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A- ' I page fourteen THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1920 For Cotton Picking Ti ime Grey and White Enamel and Aluminum Kitchen Utensils. Simmons," "New Per fection," and "Red Star Detroit Vapor" Oil Cook Stoves. ...... Camp Stoves Con teens, Water Bags. 7 Tents and Picker Sacks. "Klean Kwick" Washing Machines. : !. EZRA W. THAYER 15 Discount on Refrigerators1 124-130 East Washington St. COTTON PICKING IN FULL SWING NTHREEWEEKS About Half a Dozen Loads Of Long Staple Already Have Been Delivered to Gins In the Valley This Season "With the 1920 long staple cotton picking season not yet open, Arizona's greatest season in acreage and yield, at least half a dozen loads of long staple of the new crop have been brought to gins lit the Salt River val ley; it was learned yesterday through representatives of local cotton com panies. From now on, cotton men say, cotton will be coming in at intervals until quantity deliveries to the gins begin in two or three weeks. Cotton growers are busy now getting ready for the big harvest, securing their pickers, preparing to take care of the "white gold" aj)d to transport it to the gins. In two or three weeks there will be no busier place in the country than the Salt River valley, cotton men agree. Since the first load of 1920 cotton was brought in to the Southwest Cot ton company here a week ago last Sat urday, othtr loads 'have come in until the total so far is about six. O. f. Johnson, of the Southwest Cotton com pany, said yesterday. Yesterday a load of cotton arrived at the company's Maarinetta gin, while the first cotton of the season at Mesa was brought in. the day before yesterday. Volunteer Cotton Coming in While the 1920 cotton season is yet hardly open, cotton men said, it is nearly so. All the cotton brought in to date is of the volunteer crop, and vol unteer cotton will be coming in in quantity by the first of September. The regular 'crop will be arriving at gins by the middle of next month. As nearly as could be learned yester day, the Southwest Cotton company is the only local company to receive cotton so far. The Martin Cotton com pany, however, has contracted for cot ton for October delivery. So far as anybody knew yesterday, no quotations have been .made on seed cotton. Cotton men yesterday reported little change in prospects for the crop in recent ."weeks. Improvement has been shown 1 during the summer, after the late spring and the yield will be satis factory, though probably a little less per acre than last year. The general estimate on the yield tnis year is around 75,000 bales for the 180,000 acres, in the valley. o . AMUSEMENTS I Riverside Park , Tonight and tomorrow nights are diamond ring nights at Arizona's most popular amusement center, and some lady will receive on eacn or tne ntgnts, a genuine diamond ring, set in a 14-kt, solid gold mounting. These nights are, proving very -popular with the patrons a classy, new body for your car if you want it Any kind of a body you wish to have can be built by us. Only the best seasoned wood is used and . we guarantee the body construction to be strong and sturdy the workmanship is also guaranteed to be high class. , If you need a special style of body for your truck or delivery car we can make exactly what you want. ' ALLISON Spring Company 334-336 West Adams Street of this fatuous resort. Numbered ticK ets are given toe ladies as they enter the dance floor, and Irom these num bers, one is drawn. The lucky holder receives the diamond ring. There are no conditions no strings on the ofler it is just what its name implies a diamond ring prize awarded the lady . ... . . , i rr . . . . . ' noiaing tne lucny nuumci. mo mow ing takes place immediately after the 10:30 dance. Friday night is balloon night, and on this occasion the capital prize will be the $50 merchandise order on the French Shop, when this popular shop- Dine center hangs up the prize. The order will be redeemable for either a dress, a suit or a coat. Watch for Cinderella night: it II be a riot. William ' Russell at the Ramona William