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REPUBLICAN- SATUKDAY MOKN1NG, SEl'TEiMUUK 11, lUiiU PAGE ELEVEN n.T jlv Blosser FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND UlUllg i U AtXit W.'O GET 5 vvNaL IKT" J Hfrarcs aw WJASVi VcvJS HANDS , NUAT cm tATVA GLA wi A ft v ' -SJ THE PREDICT t: n m irm Si I Gil ft $L ! ; vT "CT ll ! I PUB sh L 9 I V M first na-ir I A Motmy sotto. one that threatens 'ersity. is gathering arouml 4 s or.,.-a:.;- arms in the form of ,'"V'-m c,al'iam-IVtc Sauer finish go next t-r;day night. It will bo the best rT'!1-,nrfj' f''s. catch-as-cuu-h-caii C v,o xxitiy only the strangle hold ;c:-y Indication point to onr of the ' Ptul)h,-n.y fought athletic oon-i-sis over wage,; p, ulig eitv or t,,ifl iu: mat matter. In the place, the feeling between ih. 'on!.! hardly be termed "brotherl v. ' '.ip.'um !h'Is that defeat in his first myelin-- with Saner was more misfor tune with him than lark of abiiitv. Like wise, be feels that the injury to his leg irms? he avenged in the coming en gagement. -so he plans to carry things along at a red hot pace from the start when be gets into the squared circle with the local favorite next week. Warns Pete To Train Hard "Fete had better be in the best con dition of his life or he -won't be able to stand the paff when we meet next 'Friday night,'" Sam declared last eve n'nr. "I'm going In to rush things from the very outset, and you can say for me that it won't he child's play e?ther. I know how to secure these hone-breaking holds probably a whole jot better than Salter, and I'm in for all that's in the game on this occasion.'' Sam is hard at his -training from early morning until late evening these days. He starts with a four-mile jaunt on the road each morning and from then until the shadows fall, he's doing bits of training throughout the day, not steadily, of course, but in the cooler Ifcpirs. Few men in the wrestling: game today have had a. more varied experience than has Claphan. He has met practically every heavyweight cnampton in titular matches for the past ten years. Of ,. -ourse, he has never succeeded in w resting- the world's highest honors, but he has been recognized as champion ship timber and that's saying a great deal. Among his most important en gagements include matches with the late Frank Gotch, Tussif Mahmout, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Wladek Zbyszko, Charley Cutler, Yussif Hussane, Far mer Hums, Martin PTestina, Earl Cad flock, Joe Steelier. Dr. Holler, Chris Sorrnson. Ad Santcl and many others. Clapham Should Be Favorite All of these things combine to-shrtw that Clapham must have the goods a regular bearcat, as it were. His record. In fa-t. should make him a favorite rver Sauer. notwithstanding Sauer's rictory in the first meetintg, for Clap ham has had far more experience than the local favorite, is one of the most , powerful men the game has ever known and as crafty as Gotch in his best days. Sauer fully appreciates the task be fore him, too. He's working like a leaver, believing that physical condition will he an all-important factor In th -oming match. Sauer plans to leave Phoenix within a few weeks and he's determined to leaye unblemished record behind him when he- goes east to join his tutor, Joe Stecher. Tickets for the match will go on sale at the Doyle Cigar stand today. More than a hundred reservations had been made np to last night, fans from all sections of the valley clamoring for t$e . choice paste boards. A record jg anticipated. Other numbers on the program are now ncin;, arranged and probably will include at least one six-round boxing ; rvent. under the auspices of the Amer ica.:! Legion. O Hunting sharks with bow and arrow is the latest sport along the Califor nia coast. o Silkworms in 1010 produced 32.7G7, Ct't pounds of raw silk. WATCH v's s Are: FOR .CLEAN SPORTS Ifapmdbiie liepai ID Cannot widely be entrusted to the average mechanic. Hups are so seldom in the repair chop. Many otherwise excellent me chanics l-.ave no opportunity to become fully qualified to render efficient work cn these cars. My garage is making a spec- ialty of Hupmobils work under the direction cf the former fore man cf the Phoenix Hupmobile ...-v, and service station. He ; c oerienced and capable, i I! stand behind his work.