Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN RIGHT EARFUL He picked it so impartially, Including every section, That not a coach or college made Objection. LEFT EARFUL Ha was a wit and saintly soul, Fit candidate for heaven; He picked an All-American Eleven. - - i FRED 100IEIER ILL REICH GIT! IRIS AFTERNOOH Princeton Will Not Make Trip To California Republican A. P. Leased Wire PRINCETON. N. J.. Nov. 23 Deti nit announcement that the Princeton university football team would decline an invitation to piay against a waai in California on New Years day was made by the board of athletic control. !The board reached Its decision alter With Fred Mooremeler scheduled to receiving a recommendation from the arrive today, sport enthusiasts will Princeton football advisory committee T l.HD nn o era ( n f appfintanpa find ftlSO t. iuiiou njr ' pointing1 out a number of reasons wny the once over in his street togs, at any the team should not make the trip. ate, and then settle back to wait until Although no formal Invitation had a. . .v- rv.i . ,v been received, the football manage- . . ment was given to understand that nis oamroDe and places on exmouion A wnuM ha tended by the Uni- ror the approval of the fans, his varie- verslty ot California should Prince iated assortment of wrestlinsr holds, ton's acceptance be assured. According to reports, there Is little that . i.o-o taucu iu irciiu o-wuuw who ' . rt t.U haWn een whether or not he can teach any Uvea serious w1?'"1 sew hold. to 0n Pt swr. U was with regret that it was found a.....,- - j i.i- I imnracticable. , uftuw is uuiv uxiuresseu wilu iue rau i ' itatlon that Mooremeier has won in his wrestling career and Is earnestly pro ceeding with his training In a whole smarted manner. Pete doesn't Intend to be caught napping this time and It condition, counts for anything, Pete feels that he will be carrying away the Trnjr end of the purse after Friday night a affair comes to a conclusion. Pete's setback at the bands of the world'a champion, Clarence Ecklund, after a long string of victories here In Phoenix, taught Pete not to be too anguine of success and he Is prepar ing himself accordingly. ITEREST TDMORRDWWILLCENTER ANNUAL GRIDIRON GLASR FDR iLLEY FOOTBALL GH1P1SHIP Adding Another Story To Ford Plant In City Work will be commenced this morn ins: on the second story to the build- in belonain to Ed Rudolph, in which is located his salesrooms, garage and warehouse. The addition will be of the same character as the present one story ? The wrestling fans are all looking A" .and wil? ?Y!! ln ?le.?,J forward to the match on Frldav nlzht building to a great Mien . xer ... rhen Pete meets Mooremeire and he b tend?d to occupy we earae Iloor Lni i iDar as is now in use. cession from the snorts. After a Now that the Ford factory is on a big match with a champion a man usually ?roduci" P? ajn' i! ,PA! Inmroves or deteriorates. If h 1 . aweo J, ran ii - vw cA man h mniv. tv,-h i.,. tober. the chief distributors or tne com i. k ,i v. u, nanv are finding it necessary to equip tn tne "nam" class, he usually slides V i ' C. Jown the toboggan very rapidly. At carf f ft.the,demand for ?e "5.ftcJ ny rate. Pete's opening battle on his Rudolph will use the major portion of wtnrn to Phoenix will be watched with new addition to house his assemb y Interest by all devotees of the sport. facilities and his factory shipments will pausing no little comment and the ma- the various other units that go to make jority ot the fans are greatly pleased UP the completed car with the management's oolicv of mix- Mr. Rudolph hopes to have the sec 1 - t . . . II.. V.r l." 1 . 