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EPUKLICAN V ARIZONA R 7! -Id t ' AN INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE JOURNAL I THIRTY-FIRST YEAR 16 PAGES IMPRESS ON V ORLD REVOLUTION PLANNED HITTDE1ES BY COMMUNIST CONGRESS AT BAKU-WRECK OF SOCIALISTS DEVELOPS 2 W FACTIONS SOVIET MOVEMENT WILL EXTEND BAT TLEFIELD TO EUROPE AND ASIA UNION OF SOVIETS AND LABORERS IS OBJECTIVE. PHOENIX. ARIZONA, MONDAY MORNING OCTOBER 18, 1920. OF i CORPS ISS GIVEN OUT New Mexican Representative WILLIAMS SKV5 Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 Deflnlo plana to spread rommunlstlc propa ganda, an.l organization throughout the) east were laid at the recent con tress of the People of the East at Baku, Azerbaijan, said an announce today by the state department. The MJ1 delegates attending; the congress Were declared to have "taken a solemn oath, aworn upon a naked a word, to Work night and day to cause their re pectlve countries to rise again 'cap italism' and overthrow If Soviet Russia was the country most largely represented, it was stated, fol lowed In order by Persia, Georgia, and the native tribes of the Caucasus and Asia. Fifty-five of the delegates were omiTi, "The permanent work ofthls rath- Ming," said the department's announce ment. "la now to be carried on by a 'sovfet of action and propaganda' which will work in contact with and under the control of thv communist Internationale. The . hea'iuartcrs of this 'soviet of action' will be at Baku. The congreKa has also established a permanent commission of nine mem bers, of whom two are always to be representatives of the communist in tern atlonal. "The battlefield of the soviet move ment would embrace Asia as well as Kurope under the plana and opinions of leaders The formation of an Indissoluble nlon between the laborers of the east tnd soviet Russia,' was the announced i abjective of the congress. 'a union des tined to be the greatest champion of the proletariat and the peasants,' gwlnst the capitalistic entente." Knver Pasha, ex-minister of war of Turkey, addressed the congress In the name of the "union of revolutionary peoples of Morocco. Tunis, Tripoli, Tur key and Arabia." Creel's Visit to Mexico Is Not Taken Kindly "Promiscuous" Killings byl Marine Corps Denied By Former Commander of U. S. Troops in Haiti. . Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. Denial that he had intended to-convey the impression there had been promis cuous killins" of native Haitians by i marines during American occupation of the island between 1915 and 19-'o. was made tonight by Major General George Barnett, former commandant of marines. In a state.ncnt which he said was i f quest of Secretary Republican A. P. Leased Wire MEXICO CITY, OcL 17. The Visit to iued at the Mexico of Guorge Creel has caused Daniels. General Harnett declared that considerable comment by the Mexican tne statement in his letter of October newspapers. Mr. Creel remained three 2, 1913. to Colonel John II. Russell, day and the papers assert that his commander of the marines in Haiti, stay was thus limited because of the that statement of counsel showed me "breakdown of his confidential mis- practically "indiscriminate killings of slon." ' I natives had taken place," was meant Both Excelsior and El Universal as- to exnress "without due process of ainn his departure to President de la law" and "not as seems now to be mis H irrta'a refusal to accept recognition interpreted as 'promiscuous'." of Mexico by the United States with The letter, written to Colonel Rus- tha conditions attached, declaring that sell after General Barnett. then com these conditions were the basis of ex- mandant. had received a report of the tended conferences which he held with counsel In the court martial of two the provisional president. marines charged with the killing of El Monitor, regarded at the govern-1 natives, recently made public by the mont organ, says that the relations be- navy department and which resulted tween Mr. Creel and the Mexican offl- In a board of inquiry being named to cials were most pleasant. Ills depar- investigate the charges of illegal exe tiir however. ! characterised bv El I CUtions. i:niveral as -DreclDltate and unsuited General Barnett. who left Washing- to the occasion." During hia Mexican stay Mr. Creel was associated with Roberto Fesque- Ira. who proceeded to the United States Saturday bearing credentials as the Mexican confidential agent in Wash ington. . 