Newspaper Page Text
r THE ArUZUNA KErUJBlUAIN, FKIDAY JMUKJN1INU, SEFlTiMfJttK 17, IVZU 3i WANTED HELP, MALE AND . FEMALE 24 r,-?J orirl wanted for apprentice S R- A- Watkins Printing Co., joll Mdg. bn .J-11 (men and women) over Wo . Pstal mail service; $135 month, .xa.minationa. September, October; ex perience unnecessary. For free partic ulars writ J. Leonard (former civil examiner). 709 Equitable Bid?., Washington. r c. bp MONEY TO LOAN 25 WANTED To borrow $2500, 3 to 5 years, at 8 per cent, on new 6-room brick bungalow, choice location, valued at $6000. Address P. O. Box 522. It HAVE SOME good 10 per cent loans on Glendale city property ranging in amounts from 6 to 15 thousand dollars. A. A. Carrick Glendale. bn CHATTEL. LOANS EASY TO GET In sums up to $300 at lawful rates on your furniture, piano, automobile, live stock, implements, etc Repay in small monthly installments, if desired; am ple funds; just and courteous treat ment; strictly confidential. People's Loan and Invest Co.. 23 East "Washing ton St. Phone 1396. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property or for building purposes, at lowest rates. E. E. Pascoe. 10 West Van Buren St. tf LOST AND FOUND 23 LOST Oval tie clip, Phone 8415. gold. Reward br jajml; to my place live weeks ago two gray mules; brand O on left side of neck and S on left hip; J L under the S. Salt River Reservation. See Agent, dz LOST Wheel off of child's kitty coop. Reward if returned 'to 537 E McDowell. bp LOST OR STOLEN One four year Ola light sorrel mare, white streak on race, weight soo lbs; reward. C. A Spicer, RD2. Tempe. do LOiT Brown mule, weight about l.oOO, 4 miles west and 4 south of Glendale; reward if returned. br LOST Bunch of keys; finder. Gladney Garaee. reward to br LOST Black horse, collar mark and old sore on left front foot; no brand; weight about 1000 lbs.. Reward $10 for information. Chris Boel. 4 miles south west of Mesa. db LOST Came to my place 1 mile south, mile west of Tempe, one sow and 3 shoats. Owner can have same by identifying and paying charges. E. C Adams, Tempe. bn LOST Two horses, one bay, weighs 1,000 pounds, scar on back; other ball faced mare with four white feet, and weighs 1,100 pounds. George W. Ra dill. Liberty. Ariz. db BUSINESS CHANCES 27 For Sale or Exchange Furniture and lease of 5 4 -room apartment house, located in a three story brick building at Bisbee, Ariz. Lease runs four years; net income, $300 per month or more. Will ex change for dwelling house in Phoenix or small ranch. This is a first class apartment house and a money maker Owner has good reason for wanting to sell.' If Interested see ' HEALEY,- CONRAD & CO. 33 East Adams St. br BARGAIN Soda fountain, cigars and - tobacco. One of the best little places in Phoenix. Ideal place for serving light lunches. Best location in town. Will sell at bargain. Less than half cash will han dle. -Balance easy monthly payments. SEE CRAVENS Phone 1080. 40 E. Adams St. bp Graves & Hunnicutt Realty Co. OFFER: 1. Rooming house with 16 rooms. Close in and full up, completely. Fur-l nished, and with lease. This is an un usual proposition and a snap at $3500 cash. 2. On f?ve room excellently fur nished house for rent at $75. Fine neighborhood, two blocks to car line. 3. - Six room house, partially fur nished, modern in every way, and a irood neighborhood. Lease for one year at $65 per month, or will rent. 4. Confectionery and cold drink house, doing lively business on Wash ington St., at $1000, or there-abouts; $500 will handle. 5. All kinds of ranches, rentals, lots and houses and business chances. 211 W. Jefferson or Phone 1590. It FOR TRADE OR EXCHANGE A restaurant valued at $1200 for rooming house: will give difference; doing a cood business. Call 218 E. Adams, bn WINDOW BAKERY Place a win dow bakery in your town now and have a big business from the start; will sell and establish you in business at once and make you satisfied. B. M. Rollins. Kankakee, 111. dg PARTNER with small capital to buy Interest in jewelry store and also good opportunity for pawn brokers license Box 871, Mesa. dg $85,000 COMMISSION for a live man Will bear strictest investigation. Box 43T. Republican. bn FOR SALE Good paying meat mar ket with cold storage plant; open for investigation. Address f. U. isox ii br SOME one to take over a small gro ! r-erv stock with living room in DacK r-hean rent. Call at 1318 E. Adams st bn r.nO TJ business, nets $90 month. 