1 w.iiK niiu TTicoiiiiii;. i rie I it ' - o very few really good men to be o louna around here in the wrestling - t "1" "P game that could take part In a preliml- J aCKSOn UenieS tided to stage boxing bouts entirely PVll rnTIT fCIQinTV .and thereby have won the approval of ' VIH. VUll-L COOIUU j 11 fans. The boxers who will take part in the show on Friday nisht are all training fiara and are rounding into fine -shape The four-round semi-final between So much Interest is being mani fested in the annual Coyote-indian clash Thanksgiving Day that school authorities have deemed it necessary to take precautionary measures to safeguard players and fans alike from the wiles of the gambling element. No betting -vrtll be permitted on tne field Thursday afternoon, It was an nounced last evening. Arrangements have been completed whereby several special officers and plain clothes men will be on hand and anyone detected in the act of making a wager will im mediately be placed 'under arrest. These means have .been adopted to keep the sport clean, school authori ties announced. They are anxious and determined that the game be de cided on its merits alone, and while there has been no intimation that it could possibly be otherwise it Is felt that if largo wagers are prohibited there will be no occasion for dispute. Final arrangements for the game were completed last night, Athletic Director Christenson of the high school announced. Policing of the grounds will be under the direction of the high school reserves and all spec tators will be kept behind the wire lines on the north and south sides of te field, it was stated. Only a few of the 300 reserved seat tickets placed, on sale at the Doyle cigar stand Monday morning were un sold last night. There is a. decided shortage of reserved seat space and persons who do not hold the coveted pasteboards will be obliged to stand on the sidelines. Because the game was originally scheduled for the Indian school grounds, the high school athletic au thorities made a concession In favor of the Indian school when Coach Du rand consented to play the game at Eastlake park. That concession was in alloting the south side of the field to the Indians. It is to be reserved ex clusively for students of the Indian school and followers of the team. They will be given the bleacher seats on the south side of the field, while the Coyote fans will get the bleacher seats at the east end of the field. Well or ganized rooting sessions will keep the air alive with yells of the two schools, The two teams will be put through their final practice sessions this after noon in preparation for totttorrow's big game, which looms biger and more evenly contested with each sue ceeding day. Only light signal drill will be indulged In by the squads to day, it was announced last evening. Full 15-minute Quarters will bo played. It was positively announced last evening. Jerry Abbott, well known coast official, will referee the game with Thomas of Prescott as umpire and Clark of. Phoenix as head lines man. The game will start at 3 o'clock sharp. BETHANY TURNING POINT for lira Will Fight Case Republican A. P. Leased Wire GREENVILLE.1 S. C, Nov. 23 Joe HattHno- am on v r Jackson, indicted Chicago American oused widespread interest and the outfielder, in a statement issued here kore ought to flow freely when these today declared: I never have con- oy start fanning each other." The lo "lrow'" UJJl feti"'c " fcreliminary event, which will Introduce llfe and 1 never vrM- .. .. . . . Trnn AmnM ar ,xr.n.i -Dm , Jackson announced the had retained promises to Itimtsh the spectators with coun!"el l" " " Ktan t r no )m,nf ii 1 umcaJTO next January , un inn iimivi- for what is about to follow. ment growing out of the 1919 world's i T.nrii fr .i series baseball scandal. fangement at the American Legion arena ar (o-ft iMf amaf ..... r -- " " ... ' v.. v, j . i u p. icaiu i ca i ..... . promised that should going appeal to Chicago White sox ouuieiaer. maae a Between Deep Blue and , CHICAGO, Nov. 23 Joe Jackson, the sporting public. TemDlln and Keen )iav assured everybody that the arena will t heated to a temperature of 70 degrees. "clean cit, out and out confeasion to tl Cook county grand Jury that he threw games In the 1919 world series and that he received Jo.000 in casn Tha firf nnnt rn. nn .f , 1. 1 for throwing them," officials of the and .rvth?n ,. ..... state's attorney's office paid tonight up, a tnirm.i. hat t, whea informed he had denied con tertalnment is expected to oroceed with fessing to game throwing for which rlnck-lika nrari.inn thft I he now is under indictment. 