Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1920. TAGE THKEK. DOZEOFIIITES BRINGS DEATH TO PEOIJ rf Child Welfare bu- Aldyth Pruce. roin Indiana and son. Everett, of Blrdsoye. Ind., were the guests of W. M. Roach and family last week. Guests Hr Mrs. Irenw Malono and Mrs. Mary Chubb of Seattle. Wash., who have been traveling for pome weeks, arrived Monday to be the guests of Mra. Robert Lcgue and Mrs. J. R. Sheets. Republican Rally There will be-a Republican rally hel l Tuesday, October 13, at 8 oclock. In tbs Municipal park. At this time there will be numerous spenkers on the pro vlohn PrVOr Spntod On "Rill- sram who are candidates for election. v x iur, oeaica un nan-ho ro offlceril wm be: mate sen- roau iracK rscar Donot. is tors c. m. sioddara and n. h. wh - ' - . . t i? atally Crushed By Speed VN ing Passenger Train. GLENDALE. Oct 18. John Tryor. prosperous rancher of th Teorla dis trict, spent Sunlay in Olendale. As far as knowpbie row, he wag at peace with the world. Ills health was good, he had no rressinir family care and his affairs were in food order.. Durine; ths afternoon he attended to a few business details and when these had been computed he stepped Into a res- klnson; Bupetvtcora, Jack steward and Guy Vernon: county attorney, R. K. L. Sheppard; county sheriff, John Mont loniery; county treasurer. Dr. Charles H. Culver: county superintendent, iin wood S. Pratt; county recorder, Row lin W. Shaw; county assessor. Harry rierce; representative. Eighth dis trict, O. A. White. Week-End Guest Miss Katherine Fctidder. who is now teaching- in the Tempo normal, was the week-end guest of Misa Alma Adams. i Mere for winter taurant for a sandwich and a cud of "Y """" i .CI'" I come 10 vjirnuiiie iu tt. ir hoth verv talented In music and coffee. Within a few minutes John Pryor was a crushed and lifeless mass of clay beside the railroad track. John Pryor had met the ansel of death with out a moment's warning and their meeting, though only of a second's duration, wrote Xinis at tho end of John Pryor's life, Having eaten Ms sandwich and drunk his coffee, John Pryor walked to the railroad track and sat down on a tie with his back to the rails, near the have been actively , engaged in evan gelistic work for f.O years. Visits Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson, mother of Mrs. Nola D. Allen of the lilenaaie State bank, arrived Sunday from El Paso and will spend the winter here. Back in Glendale Oscar Frevtasr and wife, accom panied by tier grandfather, M. Hotch- kiss. have returned to Glendale after . M PnintAn fa! f T ?:POt- Tn TAT lT8PdvMm yta will be remembered as Ethel there, and he raised his head to them. twit AA n ...... I, TI-I.V l l I innilini". utes afterward the California Limited thundered down upon him. The head light of the engine was shlnlnjr and the whlst.e was sounded. John Tryor flld not see nor hear. The steps of the tender of the giant locomotive struck Win. crushing- his head like an erg-' hell and breaking- his ribs. John Pryor died with the taking of a breath. No reason for suicide has been un covered, and this theory has been aban- I Claimlnr that the officer who mar- doned. I to was in the full possession ried them in the City of Mexico was SAYS WOMAN WAS HIS WIFE, lit DIME OH of Ms faculties when I4M seen and be- uer mat ne might have been under a temporary aberration has also been abandoned. Perhaps, they say, he simply fell Into a do Into a sleep whose dreams were broken by the reality of another world. No funeral arrangements have been announced for him and search of 1m- not authorized by the law of Mexico to perform the ceremony, Francis Fourdo, found guilty of bigamy by the supe rior court of Cochise county, has ap pealed to the supreme court. The case was submitted yesterday. Fourde admits his marriage in Mex ico. but claims that Beatrlz L. De Ford. as she is known, is not his wife, claim mediate rela.tlv- ha nrovert . fruitless. Ing that their marriage was not legal kk .ar. Although he lived with his Mexican v , . ' , , 1 wlfa for nine years and lter in San Lssvss for Louisiana I tv..i.KA ta ni-v & a .1. VMrt. McOowan of Woods pharmacy ,efred t0 have ,ntroduced her as his , , ! , e,unaa7 or ner norat m iu- wlf6i h6 clalms tnat he nad the right isiana, wnere inn was canea oy in 1 to marry Maria Earl in Bisbee in 1919 serious uiness or ner tatner. Another case submitted to the