Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 PAGE FIFTEEN r 7 ACCOUNTANTS r-.r. Jlii W- WAGNER rtirica Public Accountant. Room 3. i antral Bldg. 139 j Cent. Phone 1223 AUTO TIME TABLE GULLIAM'S STAGE LIXE OLLESON CASHION ..YON DALE LITCHFIELP Stages leave First and Washington streets at 8 a. m., 10 a. m.. 12 noon. 2 p. m. 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. Telephone 13 . AUTO REPAIRING Automobile repairing, overhaul;ng a peclalty. Cheap rate, first class me chanic 817 Yv Jefferson. Phone 2835. 9-dm AWNING3 Medium and heavy grade COTTON SACKS and TENTS made to order. We make everything: known that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent & Awninj Co., corner First and Monroe Sts. Phone 1411. tf MECHANICAL ENGINEER E. T. ADAMS, M. E. 136 N. CENTRAL AVE. tt NAVAJO RUGS Genuine Navajo Rugs and Blankets. MRS. E. W. WHEELER 906 N. 2nd St. Phone 2679 OPTICIANS For appointments, Dr. C. W. Stone. call phone 2980. m ORCHESTRA MUSIC furnished for all occasions. Phone 3467. tf ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GEO. C. CRAGO 25 W. Monroe St. Phone 649 tf WELJJON J. BAILEY O'Nen Bids. . Phone 1956 tf AUTO REPAIRING APACHE TRAIL GARAGE Best repair shop in Arizona. Kings bury. 300 West Adams. hi AUTO PAINTING FTVE POINTS AUTO PAINT SHOP 632 W. Van Buren St. Phone 4290. Largest and best equipped shop in the state. Expert work. Rates very low. One year written guarantee, tf DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 61? S. Central Ave. Phone 4677 tf AUTO SERVICE BARNES & FOREMAN Successors to Butler & Son Enclosed and Open Cars Phone 4140 24 E. Washington St. tf BICYCLES PHOENIX CYCLE COMPANY Harry Crandall. Prop. 10? Est Adams Phone 1717 tf KING BROTHERS 110 E. Adam? CARPET CLEANING IF YOU WANT your cars cleaned clean, phone 733. The Electric Carpet CpRir. tf CHIROPRACTIC DR. E. E. HKLFK1CH. licensed chi ropractor. Phone 4S49. 309 N. First St. Back again. Office l.aurs 7 to 12. tf CHIROPODIST CHIROPODY l'uniona, corns, cal louses removed; painless and blood less; 50c each: moles, wa;-!:s, etc.. re moved by electricity. 29-31 E. Adams St. Frank Shirley. Phone 1704. tf CORSETIERE SPIRELLA CORSETIERE. Mrs. Kuhlwilm. TOR W. Madison. Phone 1442. CONSULTING ENGINEER W. T. PIERCE Consulting Engineer 201 Monihon Bldg., Phoenix. Ariz. Residence phone 8099; office phone 605. Specialist on municipal improve inents. design and construction. tf CONTRACTOR AND CJILDER CKISMAN CO. General contractors. Est! iates fur nished. No building; too large or small. 21 S 5th .Ave. Phone 1823 ; tf -CARPENTtR WORK PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Kotary public, Mrs. Cravens at 4f E. Adams. Phone 10S0. tf MISS HOUGHTON. Bldg. Phone 1789. 40S Fleming tf PIANO AND VOICE INSTRUCTIONS MRS. J. O. Phone 3467. SHOOK. 727 E. Adams. tf PIANOS AND PLAYERS PIANOS AND PLAYERS Largest stock of high grade instru ments in Arizona. Bargains in used pianos. Repairs and refinishing. REDEWILL'S 222 West Washington Street PAINT SUPPLIES MRS. DEPUTY'S PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE Stock reducing sale, beginning Sept. 1. Worth while savings on all wall paper and paint. Painting and decorating in all Its branches. Estimates furnished. Phone 4294. 30 S. Second Ave. bb MATHEWS PAINT CO. 128 S. FIRST AVE., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES, BRUSHES. ETC. PHONE 129. PROMPT DELIVERY. PIANO TUNNING S. L. HAMILTON. Piano Tuner. 17th year in Phoenix. Phone 3206. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS Mrs. C. V. Phone 8S3S. Reily, 609 N. 11th St. 10-k PRODUCI For table use and canning. Pboenlx Fruit and Produce Company, Phone 17801402 101 West Jefferson tf PRIVATE SCHOOLS PRIMARY FORENOON SCHOOL Preparatory primary work, first and second grades. 208 E. Moreland. Phone 3126. 