30 minutes work each day; $287 cash will trade for Ford. Kelley Tfcaater, vi9 East Washington St. bn FOR SALE Twelve claims in th Terome mining district; adjoins the Jerome Pacific in the South Belt. Has Knlendid showing ot iron capping email values in silver and gold. nme section as Shea mine, where bi strike of, silver and copper was made For further particulars auuress jaiuc nmo Terome. Arizona. u i- - - - - . cmatj. laundry outfit for sale at .at sacrifice. Write quick, R. B. Ed cell. Patagonia. Arizona. dk FOR SALJi; corner grocery hii rooms OVerheau, moneymaker, inusi sacrifice 6th st. and .vianison. dh m for about 18 months and fur niture in 11 room rooming house; no iunk' close in. See French, with Pal J 'in -v' 9fl avc hn Furniture and lease of 6 apartments r-all at 333 N. 4th av. bd fo rirrORE for sale at 1135 L. foreland lpape on nuunirm. .i JL; i, hl: A REFINED Ut-.Mi-V. lu some kind of small - business in S"TL T am a vohhK l4y of 30 into partnership vears. nice pive add re bp vmTTvYtTJrE and leas" of 8-room brick houne, close in. IfW Pos: l,ion House and furnWn A-l 6 ft7An Will sacrifice for muck sale. COn nrtrt Terms. TexCJjty Realty ( n .SO . " . r o i iniM.'r .. - ATTENTION-- Will INVESTOR ,,,,15. worth of.W9Cjtarn-:-en at par . centandpres- in k Tr, !U $750 need the. money, t nt book wiu? --t br .uox 4TT, Republican. f f 27 ROOMING HOUSE Lease and furniture of 11-room; paying $60 a week; price $1600. CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO. - 235 W. Wash. Fhone 1824 It CLEAN stock of groceries: no bet ter location in town; large building, low rent; look this over if you want a real business. SEE FRENCH. WITH PALMER 10N. Second Ave. bn BUSINESS CHANCE Well established, modern, up-to-date dry goods store; most complete stock; building can be rented or leased. Takes at least $15,000 to handle business. Cole Dry Goods Co. Glendale, Arizona tf SPECIAL NOTICES 30 I HEREBY withdraw estate from- the market. all my real J. J. Fagan It I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Carl L. Cox. bp NOTICE I hereby give notice to the public that B. T. Bolin is not a partner with me any longer in the real estate bus! nees known as the Capitol City Realty Co., of Phoenix, Arizona, and that said partnership is dissolved. Dated Sept. 14, 1920. H. H. THOMAS, bn WE clean and block all kinds of hats to your order. Athena Hat Works. 11 N. Center. tf ATTENTION, CONTRACTORS! Electric floor sander to rent -y day. Herbert Mann Building Co, Phone 3059. tf MRS. RAE Hair Dressing Parlor moved to 31 South Third Ave. Phone 3260. tf TO WHOM It May Concern: I have sold my grocery stock and fixtures in the brick buildi.ig located at the corner of Fourth and Polk Sts. Any person having any claims on me call at once. ' JOHN HQLOHAN. bp ACCOUNTANTS JOHN W. WAGNER Certified Public Accountant. Room 8, Central Bldg. 189 N. Cent. Phone 1223 AUTO TIME TABLE GULLIAM'S STAGE LINE VOLLESON CASHION V ON DALE LITCHFIELD Stages leave .First and Washington streets at 8 a. m 10 a. m, 12 noon. 2 p. m. 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. Telephone 183 AWNINGS Medium and heavy grade COTTON SACKS and TENTS made to order. We make everything known that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co., corner First and Monroe Bts. Phone 1411. tf ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GEO. C. CRAGO 25 W. Monroe St. Fftone 649 tf WELDO.N J. O'Ner.1 Bids. BAILEY Phone 1958 tf AUTO REPAIRING APACHE TRAIL GARAGE -Best repair shop in Arizona. Kings bury. 300 West Adams. hfl AUTO SERVICE BARNES & FOREMAN Successors to Butler & Son Enclosed and Open Cars Phone 4140 24 E. Washington St. tf BICYCLES PHOENIX CYCLE COMPANY Harry Crandall, Prop. 108 East Adams Phone 1717 tf KING BROTHERS 110 E. Adams AUTO PAINTING FIVE POINTS AUTO PAINT SHOP 632 W. Van Buren St. Phone 4290. Largest and best equipped shop in the state. Expert work. Rates very low One year written miarantee. tf DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 613 S. Central Ave. Phone 4677 tf CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER J. L. CRISMAN GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Est! mates furnished on all classes of con struction. No building too large or small. 