Newspaper Page Text
'.THE ARIZONPliBijcMlt - i "V PAGE SIX SfiAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1920 SPECIALISTS In the examination of eyes and lh fitting of correct glasses. NORTH RUP OPTICAL CO. 9 E. Adams St. Phono 690 for appointment Science and Art Fitting len ses to your eyes is an exact science. Designing the glasses . to suit your style is an art. Our service covers your every need and your utmost desires. TRY US! 'Munson Optical Co. 8 East Washington St 15 Phoenix 3S i .3 88 East Washington St. Aiv Goldbergs' Clothing - Store 0 Phone 8089 Phoenix Seed and Feed Company Wholesale and Retail 125 East Jefferson St. Haas, Baruch & Co, Inc. GROCERS WHOLESALE Constable Ice and Fuel Company Phone 1555 PURE iCE GOOD.SERVICE ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPLY CO. The Only EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE Hardware House in the Stat Guaranteed TITLES Phoenix Title & Trust Co. - mi i, mn,r t, if-ir mitr, f n Q I Buy Diamonds and Pay Highest Cash Price PJack Gardner 45 N. CENTRAL AVED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS mMAfHIFAiniIR!NG STAIIIINERH- Capt. E M. Robison FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA United States Senate ' Republican Primary - PLUMBING HONEST WORK FAIR PRICES Send me your work for quick and efficient service O. E. BELLAS 610 North First St.; Phone 2875 LOANS EASY TO GET In sums up to $300 at lawful rates, on your furniture, piano, automo bile, livestock, implements, etc Repay in small monthly payments if desired. Ample funds. Just and courteous treatment. Strictly con fidential. PEOPLE'S LOAN AND INVEST MENT COMPANY Phone 1396. 23 East Washington Arizona Iron Works, Inc. P. O. Box 575 Phone 1271. Three blocks south of State Cap ital between Jackson an.d Harri son Streets. We have an up-to-date Foundry and Machine Shop and specialize In repairing Mining and Cotton Gin machinery. E. C. VOSS, Manager. ri i urn uNGR ooa a. trt'iaa a as phowk taaaaV phobk m TRAd1TP COUNCIL'S WEATHER REPORT Reservoir, elevation 209.34 Reservoir, contents, acre feet. . 1,116.033 Lpss, 24 hours 1,653 Klevution, year ago 176.42 Contents, year ago 673,997 Water used, north side 54,860 Water used, south side 52,290 WEATHER FORECAST Arizona: Thursday unsettled, pos sibly local showers north and east portions; Friday generally fair and warmer. Colorado: Thursday and Friday, un settled, probably local showers and cooler. New Mexico: Thursday and Friday unsettled, possibly scattered local showers; cooler Friday. WEATHER REPORT K 5 5 f . 2. 3 2 "0 " n - r? Stations . . 8 : : h : : : t Rain Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Cloudv Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. CIdy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Pt. Cldy Clear .10 .00 .0 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .24 .18 .34 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .56 .12 .00 .00 Local Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. Temp., dry bulb . . Tem;., wet bulb Humidity, per cent Wind from Wind, miles Rainfall .80 92 92 74 43 . .69 ..59 ..E .. 8 .. 0 73 v 40 SW 4 0 Weather i. Clear Clear Cloudv Highest yesterday 97 Lowest yesterday ' 77 Total rainfall 00 Deficiency in temperature yesterday, 2 degrees. Deficiency in temperature since the first of the month. 19 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since Jan: 1. 93 degrees. Normal precipitation Jan. 1 to . date, 4.62 inches. Actual precipitation Jan. 1 to date, 5. S3 inches. Excess sinee Jan. 1. 0.71 inches JAMES II . GORDON. .Cotton Region Bulletin NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. 1S.