Newspaper Page Text
-ARIZONA EPU AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSJVE JOURNAL THIRTY-FIRST YEAR PHOENIX, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1920 52 PAGES VOL. XXXI., NO. 166 f2 PAGES THE 1 IV. I TAFT GIVES REASON HE i S SUPPORTING E.0.PJ01NEE1 Lloyd George Says England Will Use Stern Methods To Restore Order In Ireland Republican A. P. Leased Wire CAKN AVON. Wales. Oct. 9. Pre mier Lloyd George, in a fightlnj speech here today, declared that the govern ment Intended to restore order ln i.ind by "methods, however stern, ana eod with its home rule Mil. e turned down dominion home rule. otestlng against suggestions that the rnment should go further than nd stone or Asqulth, "not because Ireland seed it. not because-it is iair . . . . i . . . f. XT r . r 'o the Liu red Kinguom, uui nevaus ait for League liUt Up- Irish rule has been successful." DOSed to Arbirrarv tanrl A republic be insisted, wouia noi p5Ca lO rDUrary Otana wMsfy irishmen, as "Ulster would Of President Wilson On hav, something to say." ry . mottling in me pasi, nn conunuru, eSCrvatlOnS would Justify present conditions In Ireland. The premier declared '"a real murder gang" is dominating Ireland, maKing it impossible for reasonable men to ome together to consider the. bent way 1 Republican A. P. Leased Wire VAXrOlTVKU. R. C. Oct. 9 Elec t1n of Warren G. Harding to the pres f the United "States will mean tre ultimate ratification of the leaguo of nation, mith reservations, and "the elimination f all further dispute, Howard Taft, former presl aeni or the tnitod States, stated upon h' arrival here today at the head Of the arbitration board of the Grand Trunk-Pacific railway. "Governor Co has asked me how I ran support Senator Harding when the senator has denoiyieed the league of t atiar." said Mr. Taft. "Cox U not ejuite right If he says Harding is op posed to the .league of nations idea. Harding wants a league that will be constituted more like a court. He wants a league, but rot Mr. Wilson's leaxu. "Obviously there will have to be "m compromise and It may very well le that the Kind of league Senator Harding supports will form the basis on the compromise. I believe that the eWtion of Senator Harding will mean the adoption of a league of-nations with reservations ami the ending of a;i further, dispute." Mr. Taft said that while Jie was personally In favor of the league of nation and was willing to accept It as presented by President Wilson with Artkie 1ft. he added that he was 'bit- tTly disappointed when the president did not accept the reservations voted hv- the Republicans, who, with a few Iemocrat. constituted majority ln the senate. He said recent statements of 1-ord Grey in a letter to the Times at the time the reservations were under discussion, indicated that there "was no daubt that the United States could he entered the league with the con sent of the other nations." With Mr. Taft. as members of th Grand Trunk arbitration board, which Is tsktnr a valuation of the "physical ae of that line In conection with the amalgamation of the Grand Trunk ana t Northern railway, are S r Walter C'assels pf the Canadian exchequer court; Sir Thomas? White., former minister of finance; and A. W. Atwater, Kansas City, former treas urer of the iTovlnce of Quebec. o to govern the country. "It is essen tial," he went on, "in the Interest of Ireland that the gang should be broken p and unless I am mistaken we shall do it. But side by side with that we must proceed with measures for safe government in Ireland." In speaking of the reprisals, the pre mier argued that the police would not bomb houses and shoot men, if there was no provocation. Policemen num bering 238 had been shot, he declared, and of these 109 had been shot dead. This had tried the patience of the police. As for self government for Ireland, the premier explained that if complete dominion home rule were accorded, Ire land could have conscription. In that case, he pointed out, England's army of 100.000 might be confronted with an Irish army of 500,000. Conscription for Kngland. he said, must necessarily fol low dominion home rule in Ireland. SENATOR HARDING ATTACKS WILSON'S EOOEIGN POLICY N DEMUR STRONGHOLD . WHITE GHES ASSURANCE 1TII W T U Republican A. P. Leased Wire NUW YORK. Oct. 9. George .White, chairman of the Democratic national committee, tonight gave his "personal assurance to the country that the tide baa awung to Cox and Roosevelt.' Senator Hardin" Dcs Molnea speech "turning