Russell leads off the bill at the Ramona for today and tomorrow offering "The Lincoln Highwayman." In this offering this clever boy assumes the role of a supposed highwayman, but maintaining the atmosphere of the modern ocean to ocean highway, this particular road agent uses gasoline a his mode of travel, and commits his crimes either from the comfortble seat of a fashionable automobile, or from astride a motorcycle, his victims in cluding the wealthy tourists who jour ney along the famous highway. On one occasion, a fashionable party Is held up and robbed the girl or tne Dartv instinctively reeling a aeciaea interest in the dashing fellow -whose nrowess and bravery were responsible for the audacious deed. This interest grew on her until she was obsessed with an idea of again seeing her Drince charming."' This decision leads up to the thrilling action which marks the closing episodes of the un usual story, and paves the way for the denoument which is as surprising as it is original. Eddie Polo furnishes the added at traction in "The Vanishing Dagger." Lila Lee at the Hip Lila Lee, known affectionately as Cuddles" and the girl whose inter pretation in "Male and Female" was one of the outstanding successes in that production, finishes her engage ment at the Hip today, appearing in Rustling a Bride" her latest i'ara- mount-Artcraft picture. It is a ro mance of vouth and adventure, inter spersed with much rapid action, and several tense situations. Lila Lee is perfectly delightful in the leading role, and the supporting cast has been se lected with a view of bringing to eacn character the very best type and talent obtainable, with the result that "Rustling a Bride" will be counted as one of Lila Lee's greatest picture suc cesses. The added attractions are a western drama "The Hobo of I'izen City" and the Christie comedy. To morrow starts the engagement of Catherine Calvert in "The Career oi Katherlne Bush" Elinor Glyn's fa mous sister story to "Three Weeks." 'The False Road" at the Strand Today marks the final showing at the Strand of Enid Bennett, appearing in "The False Road." Those who re member her wonderful success m "Stepping Out" and "What Every Wo man Learns" will be pleased to learn that the present . vehicle is another glowing triL-ite to the versatility of this charming girl, whoe every picture faiily radiates talent in its highest ex pression. "The False Road" is a story of te underworld of New York, staged frmld the environment of the gieat city and unfolded in the at mosphere of modern life; its characters are all drawn from the everyday type of people and its plot rs intensly hu man. There are spots of the highest dramatic tension, and then with the deft hands of the experienced actress a i director, that tension is relieved by some clever bit of genuine comedy and a period of lighter and refreshing vivaciousness, all leading up to the tremendous climax. On the same program the Strand is screening "A Parcel Post rTusband" and the Pathe News. I0ISIDDOCK GETS IN RAGE FOR THE U. S. SENATE Constance Talma 'qe at Columbia Constance Talmadge proves that a woman can get anytning sne wants if she only knows how to go about it, as you will see in "Two Weeks," A picture taken from "At the Barn," Anthony Wharton's play, which will be shown at the Columbia Theater beginning today. Miss Talmadge, as Lillums, a show girl, flees from an escor. -ho has been rude and winds up at the home of three crusty bachelors. The grave old butler is horrified at her rrearance and tells her no women are allowe on the premises. Nothing daunted she shows him a slight thorn bruise and pretends to be suffering. The butler falls at once and in his sympathy takes her to the brth room, Then Lillums is caught by the owners who are shocked at i..e very thought of her Intrusion. But a flirty smHe and a toss of her pretty head wins two of them to her cause and she settles down for a visit. And the third bachelor? Well she vamps him plenty before her two weeks stay is finished. It Is the story of a chorus girl who wins her way to the stardom -and then gives up the stage because she has found something more to he "king. HAD EXiERh?NCE Elderleigh Ah, my boy, it is the lit tle things of life that tell. Toungleigh (savagely) Tes. I know. My girl has a little brother. Edin burgh Scotsman. