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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FIVE THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 MUSIC SECTION 0 F n op in wrra IE 1 An artistic, well balanced program opened the season of the music section of the Woman'i club yesterday after noon and those participating were en thusiastically received by an apprecia tive audience. One of the partlclularly enjoyable troops was given bv the Atwood club quartet a new organization, with How ard Francis Ewlng as director. Liza Jhm arm's beautiful lyric, "Long Ago in Erypt." "Gray Days" by Noel John on, and an encore, "Kentucky Babe.' were riven by the quartet. A charm In duet from Verdi, "La Folza del Des tlno," was also sun by Duff and Ewlng-. Mrs. Avery Corpateln gave a delight- ubtle and sombre play. "Little Eyolf.' Her characterizations, particularly that of the Rat Wife, were extremely vivid. To this reading was added a bit of child lore. "Somebody Did." Mrs. Lillian Adams Liknaltz, a new comer In Thoenlx, created a very fa vorable Impression with her piano num bers, which Included "Dan He dele Dra gee," Tnohalkowsky; "Block Key Ktude." Chopin, and "Hark. Hark, the Lark." Schubert-Liszt. Her encore, i Chopin valse, was delicate and grace fuU Tro muslclarshlp was shown by Mrs. Bessie Fox Davl, who consented, upon a moment's notice, to substitute for Mfs Helen Haworth, and from an ex tensive repertoire of songs, selected "If I But Knew," Dolce Grossmayer: "ttose In the Carden." Neldllnger, and "Dawn on the Desert," Gertrude Ross. Mrs. Davis' warm, rich contralto voice so pleased ber audience that she save as an. additional number a bit of rau slcal humor, "Don You Listen." Throughout the proeram Wendell M. Jones and Mrs. Emily Perry Danks provided accompaniments of artistic excellence. At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Davenport, a distin trulshed woman visitor from abroad, Cave a few words of greeting to the club members. o ' POLICE OF NATION TO USE SCIENCE IN CRIME WAVE FIGHT Driven by the wave of crime thst has been sweeping; over the United States since the close f the world war. the police authorities of city, state and na tlon are Invoking the aid of science and Invention In the fight against hold-up men, bomb-throwers and murderers William J. Flynn, present chief of the secret police of the United States, In facing a problem, compared with which the fabled labors of Hercules wore simply part of the day's work. In the course of his never-ending in vestigations, Flynn has found It neces sary to employ the most modern of po lice methods. He has experts of all kinds on his staff, and this, with his own experience, makes possible what would otherwise be beyond the reach of human Ingenuity. Hie net has been spread from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and only a few months ago. when It was hauled In It brought with It at least a dozen men who were charged with half the crimes In the calendar. At the time the attempt was made to assassinate Attorney General Palmer, Flynn. and his assistants had nothing to work upon except tne fragments of the remains of the terrorists. By piec ing things together the detectives came to the conclusion that the would-be assassin ana wed to the following description: He was a slender, swarthy man, with dark hair. He is thought to be a Philadelphia!!. He wore a black suit with green stripes. His shirt was white with green and yellow stripes and of poor quality. Underclothing was of winter weight. Socks were of tan lisle. He carried two pistols. Wore a steel gray soft hat, size VA bearing the name of De Luca Brothers of Philadelphia. Wore a collar of widely advertised brand, with a laundry mark that may aid In identification. Had many papers In pockets, which were blown to pieces. Among these papers was an Italian English dictionary and two volumes of radical literature. This man has never been discovered, but from the description thus presented there are possibilities never dreamed of in the philosophy of Sherlock Holmes. Two other phases of the prevalent wave of crime concern the smugglers imd the violators of the Volstead act. In the old days the business of cheating the government of its customs duties, while often complicated and unique, was never so daring as It la at the present time. Smuggling By Airplanes The accomplishing smugglers of to day have pressed flylnr machines Into their service, and the customs officials are almost distracted by the smuggling that is going on between this country Talented Indian Youth Develops Genius for Art in City Bastile WW ley, who had not been living with his; wife for some time, went out to where his wife was living with her brother, Mac Bowman. Willie there he be came engaged in an argument with his wife over seeing his children and the outgrowth of it was that Kelley was sent on his way with a badly laceratea head. He came to Glendale and swore out a complaint against MacBowman, Mrs. Kelley's brother, charging nun wiui aggravated accault and striking him with a weapon. Witnesses were In troduced by the defense and it was Droven that Bowman had nothing to do with the affair, more than ordering Kelley off of the place. Mrs. Kellev In her defense, however, stated that one had used a Etlck of stovewood to hit Kelley with. For