Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MO&NING, OCTOBER 9, 1920 3 I ! i v.; V 1 I i .-1 j ! i SPECIALISTS In th Examination ef Eyes and the Fitting ef Correct Glasses Northrup Optical 'Co. 9 EAST ADAMS STREET Phone 6D0 for Appointment 36 East Washington 5L Phone 3039 ' iff n a p e sJcuay p WEATHER FORECAST ARIZONA Sunday fair south, tdiowers north portion, cooler; Monday probably fair, cooler eaut portion. WATER "rEPORT reservoir elevation 193. M Ksrvoir contents, acre feet. .973. 2!9 1-os 24 hours 1.149 Elevation year jiro .589.124 Water used, north side 20, $00 Water used. sodth side 24.2 WEATHER REPORT tj "3 t 1 ? J 2. 3 2 3" Stations 2 - - . ! i : 3 . . "1 Hoston f Chicago . Dfnvor .. Klaantaff Fresno . . pl'l'l''l'J'l'agg;!gi tf .... fiwrSti Why Suffer? v 1 "yt jAy Poor eye sight is a draiaupoo the nerves and your health and your disposition. Prop er glasses will help you. Oar glasses qualify. H Munson Optical Co. B tut Washington St, Phoenix HHI'ml'I'lliiiiiniTiiJ Phoenix Seed and Feed Company Wholasala and Retail 12S Easf Jefferson 8t. Kan Ha a City .. f"n Angeles . . Minneapolis .. Needles New Orleans . New York . .". . Oklahoma .... I IlOKNIX I'ittwhurg .. .. St. I,ouis .... Salt Lake City San IHoro .... San Francisco Tucson w. . . Washington Yuma C4 fiS Clear Sn 62 4 Clear .f0 CS H Clear .Q M Cloudy. .00 HO 6i Clear .00 65 Cloudy .24 76 !0 Clear .00 74 8J Clear .00 6 72 Pt. Cldv. :00 70 76 Clear .00 fS hd Clear ."0 74 SO Clear .00 6 78 Clear .00 76 SS Clear .00 S2 !0 . Clear .00 4 76 Clear .00 7 8 Clear .ne 72 74 Cloudy .00 6S 70 Clear .00 62 64 Clear .36 60, 62 Cloudy .00 85 92 Clear .00 62 80 Clear .00 S4 64 Clear ..00 86 92 Clear .00 62 27 NV 4 ' 0 m 82 64 38 NK Haas, Baruchfi Co, Inc. GROCERS WHOLESALE Local Waather Yesterday 6 a. m. Noon 6 p, emp., ciry null) ..66 Temp., wet bulb 54 Humidity, per cent. 47 Wind from E Wind, miles 8 Rainfall 0 weather Clear Cloudy Clear Highest yesterday 91 Ixwest yesterday 64 lotal rainfall j 00 Excess In temperatures yesterday, 5 degrees." Excess In temperature since the first or the month. 3$ degrees. Accumulated excess in temperature since January l, 43 decrees. Normal precipitation January date. 6.19 Inches. Actual precipitation date, 5.73 inches. Ieftclency since January inches. January 1. 1 to 1 to 0.44 ARIZONA HARDWARE . SUPPLY CO. Tha Only EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE . Htrdwara Houaa In tha 8tat 'If LI . . . . . . r iurrv run made from old carpeta and clothes. If Interested, phone 8488. Adv. tf o MRS. BESSIE FOX DAVIS Contralto soloiut at First Preshv terlan church wishes to announce that n na returned from her summer va-t-tioa r 1 w1H if pleased to accept a ..iiiM-.i rumwf ot pupils in voice cul turc. Zhfrie 22?3.Adv. tf Constable Ice and Fuel Company Phona 1355 WOOD AND COAL Guaranteed TITLES Phaenix Titla 6V Truat C. t r r i J I i iuy ummonai ana Pay Highest Cash Price Hlack Gardner 4 N. CENTRAL THE HEMSTITCH SHOP Hemstitching:, picoting, -button cov ering ana pleatir.jr. Rhone 1894. 33 W, i on roe fci.Adv. it o i OBITUARIES : John M. Williams. Funeral services for John M. Wil liams, who died Tuesday morning at me nome ot nts son, John M. "Williams. Jr. ,on I'ark road, will be held at tha chapel ot A. U Moore A Son Monday at 11 a. m. Interment m-ill be at Green wood cemetery.. John M. Williams was 76 years old. He leaves a widow and two sons, John M. Jr. of Phoenix, who la connected with the Franklin Motor company, and a son In Washington who will be here for the funeral. PLUMBING HONEST WORK FAIR PRICES Sand ma your work for quick and officiant aeevica O. E. BELLAS 10 Nerth First 8t.i Phona 887$ Thomaa S. Hooley. Thomas S. Hooley. 