Newspaper Page Text
page six THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1920 SPECIALISTS In the examination of eye nd the fitting of correct glasses. NORTHRUP OPTICAL. CO. 9 E. Adams St. Phon 6S0 for appointment COUNCIL; ir Greater Eye Ccmfort IF men of affairs would take their eye troubles , as seriously as they do other matters tlx-y vroulj Lxrpe gneatex comfort and added effic iency. Let us Kaixi e your eye glass matters as your tailor does toot doth- Munson Optical Co. o fcast Washington St, Phoenix YSTCM 36 East Washington St. Phone 3039 Phoenix Seed and Feed Company Wholesale and Retail 125 East Jefferson St. Haas, Bsrnch & Co, Inc. GROCERS WHOLESALE Constable ice and Fuel Company Phone 1555 PURE tCE GOOD SERVICE ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPLY CO. The Only EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE Hardware House in the Stat WATER REPORT Reservoir elevation Loss in 24 hours Elevation, year a.o.... Contents, year a pro Water used, north side.. Water useil, south side. o 205.54 39.13" 3.902 171.0(5 i9,:;9 65,550 42.4S2 WEATHER FORECAST Arizona: Unsettled Wednesday in north portion, probably with showers, fair in south, warmer north portion; Thursday fair. Colorado arid New Mexico: Un settled Wednesday and Thursday with local showers. o WEATHER REPORT Stations 1 o o Guaranteed TITLES Phoenix Title & Trust Co. I Buy Diamonds and Pay Highest Cash Price IVIack Gardner 5 N. CENTRAL PLUMBING HONEST WORK FAIR PRICES Send me your work for quick and efficient service O. E. BELLAS 610 Ncrth First St.; Phone 2875 Arizona Iron Works, Inc. P. O. Box E75 Phone 1271 Three blocks south of State Cap ital between Jackson and Harri son Streets. We have an up-to-date Foundry and Machine Shop and specialize in repairing Mining and Cotton Gin machinery. E. C. VOSS, Manager. LOANS EASY TO GET fn sums up to $300 at lawful rates, en your furniture, piano, automo bile livestock, implements, etc. Repay in small monthly payments If desired. Ample funds. Just anJ courteous treatment. Strictly con fidential. PEOPLE'S LOAN AND INVEST. MENT COMPANY Phone 13SS. 3 East Washington Boston 64 Buffalo 66 Chicago 70 Denver 60 Flagstaff 00 Fresno 78 Galveston 84 Kansas City .... 64 Los Angeles .... GS Minneapolis .... 74 Needles 04 New Orleans .... SO New York 70 Oklahoma 74 PHOENIX 90 Pittsburg 63 Portland. Ore. . . 72 St. Louis 72 Salt Lake City.. 70 San Diego 64 San Francisco . . 56 Spokane 78 Tucson 84 Washington 70 Winnipeg 65 Yuma 92 70 Cloudy .16 70 Clear .20 72 Clear .00 64 Cloudy .01 64 Cloudy .08 80 Clear .00 86 Ft. Cldy .10 68 Rain .16 65 Clear .00 7S Clear .00 94 Clear .00 90 75 Clear .00 7G Clear .10 94 Clear .00 74 Clear .00 72 Clear .00 74 Cloudy .01 76 Cloudy .00 6S Cloudy .00 56 Cloudy .00 75 Clear .00 88 Clear .00 7S Clear .08 82. Cloudy .26 94 Clear .00 Local Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. Temp., dry bulb.. 70 90 90 Temp., wet bulb.. 60 63 i 65 Humidity, per cent 52 20 24 Wind from SK . W N Wind, miles . .. .8 5 6 Rainfall . . .' 0 0 0 Weather .Clear- Clear Clear Highest yesterday 94 Lowest yesterday 70 Total rainfall .- -- 0 Deficiency in temperature yester day, 2 degrees. . Excess in temperature since the first of the month. 