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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1920 riIIECISa25t!i H i i STORE OPENS 9 A. M. PHOENIX, ARIZONA. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1920 OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK ! Mon With the Season's Needs Looming Up Like a Mountain, We Launch Beginning We Insisted on Lowt , tteHftM assures cert; Tze Korrick Idea Is the Gateway to Thrift This Is the Event in Which We Celebrate the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Korrick Idea i 'avOn f-: .''yf N-Nfj yl4 vl. T7e Korrick Idea Is To Undersell 0ir rigid censorship over style and quality, as well, nn satisfaction. How Do We Do It? First We buy good merchandise as low as a specially trained ctrps of buy ers can secure it. Then set a selling price which Includes only a small profit These low prices turn our stock over time after time each year. We find that a email profit, repeated, is better than a big profit. And it is a GREAT THING for our customers. CHAS. KORRICK &. BRO. Thousands of Dollars Worth of Women's New Fall Apparel at Prices That Will Startle Competition It is to be an event worthy of the celebration. It is to be some 'thing that we have thought for, worked for and prepared for or months ahead. It is to be a combined style and saving event 'without parallel in the history of this great store. The prestige )f our storekeeping and the pride of our history are indissolubly bound up in it. Hence the extraordinary efforts that have been put forth to make it a record-breaking sale. It comes just when everyone is thinking about new clothes foi the new season. It comes when the authentic styles for Fall and Winter have been definitely decided on. Therefore women can buy for months ahead without fear of style changes overtaking them. And best of all, it will save you money. It will enable women to wear better styles this Fall. Come early. The sale starts promptly at 9 a. m. There' 11 Be No End of Excitement on These 'Three Groups of 'New Fall Suits Priced at ( $25.00 ; Values to $39.50 Suits that You'll be surprised to find so luodestly pi !ce-t..g d. Charmingly in genious as to cut an t smart in every line are these suits of nil wool men's wear serge, wool poplin, wool volour, checks and other want ed maV'iUN. All of them are modeled (lonff linos that reflect the season's modes. nd their silk linings a. Id to their attractlve-V-m. lu upV 1.10.50. Chooxe from the "t. ut $23.CO. (Second Floor) ( Values to $42.50 Suits of a sort unusual to find in such va riety right on the doorstep of the Autumn. These are the dresser styles of Velour,' Sil vertone and Tricotine, in navy, reindeer, Tekln, brown, wine and peacock blue; ra dium silk lined. ' Some have sealine and nutria fur collars and others are fur trim med on pockets and collars. The tricotine suits are plain tailored in straight line ef fects. Values to 142.50, at $2975. (Second Floor) $49.95 Values to $79.50 Suits that embody some of the cleverest and newest of the Autumn ideas. Fine had tailored Tricotine Suits others of Duvet de Laine. in plain or ripple effects; also lively suits ot Veldyn and Silvertone; many have Sealine. Australian O'pussum and Nutria collars; Mallinson"s Pussy Willow silk lining. Color are navy, African brown, taupe, reindeer and Pekin. These garments are exceptional values at $70.50. . They are wonderful offering at $4955. (Second Floor) " I ' If Anything Would Convince You That This Is a REAL Sale, These $22.50 All Wool Serge Frocks at at $15,75 Would Surely Turn the Trictc Much better dresses than you would expect to find for so little. All wool serge dresses in straight line, eton and tunic effects ; some of the skirts are accordean pleated ; many are. braided and embroidered in a fascinating manner; size range 14 to 46. Garments that you would expect to see SIK 75 selling at $22.50, are offered special duiing the Anniversary Sale, at (Second Floor) $32.50 Fine Tricotine Dresses Offered at Kin trieotine dresses in plii". straight line effects others have their attractiveness multiplied with the clitter of bead ind charm of embroidery design. Some show novel pleating. Their value has delighted" thoe who ure to sell them no much In f tet that they can hardly wait for the sale to begin. Th?y wercn"t Vecured through flmpln effort. Merely strolling into a maker and accepting first propositions does not mean dresses like these to sell ut $21.75. It takes friendship confidence appreciation coupled with de .,inatton sincerity anil K"d hard work. So buy them here in this sale to the extent of your desire. 11 75 The good WOrt! 13 nOV U uinn-inujr ni yi.f. (Second Floor) Wonderful Satin and Tricotine Dresse? Up to $U2.50, on Sale at -Beautiful dresses of beaded satin, charmeuse, 'tine tricotine and combinations of tricotine -and Win - alo embroidered tricotincs. And whether , .limit , . i fivor the one or me oiner you win una mil numhirs concerned more than ordin- ' . ..... voliin t S2D.95. The colors are nay, brown and lMi-irmeik?e : the tricotincs are in navy only. They have ' Korricks' Great Annivcrsaty Sale. alues to $42.50, at $29.95 black in the satins and come to have a part in $29.95. (Second Floor) t licmrkablcV (dues i Women's Woolen Plaid Skirts lendld color self-fabric. S17.75 it" 1 1' 1 1 . m l prwtvi. i in l:i r; i ' i.lii in'. I I1 . i. t.... I . i: (. . i j' i .I kiiM in in'x. Miiu1 aiiHi .HiiiiMinii I'lp.uru ni) ii's, various spienuiii color ,1 : in.iii ; .;!.