0 v' HALLE, Germany, Oct. 17 Two distinct revolutionary pnrtles, one pledged to the dictatorship of the pro letariat throueh an alliance with the third Internationale, the other work ing toward "proletarian camradeshlp" In opposition to Moscltv. have devel oped out of the wreck of the independ ent Socialists. The Ift maVwity. vmler-the lead ership Of Daumlg. Adolph Hoffmann and Otto Hans the young leader of P.hlneland labor, conferred tody on the question of eiecutlng an agree ment with Moscow for a world revo lution, and directed the district lead fcr a strike. The mi nority, undei the Joint presidency of Oeorse Ledebour and Herr Crlsplen In a separate convention, laid plans to communicate with the revolutionary forces In all countries opposed to ."Jos cow and prepare an organized cam p..ifr ae-alnut bolshevist methods. They adopted Herr Labour's resolution of sympathy with boishevlat alms, but ...inr unalterable ODDOSltlon to the policy of "destruction and terror lam ' The two conventions adjourned, both claiming the old party's name. Te mlnotltv facUon was defeated tS7 to 151 yesterday on the question Of adhesion to the third international mnlorltv session, which con tinued after the minority group left the ball. jrreetliR- on behalf of the .kin interna-lonale were extended by M Zlnoviea. the soviet emissary to ..ffcerln He urged the confer ence to send a representative to the mmnnist Internationale organs Th. rartr unlit leaves the Moscow irol of 21 of the 8 n.ik.i.i. amities. h-v.- nia-htn. of whom Herr Crtspten ' Is leader, adopted a resolution direct tnr their members in the Reichstag to vfitVodiice a law guaranteeing the right of asylum to political fugitives of all countries. ton Friday for his new post at San Francisco, .was recalled to testify be fore the board. His statement lol lows : "I have consistently refrained from giving out any Information and from granting any Interviews on the Hai tian situation. Any action taken by me as the commandant of the corps was taken considering only the good of tha corps and the proper perform ance of duty by the corps. My of ficial letter of September 27. 1919 covered the case fully, tiut at the re- mieat of tha. Bitrrtarv rf th. nave T should like to make It clfar that the statement In my letter of October 1919, as follows, namely, a statement by counsel showed me that practically indiscriminate killing of natives, etc was meant by mo to express 'without due process of law' and not as seems now to be misinterpreted as 'promts cuous' and I further meant, of course. that such 'statement by counsel would hjkVA vxralfht In mtf mfni Anlu .Kn Republican A. P. Leased Wire nroved. and in order to have him nrova MOKOANTOWN. W. Vs., OcL 17. or disnrove the truth of the stat. The tipple asd the entrance to the mentg I wrote the letter of October 2. uocaiora coai mine or me uonneiw- igi9, to the brigade commander. I am 1 le Basin Coal ana Coke company at a soldier and not an author. T feel Rockford, W. Va,, near here, were certain that the brieade commander badly damaged by an explosion of dy- I understood my meaning. namite shortly before midnight to-1 "This whole matter refers to onlv a nlnht. Twelve men at work In the I very small portion of the marine corps mine succeeded In making their escape. I on duty in. Haiti. My full report Soon after the explosion the power shows that duty in general was splen- house of the coal company was at-1 eneny performed." t VIRGINIA GOAL EIECKED BY EXPLOSION " v. '. , :. - . yy t ' . . ? v. '. , ' - - , I f - - J r av mr RATES FOR CALL OS MONEY PAN OF FEI BROKERS Unjustifiable Interest 0 n Demand Loans Is Cause Of Money Shrinkage Say Comptroller Williams FIRST HUNGER STRIKER DIES N CORK JAIL AFTER SIXTY- GHT DAYS CONTINUAL FAST; IRISH SITUATION IS SERIOUS MacSWINEY PASSES SIXTY-SIXTH DAY, OF HUNGER STRIKE APPEAL TO POPE BENEDICT FOR RULING ON SUI CIDE STATUS OF STRIKERS. fReoubllcan A. P. Leased Wire! WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. "Unjusti- f ' i j 0 1 1 HPflYSi fiablo Interest exacted on demand isiuvvv . wm. loans" by New York city banks has been