Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 192fl PAGE EIGHT (Section TwoT r I Ti , WORKS WONDERS STARTING THAT GASOLINE ENGINE, CAR OR TRACTOR THESE COLD MORNINGS PRATT-GILBERT'- CO. ; JOBBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 1 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OK OWNER, one lot on Eat Willetta, 60x150; $700. Phone 2933. dp Ashland Place FACING NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE AJfD THE INDIAN SCHOOL. CAR 15 MtNUTfJ car service half-mile north of Mcdowell gas mains being laid. FOR SALE HOUSES On West Adams Good 6-room. brick, P.D.. almost new, modern, hardwood floors, built in features, beautiful lawn, some fruit, all for $4750 and cash, will handle this. G REENW A Y J. S. GRIFFIN "ALONE" 11S N. 1st Ave. Phone lOSSdk FOR SALE HOUSES 3 FOR SALE Modern brick, four rooms and bath, large pantry, screen porch and garage, on paved street two blocks from car; splendid neighbor hood. 1S29 W. Jefferson street Price $6500, term. Bee Owner E. J. Patton, Arizona Grocerv Co. dn Ford One Ton Truck A BARGAIN If sold at once; new house, corner 13th Ave. and Garfield; modem, pas, lights, etc.; half block from school "Want all cash. Key over door. Phon 1368. gb Prices and Terms BARGAIN 60-FOOT FRONT LOTS, $S50; TO $900 $200 CASH AND $25 PER MONTH. Four room brick, near car line, nortfi- $200. CASH BUYS NEW BUNGALOW STOP PAYING RENT One block to car line, large lot 60x 140; snap at $1,400, $200 cash, $25 1 monthly. It's ready to move right In. THOMAS REALTY CO.. 30 West Adams It " " i Modern Brick Five room modern brick, convienient to school and ear line, in city, race PNEUMATIC EQUIPPED CAN MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES east; lot 60x203; fruit. shade, etc. Price f"d 'ttT iiauv. Terms, i CAPITOL CITY REALTY CO., 235 W. Wash. Phone 4990 U Ashland Place Mr. Homebuilder Vow has H new Horses Here is a chance to plan your own home. the AHion Republican Is the ree want saverxmng inigium tgnlzsd Arizona. RATE 1 H per word per day. n.,n tnr Km O- BOSC: CaBB with order: mln. charge I la. PHONE YOUR AD3 TO 4331 - Ads received before 8 p. m. ul properly clsslfied. After I P- P1!. ppear under -To Late to Classinr following morning, and thoraiior under proper classification. Orrs hy mall. should be tanled by remittance and " THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WANT AO DEPARTMENT vi.,- PHOENIX. ARIZONA AUCTION Auction Sale " - ARIZONA EASTERN UNCLAIMED "FnF.TOIIT. SALE STARTS FRIDAY 2fith. 10:00 A.M.. COR 3rd AVE. AND Harrison STS. Hundreds of trunks, boxes, suit-eases, bedding, etc. C. O. McMUKTRY, AUCTION- lercn dm TATt-Olt'S Auction House Is now a second hand store. There la a licensed auctioneer. If you wish to sell eny thlnr ohone 1776 and the buyer will call, but REMEMBER we come to buy not appraise, and will pay values and pot cash. gb AUiTriONH ever Saturday. $7 B, Fifth Ave. We buy and selL Phone 4779 .T B. die. Anctloper tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 2 PUBLIC LAND How to find it and all Information See' . TARRISII & RICHARDSON. 139 N. First Ave. tf 2 1-2 Acres Fine 5-room house, all Improve ments, close to car and pavement, 22 blocks to P.O.. $4500. $1200 cash. r 1 SHAW. 15 N. 1st Ave. ak 1 FOR SALE $1000. Terms. 2 acres Across street from property, selling at twice as much per acre in lots. Ex tension of town sure in near future. Splendid bargain for mechanic who ! -wants plenty of ararden near plenty of work. Ripley's bis building program, the marvel of the Southwest. Write Townslte Owners. Ripley, Calif. It r 1-Acre Tracts "One mllo from Fhoenix and on car line, with city water and lights, north fAHt and fine soil; $100 cash and easy payments. Price, $1,250. r Lots N. E. $50 " Well Improved and in fine addition, near car line. Price. $400, $50 cash and. $15 a month. Restriction, $1,500 SANDIC.E