4 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since January 1, 44 degrees. Normal precipitation January 1 to date. 5.15 inches. Actual precipitation January 1 to date. 5.73 inches. Excess since January 1, .58 Inches. Cotton Region Bulletin NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 7 Seasonal temperatures have prevailed the last 72 hours except in the southern por tion of the belt, but today temperatures have been generally 4 degrees to 14 de grees below normal in northern dis tricts. Light to moderate scattered showers were reported Sunday in cen tral and northern Texas. southern Louisiana. Florida, northern Georgia and at a few stations elsewhere; scat tered showers, locally heavy, reported Monday in northern Texas, southern Alabama. North Carolina and few oth er places; light to heavy showers re ported Tuesday in Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and at a. few sta tions elsewhere. JAMES H. GORDON. BACK FROM COAST Mrs. Marris Montgomery returned Saturday night from California, wheie she spent the summer at Pasadena. GlendaJe and other coast points. - RETURNS FROM COAST Miss Mary ChamDliss has returned from a five weeks vacation at Los Angeles and Catalina island, and will be at home to her friends at 1613 West Washington street. THESE WILL MARRY Licenses to marry were issued yesterday to Char ley Johnson, 40, and Ruby Anderson, 38, both of Casa Gra.nde; Jack Collins, 32, of Buckeye, and Venice Holliday, 21, of Phoenix; Miguel Angulo, 22, and Mercedes Mendez, 18, both of Phoenix; Edward J. Young, 20, and Rachel Gil let, 26, both of Glendale; and James P Ryan, 23, and Florence M. Foci, 21, both of Phoenix. VISITING IN CITY Mrs. R. G. Clark and son. Burton, of Harrison, Ark., are visiting tbe Rev. Arthur Marston and family, 914 West Madison street. Mrs. Clark and Kev. Mr. Mar ston ami wile wrro childhood friends. FATHER OF TWINS Gene Suther land, proprietor of the High Sehool pharmacy, yesterday received word that he was the" father of twins, born in Los Angeles, where Mrs. Sutherland is spending the summer. GIRLS' RESERVE PICNIC The Gil ls' Reserve will hold a picnic outing at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Wood land Park. Each girl is asked to bring some article for supper, a-nd a plate. fork and spoon. Those who wish will swim. The picnic is a special fare well party for Miss Whitney. HOME FROM VACATION Miss Audra, Lawrence stenographer in the office of Prohibition Director W. T. Webb, returned to her duties yesterday after a pleasant three weeks' vacation spent at the beach resorts of Southern California and IjOs Angeles. APPLY FOR SURVEY Application has been made to the surveyor-general for the mineral survey of the mining lodes known as the Silver Bell No. 1 to 7 inclusive, situated in the Globe mining district of Gila county, of which the claimants are (J. W. Shute and Weslev Goswick. GOING ON VACATION V. A. Woods, secretary of the state tax commission, will begin his annual va cation on September 10. Having spent the hot months in Phoenix he intends to take his vacation right here, feeling that he could find no better place in which to rest and recuperate. NEED A SUIT The Associated Charities yesterday issued an appeal for some citizen to donate an outfit for a man who cannot go to work until he receives some clothing. The Chari ties want a suit, size 37 or 38, and a size 15 shirt. SUES FOR DIVORCE Charging her husband with desertion and extreme cruelty, Anna R. Soza yesterday brought suit for a decree of divorce from her husband, Jose Soza. She asks for the custody of their five chil dren and $50 a month for their support. STATE HISTORIAN HOME Col. James H. McCllntock, state historian, returned to Phoenix Monday night after a two-months' absence, spent in Berke ley arid Los Angeles, where he did con siderable research work in the Ban croft and Munk libraries of the respec tixe cities. Colonel McClintock drove to and from the