an active contributing cause of the "huge shrinkage" In all security values during . the past year. Comp troller of the Currency Williams de clared tonight In a statement. He charged that call money rates in New York were the highest in the world and that "renewal" rates, fixed daily by a small "coterie" of stock exchange brokers, governed "the interest Foreign Dangers If Ireland Split Republican A. P. Leased Wire DUNDEE, Scotland, Oct. 16 Danger of embroilment with the United States If the North and South of Ireland were WASHINGTON Manuel c' Telled charged on brokers loans in nearly all left to fight out their own differences will represent the Mexican government Vl0,.? ,,n, tn v. waa Predicted by Winston Spencer ernarino- the i Anajrtnr of TTi-h I i. . ,i .. . i j nf- I Churchill, the secretary for war. In a aici, . v . . . . "o I cwm laic u ii ixjo cALiiau.c, piuu ui . , ' Commissioner Fernando Calderon. Williams, "is frequently accompanied speech tonight in which he referred at Calderon and his whole staff are leav- I by upward or downward movement in Ing. He was unable to settle oil con- -tocks and securities: ana inose re- troversies between his government and sponsible for the fixing of the rate the United States because of a lack of whether erclsed or not, of profiting cooperation by Mexico. Ek rfei Is Saiire "05 OT Electoral Votes IBIsys Sajs Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Senator Harding is assured of S78 electoral vote and probably will receive at least 395, Will Hayes, chairman of the Republican national committee, told newspapermen today in an In formal talk over report now being received at Republican headquar ters from which a formal forecast of the presidential election will be mads eome time this week. Mr. Hayes Bald he was convinced that "Senator Harding would carry every northern and every western state and had a good chance In Tennessee. Oklahoma and other borber states." Western states, which heretofore hare been classed as doubtful, now definitely are Republican, he said. In the senatorial races, Mr. Hays predicted that the Republicans would "hold everything they now .have" and would gain by carrying Maryland, South Dakota, Kentucky, Colorado. California. Nevada, Arl ona and Oregon. Every Republl can eenator running for re-election U certain of victory, he said. largely by operations on the stock market, which Is so often and directly affected by the call money situation length to the Irish situation. Mr. Churchill after asserting that such a course would lead to civil war "on such an organized acale that it would be disastrous and more terrible than could be Imagined," declared that tt would mean that In England sym I pathy would develop In favor Of Ulster, hat h. tntnrms! 'mnnpv mmmittcs' I Influential persons in tne cmiea does take improper advantage of their States, he said, sympathized with the foreknowledge, but there are critics South of Ireland, and while volunteers who severely censure tho existing ar- I would leave t,ngiana ior ins norm oi nnnmrntii. rwtn tniv ail nmdent I Ireland, reinforcements would come and thlnkine business men will aeree I from the united states ior me oouin. that there is dantrer In the concen- V That, added the war secretary, wouia tratlon of such opportunity and power I create such tension that Great Britain in the hands of a few persons. Tempta- I would be faced with tne greatest aan tlon to use this power for individual I ger it could be confronted with, name profit must arise and human nature is I ly, a quarrel with the United States. not changed by high position in the "Two or three years more of what financial world. we are going through," he added, ap "Power to fix monev rates for all. or J Dears better to me than that we should nearly all, of the banks in New York I leave Ireland to herself and thus open city, and to change them daily, is a I the floodgates of organized war and grip on the heart of our commerce. It I iater embroil us with the United permits euch Interferences as fallible I states." human Judgment, whim or Interest Mr Churchill previously In. his ALLIED COMMISSION DE1IS FOOD FROM GERMAN GH1HI SnEMITTEE TO PROOE PfllSSOURl DElffll CAMPH SENATOR HARDING TO RESUME fill r-i.publlesn A. P. Le.itdWIrel BT LOUIS. Oct. 17.