315 W. Washington. Phone 51914. tf CARPET CLEANING IF YOU WANT your carpels cleaned clean, phone 733. The Electric Carpet Cleaners. tr CHIROPRACTIC DR. E. E. HELFRICH. licensed chl ropractor. Phone 4S49. 309 N. First St. Back again. Office hours 7 to 12. tf CHIROPODIST CHIROPODY Bunions, corns, cal louses removed; painless and blood less; 50c each; moles, warts, etc., re moved by electricity. 29-31 E. Adam St. Frank Shirley, Phone 1704. if CORSETIERE SPIRELLA CORSETIERE. Mrs. Kuhlwilm. 706 W. Madison. Phone 1442. CONSULTING ENGINEER W. T. PIERCE Consulting Engineer 201 Monihon Bldg.. Phoenix. Ariz Residence phone 8099; office phone 605. Specialist on municipal Improve ments. design and construction. tf CARPENTER WORK CONTRACTS REPAIRS CABINET MAKING FRANK O. HERMANCE 1133 E. Van Buren Phone 8660 lObm CARPENTER WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL NONE TOO LARGE Building, remodeling or jobbing. F. W. Da-mil son, 214 East Van Bursri St. Phone 4172. dl CARPENTER work, repairing. Job bing. Phone 3960. G. A. Jones. 1638 E. Van Buren. DRESSMAKING Sewing, 770. plain and fancy. Phone dg DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Phone bm DRESSMAKING S08 Phone 80S2. N. Second St. 10m -Plain ai:d fancv sewing. Mrj. Moreland. L. F. Hoeffel. 1033 East tf DRESSMAKING AND ART NEEDLEWORK .Miss Smltn Room 31 Annex Kotel. tf DISC SHARPENING COLD rolled disc sharpening. No grinding. Smallest cultivator to larg est j ow discs. R. v. 707 S. Confer rhfin.p 1727. tf DENTISTS DR. MORRISON Sanitary System Phone 30S9 36 E. Waehlnston tf BUSINESS CHANCES DRESSES M)D SHIRTS HouseUresses, Bungalow Aprons, ana Nurses Uniform made to measure We Specialize in Middy Blouses and Men's Shirts MANXINf APRON CO. Phone 2405 Second Ave. and Monroe tf ELECTRICAL DEALERS VINSON BROS. & CARTER Electrical supplies, contracting, mo tor winding, reprlrs. 28 i. toecona Ave. Phone 3598. tr FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Send us your order for Urapefrult, Oranges and all other assorted fruits. Shipping is our specialty. SANITARY KKU1T CO. 616 West Van Buren Street tf FLOOR SCRAPERS For quick service and good work, phone S613. W. E. Smith, expert floor- man. Work by day or coniraci. i Old floors sanded by machinery to look like new. Herbert Mann Build ing Co.. 119 N. First Ave. Phor.e 3059. tf FURNITURE REPAIRED MARE ISLAND Furniture Shop. I repair your furniture, do your pack ing and refinishing. 806 S. 1st St Phone 8767. tr HEMSTITCHING Mrs. Boland Hemstitch Shop with New Home Sewing Machine Co., 331 W. Washington. Will call and deliver. Mail orders solicited. 10-dm INSURANCE J. E. GEARE New location. 142 W. Wash. St Fire. Auto Ins.. Loans. Notary Public JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER M. Meckler & Co.. S05 E. Washington. expert watchmaker and Jeweler. tf CHAS. A. SHELDON 106 N. First Ave. Phone 3583 LAWN MOWCRS SHARPENED IF YOU WANT good fertilizer for lawns Dirt Hauled. Plowing. Call 4203. 9-gs Neal sharpens, repairs, buys, sella anything. 202 N. Ninth St. Phone 4640. tt LIVERY STABLES E. A. STARR LIVERY SADDLERS, DRIVERS and RIGS. 742 WEST VAN BUREN. PHONE 1063. tf MILLINERY LADIES' HAT SHOP Ola hats remodeled. 115 E. Roosevelt MACHINES FAIRBANKS, Morse & Co.. engines, pumps, motors, etc. Smith Hughes & Co., Third Ave. and Jefferson. Phone 606. tf MINING ENGINEERS FRED H. BOWLER Prescott, Ariz. Mines examined and reported on; Arizona mines especially: certified member A. A. nf E. tf MECHANICAL ENGINEER 1 E. T. ADAMS. M. E. 1J6 N CENTRAL AVE. tf NAVAJO RUGS Genuine Navajo Rugs and Blankets. MRS. E. W. WHEELER 90S N. 2nd St. Phone 267f OPTICIANS For appointments, call phone Dr. C. W. Stone. 