10bs PHOTOGRAPHERS Legal Advertising TEMPE AGENCY Laird &. Dines Drug Store Phone 22 GILBERT AGENCY Gilbert Pharmacy Phone Met 1R2 roadway of 5th street east to the cen ter line of the roadway of 7th street; (c) Paving of all of the roadway or fith street from the north line of van Buren street to a point 200 feet south of the south line of Taylor street, and the roadwav of 6th street west of the center line thereof from the south line of Taylor street, south 200 feet; (d) Constructing culverts, man-holes bridges, gutters, tunnels, curbs, storm water ditches and drains in, and along and around the corners of, the road ways hereinabove described, of the said streets. Bids will be received on either or both of the following types of pavements 1. Cement concrete six (6 inches thick as snecifications No. 30 "A" of the Cittv of Phoenix.. 2. A two-inch bitulithic surface on a four-inch cement-concrete base as per specifications No. 20-BB of the City of Phoenix. All the above work to be done in ac cord with the plans as prepared and approved and also as per specifications Nos. 19, 21. 22, 21 and 28 of the city of Phoenix. Said plans and specifications are on file with the citv engineer of said city. clerk of the Board of Education in womt J?1JIa the Phoenix. Arizona, on Monday, Sep- andrl(.wi" f 'St ,,T i tember 13th, 1920 at eight p. m. Each valley and 6tate aa raPldJy as t ar- bid must be accompanied by a certi SOUTHSIDE NEWS OFFICE SOUTHSIDE DEPARTMENT 16 South Macdonald Street; Phone 341; Mesa CHANDLER AGENCY Gardner &. Harmer Drug Store Phone 21 GOODYEAR AGENCY 4. E. Flanagan Refreshment Parlor Ml cum L CAMPAIGN OPENED MESA, Sept. 10 The campaign an nouncing the Arizona cotton carnival to be held in Mesa the week of Oc tober 25 to 30, was opened Friday with the display of huge posters about the town and the hanging of a o0-foot banner across Main street at the Mac Donald street intersection. A greater fi'ed check equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. made payable to the Clerk of said Board oT Education. Said check to be forfeited to the said Board of Education if the successful bidder refuses to enter into a contract and furnish bond as required by the said Board of Education within 10 days after awarding the contract to h.m. The successful bidder must furnish a surety company bond satisfactory to the Board, equal to 33 1-3 per cent of the amount of the contract. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 9th day of September, 1920. Board of Education, Phoenix Union High School District, of Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona. By B. F. McF'all, President. Attest: v A. A. BATES. Acting Clerk. o rives Active plans for the carnival are to be put under way next Monday noon when the board cf directors will meet at the call of the president, W. R. Stewart, to appoint standing commit tees to handle the carnival arrange ments. Girls' Serge On Sale The committee of high school girls which is handling the sale of serge material to be made into the uniform dress to be worn by hi'gh school girls this term has announced that the final sale of serge material will be mads from 2 to 5 o'clock on Tuesday after noon at the Emporium. While there is only a limited amount of cloth left the committee members urge the girls to call on Tuesday for their material, as after that time the cloth left over will be returned to the store. Sunday M. E. Services Services will be conducted as fol lows at the Methodist church on Sun day: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preach ing by Dr. A. Wr. Adkinson of Los Angeles. . district superintendent, II a. m. The choir, unaer tne leaaersnip of Prof. W. G. Anderson, will render "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem." - I -a - COPPERS Compiled for The Republican by R. Allyn Lewis. E. F. Hutton A Co.'n Leased Wire. Hotel Adam building. 119 North Central Ave. i .r.4'3 .19', For Fine Portraits THE RUSSELL STUDIO Phone 4688. 35 E. Washington. tf REAL ESTATE OFFICES Real Estate. Loans and Insurance W. S. DORMAN 815 W. Washington. Phone 827 tf CENTRAL ARIZONA LAND CO. Specialty Casa Grande Valley Lands. 415 National Bank of Arizona Building ROY NEBLETT REALTY CO. 110 North Central Phone 1708 tf Real Estate Loans Insurance FRANK R. STEWART M. of R. B. PHONE 1631 Phone 1997 17 W. Adams St. tf RADIATOR REPAIRING C. K. SEFTON E33 E. Washington. Phon 1577. tf REFRIGERATION PLANTS Clark-Monteith Engineering Co. 17 W. Adams St. Phone 1997 tf CARPENTER work, bing. Phone 3960. G. E. Van Buren. repairing. Job A. Jones. 