Newspaper Page Text
PAGEr SIX ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 7 SPECIALISTS In the Examination of Eyes and the Fitting of Correct Glasses 4 Northrup Optical Co. EAST ADAMS STREET Phona 690 for Appointment 1 UA ISAMlTAttY JYSTEhJ Mr 36 East Washington SL Phone 3039 Coming Events WEATHER REPORT 3" Station 9 o J3 ST e o 0 Boston 48 Buffalo 34 Chicago 40 Denver 42 Galveston 63 Kansas City .. .. 42 Minneapolis ..., 32 New Orleans .... DS New York 42 Oklahoma . . 40 PHOENIX 66 Pittsburg 40 St. Louis- 44 Salt Lake City .. 42 Washington 44 Winnipeg 30 - MUNSON OPTICAL CO. 8 E. Washington Street PHOENIX, ARIZONA Phoenix Seed and Feed Company Wholesale end , Retail 125 East Jefferson St. Temp., dry bulb 41 70 Temp, wet bulb 38 52 BO Humidity, per ivnt ..75 26- 34 Wind from . NE K W Wind, miles 6 2 4 Rainfall 0 0 0 Weather Clear Clear Clear Highest yesterday 77 Lowest yesterday '....40 Total rainfall 00 Excess in temperature yesterday, 2 degrees. Excess or deficiency In temperature since the first of the month, none. Accumulated deficiency In tempera ture since January 1, 97 degrees. Normal precipitation January 1 to date, 7.02 Inches. Actual precipitation January 1 to date. 6.21 Inches. Deficiency since January 1, 0.81 Inch. ROBERT Q. GRANT. o Haas Barach Co, Inc. GROCERS WHOLESALE ARIZONA HARDWARE SUPPLY CO. The Onty EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE Hardware Hmm in ttw Constable Ice and Fuel Company t Phone 1555 WOOD AND COAL I Buy Diamonds and Pay Highest Cash Price HIack Gardner 45 N. CENTRAL I PLUMBING 1 iHONEST WORK FAIR PRICES Send, me your work for quick and efficient service SO 36 42 46 66 44 32 64 46 64 77 40 43 4rf SO 34 Raining Raining Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Raining Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. Cldy Clear. Clear Cloudy .12 .26 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .09 .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Local Weather Yesterday 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. 64 localnrieB ADMINISTRATOR SUES COM PANY Ignacio S. Esplnoza, admtnis trator of the estate of Jose Maria Ochoa who died in November, 1918, IS GIVEN DIVORCE Tlsmer Flem ing, colored, yesterday was granted a decree of divorce from Sam Fleming, colored, by Judge Lyman on grounds of desertion. MOVES INTO NEW OFFICES The Arizona Wlllite Road Construction company yesterday moved into its new offices in the new Arizona Fire Insur ance company building at Second ave nue and Adams street. Wednesday, Nov. 24 Free lecture on "Physical and Mental Training" by Dr. Charlotte Davenport at school administration building 8 p. m. Friday, Nov 26 Madison Worn a's club 3 d. m. Friday. Nov. 28 Rotary club luncheon at Y. M. C. A. Saturday, Nov. 27 City bond elec- yesteday brought suit against the New Cornelia Copper company of AJo lor a Judgment of $20,000, declaring that the death of Ochoa was the result of an exploson at the mines on November 27, 1918. According to the complant. Ochoa was employed by the mining company at the time of the accident HELD ON EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE Mabel Shaw yesterday was held to answer t6 the superior court by Justice McKee on a charge of embez zlement when she waived a preliminary hearing In that court. She was re furnished. . The complaint was made 'eased under a bond of $500 which she by R. T. Mansfield who charges that Miss Shaw was entrusted with a Buick automobile the property of the heirs at-law of James Shaw and Elizabeth Shaw, deceased. He alleges that al though the automobile was subject to the claims of the creditors of the two decedents, Miss Shaw fraudulently em bezzled the car for her owj use In violation of her trust. IS ADMITTED TO BAR Howard M. Colvin was admitted to practice In this state by the 6unreme court yes terday on credentials from the spureme court of Oklahoma and the motion of Judge Frank O. Smith. Mr. Colvin will practice In Phoenix. GOES TO CALIFORNIA Mrs. Ed Stephens, wife of the secretary of the state livestock sanitary board, left yes terday for Bakersfield, where she will spend a fortnight with her mother, Mrs. Mary M. Dickson HERE FROM SAN CARLOS Henry Boice, who has large cattle interests In San Carlos, was In the city yesterday to attend a meeting of the state land board. ACCUSED OF SELLING MORT GAGED GOODS J. D. Young was ar raigned before Justice McKee yester day on a charge of selling mortgaged property without first advising the mortgagee of the sale. He was re leased under a bond of $750, which he furnished, for his appearance at a pre nmmary Hearing on Nov. Z7, at 10 a, m. The complaint was made by John W. Martin, who alleges