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rj i. . PAGE TWO (Section TwdT RIGHT EARFUL But when the game was on it'a way, And he marked up hia tally, The watchers started in to sing That aong, "Down In Our Alley." LEFT EARFUL Thty went to watch the bewltr bowl. He'd said ha wn In clovar. 1 roll a wicked wooden ball," aaid ha, "and knock 'am over." I i i llTTTK ARIZONA KKPITRI.TCANl - I t 7X " ' -,i-nr 3 jf----- - ... . ...... , - - -1 i LEGION 1 . , ,.. , " 1 . ARENA TBI a rtzona w ildca ts BE ILL HEATED FR IDAY EVENING The announcement of the forthcom ing: mat contest between Pete Sauer and Fred Mooremeier at the American legion arena. Eighth and Washington streets on Friday evening. November 2ti. furnished the sport fana of Phoe nix -with an abundance of gossip over I Sunday and speculation ran rife aa to the probable winner. Sauer, of course, has a following hero that contend that Pete Is In a claws by himself, but many former residents of Kansas City who have seen Mooremeier In action de- mre that the battle on Friday night between these men will be no pink'tea party for Sauer. Pete went Into training as eoon as he reached town and says he will be in his usual splendid condition when the gong rings. The match with Eckland taught him a lesson which he will never forget. When he left Phoenix, he drove overland for 13 days and ar rived in Lincoln. Neb., three daya be fore the bout In which he was forced to acknowledge defeat at the hands of the present light heavyweight cham pion. Consequently, he was not In the bst of shape and now he appreciates the value of being ready more so than he ever did before. There Is probably no better recom mendation for Pete Sauer today than tho article which appeared In one of the leading Lincoln dailies the morning after he dipped his colors to Ecklund. It is reprinted for the benefit of the local fans: "Clarence Eckland of Buffalo, Wye, generally recognized as the world's champion of the light heavyweight wrestlers, was victorious over Pete Saner of Phoenix, Ariz., in "Wednes day nights mat contest at the City auditorium. Erkland won In straight falls, after a combat which taxed the physical energies of both' grapplers to tho very limit. Ecklund used a ham- merlock In winning each fall. The time o! the first fall was 2 hours and 11 minutes, but the second fall waa over In less than two minutes. "Even In defeat, Sauer quallfed for the unstinted commendation of the patrons of the mat sport because of his speed, cleverness and game show ing against a wrestler of Kcklund's es tabllshed class. The. Buffalo athlete represents about the last word In the grappling art. Master of every hold and every trick, the Wyoming man waa rompelledd to summon every resource In taking the measure of the Phoenix boy. and for two hours or more It was anybody's match. A youth of only 20 years, Sauer Impressed every spectator with the belief that he has a glowing future in the grappling sport. Sauer'a right arm waa subjected to a severe twisting by Eckland'a ham- merlock. Although urged by his friend? to concede the second fall, Pete ,-.., V y - The University of Arizona football squad that will carry the U. of A. colors on Thanksgiving Day against the University of Redlands, California. The three players at the top of the picture are, reading left to right. Captain Slonaker, who was injured in the Cali fornia game two weeks ago; Manzo, left halfback and Barkley tackle. Slonaker, Manzo and Barkley made I the all southwestern eleven last year. Arizona has one of the best teams in the southwest and as good as any in southern California. Thanksgiving Day Is homecoming day at the university and several hun dred alumni will return to see the game. Special pro grams have been arranged for the day, which promises to be the biggest and most interesting of the entire year. r ----- if v ' : v hi Jl& 1 . r-. PHOENIX GREYS DEFEAT' MAGMA MIN ER. HQLLDGHER IKES IMPRESSION ON BASEBALL FANS IN The Phoenix Greys came through yesterday afternoon at Eastlake park, beating the Magma Miners, E 3, in one of the prettiest exhibitions of the na tional pastime seen here in years. Cross and Falazar were working good and, backed up by good fielding, kctt the score down. Several loose ame back gamely for the renewal of plays figured in the afternoon's game, the contest, yet the handicap resulting I but the good plays more than made up from his Injury made it comparatively -asy for Kcklund to win the referee's verdict. In winning. Ecklund waa n the verge of physical exhaustion and the Wyoming man could barely crawl between the ropes, following the first for the bad ones. Duke breezed twelve Superior batters and Salazar whiffed eight Phoenix players. Hollocher, Cub shortstop, distin guished himself at third, featuring a nice double play. The Cub inflelder