1638 CRESSM AKINQ DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Phone 2897. bm DRESS MA KIN ( Phone 8082. -808 N. Second St. 10m DRESSMAKING Plain ai.-d fancy eewinsr. Mri L. F. Hoeffel. 1033 East Moreland. tf DRESSMAKING AND ART NEEDLEWORK Miss Smith Room 31 Annex Hotel. tf SCHOOL OF MUSIC Everything in music. expression. languages and dancing. Phone 1009. tf STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES Manufacturers' of batteries and elec trical appliances. PHOENIX AUTO ELECTRICAL. CO. 07 W. Vashinffton tf SWEEPING COMPOUND It cleans, protects and disinfects Phone 2099. 707 E. Brill. Phoenix Sweeping Compound Co." tf NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until 2 P. M., September 30th. 1920, at the of- Ariz., for the construction of a steel The male quintette will sing "Nearer bridee across the Hassavampa River -viy 00a 10 nee. rremng oy me at Wickenburg. Arizona, Federal Aid pastor 8 p. m.; subject, "How Zac- .project no. 31. v-cu u. The work consists of furnishing ma- Last Conference To Be Held terials for and erecting two 100 steel The fourth and last quarterly con trussea. The foundation work will be ference of the year for the Methodi'st done by the State and the concrete Episcopal church will be held at the floor for the bridge will be constructed church on Saturday evening at 8:30. by the State. Dr. Adkinson, district superintendent All bids to be addressed to Thos. will preside and a full attendance of Maddock, State Engineer, Phoenix, officials is desired Ariz., and plainly marked on the out side of the envelope "State Highway Contract. Wickenburg Bridge." St. Mark's Sunday Services Morning services at St. Mark's Epis copal church in Mesa will be re- All bids shall be accompanied by an sumed on Sunday with Sunday school unendorsed certified or cashier's check at 9:43 and morning prayer and ad- for 5 of the gross amount of the bid, dress at 11 a. m. Francis Bloy, rector, payable to the State Treasurer of Ari- Home From Prescott zona. I Mrs. Sarah J. Woods has returned Copies of the plans and specifications to her Mesa home following her sum- may be seen at the office of the State mer's vacation in Prescott. Engineer, Phoenix. Ariz. Jordan School Open Copies Of the plans and specifica- Tho Jordan crhnnl nn the ha linn tions may be obtained on payment of two miies west of Mesa will open for $5.00 to Thos. Maddock. State En- h. Winter term on Monday. Seotem- gineer. i her 13. it was announced Fridav bv Satisfactory bonds Will be required th hnsrH nt trustee Mr TOr-onror nf of the Contractor to whom award Is M M. wi,i h tTlo tnrhi thi nrd ence, has returned to Tempe to accept his old position with Hyder Bros. A. S. Accevido, whose place Angula took, will run a service car in town. Home From California W. H. Strong and son Kenneth re turned Thursday night from a motor trip to California. They were accom panied home by H. E. Russell and fam ily of Gilbert, who have also been tour ing California for the past two months. Dance at Kyrene Saturday Night Several ladies of Kyrene were out all day Friday inviting people to attend the big dance to bp given by the school in the new auditorium. The best music available has been obtained from Phoe nix and a good time for all is assured. There win be no charge for admission, but a collection will be taken to pay for the music. Cake and punch will be served. Ladies are requested not to forget their cakes. Visitors From Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Carter and daugh ter Clay of Kirkland are spending the week in Temne. visiting Mr. Carter's sister. Mrs. Clarence Clark and Mrs Everett Hampton. Clay will attend tne training school and will make her home this winter with the Hamptons, who will move from their ranch into the Carter residence on McAllister avenue in a few days. Naco Visitor Rev. A. 3 Tomlinson,. formerly of Tempe. is here from Naco looking after his property interests. H. C. Scott Returns H. C. Scott who has been absent for several months, has returned and rented one of the cottages at the Cactus Camp. Mr. Scott owns a ranch near Scottsdale. Home From