that he held a chattel mortgage for $200 on two horses, a cow and a calf, given by Young. Young, according to the com plaint, disposed of the stock without advising Martin of the intended sale. VISITORS FROM OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Al Collins of Salem, Ore., and state librarian, will spend the coming week-end in Tucson, where her daugh ter. Miss Lillian Cronin, Is attending the state university. STATE ENGINEER RETURNS Thomas Maddock, state engineer, re turned yesterday from an inspection of state roads in the southern part of the state. Engineer Maddock Inspect ed the Benson-Vail highway and the Fiorence-buperior highway, on which the work is progressing rapidly. The first representative of our gov ernment to board a vessel arlving from a foreign port is the health officer. An American, Dr. Charles Sholes, is crediting with inventing the first type writer. Spain has half a million more fe males than males. ' The recently-formed Belgian acad emy has decided to admit women to Its sacred councils. Newsboy Knows 100,000 Faces ) - fS4- 7 V , Today's the day to think of the things you'll be thankful to have to wear tomorrow! Evening dress and eve ning dress accessories. "Rogers Peet" and "So ciety Brand" suits. . Golf Suits, Golf Hose, Sweaters, Caps, 'Golf Shoes. All Shirts reduced 30 in price. Closed Tomorrow r McDougall & Cassou Washington Street CRIPPLED FEET Appliances and fittings satisfac tory Free examination. KIMBALL & HULETT N. W. Cor. 1st St. and Adams NEW V flT?V TrvVvn Tn.anh V,oo wU!! ?.au?hte" Br?1f1 ?ed rf? made a fortune selling newspapers Wilky and his family at their home at m, ,. -f, v.Al. 302 Virginia avenue last Saturday by I T.criV, mnnnn it 1 YEOMAN DANCE The Rowena fuu'1 ,J lDV,,riT.v " forget the face of a customer. He circle will give an apron dance on Thursday evening, November 25 at the K. of p. hall. All yeomen and their friends are cordially invited. There will be good music and a good time Is assured. COMPANY GETS BUSY In com pliance with a recent sharp ruling of the city commission the Phoenix Street Railway company has started trip to Oregon from Chillicothe, Mo., and other eastern cities. They also visited Mrs. Smith Chittick, Mrs. J. J. Meyers and Mrs. C. O. Swartz of Glen- dale. They left Monday morning for "J" J TO HOLD SALE TODAY The women of the Trinity guuo ana xne auxiliary of the pro-cathedral will hold a cooked food sale at the Roper sales holds out the paper each man wants, too. He sells 2500 papers a day and says he can guess four times out of five what paper a strange buyer It Is estimated that one-third of all persons In gainful employ In the Unit ed States are women. The former Empress Elizabeth of Austria use to smoke as many as 60 to 60 cigarettes a day. The Bank of England safeguarts its gold supply over night by submerging It in a deep welL N Ordinary privates, of . the national guard earn $64 a year. It has been announced that $400,000 monthly will be needed to run the league of nations next year. elevating its tracks on Monroe street rooms, 414 North Central avenue, this between Second and Third streets. According to City Engineer Hitchcock' this strip of track is at places more than five inches below the level of the street. The railway company has been called upon to bring the tracks to the street level. ENTERS SUIT FOR DAMAGES Declaring that she suffered permanent Injuries when the defendants entered her home on August 20, 1920 and as saulted her, Gladys Doane yesterday brought suit against Perry L. Imes and Jane Doe Imes, his wife for a Judge afternoon between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock. BABY BOY ARRIVES U B. Gill. oneratinr manager for the B. F. Good rich Rubber Tire company, is being congratulated on the birth of a son at his residence. 603 Nortn ourtn avenue. Mrs. Gill was formerly Mar garet Shields of Los Angeles, and her mother, Mrs. R. D. Shields.; a promi nent club and Eastern "Star member ef Los Angeles, was with her when the imiA Btrnne-Rr arrived. EVANGELIST STARTS WUrm O. E. BELLAS 810 North First 8t.i Phone 873 ment of $2,500. She allege, that they Evangelist J. u tui r YX"1 struck her and beat her and says that City spoke last nignt at .v.. i v .. hi. s lipoma street. His messages, which oiicj uaa uccii uiiaviq iu nuiA. cinuc i ... j i . . : i nrn nr t n r tvdh lucii blii, nut LICENSED TO MARRY Licenses "vered at mis actress e y i LOANS EASY TO GET "t In sums op to 300 at lawful rata, 'n yeur furniture, piano, automo bile, livestock. Implements, ete. Repay In email monthly payments If desired. Ample funds. Juat mn4 eourteoue treatment. Strictly ! fidential. PEOPLE'S LOAN AND INVEST . MENT COMPANY Phone 1238, 3 East Wsshlngtoa Arizona Iron Works, Inc. p. O. Box 675 Phone 1J71 ' ' Three blocks south of State Cap. ltal between Jackaon and Haxrl son Streets. We have an up-to-date Foundry and Machine Shop and specialize In repairing Mining and Cotton Oil machinery. E. C. VOSS, Manager. to marry were issued yesterday to Jesus Jose Gonzales, 46, and Rafaelo Bonilla, 24, both of Chandler; Ysalos Cecenia, 23, and Margarita Limon. 