coast. Mrs. McClin tock is still in Oakland. RETURNING TO CITY Edna Paula Revare is expected to return in a few days from a vacation syent in Berkley and San Francisco. She will take up her work at the Arizona School of Music September 20 as teacher in charge of the dancing department. The cpming year will be Miss Revare's fourth season in Phoenix and her large following of friends are rejoicing that sne nas decided to return for another year . GOING TO CONFERENCE CM zander ana Charles R. Howe, of the state tax commission will leave today to attend the conference of the National 'lax association at Salt Like. RudolDh haicmer, the other member of the com mission, is In California but will also attend the conference. George W cummings, county tax assessor, had intended to represent the countv at the conrerence but Is prevented by the ser lous illness or a child. WANTS TO SEE SON Declaring mat nis wire, from whom he has been separated for nine months because of domestic troubles, refuses to permit him to visit with his minor son. Alberto Escobedo yesterday brought suit against his wife, Quinlna Avida da Es cobedo, asking that he be restored the right to visit with his eon at reason able hours and that she be restrained Dy an injunction from interfering with his peaceful visits. He says they were niiirrieu in April, 1S07. at Jalesico iviexico, ana alleges that since their separation his son looks upon him as a n , .1x1 . ouoiiger aimougn ne once . showed a great deal of affection for him. HIGHWAY WEATHER BULLETIN River Crossings oacaion. 'mere is but little water in the river, but on account of mud on the north side it is necessary for tars io oe puuea through. Apache County Main highway SpringerviHe to Hol- DrooK m good condition. Mountain roaus soft but passable. Cochise County All main roads good and being im proved. Coconino County Roads generally good. Showers causing some mud over short stretches but not delaying travel. Graham County Roads rough in places but generally in fair condition. Greenlee County All roads in good condition. Blight damage caused by recent rains re paired. Gila County Roads over county in good condi Our standards are as high as ever ! No way that we know to raise them higher. Rogers Peet suits. All wool! Fast color! Making, the very best. Fall suits ready. If by any chance they fail to come up to stan dard, "your money back." Everything in men's wear. McDougall & Cassou Washington Street Expert Truss Fitting Free Examination Hours 10 to 12 4 to 5 P. M. KIMBALL & HULETT Phoenix Phone 4414 tion. Salt river bridge will be open for traffic September 1. New road to Gisela from Roosevelt and Payson road completed. Maricopa County Prescott-Wickenburg road good, Black Canyon fair by way of Avenue 16. To Florence new State Highway out of Mesa. Tempe bridge open for light vehicles. Coast-Parker route best. All floods passed, river cross ings open except Gila to Ajo. Navajo County -Best road. Holbrook to Winslow, north of Santa Fe railroad. Fort Apache road rough from Shumway to Showlow. All other roads good. Whiteriver: Roads across reservation are rough but dry and hard except for a few soft places at the higher ele vations. Pima County All main roads in the county in good shape; balance fair. Federal road to Mr. Lemon is completed. Pinal County Mountain roads in good condition, valley roads dusty and rough. Flor-ence-Casa Grande road bad due to re construction; take desert roads be tween these two points. Santa Cruz County Several storms last week: roads washed out in several places through out county. Yavapai County Heavy rains have