-; fm"y p ket and button trim; belts of leather or self-fabric. . , n .i !' u ppi rial. Km ry on an exceptional value, (Second Floor) Imported French Hand Made Blouses to $22.50 Wholesale, at .95 Such sales in this day and age are a rarity. When you see these lovely im ported French hand made blouses at such a low price, all the world will seem rosy. They are real ly gorgeous each one has the French label sewn in. They are developed of the very finest quality white georgette and show the best of workmanship, as only the French are cap able of doing. Blouses and Overblouses trimmed with real filet, real Irish crochet and real Venise laces; hand embroidered in marvelous designs. How did we get them to sell at such a low price? The answer is they're "Importers' Samples" and the wholesale prices ranged up as high as $22-50. The importer co-operated with us to make our Anniversary Sale a success and tho garments are here, at $12.95. (Secona f.rr- $ 3.29 For $5 and $6 Georgette Crepe Blouses in White & and Flesh. Don't Miss It. Markets as a Result Korricks' refused to pay the high prices most makers and manufacturers asked in the New York markets. We were wedded to the belief that our customers were entitled to the benefits of changing conditions to the shift from cpnf lict to peace. And we set about sev- j eral weeks ago, when assembling our magnificent . Fall stocks, to locate makers and manufacturers who were willing to agree with us that merchandise should go back to normal.. And we succeeded. We triumphed. We saved. We bought liberally. We assembled stocks at prices tliat ; turned back the clock 3 and 4 yearsi And the public will, we are sure, voice its appreciation of our methods by an inrush of business that will be satisfactory to us and highly profitable to them. f J Batik Effects in Fine Georgette Crepe Blouses Worth Up to $22.50, at AY AW ' . r.r . ........ UL. ' : ' "... You will simply be amazed when you let your eyes rest on the stunning new Georgette Blouses in Batik effects. They're, here in such shades as peach, maize, orchid, pink and flesh. They are aaning oiouses ana women win want two and three of them. . Think of offering values up to $22.50, at $12.95. (Second Floor) , Women's $5 and $6 Jersey Silk Petticoats Are , . Yours for Only $3.55 You will go a long way before you'll ba able to find such values in silk petticoats soon again.' Theyjre here in all the most popular and wanted colors; everyone shows high class workmanship.. If these garments had been bought in a regular way, we would have to retail them at $5 and $6, but instead, we've marked them at $3.55. (Second Floor), Lingerie Prices Cheaper Than You Have Know in Many, Many Years A WOMEN'S GOWXS, EXVKLOPE CHEMISE AND BLOOMERS UP TO $1.50, AT 98c The gowns are made of good grade nainsook; cm broidery trimmed neck and kimona sleeves; the chemise are neatly trimmed with lace and.embrbidery; some in plain tailored models with the camisole style top as well as built up shoulders; the bloomers are of batiste in flesh and white. Values lo $1.50. Anniversary QQ Sale Price, your choice of a garment, at UOl WOMEN'S ENVELOPE CHEMISE UP TO $1.50, AT $1.29 Fash ioned of a good grade nainsook in flesh and white; lace and embroid ery trimmed; camisole style top and built up shoulders; sizes 36 to 44. Value's to $1.73. Anniversary Sale Trice, each, at WOMEN' S GOWNS AND CHEMISE, $2.39 Made of nainsook and longcloth; gowns are elaborately trimmed with pretty lace and cm broidery on yoke; round, square and "V" neck stylos; chemise have built up shoulders and camisole- tops; sizes up to 46. Extra special in the Anniversary Sale, WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE GOWNS. CHEMISE. COMBINATIONS AND PETTICOATS UP TO $7.25, AT $4.79 Hand made and hand embroid ered models included in the assortment. Some trimmed with lace and embroidery; petticoats have lace and embroidery flounce and double panel. Values up to $7.25. Anniversary Sale Price, your choice of a garment, rJJ WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE PETTICOATS, CHEMISE AND GOWNS UP TO $10.00, AT ONE-THIRD OFF Made of very fine quality, nainsook; the gowns have long or short sleeves; petticoats have fine lace flounces; some with insertions and set-in medallions; the chemise are daintily trimmed with lovely lace and em broidery. Values up to $10.00. Anniversary Sale Trice, a garment, 1 OFF at 3 $7.25 ITALIAN SILK BLOOMERS FOR-WO-4 MEN, $6.25 Marvel cut; reinforced. They sell regularly at $7.25. Anniversary &f OP Sale, at pair, at s WOMEN'S SILK UNDERWEAR. AT ONE-' THIRD OFF Included are gdwns, pajamas, petticoa-ts, bloomers,, Frincess slips, envelope chemise and camisoles. The gowns are of satin, Georgette crepe and crepe de chine; strap shoulders or short short sleeves; the chemise are of crepe de chine and wash satin; petti coats in plain tailored models with lace flounces and Georgette combination; bloomers" are of crope de chine and wash satin. Skirts in values $5-95 to $26.50; gowns $8.95 to $35.00; pajamas $8.95 to $41.50; camisoles $1.59 to $6.25, and bloomers $3.95 to $9.50. During the Anni versary Sale, take your choice J OFF of the lot. at 3 KAYSER'S ITALIAN SILK VESTS FOR WO MEN. WORTH $4.25, AT $2.50 Shown in fles and white; built-up and trap shoulders. An niversary Sale, these $4.25 values, go at each. $2.5( During the Anniversary Sale We Offer All Corset; in the House, at 20 Per Cent Off Bon Ton, Royal Worcester, Gossard, Bien Jolie, C. B. and Regaliste re sets will be offered during the Anniversary Sale at 20 less than re?4 prices. "V The new Fall models in coutil, broche and brocaded effects white anc flesh are included in this offering. For the week of the Anniversary Sale at 20 less than regular prices Owing to crowded conditions, we ask you whenever possible to postpone tt:pgs of all corsets included in this sale until the following week. ,Co J -C" N Women's Bandeau Brassieres Offered Special, 59c Women's Bandeau Brassieres in flesh only; sizes up to 44. Extra special . in the Anniversary Sale, at each, 59c. (Second Floor) ff