2980 m ORCHESTRA MUSIC furnished for all occasions. Phone 3467. tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Cleo Paris Bluthardt, Commercial Hotel Lobhv. Notary Public. 10b! PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Notary public, Mrs. Cravens at 4( E. Adams. Phone 1080. 1 MISS HOUGHTON. 4 OS Fleming tt Bldg. Phone 1789. PIANO AND VOICE INSTRUCTIONS MRS. J. O. SHOOK. 727 E. Adams. Phone 3467. tf PIANOS AND PLAYERS PIANOS AND PLAYERS Largest stock of high grade instru ments in Arizona. Bargains In used pianos. Repairs and refinishing. REDE W ILLS 222 West Washington Street PIANO REFINISHING WELLS W. WHIPPLE; Refinishing Pianos and Turniture Phone 1569. 222 W. Washington St., in rear. Phoenix, Ariz. tf PAINT SUPPLIES MRS. DEPUTY'S PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE Stock reducing sale, beginning Sept. 1. Worth while savings on all wall paper and paint. Painting and decorating In all its branches. Estimates furnished. Phone 4294. 30 S. Second Ave. bb MATHEWS PAINT CO.. 128 S. FIRST AVE., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES. BRUSHES. ETC. PHONE 1259. PROMPT DELIVERY. . PIANO TUNNING R. J. BECKER Factory representative of J. P. Beck er Piano Co., of Detroit, Mich., offers best services in tuning, repairing and refinishing all makes of pianos and players. Phone 1296. 1301 West Washington. 10-bs PIANO AND VOICE INSTRUCTION Piano pupils wanted. Graduate teacher. Phone 3627. Address 1117 W. Adams St. 10-bk PIANO INSTRUCTIONS Mrs. C. V. Phone 8836. Reily, 609 N. 11th St. 10-k PRIVATE SCHOOLS PRIMARY FORENOON SCHOOL Preparatory primary work, first and second grades. 208 E. Moreland. Phone 3126. - lObs PHOTOGRAPHERS For Fine Portraits THE RUSSELL STUDIO Phone 4688. 35 E. Washington. tf PIANO TUNING S. L. HAMILTON. Piano Tuner. 17th year in Phoenix. Phone 3206. PRODUCE For table use and canning. Phoenix Fruit and Produce Company. Phone 1780 1402 101 West Jefferson tf REAL ESTATE OFFICES Real Estate. Loans and Insurance W. S. DORMAN 815 W. Washington. Phone 627 tf CENTRAL ARIZONA LAND CO. Specialty Jasa Grande Valley Lands. 415 National Bank of Arizona Building ROY NEBLETT REALTY CO. 110 North Central Phone 1709 ft Real Estate Loans Insurance FRANK R. STEWART M. of R. B. PHONE 1631 Phone 1997 17 W. Adams St. tf RADIATOR REPAIRING C. K. SEFTON 63; E. Washington. Phon. 1577. tf REFRIGERATION PLANTS Clark-Monteith Engineering Co. 17 W. Adams St. Phone 1997 tf SCHOOL OF MUSIC tverytning in music. expression. . languages and dancing. Phone 1009. tf GRAPPLERS RE AT CONTEST TONIGHT'S PROGRAM Tally Open Air Arena Washington at Eighth Street Opening Event Boxing 4 Rounds, Lewis Brothers Semi-final 4 Rounds Boxing Walter Sinclair, 138 Pounds , vs. Jack Daley, 137 Pounds FINAL EVENT WRESTLING MATCH Sam Clapham, 182 Pounds (English Title Holder) vs. Pete Sauer, 182 Pounds (Aspirant to American Title). Beet two-in-three falls to a finish. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES Manufacturers of batteries and elec trical appliances. PHOENIX AUTO ELECTRICAL CO.' 407 W. Washington tf SWEEPING COMPOUND It cleans, protects and disinfects. Phone 2099. 707 E. Brill. Phoenix Sweeping Compound Co. tf TIRES GENUINE Caterpillar tires save you money and trouble. Also cars for sale. Repairing done ?19 W. Washington. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CHAMBERS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Any kind of hauling. Fireproof storage. Phone 1228 or 3526. tf Ranchers, attention! Heavy hauling ton trucks. Phone 2580. gs Baggage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage.- Lightning Delivery Co. Ai S. Center. Phones 3094 and 4126. tf TYPEWRITER REPAIRING The Typewriter Inspection Co. All makes overhauled, repaired and rebuilL 40 S. Fourth Ave. Prompt service. Phone 1498. 9-dp TRACTOR REPAIRING Tractor and Automobile expert Phone 1362. 