27 years oldfonly son of the la-e Charles II. Hooley. died on Friday. October 8, at 1110 Fst Fill more street Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon at Trinity Fro-Cathedral church, the Rev. William Scarlett officiating. Inter ment will be in Greenwood cemetery beside his father, who preceded him by 'a year and five months. hcal'Brieis EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET The executive board of the Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This 111 be the last op portunity to present names for mem bership before the club reopens. BANKS CLOSE TUESDAY As Tuesday. October 12. is Columbus Day, a holiday, the banks of Thoenix will be closed. ENLIST IN THE NAVY In the past week five men enlisted in the navy and were n-nt to various schools and sta- ions, as follows: James H. McClendon of rhoenix, naval tr.ilnlnt? station, San Francisco; Charles A. Kdmonson of I'hoenix. naval training station, San Francisco: Clarence Roberts of Gilbert. naval training station, San Francisco; Kdward Cooper of Mesa, naval training school. San Francisco: James C. Mc- Mann of I'hoenix, machinist school. Great Lakes, Illinois. REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE The Republican Women's league wMl hold its regular meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow nUht at the city hall. The election laws will be taken up and dis cussed by several speakers, to be an nounced today. AU members of the league and all women interested are iniited and women living in the rural districts are particularly requested to attend. TOWN MEETING COMMITTEE Judge E. W. Lewis. Joseph McAleer. Howard S. Reed, C M. Zander and Warren Tarker were appointed yester-t day by the chamber of commerce as a committee In charge of the next "Town Meetfng." committee will set the date, place, time and subject of discus sion of the next meeting and will ren der Its report within a few days. GOOD ROADS MEETING The fhamber of commerce yesterday re ceived a teleeraphic invitation from the Southwestern Good Roads asso ciation to sei.d representatives to a special meeting to be field at Globe at 8 n. m. on October 18. The invitation was sigtied by I A. W. Burtch, secre tary of the association. The invitation has also been sent to the boards of county supervisors, city officials and commercial organisations throughout the county. The purpose of the meet in Is to discuss th-s good roads situa tion throughout the state in general and the Apache trail In particular. BEE KEEPERS MEET An informal meeting of tne bee keepers of the county was hid yesterday in the Salt River valley water users' building to discuss ways and means of coping witn foul brood, the disease having made Its appearance, it is said, near Sacaton. The attendance wai large and the dis cussion general. Lack of funds, how ever, will probably deter the apiarists from definite action, although the in spector tor this Slstrict is exerting every effort to assist them. STATE OFFICIALS TO RETURN D. C. Mote, state entomologist, and J. L, E. Louderdale, cotton entomologist, are expected to return today Crom Tucson, where they hav been for the past week. ADDITION TO PIONEER'S HOME The new addition to the Pioneer's home will be completed by the end of March, according to Clayton Bennett, secretary to the board of directors of state institutions, who returned from Prescott yesterday. Mr. Bennett stated that the conciete foundation had been completed Kf.d Johits laid for the first floor levels. "All material is being re ceived promptly .nd by early spring there will be sufficient room to house 54 more pioneers than now oecupx. the home. ' he declared. The present num ber registered at the home is 65, taking the capacity of the building. MIAMI PHYSICIAN HERE Dr. Nelson D. Braytori is in Phoenix from Miami for the week-end. URGES LEAGUE OF NATIONS Asking Che womei to lend their sup port to the league of nations, E. C, Phelps addressed the Women's Cox Roosevelt club at its second luncheon of the campaign season yesterday There were seventy-five women who listened to his pl-a, made at the con elusion of the luncheon served at the Grand Cafe where the weekly meetings are being held. The third of the se ries of talks on the league of nations will be given by Dean Scarlett, who will make the address next Saturday noon. WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY While she was picking cotton in October, 1910, in order to earn her livelihood, Francisco N. Rodriquez says in a com plaint filed