Newspaper Page Text
SIX THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 H srJC1ALISTS ii1! r,antJon re, ana the - correct glasses. RTKRUP OPTICAL CO. ' ft -L Adams St. V i ecnnique in Making ULASSES t We employ this tech. arlist, the rTrlSSv3 sklU uf the -" xS art ssji and the science H of tie .optometrist in design- fcj mg. ma King and titling glaises to a ait yoor individual need. Munaon OnticAt fV East Washington St, - : Phoenix 1 1 1 , 1 . T . I.I i I J 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 L. - ' - iast Washington St. J Phone 30S9 h 3 en ix Seed and eed Company Wholesale and Retail 125 East Jefferson St. ins Banich& Co, Inc. : GROCERS WHOLESALE nstable Ice and Fuel Company ; Phone 1555 FE4CE GOOD SERVICE IZONA HARDWARE : SUPPLY CO. Tike Only EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE irdwara House in the State guaranteed TITLES Pheenix Title &. Trust Co. Buy Diamonds and ky Highest Cash Price Hack Gardner 45 N. CENTRAL PLUMBING BEST WORK FAIR PRICES me your work for quick and efficient service O. E. BELLAS Ncrth First St.; Phone 2875 e are 75,000 blind persons in the I States. Porl -ots Cauliflower, Leek, ' 7 ,,T. . I ppinach, Tuvnips, vv inter iviariguiu, iNasiLuiiunis anu Hoss, Rakes. Lawn Trimmers, Seeders, etc., in'great . Persian Kittens- iiht nice Persian Kittens. The first of the season. First come, first served. v . z" 1 . . 2S-C9 Son Ji Central Ave. cl0Val Dept., Phone 13S0 . WATER REPORT Keservojr elevation Reservoir contents, aire feet.. Loss iii -i hours Kic-viition, year sgo. . . ... . . . . Contents, year a;o : VVater used, north side....... Wuter us?ci, south side....... 204. Si 1,04:". it;:, a.S'js 4H.440 ;WATHER FORECAST . Arizona: Saturday lair, ; warmer south portion: Sunday lair, warmer. Colorado: Fair Saturday, cooler west lcrtion; Sunday lair and'cooler, free-.-ing temperatures in mountain passes. New Mexico: Fair Saturday, warmer north .central portion; Sunday fair, cooler north and west portions. o WEATHER REPORT 2 -. .-a , o J? 3 o n H.' r Stations o 3 Boston Buffalo Chicago. Denver Flagstaff Fresno . . Galveston Kansas City Los Angeles Minneapolis Needles , New Orleans New York Oklahoma .' PHOENIX Pittsburg .... Portland, Ore. . . St. Louis Salt Lake City.. San Diego San Francisco . . Spokane Tucson Washington '.. . . Winnipeg ...... Yuma 60 70 6S 72 64 80 84 82 68 74 92 84 72 SO ss 70 66 70 70 66 66 62 90 72 66 92 64 74 74 76 63 82 88 82 72 78 92 92 7S SS 92 74 68 SO 72 70 Rain Clear. Clear Clear Clear. Clear Clear Pt. Cldy Clear Cloudy Clea'r Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear .90 .16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .52 .00 00 .00 .00 .90 .00 .00 1.20 .00 .12 .00 .00 .00 .24 .00 1.52 .00 72 Clear 61 Cloudy 92 Clear SO 78' 96 Clear Clear "" Clear Local ' Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. Ternp.. dry bulb... 64 Temp., wet bulb.. 51 Humidity, per cent 4fl Wind from I .SK Wind, mlcs 6 Rainfall 0 Weather Clear Highest yesterday ..... Lowest yesterday 87 , NK 3 0 Clear 64 27 N . 0 Clear . . 92 . . 60 Total rainfall ...:Q Deficiency In temperature yesterday 7 degrees. ' . Deficiency ' in temperature since th first of tho month, 16 degrees. Accumulated excess in temperatura since January 1. 24 degrees." Normal precipitation January date. 5.30 inches. Actual precipitation January 1 to 1 to date. 5.73 inches. Excess since January 1, .43 inches. Cotton Pegion. Bulletin NEW ORLEANS', Sept. 10 Some what xvnrmer weather has prevailed in northeastern dfctricts and seasonable temperatures in all 'sections except) Tennessee and North Carolina where day temperatures continued somewhat below normal. Light to moderate showers have fallen in the Carolinas, Georgia, northern Alabama,. Tennessee, nortern Mississippi and. eastern Ar kansas with heavy rains at few sta-, tions; very little rain elsewhere. , JAMES H. GORDON. a -o I OBITUARIES 1 Death of J F. Kennedy Joseph F. Kennedy died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kennedy,. 