506 N. Central Ave. Allis- Chalmers Agency. tf ALL MAKERS of tractors repaired. either on ranch or In shop. Tractor Service Co.. 218 W. Jefferson St. Phone 1590. USED CAR AGENCIES Cars bought, sold and exchanged. Harper-Partbum Motor Co, 245 N. 1st street tf UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS YARWOOD As HOCKREY Funeral directors and embalmera. 334 W. Monroe. Phone 8099. tf TeL 1670 H. M. MAUS TeL 1929 211 North First Ave. tf J. T. WHITNEY 14 WEST ADAMS STREET tt THE GEO. F. MERRYMAN CO, JL24 North Second Avenue. Phone 1. tf MOORE & McLELLAN Funeral directors and mbalmers. 829 West Adams St. Phone 601. tf VACUUM CLEANING OHIO TUEC ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPERS For sale or rent on easy payment plans. ARIZ. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO. 825 West 'dams Phone 3531 tf VETERINARIAN DR. J. E. COBERLY, Veterinarian 1135 E. McDowell. Phone 8205. tf VULCANIZING &. RETREADING MOST modern equipment in town. and In charge of a man with 15 years' experience; satisfaction guaranteed. WILKY-WART MAN OIL CO. tf WOOD, COAL AND FEED The Five Points Wood & Coal Co. Deliver all parts of city. Phone 1778. tf WOMEN'S EXCHANGE LEONARD BUSHELL studio, tral M. E. Church. Phone 4933. Cen tt VOICE CULTURE TEACHERS of voice. Italian method. IIS N. Second Ave. Pbooe 3893 tf Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until 9 o'clock a. m., October 6, 1920, at the Office of the Pima County Highway comrrttssion for the construction of Section 2, 5B and 5A of the Tucson Ajo Highway. Section 2 is 13 miles in length and work consists of approximately 120, 000 cubic yards earth grading, 32 cubic yards concrete and other incidental work. Section 5B is 11 miles in length and work consists of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of earth grading and 275 cubic yards concrete. Section 5A is 16 miles in length and work consists of approximately 70,000 cubic yards earth grading, 1275 cubic yards concrete and other incidental work. Plans, specifications and bidder's blank may be had upon application to the Commission. Certified check for 10 per cent of the bid must accompany proposal. Address all bids to the Pima County Highway Commission, P. O. Box 176, Tucson, Arizona, and mark plainly on outside of envelope the nature of the bid. Satisfactory bond will be required of the contractor to whom award is made. R. E. FISHBURN, Attest: Chairman. E. G. BUSH. Secretary. o Pursuant to a resolution of the stock holders of the Arizona Fruit and Stor age Co. passed at a meeting held at 16 West Adams St.. on June 20, 1920, the name of the above company has been changed to the Arizona Citrus Growers Co. GEO. H . LIBBEY. Sec'y. o 3611 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of Maricopa County, State of Arizona In the Matter of the Estate of Amelia Healey. Deceased. Notice of Hearing Petition for Probate of will. Notice is hereby- given that S. P. Healey has filed in this Court a certain document purporting to be the last will and testament of Amelia Healey together with his petition praying that said document be admitted to probate in this Court as the last will and testa ment of said Amelia Healey who, said petitioner alleges, is deceased, and that letters Testamentary issue thereon to said petitioner, and that same will be heard on Monday the 27th day of Sep tember A. D.. 1920. at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the court room of Division No. Two of said Court, in the Court House, in the City of Phoenix, County of Maricopa, State of Arizona, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated Sept. 14. 1920. CLAUDE S. KERR YM AN, Clerk. By W. H. LTNVILLE. Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal) Publlshe Sept. 16, 23, 24, 25th. 17, 18. 19. 