rutted roads in a few places and damaged creek crossings, but all are passable. Yuma County Ehrenberg ferry open to traffic. Road in good condition. Parker: Road via Parker and Need les in good condition. JAMES H. GORDON. BORN Grasham To Mr. and Mrs. John G. Grasham a- nine pound son, bom Mon day morning. The new arrival has been christened John Arthur. GUARANTEE OS D GARDEN H At Reduced Prices We have just received a large shipment of brand new hose which we had contracted before the last advance in price and we are going to give you the benefit of it. This is the same brand we have sold for three years and it is strictly first class. For One Week Beginning Today LOST-$25 in 1 20 and 1 5 bill, please return to Mr. Ellis atj i Republican office; and receive reward. 25 feet, Guaranteed 2 years 50 feet, Guaranteed 2 years 25 feet, Guaranteed 1 year . 50 feet, Guaranteed 1 year . An absolute guarantee with every length. 1 $5.50 $10.50 $4.50 $8.50 IS MS 0 Floral F. C. McNABB prAN'o Trxixo r - ; i: i:-;r. Social prices , KVu-torv work- ; 23-30 S. Central Ave. Phone 4403 Turin1' If you were to see a competitive exhibit of loaves of bread ; if you didn't know anything about bread; if you didn't know who made it or by what name it was called you would instinctively pick out because the golden crust, the velvety interior, the perfect grain of this loaf would appeal irresistibly to your eyes. And your palate would quickly ratify the judg ment of your eyes. is made in the most sanitary shop, of the best ma terials the world produces, by bakers who are ex perts. For Sale By All Grocers Made In Phoenix Si ince 18S1 Hotel Arrivals Adams Paul Princeton. San Francisco; F. A. Gillespie and wife. Tulsa. Okla.; Miss reas -ui. f" ' Pueblo, Colo.; George Harder, Casa corn. Los Angeles R. L. Jones. Jioit-t , . T . , villp. W. E. Mvers and wife, Los Los Angeles: Mrs. If. C. Albertson, Los Angeles; Lillian E. Harney, Maricopa: Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith. Superior: Mrs. Dickerson, Superior; E. B. Thur man and wife, Salida. Colo.: A. B. Whitman and wife. St. Joseph, Mo.: Mrs. K. Owings. Laveen, Ariz.; Arthur E. Coon, Pueblo. Colo.; E. A. Heaven. Angeles: Doc Andorfer, Los Angeles, E. B. Miller, Syracuse. N. Y.; J. M. Hinton. St. Louis. Mo.; Fred T. Colter, , Colter, Ariz.; Robert W. .ioore, j-os Angeles: R. L. Hunter. Los Angeles; Fertha Bethel. Eastland; C. A. Winder. Schnectady, N. Y.; W. P. Coleman, Los Angeles; W. H. Grahl, New York City; H. O. Leppig, Los Angeles; E. L. Frank, Ajo. Ariz.; W. L. Ellis, San Francisco: H. A. Jones, Los Angeles; W. C. El liott, El Paso; G. L. Wood, El Pa:o; Rich Burrows, Tucson; adcorge E. Bigelow, Los Angeles. Jefferson Thos. H. Sims. Los Angeles; A. W. Kane, San Franctsco: J. M. Hinton. St. Iouis, Mo.; P. V. Bullen. Los Angeles: Mrs. J. W. Hop wood, Prescott; Mm. W. B. Nash and child. Hayden; J. B. Fischer, Chicago: R. H. Wingo, Is Angeles; S. A. Townscnd. St. Iouis; B. H. Blanchet, Toledo; M. H. Moody, Cincinnati; C. C. Kepl'tnger, Kansas City; J. D.Mitchell. Ouaymas; F. Mc Mahon. Prescott: A. R. Gardner. Gil ead. O.; Mrs. C. M. Butler, Cincinnati. O.; D. II. Preston. Ray. Commercial S. E. Knapp. Los Angeles: Alex Dick. Grande; T. B. Lee, Toltec: A. B. Jorns. Tucson; H. C. Tovrea. lianger, Tex.: G. H. Tovrea, Ranger, Tex.; Pete Tal ley. Superior. OBITUARIES - Death of Mrs. William Elwell Mrs. William Elwell, well known in Phoenix by reason of her many visits to this city, died at her homo in Ven tura.. Calir., Sunday morning accord ing to word reaching Phoenix yester day. The deceased was the mother