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED, girl or woman to work in New York Candy Kitchen. 218 E. Washington. '"gD We find that most people have two very definite impressions of the LIBERTY They speak, first, of the wonderful differ ence in the way it rides and drives; and in the same breath of the high quality of its construction :: :: :: :: :: :: Have You Seen the New Liberty Six Motor? HOLMES MOTOR SALES CO Phone 691 247 North First Street C. M. Roberts Decides He Will Not Try for Governor Nomination List of State And County Candidates They're off. The last of the petitions of candidates for nominations before the primaries of the two parties were filed yesterday, the last day when that formality could be complied with under the law. Nearly all the nominating papers had been previously filed, but great interest was attached to those that had not been filed, and one of them never was. That was tne petition or Hon. Charles W. Roberts for the Demo cratic gubernatorial nomination. Another that was filed and which caused much interest was the petition of Thomas Maddock for the nomination for United States senator on the Re publican ticket. There was a rumor Tuesday night that Mr. Roberts would withdraw from the three-cornered contest, but it could not be confirmed and Mr. Roberts him self yesterday morning declined to offer a definite reply to inquiry concerning his intentions. The impression lett. however, was that he would remain in the running. Late in the afternoon it was expected that his papers, which it was known were complete, would be presented. In the evening he put an end to speculation concecning big intentions by the issuance of the following state ment: "Phoenix, Ariz., Aug. 18. Believing that no Democrat can af ford to consider personal interest above that of his party, I have decided to withdraw from the contest for the Democratic nomination for governor. I wish to assure my many friends that their loyalty has been appreciated and it will always remain one of my pleasant memories. "C. M. ROBERTS.' Aid to Winsor The commonly expressed judgment of the effect of Mr. Roberts' withdrawal is that it has greatly increased the chances of the nomination of Mulford Winsor. Both he and Mr. Roberts were regarded as residuary legatees of the political estate of former Governor Hunt and while it was assumed that Mr. Winsor was the most favored heir, there was no doubt that there had been left to Mr. Roberts a handsome legacy which will now revert to Mr. Winsor But it will not be a clear net gain for Mr. Winsor. In some parts of the state it was understood that there was a considerable element of Democrats who were regarded as conservative who had turned to Mr. Roberts. That was especially true of Cochise, his home county. This vote, now, it is thought, is much more likely to be diverted to Mit Simms. Then there is the vote of the cattlemen, most of which is counted for Simms, though it was known that Mr. Roberts, himself a cattleman, haa quite a following and that, too, is much more likely to turn to Simms than to Winsor. But putting one thing" against another, Winsor is generally regarded as the beneficiary of Roberts' with drawal. Maddock'a Move No Surprise The candidacy of Mr. Maddock for United States senator was not a sur prise, though it created a great deal of surprise a -week ago when the first rumors of it -were spread. Mr. Mad dock has had this step in mind for some time. Members of his party who were very friendly to him urged against it on the ground that he had waited too long. He replied that he was not proposing to make the race to gratify a personal ambition. On the contrary, he said that he de sired to get out of politics and had long considered doing so to evote him self to his own more remunerative af fairs. The business of the state enei neering department, of which he been the head for the last two yean. . a salary, small in