- It rr.ay mean a distinct jsvin; of money and temper if you nave him a trial when your Hup needs atten tion. Let's ta!k it over ta-ethcr. aim ii L 1 3 XLJ James G. Simpson, Prop. Phone 1067 221) East Adams St. .I mirt. 1 sl ..'! X .-- it t f 4::i:!ii::i;iis;ii nLpKA r J. ..J. AT JOLLY JU Blanket Finishes in Both Leagues Make the Head Achi the Heart Thump e -,i L '-J 5" Bit C r) ; . - cCH , ( League Xi? Ladies and Gents On this side of the stage you have Ban Johnson juggling three balls at high speed. He has already dropped the other five with which he started in April. Who's he going to drop out first of this trio Huggins, Speaker or Gleason? And then who'll be on top Oct. 3? Three guesses. BL DEAN SNYDER Ten clubs have already gone down the greased chutes away from the Pen r.atvilfe. The other six are pulK'ng off blanket finishes. The two major leagues are doins more humming than a pair of humming-birds. It'll bo a merry old ride down the September stretch. A (lub is counted out one week and is 'jack on the coveted fringe the next. The speed with which the dope is up set makes the head ache and the heart thump. I'p and down they go like a juggling a-t three clubs in the National leayue and three in the American. Who will the jugglers drop out first? Who's going to pick off the big series berries? In the National league the Reds, the Dodgers and the (Jiants are kicking each other on the shin-bones and oc casionally whaling and getting whaled by the already-out group. Pat Moran is having the grand ro-ughhouse of his life. Managing his "bad boys," the loss of his tar short stop Kopf, and the "Don't let the Reds repeat" spirit, are enough worrle to eentl an ordinary fellow over the hill. Wilbert Robinson t huts with the far. In Flatbush, telUYig them the Dodger?! are going to stage the fall follies, while those Giants keep battering at th out skirts with a punch that makes John AIcGraw believe they'll cop. Over in the American league orchard the Indians. White Sox and Tankees are doing the earne kind of a juggle in the percentages. Tris Speaker ia trying to recoup his forces despite the misfortune of trag edy. relying on a September hunch. Kid Gleason looked like he was nom inated for a few days, but eastern clubs showed him no mercy. The re mainder of the Kid's turnpike is made to order, though. They're behind Miller Huggins and his slugging Yanks over i"n New York. The club faces the disadvantage of playing to hostile crowds on the road for most of their remaining games. So the juggle goes on. It takes more than a pair of horn-rimmed goggles to see the finale. , It's a dude of a seance in both leagues for September any way you lamp it. Baseball is riding on a high crest of emotions. Which all goes to prove that there's no base like home and no muslin like a pennant. - v .at.? lli.ll'l ' ' ! 1 ! ! m. ' ! ! 1 1 MM? rfth": t W f f t' ' y Ikiiianus will be off the market for a few days on account of non-arrival.-. Quirict s arc ready to be marketed and are coming in slowly. Belirleur apples are meeting with a ready sale, as they are much riper and more attractive in appearance than the first arrivals, which were very green. I'cachrs are in great demand and are mo-tins; with a ready pale, another straight carload of peaches being due Kgqrs are hi ill on the up ward trend, the market showing an advance of about 3 cents tier dozen. Among the an ivals yesterday were a straight car of Muscat grapes, a mixed car of fruit and vegetables and a carload of peaches, piums and pears. The local market list is as tollows: Dealers Ais Paying Fryers. IP. .25 Keterita 2 90 Kaffir corn 2 90 Whe-t. cwt 4 23 Barley S.00 Bran, sack J. 85 .. Milo maize 3.35 Retail Gelling Prices ICggs, dozen .60 Apples, lb OS .15 Bananas. 1 lo. for . .2(1 Rell poppers. 1 Ih 20 Him' !i vegetables. 2 for il'i Cabbve "7 OhmhtiI.c! s. L Ihs .... .2 5 Celery, bunch Cantaloupes .1") ra 2 !hs .2" Cantaloupes, Z for IS .20 Dry onions. 4 lbs .2." Clour, 2-i-l!. sacks .... J.s.'i CJreen corn, r'er dozen.. ,'.0 1.00 Green Chili, lb .20 Grapes, lb .13 17' Grapefruit, 3 for 2" Hazel nuts. l .4 5 Lemons, dozen .2 Lettuce, per bead .10 .15 Loouots. U .20 Oranges, cozen .75 ulies t Okra. lb 1." Peaches. 1 lb .15 Tears, lb 17'-.. ... Potatoes, lb .(i"i Plums l.'i Siring beans, lb .2') S-pinsh. lb.