su- Aecepts Position I preme- court yesterday was the appeal Iewls Hill of Paducah, Kr.. has ac- I of the state in a milicious mischief cepted a position in the Eagle barber case from Cochise county, where a ver shop. Mr. Hill has a great many ac- diet of not guilty was returned for the qualntanees and friends here in Glen dale that he knew hack in the Blue Grass state. Glendale Wins from Cathlon The Glendale Greys won from the Cash Ion Red Legs by the tune of 14 to I. The game was a much better contest tha.i the score Implies. Hdflgo, the lengthy right-hander, start-d for Cendale, but was forcel to r-tlre in the firth frame on account of a sore thumb on hla chucking arm. He was relieved by Grasste, who held the hard hitting- All-stars at his mercy for the rest of the game. There were some brilliant fielding features that caused the rrowd to come to their feet several times during the game. Brooks, I -vail and Ortega of the visitors put up a brilliant brand of baseball, while Lloyd Hudson of the Grays made a wonder ful running catch of a hot liner back of short tbat was a hit in 'most any man's gums. Captain Lewis was the defendant, Charles Gardner, Sr. -o CHANDLER NEWS CHANDLER, Oct. II. Miss Nell Harris, formerly connected with the local postoffice, has resigned her po sition and is now connected with the Chandler Arlzonan. The dance given at the Freeman hall on Saturday evening was a decided success and there were many in at tendance. Don't forget the big K. P, dance to be given on Wednesday even Ing. Oct. 20, for the benefit of the widow of a former member. There will also be a masquerade given at Freeman hall on Monday evening. Oct 1. by the Security Benefit association Many of the local residents Journeyed to Phoenix on Sunday and attended the different shows and dances. The help for the San Marcos hotel star stick artist, getting a home run are arriving dally and getting thing that went so far that it bounded into (under way for the formal opening o the basement of the high school. Much the hotel next month credit must be given to Manager Her ring of the Cashlon team, as he han dled hla men In grand fashion. The game with Peoria did not ma terialize, the reason for their non-ap pearance not being given. Child Welfare The Child Welfare circle will meet with Mrs. B. M. Casey on Wednes day, October 10, at 2:20 o'clock. The following program will be given: "The Mother of Eugene Field." Mrs. C. Whit- ney; "Little Boy Blue." Mrs. Taul Wil liams; address by Mrs. Charles R-1 Miss Glen Adams, bookkeeper for the New York store, is confined to her some with an attack of tonsllltls. o In 1901 the average man's output in the United States was 729 tons; last vear. with the aid of machinery, it was 1134 tons. o Mushrooms are now grown in a large New York establishment, which wa formerly a brewery. o Elect Stoddard state senator, adv. It i 1 -ix vwv A Snecial lv 'ANNOUNCEMENT To the Ladies of Phoenixand Vicinity Tuesday, October 19th Frances See will display an unusual as sortment of HIGH CLASS PATTERN HATS in her beautiful new apartments, 311 WEST JEFFERSON These hats, of latest design will be on dis play throughout this week and will be sold at "sea son end" prices. FRANCES SEE 311 WEST JEFFERSON TBie Greatest . Bargain Spot En PlhoenS '1 Uimdeirprie ed Barbara B memift ndtloini off F, TIT ail Here is where your dollar does extra duty takes the "H" out of H. C. E. Puts good seasonable merchandise within the reach of all and don't f crget "It pays to trade at The Boston Store." "REDUCTION OF FALL PRICES" "REDUCTION OF FALL PRICES" YARD WIDE OUTINGS ? SWANS FLEECE OUTINGS Greatly used for undergarments, pajama and warm comfort cov- A beautiful quality plain colored outing flannel in pure white, erjngs, in assorted light grounds and stripes, colors absoj O O cream, pink, blue and grey, formerly sold at 49c yard, 99 lutely fast, formerly sold up to 49c yard, special , . uo y now per yard oot COTTON BATTS COLORED OUTING FLANNELS Save money, make your own comforts. This is a value, a full large A f coIod outiif 1 lannel. in assf)rted dark and light !es' size, full comfort size batt, 72x90. Soft fleecy white - 9K greatly used for comfort covenngs, a former . 1QC cotton. Extra special each 5J-OD 29c value per yarf This is an extraordinary batt value. 