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'(Section TVoJ THE ARIZONA RFPUBLTCAN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER Z?, PAGE SIX HE S BETTER IfflTHflfJ I HAD THOUGHT" CY HARRY B. HUNT N. E. A. Staff Correspondent. rOINT ISABEL Tex. Colonel E11I Sterrett,'flsh and game warden of Tex ts, a life-long Democrat, came to Point Isabel Just to see how President-elect Harding; -would stand the tarpon test. It will take a few more daye to tell the tale, Colonel BUT taya, but he ad nita that Harding looks better man ,:han he thought he waa. ' Tarnon fishinr. Sterrett explains, furnishes the best test in the world for three qualities desirable In a president to-be: It tests his resolution, his strength in rolng: forward day by day upon a program previously mapped out and .ieided uDon. It tests his determina tion, distinguished from resolution, by th ability to hold tenaciously to one thlnr until It In completed, despite all distractions and complicating circum stances. And It tests a man's rome-back. his abilltv. to look upon herd work as play and to be ready for another struggle as .soon as one I over with. Shows Determination "I didn't think he'd rftund up to It," rntanai ttill said at the end of Hard lnr'a aeond day of tarpon trolling. "I expected that after the 45-minute tussle with the blc one he hooked the first Aar out. he'd call It enough for that day and play golf or something. But he didn't. . . "He showed his determination by sticking It out all that day ana going back the next day for more. And be lieve me, any man who can go right out again after playing a aix-foot tar pon for nearly an hour haa got come back In him." ' Aa to resolution, however. Colonel Bill Isn't so sure. He was to have ftsfced a half day and then gone golfing. Also there was to be hunting, attendance at a barbe cue and a variety of similar diversions. All Passed Up He cancelled his golf engagements for two consecutive days. He passed up the barbecue. He left the bird dogs that had been brought to the point, by airplane to tug in vain at their chains and he declined without hesitation to go deer hunting, where at least two bucks were guaranteed to him. The fishing fever had bit him and he couldn't shake it off. Some psycho-analyist may be able to explain which characteristic is more de niable In a president. Colonel BUI doesn't pretend to settle that, but he does say that tarpon fishing Is a mighty good test of a lot of human Qualities, and that under the gauge of his exper ienced eye the president-elect measures up to be a "much better man than I thought he was." . o ' The Fighting Instinct BY DR. JAMES I. VANCE My youngest eon and his pater rpent the day in a rough stream that leaps down the steep aides of the Grand father Mountain. We came home With , 80 speckled beauties In our creel. Th- brook trout Is an aristocrat, iie DON'T HOARD BY DR. JAMES I. VANCE Have a savings bank account. If possible, but don't hoard. Dont starve your aoul to feed your locker. Don't diminish yourself or your happiness or your usefulness Just to Increase your bank account. The life Is more than meat and the body than raiment. Money In Itself Is worthless. Its only value is in what it can do. There is nothing more foolish than trying to see how much filthy lucre you can pile up. Hoarding la a process that reacts disastrously on character. Under its baneful influences the Juices of geenrosity dry up and one's personality con tracts. The soul withers, and a man's nature becomes small and sordid and hard and mean. Therefore, don't hoard. what T am eavinr about money applies to everything. Don-t hoard any- thing. Dont hoard your social and mental traits, n you oo, uiey wm too. Don't hoard your religion. What a blunder to try to be a miser with tne one thing that was meant to make us big-hearted and generous! The very genius of religion is to forget self In the eirori to promote we hanninesfl and welfare of others. But vou have seen people who acted as though they were arram mere might not be enough of God to go around, as though residential accommoda tions In heaven are limited. This Is the worst kind of hoarding to get a spirit ual blessing and try to keep It to yourself. If you hoard It. It will spoil. This was the lesson of the manna rained down In the desert from heaven to feed Israel on the Journey to the Land of Promise. Every morning there was a fresh supply for the day's need. But some long-sighted investors decided to corner the market. They proposed to stock up against a day when the heav enly rain might cease and there would be a manna shortage In the camp. When they examined what they had stored up, they found that the manna "had bred worms and stank." It was heaven's way of saying to foolish, self ish, sordid human nature: "Don't hoard." Don't be a hoarder and don't be a spender. Be a user. Be a server. HEALTH, ADVICE Throat Cultures In order to Drevent the spread of diphtheria to others it Is important al ways to recognize the presence of the disease, .even in mild casea In order to do this, the doctor makes a culture from the throat and nose of the sua pected individual. He takes a piece of sterile cotton