4 ' I "Jackson's testimony was made un- Jm w . dear oath before the grand Jury," said VO IlterS eCtlOnal " Judge Cfharles A. MacDonald, who t - j ft'v had charge of the Jury. "If he denies VjrlCZ VJUTie I niS I Cur that testimony when he Is brought to 'Republican A. P. Leased Wlrel trial, he will be guilty of perjury." -pnt rnri oki 9ah r,-r. I Other officials confirmed previous i. ti. tk.,o- nn thm nor versions of Jackson's testimony, in iof officials of Scott high school for which he was alleged to have said he Js'ewton and Haverhill. Mass.. and games but received only $5,000 ' 1,V. Tiwii, Poa nYt r'al hava VkAn I b O 'called off. according to an announce- 9 N other SlX-DcLV Ra.Ce i"! It. VTZ " NEW YORK The 22nd Regiment The ca-nTellatlon, resulted from armony has thrown Its lid into the ring krtt' Af.ft.At tit the hands of East as a rival or tne Maaison square udr- r..V of Cleveland here last Satur- den in the six-day bicycle event Ylay. the first time Scott had been de feated in three years. race has been scheduled for November 121 to 27. THE INSIDER SAYSt Mack Gardner and the race officials motored over the Marathon course yesterday, afternoon and decided on the 4)ath to be taken bv the runners who will compete In tomorrow's ten mile Marathon for the diamond- studded medal offered s the athlete mikng the best time. The runners will leave" Mack Gard- Thirteen Drivers . Will Compete In . Los Angeles Race When the thirteen drivers entered In the championship race tomorrow swing Into their preliminary lap around the big wooden saucer at Beverly Hills they wSI be led by the master driver of them all, Barney Oldfield. Barney retired from the racing game some time ago to manufacture tires, but on special occasions like this and ths Fhoenlx track race he consents to :us sume his old role at least for one lap. From 1902, when Oldfield drove Ins first race with the old Ford 999, until up to a year ago he figured in prac tically every speed event held In the country. Few men have ever xeacaed such a place in the heart and nurd of f-hrni na, .nri hi nininn ot th. "ere diamond shop at 10 o'clock and c, m ha r.iv..i race down Central avenue to the Beth-, CV.-V - I . 1J ,l J l. t 1 ...... l ...... . . . . 1. ... ; i Tv. . , til Tho forf tliot tk, in Mi rlocn flr V. ' X nc luuucn win 4 (IW kllUV ilU V i , . . , . - holds no evil portent for Barney. He Bethany Home road and return over has driven in many races, he says, be- u'"e "?:V entra' ave; himi tha v.-hppl of . car bearing the "a i" """F "PfK!-6,1 t "ff.SSfTSn it r Center street. An official will be sta- still being able to masticate as niuny " . " 5 i. ,i t, I the athletes time at the halfway But seriously, Barney predicts that n-hft rnn , nv inn the coming race will undoubtedjy be mJle-t but the officiais decided'that it ono or tne iastest tne now ngni- woll(J h j.ttor tn mvr tha im motorea cars oi it tumc im-n pisiu.. tenth mile to the Bethony Home road displacement have yet competed In. intersection in order t0 permit the of- xos Angles iuuisc ia ui.e UJ. i .0 fiCiais onlookers parking spaco on iastest ana saiest courses in ma .ij. jni jl. nr hinnbin k. world," said the veteran pilot, "and the 6treet one.tenth mile down central mtie motors snouiu ub uuio Lwucvciuy avenue. The street . intersection will m t ! uiciy JDiiub win Be Shattered By Artists Tomorrow Thanksgiving Day holds great prom ise for scatter-gun artists of the Salt River valley with the Phoefiix Gun dug holding an open ehoot at the club trape on McDowell road. The annual holiday shoot Is the one big event of the gun club, with every member of teh club striving to beat former records. This year the shoot will be open- to all sportsmen regard less of whether or not they are mem bers of the Phoen.x Gun club. The club members are anxious to make the Phoenix traps the Mecca of all follow ers of the game, and no restrictions will be permitted to keep sportsmen from the meet. The largest gathering since the last state tournament Is expected tomor row afternoon when the shoot starts. The fun will start promptly at 3 p. m. and all participants are urged to be on time in order that the boys can compete in the events and return home in time for the big turkey feed. Sunday's shoot attracted an exceed ingly large number of shooters and several good scores were hung up. Everyone present reported a good time and promised" to be on hand for the Thanksgiving shoot. Many Interesting events are down on the program, with all outdoors in viting sportsmen to crack the clay birds as they are huruled " through space. Drive out the East McDowell road until the barrage greets the motor ex haust with an inviting echo and you can't miss the traps.