comparison with the returns of a private business in which he would engage, was now in excellent shape and he could leave It without feeling that he had deserted the post which he had occupied at a sacrifice. But things, he said, had so shaped themselves in the Republican party; that is, in the contest for the senatoriw nomination, that he believed that whether he should succeed or not in se curing the nomination, he could be of service to his party. Following is the list of candidates for the various offices from which voters may choose on September 7, that is, voters who have registered as Demo crats or Republicans: List of Candidates United States Senator Elias S. Clark (R.), Ralph Cameron R). E. M. Robison (R.), Thomas Maddock (R.), M. A. Smith (D.), R. C. Stanford (D), John W. Norton (D.), A. A. Worsley (D.). Representative in congress Carl Hayden (D.). Governor Thomas Campbell (R.), Mit Simms (D.), Mulford Winsor CD.). Secretary of State rnest Hall (R.). Charles De Sales Wheeler (D.). H. E. Ross (D.). E. A. Carroll (D.), and Nellie Hay ward (D.). State Treasurer J W. Estill (R.), Sam P. Webb (D.), Raymond R. Ear hart (D,). State Auditor Charles W. Fairfield R.), P. J. Munch (D.). Superintendent of Public Instruction Linwood S. Pratt (R.), Elsie Toles (R.), C. O. Case (D.), A. C. Peterson (D.). Attorney General W. J. Galbraith (R.). Wiley E. Jones D.), Louis B. Whitney (D.), Leslie Hardy (D.)- State Mining Inspector Jack White (R.), V. G. Mellgren (R.), G. II. Bolin (D.), Harry Jennings D.), Charles FY Hansen (D.), Tom Foster (D.), Ed O'Hagan (D.). Ed. Massey (D.). Corporation Commissioner T. D. Cashel (D.), I. C. E. Adams (D.), Loren Vaughn (I.). State Tax Commissioners Rudolph Kuchler R.), C. M. Zander (D.), M. A. Murphy (D.), Frank Luke (D.), ind E. A. Hughes (D.). Presidential Electors Republican J. L. Gust, J. P. Boyle, Frank Stewart and Joseph W. Smith. Democratic May belle Craig, Dr. Harry P. Southworth and B. F. Billingsley. Justice of the Supreme Court Sam L. Pattee, A. G. McAllister. T. W. Nealon, all Democrats. County Nominations The following are the nominees for Maricopa county offices: Judge of the superior court: Frank II. Lyman, Democrat. State senator: H. C. Gilbert, Democrat: O. C. Lud wig, Jr., Democrat; Pauline H. O'Neill, Democrat;. C. M. Stoddard, Republican; O. R. Stapley. Democrat; H. A. Davis. Democrat; H. B. WTilkinson, Repub lican. State representative: W. T. Smith, Democrat, district No. 1 ; O. A. Kane, Democrat, district No. 3: Thomas G. Peyton. Democrat, dis trict No. 3; J. J. Holla.nd, Democrat, district No. 4; Gordon R. Cleveland, Democrat, district No. 5; G. Irvine IBxirk, Dcmpcxat, district No. 6; iohn & t Allen, Democrat, district No. 6; Dan J. Jones, democrat, district No. 7; Frank T. Pomeroy, Democrat, district No. 7; J. H. Kinney, Republican, district No. 1 ; G. A. White, Republican, district No. 8; F. W. Latimer, Republican, district No. 8; O. D. Betts, Democrat, district I No. 8; W. D. Baxter, Republican, dis- : trict No. 8 and Peder H. Bensen, Demo crat, district No. 9; A. G. Smoot, Demo crat, district No. 9. Sheriff: Fred A. Weage, Democrat; Jerry Sullivan, Democrat; John H. Ivy, Dem ocrat: W. H. Wilkey, Democrat; Jack O'Brien, Democrat; Henry L. George," Democrat and John Montgomery, Re publican. Supervisor: , W. K. Bowen, Democrat; W. R. Way- and. Democrat; Jess B. Hedgpetn. Democrat: W. E. Marlar, Democrat: Guy F. Vernon, Republican and C. S. "Jack" Stewart, Republican. Treasurer: Vernon S. Wright, Democrat: Charles B. Culner, Republican. Recorder: ' W. H. Linville. Democrat; Edith M. Jacobs, Democrat; Bolin W Shaw, Re publican. County Attorney: Victor H. Harding. Democrat; Her man Lewkowita. Democrat, and R. K. L. Shepherd, Republican. Assessor: George W. Cummings, Democrat, County School Superintendent: 'A. L. Jones, Democrat. Justice of Peace: East Phoenix, precinct: W. B. Ed wards, Democrat; Fred C. Boles, Demo crat; Henry J. Sullivan. Republican. West precinct: Nat S. McKee. Demo crat: Jacob Wavrunek, Democrat, Tempe: J. H. Cummings, Democrat; Wickenburg: John Riegs, Democrat; John, Miller, Republican. Buckeye: