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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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(J THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 (Section Two? ALL ROADS LEAD TO WEALTH IN HER . MINES WIGKEI HEALTH IN HER CLIMATE News from Peoria PEORIA, Nov. 23. There is a re arrangement at the depot, with an operator and night agent till 10 p. m. All passenger trains now stop at Peo- NEWS FROM WICKENBURG Wickenburg will oon be a busy little place. For the past week men who represent the different Bheep com panles, have been arriving 'in' town, makinr arrangements for houses, sup plies and other accommodations. Sheep are coming In every day. Some are be ing hipped and others are being driven nd It la said that the trail between Conzress Junction and Ash Fork, wherever It can be seen, Is white with the moving sheep. The sheep men are finding but one difficulty this winter. STAGE CARS TO THE MINES ' GOODRICH TIRES Hassayampa Garage JAMES FORD, Proprietor WICKENBURG, ARIZONA . Autherlxed Ford Distributor and that Is In finding houses for their families. Because of the excellent schools in Wickenburg they desire to have their families here, and this should be an inducement for some pro gressive person to build a number of cottages here for rent. Visitor From Bakersf ield Mrs. W. E. Bflwman of Bakersfleld, Calif, Is here lor a visit with her hus band. Mr. Bowman Is a Santa Fe roadmaster with headquarters In Wlck I enburg for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman may locate here later. - Death of Mrs. Orozco BLUE RIBBON BAKERY QUALITY AND SERVICE F. T. KELLIS Prop. Wickenburg, Arizona Wickenburg Drug Co. ' PRESCRIPTION ' DRUGGISTS Special Attention to Mail Orders KODAKS EXPERT KODAK FINISHING R. W.Baxter LUMBER PAINTS ' BUILDING MATERIALS WICKENBURG, ARIZONA CALDWELL Meat Market FRESH MEAT AND PRODUCE FRUIT and Vegetables . our Specialty N. B. Caldwell Wickenburg Phone 6 SMITH HOTEL MODERN CONVENIENCES AND CLEAN, COMFORTABLE BEDS FRONT STREET, SOUTH OF DEPOT ! E. H. SMITH, Prop. WICKENBURG, ARIZONA PRESCOTT WICKENBURG Upton THE Oil Company WHOLESALE Gas Oil Gasoline Kerosene Lubricants ray ton Commercial Co. Beautiful and Exclusive Models in Walk Over.Shoes for Men and Women A Style for All Occasions Star Brand School Shoes for Children Buckingham & Hecht Work Shoes , $3.00 Khaki Pants Reduced to $2.25 Wholesale and Retail Phone No. 14 WICKENBURG, ARIZONA Mrs. F. C. Orozco died at 11 o'clock Sunday night at her home In Wicken burg, after a lingering Illness of 18 days. Dr. Carter of Wickenburg, Dr. C. B. Palmer of Phoenix and Dr. G. V. Valenzuela of Jerome attended Mrs. Orozco. She was 39 years of age. Be sides her husband she leaves to mourn her death, four children, Mrs. Ed Gar cia, Mrs. Joe Celaya, F. A. Orozco and A. A. Orozco. The funeral was held at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning from the Catholic church in Wickenburg. The Brayton Commercial company, the Wickenburg Drug store, the bank and the barper shop closed from 10 o'clock until 11 o'clock for the funeral. ( May Locate Hera Mr. Silver, a Prescott merchant was in town a couple of days last week, and if he can find a good location, he may open a ladles' ready-to-wear store here Looking Over Sheep Range 1 John Simpson, sheep man from the northern part of the state, is down looking over the range in- this vicinity. Leon Pouquette of Ash Fork, F. Echeverria and Alex Burleson of Wil liams have been in Wickenburg for several days inspecting the range. Council Meeting A regular meeting of the city council was held on November 10. One of the important matters discussed at this meeting was the proposed extension of the electric light system south on Teg- ner street as far as the F. B. Johnson place. The matter of extending the water system one block further on this street was also discussed. More defi nite action on the above matters will probably be taken at the next meeting.! Having House Wired Our postmistress, Mrs. Howell has recently had her house wired for elec tric lights. In Salome Mrs. Hug Sprunger and Stanley went to Salome Monday to spend a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jones. In Holbrook Mr. Sprunger made a business trip to Holbrook Wednesday evening, re turning Thursday night. Indiana Moving About 75 Navajo Indians who have been camped at Allah while doing re pair work on the railroad, passed through Wiskenburg Thursday on their way to Congress Junction. I On Hunting Trip Mr. and Mrs. Aleix Spear and Mrs. Shelllngton spent Sunday near the Vulture mine, picnlcing and hunting. They brought back a fine bag of game Went to Phoenix Mrs. M. D. Burns spent Tuesday in Phoenix shopping. Danoing School The Dancing school met Wednesday evening In Baxter hall. The regular crowd was present and they all ex pressed themselves as well .pleased with the progress they have made in learning the new dances. Some of the pupils are shy as yet, but they are looking forward to an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to Fox trot, under cover of masks, at the masque ball on Thanksgiving night. From Morrittown : Frank Wright of Morristown was In WickenbuYg last week on his way to the Montezuma mine to look after his Interests there, and expects to make a