of a business concern depends no more upon its size and power than upon its character, personnel and potential strength. To every de serving enterprise, regardless of sge or size, which seeks our service, it is our policy to extend ths fullest benefits of our facilities in so far as this is compatible with sound banking practice. With us your commercial or personal banking requirements will receive prompt, and conscien tious attention. Rational 5ankorlZQM nr,oCmx ... HerTr cf fedtr Central at House AND NIGHT GASS BROS. Central Ave. block of rooters who got into action before the delegates had filled more than half the seats. Across in a perch above Ihe organ loft, the convention hand was at work with stirring melo dies and the organist threw his gTesr instrument into full, roaring accom paniment of any air the rooters raised. When the first nominating orators had been heard and the names of Senator Owen, former Ambassador f.erard and Senator Hitchcock had been idaoed on the ballot amid ap plause, Florida yielded to Pennsyl vania and the name of A. Mitchell Pal mer was presented to set the conven tion on its wild ecstacy of singing and cheering. The Palmer men were ready. No noise making device had been overlooked, no device of rooters to stimulate the clamor left untried. Up in front of the platform, a long, slim, red headed yell leader waved frantic arms from a rickety perch on a chair while a California woman in white drove the demonstration forward w ith almost equal vigor. The shouting of the Palmer adherents grew and (Continued on Page Five) Washington w 1 1 i ijs fr V jTP1iM'IJ-llr ,!!' Vsr-rrerr it