West Virginia Mrs. Free Paterson, who has lived in West Virginia for the past two years, arrived here this morning from Kansas City, where she has been visiting rela tives for several weeks. She was ac companied home by Miss Daisy Buck, who also spent the summer in Kansas City. Visiting Grandparents Pauline Buck of Phoenix, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Buck, will return home Saturday. Birchetts Return Mr. and Mrs. Joe Birchett and son Joseph have returned from their vaca tion. The Birchetts first visited rela tives in Alpine and Bracketville, Texas, later motoring to Payson, Arizona, where they spent several weeks camping. - - Returned From California Henry Sandoz and wife returned to Tempe Thursday after spending about two months in California visiting rela tives. o Anaconda Butte Calumet fc Arizona ii V2 Cere de Pasco 43 Chi no -9'i Inspiration 4 Kennecott - 26 Miami : lOVa Ray Cons 3 6 Utah 64Va Arit,ex Big Ledge Calumet & Jerome V Dundee z Green Monster Va Jerome Verde a Magma 27 Magma Chief V New ' Cornelia 17Vi Ray Hercules Silver King 30 United Eastern 2 Verde Extension 30 Verde Combination -it o 18 30 V. 18 5-7 35 3 32 r NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANCE f I Furnished Ey I R. ALLYN LEWIS I Private Leased W;-o to id Am. Root Sugar Am. "an Am. International Am. locomotive Am. Smelting fc Refining Am. TH. & Tel. Co Am. Woolen Atchison P1 7S u. ct Sl'i S31--- made. Phoenix, Ariz. Aug. 28. 1920. THOS. MADDOCK, State Engineer, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until 2 p. m, October 9th. 1920, for paving Section "B" of the Phoenlx-Glendale Highway. Federal Aid Project No. 33 The work consists of approximately coast, wheer the summer was passed. TIRES GENUINE Caterpillar tires save you money and trouble. Also cars for sale. Repairing done 719 W. Washington. DRESSES AND SHIRTS Housedresses. Bungalow Aprons, and Nurses Uniform made to measure We Specialize in Middy Blouses and Men's Shirts MANNING APRON CO. phnn 2405 Second Ave, and Monroe tf D5S2 SHARPENING COLD roiled disc sharpening. No grinding. Smallest cultivator to larg est 1 :ow discs. R. A. -t 707 S. Center- Phone 1727. tf DENTISTS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CHAMBERS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Any kind of hauling. Fire proof sto ra ge. Phone 1228 or 3526. tf Baggage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling-. Fireproof storage. Lightning Delivery Co.. 42 S. Center. Phones 3094 and 4126. tf TYPEWRITER REPAIRING - The Typewriter Inspection Co. All makes overhauled, repaired and rebuilt. 40 S. Fourth Ave. Prompt service. Phone 149R. - 9-dp DR. MORRISON Sanitary System prtrto 3AS9 3fi E. WnsMngton tf ELECTRICAL DEALERS VINSON BROS. & CARTER Electrical supplies, contracting, mo winding, ren-trs. 28 N. Second Ave Phone 3T.0S FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TUNING AND REPAIRING tf Send us your order for Grapefruit, Oranges and all other assorted fruits. Shipping is our specialty. SANITARY FRUIT CO. 616 Wwt Van Buren Street tt R. J. BECKER Factory representative of J. P. Beck er Piano Co., of Detroit, Mich., offers best services in tuning, repai'ring and refinishing all makes of pianos and players. Phone 1296. 1301, West Vnshington. 10-bs TRACTOR REPAIRING ALL MAKE'S of tractors repaired. either on ranch or In shop. Tractor Service Co., 213 W. Jefferson St. Phone 1590. FLOOR SCRAPERS For quick service and good work. nhone 8633. Wr. E. Smith, expert rioor man. tf Old floors sanded by machinery to look like new. Herbert Mann Build ing CllS N. First Ave. Phone 30H9. tf FURNITURE REr AIRED 1st St. tf mirh ISLAND Furniture Shop. 1 rnair vour lumiture, 00 your pac ing and refinishing: 906 fa. Phnne S767. INSURANCE . ' ' J. E. GEARE New location. 142 W. Wash. St. Fire. AuV Ins.., Loans. Notary Public. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER USED CAR AGENCIES Cars bought, sold and exchanged. Harper-Parthum Motor Co.. 245 H. 1st street tf UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS YAP. WOOD & HOCKREY Funeral directors and embalmers. 