-T1 Imo f. Me-conventton campaign In MU ourl iVa the activity of lMward r.,SOoUra national -"".mwmjn V. " Z ;.7m;. it session, here. r'""' : 1 ret.ared in par- 1 , th raiment of UCUiar to V"" ;.,. rnn "ntlon at JonUn and W'Z'r vent ion at Han t'ranrwo lames H'ed. Democrat, of Missouri. ,B.m - -...v.. , .it in the national ton- ver l"n w overruled both at Joplln and Hn KranriM.-., 1, a member of the investigating i!. t-natr IU-kI fnicni u..,...u.,.. .... Iwtnmltt-e ,,ls.. wo-Hd d-lv Into the Z conv,n.,,M ,mn...,n of tl'sen atorlsl candidate,. I .rtn k.nrl.lge I,ontr. Democrat. and H.-natnr Se.den I I'ontmittrr. 1 ni. lil I IT I I I 111' ; Sri" vr i i..--''7" iluriim tl primary cjmi'.UBii. h.ivc l,e. n mibl'nard to tcslii. n'!or i:..d indicated that the ses- . nii would I..' .onipuua W rtnoil has efe ..t. tl,i4 w--k an. I Ur. d (. to sp U at Kani.!... City, M . I'l.i . (I.I li'lil.t. . - I... .. '! IM .''llll'l' l' " I US rnnaije- na Kir acked. Many shots were fired. The sound of the shooting and the explo sion attracted non-union miners em ployed by the company and they quick ly assembled at the power house. In the fight which followed it is Be lieved that one of the men of the at tacking party was either killed or bad ly wounded, as he was carried away by some of his companions when they were finally driven off. A detachment of state police sta tioned at this place was notified of the occurrence and sent a squad of men to the scene. They scoured the country in search of the attackers, but it Is not Republican A. P. Leased Wire yet known here whether any arrests BERLIN, Oct. 17 The allied rep- were made. I arations commission f according to the It was also reported that an explo- Vorwaerts, today, has presented to the1 slon occurred at the Richard mine of German government a demand for the the Tenn Mary Coal company, one mile immediate delivery of 10,000 bulls and away, but details were not obtainable 500,000 cows to France, 11,500 head of here. cattle to Italy. 210,000 cows to Bel- 1 our months ago a strike of the coal gium ani 157,000 head of cattle to miners was called in this field. Since Serbia. that time non-union men have been Tno con)fress of the majority So employed in a number of the mines, but .ygi party at Cassel, adds the news there have been no disturbances until paper naa aaopted a resolution call tonight. iJtst winter federal agents lng upon th(j Soclaist partie3 of aI1 were busy In this field for radicals ana countrles to prevent Germany from be- some men were arrested ana aepuneu. , compelled to hand over cattle to foreign countries, especially to France. - . sr-,vmv I O- BODY Oh MlbailNU BAPfK. MESSENGER FOUND IN JERSEY Republican A. P. Leased Wire CAMDEN. N. J.. Oct. 17 New Jer sey authorities today were seeking trree young men seen In a bright yel low automobile last Friday in the vi cinity of the secluded spot at Irlcka cross way. where the body of David 8." Vitil. messenger for the Broadway Trust company of Camden, was found yeiterday. When be disappeared on October 6. Paul whs taking in cash and 112. 5U0 in checks to a rnna- de'.phia bank. No money was found on the body, but all the checks were intact in a pockeL . .An autopsy showed that death was caused by skull fracture and that Faul ha 1 been killed not more than 24 hours before the body was found. The police believe Paul was kid naped, murdered and robbed and their work to. Say was centered upon a search for a clue as to where he was concealed for the ten days between his disappearance and the finding of hla body. DARTMOUTH STUDENT KILLED NEAR PHILLV I Republican A. P. Leased Wire I MII-ADKM'HIA. Oct. 17 The body f Kimcr C. Drewes, a Dartmouth col-lt-se student, who left his home hero yesterdiy to return to college, was found with a bullet hole through the top of Ms hea i. on a lonely road in the, northern part of the city early todiy. The police believe he was mur der d. Money, bonds and Jewelry valued at .several thousands of dollars were found untouched in the young man's pockets, Iii ewes was ;i graduate of the offi cers' (rainiic camp (it I'lttsburg, and 6DISTE1SEH ASKS T may direct, wifh the natural and or derly movements of money, the life blood of business. The matter of arbi trarily fixing money rates at the money center, possibly reversing the