1150 East V.n Buren street, Thursday. He wa an employe of the Arizona Eastern . Railway shops, and had many friends. Funeral of Infant Private funeral services for Robert, the nine months' olc on of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Campbell, will be held a-t the Merryman chapel at 10:30 o'clock this morning. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. oca Briefs APPROVES SURVEY The survey or general has approved Mineral Sur ey No. 368S, embracing the Oro, Julia. Wesox, Thirteen. Connecting Link and Henry lodes situated in the Oro Blan co mining district of Santa C"uz coun ty, and claimed by G. H. Williams. PLANT NOW "Reans. American Wonder Peas. Beets, Cabbasre. Gar- Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, i-i v-i i.; Garden Tools 3 REALTY FIRM MOVES n account; of increasing business. the .Jordan. Grace and Phelps Land conipa-iiy has moved to largt r, cjuartci s at 1-7 North Central ; venue. JOHN JISCOLLETTO WANTED John Jiscolfetto is rejue;Ued to c.ilt at the local office of (lit- American Red Gross ia the Chambo,- of Commerce build int. SON KILLED IN KANSAS Imme diately following word received by John II. Theye. 1126 South First avenue, that his brother. Herman Theye, died at Toronto.; s. Ausru-t 3D came u teleeram last nisht statins that his son. John William Theye, va killed in an accident at Victoria. Kansas. CIVICS DEPARTMENT TO MEET Mrs. Ralph (Jimwm, chairman of the civics branch o! the education depart ment of the Woman's club of Phoenix, has announud b: f'rst regular de partment meeting of tly year for Mon day at 2:30 o'clock at the club house. A full attendanci is urged, as the work of the year will be planned at that meeting. GRANTED DIVORCE Marie Gal lego was granted a decree, of divorce yesterday from Marion 'Gallego by judge Stanford on charges of deser tion. She was awarded the custody of their child and $30 a months for its support. FINED FOR ASSAULT Raymond Graves was found gulity by Justice Charles De Sales Wheeler on a charge of assault and was fined $10., The complaint was made by G. W. Burk who aleged that Burk threw a brick at his son, Raymond Burk, and said the missile struck his eon on the" nose. CLAIMS DAMAGES Declaring that his automobile was damaged to the ex tent of $350 when the car of the de fendant collided with it, W. A. Cox yesterday brought suit against Phillip Diller for a judgment. He says the accident took place at the intersection of Central and Glendalo avenues on Sept. 3. 1920. THESE WILL MARRY Licenses to marry were issued yesterday to Wal ter H. Orr, 27, anil Helen Chestnut, 21. both of Denver; LcopoMo Telleche. 28 and M. M. Maldonodo. ' 19, both of Old Mexico: and Juan Dias. 31. and Do lores Valenuela, 23. both of Phoenix. HUSSAND ASKS' DECREE De claring that she left, him and went to live in another state, Frank Gardner Hutchinson yesterday brought suit for a decree of divorce from Elizabeth Caroline Hutchinson, charging deser tion. He says they were married in Los Angeles. Dec. 26. 1914. SUES FOR DIVORCE Charring de sertion, Blanche A. Albertson yester day brought suit for a decree of di vorce .from Harry Albertson. She charges him with intoxication and saya that he struck and choked her. She Fays they were married at Clifton, June 5, 1919, and states that he Is now in San Diefro. GOES TO PRESCOTT Clyde M. Gandy. assistant attorney general, has gone to Prescott on official business in conection with the court action, re cently instituted in the Superior court of Yavapai county by the Jerome T'n ion .Auto Stage Line company against the corporation commission. He is not expected to return to Phoenix for scl eral davs. BACK ON JOB Mit Simms. suc cessful Democratic candidate for the gubernatorial honors at the primary election, was back at the state house yesterday. Although swamped with work which" had accumulated durina his sljort vacation, he was beseiged wi'th callers throughout the day who extended their congratulations. , MANY ENTRIES Applications for entry to the Better Babies exhibit for the 1920 fair are coming in ranidly. according to Mrs. . Charles R. H6we, superintendent of that department, who wishes to make clear the system of awarding pristes, which, will be as fol lows: For the best baby in the show, irrespective