lack of evidence MacBowman was turned loose. Go To Flaattaff Mrs. E. F. Bridwell and family left Saturday night for Flagstaff where thev will loin Mr. Bridwell, who has a verv nrosnerous business in tne northern city. To Visit California Mrs. Snoderass and children of South Seventh avenue will leave In t few days to visit her father In Call fornla. To Entertain Mr. and Mrs. A- G. Pilcher will tn tertain at Thanksgiving dinner Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker, and Mrs. J. P. Dillon of Phoenix. New Resident Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scherer are rejoicing over the arrival of a daugh ter on Tuesday. Sunrise Thanksgiving Service The Intermediate League has In vited the Senior and Junior League of the First Methodist church to attend a sunrise Thanksgiving service at the auditorium at 7:80 o'clock. Friends of any members of the league are In vited. Disregard Laws Disregarding the law relating to shooting from a public highway, Someone shooting at blrda with a ' 22 shot a valuable bull belonging to Mr Lerman. The animal lived for about a month and a post-mortem examlna tion disclosed the bullet lodged in the lung. New Grocery Opens s The opening of the East Side grocery on Glendale avenue marks another stage in the movement of business toward the east. The building was built by J. D. Howell for Mr. Critten- dem and his neice Miss Goidie fenaw-ger. Bazaar and Dinner The First Methodist church Ladles' Aid will give a bazaar and dinner De cember 4 in the W. O. W. hall, uney will open the bazaar at 1 o'clock and articles practical and rea eonable in price will be offered for sale. The din ner will be served at o:au ociock. The proceeds of both will go toward the building fund of the church. Visits Here O. W. Fereus, father of Mrs. Lid Hoel. who is visiting here, will return soon to Casa Grande where he will visit his eon, Floyd, again, after which he will return to his home in Ana helm. California. 1 M. L. GIBBONS MESA, ARIZ. Phone 222 Funeral Director and Embatneer Lady Attendant FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS in large supply 'At ' " DONOFRIO Floral Co. Potted Plants in Bloom We Ship Sucessfully to all Parts of the Country Chas. Morton, Mgr. c Phone 1766 in The story of Harry Lives, better and Mexico by means of airplanes. The known to the police as John Lewis, Is boundary lines are 'so lange that It is the story of an Indian who "dlscov practlcally Impossible to picket them ered" himself while in JalL ' Lives drew effectively. But If airplanes are not the accompanying Indian head and utilized Into the bargain, the idea of many other very creditable sketches collecting any duties will have to bel while an Inmate of the city bastile. His abandoned. cellmates never tire of hearing him re- Crime Wave Sweeps Cities cite poetry. Harry has a good corn- Turn In g from smugs ring and viola- mand of the English language and is tlon of the Volstead act we find that familiar with modern writers and their the growth of crime In large cities of works. ' the United States la e bad that it la Harry crave any beverage which disturbing the authorities. Drunken- contains more than one-half of one per ness may or may not be so prevalent cent alcohol. That is his failing. He but the more alarming gind of crime knows the best flavored hair tonics, can grows worse all the tame. Automobile point out the lemon and vanilla ex- ban dlts seem to be afrle to operate at I tracts which carry the hardest "kick" will in most of the large cities. Read-land can mix a denatured alcohol cock ers of the newspaper are becoming fa- tail with the precision of an old time miliar with stories ef hold-ups In the I bartender. heart of the cities. Jtewelry stores have! Many pages ef the annual police reo been entered and robbed In broad day-lord carry the notation. "John Lewis, light. Burglars hav broken Into stores Indian. Drunk and disorderly." And yet Harry Lives, or John Lewis, la not troublesome to the police. He simply gets drunk and arrested with the reg ularity of a school boy trying to make an attendance record immediately be fore Christmas. He finished his last Jail sentence Saturday night and left as souvenirs of the occasion a little gallery of Intimate pencil sketches. Although a graduate of the Indian school, Harry did not realize his talents at the time he was a student there and confined his studies to a practical course in agriculture. He never had "I am the master of my fater 7vv. I am the captain of my soul" The career of every man or woman who has risen to success is a vivid revelation of the great truth quoted, above. The forces that cjontrol one's course in life are lodged within ourselves and de veloped in proportion to the self-constraint we im pose upon our conduct. Self-denial, therefore, be comes the essence of self-mastery and the spirit of success. To abstain from wasteful pleasure, to hold aloof from extravagance, to save a part of our earn ings regularly, persistently and unfailingly these are the surest means of controlling our destiny. Your savings, deposited here, encourage your efforts by the visible progress that they will reveal to you. Tin lPIhffleiiiss Siwnoalg Bmk ' mi Tirongft w$my A filiated with Phoenix National Bank SAVINGS TMJSTS INSURANCE instructions in drawing nor thumbed over school texts