- 12U Tomatoes, lb lCU .15 Watermelons, lb. ..... .0", .o Walnut. Ir .40 .50 Engraved WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS "MAflUFACUIRiNj HWinNERa- 317 WEST ADAMS ST. Star Hats FOR a smartly fashioned hat of top-notch quality look for the Rothschild mark within the one you huy. Our line is com plete. Select your Rothschild hat now. National League And on this side of the platform you see John Heyd ler pulling off another juggling act in his orchard. He, too, started out in the spring with eight balls and has let five hit the old pavement. Who'll he drop first Moran, Robinson or McGraw? Who'll sing the glad song the third of October? Three guesses. ABOUT THE STATE Big Liquor Haul MIAMI Somebody was bent on pickling the wholo district if evidence, assembled by sheriff officials Saturday night is any indicator. Benjamin Salaz was taken fnto custody as the owner of gallons of mash, an oil stove, a copper boiler and miscellaneous ac coutrement, all of which, including Benjamin, were found in an old tunnel in South Globe. Salaz declares he knows nothing of the potential powerful layout but in asmuch as he was the only inhabitant of the tunnel at the time the officers too!-: ovr the business. Benjamin was transferred to the county hoosgow to aw. i:'t a hearing.- Silver Belt. Cantaloupes Yield Profit MKSA-K. L. Muniford. local repre sentative for the S. A. Gerrard com mission company, has just reported that tho net returns to the farmers School Day: 5 are a'Tr.or,t here b'.:y him a BICYCLE Select one from our large and complete stock. MM mm mm All makes cf Tires from '...S2.75TOS6 All Trrcz and Repairs Guaranteed ?. rd at PRICES YOU CAN 'AFFORD VHecls called -for ad. dsiivered m extra c'isrcio 3:rj3;ns in :cond H.irJ Wheels Landis Cyclery in !orth Seventh -Avenue Phcns 10 after deducting fi eight, refrigeration and commission on their G50 acres of cantaloupes, was in the amount oi" $131,ri02.49. making an average net re turn to the farmer of 202 per acre. This acreage lies entirely on the soutbside of the river and mostly in the territory of Mesa and Gilbert. Southside t'nion. S. P. Issues Ultimatum TCCSOX An ultimatum was served today on the "stele" firemen who failed to answer the call for train service at the Southern .Pacific yards yes terday., to the effect that unless they reportcd ffr work, or showed a certifi cate from a physician, they would bo discharged forthwith The men were given until (j o'cIock this morning to return to work. About 00 men were still "sick" today. The next step in 'the efforts of. the Southern Pacific to run the trains was ! the placing of advertisements in news j papers at various division points for ( firemen, giving the rate of pay, hours, j rouirements. and stating the cause of j the need. Citizen. Denies Inefficiency at Polls j TCCSOX !enial that the county recorder's office was responsible for 'any confusion which might have taken ! place during the election Tuesday was I made by K. f. Vinson, county recorder, yesterday, lli.i statement was an an swer to press, tharges that the office showed l'licficiency in the registering j of voters. j "The statements were in error when they stated that the registration, books were -tot compi'-te. l-.vei y book was as much up to i! ite as the books ha. I pvpr Ikpii in thf history of the county." Mr. in.-on .'--aid. -All entries that reached my office were copied in the precinct books in every rnan'ner pre scribed bv law. Star. Plan Regimental Day I ' i!"(TI,.S - -('apt. II. 1.. Winter, chaplain of the Nineteenth infantry, is working out plans for a ig regimental day celebration bv the H'th inianlry o:i Monday. September 0. While placs for "die cccKiOii are thus far in the tentative stage, t pidS.llily will take the shape of a com munity ''!, i u.i-.. in which Uoug'.as u iil he invs'ied to join with the regi mens, in pa t ji-lpa t i-)n. Captain Winter.-; pints, '.c. i ;.;,- ; go over t!.c.-e phi ns wi'h C.e ccmmand'.ng officer, lie h-.s vp With the cham' l mines and the tues- ration in the propo.-o,'. be considered when irectors met Monday taken tlie matter of ounr.erc e a -ul tio.i of it.; co-ope elel rii i .ion wi'"l the chamber's ' t;iht.-B;so.-1tch. C'cba SJhcoIs Open itfri: Tlie Ch be ptihlic i:nnN ooe-.rd ycsteVday morning with the !n ece::t e v me.