bis back upon Our national pledge and Ideals and rejecting the league of nations," the statement said. "proved the turning blow." Since then this headquarters has been receivinsr very. unmistakable signs known to politics of a turn to the Dem ocratic candidates which will end ln certain victor ," the statement added. I have never suid this before, be raiiso it did not appear to be true. I say it now because it docs appear to be true. If we can collect the money recessary for tho Intensive publicity required to r-rcscnt the truth, the ap pearance will become a certakiity. , "I say this because the Republicans. "Ill i their candidate down as Judged -, J .is Kansas t'lty speech intend to t to the winds even the few consid- riatioi-a cf truth which have uoumi i!,rir die isin of the covenant. We rniit nail each lie severul times over." -Senator Pat Harrison of .Mississippi, . ha!rmn of the Democratic national Makers' bureau, todav made public a ,-ory of a telesrram add dressed to Ed ward A. Ryan of Washington, who had Ke. kled "Senator Harding during rent speech at Baltimore It I.. Lynch, presmeni 1roevrlt llub Of Harding' home town a re- Md.. by Dr. of the Cox- Marlon. Senator inviting Mr. pn to speak there eom" nine m n. Vtt two week j. Dr. Lynch said: -We will guarantee that you will pot .be art 'ted." U. S. WHEAT GROWERS TO DEMAND $3 PER BUSHEL FOR WHEAT Republican A. P. Leased wirei WICHITA, Kan. Oct. !. The Wheat Growers- association of the United !tl,tc "with u membership cf 70niO ', Kansas. Oklahoma. Texas. Nebraska nd H.-"ith Dakota, has issued from its pff-.e h. re proclamation to alt of its members, urging them to refrain from "llie, any wh-ut, after & ! m. October , ntd su.h time :,s the price of Rood he,t is i..t-e. to IS a busb.-l at the terminal tnai k i. n Republican A. P. Leased Wire j OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.. Oct. . Again thrusting at the foreign policy of the Wilson administration. Senator Harding told voters of Democratic Oklahoma tonight that while the American government was beguiling them with idealistic notions of a new- social era, the other nations hai reached out to dominate commerce and Industry through control of the- petro leum supply. British interests, he declared, had put their hand on petroleum resources ln many quarters, foreseeing a day when oil would become the mainspring of material progress. He said It was high time the.United States awo gae attention to material well befng and stnod behind American promoters. Questionlg whether the other powers have "taken very seriously the 'seu-ahneB-atlncr aims which the Washington government has been proclaiming, tne senator assailed again the league of nations and said he wanted no voter to be in doubt about his determination to stay out of the covenant. Senator Hard nrt nignt speecn. last of his mid-western trip, was de livered at the state lair grounds. Earlier he had made several rear piai- form speeches on his way across Kan- anil iiKianornM- Cheerlng crowds greeted the nominee at all of his stops, ana ai ritv his train was met by a throng w hlch packed the streets ror more m" At Tonca City. Okla., when a larmer handed tin a orinted circular uuoun htm as advocating dollar . wneat, tne candidate characterized the statement a "miserable, silly Old lie, ana rrumnilnir ut the paper tossed It back Into the crowd. He said tne siory started from his having remarked in h. .ennta once that he couia remem ber when in normal times dollar wheat verv desirable, wnen. " Viaek to Ttrvan's day. v, nntiniiel while the crowd yelled again, "you would have (shouted your heads off to get a aouara uur, Rut that does not apply now." I'raisinsr American genius and enter in its development of American petroleum resources. the termed Oklahoma City "the n.inniii of netroleum. Hut the star of petroleum' empire dwnva from the exh-usted ed territory." he 'fw friends must opened and before many years we will be compelled to drW uvon omer cu.... tries. . ... From Idealism to msm htc. mmt turn aeain now, after a excursion of some eight years mm realm of , lofty and no do; A most ennobling idealism to a national con sideration of some very plain prac ticalities of'llfe. "The plain fact is that while our government has been attempting to organize a model state of society other great states have been looking about for the means to dominate Petroleum production, because they might find ihe power to control the commerce, trade and industry of the otM Our fourhanded British competitors have been at the front in seeking to control the future production of min eral oil. An eminent Pritlsh author ity recently declared tnai me iin..