- The sJjoot will start promptly at 3 p. m. ..- o Majors and Minors Plan New Agreement CHICAGO. Nov. 28 Plans for a new national agreement between the major and minor leagues will be perfected at a. joint meeting of their committees to be held in New York Dec 10, Presl dent Hickey ot the American associa tion was advised today. '0 Stoneham Again NEW YORK The stockholders of the National Exhibition Company, op erating the New York Giants, have again elected . Charles A. Stoneham president. WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA! Football is full of tricks that is strategy. . . A team that goes on repeating a set of plays that don't advance the ball is doing dull thinking. i . Headwork gave Wisconsin a victory over the previously unbeaten Illinois Huskers. . When the battle started Illinois was the favorite. The field, was soft ana slippery. The Badgers were hopelessly out-played in the first naii. Then along rolled the BIG IDEA. . ; The Wisconsin coach figured it out that speed was what his team lacked to give it punch. Between halves he had his men change taeir neavy mua- soaked shoes for lighter footgear. ' The men then showed a reversal of form and when the whistle blew Illinois had been humbled by a 14 to - 9 score. i An IDEA will do the business every time. . GOODYEAR 1 HOLD BIG FIELD ITT1 Oil lows: ' . i Horse Races 10 to 11 a. m.:. Two matched events and one relay. Foot Races 11 a. m. to 12 m.: 100 yard dash, 440-yard dash, 880-yard dash, half-milo relay, broad Jump, one mile run. Juvenile Events 12 m. to 12.40. p. 'nw Apron race (girls), banana -eating contest, potato race (girls), sack race (girls), relay race, tug-of -War, show race. Lunch and band concert 12:40 p. m. to 1:30 p. m. ; X Greased Pig Race 1:30 to 2 p. m.: Three entries from each of the four units. Tug-of-War 2 to 2:30 p. m.: Four teams elimination, and winners pull. Burro Events 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.: Bucking contest, matched race, and free-for-all. Baseball 3:30 to 5:30 p. ra.: Sacaton Indians vs. Goodyear Mexicans. Boxing 5:30 to 6 p. m.: Two 4-round bouts and one 6-round bout. Intermission for Supper 6 to 8 p. m. Dancing 8 p. m. to 2 a. m. . ' Theater and Arcade, ' ; .. .-V i o Tigers Win Soccer Game from Swartmore PRINCETON, N. J, Nov. 23 Prince ton defeated Swarthmore at soccer here today, 1 to 0. The Tigers are tied with the valley merchants will be given the Pennsylvania for the leadership of the winners. The complete program fol- I intercollegiate league. ; While Phoenix sport enthusiasts are enjoying the football game and think ing of the turkey feed on deck, the south side residents will journey out to Goodyear, where an elaborate pro gram of field sports will be carried out under the auspices of the Good year Athletic association with the old reliable Ben Reynolds as commander-in-chief. Ben is some sport, as evi denced by the manner In which he fathered baseball during the past sea son, pushing one of the fastest clubs in the valley. A complete program of sports, end ing with a big dance in the evening, will provide a diversified card of en tertainment that is bound to appeal to every true lover of sport. Hand some and valuable prizes donated by their fastest time day "The small engined motor has come to stay, and once the automobile man t i ! He walked apart, alone and solitary, The hast'nlng throngs, unheeding, passed him by; None seemed inclined to ask the fellow where he Acquired the sodden look, the saddened eye. At last a good Samaritan approached him, A man who bubbled o'er with fine ideals; "Apparently," he said, "you've lost your old vim, And I for one know truly how that feels. "Tou seem to be forsaken, lone and friendless. No passer-by appears to speak to you; Examples of man's cruelty are endless. Now tell why it is that you are blue. Perhaps you stole some dough from your employer. Perhaps you took tome sucker for his roll; Perhaps you are an unsuccessful lawyer. At any rate, you are a saddened soul. "But wait! Are you a baseball player Who sold his mess of pottage for a song? Are you a victim of the 'sure-thing layer, An addle-pated BALL STAR who's gone wrong?" 