-.. ! in the history Of the city, according to an announce ment made by Superintendent Bland. He stated that the first daily ses lion of the year opeend at 9 o'clock and ran through the full da.y without any delay and remarked that this i. the first time that the first day of school had ever been fully completed. It is expected that more than one hundred students will be enrolled to day and that the enrollment will in crease each day. All the teachers were present with the exception rtT one and she is ex pected daily. Record. Home Gutted by Fire MIAMI Fire which broke out at f; - 25 last Saturday evening, thoroughly autted the four-room house b'olongin to Martin Despot 'and occupied by the family of Pete Xdar-ich, cn employe cf the Miami mine. The flames had ob tained a good start by the time the firemen had water on the blaz.. The fire was extinguished promptly by the fire, company. A line of hose was laid from Davis Canyon to the top of Church Hill, wher the cottage was sit uated. Silver Belt. New School Nearly Completed BISUi:F.--The Franklin school on Opera Drive, the new school for the Americanization of Mexican pupils, is nearly completed and will be occupied, in part at least, wfthin ten days. The opening of this sechpol will mark an innovation in public school instruction the credit for which belongs to '. 1". 'hilhrook. superintendent of ac'or.ob. liiKlvr wiu'- itiici. ncMi in- c,ua vjl Bisbee have already set a high m irk. Review. To Celebrate at Agua Pricta DOCCI.AS The fourth of .Inly o' Mexico will be held on September 1 '. according to Alfonso resquieta. M can consul at Douglas who states that an elaborate celebration will be staged in Agea I'rieti. In Kl'l Me.vieo was conquered by the Spaniards under Hernando Cortez. Cortex called it New Spain and was created captain genera.!, but in 1 r,sr. was displaced by a viceroy. From th.t date lint VI 1SM the country was one rf th viceroy a If ie of Spanish American and governed aiinost ab solutely. International. Senator tlardi'ng will have to attend the Ohio State fair, at Columbus, in person if he wishes t) adders thr crowd there, the committee having re jeetrd a plan to use "canned" spceche" of the Republican presidential Candi da to. o The Sing Sing Bulletin. convict newspaper, recently suspended by the prison authorities of New York, will resume publication. There was some objection to the f.v t thai a murderer v.-as editor of the paper, but he will keep his job. and the paper will start on its twenty-second year. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BCSINKSS CHANCE For sale, a good battery and elec trical business. If you are a good bat tery man or electrician and mean busi ness. I have a proposition that can be bought reasonable, or possibly handled on a 50-.V basis. If you haven't got the capital don't answer. Box TSS, Re publican. bg j ITHN'ISHKD modern -apartment for1 healthy adults. lejo K. Pierce. bd j 1918 Chandler Owner leaving Thoenix Monday. He i says sell it. It's a wonderful buy. The I price is $7j0; easy terms. Ray Egan. j 5t.'0 V. Wash . hl A- f". ,iv-''"-. - "..'."'--'i?V "A IX - :c r;-t' c'. ' y SAJ V S-'n-M) FOR 1"KV DAYS Will put Jon in immediate possession of a new frame house; four rooms, bath ;1nd screen sleeping porch; com pletely furnished, including extra fine player piano; rest of furniture is very good and plenty of it; place has some young fruit trees-, stipes atd shade and nice lawn: Incation northeast, clos" to car line. If you see it you will want it. Prii e. furnished, ready to move in. only ?"000. YK!U: RKAI.TT CO. Room . Talbot-Alart in Bldg. S W Corner First, Ave and Adami bg THI-: HOME OF FINE QUALITY HEAD WEAR FOR MEN ANI TO UNO MEN" 4 t-l THE m;B CLOTHING CO.. INC. SUCCESSORS TO P. A. THARALDSON A I ' ! l t-4-dfl Bill iStl V&r&Si Ei W Tfl 2$ FOR SALE Nearly new modern brick hi'ngalow, with screen ho its" end To ' lots., a block from ear line; tTm. l-'hor.e 4 M FOR RENT- -Fnrnrshe l rev house on lease to jespor.sib'e .eop.e; ref-r-ence icqiiired: no sick, no children: unit hlock from Ker.iiwortii and car. paved street. Call Saturday before IJ or Sunua;. Ave. to 4 p m. Si'3 N. Sixth It WANTED Teacher for small coun try school. George Berry, Orange Blossom, Mesa, or phono, residence, S07R. SI"i!te t by identif a n 1:. - in ner ying and pay Vt'o.n.'s. Con- j F t :!) Pi ca n ln ve sani r i ins for his ad. J. H j St a hie. Tempo 1 WANTED- 'omiieietit ltmiaen I a nd cook, family of two. Addr ! ,",liX. Mesa. eoper ax Tt j t ; ci - . (t j B We Deliver The GOODS Patton Bros, Grocery Phone 1751-1709 m M.J. j&Wk, e . v ft W r:A ill r.-i fi - DEMAND THE ELEPHANT ES3 19 "Theu Wear Better Cohn-Gold water Co., (Makcrs), Los Anzelea i5'?!'r.'-..:'a'