39c OUTING FLANNEL , , , , v rDItc . nrD D ATTC . This is a dandy value, special weight and quality, colors absolutely CRUSADER BATTb fast, big assortment of patterns, OfT One of the very best cotton batts made all selected cotton, extra extra special per yard 0. large size and weight, a batt'of regular $2.39 value, g9 FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS " " ' extra special each .-. in assorted fancy plaids and small checks in the celebrated Amos- WHITE OUTING FLANNEL keag ginghams, colors absolutely fast, ginghams formerly OK A bargain you cannot afford to overlook, a special weight white selling up to 39c yard, extra special per yard dOK twilled, a weight for service and warmth, a regular 9Qr BEST AMERICAN CALICOES 45c value, extra special per yard AUK Hundreds and hundreds of yards best quality American calicoes i7ktc iiUnir cuiotc v . v m naVy Calcuttas, greys, cardinals and blacks and whites, MENS WORK SHIRTS colors absolutely fast, V v OA. Mens work shirts of special heavy weight mail carriers' blue special per yard chambray. Collar attached, all sizes, reinforced seams ,OK A. C. A. FEATHER TickiNG ' ' ' and pockets, extra special ' W&0 Genu'ine" A c. A best quality feather ticking, positively the best, BUNGALOW CRETONNES fast colored blue and white stripe, formerly sold at . KQ 36 inches wide, colors absolutely fast, one of the best wearing and 79c yard, extra special most satisfactory comfort coverings made, beautiful patterns, big 36-INCH DRESS PERCALES 1 assortment, regular 50c values, QKn Absolutely fast colored dress percales in light and dark colors and special per yard OoL styles full yard wide quality formerly selling up 29 C BLEACHED MUSLIN nvtvV " , . , , . , , v - . j . . . . BEST QUALITY CHALLILb Yard wide bleached muslin, free from dressing and starch, a mus- Best m he weight challieSf 36 inches wide, in assorted lin formerly sold at 35c yard, 22V2C dark and medium light colors. Colors positively fast, 971 A C 6Pecial -. . . .-v quality regularly selling at 39c yard, special u ' CHAPMAN BLEACHED TUDOR CRETONNES A full yard wide bleached muslin, formally selling at 39c yard. A Greatly used for draperies, coverings and comfort coverings, dark bleached muslin of extra service and value, very and light colors, beautiful patterns, worth up 25c specially priced, per yard to 39c yard, special Extra Specials for Cool' and Qrispy Miglbts Your unrestricted choice of our entire mammoth stocks of winter beddings Cotton Blankets Cotton and Wool Blankets and all Wool Blankets Cotton Wool and Down filled Comforters No reserve All now aK your choice at 20 DUSCOUMT Bargains of the Greatest SirnporS'anc& In SHOES-Meim's, Wooieo's and ChMdireinis,SlHIOkS - Our underpriced bargain basement shoe department is a,regular beehive "Where the honey is You will find the most bees" The honey in this instance is the truly wonderful bargains we are offering you in shoes of all. sizes for all members of the family, and again remember It Fays to Trade at the Bostoim Store ' "Reduction of Fall Prices" "Reduction of Fall Prices" " ' 200 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S HIGH TOP BOOTS 200 pairs men's shoes, made of best quality tan calf, regular army In all about 50 pairs, women's high top boots in tans, black and shoes, on the celebrated Munson last, all sizes, CJK QK greys, French heels a wonderful value, pr QfT ctual value $8.50, choice 0UU N your ci10ice whne they last ipO.UO 200 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES BOYS' BIKE SHOES A wonderful bargain, 200 pairs men's black dress shoes in Blucher Bys' bike shoes of genuine elk hide in tan and smoked leathers, cut or English last models, a full range of sizes, shoes of (gfi QPC all sizes, a shoe the boys really enjoy l?q Apr actual worth to $12.00 pair, extra special, choice. . . . V3.JO wearing, special .-. wu.uu 100 PAIRS WOMEN'S OXFORDS WOMEN'S FELT SLIPPERS 100 pairs of women's oxfords in both tan or black kid, made with The genuine "Comfy" feet slippers in every size, style and color, Cuban heels, a shoe of extreme service and stylish lasts, K AK padded soles, specially priced, GJO OPT TO 0 A A actual worth to $9.50, While they last 000 per pair tP.U tPO.UU Do not overlook the fact that the Boston Store carries the biggest and best assorted stock of Oram resi' clhl In the state All of the best makes in every size and style and always priced less than you pay elsewhere. The home of real bargains The Boston Store Bargain Basement. i