yesterday for a decree of divorce from her husband. Francisco Rodriquez. the latter In the presence of others cursed her and struck her, she alleges. On another occasion, she says, he came to the house where she was staying and whipped her. Fre quently he struck her. she Bays. WIFE GETS DIVORCE Not only her husband chased her around the ta ble, Lottie E. Guaggenti stated yes terday in her suit for a decree of di vorce from Guiseppl G. Guagganti. an Italian, but he also threatened to kid her. They separated in June. 1908, she said, and he has not supported her since, she said. She was granted a de cree by Judge Lyman and awarded the custody of -their two children. RETURN FROM CATALINA Miss Anna May Daly. Miss Mary Fitzgerald and Mrs. Leroy Ladd returned to Fhoe nix last week from Los Angeles where thev snent their vacations on the coast. They tisited Catalina Islands and the beaches. THESE WILL MARRY Licenses to marry were issued yesterday to un bert Green. 27. and Emily Cornwall, 82, both of Miami; Ililario Gonzales, 30. and Julia Hernandez. 20, both of Glendale; William L. Denser, 21, of Phoenix, and Elsie Raucum, 18 of Louisville, Ky.: and Val Ayers, 21, of Tolleson, and Maggie Verona Hall, 16, of Phoenix. CHILDREN AT RECEPTION A j number of happy youngsters, accom- ! panied by their mothers, attended the opening reception at the Studio club, 237 North Fifth street, on Friday eve ning. The youthful ones had an en joyable time playing and dancing through the roomy halls, which were tatily decorated with greens and flowers. The opening was given by Mrs. Maude Pratt Cate. teacher of pi ano, and Yua Sonstegard King, teach er of dancing, both of whom have stu dios at the Studio club. TRAFFIC MANAGER ON TRIP G. K. Reynolds, traffic manager for the Southwest Cotton company, left yesterday on a business trip for the company. Mr. Reynolds will visit Chi cago and ." Akron, Ohio, enroute to Washington, D. C returning by the way of Jackson, Miss., to see his moth er, who is 82 years old. Mr. Reynolds expects to be absent two weeks. TRIBUTE TO EUGENE REDE- WILL An interesting feature of the meeting of the Rotary club last Fri day noon at the Y. M. C, A. was the formal introduction and reception of Eusene Redewill, a new member of that organization. Dr. E. Payne Pal mer, chairman of the day, paid a fine tribute taMr. Redewill as one who had done probably more, than any other one person in Phoenix to make this city musical. In honor of his reception, the meeting was given over to a musical program. Mrs. E. Payne Palmer sang several songs and was followed by Ma rle Tiffany, who gave the Rotarlans one of the greatest treats they ever en Joyed. COME HERE TO RESIDE Mrs. L. S. Putnam and daughter Eulalie are staying with their aunt. Mrs. G. K, Reynolds on Seventh avenue, having returned with Mrs. Reynolds from Los Angeles in September. Mrs. Putnam expects to reside in Thoenix perma nently. Her husband, Leland S. Put nam. wh for thirteen years was en gaged in the lumber business In Pan amadied on Aug. 28 In a hospital In that city. The funeral services and Interment were held in Los Angeles. Previous to engaging in business In Panama, Mr. Putnam was In the lum ber business in Los Angeles. IN INTERESTS OF SHRINE H. B St.. Claire spent yesterday in Florence in the Interests of me Shrine temnle MASONS TO BANQUET The Roy al Arch Masons will confer the Royal Arch degree Monday evening. They will serve a banquet that evening. TO NAME EXHIBITION DATE Th3 Needlework guild will anounce in a few days the exact date in Norem- And what docs a cool spell spell? Fa-1-1- C-l-o-t-h-e-s. Though the days are still warm, the cool days are coming and in order to get a better selection while stocks are com plete, we adyise you to come in and look them over now. ' ' Hand tailored all wool fast color Rog ers Peet suits in the , finest imported and do mestic fabrics. . Priced very, very reasonably when you consider the long ser vice of the garments. "Knox" Fall Hats. "Edwin Clapp" Shoes. . . "Manhattan" Shirts. Ready now. McDougall & Cassou Washington Street. TRUSS FITTING A Specialty Private and Satisfac tory Fitting KIMBALL & HULETT N. W. Corner Adama. Phona 4414 ber for the collecting and' exhibiting o new garments to be donated by the members to the sick and needy of Phoenix and the valley. a The art and science of Bread making have been mastered by the experts who produce that incompar able loaf nnnlTTPI . 