of age or sex. a gold med al; for the boy or girl receiving the most points, irrespective of age. a sil ver medal. All babies will be divided into six classes, depending upon ages, which must range from six to thirty six months, and the first, second and third best in each of the six classes will be awarded ribbons. . t Expert ' Truss Fitting Free Examination Hours 10 to .12 4 to 5 P. M. r KIMBALL & HULETT Phoenix Phone 4414 Arizona Iron Works, Inc. p.'O. Box 575 Phone 12 it Three blocks south of State Cap ital between Jackson and Harri son Streets. We have an up-to-date Foundry and Machine Shop and specialize in repairing Mining and Cotton Gin machinery. E. C. VOS3, Manager. Parsnip, Radish, Salsify, 3 c l -r oweei x-eas. assortment. Seed Dept., Phone 4403 i 1 MODE MOHEV-SPEMT- FOR MOVIES Ti IHi ALi;fQf'r;p.Qi'n. x. m.. Sept. 10 J. P. Risin. vice president of the Park National bank. New York City, in an address at the opening tcssion of the New Mexico Bankers' association here today, urged -the bankers to take an interest in the community in which they are located and- tire their influ ence to develop the industries therein. He advised the bankers to encourage public improvements of all kinds and dirct the citizens in right investaient. "The public. " he said, "spends more money for picture shows than for ed ucation. Thrift should be the middle name of every banker." W. C. Weiss, manager of the El Paso branch of the Federal Reserve bank of Dallas, spoke on "The Federl Reserve System.' He said the system had ac complished everything that had been expected of it. The federal reserve banks carried the burden of financing the war. he said. They endured the strain and will pilot the country's financial system successfully In the future. The visitors were entertained at a smoker and boxing match tonight at the armory. SENATE PROBERS MAY DELVE INTO WET AID TO COX Continued from naw 1) York considers the 'west," he said. "'That fact, I think, is a pretty good argument that we are getting away from what is called the 'Wall Street influence' and about which we have heard so much here." Edmund H. Moore. Governor Cox's personal representative, was recalled and asked concerning reports that the liquor interests in Ohio had supported the Democratic nominee in the guber natorial campaign four years ago and charges that the "New Jersey liquor dealers were raisin: funds to assist th? Democratic candidate.' Mr. Moore de nied any knowledge of the charges and said the use of his name in a pros pectus of the Association Opposed to National Prohibition was unauthor ised. He asked if Senator Spencer, his questioner, was "attempting to inject o wet and . dry issue into the cam paign." "The fact that T am known as a strong anti-prohibitionist is of no more significance than the fact that George White, chairman of the Democratic national committee, advocated and voted for prohibition when in con gress." Mr. Moore said. TODDARD TATE ENATOR We Deliver The GOODS Patton Bros. Grocery Phone 1751-1709 Are (UOttO Vfe 'Are EDUCATIOW IS CLAIM! nP lent s andxotton Nowhere in the state is a supply of these necessities more complete, which naturally means a price protection to you. They represent exceptional values in every sense of the word, and we only ask a comparison to convince you of this statement. It will pay you in good dollars saved, to see us before buying. .We are in a position to supply you with immediate delivery en any quantity. Colliers Vehicle Harness Co 26-32 East Adams St. He characterized the Anti-Saloon ton sue as a Republican ursa nidation. .said that Wayne I-'. V.'ive'cr, its ficcnral cour.s-el. and other leader were Republicans. The statement issued by Senator Edge toiiis-ht deemed: Says Cox Charges I rresponsi'j'c "1 am convinced that tit" committee Is simp'y becoming" t ho vehicle for all tyes of insi uej'e political charges and umms for . ai tsan effect. in. Ins opiuon. he continued, and in the light of llu evident e. "Governor Cox has been piven even more consideration than nls irresponsible vnarges wai -runt.' It makes no difference what wit nesses testify under oath, if such tes timanv