AGRICULTURAL CO 331 West Washington Street It ron SALE REAL ESTATE 2 YOtJ WILL LIKE . CA3A GRANDE VALLEY i It l a wonderful body of fin land with sn abundance of anal' low puma water for Irrigating till San Carlos reservoir Is con structed. This ralley now offers some rare opportunities In land. Here are two of Its best bargains for quick turnover: Tract deeded land, unim proved, only $20; an other, with house, or chard and pumping plant, $35. Terms. Both of these exceptionally low. Our relinquish ments are high in . Value, low In price, McADAMS & HICKLIN Phoenix Office' 139 N. Central Ave. Room 1, upstairs. Phone 4494 Casa Grande Office, Casa Grande Valley Bank Bldg. dm 5-Acre Bargain Good 4 -room house, fenced with Page wire, right In the edge of the city, northeast, worth more money but for quick sal will take $4700, with easy terms. Will take in good light car. CRAVENS Phone 1080 40 East Adams St dk Homestead Land of extra fine quality soil under ap proved Irrigation project. A. C. Haigler Phone 672 WITH MORE TO FOLLOW IF TOtT ARE NOT READY TO BUILD, BUY A LOT UP ON THE INSTALMENT. AND BY THE TIME YOU HAVE PAID IN FULL THERE WILL BE A NEW HOUSE UFON EITHER SIDE OF YOU. GREEN & GRIFFIN Tel. 1604 124 N. 1st Ave., dk WHAT WE CALL BARGAINS IN SMALL ACREAGE 1 Acre $3200 1 acre, 4 room, 1 screen, frame house. corner location, on car line; only $3200, I $1,000 cash. 1 1-3 Acre $4500 1 1-4 acres In mllo maize, 5 room house, fine well and pump, chicken runs, all fenced, 1 block to car line; I $2,000 cash. 5 Acres $6500 5 acre fruit farm, all fenced, 8 ft Page wire and redwood posts, 400 bear ing fruit trees, peaches, plums and apricots, apples and pears, 3 sets of chicken runs, 1M acre cotton, good 1 story frame house with basement. 2 car garage, corner location, 1 mile of city limits; owner In Texas said sell for $6,600, part cash; possession at once. 10 Acres $4000. All fenced and cross fenced with Page and barb wire, good 3 room house and basement, garage, chicken runs and fine well of soft water, 3 h. p. en gine and pump, large cabinet tank 12x 12x5 feet; improvements alone last summer cost over $3,500; the healthiest place In the valley, north of Scotts- dale 1 miles; $1,000 cash will handle. Balance easy. 10 Acres $8000 10 acres just Outside city limits, all fenced and cross fenced with 6 foot Page wire, B rootn frame house, milk house and Bheds, engine and pump, 2 cows, 3 heifers, 18 pigs and hogs, 200 turkeys and chickens, 400. egg incu bator, cream separator. Co fruit trees all Varieties, all for $8,000, $1,500 cash, on lng city; price $3,750, $900 cash, bal ance easy. C. A, Dagley Co. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 14 W. Van Buren St. Phone 3897 It Stop Paying Rent Fourth Street and Adams FO SALE HOUSES I hnve a nice lot in Los Olives which I will build on to suit buyer, with small payment down, balance like rent. J. D. Howell, general contrac tor. Phone 42 Glendale. dr New Bungalow New tnodfrn lir-lr-lr nn the rood; hardwood floors in living room put ytm- in possession of A Bargain . e v n T. .v,. u,i A ew wur-iuuui irauio uuuno. uu m M. 7 .mUVo YVinn S M i J ne; electric lghts; lot B0xl37H; price car and school, $1,100, $200 cash, $30 gmaU down pavment balance p 1 ... i.-.. monthly: or will accept auto ma down i hi to iuuih mouprn nuuse on iar unei - n nnn -kt and pavemenL good shade, $2,600, $500 JXth Rt cash. V. M. FIKE REALTY CO., 17 E. Adams St. Phone 8913 dk m. 2009 N. di Beautiful Home $300 Down four and dinine room, ivory finish ietc; $6000, F. D. LANE 426 Heard Bldg. Phone 1834 garage. dk An East McDowell Home 5 nice large rooms and 3 porches, all elegantly furnished; nice garage, pavement paid. If you're In terested phone 4273. Agents need hot apply. dk room house one block from car line; balance less than rent; notth location. See HARPER, with HILL INVEST MENT CO., 37 N. First Ave. dk Furnished Seven rodm brick pebble dash, hard- screen I wood f loots throughout; furnished ele- FOR SALE 5T HOUSE. Five rooms and screen back porch. All latest bult-ln features: fireplace, buffet, bookcases, I ulit in work In bathroom; linen closet, break fast nook, etc.; hardwood floors, and 0xl65-foot lot; garage, Cement side walk and driveway. For few days only $7600; part cash. 48 W. Holly. See Ben J. Spalding. 