1 . . . . ii 1 POULTRY IN iEEI TO NT With "More Economical Feeds for Poultry" aa the subject of discussion the Maricopa County Poultry associa tion met yesterday afternoon in the Salt River Valley Water Users asso elation huiMing. A large number of the members of the association were in attendance. The meeting was presided over by W. T. Fetterly, vice-president of the association, while the discussion wa led by N. E. Luce, who is in charge of the United States experimental poul Infant Child Diaa. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kremsky passed away at 3 o'clock yes terday morning at their home. No. 228 North Fifth street. Funeral services wera conducted by A. II. McLellan and interment was in Greenwood cemetery. DM. n mm inn HWii iA.D It is the Bread that sets the stan dard of quality. It has through the very virtue of.puriy, cleanliness, flavor and. body nourishing power, established a reputation that, to say the least, is enviable. BUTTER-NUT BREAD Is Your Bread, You Are Not Fair i To Yourself rnoemx Bakery SINCE 1881 try farm at Glendale. lie urged the feeding of at least one-half of the daily ration in ground feed or mash and whole grain for the other half. He also urged the feeding of from 10 to 20 per cent of meat scraps in the mash. Fol lowing his address he answered a large number of Questions. The poultry show at thev state fair was also discussed during the session. Chairman Fetterly, who is superin tendent of the poultry department at the fair, paying that he expects at least 1800 entries this year. A letter was also read from a middle western ex hibitor who is considering bringing a carload of poultry here for the fair. e "HE CAME BACK." Fluffy rug made from old carpets and clothes. If interested, phone 8486. Adv. tf DEEP LAID PLOT "Mother and the girls insist on my wearing my oldest clothes every day and Sunday." ald Mr. Cumrox. "That's economy." "I think it's diplomacy. If they can keep me looking shabby they know I won't have the nerve to show up at any of their parties." Washington Star. Engraved WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS MAHJFAHTURIKG SWinNER5- $17 WEST ADAMS &T. LOANS EASY- TO GET n sums up o $300 at lavvful rsUa. an yeur furniture, piano, automa. bila, livestock. Implements, eta. Rapay I" email monthly paymanta If deaired. Ample funde. Just ana eourteoua treatment. Strictly con fidential. PEOPLE'S LOAN AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY phona 1398. Eaat Washlngtaa Billy Graham. Edward J. Wiley, an actor known here only by his stage name of Rflly Graham, died yesterday morning in this city at the age of 33 years. The body was shipped by A. H. McLellan to Rock Island. III., the actor's old home, and was ucc.ompanied by Karl Wiley, a brothri, who arrived here the previous day. Filly GraharTI had been In Phoe nix for three weeks, coming here in the hope of benefiting his health, o HOME FROM UNIVERSITY Lef fler St. Claire is at home from the Uni versity of Arizona to spend the week end In the city. Arizona Iron Works, Inc. P. o. Box 67$ Thone 1J71 Three blocks south of State Cap. Ital between Jackaon and IlarrN aon Streets. Wa hava an up-to-date Foundry and Machine Shop and apeclallza in repairing Mlnlr.g and Cotton Gla machinery. .... E. C. VOSS. Mmigsr. Rugs and As a Soil Builder Wc recommend sowing sour clover in your cotton the cot U small. Ask us about lhic. Phoenix Feed and Seed Company Carpets CLEANED BY EXPERTS Our up-to-date machinery en ables us to specialize on Oriental, Heavy Wilton, Navajo Ruga. Our system ia such that wa cltan them without injuring the fiber or sizing Wa restore the original tolors and raise tha nap. Give ua a trial. Electric Carpet Cleaners A Banker Friend of Miee i Gave Me A Good Tip the