shipment of ore soon. Baok From Loa Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Shaughnessey have re turned from a week's visit In Los An geles. Mrs. Shaughnessey went to Prescott on the 20th to bring her chil dren back to Wickenburg. Death of Mary D. King .. The entire community was grieved to learn of the death of Mary King, which occurred at 6:30 Mondav eve ning. Miss Iting has been 111 for some time but was apparently recovering and her sudden death came as a great shock to her family and many friends. Miss King was 23 years of age. Miss Ruth King, sister of the deceased, ac companied the body back to Peters burg, Indiana, for burial. Miss Ruth expects to return to Wickenburg in about three weeks. Looking After Property J. C Reed of Phoenix, who owns property In Wickenburg, spent several days here last week looking after his interests. Wintering Sn California John. P. Carey, who has spent the past several months In Wickenburg, Is now sojourning In southern California. Has Bad Accident Mr. Corbin had the misfortune to get his left hand caught In a circular saw and came very near losing two fin gers. The fingers were badly cut but the prompt attention of a physician saved them. Mr. Corbin will be unable to work for some time. Masque Bail Everyone is anticipating a wonderful time at the annual masque ball which will be ..given by the baseball team on Thursday evening, the 25th. This -is John Layton Beats Jess Lean At Three Cushion Billiards Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO, Nov. 23 John Layton of St. Louis defeated Jess Lean of Denver, 50 to 43 today in the preliminaries for the national three cushion billiard ria. The California train takes up the championship and Clarence Jackson of California mail. The re-arranged schedule is as follows: No. 11, 8 a. m.; No. 3, 8 a. m.; No. 15, 8:35 a. m.; No. 14, 6:34 p. m.; No. 2, 7:08 p. m.; No. 1, 8:33 p. m. A. E. Sisson is relief agent, while Agent J. B. Gray is sick. O. D. Betts takes care of the wires temporarily. S, E. Turner is still here as an assistant. Si Schaefer, an old-timer of Peoria, who is now chasing cows, was in town esterday complaining of cow thieves. W. J. Osborn is predicting cold weather by unloading another carload always one of the gayest affairs of the season and the local business houses of wood. have assisted the boys by offering the John I Meyers, Mrs. Meyers, Billie following prizes: wicicenburg Drug Groome and Mrs. Groome were vis- company, bottle of toilet water; H. T. uors at Laveen Sunday and incldental- Thofern and N. B. Caldwell, box of cigars; Brayton Commercial company, pair ladies' silk hose; C. E. Robertson, bottle of hair tonic; Blue Ribbon bak ery, cake; Driggers Mercantile com pany, J 3. A first and second prize will be awarded to the best costumed ly looking over a ranch owned oy Meyers. Nat Dysart and Mrs. Dysart were shoDDers in Peoria yesterday, Frank Vincent has sold his interest in the Valley Champion bakery to Jake Mofianeh. the senior partner. Mc- Kansas City won from Charles Morin of Chicago, 60 to 49. v o Turks Will Ask New Treaty With Greece CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 23 De feat of the Venizelos government in the recent election in Greece has re sulted in the Turkish government formulating demands which are equiv-r alent to a request for a revision of the treaty of Sevres. The Stamboul cabinet, tnrougn tne Italian high commissioner, has re quested the allies to suppress the in ter-allied police as being incompatible with Turkish sovereignty. It also has asked for the abolition of the allied control commission and non-interfer ence by the allies in Turkish .interna tional affairs. Tom Edison Has Cold; Wife Escapes Jury . NEWARK. N. J., Nov. 23 Thomas A. Edison has a cold and Mrs. EH son has been excused from jury service because of it. The wife of the inventor was to be foreman of Essex county's second feminine Jury which convened today. Her place was filled by Mrs. Edith Colby, wife of former United States Senator Colby, after the Judge had granted her request to be released o she might remain at home with Mr. Edison. o Christian School Burned By Japanese Republican A. P. Leased Wire TOKIO, Nov. 23 An official report issued today says that Japanese troops have burned the Christian school near Chantoa, it having been said that it was found! to be a nest of Korean outlaws. The Jiji Shimpo report that the Japanese have arrested five Koreans fat Vladivostok and sent them Into Korea, They were charged with ' purchasing arms. It Is alleged that they confessed. - ladies, the best costumed men and to 1 Gaugh is now sole owner. the best waltzers. From Texas Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Holland and Miss Elizabeth Holland of Kerrville, Tex., are spending a few days here before coing to Phoenix. They expect to locate in this section of Arizona All are urged to attena Oran M. Bradshaw purchased a re linquishment north of Peoria through the Meyers Realty company. ThankssrivlnK union Bervice will be held at the Nazarene tabernacle. There will be quite an interesting program. and may return to Wickenburg. , Dallas Visitor Miss Goldie Green of Dallas, Tex., is spending a few days here. Miss Green represents Holland's Magazine, and she is organizing clubs in the church and school