natural and healthy flow, and affect- inig directly or Indirectly billions of dollars of security values and other property, is left to a Email and vary ing number of private citizens without official -responsibility, deciding In a moment and In secret. Evils of Practice Numerous "The evils and 'dangers of such methods could be recited indefinitely. They reach to the remotest corners of he Union and its possessions, and touch harmfully every class of people. The direct tendency Is to reverse one of. the fundamental purposes of the federal reserve act. which la to pro mote orderly distribution of money through the country to meet the needs of commerce and agriculture. Ex cessive Interest rates offered in New York artificially draw money away from outside communities Mi rough their banks, and often leave legitimate speech had declared that the reign of Republican A. P. Leased Wire " CORK, Oct. 17. The first death among the hunger strikers in the Cork jail oocurred tonight. Fitz gerald died at 9:45 o'clock, having fasted 68 days. Fitzgerald was one of the 11 men ori a hunger strike in the Cork Jail whosa cases for a long time have been tha source of wonderment on the part or the medical authorities. Nearly a month ago Dr. Pearson and Dr. Battls- : combe, the Jail physicians, expressed profound astonishment that the men who were abstaining from food were still alive and conscious. At the time the physicians said that except for the devotion and care of the : nuns in attendance upon the prison- t era, it was certain that several of them . long since would have been dead. j All the hunger strikers were declared t to have been reduced to a severe degree . of emaciation. The facial emaciation ; of Fitzgerald at the time was declared j to be most pronounced. Fitzgerald was arrested for shooting : Private Soldier Jones outside Fermoy church on September 7, 1919. TWO DIE IN RIOTS BELFAST, Oct. 17. Two deaths oc- , curred today as a result of the rioting ; J in the Marrowbone district of North : Belfast Saturday night. The victim U were Matthew McMaster and William , . Mitchell, who succumbed to gunshot wounds. One man was killed outright ) during the rioting and several others ... were seriously Injured. - SERGEANT ROCHE SHOT DUBLIN, OcL 17. Sergeant Roche ; of the Royal Irish constabulary, who'r' came here from Tipperary to identify ; the bod of Mr. Tracey, who was shot terror in Ireland would be suppressed, I during the disturbances Friday, was and that It would then be time for a complete and permanent settlement of the Irish question. o- T ST SUPPORT F-L PARTY PORCD CAMPAIGN I'.uii'u: the war acted bs military in - flruelor it rriii'eton university. ''ne , , 1 1 a on d rrciriil nice ill. S I ' I o , . jti V !,.. 11.1 1 " I 1,. f.iie 1 lion ii'., .en- w. ,,. ..1 ,. ,11. .i-.-i tl i- 1.1..I1- 1 Giar-t Hamilton. a special repre- ', ,,,,, Is. i.t.iti.e if tt.e f. .Icral department of ... I - ......I .1.. .1 I n l.ij i-nnm if t f iviim 'h an.l o- 1 , c 1 1 hi . " a - 1 01 ... 10., ........ ... ,..,,,, 1 . ..iisiii 1 1. . s :.i hot 1 tela v. Physicians said heait Hill be 1 Nil II. e.l f. .. ' 'I,. 1 i 1 .1 11 1 1 ' I . 1 1 ! - of I I. 1 Him a.-c t.i ttcd his death. MARION. O.. Oct. 17. Senator Hard ing's front porch campaign, interrupt ed for more than two weeks. by speak ing trips, into the1 middl west, and south, will be resumed tomorrow with a celebration expected to bring to Mar ion one of the largest crowds of the summer. The occasion has been designated as "first voters' day" and several thousands of young men and women will hear the nominee's speech on the duties and opportunities of those who cast their first ballots. Delegations from several Ohio counties will Join In the first voters' meeting. On Wednesday Senator Harding will leave for the last campnlcrn trip. He will speak at Jack.ion, Ohio. Roches ter. N. Y.. ad Buffalo, N. Y.. return- in? to Marion Friday. Senator Harding reached here on his Free ial train before noon tod xy from St. Louis. Several hundred peo ple met the train at Hellefontaine. O., and the senator mae a short speech, avoiding political issues find nrelng Sabbath observation and "more relis ioua reverence." Tonight, with Mrs. Harding, he at tended church here find listened to a sermon on the league of nations by