'Tt'e true I am alone," replied the sad one, ! Torsaken as a chol'ra etricken rat, But it is not because I am a bad one i Tm Just a poor deserted Democrat." :o: :o: Democrats aren't the only lonsly souls these days. Think of the. poor downtrodden heavyweight boxers. :o: :o: 5 The lighter weights are getting all the attention and making most of the money. :o: :o: Jack Dempsey is so hsrd put to it that for sheer lack of companionship he announces thst he will fight Willsrd again. :o: :o: That is a terrible thing to wish on the American public and it cannot be for the sake of the money there may be in it. i :o: :o: It must be sheer lonelines, a desire for human companionship, an inability to find men of approximately his girth and weight which drive Jack to this isxtrsme measure. :o: :o: ! Of course. Jack has signed to meet Georges, but the date of that is fairly indefinite, and. besides, there 's not much companionship for Jack in un en counter with Georges. They don't speak the same language in more senses 'than one. :o: :o: Jack doesn't know as much about French as a house est does about arithmetic. Neither can he discuss sir'aining, trench-digging and forced marching intelligently with Georges. " On J-nanKSglVing nrov mora fiorrntnhl tn tha ninnar. who can familiarize themselves with the course at any time without leav ins- itnv rl mi ht a a r. tda v f f t ...... w. r. uiacturers or tne country nave caugui point, up witn tne aemana ior motor No entries will be accepted after 5 and have. time to turn their thoughts o'clock this evening and all runners to me race iruviv. iu is sut. u iu... ar6 requested to report at Gardner's mat even smaner muiuis win Viv enoD at 8:30 a. m. tomorrow to recflvo duced." I final instructions. Thfl ninnpra -will 'The change in the size of the mo tors is a very expensive operation and wlu be checked m ftt the finjsn to the requires a great deal of careful ex- exact second. The first man crossing perimentation, and when the Indian- tne nne will receive the diamond- apolis race is .staged next Memorial Btudded medal and the runner-up will ciay me arivers win m an re given a diamond stickpin and sun De piloting cars ui mc pic3ciu otetson hat. piston Displacement, out me u Mack Gardner is hopeful that uon meory oi me siimu wuiul o cnampion long" distance runner will moved correct. Greater economy, develon from his annual Mai-nttm., i greater endurance arid greater speed order that he can enter an athlete in nave Deen enown possioie auu uu - tne amateur athletic meetine. Thorp L tt.n.. tmniAi-omAnf a n ra nnn n t tn come. I la v.r. . r, 1 . . - . . ,. . r ""i iuii.v.i.".....o - - . .. i irioun iiy Arizona Eliouiu not It is interesting to note that totn be represented at the meetinsr. and it Barney uiaiieia ana t-uuie im-wu- tomorrow s winner shows class Mr backer, who will officiate in the ca- Gardner will make application for en- nar. tv of reteree on xnanKsgiving uay, trv In tha nnttnnal are both old rivals ior nonors in spet-u events and both have retired from ac tive uarticipation in the sport. Bar ney, however, asserts that if there ever comes a revival ot the cross-country races, such as the Phoenix desert grinu. ii will once more be seen in his fa miliar place behind the wheel. When ir-.tnr-iriaworl he had lust conciuaea a Quail Shooting Now at Its Best; Duck Shooting Fair One of our customers got the limit on quail in 35 minutes last week, using SELBY SHELLS. When DUCK SHOOTING is BIG, we will tell you. Quail shooting is better now than for many