- Day ' temperatures continued below normal in central and northwestern districts, otherwise near seasonable. Moderate to heavy rains have fallen in GeorgU and Alabama and numerous showers in other sections east of Mis sissippi river and In Louisiana and southeastern Arkansas; few showers in northern Texas and some rain also in northern Oklahoma but special re ports missing. . - ' o HIGHWAYS WEATHER BULLETIN River Crossings Saca-ton: The river is running about a foot of water and is unsafe for cars to cross at present.; ' Cochise County All main roads in good condition, except Texas Canyon between Benson and Dragoon. Advise routing from Benson to Tomhstone-Gleeson-Court-land-Pearce and Cochise. This route Is 20 miles longer than by Benson. Coconino County County roads in fair condition; rough from Geronimo to San Carlos. : Greenlee County All roads in county in first class con dition: all streams bridged. All roads have gravel surface, well packed. Gila County General condition: Roads are dry and dusty. Globe-Winkelman-Hayden road jn good cbndition. Roosevelt Payson road in fine shape. Maricopa County Prescott - Wiekenburg road good. Black Canyon fair by way of Avenue 16. To Florence, new state highway out of Mesa.. Tempe bridge open for light vehicles. Coast: Parker route best. Ajo road fair by Buckeye and Gila Bend. Navajo County .. Holbrook-Winslow road bad on south side of river. Tourists should take road just north of Santa Fe railroad. Beda--hochi Wash crossing impassable on Kean.s Canyon road. Kse road Just north of Twinn Buttes. All other roads good. Whiteriver: Roads across reservation are rough but dry and hard except for e son places at the higher eleva tions. Pima County All main roads in the countv in crind shape; balance fair. Federal road to Mt. Lemon is completed. Pinal County Mountain roads in good condition; valley roads dusty and rough. Florence Casa Grande road bad due to- recon struction; take desert roads between these two points. ..., , Santa Cruz County " "' " ' Several storms last week; roads washed out in several places through out cornty. . Yavapai County Roads fn good condition. Daily rains, but no w-ashouts or high water. Yuma County Khrenberg ferry open to traffic. Roa in eood conditicn. Parker: Road via Parker and Needles in good condiiton. JAlfES H. GORDON. CITY BHTOGNE CONCERT TONIGHT The city band will give its regular weekly concert at 8:15 o'clock tonight at Federal park, First Ave., and Mon roe street.- The program will be as follows : March. Second Regimental Connecti cut National Guards Reeves. Popular, a. O step. 'top It" Kaufman. b. Fox trot. "Desert Dreams." Lewin Overature. Orpheus. Ofrenbach. Celebrated Minust, Paderewskl. Walt.e, fall of Ixive, Harper. Popular, a. I'm Always Falling in Love With the Other Fellow's "Girl, Meyer. b. '"Inlian Trai.r DelaTfnater! A Slippery Rap, Miss Trombone. Fill more. Sweet and Low, Johnson. Boston 60 6& Buffalo 70 .78 Chicago 74 "! Denver .... 78 8S Flagstaff 66 74 Fresno 96 96 Galveston 80 -84 Kansas City .... 76 84 Los Angeles . .-r. 74 80 Minneapolis .... 8-2 S8 Xeedles 100 100 New Orleans .... 82 86 New York . 72 80 Oklahoma 76 80 PHOENIX 92 97 Pittsburg 78 80 Portland. . Ore. . . 74 74 St. Louis 84 90 Salt Lake City ..78 80 San Diego 66 72 San Francisco .. 60 68 Spokane 68 70 Tucson 1 84 92 Washington 76 84 Winnipeg .-86 92 Yuma 96 96 , . . . ' ' ' - VRpj fFW ii w :. r' fil v: '.Hi :.:::-:-::-: :V y- : " "--'"eiif .- :,c-:-.. T- HnS . .. U III i9 33 rSar State Capitol Building at Memphis, Tennessee, where woman suffrage was finally ratified. - The structure was erected in 1845 and has been the scene of many ex citing sessions, but the special ses sion which ratified suffrage yesterday places the Tennessee capitol among the celebrated government buildings of this country and one that will long be remembered by the woman voters. locaffirieis TWO FELONY CHARGES J I. Mc- Kelvey yesterday was arraigned be fore , Justice McKee on two felony charges and was released under a bond of $500 which he furnished to appear for examination on the charges