fall, providing ample proof that Sauer ,ookd bad first time up when Salazar lltn ilium bum. K ,' ent. Ecklund weighed in at ringside, the Wyoming man balancing the beam nt exactly 174 i pounds, while Sauer's weight waa exactly 17o. This article tells the whole story and i a fine tribute to the ability of Pete Sauer. He finished out the match like nil real game men should and as the sports of Phoenix would have liked him to. He made scores of friends in Lincoln and had he been In the shape that he was when he lert Phoenix, there might have been a different ter mination to the gruelling contest. But, like the good sport he is. Pete gives U the credit to Ecklund for his vic tory and lives in hopes of reversing the verdict the next time they meet, which will probably be in Phoenix. The fans will be glad to welcome rrte home and see him in action again. nnd the new promoters, Tomplln and Keen are bending every effort to make the American Legion arena comrorta for their reception on Friday night The heating arrangements are ideal nd tho arena will be heated to a steady temperature of 70 degrees, pro vldimr sufficient warmth for the pa trnn nr the snort. This la one im provement that was absolutely neces fanned him on easy ones, with Umps Price a little off on the last one called on Hollocher. The game went seven innings before Hollocher was given a chance, but when his time came he made good and turned the play into a quick double, retiring the side after Magma had annexed three scores Siterior went up in the air for a few minutes in the sixth, coming down af ter Phoenix scored six across the pan Ed Scott looked good on first and Lyall and Sorrey rounded out the infield, with Hollocher at third. The Westfall boys played their usual fast game, with Harry carrying off the honors. Superior has a nice club, with an in field that will make good anywhere The pitching of Salazar was exception ally good considering his long lay off. By winning yesterday's game against the Suterior club Manager Perry proved that he has a winning aggregation that will stack up with anything in the southwest. The Greys play the Tucson White Sox at Eastlake park next Sat urday and Sunday. How They P(ayed Firat Inning: Deardorff filed out to left: Sanchez hit to short right and PHOENIX DEBUT play; F. Westfall filed out to second; IL Westfall scored when Tonneman pegged to second; Warren safe on San chez's error; Lyall out, pitcher to first. Four runs, two hits, two errors. Lucky Seventh Seventh Inning: Graham safe when Teaney dropped long fly to center; Johnson cracks out nice single, going to second when Teaney lets ball roll through his legs, Graham scoring; Tonneman drops single to left, scoring Johnson; R. Johnson hit by pitcher; Sonoqui safe when Cross delays field ing ball; Tonneman scored; Hart struck out; Salazar hit "hard one to Hollocher, who pegged to plate, Johnson tried to get hack to third, but was out. West fall to Hollocher; Hollocher puts the ball on Johnson Before he had reached third. Three runs, three hits, and two errors. Cross struck out; Teaney struck out; Sorrey safe on Hart's error; Hollocher walked on four straight balls; H. West fall forced Hollocher at second. No runs, no hits, one error. Eighth Inning: Deardorff and San chez struck out; Graham filed out to Teaney. No runs, no hits, no errors Scott hit by .ditcher; F. Westfall walked; Warren forced Scott at third Lyall hit to left; Cross filed out to first. No runs, one hit, no errors. Ninth Inning: Johnson out, second to first; Tonneman out, short to first) R. Johnson flied out to Teaney. No runs. no hits, no errors. Box Score Superior AB. R. H. PO. A.E sary to the comfort and welfare of the was forced at second by Graham; John lovers of wrestling and boxing and is on flied out to Warren. No runs, one one that will be especially appreciated mi, no error. by those who desire "home com forts.'' The preliminaries to the Sauer Mooremeier match will be made up en tirely of boxing bouts, another wel come improvement. The fans enjoy a .ombination bill of mat artists and Teaney fanned; Sorrey hit back of first and went out trying to steal sec ond; Hollocher fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Second Inning: Tonneman fanned; R. Johnson out, Sorrey to Scott; Sono qui out to first unassisted. No runs. leather nusher and in line with their no hits, no errors policy to give the fans what they want. H. Westfall ranned; Scott out. Hart the management will stage several to Johnson; F. Westfall out, Deardorff tri.nA boxing nrelimlnaries at every to first. No runs, no hits, no errors. entertainment. For Friday night, the Third Inning: Hart fanned; Salazar i:rtaln raiser will be a four round set- out to first unassisted; Deardorff flied to between Toung Arnold and Manueiiout to left. No runs, no hits, no errors Portlllo