Bishop Willijm F. Anderson of the Methodit I'.pi.vopal church, who de clared that President Wilson had "scrapped his own league" and that the nation now must seek a nw ar rangement to fulfill its hope of pre served world peace. REDS WANT 6000 ENGINES RKUI.1N. Oct. 17. Nceotiations opened by reprejsenfatives of soviet Russia in Germany has resulted, ac rordlmr to the Red Flair, in an order for fiai'O railway engines and a large number of turbines. TOPEKA, Kan OcL 17. An appeal to colored voters to enroll under the banner of the Farmer-Labor party and denunciation of the foreign policies of both the Democratic and Republican parties marked an address tonight by Parley P. Christensen, Farmer-Labor candidate for president. It Is to laught to see the Republicans groaning over the possibility that our boys may have to lie In some more trenches," he said. It is these self same Republicans who are most eager for compulsory military training. Mr. Harding, too; tells us he is for a firm policy in Mexico, without specifying in particular which oil company he means. "The same imperialistic motives for the benefit of Wall street animate both the Democratic and the Republican parties. "And then there are those like Mr, Wilson, who, as Artemus Ward once remarked, 'Are willing to sacrifice all their wife's relations' to make the world safe for democracy. "We in America should have better taste than to talk of making the world safe for democdracy, with our Burle sons, with our Palmers, with our de portatlons, with our lynchlngs. with our many discriminations against our colored brothers. "The Republican party professes to be the champion of the rights of the colored people. They declare that It waa the Republican party which was instrumental in emancipating them and they depend on this contention to swing the colored vote. But it is obvious to anyone with even peanut brains that the Republican party of today resem bles the Republican party of '61 in name only. Can you imagine Wendell Phillips and Garrison, abolitionists, consorting with Penrose or Reed Smoot? "I maintain that the Republican party is not entitled to the colored vote, because its heart is not really with their cause. "I Invite the colored citizenry to con sider the cause of the Farmer-Labor party. I say sincerely that we are In terested as they are In obtaining 100 per cent Justice for them. ' o 0 III AT -STANDSTILL AS RESULT OF STRIKE shot dead today on the Ormond quay, A man and a girl also were wouided by his assailants. - A former soldier named Robinson, Vyho was shot Friday night by two men declaring themselves to be republican solice, died last night. While Constables Flaherty and Dykes were on patrol duty In Londonderry late Saturday night Flaherty was killed by shots fired by eome unknown persons MacSWINEY IS CONSCIOUS I LONDON, Oct. 17. Terence Mac- ;4 Swiney. lord mayor ef Cork, passed ; the 66th day of his hunger strike in i Brixton prison fairly well, said to-. night's bulletin Issued by the Irish i Self-Determination league. He slept f : rast thA itov TT 'nhvalnan rrr H 1 '1 dustrw today was at a standstill. After ilQn fcdda the bulIetJnf l9 one ot ever. months of negotiations between the increasing weakness, but is mind la miners and the government. In which clearer, keener and more active than , neither side was willing to concede the ever. This afternoon he conversed for " Republican A. P. Leased Wire LONDON, Oct. 17 British coal In- enterprlses starved or pinched, while crucial points, the pits are closed and j quite a time with relatives.' feeding speculative movements which may be adding nothing to real indus trial or commercial wealth. I reiterate that excessive rates on call money, arbitrarily fixed and tol erated in New York, in my opinion. have been a potent Influence In de pressing seriously the prices of all in vestment bonds and standard shares. the shrinkage in which in the past 12 Great Britain seemingly is facing days of Industrial chaos, unequalled even during the world war, except for the pump men and other s APPEAL TO POPE BENEDICT ROME, Oct, 17. Pope Benedict, ac- employea. who are to keep the mines Srdint0 information today has re- . , free from water and otherwise In good U'Vi18 p"eP .0f th i condition for a resumption of work when the strike