905 W. RooBevelt. dk DON'T buy a house when you can build It for less money. Let Us figure your lumber bill. We specialize on best grades lumber- McCALLA LUMBER CO. 31T South 11th Ave. Phone 1888 gb ATTRACTIVE modern new brick, five rooms, hardwood floors, built-in features, cement walks, garage; In Hurley Heights. Wish to Sell at once. Mrs. Stauffer, phone 2069 or call at 919 N. Centra!. dk BEAT THE high rent: will build to suit on easy fraytnents. Carl H. Johnson is Co.. Contractors, Realty Investments. 128 E. Adams. tf gantly; located close in, northeast; possession at once; lot 75x190. Bee this. CAPtTOL CITY REALTY CO., OWNER NEW 285 W. Washington St. Phone 4990 It FOR SALE MISCE1 LANE6U3 4 FOR SALE A complete farm outfit; a good work horse, weight 2600; har ness and 231 inch farm wagon with double bed. Will sell eeparate or trade. Star Corral, cor. 2d ahd W. BLUE turqoise cane 4-wheel baby buggy for sale. Call 2884, or 609 N. First St. dir. FAT HENS, wicker baby buggy, la- flies' saddle. 1501 E. Wash. dl PENINSULAR coal and gas range. practically new; $100; terms. Cole's Pphhle dash brick. B rooms and bath. Hot Blaet heater, size 16. $20.' H. C. hardwood floors In every room, fir.- Healy, 525 East Culver St. Phone 8238. Isheri In enamel and ivorv. tinted walls. I rip built-in bookcases, cabinets and china closets, etc.; roomy closets, fruit ctl lar; garage; concrete porch on 1wo sides; exceptionally well built and modern In every respect; city con venlences and good location: city taxes. Built for 4 home, but will sell If taken soon for $6500. A pleas ure to show you ft house like this, Mr. Tilton. STEWART TUBALTY CO. 17 West Adams St. dl LADIES' cloth coat, size 38, $20; also skirts, shoes and hats at a bargain. Call rear of 351 N. 15th St. dk FOR SALE thoroughbred.-Airedale without pup8i 1014 Bouth Third Ave. dnt (UK BAja LumDer; oniy Desi Quality. It pays to use good lumber; Call carpenter work too expensive to put in time patcning ana uiung cneap lum ber. , . McCALLA LUMBER CO, 317 South 11th Ave. Phone 1868 gb FOR SALE National cash register. cheap; like new. Phone Sl&L " dl FOR RALE Nearly new high grade piano. Box WB. dp An Elegant Close In residence Furnished Suitable for two families. Immediate possession. Good income. BAUM & MASON lf7 N. Second Ave. Phone 4261 dk Will Take two good lots and $300 as first pay ment on a fine new home on E. van Buren street valued at $6760', $60 per month. GEO. MacDONALD, 26 East Adams. Phone 658. 41 Two Family Brick Brand new rootni and bath, north- : r; vi- r;:. tV. : you suffbrbrs, with . tin. tipifintnlir vn )fDvnra the best Blx room brick in the city for ti?.VBVr.r tei'HB WI the price. Phone 8691 for an appoint ment Call for Mr. Yarborough, 122 W. Washington. It Rooming House The best money maker In Phoenix. Consists of 38 rooms, furnished ele gantly, average net profit for r year $12,000. will sell for only $12,000. $7,- 000 will handle deal. Come and see me at once or you will be too late. Ruggles & Murphy 21 K 1st Ave. dk northeast, good location and a good buy at $1,600, $400 cash. OWNER OFFERS 8-room modern! 6 room frame, plastered, cement house, faces east, fine shade, corner foundation, new. Just being finished. NEW 4-room bungalow, corner lot, half block from school. 3 blocks from car line; modem In every respect: a rMm frm il Una. I Quick sale for cash. Call owner, Phone 'l,.-o J Suburban Homes 11368. lot. 100 foot frontage; walking dis tance. 