-.. empire controls more than 90 per cent of the world's known supplies. -We have seed Mesopotamia and P.aku. Trinidad and Koyal Dutch, the vn.t Indies. Persia. Colombua and .11 fjiiino- into the hands or i k. Influence of British Oil In terests. It has been freely charged and never seriously - denied that some !..-.... n governments have secured .." f..ntiil ncreements with certain ,nTitrles. eivirsr to European oil op- . r , t nnri tn somo cases ub i. Kiriiiilvi ortvilezes on oil i.i ii " v development. So far has this gone ti,, there is real danger that Amer icans who gave this industry to the vri.i m.iv Ksa'sently find themselves wint nut from enual opportunities, T!.e tn tb is that under the present ndministration there has been such ;in intense engrossment with certain ldeilistic notions about international relations that the plain workaday phases of our dealings with the world h ive been sadlv neglected. We need to get back to the practicalities of life licvo we Americans iave touched el bows bo there really Isn't tonight any north or any south, but Just one com mon countrv. "I want you to know that I believe n equality before the law. You can't give rights to the white man and deny them to the black man. I do not mean that the white man and the black man must be forced to associate together In the acceptance of their rights. Somebody asked me if I intended to revive the Force bill. The force bill has been dead a quarter of a cen tury and I am only a normal American citizen and a normal man could not resurrect the dead, f don't believe In government through Influence on the one hand, or government thrrfugh in- lliuiuaiiuii vii inc viuci. 0 senator world's High Wind Does Severe Damage hi California SANTA CLARA, Cal Oct. 9. A high wind that passed through here today tossed J. Ringwall, a 15-year-old boy, into a tree; knocked over George Campra and a horse ha was hitching; uprooted fruit trees, demolished several private garages and caused considerable minor damage. It was said by lo cal residents to have been the first wind of its kind since .1863. o THIRTY KILLED M PARIS TRAIN WRECK Republican A. P. Leased Wire PARIS, Oct. 9. Thirty or more per sons were killed and 50 injured today w hen the Paris-Nantes express ran into a freight train. The accident occurred about four miles from Maisons-Lafltte. Six third-class cara were destroyed. Late tonight thirty-eight bodies had been recovered and search continues. Most cf the victims were , workmen returning from their labor and iden tity of many will never be known, as they were badly mangled. 0 o GOOD ROAD BOND ISSUES ENDORSED BY COLORADO BODY Republican A. P. Leased Wire TRINIDAD. Colo., Oct. 9 Good roads, credits, organization and pub- licity were subjects discussed tonight at the banquet that closed the annual convention of the Colorado Manufac turers' and Merchants' association. Two hundred and fifty people were present. Good roads was a the sub ject of an address by Secretary of State James H. Noland. who voiced endorsement of the proposed amend ment for a J.vooo.onn bond issue for good roads and urged its pasgage at the forthcoming general election. He advocated legislation to provide for a more Judicious expenditure of road funds. o CASEYS FORMALLY OFFER AMERICAN LEGION BIG FUND Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK. Oct. 9. The Knights of Columbus today formally offered the American legion J5.000.000 for a building to le ereeted in Washington as a memorial to American service men killed during the war. James A. Flaherty, supreme knight, made the offer to Col. Fred W. Galbraith. na tional commander of the American Le gion, who raid a meeting of the legion's executive tomm'ttee to act on the ten der would be called Immediately. COX CHARGES ROOSEVELT, JR. fJIS-STATING LEAGUE FACTS Governor Cox Says Son Of Illustrious Father "Shame lessly Paraded Before the Public" Republican A. P. Leased Wire! TEKRK HAUTE. Ind Oct. 9. The issue of "league or no league" was the battle crv of Governor Cox in his southern Indiana campaign today. In H speeches, closing with a mass meeting here tonight, the governor centered his fire on the Des Moines pooch of Senator Harding. "The sen atorial candidate, within the last three days," he said, "has declared positively against the league. I am for the league with all my