20, 21, 22, AOY FOR TONIGHT S ST TALLY'S AREi Salt River valley residents having sporting appetites will get their fill at Tally's open air arena tonight when a double athietic card featured by a fin ish match between Sam Clapham, English lightweight title holder, and Pete Sauer of Phoenix, aspirant to the American title. The first event, a four-round boxing exhibition, will start promptly at 8:30 o'clock. The Lewis brothers, the 65-pound battlers who put up such a sterling ex hibition a few weeks ago, will open the card. These little fellows are long on action and the way they tear into each other is anything but brotherly. Walter Sinclair, a former well known exponent of the padded mitts, will do battle in a four-round bout with Jack Daley. Daley should prove a real trial horse. too, for Jack has met some pretty good boys in his day. A victory over Daley will go a long way to putting Sinclair back in the fistic limelight. It will be a real battle all the way, both men be ing determined to finish their opponent if possible. , The big event of the night will be the return meeting between Clapham and Sauer. The big fellows have prom ised to throw her into high from the outset, open her wide and let her buzz along at top speed until something gives way. Clapham has stated that he will em ploy every trick at his command in to night's tussle. "I'm going to show the fans something new in the wrestling art and something that will keep Sauer in hot water all the time." Probably no man on -the mat today is more versatile than Clapham. He has wrestled every style known to the art from Graeco-Roman to Jiu Jitsu. More than that, he has wrestled every headliner in the game for the past eight years with the single exception of Ed Strangler Lewis. Four different times during his career he has wrestled for the world's heavyweight honors, although only a light heavyweight. From the records of the two men. therefore, Clapham should enter the ring tonight a favorite. Sauer's victory in the first meeting is looked upon as more or less a fluke, inasmuch as an injury to Clapham ended the bout. Sauer is only a youngster and com ing strong, while Clapham lias un doubtedly reached the pinnacle of his ability. Youth ordinarily has the call over age. but experience in wrestling is probably the biggest single asset. Anyway, it looks like there will be something doing when the pair gets to gether. o In the belief that It would be the height of folly to change horses in mid stream, Republican nominees for con gress and state office have united in an effort to preserve the present em cient organization of the Republican state committee. If this program is carried out It will mean that Judge Albert M. Sames of Douglas will con tinue to act as state chairman. Andrew Baumert. Jr., secretary, and W. C. Fos ter, treasurer. This decision was reached at a fully attended meeting of the Republican candidates here last Saturday. Among those in attendance were Thomas E Campbell, candidate for re-election for governor; Ralph H. Cameron, nominee for the United States senate; James R. Dunseath, nominee for congress, as well as Republican presidential electors and a number of the party's nominees for state offices. The recommendations of the con ference will be laid before the state committee, which meets for reorgani zation at the state capitol, Monday Sept. 27. In addition to asking for the continuance in office of the presen officers, the candidates recommend the appointment of Mrs. W. W. McNeff of Phoenix as vice chairman of the pate committee and the following were recommended for regional vice chair men: Mrs. H. A. Guild of Phoenix, Mrs. Kenneth Littlejohn of Tucson, Mrs. Joseph McCabe of Bisbee and Miss Hannah Egelston of Thoenix. C. C. Lewis of Thoenix was recom mended for chairman of the bureau of organization; Frank R. Stewart of Phoenix for chairman of the speakers' bureau; Albert M. Sames as chairman of the Republican club bureau, and Allan B. Jaynes of Tucson for chair man of the publicity bureau. A distinct note of harmony prevailed throughout the meeting and this was emphasized in the fact that all of the various recommendations were adopted by a unanimous vote of those present. TWO FIDES CAUSE DAMAGE AT FLORENCE FLORENCE, Sept. 14 Fire sup posed to be of incendiary origin at 11 o'clock