Other Day Ha said, "Seeds," your idea of planting a garden appeals to - me. I can see where it would be "great" to go out and pick tha "makings" of a good vegebla dinner out of my garden instead of worrying along with tha wilted stuff that's shipped in from California, and I can aea where it would do ma a lot of good to get out and work in tha garden and "work off soma of the excess weight I'm acquiring as I grow older, but what about tools? You've told us about aeeds, and what to plant, but thinga I've got to learn about gardening as practicaools." . I really thought that most everyone knew what tools to use, which shows that there are some things wa got to learn about gardening as practiced by other people. HANSON AND KARLSON MACHINISTS 737 Grand Ave. Phone 1360 Here's the "Dope" . One Hoe . . One Rake . . One Spade . . .$1.10 .$1.10 $2.50 $4.70 These three toola are the prinefpal ones, and anyone possessing these three requisites can "get by" witn a vegetable garden of a family size. Of course there are many other tools, such as trowels, lawn dgers, weeders, wheel hoes and various other conveniences that can be selected as desired. Aryway,.we have them all, and will be glad to lend you assistance in selecting them. Yours for batter gardens, P EZJ EZ3 EZXEZ2 O O P mm rs.1 SPECIAL FURNITURE NOTICE Ford Storaa, 220 E. Washington, phone 1776, are tha largest in Q Arizona: Why not tha cheapeiit? A perfect system of business enables them to handle goods systematically; we study tha busi ness. Wa don't hava to charge exhorbitantly, neither deceive. A sand lot fakir, of which Phoenix is full, and these junk peddlers and buyers; whom you must drive from your doors, are dangerous elements, they don't work on values, but on trickery, so beware. 11 Tenta being now in demand, of course they watch me, and putting Jt the third grade government tent on sale, by .artful pricing, below a legitimate figure on A-1 stock, sell at an enormous profit their worthless trash which when opened, as was done before me, dis- closes a ragged, weather-worn l:atter, which neither sheds rain nor bars the sun's rays. 3 These same tactics apply to furniture: Do you aver see any buyer pay Ford's prices? I boast of being the most liberal buyer in the west. I don't jiggle, piggle and wiggle, to skin you, neither I do I, with flattering or lying lingo shout your praise in hypocritic blarney; I estimate your stock, appraise its value, and pay spot "3 cash. j Some people fear to call when only havina a small article to sell: Some, when having fine goods, or a large quantity, feel dubious j as to my finances ' Any stock from $1.00 to $50,000 can be handled, either Q D 0 ( Furniture. Beds and mattresses. Baby outfits and chaira. Leather or cloth or wicker goods. Handsome dining sets. Lovely parlor aeta. Kitchen furnishings. Office furnishings, and every article pertaining to comfort. A complete hardware atock. A full line of guns and pistols. A great assortment of clocks and watches. All kinds of jewelry and cut lery. Tools and tubs and brooms. Trunks, valises and .grips. Tanta of every size and make Sewing machines, typewriters, registers, safes, cash boxes, mu sical goods. All kinds of musical instruments. 0 F. C. McNABB. iizona Seed & rloral lompany F. C. McNABB 28-30 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1339 STOVES No dealer in Phoenix can compare in varieties. Ranges, large or email, wood or coal, home or restaurant. Rancies for gaa. warranted 50 below the gas company's price. Stoves for oil, 1-2-3-4 burner, any make. Portable heatera for oil, and room gas heaters. A few electric heaters and hand stoves." MEN'S UNDERWEAR This stock of Union Suits and two-piece auits are of the high est quality retailing here from $1.25 ot $4.001 win sell at 75c to $1.50 to close them out. SODA FOUNTAIN Almost new eomplete. Cost $2,000. Price $800. ELEGANT PIANO Cost $1,000. In perfect order. Price $250. REMEMBER I buy any quantity anywhere. Deliver goods to nearby towns. FORD STORES, 220 E. Washington St. Phone 1776. 'oonoe m m m m m m a m m m t2 V 613 S. Central Ave. Phona 733