diypieases Ccvernor Cox. be at orne roceeds to vii'ify them and ap parently no one tells the truth but himself. The situation is unparalleled in American politics. Under suh cir cumstances what can pos-iblv. be trained by following his so-called leads further? Governor Cox owes it to the American people to withdraw his ex travagant statements or stand convict ed of descending to the most despic able typo of professional polities im aginable." Senator Reed said in reply; "I have nr. comment to,male o-i our investigation at this time. Tir? duty Cf the c ommittee is .to rivestitra te and report to the senate what if finds when the investigation is over and to pur sue any other coUrse is in my opinion indecent." Is of invaluable aid to every one in. every walk of life wheth er you Intend working for somebody else or intend pudd ling your own canoe, the Lam son Business Training Is needed to make you competent. Scores cf the most successful business men of Arizona were our former students. Fall term 32d year open3 Monday. September 13, 1920, Enroll early and avoid the rush. ive r onus NOW FOR BUSINESS You Prepare FOR 1CKM3 Ready to Supply You WITH "3 T 11 flow many clothing houses do you know who have set up a real barrier to cotton? How many tell frank ly about their acid test for every piece of cloth they buy? Our "stone wall" has been built so long that it's seldom cotton tries to butt in. But you never know ! So, whether foreign or domestic, we clip a small piece from each delivery of every cloth we buy, boiling it in caustic potash so as to be absolutely sure that not even a fraction of cotton gets in. Pays to know your dealer. Rogers-Peet clothes. The best of every thing men and young men weaiy Also sport ing goods" " Mcrougall k Cassou PIANO TUNING N Tuning and repairing. Special prices before rush season. Factory work men Redew ill's. Phone 1569. Adv tf Phoenix, Arizona Wood Yard ! OPEN d 11 lino. o PIdneg Sacks Phone 1337 Grocery Co We give you the PRICE QUALITY and SERVICE This combination can't be beat. CORN CORN 24 cans Illinois Sugar grj 12 cans Illinois Sugar ff Corn .. tpX.DD LEMONS LEMONS California Lemons, -s per dozen XOC Fancy Burbar.k Potatoes, A A 10 lbs. for HtLC Potatoes 0vF Potatoes . . ....$4.20 SUGAR SUGAR 5 lbs. Granulated '10r Sugar iVL With five dollar order of other groceries not including the su gar. This figures 18c per lb. Sweet Sugar Peas, i f f per can XllC L,arge Can Solid Pack Art Tomatoes fcilyL Solid Pack Tomatoes, QA AJT per case OtetJ ARMY BACON Have few cans left.; Q JT Q 12-lb. can Bacon . 0000 This figures about 29 Vic per lb. Gallon Apples, ' f TLg per can vlclv f. gallons ' QQ'PO Apples vOtUU This figures leas per lb. than fresh apples and saves you the time of peelir.g them. One Bottle Tomato s OT f Catsup "f Del Monte Canned "I 7 g- Sauer Kraut XIV Gallon can Eastern t Pumpkin ., OUL Bulk Coffee, per lb. Gallon can QO Apricots 7UL 4'i-lb. crock ("J Followinff kinds: Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, logan berry, Peach, Plum. Apriot and J-'ig. Three French leases ?Xjr Bread dJ, Regular Tobticco Prices Prince Albert, " 4 Per can XtcL Dozen cans CIO Prince O-I-DO Tuxfrdo Tobacco, -J A Per can XriL Tixedo Tobacco. Q- Q Per dor. V-I-.UO Bull Durham. Qfr dozen packages tlV Velvet Tobacco. - A Per can JL jtG Dozen Velvet Qi fO Tobacco 0-l3O Granger Twist. QQ Per dozen Horseshoe v7tJV 1-lb. Star QO Tobacco OOv 1 lb. Brown Tfsio Mul3 I OL 1 lb. tinsley's Q1 fJET Tobacco tpX.UtJ Camel Cigarettes. Q- Pkg.. 16cj Carton ...OX3ii . Lucky Strike Cigar- f-f ettes,, pkg. 16c, Carton? l-OU Chesterfields. C"t ff Pkg. 16c; Carton .. tp-L.UU Fatinia Cigarettes, CQ ff Pkg . 20c; Carton 1-lb. Lunch Box QA 1'nion Leader OUt 1-lb Box George QAj, Wasliington O vy 1 box Palo Qf 9 Cigars .illiO Wc Io Not Handle Mail Orders fa LO;.NS EASY TO GET In turr up to t30O at lawful rats, en your" iurmture, piano, automo bile, livestock, imptements. tc Repa in'errsell monthly payrrtrti if deatre4. Amplt funds. Jait and courteous treatment. Strictly con tidential. PEOPLE'S LOAN AND INVEST MENT COMPANY Phone 13SS. 23 Cast Wash ngtan mfMimuMi awt ruv cat ! a