next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The complaining witness in both charges is Senon Valenzuela who alleges in the first charge of grand larceny that Mc- Kelvey took a white and black bull be longing to him. In the second charge, obtaining property by means of false pretenses, Valenzuela alleges that Mc Kelvey represented to N. K. Abramoff that he was the owner of four cows and one calf. Abramoff, he says, deliv ered the cows to McKelvey on Decem ber 26, and claims that they were his property in possession of Abramoff. WIFE. ASKS DIVORCE Charging desertion and failure to provide her with the necessities of life, Grace Duval yesterday brought suit for a decree of divorce from Charles Duval. She says they were married at-Yuma, January 22, 1917, and asks that her maiden name, Grace Bilister, be restored her. AM. LEGION CHARTERS HERE Permanent charters have been received at the office of the American Legion for the posts which have made appli cation for them and which have been operating under temporary charters. There are only a half dozen of them, though there are 36 posts in the state, all of which have been invited to make application. The charters are hand somely engraved bearing a silver seal over a ribbon in which are combined the colors of the army, navy and the marines. CONCERNING JOHN A. COWAN Mrs. Alice Gregg, writing to The Re publican from Modesto, Cal., concern ing an inquiry recently made through this paper about John A. Cowan, 'says that she was an intimate friend of the wife of Mr. Cowan, but since the death of his wife she has not been in touch with him. She says, though, that Cow an has a brother-in-law, William A. Azay, living at Thatcher, this state. INQUIRIES ABOUT BROTHER A l?tter has been received by The Repub lican from Mrs. Hannah Bailtv of 248 Laurel street, Hartford, Cann., mak ing i.KiU.ry concerning her brother, John Daly, from whom she had not v.eard for 10 years. In 1909 a letter was rece:ved from him. He was then ft Wiekenburg, She heard two or three yars ago thru he was in Phoe nix or its vicinity. He was a native of Ft. field, Mass., and came west several years ago: In 1873 he. returned home for 1st short time and then left for the southwest again. The writer thinks he was a miner. A brother has recently died and inquiry is now made for John Dalv ;r. connection with the settlement of the estate. TWO COUPLES WILL MARRY Licenses to marry were issued yester day to Leonard Carr, 22,, and Gladys Collier, 19, both of Tempe; and D. D. Draper, 52, and Ora Gray 32, both of Phoenix. SPEEDER PAYS FINE M. Shipley yesterday pleaded guilty before Jus tice McKee to a charge of exceeding the speed limits on North Central ave nue and was fined $15. CHARGES DESERTION Declar.-ng that she has not seen her husband since he told her he was through and left their home in December. 191fi. Oscie Brosius yesterday brought suit for a decree of divorce from Ralph Brosius, charging desertion. She says they were married at Brook ville. Pa., January , 1907 and alleges that she has supported their two children s.'nce their separation. She asks for an ab solute decree. LOW RATE TO G. A. R. ENCAMP MENT A one-cent a mile railroad rate for Civil War veterans of the G. A. R. and allied organizations to the nat ional encampment at Indianapolis Sep tember 20 to 26 has been obtained, X has been announced. Every effort has been made by J. P. Rhodes, depart ment commander and General Samp s n. assistant adjptant general, to ob tain a favorable rate. Additional in formation concerning the rate may be obtained at the loal ticket office. CHICKEN DINNER TONIGHT Th ladies of the lmmanuel Baptist church will serve a chicken dim r j at East Lake Park at 7 o'clock tonight. ! using a new system of charging. I Couples who come will pay for their t dinner at the rate of one cent a pound I for the lady's weight, the latter to I be determined by the scales at the. I park. Persons who come alone will I pay 75 - cents. The menue includes TENNESSEE CAPITOL . II irrnHsi ..mmiii j j .n -i.ia iiimi i- . 