is ended, all the mines were idle today. Sunday, however. In the View of a months has amounted, including the larse portion of the populace, was not an apt day on which to form concise Judgment of the potentialities of the strike. When the men dropped their picks Saturday' night, the question rose as to how many of them on Monday again would be ready to go into the depreciation In Liberty bonds, to sev eral billion dollars." Mr. Williams declared that although the renewal rate forced by the rate committee was not regarded as com pulsory by the stock exchange author ities, it nevertheless was admitted by diggings. practically every bank that bid rates A feeling of pessimism " pervades. on call loans were changed to conform 1 notwithstanding the fact that Premier with the posted rate. As a result, Mr. Lloyd George has stated that every- Wllllams said, "It. would be vain oh- thing will be done to keep the great vlously for a borrower to hope to ob- I industries of the country going. To- tain money in New York at a lower I morrow probably will show whether rate by shifting his loan to some other the railway men and the transport n J. , JM. h iaid"the nrohiem DanK. I workers the other two wlnrn at la-I . ' and morals and judges heresy. This is the oldest congregation of the Roman church. It was created in 1542 and waa Lord Mayor MacSwlney of Cork and other Irish hunger strikers to the con- . gegation of the holy office. Many ugent appeals to make some , pronouncement regarding the case of Irish hunger striking prisoners have been received by the pope. These ap peals are divided between opposite viewpoints and implore the pontiff to ; reach diametrically opposed decisions t on the question whether the death ot : prisoners make them suicides. Pope Benedict has personally exam ined all the documents submitted to him and has discussed the situation with learned cardinals and other prom inent-figures In the church, but, it is indicated, has found them holding widely divergent opinions. He, there- originally called .the holy inquisition. The present pontiff modified it and s i added to it the congregation of the , banks that all broker loans were raised I miners. or lowered simultaneously did not bear Outside of some unofficial conver- ! up unaer nis investigation, Mr. W ii- eations between the various labor lead- llams asserted. He cited records which crs, there has been no noteworthy de ne saia snowed "apparent aiscrimina- I velopments in the miners' strike today. lion on loans equany wen secured and Everywhere there Is talk of the.poa-"" fiT'l- fifA""0."'" Up t? .late index, which has to do with literature. ;; " worn mis evening no Bieps naa Deen lanen. The pope is prefect ot this congrega- 1! , r ,t certa,n daY , Wltn th exception of the food min- t!on and cardinal Merry del Val sec- witnin tne last 1Z months was posted Istry, which today presented a scene of retary. To the secretary will be sub- on me biock ficnanre at iu per cent. I actlvitv. recalling the times of the rail- I 1 .v.. ii a Uviiinnd the report of one particular New York road strike last year, all the official of those concerned in the case. Theso nflnlr fahowef that en that iota ih , n .. i I . . ... . . . - . uchi uuciiu vcm juici. I reports will ne entrusted to one 01 tne bank was charging on loans for itself One effect of the strike will be. It Is cardinals belonging to the congrega i 4 1 1 on cxPectea- l prin- tne industrial crisis tio.i, who will present his report to a J4.900.000; 8, 9, 14 and 15 per cent on Into greater prominence than the Irish I plenary meeting of the holy office, i,iio,uuu; is per cent on oU,uuu; per cent on $42,100,000: 25 per cent on ?,550,000 and 30 per cent on $900,000." Small Coterie Rules Mart Concerning the "coterie" of brokers which fix the call interest rate, Mr. Williams said that inquiry disclosed it usuallv consisted of "4 to S or more" and that the stock exchange ulually WINNIFORD GIN BURNS BROWNWOOD, Texas. Oct. 1". The Winniford gin at Rockford, Coleman county, waa burned Friday night, ac cording to reports here today. The loss was estimated at $16,000. The fire is believed to have started from a metal spark caused by tne clashing or two saws. YOU ARE INVITED Proposed city bond issues will be discussed from all angles at the Town Meeting to be held at the Woman's Club at 7:30 o'clock to morrow night. 