wrapped around the end of a thin stock or wire and touches this to the throat and tonsils, especially where there are patches or membranes. Then he sends this swab to a labora tory, where cultures are planted from it. The next day these cultures are examined with a microscope to see if diphtheria bacilli, the germs which cause diphtheria, are present. Since the diphtheria germs or bacilli grow on the lining of the throat and air passages, they are easily thrown out from the mouth and nose of the pa tient with particles of mucus or Bpit wrheoi fhte pattent coughs, spits or sneezes. But even when the patient talks, es pecially when he talks loudly, tiny droplets of mucus or spit are given off. These droplets may have diphtheria bacilli on them. The same is true of particles of food, no matter how small, falling from the patients lips. Eating utensils, such as cups, glasses, forks and spoons, that have touched the lips of the patient, may likewise have saliva on them. When the patient has diphtheria, all these droplets bf saliva and of mucus may, and usually do, contain many diphtheria bacilli. Bronchiectasis Q. Have you any pamphlet which would give me Information regarding the diseases called "bronciectasis," or can you tell me where I could secure such information? . A. The condition known as "bron chiectasis" Is associated with a number of different pulmonary diseases. The term is applied to sac-like dilatations of the bronchi, due either to a weakness of the bronchial wall or to an Increase of pressure within the bronchus, or to a combination of bath factors. Coughing is one of the common sym toms and usually comes on in pa roxysms, which are often very violent. The attacks are attended by expextora tion, usually in the form of a gush of sputum so great as to fill the patient's mouth. . o A large relief map of the world, showing all known physical conditions of the globe, is being prepared by the U. S. Shipping Board. o The ten invaded departments of France have produced this year 500, 000 tons of wheat and one-fourth the country's oat crop. o Notification of an Increase In rent is not legal If sent by mall in Chi cago. difficulty Is not a discouragement, but a challenge. He Is scheduled to be heard from, for the streams of bless ing that run down from God's high mountains of privilege are for "him that overcometh." o SKYSCRAPER FLATS FOR MADRID MADRID-r-A gigantic effort to set tle the housing problem of the Spanish capital by the inrush of thousands of country folk to the city Is in progress in the northern section adjacent to the suburb of Cuatro Caminos. A private concern has acquired an enormous tract of land and has been building what for Madrid are skyscrapers of ten stories. Each of these buildings is to contain 400 flats and 40 stores. The new model suburb is to be in all respects modern." Engineers are now engaged in laying out a boulevard running through the center over half a mile long and 130 feet in Width, with two carriage ways and a central promenade lined with trees. SMITH BROTHERS O" TO) 0 o ijo p "v :,' PAT TfU HDADC Put one in jour mouth at bedtime Paroled Leavenworth Convict Is Killed At St. Louis Road House Republican A. P. Leased Wire f SV. LOUIS, Nov. 23 The man shot to death early today at a road house In St. Louis county, was identified to night as Ben Milner, 30, ex-convict, who was paroled from the federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth by President Wilson last September. Mil ner was killed in a revolver flghtln which two others were wounded. Milner's death brought the number of crime fatalities in St. Louis and vi cinity to seven since Saturday night. Hundreds of suspects have been arrested. Exceptional Bargains in Rebuilt Typewriters ROYALS REMINGTONS UNDERWCTODS L. C. SMITH AND OLIVERS Each Machine Is Fully Guaranteed THE TYPEWRITER : INSPECTION CO. Telephone 1498 ! 40 S. Fourth Ave. Is i irlAl thoroughbred. To seek kind of stream he loves Is to for other kinds of fishing. !e fish Is all action. He is peed. There is not a stale . the stream when he Is In a '.-our fiv. And when he Is not . -. mood, he will pester your v h his disdain. I have drawn rlcht across his lips as I m on him in a limnld pool. 1 not stirred. But when he fly. he will all but tear him 1 out of your hand. 7 of this little fish, however, i aeauty nor his speed, but his r i tstlnct. He fairly adores a Nothing can stop him. He i right up the roaring, racing He can negotiate a 80-foot . certain knowledge. He will ,i a Dlacid stream. His home . the rocks and the swift water C "PP poofs and the leaping cas- - 'i fighting Instinct that ! a a thoroughbred, i writing about him because the i ' 1 - holds for people. - - sver a fighter, so one fight ' ! the spirit of the only arls- tat is worth having. io suul that sighs for an easy time l.