1 fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, potato salad, peas, pfckles, pie punch and coffee. SEARCHING FOR SON The moth er of Otto Gohr, thought to be in Phoe ns. has written here for information concerning the whereabouts of her son. She says he was in 111 health, and thinke he may be in a local hospital, anyone knowing his . whereabouts has been asked to communicate with the Associated Charities, 300 East Adams street, phone 1385 VISITING S STER Robin Fowler of Bartlett, Texas, is v:slting at the home of his sister, Mrs. James F. Fos ter of West McKinley street. REBEKAH AS TO MEET- Arizona Rebekah Lodge No. 1 will meet tonight at the Oddv Fellows hall. A large class is to be initiated and visitors from the .Mesa and Tempe lodges will attend. Refreshments will be served. -1I mem bers are .urged to attend. ". o ' ' D I BORN I : --n MANLEY To Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Manley, 1025 East Fllmore street, Tues day. August 17, a boy weighing 9',2 pounds who has been named Marshall Manley. ' PMEI1P EiED AFTER MUCH TROUBLE After a two-day hearing of the suit of George J. Partenico against Charles Sorensen. asking for a dissolution of their partnership, known as the Cadil lac Garage, and a judgment of $500, Judge Lyman yesterday afternoon gave Sorensen a judgment of $1000 against Partenico and ordered that Sorensen be permitted to remove his personal property from their garage at 407 West Washington street. Judge Lyman an nounced that he would settle the re ceivership next Monday. A hearing of the case -was had sev eral weeks ago but after Judge Lyman discovered that some of the assets of the company had not been turned over to the receiver he had appoined. ' he administered a" stiff rebuke' to each side, especially the plaintiff, and con tinued the case until all assets had been accounted for and . the affair fctraightened out. Yesterday the" judge ordered the receiver, H. D. Frjtzlic, to secure a lawyer and present his settle ment of "the business in'cOurt. The suit was filed on April 20 by Partenico, and a few minutes later. h went to their garage on West Wash ington Street and fired four shots at Sorensen after they had quarreled about the business. One of the shots struck Sorensen in the leg. Partenico is now" out under a bond of $2500 to appear for trial in the superior court, Oct. 16. o-n a charge of assault with in tent, to. commit murder in connection with the shooting. BUCKEYE Ml SEEKS LEGISLATIVE SEAT Announcement was made yesterday of the candidacy of P. II. Benson of Buckeye for the Democratic nomina tion for representative in the legisla ture from the ninth legislative district, which embraces the whole southwest ern part of. the county south of Glen dale and from a line a short distance west of Phoenix. Mr. Benson is the only candidate for either party for the from be yond the Agua Fria. He has been a resident of the county for the last 26 years and has been identified since then with almost every movement for the development of the Buckeye coun try. He was one of the organizers of the liuckeye Irrigation company and for the last four years has been one of the directors of the company. He has been engaged in farming, cattle growing and bee culture and of late years has given his attention chiefly to the lust named, in which he lias been liighlySiiiccossful. During the administration of Governor Hunt he served as state bee inspector. Referring to his record, Mr. Benson points to the fact that he lias succeed ed in every enterprise in which he ever engaged and he thinks that that is an earnest that he will succeed in the legislature! IMS TO BE LEVIED HI SCHOOL DISTRICTS TV In addition to a' tax rate of $1.03 on each $100 in assessed valuation of the property of the county for county and state purposes, each of the school dis tricts will also pay a certain rate based on the amount asked for school purposes by the board of trustees In that district. This tax will be levied on the assessed valuation in the dia trict and must be added to the rate ot $1.03 to secure the total county and state taxation in that district. In nearly every district this rate is much in excess of the rate used last year. This increase is due to the in creased amounts for school purposes asked by the boards in the districts. Each board estimates their needs for the coming year and apply to the board of supervisors for that amount thrpugh the county superintendent of schools. ' The following rates on each $100 valuation were levied by. the board of school districts, special road districts, drainaee districts, irrigation districts, cities and towns in Maricopa county: 1919 1920 Phoenix High -School 38 Mesa High School ......... .41 Glendale High School 26 Chandler High School 37 Gilbert High School 53 .62 .53 .50 .81 .46 .60 .51 .05 .46 1.08 .06 .33 .39 .73 .60 .54 .50 .01 .85 .37 .70 .4 2 .03 .6(1 .26 .7 j .03 .4b 1.18 1.13 .41 1.91 .64 .29 .2:4 .50 .86 .05 .71 .77 .OS .37 .78 .85 1.8b .40 .80 .71 .1 .60 .6i .06 1.07 .79 1.00 1.00 1.10 2.00 1.00 Tempe High School .31 .00 .37 .09 .47 .39 .08 .26 .27 .58 .51 .29 .48 .03 .69 .23 Peoria High School . School District No. 1. District No. 2 District No. Distritrr No.. LMstrict No. District No. District No. 3 . 4 , 5 . 6 . 7 . District No. 8 . 9 . 10 11 13 14 16 District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. 17 65 j Distric t No. 19 31 District No District No 21 22 24 .06 .23 .00 .23 .04 .08 .72 .45 .40 .71 .56 .21 .20 .56 .30 .03 .5 8 .64 .05 .07 .43 .19 1.41 .51 .00 .98 .23 .86 .93 .10 District District District District No. No. No. No. 25 26 28 31 33 38 40 41 4 5 47 4S 49 Dis'trict No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No. District No District District No. No. District No. 54 District No. District No. District No. 59 60 62 65 66 67 68 76" 79 District District No. No. .District No. iMstrict No. District No. District No. District No. Special Road District No. 3 Drainage District No. 1 Drainage District No. 2 .. Drainage District No. 4 . . Paradise-Verde Irrigation District 50 Twn Taxes Mesa 97 Tempe 1.1 6 Glendale 1.64 Wiekenburg 1.00 Chandler 00 Gilbert 00 0 'uuucnra kjoap The Healthy Shaving Soap CatScm Sop .h w. withnot m.,, ETrywher Be. P. H. BENSON Fcr H ouse of Representatives Ninth District Democratic Primary 1 GOV. CAMPBELL TELLS TIE KIWIS CLUB OE CROSS-CJfffl STRIP Members of the Kiwanis club at their luncheon meeting Tuesday j1 the Y. M. C. A., were told many things of interest about that part of Arizona across the Grand Canyon by Governor Campbell who recently com pleted a tour of several days through that little known country. The lew communities in the Vstrip" were described by the governor who said that some of them were well de veloped, with clctrical power and oh er modern conveniences in their farm homes.. There are from 80 to 100 peo ple in these communities. To those who contemplate going into that country the governor recommend ed that centers be established and the adjacent country developed from them rather than the usual method of home steading. All kinds or fruits and vege tables are raised there, but only suf ficient to sur ply the 'residents as Vhere is no railroad and no way to get to market. For that reason cattle rais ing offers the best advantage, the gov ernor declared, as cattle could be sent to market on the hoof. - In entering - that country.