834 W. Monroe. Phone 3099. tf TeL 1570 H. M. MAUS Tel. 1929 Sll North First Ave. tf J. T. WHITNEY 134 WEST ADAMS STREET tf THE GEO. F. MERRYMAN CO, 124 North Second Avenue. Phone 651. tf MOORE & McLELLAN Funeral directors and tnoalmers, 329 Wtst Adams St. Phone 601 tf VACUUM CLEANING the customary program of school work will be carried out. Home From Mountains Miss Jessie Spurlock of -Chandler was an incoming passenger on the Union stage Friday from the Mogollon mountains, where her summer vaca tion was passed. Return From Coast Mrs. E. G. Attaway and daughters returned Thursday from the California Back From Mountains Will Millett and family who reside I southwest of Mesa returned Thursday night from a three weeks vacation passed i'n the mountains of northern Arizona. -o 9.200 cubic yards of excavation 37,200 square yards of paving ana other incidental work Alternate bids will be received for one course plain concrete pavement, bitulithic pavement on cement con crete base, bitulithic pavement on as- phaltic concrete base, bituminous con- ouu THol DE THEATERS SATURDAY crete surface (modified Topeka Type) Majestic, Mesa Robert Warwick in on plain cement concrete base and bi- "An Adventure in Hearts." Two-reel tuminous concrete surface course western drama. "The Shooting Kid." (modified Topeka Type) on asphaltic Gilbert Billie Burke in "Wanted concrete base course. a Husband." Mutt and Jeff cartoon, Proposals shall be addressed to "Beautiful Lady. Thos. Maddock, State Engineer, Phoe- Tempe Charles Ray In "Crooked nix, Arizona, and plainly marked on straight." the outside of the envelope "State Chandler "The "Woman in the Suit Highway Contract. Phoenix -Glendale Case," featuring Enid Bennett Highway." Plans and specifications may oe seen at the office of the State Engin eer, Phoenix, Arizona. Copies of the plans and specifica tions may be obtained on payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) to Thos. Mad dock. State Engineer. An unendorsed .certified or cash ier's check for five per cent of the total amount of the bid, payable to the State Treasurer of Arizona, will be required with all proposals. Satisfactory bonds will be required of the contractor to whom award Is made. The State Engineer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All proposals shall be made on blanks furnished for that purpose. THOS. MADDOCK, State Engineer. Phoenix, Arizona, September 4, 1920. o- FIRE DEPARTWIEniT TO WOOL BOSTON, Sept. 10 The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The opening of light weight goods for spring by the American Woolen company has been the feature of the market. It is generally considered that the prices named were reasonably low, but buyers were apparently waiting to make further comparisons before committing themselves on any con siderable purchases. "There has been some business in good territory wools in the range of $1.25 to $1.45 clean basis for fine and fine medium Montana staple wools. Some houses report a fair business but on the whole business has con tinued slow with prices, especially for inferior wools, on the easy si'de." Scoured basis: Texas fine 12 months. 130P135; fine 8 months, 120125. Territory: Fine staple, 1400150; half blood combing, 130(il35; blood combing, 8590; quarter blood comb ing, 70?75; fine clothing, 125 130; fine medium clothing, 1051ill0. Pulled: Delaine 150 ; A. A.. 130 135; A superiors, 950105. Mohair: Best combing, 4050; best carding, 3S40. Baldwin Locomotive 109' Baltimore & Ohio 41 Beth Steel ('.) JO's Canadian Pacific li" Central Lcnther Til's Ches. & Ohio '. Chandler Motor S:i Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 36i Chi.. R. I. & I'ac. Ry A!- Colo. Fuel & Iron 34 ' j Corn Products 87- Crucible Steel 124 Erie , . l -'v's General Motors 21 'i Great Northern Pfd 77 Great Northern Ore .. ....... 32 . Haskell & Barker 68'i International Pap-r SO'i Int. Mer. Marine Pfd 75U Invincible Oil - 3 Lackawanna Steel . f7 Mexican Petroleum ....173'i Midvale Steel ' 39 5i Missouri Pacific r . . 26 "i N. Y. Central 74 '3 N. Y.. N. IT. & Hartford .".,.. 