soul." Governor Cox charged Theodore Roosevelt with misstating that the league could declare war and send troops abroad. Reasserting that Nn- gress onlv has such authority. Gov ernor tox sam some real mend oi the great Roosevelt should set this boy right concerning the fundamentals of the league. It is a pitiable spectacle to see this son of a great sire shame lessly paraded before the public Out of respect for the memory of his Illus trious father, someone should take this Juvenile statesman aside and ln primer fashion rmikc plain what really ought to be obvious. Blasts at the "senatorial oligarchy' were continuous in the governor's tour He reiterated charges that Senator Lodge was the "basest conspirator In all history," and urged defeat of sen ators who signed the round robin against the leaeue. "Any man who signed the round robin against the most humane Instru ment- in the world does not deserve a place ln the senate," he said, referring to its signature bv Senator Watson, Republican of Indiana.. l ne governor said Watson was a member of the oligarchy and asked virtually all of his Indiana friends to vote for Tom Taggart, Democratic sen atorial candidate. Governor Cox declared that today's tour was "old-fashioned American campaigning." Cheering crowds of farmers and townfolk. Including worn en in sunbonnets and men In overalls. gave the governor a warm reception The governor Is to speak today jn St. Louis. ' o INDIANS MASSACRE DODGES 1 FOURTH GAME OF WORLD SERIES COYELESISE MOLDING BROOKLYN WHILE TEAM MATES HAMMER BALL1 Irish Prisoners Pitiable -Sight On 60th Day Of Fast Republican A. P. Leased Wire CORK, Oct. 9. "Slowly eating themselves up, was the way a, prison official today described the condition of the prisoners who to day entered the sixtieth day of their hunger strike. "About every four days," the of ficial "said he observed a change. "They go along several days with out visible alteration, then sudden ly they seem to strike a new stage and drop down like that," he con tinued, making an expressive ges ture with both hands. "The skin is jiow drawn over their faces tight as a drum and all are hollow eyed. Every day their cells are freshly sprayed." The official expressed admiration for the care being given the men by the nuns. o SENATOR THOMAS OF C f MS ROADS SET FREIGHT RECORD n ..iiin;t n. ct. ' -t!i r;i' it- h record !ir Ml' ,,f freight ti;iff. .,, , k e:..-d S- V ,.4 M t il I W Hi ,, In tt.e vol'irne it nniinntiii'ii wiu.iv i ,. ,n U.uli o i'l i(.T'. , i 'i in I 'I . n ; ' r -, i-- l . I SWINEY lit) CONDITION i. t I. .1 v t f - ! i. BETTER , ,.- M.i- -...l.i. I t. the . . ., : , 1 , , H i, mnL'C Mtire I llil L A iii-ui ana oimii .-v. i! u.-iranteed enual privileges and op uortunlties with the citizens of every ..tiier eimntrv in the business and in activities of the world." Leads Old Fashioned Parade i Itefore his speech at the f :i ir grounds i t(,r llanline rode at the head o Ian old fashioned torchlight parade. A i the linvllion where he spoke the nom- , inee and Mrs. Ilardin were cheered , (,,r more than fl minutes. I'.efore he w.i.. pree;iteil. a civil war rue an. I 'drum Hps w hooped Jt up for five minutes mid. r the lend of ;i drizzled ,!nim in ,jnr. Mrs. Abbey Hillemnn. ., :, leilnii .in iiomii ee for presidential LEAGUE OF MTI01S Republican A. P. Leased Wire DENVER, Colo., Oct. 9 In a state ment today explaining why he refused to seek the Democratic nomination and then consented to run as Nationalist" candidate for United State senator. Charles S. Thomas, Democratic sena tor from Colorado, attacked the league of nations and treaty of peace and de clared the major parties have given the people 'no clear cut Issue to at tract or repel them." "Both the rational conventions of 1920 successfully avoided the more se rious problems now demanding public consideration,'! the statement said. Kx cept the Democratic pronouncement for the league of nations, afterwards mod ified by the acceptance of the nomi nee, definite policies have been con cealed behind , a bewildering camou flage of soothing verbosity. The peo ple have no clear cut Issue to attract or repel them. Concerning tho league of nations, the statement said: ' I am opposed to the covenant of the league of nations because it can not under the constitution be estab lished through the exercise of the treaty making power; 'Because', it is founded upon and must administer a victor's treaty of penalties and indemnities: 'Because it is a negation of he fundamentals outlined