of poetry and prose. Long days of Idleness in the city Jail caused him to devote more and more time and attention to the pursuance of these studies. He read every book and magazine available while serving time and worked far into the night with a stubby pencil and a scrap of paper, Harry often draws upon his own imag ination for art subjects. As a doughboy with the 80th Infantry Harry served 16 months overseas. From his army life he draws inspira tion for many Interesting bits of verse. The following lines are from one of his compositions: Zero hourl With a rush we scram ble over the top. A shell breaks neara shriek one of my comrades drop. From far across the ocean comes the whisper of m moan The sob ef gray-haired mother who facea the world alone. Through Jailer McCormack, several influential Phoenicians have become Interested In Harry and a letter has been sent to Congressman Hayden with the object of determining whether as slstance for Harry may be obtained through the bureau of Indian affairs. "I am absolutely through with booze," Harry declared as he left the Jail Saturday. "If people are going to believe In me I am going to believe In myself. I am going to make good.' are uy Your Har dw Where Stocks are Complete within a half a block of the city hall and safes blown open- and rifled. . The managers of chain grocery Btores have been held up at the point of a pistol, the money drawers emptied, followed by the escape of the robbers in swift automobiles. In New York City crime has become so systematized that the police have found it necessary to specialize if they hope to match their wita against the lawbreakers. They have a bomb squad there, with an expert whose duty it Is to look after Infernal machines. When ever one of these death-dealing Instru ments is found it is the dutv of this expert to open it. The finger print bu reau Is older, and deals with all types of crime. In the hunt for anarchists and undesirables the members of the bomb squad and the finger print bu reau work together to great advantage. o REPORT .1. ra E Dinner 1 nanKsgiving Those Wonderful Words Special Offerings for Thanksgiving Open Wednesday Night Closed All Day Thursday Pure Granulated Sugar, $10 50 per sack i-, - . ... . 5 pounds Pure Granulated KKt Sugar ........ No. 3 can Van Camp's Pumpkin, 20 P (none better), per can ... . . ., Pure Apple Cider (Phey Brand), 4C per quart tu" 15 oz. Sunmaid Seedless Raisins, 28 C per package y. . . Olive Mince (delicious for salads) Jq per can . . .... ..... ... . . Fancy grade crisp Celery, 10 C per bunch Heinz Plum Pudding, 58 C per'can - Also plenty of Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Oranges and Grapefruit. High School Basketeria Corner Seventh Street and East Van Buren Out of the Congested Auto District News From The North Side GLENDALE PEORIA G. M. DEAN, Manager Circulation, News, Advertising Officei Carrick Realty Co. Phone S Glendale We are gratified to announce that our stocks of build ers hardware and mechanics tools is now complete to the last particular. You will find almost any design and finish in locks or other hardware that you may desire, and in quantities large enough to fill every possible re quirement. ' In mechanics tools we feature only those standard lines that are time tested and reliable. We also carry a full line of paints, brushes and painters supplies. Buying as we do in large quantities we are able to give you prices equal to the quotations of the largest stores anywhere. Bring us your bills of hardware for estimates. 77 m-j kizm-ktMin GLENDALE. Not. 28. As the result of a family row Saturday night John Kelley came out with two large scalp j wounds that had been caused by being struck over the head. According to the testimony given out In Judge Pat terson's court Tuesday afternoon. Kel- Cloth was cut by a round-bladed knife until 400 B.. C. when an Italian Invented a crude pair of scissors. - Old floors made Ufce new. 3059. ... Phone dl FIVE POINTS, PHOENIX Also Yards At FLORENCE TEMPE AJO MESA S AFFORD .MIAMI NOGALES GILBERT , YUMA CASA GRANDE SOMERTON GLENDALE CHANDLER iwiBi-'jw'KiM,a'f'AM-; R. H. Green of Phoenix, president of the Home Builders, Is slowly recover ing from, serious injuries sustained last Fridayn ight at Hollywood, CaL, ac cording1 to a report received here last night. Although details are lacking regard ing the accident, it is believed Green was struck by an automobile while crossing the street on the way to his daughter's home in Hollywood from a nearby news stand. Mrs. Charles W. Ely, a granddaughter, discovered him In a dazed condition and with blood covered face. She helped him Into the homo and he was later taken to a hospital, where it was found his knee was crushed and he was severely biulsed. The attending physician was of the opinion no permanent Injuries were sustained. o Old Stocks H. C, L. Cause f. v r ' v - 4 . ' o ' K I c s - f I . ' . '. I t r ; I : .v - .v v.... a.. 1 V ' - 'i J.S.BACHE NEW YORK The failure of prices to come down with deflation in full force Is aRRlpned by J S. Bacbe & Co. of New York, to the desire of the retainers to pell without loss stock bought at higher price- Mi StALLiDAJTlOSed Your Shopping at - TOD A SPECIAL VALUES PREVAIL In Every Department of this Great Institution The t, Store ' of ServEce The House ' of Courtesy H ft vm il i