33 V, Norfolk & Western ...ITi Northern Pacific 78i Pan American Petroleum Sl" Pan American "B" S5'4 Pennsylvania 41 'i Pierce Arrow 36 '3 Reading 92; Rep. Iron & Steel S3i Royai Dutch SS Southern Railway 277g Southern Pacific : .....94 Stromherg Carburetor 72' Studehaker Co. ;3 Texas Co Tobacco Products .Ci'i Fnited Food 60 U BRADSTREET'S WEEKLY NEW YORK, Sept. 10 Bradstreet'3 tomorrow will say: "Divergence influence, price uncer tainty and advance of the fall season are visible in the trade and industrial situation resulting in a curious cross current effect upon observers' conclu sions but on balance it may be said that a little more optimism is dis played as to the future and volume of trading is larger. Reports from manu facturing districts, too, are slightly better. The tone of collections too, shows a slight improvement and crop reports are better." Weekly bank clearings were $6,- 402,955,000. Fnited States Rubber I'nited States Strl 89 United States Indus. Alcohol .... 84'i Union Oil - 28 Vanadium Corporation . Virginia-Carolina Chem. Willys Overland : o 69 U 69'; is1.; LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK, Sept. 10 Liberty bonds today were easy, closing - at: 3M.S, $90.00; first 4s. unquoted; second 4s, $84 SO; first 4Us, $85.90; second 4V4s. $35.00; third 4V4s, $88.46; fourth 41;sI $85.20; Victory 3s, $95.46; Vic tory 4a, ,$95.40. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed b:ds will be received until p. m., October 9th, 1920 for paving Section "A" of the Phoenlx-Glendale Highway, Federal Aid Project No. 33. months, others have been blest with a The work consists of approximately rest. Now is a good time for every TEMPE, Sept. 10. A mass meeting of the citizens of Tempe will be held at the city hall at 7:30 o'clock next Wed nesday night, September 15, for the purpose of reorganizing the Tempe fire department. As the matter Is of great importance to every resident of the town, every "good citizen Is expected to attend. Congregational Church Tempe Congregational church, Sun day, September 12. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; morning worship at 11 with sermon by the pastor on "The Strength Which God Supplies. No evening service. Baptist Church While some have remained and kept the work alive during the summer NEW YORK. Sent. 10. The stock market was reactionary at the outset of today's dull session, strengthening and hprominff more active later, but lapsing into its early apathy at tne irrpenlar close. Sentiment continued to be sustained by the success of the French loan and related investment conditions but this was balanced if not largely orrset Dy the lack of speculative interest, save among professional traders. The money market imposed no re straintp. demand loans opening and re newing into the coming week at 7 per rnt nnd declinim? to fc per cent in the final dealings.. Foreien exchange followed its. re cent trend, remittances on London makine a further decline. Svmnathetic heaviness was mani fested by French, Belgian, Spanish and German bills. Cables from London and Paris confirmed advices of an exten sive gold movement -to this market. Trading in stocks was a pofessional affair throughout, with the usual set tlement of week-end contracts. United Fruit cancelled a considerable part of yesterday's gain on unofficial denial of larger dividend rumors and American International reacted mod erately for similar reasons. Pools were most active in oils on the long side of the market, with Mexican petroleums as the. leader. Coppers de veloped sudden strength on declaration of regular dividend by the Porphyry companies, but steels, equipments, motors and ra-ils showed no definite trend. Sales amounted to 415,000 shares. Foreign issues continued to feature the bond market, the new French loan rising to a premium of one per cent on the curb but the Liberty group eased. tT olasales, par value, aggre gated $8,650,000. Old United States fours rose yx per cent on call, others unchanged. PRODUCE Chicago CHICAGO, Sept. 10 Butter un changed; eggs lower; receipts, 6,305 cases- firsts, 51i52c: ordinary firsts. 4547c; at mark cases included, 48 49ic; storage packed firsts, 5314Jf54c; poultry, alive, unchanged. Potatoes steady; recei'pts, 32 cars; JerFey Irish cobblers, $2.90?? 