624 N. Seventh street $8,500. half cash. Phone 2354. close to ear line, northeast; 3200. Price $1000 cash. CRAVENS. 40 E. Adams Rt. Phone 1080. fll JEROME For sale. 20-room hotel well furnished; good location. Inquire Jerome. Ariz., Box 465. 11-dtrt WATCH PHOENIX GROW Five room modern house, $1,600 cash, $30 month; close in; $5,250. rour new muuciu nuusea, viubw M ..j .vMi. mn' 125 foot lots; $8,000 cash takes 5 ..,. ikm i I i-S VUI nuv v.a 18 No. 2nd Ave, dl balance arranged. them all. Only $2500 One-half acre of ground, fenced with Page wire, a beautiful five room bun galow, water and electricity, garage, fruit and citrus fruit trees, lawn and ; an Ideal home terms. A RUSSIAN BATH AND SALT CLOW. 506 E. ADAMS. 8304. dk FOR SALE One acre, with house, on car line and on corner. Inquire 733 East McKlnley. dk YOU WILL LHCE CASA GRANDE VALLEY SOME BARGAINS WITH SMALL PAYMENTS $2000 Cash $400 8 room and large screen and toilet. Well located, 2 blocks Brill car line and paved Street, and only $40 m. inc. lint.; fine neighbors. Furnished house, well located, $7,- 600, $2,600 cash, $200 every three months. M. H S HELTON 215 W. Washington tf Country Home Block & Burns Phone 420 FOR 8 ALE MISCELLANEOUS Recleaned Seeds eA tint bearded and beard' 1m: wheat. Early Barrt. ClUD and Marquis: Texas Red seed oats and Ktirak white nuts: winter seed rye, common- and hairy Peruvian alfalfa seed. Phoenix Flour Mills, cor. Van Buren and 9th Bts. " FOR, SALE A new quarter-Sawed TROUBLES, TRY OUR BATHS.- AT 606 E. ADAMS. 3304. v dk FOR SALE Furniture nearly new. 1049 West Taylor. . . dk FOR SALE Dresser sanitary couch. pad, bookcase, heating stove, kerosene lamp, mattress, stand, 80-gallon water tank, all in good condition. 376 N. 6th Ave. ' ; dm TAPPOON CANVAS RIGHT PRICE. Psoenix Seed & Feed Co. ITS E. Jeff St " tf. IF YOU WANT good light nave your reflectors replated. Phoenix Plating Co.. 216 E. Adams. tf OWING- to the remodeling and re furnishing of Ur office, will sell at a bargain our present office furniture. Carl H. Anderson Ins. Agency. Adams ! Hotel Bldg. tf FOf CORN POPPER Looks and Is just as good as hew for $250 less than a new one. See Machine at sis N th avenue or phone 26-R-8. dm FOR BALE At liberal discounts. $175 equity In new piano at Redewlll Music company. Apply Service See tlon. Red Cross. , tf bargain. 605 tf GOOD used piano at N. 2nd St REMINGTON-WAHL posting and computing typewriter, split cylinder tabulator and stand, $750. See MerrllL Water Users. Phone 1618. tf CARBON-BISULPHIDE KILLS ANTS AND GOPHERS. Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. 125 E. JEFF. St tf , TENTS 117 W, Monroe When the San Carlos reservoir Is se cured it will fully equal the Salt River Valley in land values and crop produo- firm Wa havA heen handling these lands for six vears. Know the Valley features, large thorourhlv. Have its best bargains. I house and runs, A little money will buy a lot of land there right now. McADAMS & HICKLIN Phoenix Office: 139 North Central Ave, Room 1 Upstairs. Phone 4494 ' Casa Grande Office: Casa Grande Valley Bank Bid,. We have acres, modern 3 -room and screen, lights end water, shade, V., aw1 (v. ,. trrAAtt at nnltr $700 cash, balance $40 per month. Ifslthla 6U u n 11 4 room and toilet and bath, built in right on car. $2250 Cash $500 HIGH CLASS EAST BRILL BUNGALOW $5,2 6 0 $1,200 CASH. $50 MONTHLY It's new and modern and Is a six room and bath brick, old Ivory finish bath and kitchen. This is One Of the best buys on the market. If you see FOR SALE Baby's bed. Phone 1962. . , . . , r.ri I Apartment F. dm It lot 60x150, chicken 37 North 1st Ave. dr dm One-half Acre near Osborn school. Put you up a tent and beat your landlord; $200 cash will handle. Phone 2892. Bolln Realty Co.. 12 W. Van Buren Pt. It HOW IS THIS? $100 Down and $35 Per Month puts you in possession of 2Vi acres .'of as good land as there is in tho valley; closu in and close to a school. A. 1 WEST i-lione -nm. Honr Phono ;r?H. It 'One Acre Homes One acre with koo1 five-room frame .house, electric lights, fruit, cotton oi.d thicken yard; a bargain at $2700 and easy terms. Or will lake in goo.1 Kmall t ar up to $t?00 or $700 or sraill rrocery - ntnre, these as rrt paymvnt on this fere. ..'