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o THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 (Section Two)' PAGE FTVE - AMUSEMENTS William Farnum at Ramont ITeia over by popular demand, Wll Ham Farnum -will ajraln today hold the eerc-en at the Ramona offering Joyous Troublemaker." In comedy romance of the olden west. Farnum aiream as William Steele a millionaire aportjunan -ho seeks the Itold fields In search of a good trout tream. Havlnir located the stream, he ' buya the land from the government nd the title established, he hies him reif forth for a tour abroad. When he returns In after years h flnda hia property "usurped' by a very pretty Ktrl who announces she Is Its owner. It 1oes not take Ftfel lonjr to convince her of her error, but it takes him suite a. while to convince! one Joe Emhrey that the Rlrl has chang-ed her mind about marryinsr Embrr-y, sine Steele has come on tle scene. Troublemak lnc is the ch!f employment of several when Steele makes this announcemeiit and he smilingly rolls up his sleeves to Jump Into the fray. The Sanchez Musical revue -will aaraln delight In an entirely new pro tram, which the Kamona announces' w ill as usual he offered In connection Ith the picture, the entire hill bein featured by no advance In prices. Mati nees daily is the P.amona'a policy. $50 suit of clothes donated by John Ilyfler. John Ilyder never does anything half way, and this time his stepping out will result in some fellow sporting a brand new suit of clothes worth BO mantra In rnM min of the realm and th ntr won't cost him a slick dime. t . i V ffn i "The There are no conaiuona c. , nn fo n who atcenas iuvcimuo oun in ellalble. for the prize will he among those distributed In tha tiQllnnn nhnwfr. No advance in prices will mark the nnd doubtless Riverside will mark up another record for achieve mrnt this evening. fering will be "Why Grow Old." It Willi serve to introduce the new prima don l na. Miss Marie Rich, who is coming from New Tork city especially to loin the Brandon company. FEEDS 30,000 ORPHANS Suit of Clothes at RTverstde OH man High Cost of I,lvlng will receive a body blow st Riverside Run- day evening, for the announcement cornea from the most popular amuse ment center in Arizona that the grand, prize In the balloon phower which wil be featured on that evening will be a Today at Elks "Cupid s Prescription" Is the offering of the Brandon Stock company at the Elks theater for the special mia-weea matinee this afternoon at 8:80 o'clock. Every woman In attendance this after noon will be presented with a beautiful souvenir and Immediately after the performance a reception will bo held on the stage of the theater In order that the patrons may meet Mr. Banta the new leading man, and all the other! fayorites of the Brandon company. This is the first souvenir matinee of the season and promises to be a big suc cess. "Cupid'e Prescription" fairly scln tilates with bright spots and has proven to be tha most successful of the entlf season up to date. The melody nunt hers are particularly good. The Amer Iran Beautv chorus Interpolates two hir series of song numbers and a spe cial treat to the eye Is the exquisite wardrobe worn by the dancing damsels. The same bill will continue for the balance of the week with an extra holi dnv matinee on Thursday and the reg ular matinea on Saturday. Starting with the Sunday matinee the new of "Branding Iron" at Strand Today marks the closing screenings of "The Banding Iron," Goldwyn's super feature which has been crowd ing the Strand to Its extreme capacity during its engagement. The picture is one of the most sen sationally dramatic productions so far this season, and the theme offers an amaelng plot, admirably enacted by th all-star cast which interprets the story. It is a broad discussion, boldly stated. and Its appeal is stirring and insistent. Barbara Castleton playing the role of j Joan Carver has created a hew phase j of acreen characterisation, while James! Kirkwood never had a better role than that of Pierre Landis in this picture.: The balance of the company includes such talent as Sidney Ainsworth, Al bert Roscoe, Russel Simpson and Rich ard Tucker. The, added attractions are a comedy and the Pathe Iews. Tomorrow starts the engagement of 'The. Restless Sex," the Paramount presentation of Robert W. Chambers' latest novel. (1 Why Pay for Y6ur Turkey Dinner When You've Got a Chance to Win It Tonight Is the answer. The spot dance winners will be awarded the finest 'Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner you ever enjoyed at the COMMERCIAL CAFE And if you don't win that dance you've still got a chance at a turkey, a duck, a chicken 'cause there'll' be spot dances for them all. BE THERE SURE Bryant Washburn at I'lp Bryant Washburn plays a two days'' engagement at the Hip starting today, offering his latest Paramount comedy. "The Sins