last night, .destroyed a large hay barn, about 500 tons of hay and a quantity, of farming machinery on the Clemans' Brothers ranch at Kenilworth. The total loss is estimated at $20,000, with an insurance of $10,000. This makes the second fire in the past three days in this valley. Two men were severely burned in the other fire, which was discovered early last Saturday morning. A Mr. Wing was burned seriously about the body, arms and legs, and a Mr. Allen suffered painful bifrns on his arms. The fire destroyed a large barn used as a stor age house for machinery and work shop on the George Tweedy ranch about 15 miles southwest of Florence. A lantern flame igniting gasoline started the fire. The high school opened Monday with an enrollment of 51 pupils. The sev enth and eighth grades which are be ing taught at the high school this year, each had an enrollment of 25 pupils, while the grammar school had 236 pupils. This is the largest enroll ment in Florence for some years. The staff of teachers is one of the best in the state and under the direction of Professor Robertson great results may be looked for the coming term. R. L. Burns and family, who have been vacationing at the coast for the past three trnonths, returned to Flor ence Mondify, Judge 0.'"J. Baughn, who has been summering at Oracle, this year has returned . to town and resumed his duties. ' . . H. Hi . Freeman returned from the coast Sunday after a pleasant week at Catalina. Mrs. Sue M. Salmon, mother of Joe Salmon of the hardware company, ar rived from Tucamacari. New Mexico Monday to spend the winter with her son and his x family. OPPOSE BE IN 0RG1IZAT! OF G. 0. P. COMMITTEE '. 5.Ti NEW YCRK, Sept. 16. Trading on the stock exchange today tattw to a sudden halt a few minutes after noon because of the Wall street explosion. The governors of the exchange or dered immediate suspension for the day j - ii . . - . .- -1 1 - ,-, n , r t lid ana siiniiitr atuuu v no i.., j - curb market. Oils and rail were the outstanding features of the brief trad- ing period out n a'Vi whole gave promise 10 utvnujiuis m. the broadest and most active movement of recent days. Extreme advances of one to three points were scored by Mexican and re lated oils. Shippings gained one to four and steels and equipments about as much. Coalers under lead of Reading were foremost of the rails, with substantial gains in St. Louis and San Francisco preferred. Southern railway preferred and New Orleans, Texas and Mexico. In the several classes of specialists pool activity probably accounted for the .strength of sugars, tobaccos, tex tiles and kindred issues! Sales 375,000 shares. Only one rate seven per cent was quoted for call money and time funds were unchanged. Moderate reactions from yesterday's rally were shown by British and" French exchange. Heavy trading in the new French eights was the feature of the very ac tive bond market, other leading issues including Liberty bonds inclining to ir regularity. Total sales, (par value), $7,150,000. No alteration was reported in the first call for old United States bonds. . LIVESTOCK Chicago CHICAGO, Sept. 16. (TJ. S. Bureau of Markets). CATTLE Receipts 14,000; good and choice steers steady to strong: top $18.25; others slow, steady; range cattle receipts very light. HOGS Receipts 10,000; mostly 10 to 15c higher than yesterday's average; top $17.50: bulk light and butchers $16.75 ri) 17.45. SHEEP Receipts 20.000; fat sheep and native lambs mostly 25c lower; practical top native lambs $13.75 to packers. Kansas City KANSAS CITY, Sept. 16. CATTLE Receipts 5500; active and steady to 25c higher. HOGS Receipts 25,000; opened 10 to 15c higher; close packers buying steady to 10c higher; bulk light and medium $17.0017.50. SHEEP Receipts 30,000; native lambs 25 to 50c lower; western lambs 15 to 25c lower. Denver DENVER. Colo.. Sept. 16 CATTLE Receipts 1300; steady beef steers $9.00 13.00; cows and heifers $6.50 (fx 9.00; stockers and feeders $7.50 10.25; calves $ 9.50 (ff 13.00. HOGS Receipts 400; market 15 to 25c higher; top $17.30; bulk $16.25 17.00. SHEEP Receipts 1900; steady; lambs $13.00(f?13.50; ewes $6.006.25; feeder lambs $12.75 13.25. . PRODUCE CHICAGO. Sept. 16. Butter un settled; creamery, 435? 