.One acre nfar Indian sehoo' ; frame house and water piped In j'fird, place fenced around with chicken tight fenco A wonderful buy at Jt.'.'O. with $7.ri( flown: will take Liberty 'joni'is at fact- '(rtlue. Ray Smith ' WITH STFAVAKT REALTY CO. 17 W A-lninM. r"-nm 3SS7 1t $4200 Cash $800 4 room and breakfast and screen, p. d. house, built in features, h. w. floors, sideboard, h. w. tank, cement porch; only month old. now vacant $4500 Cash $1000 6 room solid brick, h. w. floors, every built In feature, good garage and lawn and garden, fine location, pos session at once.' $5750 Cash $1200 room solid brick, every built in FOR SALE-10 or 80 awes; buy "tf eau', ?lc t and bath hard- owner and save commission. Phons rT niBn tc" j2jjj flpiinuB, irunu locauon, possession ai once. oef nut, ix ur ..un. Xaiu x x Excellent Investment Clvolre improved business property for sale by owner, pays 12 per cent Box 6. Tempe, AriS. dr FOR BALE By owner, new house and acre of land, northeast near car, going east; must sell; $1,000 down; easy payments; no commission. Box 73U, Republican. It Texas City Realty 83 W. Monroe St. Tel. 175S dl FOR SALE Six-room brick bunga low, within walking distance; garage; l desirable location. 738 W. Pierce. See owner at 730 W. Pierce. drl $3250 Easy Terms Five-room modern, lovely. Charming home, shade, fruit garden, flowers, beautiful wire fence around place, i chicken park and chicken coops, extra fine large lot This place is on a corner and Is block to car and paved street. Ask Mr. Brown WITH STEWART REALTY CO., 17 W. Adams. Phone 1997. dl 8-Room Double All Furnished THOMAS REALTY CO., 20 West Adams It 5-Room Brick All furnished, close In; price $2500, good terms. Phone 2892 for a bargain. 12 W. Van Buren. Bolin Realty. Co. It Good Auto Wanted As first payment ons house and lot I Will assume your balance due on car. House is modern, new, four large rooms; move rlBbt In. Realty Co., 12$ N. CentraL 20 PER CENT OFF ON TENTS 8x10 ten ounce $21.60 xl3 ten ounce . ..$27.50 8x8 miner's tent 313.85 9x9 miners tent $15.85 8-10 12-ounce army tent ,...$29.60 94x12 12-ounce army tent $33.50 12-14 12-ounce army tent $52.78 12x18 13-ounce army tent $66.75 Above prices include stakes and ropes. 60-inch 17-ounce army duck. $2.0 yd. 20 per cent cash discount from above prices. BARROWS FURNITURE CO. ' 1ST STREET AT JEFFERSON tf GOOD second hand piano for sale, th ieaValo-ADach Tradin mean, zun vv. wasn. " Little Bill Says: Put bee honey on my bread, hot cakes and mush, and Little Bill Is right, as honey is the purest and healthiest sweet In the world for little boys and girls, yes, and big ones, too. Give them Doner's honey. 4-gaL can $6.40, or 60c a quart. Bring your Jars. Doner's Ranch, H, mile south of East lake park, H. mile east on Henshaw Road. dk Navajo Rugs ' Large assortment beautiful designs and' weaves. At bargain prices. Call MAN'S overcoat 'all wool, price $10. 1024 W.Polk. size 38; dk Company, 201 Masonic Temple Bldg, 32 South Central Ave.; Phono 710. It Cash Registers For sale, several good second hand "Ask" MR. BELLAMY. 110 N, Central Ave. $150 CASH Makes first payment Smalt house And lot; Lots fruit and shade; Located northeast: $20 per month on balance. WANTED Double die harrow, What have yout Give full particulars, pneo, ana wnero n registers; guaran dress P. O. Box 416, Phoenix, Ariz, dm L No '2n Ave FOR SALE Olive green DroaaCiOin for SALE Gentlemen's overcoat. Bult size 38, last year's moaei; gooa $5. 