by its authors as the indispensable bases of an endur ing covenant; 'Because its artlc-es will in prac tice tend to prevent rather than nro- stands in this presence should examine mote permanet peace among the na himself and see whether he has the full ions- HAYS SAYS WILSOI IS AGIST ANY ALLIANCES III 14 Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK. Oct. 9. Will H. Hays. chairman of the Republican national committee, ln a statement today asked whether President Wilson was cor rectly quoted when in May. 1914, he ex pressed himself as against any sort of foreign alliances for the United States. Paragraphs in the president's speech dealing with foreign alliances which Mr. Hays quoted are: There are just as vital things stir ring now that concern existence of the nation as were stirring then (colonial period), and every man who worthily conception of what it means that America shall live her own life. Wash ington saw it when, he wrote his fare well address. "It was not merely because of pass ing and transient circumstances that Washington said we must keep free from entangling alliances. "It was because he saw thattio coun try had yet set Us face in the same direction in which America had set her face. "We cannot form alliances with those who are not going our way and in our might and majesty and in the certainty of our own purpose we need not and we should not form alliances with any nation in the world. Those who are right, those who study their consciences in determining their policies, those who hold their honor higher than their advantage, ao not need alliances. You need alliances when you are not strong and you arc- weak only when you are not true to vonrself. You are weak only when you are in the wrong: you are weak only when you are afraid to do right; you are NEW YORK, OcL 9. Thirty-four weak only when you doubt your cause horses will start at daybreak , Monday and the majesty of a nation s might as- for rort Ethan Allen, Vermont, for "Because Its creates two internation al organisms, orfe for tho administra tion of world affairs and the other to dominate labor as an International class institution; "Because it abandons the nation's traditional foreign policy, the wisdom whereof is vindicated by the experi ence of more than a century; "Because it commits the United States to direct participation In the political, religious, racial and geo graphical differences and controversies present and future between nations. races and creeds .the world over; and to such action regarding them as its council may determine: "Because it obliterates the Monroe doctrine, notwithstanding the reserva tion of Article XXI." , o f THIRTY-FOUR HORSES START ON 300 MILE TEST OF ENDURANCE Republican A. P. Leased Wire FOUR BROOKLYN TWIRLERS TRY TO CHECK INDIAN OFFENSIVE BUT . SPOKE'S CREW 'REFUSED TO BE STOPPED IN FOURTH ADVANCE. 4 x LEVELAND, Ohio," Oct. 9 The Cleveland Indians massacred the Brooklyn Robins in the fourth game of the world's series today, winning, five to one, andtying the struggle foi the 1920 baseball championship, as each team has won two games and the battle will be renewed tomorrow with the American - -leaguers the favorites. The tribe of Speaker evidently bur nished up its collective war clubs returning from Brooklyn and fell on the Robins with an attack that swept the easterners off their ; feet and brought unlimited joy to the thousands of fans , who had been waiting for the awakening of the home club. ; While the Indians were battering tour Brooklyn ' nitr-Ws tn a frazzle. Stanlev Coveleskie held the invaders i almost Helpless in the grasp of his evasive ball and five hits were collected from the former miners delivery. In almost everv inning the Robins went out in order, so per- v V- - si . . 1 W feet was his control and the defense oi his teammates tnat J but three Superbas were left stranded and only one, Jimmy Johnston, completed tne circuit. From the offensive standpoint, the1 Cleveland clan tore Into the Nationals with a rush and actually won the game in the first inning. The runs were quickly accumulated, followed by an other pair in the third and the final score came in the sixth. -It was not the total runs that the Indians made which impressed their followers, but the manner in which they fairly ran rampant through the highly touted pitching talent of the National leaguers. Leon Cadore was knocked out In the second session and Mamaux, his successor. Buffered a similar fate ln the third. "Rube" Mar quard, who