1 The subject will be presented by several able speakers, and later will be open to general discussion from the floor. As the topio is one affecting all citizens everybody is invited to attend and take part in the meeting. 0 question when parliament reassembles v,i-, un includes Cardinals Gas-' Tuesday. There is much speculation whether, In the event of the railroad men or transport workers deciding to support the miners by sympathetic strikes, thereby precipitating a still graver industrial crisis, the govern ment today decided to appeal to the a decision. country Dy a general election to en parrl, the papal secretary; Pompila, Van Rossum, Fruhwirth, Billot, Gius tlni and Gioigi. The process in matters coming bej fore this congregation is' so long that it renerally takes several years to reach was represented by "the president or dorse the course taken by it. 'one or more or its governors. He said the fluctuations of the "posted" interest rate on brokers' loans had ranged from 8 to 17 per cent be tween November 10, 1919, and July 27, last. "The effect of these rates," he said. "is seen when the general managers of railroads or large corporations visit New York to raiso money necessary for the redemption of retiring loans or for the extension and promotion of new business. "The same cause that cripples and hampers a great railroad system or a municipal government also deprives and injures or ruins a country store keeper, a small farmer or the owner of a large or little manufacturing enter prise. 'The high rates for call money in New York have thus shut off a large part of the investment demand for se curities, which, during the past 12 months, largely because of these dis turbing conditions, have been forced down to the lowest prices reached in 40 years. "It is my belief that if the call money rates in New York had been maintained at six per cent, or at the maximum rates which are charged in other money centers, the unprecedent (Continued on page 2) READ LEAGUE PACT SUNDAY AI.KA.M, w. 1., uct. 17. oovernor Fir.ith in a proclamation made public tonisrht designated Sunday, October 24, for the reading of the covenant of,the league of nations "by all citizens who desire this great national question dis posed of In a manner that will promote tne best interests of the United States." o- MOVING MEN MOVE BACK NLW YORK, Oct. 17 Two thousand moving van men, who have been on a sirike here for six weeks, will return to w ork tomorrow, the union announced tonight. The employes accepted a $3 a week salary increase. They had de manded increase ranging from $6 to $S weekly. o , AGAINST COMMUNIST LITERATURE NEW YORK, Oct. 17 Immediate ac tion to strike the alleged circulation of Communist party pamphlets In the public schools of New York city was urged today by the American Defense society in a letter to Anning S. Pratt, president of the board of education. Tho society said it has learned school children were being used to distribute handbills inciting "the workers of America" to declare war against the "capitalist state." PLAN RECLAMATION CAMPAIGN SPOKANE, Wash, Oct. 17. Plans' for an educational campaign to ac quaint the east with the reclamation ideas of the 17 western arid and semi- arid states were laid here today at a meeting of leaders of the Western States Reclamation association. It waa announced that the plans would ba made effective immediately. Among the conferees was Governor D. W. Da vis of Idaho. o PRODUCE DUE FOR DROP CHICAGO. Oct. IT. Prices on but ter, eggs and poultry will continue to decline during the next month, Frank O. Heilman, chairman of the general executive committee of the National Poultry, Butter and association, told the organization at its convention today. With cold, dry weather, which would stimulate laying, cess will take a decided price drop, he said. o CHI POLICE SEEKS HEIRESS CHICAGO, Oct! 17 Police and de tectives today engaged in a hunt for Miss Margaret Mcl Kiusfall. Highland Park artist an.l l.eires-.-, wh disap peared from her huiiie last 1'riday, it was learned today. When last seen by relatives she had packed i:p her easel and painting paraphernalia and said, she was going to "hunt some subject.' .ill lAl'l lei I.e. 4 a