years Selby Shells are loaded on the Pacific Coast, in the oldest loading factory in the United States. They are loaded in the NEW BLACK SHELL, .thoroughly waterproof, with improved primer and large flash passage, making the fastest shell on the market. Cut down your lead with the BLACK SHELL. NO PROFITEERING IN THIS STORE NOT AFRAID TO PRINT OUR PRICES. If you are not using our shells, compare these prices with what you are paying. Fresh loads: Coast Team Will . Play Nebraska U" On Lincoln Field Republican A. P. Leased Wire TjVmT.V Voh -N-.. no r.. ... ii".!0 Ks.A.?e,eT Player,. m Pullm nis mount iwiu.s J-dncom this evening for the Thanks- and cactus, bound for f hoenlx and giving game with Nebraska. The col- that it waa on such trips that his hand ,ffians madfl pausing WPtran to itch for the tape-bound wheel af t,.,,..., K.f ;f' ir""' of a racing monster. signal practice. Thev had a fr mn. As a manufacturer of tires, as wen menta of drin vhMir, ttA as a past master ot the art of space thelr arrIval The Nebrask, eleven annihilation, Barney predicts mat m have the advantage in weignt b,. the coming race a numucr ui Ui a pronounced marein. Both to will, whirl into the final lap witnout will have a workout tomorrow, but naving nau io iuuwD " o:;: lnere win do no scrimmage play, tires. From now on autdmobile races fe 1 will be run as non-stop contests, ln- stead of being punctuated by several YegTO College Lost Htops ior tires iinu. xuo, us v.... rrW tr The fuel tanks have Deen increaseu auu KJJie jOme 1 IIS I COT tires are aireaay - up '""; Republican A. P. Leased Wire! dreamed or ior r uy ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 23-The end of nfSA tnrTnksaivinday the 1920 football season - finds one ?1 dM r ht Jnprk?f hethan "outhern college with a record of only ioij ii . . - . . nn rtpfsnt In (nunt. or.rr,a fidvpr who lavs DacK tor . " -""j' '"",,s - - Morenousft mnoir. o nor lntl u ll i. l iiiuk. a game ten years ago, but ears prior to that time and the race spectacular through battling fince then the world "defeat" has not all the way until overtaken by accident i i vT SCn01 n'y as " or wiuTtlre trouble. . aPP,Ied to Morehouse opponents. U European Champ Will Meet Billiard Wizard .$ .95 box . 1.15 box . 1.20 box . 1.20 box 1.25 bo& 1.10 box Bought Sold Rented Repaired Exchanged 12 gauge black powder ...... 12 gauge smokeless 3x1 ........ 12 gauge smokeless 3x1 chilled . . 12 gauge smokeless SVxlVs 12 gauge smokeless 3xlVs chilled 16 gauge smokeless 16 gauge smokeless chilled 1.15 box 16 gauge smokeless chilled, spe cial heavy loads 1.20 box 20 gauge smokeless . . . . 1.10 box 20 gauge smokeless chilled 1.15 box 28 gauge smokeless' . ....... '. . . . 1.20 box 410 gauge smokeless .80 box 10 gauge smokeless 1.40 box DECOY DUCKS Duck calls, wading pants, hip boots, hunting coats, duck car riers, breeches, leggings, and - everything else the hunter neds. Look over our OUN CASES; bargains from canvas cases at $1, to heavy real leather take down cases at $15. the greater part of the race, winning at the finish through the misfortune of 5 """V ve one or more of the others, who make This la the official list of entries with car numbers and driver s name: Car -n far Driver 9 Duesenberg O'Donnell 12 Uueaenbersr Murphy in "ni!sfnherir Sarles 11 Duesenberg .. 4 Thiele Special 1 Chevrolet Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK. Nov. 23 Edouard Miller Horemans, European billiard champion. Thiele I has declined to accept the challenge Milton to meet Willie Hoppe, world's chara- e Frontenac Chevrolet pion, in a match before the end of this 3 Frontenac Thamas year, it was announced today. In a 14 Revere Hearne formal reply to the challenge issued Ballot De Palma last week by R. I. Ingiman, Iloppe's 5 Miller Special Walflo hte in manager, Horemans expressed a desire 8 Melcher Special Al Melcher I to meet the champion next February or Fatter son Soecial Jim Crosby I March. , 1ST ii. '.-i (rys. v ? MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED Pinney & Robinson "Sporting Goods Exclusively" 1 37 N. Central Ave. Established 1 887 HUNTING LICENSES ISSUED