at 110 pounds. Both these Warren fanned; Lyall flied out to boys are beginners in the game and center, Graham made a great running anxious to advance so the public is catch; Cross out. pitcher to first. No assured that the boys will be trying runs, no hits, no errors. ?ery minute. Another four round bat-1 Fourth Inning1: Sanchez flied out to tie that promises to furnish all Kinds scott; Graham safe when Teaney of fireworks will bring together Bat- dropped a long fly; Johnson out when tltng Sam and Young Romo at 1-0 Warren made a nice running catch of pounds. Sam, who is known locally as nis high fly; Tonneman struck out, the "Dancing Master" is very popular WcBtfall dropped ball, but nabbed him with the fans while Komo is xouiea at first. No runs, no hits, one error. a rough customer who is reauy to ex- Teaney hit to short left, Sorrey bunt change wallops at all times. ed a short fly, caught by Salazar; Hol- Another pleasing feature or J-Tiaay iocner hit back of third for a single, night's show will be the policy of the Teaney going to second; II. Westfall management to admit ladies free wnen sacrificed, Salazar to Johnson; Ed accompanied by a gentleman, inn iair yoott walked; F. Westfall struck out. pt of Phoenix put their stamp of ap proval on wrestling and boxing long BFO ana It Is anticipated inai a. ti""" w number of them will be In attend ance when the ring is cleared for ac- No runs, two hits, no errors. Fifth Inning: Johnson, Sonoqui and Hart struck out, one-two-threo. Warren fanned; Lyall went down second to first; Cross flied out to third. Analysis Shows Superiority 01 Ohio State Team riTTCAGO. Nov. 21. The superiority of Ohio State's football eleven, west ern conference champions this year, other other teams comprising" the "biff ten" is borne out in an analysis 01 cn offensive and defensive records of the various contestants. xno jjuwcjoo finished second in the number or . points scored in games between con ference elevens and were ilthi m holding opponents away irom tneir own goal line, uniy inree ictuiia Wisconsin, Michigan and Chicago crossed the Ohio goal line and no team -crossed it more than once. The team scored 68 pointa in. con ference contests against 20 ot its op ponents. An unusual feature shown in tne analysis of the season s results is that Iowa, which finished Iirtn in tne percentage table, was first in scoring with 65 points, while Michigan, in sixth place and Chicago in eighth. were close to Ohio's record defensively. The tightness of many of the games and the closeness of the race is re flected in the fact that the 10 elevens altogether scored only 420 points, or an averago of only 420 points, or each team in eacn game. Ohio State proved itself the greate finisher developed in tho western con- ' f erence in many years. Four or its five victories were won in the final minutes, the victory over Illinois com ing on a play which was not completed until after the final whistle. AVisconsln produced a powerful eleven but it lacked consistency. Illinois, which nearly won the title, was kept in the race largely by Ralph Fletcher, for his seven field goals, ac counted for 21 of the Indiana' 5 points and his goals from touchdowns brought additional markers. The In- -dlans made few touchdowns and their defensive record was not so good as -that of other teams. Michigan and Chicago while making great defensive records, lacked of fensive power. Indiana made a good showing but had a weak schedule while with the other teams there ap parently waa ability neither to carry , the ball nor to stop it. 0 p JUST A TIP A Chicago man has left $1000 to his barber, whom he had never tiped. Clip this out and show it to your bar ber. Cleveland Plain Dealer. FOOTBALL FANS AI T 1 SUE --"or Deardorff, 2b Sanchez, 3b Graham, cf Johnson, If Tonneman, c R. Johnson, lr Sonoqui, rf Hart, ss Salazar, p 3 3 3 3 Totals .32 3 4 24 9 3 Phoanlx Teaney, cf Sorrey, ss Hollocher, 3b H. Westfall, c Ed Scott, lb F. Westfall, If Warren, rf Lyall, 2b Cross, p . AB. R.H. PO.A.E. 5 1 2 2 0 3 311110 3 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 11 2 0 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 3 2 3 4 4 4 Totals .31 5 6 27 7 3 tion. Reserved seats have been placed j N runa no hl't errors Bute at Eddie Doyle's cigar stand nnrl the demand for choice ringside srats is unusnally heavy. . o Australian Champion Loses to Frenchman TRepubllcan A. P. Leased Wire KTDN'ET, N. S. W Nov. 21. Jack Gren. featherweight champion of Australia, waa knocked out today In the fourth round of a bout, by Fuuene CHuue of France. Where It Happened Sixth Inning: Salazar, Deardorff and Sanchez struck out in order. Teaney hit back of first for a single, going to second when Salazar heaved the ball to the fence; Sorrey hit by the pitcher; Hollocher grounded a hot one to first, but