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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
(Section Two) PAGE FIVE OLD FAVORITES OF THE NEW SEASON HIGH GRADE PIANOS DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU arai: STORAGE BATTERIES, BATTERY REPAIRING AND CHARGING IGNITION, STARTING AND CARBURETOR REPAIRS AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10. 1920 Mission G A Iff! 3 Car Loads PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS To Be Sold At factory. Retail Prices Emerson, Chase Bros. and Lindeman Call at 80S North Second street and examine these instruments, r phono E973 and we'll send our automobile for you. We invite the opportunity of demonstrating their superior tone and construction. We have no high rents to pay and are direct factory representa tives which makes possible our offer of "Better Pianos for Less Money." CASH OR EASY TERMS J. W. Dawson" 805 North Second Street Phone 8973 The Professional M The professional man is' a -builder of bridges and bodies, a girder of continents and a director of institutions for the relief of suffering. He is highly specialized individual, the physician, the engineer, the lawyer, .the clergyman and men of that character. In his head, he carries the knowledge and experience that are the fruits of years of training and study. Clear eyed, scientific and practical, he is fully alive to the importance of orderly and thrifty finance Too busy himself to attend to financial details, too far-sighted to let them go unchecked, he relies upon a dependable tank for the protection and advance ments of his financial, interests. Professional men rely on us our facilities are adapted to their needs as well as to those of all others who require the fi duciary functions of a modern banking institution. Tib Pfeanak Siwiijg Emk A filiated with Phoenix National Bank SAVINGS "MUSTS V 1HS0E ANCE f T' -s, ' x w "vS V ' I i 't n ; - v - i it Jr. , - v.- , i ? v . r : ' : ; . - ' " , 'S :: i X' '"'V-l Yi -yy. Si! ' -' . - -, -'''I :- ' J '' 1 X t - '' , MAXWELL A CHILCOTE, Propj. 412-416 N. 1st St., Phfienix, Ariz. Phono 1785 An Editorial from the Arizona Republican ' Of September 30th, 1920 Reproduced by The Phoenix National Life Insurance Company News From The North Side GLEN DALE PEORIA G. M. C EAN, Manager Circulation, News, Advertising Office: Carrick Realty Co. Phono 8 Glendale GLEIVDALE WOIWS nil T ESTi MEETING DC 3 9. The Glendale hold its opening GLENDALE. Oct Woman's club -will meeting on Wednesday, October 13. Every member .i urged to be present. The finance committee from the trustees will, make a report on final payment and" it is hoped that in th near future tha". one of the numbers on the program will be burning: a. mort gage, at the same time the year's work will be outlined, and everyone is re. quested to be leady with some sug gestions alonr that Tine. Lucy M. Walters, . preside nt. Hold Desert Picnic Some of the young people of GloncUle. Journeyed out on the desert Fridiy night for a wiener roast. Those ho enjoyed the outing weie Mr. and Mrp. McGowan, Mist; Ethel Tnman. Mrs. Nancy Blocker, Miss Hazel Spillman. Miss Eva BrewHter. Virgil Brown, Carl Eetts and Louis Laeznby. Entertain Young People Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Northrup enter tained the young people of the Baptist church with a tacky party Friday night at the parsonage. There were about 73 present and some very unique cos tumes were worn. Ice cream and cake Look Oat ! .Rancher The Moisture that is Good for the Fields Will Destroy Your Home SAVE THE SURFACE AND YOU SAVE ALL If the sun, wind and rain have battered your property until it is unsightly in appearance, and destruction is imminent, repaint with MATFEW'S PAINT Brighten with color and' gloss the worn placet make the surfaces moisture-proof and weather proof, f.urface protection is a necessity. MATHfcW 3 PAINT will prolong the life and improve the looks " of your buiUino. A Little Money Timely Spent for PAINT will Save the Expense of Repairs Mather s Paint Company were served and games on the lawn i made it a most enjoyable affair. Bridge Party Mrs. Ftank Tatterson entertained at bridge Friday. There were six tables' and priies were won by Mrs. Merle. Connor and Mrs. Laura Payson. After the game a dainty two-course luncheon was served. y Enjoy Dance The dance given by the American Legion at the W. O. W. hall was a most enjoyable affair and a large crowd w&a present to make It most successful. Everyone says that they w.lsh that many more such dances are forthcom ing duriftg the year. Engineer in Glendale Harry Hancock of Phoenix and city engineer of Glendale was n town Sat urday, having brought over the new maps showing the alterations made and giving the grades of the different streets. Rousing Meeting, Mrs. J. V. Lewis, chairman of the Woman's O. O. P.. reported a rousing meeting of the Republican ladies at the club house Friday afternoon. Baseball The Glendale Greys will play the Mesa Saints at Mesa Sunday after noonat 3 o'clock. A good game is ex pected as Glendale has materially strengthened their team and the south side boys, after a long rest, are out for a win, so a good game will no doubt Ke played. 1 D.n r.!i HI - - : - - The W. O. W. lodge of Glendale will hold its annual roll call meeting oti Tuesday. October 19. All members are urged to be present, and if not to make a statement in writing as to their ab sence. Immediately following the meeting .there will be a "quail stew" and those who miss thU will miss one of the finest treats of the season. I Personals Mrnd Mrs. Claude Wingate were the guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sheets on Saturday. Miss Idell Ingram of the Tempe Nor mal school is home for the week enrt. The junior class of the high schoo! invited a friend each and enjoyed a weinie roast on the desert Saturday night. Miss Virginia Humphries entertained a few of her little friends at her home in Catlin court .Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller ot Wickenburgr are the guests of their daughter. Mrs. U. H. McLain. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harris of Phoe nix hare moved into the McElroy cot tage recently vacated by Frank Moore. CITY BAND GORICERT AT f PARK T The Don Quixote suite, founded on the famous work of Cervantes, will be ar feature of the City band's concert at Library park at 3:80 o'clock this aft ernoon. Of the four parts of the 6uite, the first three are characteristic, while the fourth is rather descriptive, fol lowing the hero in his knight errant inclined adventures. Following is the program for this afternoon's concert: Aida March from Verdf opera. . .Verdi Don Quixote, a suite in four parts . Safranek 1. A Spanish Village. 2. Saneho Panza. 3. Dulcinea. 4. Don Quixote. Melodie, Amo Hemes 15 minute intermission Selection from Faust Gounod Desertana. oriental Fox Trot.Kliclcman Le Veeda Alden The Age of Insurance In no respect does the present age so differ from the centuries that have preceded it than in the uni versality, , the commonplacenees, of insurance, and the important position which this giant business occupies In modern affairs is shown in a startlinr manner In a resume of Its year'i business a recently published by one of the largest companies. ' The total amount of outstanding insurance, w are told, for thla one company is $5,343,652,434 an amount which ' the mind cannot comprehend and which would be almost unthinkable to our fathers. More than . fiv thousand million dollars sum which in Itself la sufficient to stamp the company as one of the mightiest in the world. But it is not the amount which causes the imagination to halt as much as the reasons, for .s being. This huge sum is due to the policy holders in the event that evil befalls them, and, in a particular manner, that evil, such as sickness and death, whose- pangs cannot all be alleviated, it is true, by financial assistance, but which can be lightened to sons extent by tha good which is Inherent in the insurance idea. Indeed, it is not too much to say that ineura.nee, perhaps more than any other agency, has been responsible for "tha general advancement of the race as whole through- out the world. It has taken the place of organized or un organized charity to a great extent, and it has proved ' its worth in that it makes the beneficiary, in the majority of cases, the contributor to his own welfare while at the same time it Inculcates ideals of thrift and care for the future which otherwise would be almost entirely disregarded. How widespread the idea has becodvs is also shown in this report, which carries the information that in this one company the total number of policy holders is more than 20,000,000, or one-sixth of the population of the United States. Surely this is an empire in itself an empire which is founded upon the broadest principles of philanthropy, although clothed in the drab garments of business, and which numbers among its subjects only those who are de voted to the cult of taking, care of the future in the , present, and of preparing for the rainy day whea the sun is bright and the ky cloudless. Note: The above editorial bespeaks the high character, stability and possibilities of the Life Insurance business, and amply justifies the organization and support of a Home Company. The s,ystem uoed (like banking) ia just the same in Arizona as in New York. WHOLESALE 128-130-132 South First Avenue Half Block South of the Court House PHOENIX, ARIZONA RETAIL A Free Bulletin On The Cold Pack Method Is waiting for every woman who will take the trouble to write and ask for It. This bulletin explains the modern, improved method of putting up fruit so it will keep perfectly. It also gives recipes for pre serves, jellies, fruit juices, ciders, soups. ACT NOW! (In filling out the coupon print name and address or be sure to write plainly. Frederic J. Ilaskln. Director Tha Arizona P.epubllcan Infor mation Bureau. Washington. D. C. I enclose herewith four rents in stamps tor return postage on a free copy of the bulletin on the Co:d Pock Method. Name Street City .. State - n ,, i I I . I I I . ,,. ! n " . a " ?-J&' a' A 'vt - -. ai I s .V'- V'" X- V - J-i V i,?'" t s, i , W:rv'ti" ?t?.y. 'i Turn Now to Page 15, Sec. 2, and Read the Advertisement of BLYTH. WITTER & CO. The White Man's Friends In spite of the fact that the Indians in the above pic ture taken in Phoenix some thirty years ago, look mean and devilish they were among the best friends the. white man ever had in Arizona. If it had not been for the friendly Pimas this country would have been held back for a long time. They fought the Apache with a fury born of generations of hatred. -The white man was enabled to sow the seeds of civilization while little bands of Pimas like the above were foraying through the hills keeping the dreaded Apache at bay. Pictures like this make us realize far more "than printed words can, the progress of our state. Your Kodak pictures if properly sdeveloped and printed will remain clear and distinct for years to come. Let us develop and print your films. We use only the best paper, "French Velvo." Enlargements are a specialty with us. One Enlargement FREE with every $5.00 worth of work. THE BUSY DRUG STORE C. P. DUNN, Manager Phone 660 EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES We Make Buttercup Ice Cream 3 EZD ft 3 C3- E