3.00; Minnesota Early Ohios. $2.252.40; Idaho Rurals, $3.00 3.10. Kansas City KANSAS CITY. Sept. 10 Butter and eggs, unchanged; poultry, springs up lc, 30c. METALS NEW YORK. Sept. 10 Copper dull, unchanged: tin steady, unchanged. Iron steady, unchanged. Antimony. un changed. Lead steady, unchanged. Zinc steady; East St. Louis delivery, $7.75 ffr 8.00. At London: Copper 97, 2s, 6d; electrolytic unchanged; tin, 269, 15s; zinc, 39. 15s. COPPER . NEW YORK, Sept. 10 Copper dull, unchanged. American bar silver, un changed; foreign, 94'4. MERCANTILE PAPER NEW YORK, Sept. 19 rrirne mer cantile paper unchanged. Exchange easy; sterling demand, 351; cablet. 351. Time loans strong, unchanged. COTTON NEW YORK, Sept. 10 October cot ton closed at 28.85; while later months were 50 points higher to 10 points lower with the tone firm. Passenger and Freight Service Regular Sailings Between NEW TORK BOSTOK i PHILADELPHIA BALTIMOR3 MONTREAL PORTLAND. Ma. . and LIVERPOOL SO UTHAMPTON LONDON PLYMOUTH HA VRH CHERBOURG GLASGOW BRISTOL MEDITERRANEAN For Rates of Passage, Bailings or General Information apply t W. WARD DAVIES General Ticket Agent for Arlzooa tlS West Washington Btret Pboenlx- Arizona OHIO TUEC ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPERS ,.-,,or . , -- oa i Washington r or sale or rent on easy Fjmmi P'n. M. Meckler & to, Uo U. dsnaiKio i v.T.V.nTKir.AI, APPLIANCE CO. . i - - - - 11 expert watchmaker and jeweler. CHAS. A. SHELDON 106 N. First Av Phone SfiSri LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED YOU WANT good fertilizer for Dirt Hauled. Plowing, au 9-gs Keal sharpens, repairs. Duys. sens anything. 202 N. Ninth St. Phone 4640 IF lawns 4203. 825 West -"dma Phone 3531 LIVERY STABLES ' E- A. STARR LIVERY SADDLERS. DRIVERS and RIGS. 742 fAir- VAN KEREN. PI 1 ONE 1063. tf V X - - " ' - - MILLINERY OK LADIES' HAT SHOP hats remodeled. 115 E. Roosevelt VULCANIZING & RETREADING MOST modern equipment in town, and in charge of a man with 15 years' experience; satisfaction guaranteed. WILKY-WART MAN OIL CO. tf VOICE CULTUH. TEACH ERS of voice. Italian method. LEONARD BUSHELL studio. Cen tral M. E. Churchy Phone 4933. tf MACHINES FAIRBANKS. Morse & Co.. engines, pumps- motors, etc. Smith Hughes & Co!; Third. Ave. and Jefferson. Phone 606! " MINING ENGINEERS WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 115 N. Second Ave. Phone 3893 tf Legal Advertising Arizona member FRFD H. rrescott. Ariz, p-tamincd and reported mines especially; A. A- of E. on ; certified tf thereof, NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by ihp Bo;:rd of Education of the Phoe nix I'n ion High School Distrfct of Markoua County, Arizona, for: (a) Paving of the roadway of 5th si reft east of the center line thereof from tho north line of Van Buren street north to the center line of Tay I O r street; h) Paving of the roadway of Van P. irei street north of the center line from the center line of the 10,800 Cubic Yards of earthwork, and 37,400 Square Yards of paving, and other incidental work . Alternate bids will be received for one course plain concrete pavement, bitulithic pavement on cement con crete base, bitulithic pavement on as phaltic concrete base, bituminous concrete surface (modified Topeka Type) on plain cement concrete base and bituminous concrete tsurface course (modified Topeka Type) on as phaltic concrete base course. Proposals shall be addressed to Thcs. Maddock, State Enginer, Phoe nix, Arizona and plainly marked on the outside of the enevelope "State Highway Contract, I'hoenix-Glendale Highway." Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Engin eer, Phoenix, Arizona. Copies of the plans and specifica tions may be obtained on payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) to Thos. Maddock, State Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona. An unendorsed, certified or cashier's check for five percent of the total amount of the bid, payable to the State Treasurer of Arizona, will be re quired with all proposals. Satisfactory bonds will be required of the contractor to whom award is made. The State Engineer reserves the ripttt to reject any and oil bids. I An proposals snail he made on blanks furnished for that purpose. THOS. MADDOCK. State Engineer, riioer.ix, Arizona, September 4, 19C0 one to be in their places, that we may all put forth a more vigorous effort for the Lord's work. Newcomers are given a cordial welcome. WTill appreciate your presence next Sunday morning. Here For Winter Miss Mary Mueller of Campbell, Mo.," niece of Mrs. C. C. Rickman, has ar rived to spend the winter with her uncle and aunt, and will attend the normal. Cotton Growers Meeting The Tempe Cotton Growers associa tion held a meeting Thursday after noon and will meet again Saturday. Among the questions to be discussed will be the securing of the Ellingson warehouse for storage room for cotton seed. By storing the seed it can be held fo a higher price. Convention at Tucson The Liga Protectora Latina, a Span ish organization which has lodges all over the state, will hold its annual convention in Tucson from the 11th to lth. The following delega-tes from rempe left for Tucson this morning: P. N. Estrado, Chris Segalia. R. C. Es trada, Joe Soso and Juan Oeedo. Chocolate Shop to Open The Chocolate Shop, which is owned by E. J. Miller, will open Saturday morning. Seventy-first Birthday R. A. Winde.s, local real estate ma-n. celebrated his seventy-first birthday Friday. ?.Ir. Windes has lived in th valley for 20 years. Returns to Hyder Bros. C. E. Angula. who for 1 he past few months has been associated with the Florence Commercial company uc Flor- LIVESTOCK Chicago CHICAGO, Sept. 10 (U. S. Bureau of Markets). CATTLE Receipts 5,000; strong on all desirable beef steers; early top $18.00; few good and choice here $16.0017.00; best grassy kinds $13.5015.25; others slow steady, $9.0012.25; she stock Fteady to strong; good to best cows $9.5012.75; medium kind $6.75 (f? 9.00; canners and cutters strong. $4.006.00; bologna, bulls $6.00 fj6.85; steady; choice vealers $17.00S? 17.75; heavy and medium calves $6.50(fj) 12.00; stockers steady; bulk $7.50 11.50. HOGS Receipts 10.000 mostly 23 to 35c higher than yesterday's average; top $16.75; bulk light and butchers $15.75; bulk packing sows $14.5014.90; pigs 25c higher. SHEEP Receipts 12,000; killing classes steady; best western lambs held higher: choice Nevada3 bid at $14.25; top natives $13.00; bulk $12.25(fi!12.75; fat ewes mostly $6.5006.75; feeders slow. Kansas City KANSAS CITY, Sept. 10 CATTLE Receipts 1800; canners and common cows 25c lower; light canners $3.50 4.00; calves mostly f0c lower; practical top $15.00; odd lots $15.50; other classes slow, steady to. weak; best heavy steers $17.10. HOGS Receipts 1400; generally 10 to 25c higher: qua-lity fair: top $16.40; bulk light and medium $15.90 16.25; heavy $15.2515.90; stockers steady. SHEEP Receipts 4000; sheep 25 to ,r0c lower: western ewes $6.50; fat lambs steady; top westerns $14.15; few sales feeding lambs 25 to 50c higher. Denver DENVER, Sept 10. CATTLE Re ceipts 600; market steady ti weak; beef steers $9.50 1 3.00 ; cows nnd he'f ers $7.09(1(9.00; stockers and feeders $8.00 ' 10.50: calves $8.50 13.00. HOGS Receipts 400: strong; top $lfi.2r; bulk $15.0016.00. SHEEP Receipts 2500; market strong; lambs $ 13.00f 1 3.50 ; ewes $6.00 6.2o; feeder lambs $12.00 012.75. Commission Merchants LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENTS STOCKS BONDS COTTON GRAIN MINING AND OIL STOCKS PRIVATE LEASED WIRES Correspondents LOGAN & BRYAN LAWHON PIPER 89 South Central STOCKS . BONDS GRAIN COTTON R. ALLYN LEWIS ADAMS HOTEL BLDGL TELEPHONE 1418 Corrsspondsnts of E. F. Hutton A Co. Members of Nsw York Stock Exchange- Oireot Private Leased Wire LIBERTY BONDS OIL STOCKS AUTO STAGE TIME TABLE rtPACHE TRAIL Stages Daily to Roosevelt Dam, Globe, Miami S. a. m. 3 p. m. Superior, Ray, 9:15 a. m. Florence, 4 p. m. V.''-?. " 'A" "- " ft ,4. t i v Ty Jt .j. v.-' f SIGHTSEEING BUS Stages Hourly To Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Connection For Goodyear and Gilbert Large 25 Passenger Bus Special attention given to picnic parties and sightseeing trips over the Salt River Valley. Phone 1465 UNION AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO. 11-13-15 East Jefferson St. Phones: 1465. 711 V V