of Saint Anthony." Here's a comedy that will make the worst case of grouch hunt a side street, and It reveals in terms of a mirth provoking, rollicking farce the troubles of one Anthony Osgood, a scientist whose habits are so plebeian that his fiance has continually postponed the date for their wedding. Finally said fiance gets Into . correspondence with an overseas hero through the Red Cross and Anthony is politely told that he lacks "pep." Amazed at the turn of affairs, he forthwith starts on a career to amass a goodly portion of said "pep," and telia his troubles to a musical com edy star. The star proceeds to make him over, having him discard his old fashioned clothes, get a hair cut. throw away his horn rimmed glasses, and otherwise assume an air of non chalance that precedes "pep." This all causes consternation In thev camp of friend fiance and she wakes up to the realization that Anthony is a regular fellow after all. But the musical com edy star awakens to the same fact, and poor old "Saint" Anthony fs called upon to make the choice for a life contract. Here's where the fun runs riot, and Bryant Washburn scores one of the bigget hits of his career. .A Christie comedy is added for good measure. Blue Bird Tomorrow Is turkey day, and how well the Blue Bird knows it. The turkey dinner dance at the temple of happiness tonight is going to be not only a gala affair, but somebody is go ing to eat a swell Thanksgiving din ner at the Commercial cafe as .the guests of the Blue Bird. Somebody else is going to Win a real turkey, and still somebody else Is going to win duck, and someone is going to win chicken. Here's the big Idea. The epot dances at the Blue Bird tonight will carry prizes as mentioned In the foregoing The dinner at the Commercial cafe will be as fine an affair as that popular palace of eata knows how to put out. Av' . ' r. -V A - ' ' I ; " '' t"1' u t x ' 1 ' " ' ? y, 'V' Y ' 'r ',rf 3 V v ; 'Jo ,f , iif, l - , -! ; . J l f - v ' - ' - -r 1 ii V s ' v ' 'V , vv --s v J o,Mo v J - - v J . - - ." V -S-...... :.v.-s--.... -. g - DRAKE, By George B. Waters, N. E. A. Staff Correspondent NEW TORK Worrying over the high cost of living? Think of Xala Rtt Drake, who has 30,000 mouths to feed. During the war Lula Drake was in Italy and a famous Italian doctor toon her to an orphanage and showed her thousands of babies. "All these babies trill have to die," the doctor said to her, "Tot there Wirt milk to feed them." "They shall not die," she replied. She took it upon herself to see that 30,000 Italian war orphans were fed. She organized the American Free Milk & Relief for ItaljC. The money la raised by monthly entertainments and by subscription. Her headquarters are In the Hotel Vanderbilt. riols ways from time or remote an- ! tiauitv. For centuries games of ball have been known and played in Japan. Ethiopian and East Indian traditions refer to games with balls played many centuries ago. o SILK STOCKINGED SCHOOL DAYS The aDoearance of Bilk nose ana automobiles among high school stud ents was condemned while the social hour and dancing in the schools was commended at a meeting of the moth ers' congress and parent-teacher asso ciation In Denver recently. Arccir&ine to the parents, the nura- hr of vounaf srirls in the high schools wearing Silk stockings is increasing anu a discussion lasting more than an hour ensued as to who was to blame for the situation. It was finally decided that the fault was with the parents, and mothers were urged to take a nrm stand in depriving their daughters of these srossamer luxuries. Educating the parents to tne dangers of permitting their children to drive to and from school in automonues win do the means of combating this problem, according to plans discussed. After school joyrides in which careless driv ing plays a conspicuous part will be come a think of the past if this edu cational plan materializes, according to Mrs. John C. Oakes, president or the organization. o TIE COWBELL ON A HUNTER Horace Jackson, board of trade brok er who four- years ago was lost in the Northern Minnesota woods and came near freezing to death and being eaten by wolves, has started for another hunt in the same regions. His friends on the board, fearing for his safety in the woods, tied a good sized cowbell on him before he lett. The presentation waa made in the oats pit by Harry B. Shaw, who said :"We do not want you to get lost this time, and with this bell tied on there is no danger. Ring it and scare the wolyes away." Chicago Tribune. o CHINA IMPORTS U. 3. HORSES Teklng ILester Barton of the Shansl provincial livestock farm recently went to Cningwangtao, where he took over from the United States transport Dix 275 American horses purchased thi summer In Idaho, Nevada and Montana for Governor Yen of Shansl. . The cargo consisted entirely of range mares and stallions. They were the pick of the best