Johnson held the ball; Westfall witb two and three beat out a bunt with first not covered, Teaney scores and Westfall steals second base while Magma enjoyed a short siesta; Scottyas sar on a fielder's choice and stole econd, Sorrey scoring on the Score by Innings Superior runs 000 000 300 3 Hits 1W 000 300 4 Phoenix runs 000 004 01 6 Hits 100 202 01 6 Summary: Left on bases, Phoenix 4, Superior 8; first on errors. Phoenix 2, Superior 2; sacrifice hits, H. Westfall; stolen bases, H. Westfall, Ed Scott; hit by pitcher, Sorrey and Scott by Sal azar, R. Johnson by Cross; base on balls, Salazar s; double play, Hollocher to Westfall to Hollocher; struck out, by Cross 12, Salazar 8; passed balls, Westfall 3; wild pitch, Salazar 2; time of game, 2 hours; attendance, 1200; um- iires. Price behind bat. Silvers on the bases. o School Boxing DETROIT Regular gymnasium classes in boxing will be held In De troit high school this winter. Gloves have been supplied by the state boxing commission. o Up She Goes! NEW YORK Word on the construc tion of the club house of the Interna tional Sporting club, on Lexington ave nue, between 4Sth and 49th streets, has been resumed. FOB BIG EVENT THANKSGIVING Coaches Robinson and riurand of the Coyote and Indian school football teams, respectively, will start their final drives today in preparation for the season's biggest game at Eastlake park Thanksgiving Day afternoon. Brilliant offensive play, in which in dividualism will be subordinated to team play in sparkling aerial and open j field attacks, will be the feature of the game, fans expect. Both teams have been holding their pet formations 1 and trick plays in reserve in anticipa tion of the big Turkey Day battle, and the lid will be pried off the entire repertoire of plays when the two teams take the field Thursday after noon. The annual Coyote-Indian gridiron battle is indeed a football classic, for the teams are going at top speed when they do battle. They have been care fully coached in preparation for this one game. All games earlier in the season are only practice games in preparation for the Turkey day strug gle, in the view of the respective players. Victory on Thanksgiving day, in the eyes of layers and coaches of the two teams, will make the season a great success, regardless of what has gone before. Dazzling attacks will be launched by both squads, coaches promise, and fans will be treated to a new and better kind of football if the players carry out their plans on the playing field. It will be a battle of wits and cunning more than brawn and muscle unless pre-game predictions go astray. Both squads are in fine physical trim for the seasons biggest game. Every regular player of the two teams will be in the lineup, unless some ac cident happens between now and game time. However, the coaches are care fully guarding against injury to any or their players on the eve of the sea son's most Important struggle and it is believed that the two teams will take the field with full strength rep resented. unaer arrangements recently com pleted between athletic directors of the two institutions, the Indian school has been alloted the entire south side of the field with the exception of the special reserved section. Reserved seat sale will start at the Doyle Cigar stand today, an announcement by Athletic Director Christenson of the high school said last night. The north side of the field is given to Coyote fans and supporters. Bands from both schools will be on hand to add "pep" to the afternoon. Plav will , be called at 3 o'clock sharp. o Pete's Ambition PHILADELPHIA Champion Pete Herman says he wants to eliminate Lynch, Burman and Sharkey Before re tiring. He'll probably be fighting for some time yet. 0 Quits Akron AKRON Johnny Griffiths has moved to Chicago where he can be near eye specialists. Johnny blames his re cent slowing up in the ring to bad eyes. rime. Change PHILADELPHIA Phil Glassman would be willing for Lew Tendler to meet Leonard in New York for a J50,- 000 purse. Thil and Lew once sold newspapers In Philly. But times have changed and so have purses. . - ' j ""i Kyr,v wvi-i - Y ' ' -A PPM )H JLit S5 Jf ? v v- IV'- - - v; , : -""V i .1 I 20 for 20c rand its good old tobacco taste put Spur there Spur Shows You Something! In these days especially there's always room at the top for a ciga rette that can give you the highest possible quality at the lowest pos sible price. , And that is just what Spur is doing right along. Domestic and Oriental Tobaccos blended by a new method that brings out to the full that good old tobacco taste. Satiny, imported paper crimped, not pasted, making an easier-drawing, slower-burning cigarette. Smart "brown-and-silver" package three-fold, that keeps Spurs fresh for you.' Get next right away. r i i...... -rTJi Ll.:., , . ....S5 5 - z-foy :.ri 0t