1314 W. Monroe, bk teed same as Phone 4178. new. It bargain. Phono 3108. dm I FOR SALE Fencing; Jackson stiff stay fence; poultry, hog and stock. Complete stock on band. The O'Malley Lumber Co. Phone 1204. gs Call in dm FOR SALE Indian rugs. mornings at 71$ E. Adams St FOR Sale Cheap; two lots 7th ave nue and Portland, by owner. Phonel 8207. gsl FOR SALE HOUSES $C0O CAS if BUYS MODERN FOUR ROOM 80 acres Paradise valley relinquish- I AND BATH BUNGALOW' ment. close to school and store; can Must off Center, north, and the price Close In, on car line, price $6800 T Q fl-rM-fin ''AlvnQ,, cash. $2500. rentini? now for $110 ner U KJ VJliiXAiii get bargain, ams. Richardson. 210 E. Ad- of Only $2,800 is a bargain. Let uj It you this one. THOMAS REALTY CO.. 20 West Adams Nothing Down And $15 Per Month Buys It show month. Look this over before you buy elsewhere. Phone 2892, 12 W. Van Buren St. BOLTN REALTY CO. It 111 N. First Ave.. Phone 1093. dl $500 Down $30 per $5250 A nice little chicken ranch, 3 blocks from car. Joining corporatoln limits on the Tiorth. Build you a shack and live. Stewart Realty S. F. Williams, owner, lOo Alonlhon PMK. dr month, Including1 interest. New 4 100m cottage for $1500; block from car line, in northeast part of city; rear Church and school. An unheard- of bargain. Call Mr. Tilton. with Co., 17 West Adams. dm Sacrifice Sale BEARING orange 6 Acres, Krape fruit orchard, over 720 trees mostly young, now paying 25 per cent on the purchasing price Of $8,000.00. Phone 203.T3. No agents. llbg NIFTY PEBBLE DASH BUNGALOW, NORTHEAST, $4 200 ' . $1,000 CASH WILL HANDLE and I Interior Old . ivory and white enamel, and It's modern; in splendid location. You'll' like this one THOMAS REALTY CO., 20 West Adams It LOT t3xl42 In Stor yaddit on. Just across Seventh avenue on W. Moreland street. Price 8H76; terms II6!" cash, balance three vears. Phone 3r9l or Ree Mr. Yar- hnrourh. 122 W. Washington. dl : ;,d cash buys choice BUILDING LOT 60x140 Near car line and city watr. Only $400 $.",0 cash. $10 monthly THOMAS T.KALTY CO., 20 West A'lams It 17 ACRES, 3 miles north of Phoenix, for sale by owner; or will trade for cltv rropertv. Phone 912. dl Government Land You can still get a good homestead not too far out and near railroad, with Irrigation water assured. Only a few left. For information write P. O. BOX 439 PHOENIX ' . dl Moreland Street Pretty 6-room modern brick, close in on paved street; has larpe lot with garage, cement driveway and side walks. We will sell this on reasonable 1 terms. Phone R. G. Mathews, 657. or call at Room 319. Heard Bide. It OLE 1 MvNwi a DELIGHTFUL NEW BUNGALOW HIGH CLASS LOCATION EASY TERMS Beautiful new six room and bath brick bungalow, every conceivable built in feature, bath room and kitchen white enamel, bedrooms old ivory, din ing and living rooms golden oak fin ish. You'll say this place is easily worth $6,500. but you can buy it for $5750 on easy terms. Let us show you ithls; just phone and we'll call for you. THOMAS REALTY CO., 20 West Adams It New 6-room brick on East Brill, modern in every respect; only a small cash payment and a real bargain. KINCAID-BOMAN REALTY CO, ... 325 W. Adams, It " $1,000 Cash For the best five-room brick that n do oougnt ror ?4f6U. 1 nis is a beautiful place and has two fireplaces, lights, gas and water, front or..h, beautiful yard and fine old shade, rar- age and two screen r-oins outside. Balance payments like rent. Ray Smith WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 W. Adms. Phon 1937 It Double House Wanted I have a buyer for a well located modern double house or apartment Cal on or phone Mr. Fisher. DAVIE REALTY CO. 128 N. Central. Phone 3599 It 5-Room Brick Modern to the minute, garage, ce ment driveway, one block west of Brill car; has east front; furnished; price $5600, unfurnished price $4900, with $1500 cash. Phone 8B91 or see Mr. Yarborough, 122 W. Washington Street. It $1500 $400 Cash Three -room frame, northeast new and ready to occupy. A real bargain and on terms like rent. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . Block & Burns 117 W. Monroe, Phone 4208. FOR SALE Iron roofing, Galvan ized roofing, in 6, 6, 8 and 10 ft lengths The O'Malley Lumber Co. Phone 1204 t ... gg ARMY GOODS We carry a full line of army tents, wagon covers, folding cots, shoes, shirts, overcoats, sweaters, underwear, etc. The Army Goods Store. First St and Adams, gS NEW Cleveland motorcycle. $160, at pas station. Van Buren and 16th St. dl FOR SALE One upright piano, one quarter sawed oak dining room set, 1 parlor cabinet, gold leaf; Ai furniture. Phone 188. Glendale. 221 W. A. mill ' T it 1-- FOR SALE 10x12-14 oz. wall tents. Used only a few weeks; special price of $20. .N. Tofter Saddle & Hsrnefis Co. gs FOR SALE Choics cabbage plants, any quantity. 1021 N. 16th St am FLAT top desk and office chair. Box 90C. Republican. dm SOLID walnut dining table. Box 89C, Republican. dm FOR SALE Two violins, very rea sonable. Mrs. R. E. Lawrence, 1110 E. Culver. dl It BRING your gsods to the auction. FOR SALE Two apartment 8 room 27 S. Fifth Ave.; then you will get the house, 3 sleeping porches and bath. See X'alue. Phone 4779; J. B. Guess, Auc J. S. Marxson. 1005 E. TAylor St 12gltloneer. dm EAST P1ERCI3 STREET HOME $2,650 ONLY $600 CASH BUYS Let us show you this. You will like it. THOMAS REALTY CO.. 20 West Adams SIX room double house, furnished. See owner, 1148 W. Fllmore. It PARTY leaving city will sell prac tically new modern 4 room furnished bungalow in Wes.t Capitol addition: $2,000 cash, balance monthly. See own er at 834 N. Third Ave. dp FOR SALE One large oak library table and one sanitary couch. 15 North 16th Avenue. Phone 883. tf $2750 Bargain In nice little cottage, four rwV&Vrc FERTILIZER for iawns. 42038554. tf PURE bee honey, $8 for 5 gallons; X quart, 60e. 722 S. Third Ave. 121 WE ARE CUTTING PRICES On tents, wagon covers and picking bags. Look at our stock and get In on It rooms, lot 60x250. lights, shade, well and garage, beautiful palms, equipped j for chicken raising; no city taxes. With a fair amount down the payments on this place are only $10 per month and Interest. Let wa show you this bargain. SEE MR. TILTON STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams St dm PHOENIX SEED AND FEED SO, 183 E. JEFFERSON ST. tf FERTILIZER Tor sale. J. H. Nle mever. Phone 1673, between and 8 evenings. tf PLANT A GARDEN You can still raise a fine winter gar den. Use our seeds. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. lit B. JEFF. ST, tf Auction! Auction! 40-Head of Mules-40 Wednesday, November 24, 1 p. m. I will sell on Wednesday, November 24, at 201 North Seventh avenue. Five Points, 24 head of extra good young mules, gentle, broke and ready to go right to work; from 4 to 6 years old. weighing from 1.000 to 1,400 pounds. This is an exceptional good bunch of mules. The kind that will give satis-, faction and seldom seen at auctions. I will also sell head of all purpose horses, well matched, gentle broke and young, averajro weight 1.300 pounds apiece; also 16 head of middle-aged mules suitable for scraper and general ranch work, and 8 sets of work har ness, chain and- leather tugs; also three good" stock saddles. Parties needing anything in this line can save from 40 to 60 per cent by attending this sale, as this stock must and will be sold to the highest bidder. Re member you will see as good mules at this sale as there are in the Salt River Valley. Don't forget date and place of sale. November 24, at McMullen's Mule Market, 201 North Seventh avenue. Call and look' them over. They will be in corrals from now on until date of sale. They will bear a very close Inspection for quality and soundness. B'or further particulars see, phone or w rRC. R. McMuUen 701 North Seventh Avenue Phone 1764 (J 5