herds of Idaho, Nevada and Montana, Upon reaching ' alyuan- fu, the capital of Shansl, eomj of the horses will be placed in corrals, while others will be allowed to run wild over ranges extending westward from Tal yuanfu for 80 miles. While this is not the first attempt by a Chinese official to Improve the bread of horses In this country by importing foreign range mares and stallions such an attempt was made by the Manchu authorities just before the outbreak of the revolution of 1911-12 the importa tion of the 275 horses constitutes the first thoroughgoing effort to solve oti a large scale the oor horses problem in China. Governor Ten of Shans.. throughout his term of office, has mads consistent endeavors to better cattle raising and farming conditions In his province. Japan Advertiser. , INVESTING FOR THE WIFE A Wall street man some two or three years ego advised his wife to put her pin money savings into a hundred Bhares of stock of a company that waa then paying $7 a year dividends, and selling around $98 a Bhare. She did. Now that stock is selling arouna a. share and the dividend, needless to say, is missing. But every three months the lady gets $175 from her husband ana still believes that her investment Is absolutely all right. And friend hue band is hoping that she will never take it into her head to look over the mark- . et column of the paper. A different care was that or tne neaa of a large company the stock of which once sold close to $200 a share and now sells at about one-tenth that amount. He had an unpleasant shock recently when his better halt Informed him cas ually that she had bought 200 shares at around $90 without his Knowieage. From the Wall Street Journal. o NOT QUITE LOST The little chap howled sorrowfully quite a crowd had coiiectea. What is the matter, nine ieuow . one asked kindly. "I'm lost." was the reply, "won i ail of you take me home to Moses Ein stein's, the well-known cot rate mer chant, on Broad-st., wno nas jusx re ceived a new lot of finest overeoate, suits and gents' furnishings, which he Is selling actually at less than cost?" Pittsburg Dispatch. o " Iowa Governor Says Every Child Should Finish High School Republican A. P. Leased Wlr ROCHESTER, N. Y, Nov. 23 N state should allow its boys and girla to start life with anything less than a high 1 school education," Governor William L. Harding of Iowa, declared In an address tonight before the con vention of New York teachers" association. No conditions of any kind attached to the offer', it will be simply a spot dance, the winning couple to go to the Commerslal cafe and enjoy that fine dinner without it costing them a dime. And if you don't win the cooked din ner, you'll have lots of chances to win the material to make yourself equally Commencing Today f r . s. o CO CM u a to 8s Family Theater Brandon Bros., Mgra. 717 Phone 717 Tonite i INTRODUCING MR. GEORGE BANTA NEW LEADING MAN WITH The Brandon Stock Co. CupidWeription" With ED. REDMOND EDDIE YOUNG JAY ALLARD JAMES HUGHES WAYNE CAMPBELL . ROBERTA DEANE IDA MAE GOLZE IRENE NOBLETT AND The American Beauty Chorus w 5 a o - ll CO o c?3 cnS1 00 cn o o a as fine a spread, f of some of the dances will carry turkeys, some ducks, some chickens, ana what a fine time there'll be for everyone. This happens tonight and tomorrow night there'll be th biggest balloon dance yet. Friday night will be given over to the barn dance, valuable prizes being awarded the best rural costumed couple. Now Playing "AN ADVENTURESS" and BRAY'S Jimmy Aubrey "HislnahDay" Aa'ded Features Today CARTOON PATHE LITERARY DIGEST TOPICS REVIEW Matlnae Dally at 1, 3 and B P. M. A. NICHOLSEN Baritone Eveninfl Perform a ncaa at 7 and 9 P. M. Selected musical numbers by the Calumbla Theater Oreheetra are a feature ef every evening program and Sunday Matlnae FRED BARLOW, Director TURKEY NIGHT THURSDAY EVENING AT THE JOY SPOT Toft's Country Club Turkey Trots, Walks, Wabbles, Spins All the Old Turkey Stuff Will Come Back THEY'LL ALE TALK TURKEY AT TOFT'S American ' ' Everyone la looking forward . to the announcement of the coming of the Original Six to the American. The def inite date that the original wonder dis pensers of dance music has not been set. but it is expected that all arrange ments for their occupancy of the mu sicians' rostrum at the American will be made this week. Dancing every night but Sunday will continue at the American, according to Manager Street, and Toft's Country club will fling wide its doors for the big crowd of week end revelers on Saturday and Sunday nights. The American music will be on the bill at Toft's Saturday and Sunday nights. Turkey night, the big feature night of the week, win be staged at Tort e Thursday night and everyone who ia malting Thanksgiving day a day of Joy will be at Toft's when the first whistle blows for action. They're going to bring back the old turkey trot and tur- key wobble Thursday night and every one will step out to the old familiar "Turkey in the Straw" and do the tur key tango. This turkey dance stuff will make the "shimmy" look like lf Standing still. I", ll'l I'll. . 