-said the governor, the best way is by Search light, coming out by Lee's Ferry, the grades being too heavy to enter by the latter way. - The roads are very good by the Searchlight way, said the gov ernor, with the . exception of a few places where the .sand is heavy and there are some grades. E. G. Scott, Freeman Fike, Fred flyers. K. C. Phelps, A. W. Crane and John Urner of Phoenix and. Sam Clap ham of Chicago were guests of the club. , . Lewis Sadler, was chairman of the day.- :-., FIRESTONE OFFICIALS Frank K. Starbird.- sales manager of th. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., of Akron, Ohio and L. R. Jackson, pa cii:c district manager of the company, with headquarters at San Francisco, will arrive in .Phoenix Saturday morn ing) Mr. Starbird is touring the wes tern part of .the United States, and in company with Mr. Jackson will look over the possibilities" of - the state of Arizona for the Firestone distri bution standpoint.- Mr. Starbird became connected with the Firestone Tire and Rubber Com pany, several years ago, starti.-j with a position i'n the advertising: department.- His ' rise was very rapid. He soon became . assistant advertising manager, from that position takinsr the management of- the ' pneumatic Atire sales. Before assuming his present position, he was district, manager of the company. Mr. - Starbird has the management of the company's sales in th entire territory west of Akron, composing three-fourths of the United States, - ' '. ";' Mr. Jackson is well known in Phoe nix, having" been here recently and es tablishing at that time the Firestone branch. - Mr. Starbird and Mr. Jackson ex pect to remain in the city several days" if possible, going over the plans for the " Firestone distribution system in Arizona m connection with the im proved facilities which the company is inaugurating at this point for better dealer co-operation. In the spring time of life pre are yourself to work in the sum mer of your life, that the autumn and winter of it may be spent in comfort. The Lam son Business College Training will fit you to compete for your place. Our graduates are always favored by business houses because they know how to do things as they should be done. Fall term 32d year opens Mon day, ' September 13, 1920. An earlier opening August 30th. "Enroll early and avoid, the rush. . . MN SATURDAY Phoenix Wholesale Grocery Best Cane Sugar, per sack New Crop Pink Beans, Per 100 lbs Sugar Peas, . Per Case, 24 Cans String Beans, Per Case, 24 Cans Campbell's Pork and Beans, Per Case, 24 Cans No. 1 Jap Rice, Per Sack, 100 lbs Phoenix Wholesale Grocery 617 East Van Buren Street FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for Justice of the Supreme Court of Arizona, subject to the Democratic primaries. SAMUEL L. PATTEE At 12 a "clothes'd" book! Until 12, book you for clothes or anything else you wear. Quality, "first, last, and all the time." McDougall & Cassou Washington Street HU LETT'S Prickly Heat Lotion Still 60c Takes Away th,e Sting Sold Only at KIMBALL & HU LETT'S Drug Store, Phoenix Adams at First Ave. Phone 4441 Nealon of Phoencx tor Supreme Court. Adv. 4t o Cock-fighting is as popular in Cuba as baseball is in America. SPECIALS Extra Fancy Potatoes Kfl (none better) 10 lbs. for uUL Cane Sugar, OOp per lb Ol Panocha Legitima (Mex- QA ican Sugar) per lb tJ Orange Blossom Honey Qfl. 1 quart Jar tUv Bread, Of 3 loaves (14 oz.) AOKs Breakfast Bacon Q7r per lb. Ol t Picnic Hams OQf per lb lOC Salt Pork Ofi per lb liUC Fancy Japan Rice, Kflrs 3 lbs. for DUC Fancy Pink Beans, QQ 10 lbs. for 70C Peanut Butter, QPtf 3-lb. cans tjC Spaghetti, in bulk, OKr 2 lbs. for . ...iDC "Toilet Paper, 3 big rolls LUC Jams (Strawberry, Blackberry) 5-pound Q" rTfT Jars OAs I D Star Flour, - Q"j rTP 24 lbs. sack J)-L I O CRACKERS CRACKERS jr: $1.10 Lemon or Ginger 1flf Snaps, per lb TlUl COFFEE COFFEE High Grade Coffees In bulk ground to suit taste. 43c, 54c, AND 55c Shrimps, Clams, Tuna Fish, Oysters, Sardines WE DELIVER GriebeFs Grocery 218 W. Washington St. : Phone 1508 $22.00 $7.75 $3.71 $3.93 $3.38 $13.00 X