56c. Eggs un settled; receipts 6,372 cases: firsts 505? 51. Poultry, alive, higher; fowls, gen eral run 30; springs 35; turkeys 45. i-otatoes wean; receitps 62 cars: Jersey cobblers $2.702.S0; Jersey giants sacked $2.35(ff2.45; Minnesota a-nd V isconsin sacked round, white $2.302.40: Minnesota sacked, early Ohios 52.25 2.35. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 16. Butter, eggs ana poultry unchanged. LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK, Sept. 16. rrices of Lib erty bonds at noon were: 3s $90.00: first 4s $85.74; seconJ 4s $84.94; first 4'4s $85.94; second 4 Us $85.14; third 4 Us $88.50; fourth 4 Us $85.34; Victory 3s $95.42; Victory 4?is $95.46. COTTON NEW YORK, Sept. 16. Cotton closed quiet at a net advance of five to forty points. Commission Merchants LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENTS STOCKS ... BONDS COTTON GRAIN MINING AND OIL STOCKS PRIVATE LEASED WIRES Correspondent LOGAN A BRYAN STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON R. ALLYN LEWIS ADAMS HOTEL BLDQ. Correspondents of E. F. Hutton oV Co. Member of New York Stock Exchne, Direct Privet Leased Wire LIBERTY BONDS AUTO STAGE TIME TABLE aPACHE trail Stages Daily to Roosevelt Dam, Globe, Miami 8. a. m. 3 p. m. Superior, Ray, 9:15 a. m. Florence, 4 p. m. pimhipi wpuii, nvianwv fi'1' "'". SIGHTSEEING BUS Large 25 Passenger Bus Special attention given to picnic parties and sightseeing trips over the Salt River Valley. Phone 1465 UNION AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO. 11-13-15 East Jefferson St. Phones: 1465, 711 -D EW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Furnished By R. ALLYN LEWI3 ! Private Leased Wire to all Ex ! k r "i : m n a o AMcrican Can ZK- Ant i'ica", A mtriciiii America n America": America i International '.-s locomotive 96 fmelt. Refining 63 Tel. & Tel. Co 7 Woolen Atc) son 5aldwin Lop0moVive' 1JaUlmore & ohio . . 83'i .11-0 . 4 3 ,4 . 75 .121 . r.s - . 4Vi . M . . ' . 37 '4 Bethlehem Steel (B) . Pacific Central Leather Chosr.r.rakc & Ohio Chandler Motor Chi., Mi!. & St. Paul Chi., R. I. Pac. Ry Corn Products 88i''"' Crucible Steel 125 H ' Erie mi' General Motors 21?V"" Great Northern pfrl .78V2-" Great Northern Ore 34 't' 0 Haskell fe Parker 69 Vz " International Paper '. 81 Int. Mor. Marine pfd 76 Invincible Oil -88 x Lackawanna Steel 67V4 Mexican Petroleum 177'i Midvale Steel AOHT" Missouri Pacific 27fc N. Y. Central 7,5 , i N. Y., N. H. A Hartford 34 , Northern Pacific 79 Vz Pan American Petroleum 92 Pan American "B" 85 Pennsylvania .42 Vi- Pierce Arrow "37Vi",J- Reading '94i. . Republic Iron & Steel 81 Royal Dutch 89H-" Southern Railway -23 Southern Pacific 95t" Stromberg Carb 74 Studebaker Co 637i Texas Co. . .' 37 ' Tobacco Products 66 United Food 59 i ' United States Rubber 87H' ; United States Steel 894'' United States Industrial Alcohol. 84 Union Oil 28 Vanadium Corp JPVt Willys Overland 15 scr E.RS L Republican 5. F. Hutton , COPPERS Compiled for The R. Allyn Lewis. E. Co.'a Leased Wire. Hotel Adtmi U building. 119 North Central Ave.T Anaconda 54 Butte 19 r-r .. Calumet & Arizona 57 Cere de Pasco 43U ChVno 28 i Inspiration 48 V Miami 19H Ray Cons 15T Utah 65 Aritex Big Ledge H ft 7i u so. ; H 18 U . 35 2i 32 Calumet & Jerome A Dundee H Green Monster H Jerome Verde Vs Magma 27 Masrma Chief Vs New Cornelia 18 Ray Hercules Silver King 30 United Eastern 2 it Verde Extension -..CO Verde Combination -ft MERCANTILE PAPER NEW YORK, Sept. 16. Prime mr- cantile paper unchanged. Exchange ir regular. Time loans strong; all dates 8 8 1. METALS NEW YORK. Sept. 16. Copper dull, unchanged. Lead quiet; spot $8.25 8.50. Zinc steady, unchanged. We Deliver The GOODS Patton Bros. Grocery Phone 1751-1709 LAWHON A PIPER 89 8outh Central TELEPHONE 1418 OIL STOCKS Stages Hourly To Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Connection For Goodyear and Gilbert T '1.