earlier in the day had been arrested for ticket speculating and released on his . word to report Monday, followed .Mamaux and after ridding himself of the heritage of Ma maux pitched good ball until he re tired to permit Lamar to bat for him. Jeff Pfeffer then went in and had the final run Bcored againet him. Twelve hits, five runs and ten Indians left on bases tells the story. Covie's Spitter Working The air-tight hurling of Covelesxie was hardly needed In view of the bru tal manner In which Speaker's players battered the Brooklyn quartet. Never theless Stanley moistened the ball time after time and shot it up with all the hit-defying slips and slants as though the contest depended entirely on his ability to snap the ball before the weak Robins. Coveleskie hurled the sphere 86 times, 22 being: balls. 1'6 strikes, 9 foul strikes and 3 fouls after the second strike. Seven times the ball was played for a ground out and 14 times for fly outs. These figures plus the five scattered hits against Cove leskie show his effectiveness. The victory came at the psychologi cal moment for Cleveland, which is now thought to have the edge on Rrooklyn. With the game score at two each and three games still to play at home, the advantage should rest with the Indians. They have now met everv Brooklvn pitcher of class and the star twirlers of the Robins are no longer a mystery. The effect of the loyal support given by Cleveland fans was evident today - 4 A ( jyff t i ! t both before nd during the game. The support given the home club was fully up to tlie standard of any previous world's series and it was apparent that the American league combination worked with more confidence and cer tainty. Cleveland started to make the team feel that the entire section was behind it and believed explicitly In its ability to win out. Ideal, Baseball Weather The game was played in perfect weather, the afternoon being so hot many bleacherltes sat In their shirt sleeves. There was pot a cloud in the sky and not enough breeze to move tho autumn haze in the lazy late summer atmosphere. I-ong . before the gamo every part of the cheaper seat ections was filled and trees and telegraph &njie nmr lilt" ki uuuu nit rincuvu - topple under their burden of youthful -fans. Neighboring housetops, too, w.! bore full" quotas of men and women, im while every window overlooking the park was packed with faces. Inside the park the fans showed all the evidence of world series enthu siasm. Bells, rattles and a well organ ized auto horn chorus helped to keep the enthusiasm at top pitch through the first three innings. After scoring the first four runs it was realized that with Coveleskie. pitching winning was j"" merely a matter of good defensive play and the fans, relieved of all anxiety, put their noise making' instruments aside and settled back to enjoy the game. Every good play was liberally ap plauded, however, whether by a Cleve land or Brooklyn player. It was a Robin who provided the neatest hit of fielding for the fans to enjoy. In th fourth Evans lifted a low drive over second, which appeared certain to go for a Texas leaguer, but Myers, rush ing ln from deep center, reached the ball tack of second "and slipped his hands under it just before it touched the ground ard came up after a som ersault with the ball sticking in his gloved hand. Myers was given a long, hearty cheer. ' Griffith Still Starring. A clever piece of baseball strategy w nich slipped by unnoticed by the fans was perpetrated hy Griffith 4n the sev enth. After Burns walked, Gardner drove a high drive to right field. Grif fith played the ball as thoush he ex pected to make a fly put -out and Burnsr watching the attitude of the fielder, was slow in starting for sec ond. The ball, however, passed far over Griffith's head and he then quickly turned and picked it off tha wall on the rebound with the result that Burns was held at third and Gard ner at first. With cheers of their supporters ring ing in their cars the Indians got away to a two-run lead in the first Inninr, touching Cadore for two hits and coax ing one pass. After Jamieson lined out to Cadore, Wambsganss drew a pas nd went to second when Speaker sin- ! serted. i.-l i I'M' l 1. 1, . lei-l .i lii'llllll -p" , 1'nrt ii ,; ;! in M y ;..u.l for lis 1 i eseuted t lie CHAMBERS DEFEATS, WALTHALL AT DOUGLA Republican A. P. Leased Wire DOUGLAS. Ariz., Oct. 9 Russell Chambers was awarded ttie decision over Fred Walthul arter ten rounds of fast milling at the boxing carnival held under the auspices or the Smel ter athletic club here tonight. The fight was slightly in favor of Cham bers up -until the last round when he removed any doubt as to whom the decision should .