of Leo, William and Frank Elwell, all of this city. All three sons were at her bedside when death occurred. o CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere ap preciation for the kindness shown us at the death of our loving husband and father. We also wish to express our thanks for the many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. SYLVANTJS PALMER. DOROTHY PALMER. MRS. EDWARD E. BROOKS. It o There will be a special meeting of the Moose Wednesday at 8 p. m., in the banquet hall Odd Fellows' hall. adv. m SUGAR SUGAR Granulated 5 lbs. Sugar With $5.00 order. Jam 5 lb. Jars Fancy Tomatoes, per lb Extra Fancy Potatoes. better) 10 lbs. for 95c S1.75 .. 10c ( none 45c COFFEE COFFEE High grade coffees in bulk, ground to suit taste. 55c, 53c AND 43c lb. 81.00 25c Per Special Roast , 3 lbs. for Bread, 3 loaves (14 oz.) , WE DELIVER GRIEBEL'S GROCERY 218 W. Washington St. Phone 1503 jet. remm MAKE CUTS THAT PRINT S. HARRY ROBERTSON " Fa Wncri inert or. St Phone 170H rive Points Wood iard NOW OPEN Phone 1387. We Deliver Them To Your Door Marvin Smith Grocery Co. Government Acts to Lower Living Costs. HERE NOW Government Army BACON The bacon that fed four million men during the war. One Eolid carload. Army OQ1 f Bacon, per lb -lc2C This bacon comes packed 12 lbs. to the can. 12 lbs. at 29 Vic cost r. $3.58 We sell it by the can only. The more you buy the more you save. Farmers and Ranchers, lay in your winter supply of bacon now. This is below the pre-war price. Buy now. Grasp this money-saving opportunity. SPUDS! SPUDS! Another car of Fine California Burbank Potatoes 10 lbs. Burbank M a Spuds JtC 50 lbs. Burbank Of Spuds i$i.tdJ 100 lbs. Burbank fQ You can afford to eat potatoes at these prices. SUGAR! SUGAR! Every customer buying $S.OO worth of other groceries we will sell 5 lbs. White Granulated ?:r 98c California Lemons, . - O per dozen Bulk Cofft-, per lb OUt Three 14 -oz. loaves Bread LkUs Illinois Sugar Corn, QO Qfl per case &aX)3 One Dozen Sugar (J "I FCK Corn tpXetltl 5 packages Corn Af Flakes fiOC Lemons, "J Hp per dozen 1 gallon can California Qft Apricots IUC MAZOLA OIL (Some Price) One pint can Qlr Mazola Oil OIC One quart can ((r Mazola Oil OOC -gallon can Q-j OP Mazola Oil O-L.iLieJ 1 gallon can Qft Mazola Oil VUtOO 5-gallon Pure Mes- tfQ PA quite Honey mJJ Full Cream Eastern OQ Cheese OOt 1 gallon can Sauer Qf Pickles JAM! JAM! 4U-lb. Crocks Pure Q-J A A Fruit Jam tLmt Following kinds Strawberry, Blackberry, Apricot, Peach, Fig. Plum, Raspberry and Apple Butter. Regular Tobacco Prices Prince Albert, - A- Per can JL jV Dozen cans T- fO Prince J)AUO Tuxedo Tobacco, " A Per can AtcC Tuxedo Tobacco, Q- (fJ Per doz O-l-'v) Bull Durham, Q(lr dozen packages iUv Velvet Tobacco, -J A Per can iil Dozen Velvet Q- Tobacco Granger Twist. QQ Per dozen yl Horseshoe iJrtJVs 1-lb. Star OO- Tobacco OOL 1 lb. Brown Kf Mule lut 1 lb. Tinsley's Q AC Tobacco Camel Cigarettes, J" ff Pkg., 16c; Carton ipA.UU Lucky Strike Cigar- J-I iA ettes., pkg. 16c, Carton V J- 13U Chesterfields, Q" ?A Pkg.. 16c; Carton ... vlu" Fatima Cigarettes, QO A A Pkg., 20c; Carton O'W 1-lb. Lunch Box Vff Union Leader OlC 1-lb. Lunch Box George Ofl Washington OVC 1 box Palo QA Q Z Cigars J We Do Not Handle Mail Orders Tent Lost One new tent, wrapped in a bundle, was lost between Plio.-nix Tent and Awning Co. and Broadway Ram-li. REWARD for return of same to D. S. NUNN Fhcenix Tent . Awning Co. FOR BUSINESS fcngraveei WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS ni MAII!JACTIJR!NB SKUOMCRJi;. 317 WEST ADAMS 3T. r before V' ' "j - 10. Adv., men. L --. u 1