circles. Business Increasing Because of rapidly Increasing busi ness, C. E. Robertson, our local barber, has been compelled to get an assistant. it. 17 ,1 4 ns TVirtartlv Vioa talion t Vin position and he with his wife and three church at 1.30 p m children will reside nere tnis winter. From Chicago J. D. Aelxander of Chicago arrived in Wickenburg the 16th. In From Mina Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mueller were in from the Gold Bar mine Friday on business. Went to Parker Mrs. Woodmansee went to Parker Thursday to visit with Mr. Woodman see. She will return Monday. To California The revival at the Nazarene' church closed Sunday night. There has been a large attendance and close interest. The nreachins: was forceful. Many W6re reclaimed and 35 were added to the church. Bethany Home has re cently been taken over by the Naza rene church of this state. On Dec. 2 Miss Barr, the secretary of th Freedman's board of the Pres byterian church, U. S. A., will be In pmm-ijl and sneak at the Presbyterian All are urgea w attend, both men and women. The Peoria Woman's Civic club, to gether with the Glendale and Alham- hra clubs, soent a pleasant afternoon with the Washington club last Friday. They were addressed by CoL James H. McClintock on "Arizona History." Frank Bates discovered some beauti ful nnta in a tree easy to climb. But fhfv were castor beans and. oh, how sick Frank was! The doctor gave him awful medlilne. Jan Lan? and Georgia Francis Deatsch are well settled In a comfort able playhouse, built by the carpenter Mrs. wiiiterson, wanna un vmm- , , tll but 8Un la so the summer in WicKenburg. nas rr.' VJ 7.r n .v to California for an indefinite ing gone stav. Have Returned From Prescott ' Mrs. J. E. Davis and Pearl came down from Prescott Thursday evening. Pearl has been ill in Prescott for the past five weeks with typhoid fever, and. we are all glad to know that she ht thoM davs they have to go away I to the mountains to camp. A sheet innkea the tent and the other side of the j house is the mountains. The gingham an, r nionsr with them for protec-! tion. but Joseph Henry takes care of thft atilca cat while they are gone. Th? infant child of Mr. and Mrs. very ill. Mrs. waits ' fcLIlU W O to" w " I - a ... jt riiima irOfk 13 Is Lg"nLt?f r rAorT" of Glendale is nursing the baby UfZ "til u 0 Bouaht Car uoage " Mr Nathorst boucht a new car wfcen he was in Phoenix last week, Returned to WicKenourg Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Alton have come back to Wickenburg to spend the win ter. Motored to Phoenix Mr. and Mrs. CorDin ana -enwureu and Miss Stephens motored to Phoenix Saturday morning. Property Sold Mrs Marr Young sold her house and lot on Jefferson street to Mrs. M. A. Hammack. Dinner Party vrnrrv Watson celebrated his birth day Thursday by inviting a number of his little boy friends to a pigeon dinner at his home. From FiagstatT Mrs. C. A. Keller and Paul E. Keller of Flagstaff were in WTlckenburg for a few days last week. STILL DEMAND FOR FLINTLOCKS Flintlocks and tinder boxes may be a little out of date, but Just the same it still takes 3,000,000 gun Hints a year n mot tha demand of out-of-the-way parts of the earth where primitive! weapons continue to have their use. Flint-knapplng is the process of man ufacture, and it is very - largely a method used by men of the Stone Age for the production of arrow heads, axes and similar implements of war and peace. Today flint-knapping is lareelv confined to one town in Eng land, which has a yearly output of J flints . that comes near to supplying the whole world demand. Nation's Business.- - o The war department has sold sur plus property which originally cost THE FARMER'S SECRET A farmer met another farmer driv ing in a narrow country lane in the deep snow of winter. The track was only broken in the center of the road, ro that turning out was difficult When the two men the first farmer blustered: v "If you don't turn out for me I'll do to you what I did to the last man I met who wouldn't turn out for me." Much alarmed, the second farmer pulled out into the deep snow' to let his belligerent neighbor pass, wnen he was back on the road again he turned and said to the farmer: "Tell me, neighbor, what did you do to the man who wouldn't turn out for you?" "I turned out for him!" replied the hot-headed farmer. Answers, London. &ofrYoit7 njiank.sgivm4 Enjoy Tnexct delicious imfheicup $1,000,000,000 at cent. a recovery of 63 per A sneeze means a great impending calamity to the Hindu mind. EVERETT TRUE By Condo YOU "WC TWIJI HOTC-L IF YOU WANT TO LOCATE V where the sun shines and the air is pure and invig-, orating, altitude moderate, and water excellent call on us for any information in regard to our growing town. Certal Bank of Wickenburg Wickenburg, Arizona CC5T ANYTHIMQ BUT THIS w' V U1 taj - Cruux,Fi-utr out op th tfM2L-W7 , -FAUCETS rVRhrei aHOT"H! irlkZnliniiis Mm ia ; f!T (KEROSENE) FWUT I) HEAT AND LIGHT jJJ j f; Bedtime for Children A good oil heatqr protects your children from colds. Filled with clean-burning Pearl Oil its warm glow is ready for instant service at the touch of a match. Pearl On-Jmrns without smoke or odor, for it is refined and re-refined by our special process. Economical. Convenient Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California)