111 i YOU don't use as much of Calumet as you do of most other Baking Powders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength.You save about half. You don't pay a lag price for Calumet. Ifs sold at a moderate price that rep resents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail because Calumet oerer falls below the proven standard of "Best by Test" wwm:i,ai--W...I!giiUP.-J:"8U11 -1 7?i t 1 i'. " i"- 1 -ill I ' v f ' t S i . Hi l ill l- fr !t'v5f . ' It Nil I , H" it I Ii I' l"l I Ml ' l 1 ' t l i ' H.'. . r.n,H ' l," 'ti V it'll l-C' ' - mi 'II , ll 1 ii,i i r i 5 i FECIAL TODAY AT 2:30 P. M. SOUVENIR AND RECEPTION MATINEE 2:30 Each lady will be presented with a Valuable Souvenir You are invited to meet the membera of the Brandon Co. on the atage after the performance. Special Matinee Thanksgiving Day if) if) u r-i -" If) Z o o o o CM Julian Eltinge at Columbia A gowny. girly, figureful diversion entitled "An Adventuress" will brine Julian Eltinge, famed female imperso nator, to the screen of Mauk's Colum bia theater for a two daya showing beginning today. As this feature rep resents the first acting performed by Julian Eltinge In a long time it la awaited with no little Interest and Im patience by the many who have en joyed his work on the etage and the movies. Others in the cast are auch capable and favorite players as Fred Kovert, William Clifford, Leo "White, Virginia Rappe, R. de Valentina, Stanton Beckf and Charles Millsfield. The story is by Charles Taylor and Tom J. Ger aghty. Alpanla is the scene Of the play. For those who must know where Alpania is let them vtake the road to yesterday and alight on the shores of the Balsa tian sea. Three youn men with more daring than caution take It upon them selves to save the republic of Alpania from conpsirators. The three have more fun in the form of adventures than they bargained for. Julian El tinge plays the dual role of Fedora and Jack Perry. o Cobb Scouts SAN FRANCISCO Ty Cobb Is doing something else besides showing the coasters his assortment of slides and speeds. He's looking over recuits for Detroit. It possesses the highest qual ity ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been offi cially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for "months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength es the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World'a Largest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants. - Ponnd can of Calumet contains full loo. Some baking powderscome in 12 ox. instead of 1 6 oz carta. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. ;i'lM'.:i;i'i:,i-issMsBii;r,: I ' - s;mr i 1 1? IT: f . " ' i , - ; mil aty 11 1 1111 '.' 1 i-;t.-r- Calomat 3-i CoWCak'.V.S"-; Redp ' ! - f Yoaof.8essai, 'v: 1 H cups of gran-, T ; dated sogax; . - cup of water, Vj cup of buttex.f 2V cap pactzy' flour, 3 lend tea-4 spoon Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon of' vanilla. Then' mixtntberega lar way. f RSCKARD5 & NACE ENTERPRISES POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY "THE BRANDING IRON" Coldwyn'a Sensational Dramatic Triumpr Don't m Phoenix is the picture all talking about. Tomorrow "The Restless Sex" TOE HIP Bring in the worst caaa of grouch you can dig up and watch it beat it. Bryant Washburn "THE 8INS OF SAINT ANTHONY" Six Reels of Unending Laughter Held over by popular demand Last Day Today William Farnum In Christie Comedy "THE JOYOUS TROUBLEMAKERS" And of course the Sanchez BIG MUSICAL REVUE MATINEES DAILY They're Coming Back The Original Six That made Phoenix talk all last season about the music at THE AMERICAN Admission Dancing . . 10c w. 10c JUST LOOK The Balloon Shower at RIVERSIDE SUNDAY NIGHT Meana that a $50.00 Suit of Clothes donated by John Hyder will be given away. Why not be there? Crowns of Gold and Porcelain When cavities in the teeth are too large to permit their being satisfactorily filled, we recommend the fitting of a crown. The crowns we make, in our own modern laboratory, are of gold or porcelain, according to your preference. In each instance, we use only the finest materials available. Our por celain crowns are made to match the natural shade "of your teeth with such perfection that no one can detect the substitution of an artificial tooth in your mouth. The ex pert dental skill that we employ, for this as well as every nature of work done in these offices, ensures your absolute satisfaction. Estimates as well as examinations will be cheerfully given Free. EXPERT X-RAY diagnosis and treatment 36 East Washington St. Phone 3089 BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LEt'S MONEY EXAMINATION FREE t 5 i i