P. R. Mitten, Republican, cnandler: D. M. Arnold, Democrat. Glendale: F. T. Pat terson, Democrat. Gilbert: George S. Irvin, Republican. Mesa: P. A. Kings bury, Democrat; W. M. Newell, Republican. TO , Constables West Phoenix precinct: W. S. Lewis, Democrat; Robert E. Wilson, Demo crat; Burk Miller, Democrat; Johnnie L. Long, Democrat; Jim Graham, Dem ocrat; Jim Collins. Democrat: Evan Wilson, Republican; Roscoe D. Broyles, Republican. East Phoenix precinct: George A. Tylar, Democrat; Frank C, Martinez, Democrat; Maze Burch, Re publican. Buckeye: Jay Jones, Repub lican. Chandler C. M. Beckman, Demo crat. Tempe: Chriss Segola, Democrat. Gila Bend: W. A. O'Neill, Democrat. Glendale: J. A. Rudd, Democrat; Gil bert: Oscar Phelps, Democrat. Mesa: O. L. Picken3, Democrat. Tempe: J. H. Woods, Republican. Wickenburg: Ed ward Devauney, Democrat and Myron Genung, Republican. 110 COURT TODAY Ijsus M. ria Barboa yesterday was arrainged before Justice McKee on a formal charge of murder in connection With his alleged confession of the slaying if Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erhardt on the night of June 6 The Mexican will be examined on the charge this morning at 10 o'clock. He was placed in the county jail last night under a bond of $1500 1 which he couM not fur nish. Barboa was brought from the state hospital yesterday afternoon and at this hearing today all the evidence that the officers have gathered s.'nce he made his alleged confession on the night of June 26, will be presented to the court. All alibi witnesses for the Mexican will also testify. This hear ing, it ;'s believed by the officers will help clear up any doubt as to the in nocense of the Mexican. It is the opinion of the officers that he is in sane. For several weeks he has been an inmate of the state asylum here. o In eat Britain until 1827. stealing a shrep was punishable by death. means BsaBr f Your spoken arc loose THIS FIGHT WAS A PRIVATE AFFAIR SACRAMENTO Damon and Pythias had nothing on John Ruby and Robert Allen, pals here. Pinched for fighting in the street. Ruby went to jail, while Allen went out to rustle up bail. In court Allen protested he "didn't gnow anything about the fight," although he had a four-inch cut across his eye. Ruby had Allen in the gutter and was kicking his head, the cops said. (ft modi Mtf CM lKM ape ll An. Price! ww,,?Mtgr,5 SP0KTUE We Will Spoktiten Your Wheels Today Loose and squeaky wheels rapidly grow worse, until S more or less serious accident results when onososl strain is put upon them unless you have your wheels made PERMANENTLY sound and the wood nonshrmksble through the use of ' , SPOKT1TE f - ' ,f yJl'rWPJMM mm" inn. i i At the first signs of cracking paint around the bubs' or pokes, come to our service station and let us nil up the dried out fibre of the wood with SPOKTITE. Once treated h last! forever as this thoroughly tested preparation fiUs up the air cells in the wood permanently. c ihit Name and Address Garage here use bold typ pe J SPOKTITE made only by WOODTTTE LABORATORIES, Modctto, California ED RUDOLPH Phoenhc - Glendale ONLY 7 DAY "i i -XI TO BUY O BIG AT THESE cou NTS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG OPPORTUNITY Refrigerators 20 Silk Shade Lamps . 33 Rugs, except Whittalls 20 Inlaid Linoleum . . . . : 20 Print Linoleum , . 15 Drapery and All Piece Goods . . : . . 25 Bedding and Bed Linens 20 Porch Furniture . . . 25 Stoves, Coal and Wood .20 Stoves, Gas . 20 Stoves, Florence Automatic .20 Overstuffed Parlor Suits 25 Cane and Overstuffed ..25 LJishes and Glassware '. 20 Tents and Camp Furniture 20 Cedar Chests 20 Cooking and Kitchen Utemils 20 Bed Room Furniture 20 Steel Beds, Springs and Mattresses 20 Kitchen Cabinets : .20 Hammocks 25 Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose , 15 Baby Buggies, Carts, etc 20 Dining Room Furniture 20 Reed Furniture 20 There are hundreds of items that will be marked at large discounts to close them out. We are dealers in Standard Goods and We Guarantee every thing we sell. arrows rurnmire First St. at Jefferson All We Ask Is a Chance to Show You Phone 1666