-o. In the prediminaries Red Milhurn of Bislee was awarded the decision over Rattling Pinwick. Nineteenth Infantry: Kid Sherman quit in the second round of his bout with Pete Cross of Kl Paso hi, 1 Kid Suby of Iouglas scored a technical knockout over young W;it kins of Biboe. . M.I t h it -. .1. tii s I. ..f ur.,1. 1 l.i.l V i.- -! V I - ' IV I I U. S. S. MISSISSIPPI ORDERED TO CHILE Republican A. P. Leased Wire SKATTLK. Wash.. Oct. 9. The su perdreadnaught Mississippi, at anchor at Port Angeles. Wash., departed hur riedly late tonight for an unnamed des tination. Upon receipt of orders visitors aboard w ere hastily put ashore and the vessel whs' under way within two hours. There were rumors that the Mississinui had been ordered to Val paraiso. Chile, but naval officers at the i'rmrimi navv vard expressed the oninion that the Mississippi was en- route to San Diego to join the Pacific fleet in battle maneuvers. MOTHER KILLED AND SON INJURED WHEN SHOTGUN EXPLODES ! Republican A. P. Leased Wire COLORADO SPRINGS, Oct. 9. Mrs. Carl White, w ife of a farmer who lives east of Colorado Springs, was instantly killed and their -year-old son seriously injured last night when a shotgun left . v.n ..nut rtf ' oflr in j lcaninfT apanifi m- .- . - j which they were riding was accident ! ally discharged. White, who was haul ing beans to lluga. accompanied by bis ! ..- .5 kil,l lTrl lfft the truck tO TEXAS BANKS CLOSE j ' tP for tnp radiator. He re- TKMPLK. Texas. Oet.'O.-Two Hell obtain ic " ... lumen ui no., n- .... , charge of shot having struck her in the neck, ana the child wounded. An inquest was held and. it is believed that in some way the child accidentally touched the trigger ot the gun. ,ff. rellCe bet W ( I 11 the 4 smith in tli" list two ''" 1 iemmtv banks closed todav. The l-'irst st.iii.liut:. the senator ! x.-itional bank of Kollen. capitalized at Hi nn M kitil. y lued I j:,,i.e00. and the Farmers' bank of No i." I hae removed ttit! :1ri ilio. capitalized ;it JU,iin0, both ..f se. tioiial feeling. In !,.,, trolled by the same officers, were f U. great war I he- ' thoye affected. Fort Ethan Camp Devens, Mass., in the second an nual endurance test-of 300 miles, in augurated to stimulate interest in the breeding of chargers suitable for the mounted service of ihe United States. In this test, approved by the war de partment and department of agricul ture .each horse must carry 243 pound?, including rider and equipment. The test ends Friday with sixty miles cov ered a day. Thirteen Arabian horses, eight trae-, lng Pack to desert ancestry and 11 thoroughbreds, some descendants of Knglish derby winners, are listed among the entrants. o SPECTACULAR BLAZE INJURES BISBEE MAN Republican A. P. Leased Wire UlSfcllii:, Ariz.. Oct. 9. A spectacu lar blaze, brought about by the explo sion of an oil stove, tonight consumed the 12 -room house of John Nescdkin, and- severely burned its owner. Ac cording to Nescdkin's neighbors, who were passing the house at the time of the blast, the concussion was so vio lent as to hurl Nescdkin through the front door of the house and into the street for a distance of fifty feet. Nescdkin is now in a local hospital. where it Is thought by physicians that! he l'.as a chance for recovery. WRANGEL DISPERSES REDS j WASHINGTON. Oct. 9. Ad vices to- I day to the state department said Gen -oral Wrangel had dispersed the red ! army north and east up to a line run- ning directly north of the Sea of Azov, ; I on the Dnieper river, to Mariopol on ' I the northeast shore of the Gulf of ! I anrog. No Burglar Works in a Lighted Room No burglar turns the light on when he gath ers the family silver. He works in the dark, stealthily. It's honest folks that choose the light. They invite it. ' It's the same way with advertisers. When a merchant or manu facturer advertises his product in your daily paper, he brings it into the light of publicity. He tells you all about it lets it stand on its own merits invites your attention and criti cism because he knows his product is good. . Keep in touch with all the good things that progressive merchants and manufacturers are introducing and keep ing constantly before you through the adver tising . in your news paper. Advertisements are interesting, instinctive, and profitable to you. Get the ad-reading habit.