-a scrub. Give me a lad to whom a PHO ENIX TOMOTIVE DIRECTO RY les UBURN-CHALMERS Roads B ulleti Garages--Service m MAXWELL MORELAND TRUCKS R. D. ROPERMOTOR CO. - 402-14 North Central Ave. lUICK CADILLAC BABBITT BROS. 131 and 813 North Central Ave. MACK TRUCKS Phene 148t Phoenix to Coast, both by way of Parker and by Ehrenburg In fair shape. Rough In"spots. Black Canyon road In poor shape for most part. Ajo road through Laveen and Gila Bend In fair shape. Koad to Superior good. Phoenix to Prescott, by way of Wlckenburg In good shape. i V River crossing at Sacaton dry. Autoists should turn south for about one-half mile east of Farmer's station. UTO SERVICE AT THE MOTOR EQUIPMENT CO, REPAIRING STORAGE CORNER FIFTH AVE, AND WASHINGTON - Roads in Apache county in better shape, roads and mountain roads still unsafe. Snow is gone, but side i HANDLER HUDSON ESSEX G. M. C. TRUCKS TRAILMOBILB CAL MESSNER Center Fourth Avenue and Adams East of Flagstaff in Coconino county, the roads are open but west there Is considerable mud, although the roads are In passable condition. The road south through tho Tonto basin should not be attempted at this time. J 1 ma 1 s;it "I Hard Days for Titled 'LEVEL AND - M ARM0N W. E. GARDNER & CO. FIFTH AVE AND WASHINGTON PHONE 4251 f r : . . - PHEVROLET Bi"Fo II BERT O. BROWN, DISTRIBUTOR U 310-18 E. WASHINGTON S ORT and HUPMOBEES GEO. H. REUBEN AUTO CO. 27-235 N. CENTRAL. PHONE 3534 Ash Fork to Needles is fair, excepting rough stretches between Nel son and Hackberry. General rains have made considerable mud. but the roads aro safe. Washes must be crosed with care. Holbrook to WInslow good north of the tracks. From Shumway to Showlow, on the Ft. Apache road, the going Is bad. St. Johns road in good shape, although rough in places. f " ' Roads In Gila county aro soft, but considerable Vork is being dona on them and they should be in good condition shortly. Recent rains in Pinal and Pima counties have improved the roads to some extent. In Santa Crux county roads are in good shape, as they also are In Graham county. Although Coohlsa county has experienced considerable rain lately, the roads aro not affected appreciably. Trucks---Tractors F YOU Ship By Truck Let our traffic expert solve your transportation problems GEO. H. REUBEN AUTO CO. Phone 3584 227-235 North Central Ave, See That It Goes' Via FEDERAL Sizes 1 ton to 5 ton S fJJW .1 ip. ra V 1 ' - ' , CRA NKLIN FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. 8. M. STARR, MGR. 306 NJ Central noates-Corby Motor Truck Co. m State Distributors Phone Sflts 33-35 South Third Ave. RIZONA Radiator Works Radiators repaired and rebuilt. New eorea off any kind Installed. Fenders and auto bodies repaired. Wind shields installed. Oxyacctylena welding. All work done by experts. Best work in town. 307 NORTH CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 609 uto Truck Bodies Built to p,r All sorts hardwood repairing for farm maohlnary. Home Builders Planing Mill V GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING PHONE 4188 g50 SOUTH FIRST 8T. ONES AND SPARKES GARAGE REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF CARS STORAGE 5.00 PER MONTH 228 East Adams St, Phone 4380 . V. Bishopp's Garage Temporarily at 24 S. First St. " Agent for Lambert TRUBLPRUF Tires iLADNEY'S GARAGE Second Avenue and Van Buren Street . PHONE 1201 lANSON'S GARAGE FRED HANSON, Manager FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Cor. First Ave. and Bennett Lane. Phono 680 Phoenix iOLMES IMPROVED AIR COOLED CAR W. R. COATES. State Distributor Phone 3288 ' 33-35 South Third Ave. Phoenix N lilJaSllEIS)' III ',i-taS5Aa.MSM a u TRUCKS Liability Insurance Automobile Supplies Public Liability Property Damage CA11LH ANDERSON Fire and Theft CoIIison ' Insurance AKLAND LONDON "I never saw such times ns these," remarked Lady Millicent Hiwef, formerly the Duchess of 'ni horl.-.n.l aril recognized as one of :iisTUrl's pioHi beautiful women, after hr salt of valuable pictures and liuusehoM treasures at St. Serfs Hus , I ccLampton, Surrey. "I had ,,.fied for a pood sale," she continued, "that would keep me in bread and butter for the next six weka." And with a sish. she added ehe thought "'erybody H rfttlnt erribly broke" !,ee flays. ,Inly Millicent 1s polng to 1i a lire foon ' where her husband, Lieut. .', 1 Ceorg Halves, Is In business. OAKLAND ARIZ. SALES CO. FIFTH AVE AND WASH. PHONE 4263 TUDEBAKER BARRETT & POTTBERG, INC. ill OTOR EQUIPMENT COMPANY oger Hunt Garage GENERAL REPAIR WORK ON ALL MAKES OF CARS 614 West Van Buren. Phone 611. 125 N. FIRST ST. PHONE 4419 IELIE Automobiles Motor Truck ancf Tractors VELIE MOTOR SALES 806 N. Central Phone 1723 TCOTT Show Room 625 W. Washington M. L. BURKHEAD, Distributor. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTO 502 W. Washington D RUDOLPH GOODYEAR AND OLDFIELD TIRES Home of the Ford and Ford son 316-346 E. ADAMS STREET ESTERN AUTO SUPPLY AGENCY EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTO" TIRES. SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES 141-7 N. CENTRAL AVE. Service Station V Though speciaHxing on Studebakra newla, we are also engaged in general aute repairs, SIMPSON'S GARAGE J"me J XmTJF?l PHONE 1967 229 ADAMS ST rizona Tire & Accessory Co. SEE US FIRST Our Service Department at 20 EAST MONROE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Sale Room Corner Center and Monroe; Phone 8080 i AM FIELDS AUTO LIVERY NEW CARS TO RENT BY HOUR, DAY OR WEEK Rear of 301 N. Central Ave.; Phone 1474 I!