22, both of Glendale and Joe V. Proohaska, 41, and Mlldreth Wlmbish. 27. both of Phoenix. week. A general invitation is extended tn th Tllhl1C " r-hi M F w MOTOR CAK H ULtn J thief of unusual daring wornea mo Yale lock on a new Hudson touring c owned by Mrs. Grace Wllle. 21 West Portland street, and drove it from the IF IT'S JEWELRY WE MAKE IT TO ORDER Geo. De Freitaa Manufacturing Jeweler ; If It'e Broken We Repair It V' 25 North First Ave, Phoenix "CADILLACS" We havo a factory man that can give you service on your cars. HANSON & KARLSON V, "Machinists" 737 Grand Ave. Phona 1360 CERTAINLY We Repair Shoes f Modern Methods Efficient Workmen Best Materials GOODYEAR SHOE SHOP 28 West Van Buren PASADENA GIRL VISITS HER E I corner of Second "AJ"?ts Ifornla, is visiting her niece. Mrs? Fred JLSt l it was R. Stewart. 1545 West Pierce street. ".T '":", A, both front Mrs. McMurtry has been touring the quipped with Jluni east Ma is returning to her home in T"fr"', Torted to police head camornia. bhe expressed nerseir as " , nd the sheriffs office. u;ri nnni -r . VESPERS ON DEStKT i. ne uiuo hucu jrcoLciuiy iu juu v. riucimaaa turn I - - 0 . O.oft . c.Q n. m. The iunarea vvimDisn. me state came i -- . x,nnaa n. .... . . - '..j I cirln will meet ai mo iw""s u ucii litsk luiui ueiiieu uia.1 mo iveu- I " . . t- v ctrocta at ding had taken place. He said he did " lich M is requested noi Know jusi wnen me ceremony i , " ,M. mitaW for a Die- would be performed, Friends of Mr. to tfilS MEANS' CLUB EXAMINA tion An examination for students and active members in the Musicians' win be held at the Woman's club Mnndav. December 6, at 4 p. m. Those desiring to take this .Tominstion will nlease -notify the sec- ,.t9rv. Miss Hulburd, 402 East Culver HOLD ERHARDT FUNERAL SER VICE Funeral services for the late Albert O. Erhardt were held from the Trinity Pro-Cathedral yesieraay af ternoon, Knights Templars being in charge. Phoenix chapter. Order of Eastern Star, no. t, ana memDers i the Elks attended in a body, as well as members of the Masonic blue lodge. The funeral procession was one or the largest in Phoenix in recent years. It was headed Dy tne city oana, mi- lowed by Knights Tempiars, a lire truck from Central fire station, tne hearse flanked by honorary paiioear- ers ana men auiomuuus, canjius mnnmera and friends of the deceased. Out of respect to tne memory or tne decedent the office or the state treas urer closed at noon. George Erhardt, deputy state treasurer, is a brother of the deceased. DIRECTORS TO MfctT The Doara of directors of the chamber of com merce will hold Its regular meeting at 12:15 o'clock this afternoon at the Arl zona club. DAUGHTER IS BORN A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pad dock of 2208 North Central avenue last Sunday morning At the Sisters' hosDitaL Little Miss Paddock has been christened Frederica Jean. Mr. Paddock wajs formerly manager of the Pacific Creamery company and is now general manager of the Sunny Arizona Investment company. INJURED IN COLLISION Augus tine Buscas, 21 South Central street, was painfully injured when stock and knocked from his bicycle by a motor car driven by J. L. Entrekin of Chan dler on North First street yesterday afternoon. Buscas was taken to the St. Joseph hospital for treatment. TRAINS TO MEXICO CROWDED Trains going into Mexico are crowd ed, declared Frita M. Holmqulst, as si stan t state engineer, on his return from Mazatlan yesterday. Mr. Holm- qulst, who was absent 12 days on per sonal Vusinoss. stated that the Amer icans are pimply flockincr into Mex ico, the three trains weekly crowded with the people w ho have re nrwed their "onfidonre In Mexico. TO SPEND WEEK-END IN TUC Prochaska said they had not been taken into his confidence "but ventured a guess that the game warn would cap ture hla "dear" on ThanKsgiving day, TO VISIT NORTHERN COUNCILS Mrs. Emma Gordon Thomas, state secretary of the Security Benefit as sociatlon for Arizona and New Mex ico, left Tuesday evening on an official visit to councils in the northern part of the state at Flagstaff, Ashfork and WlnSTow, returning the latter part of the week. ATTORNEYS MOVE QUARTERS Walter J. Thalheiraer and Louis J. Hart, attorneys, have moved into their new quarters at 205-206 O'Neill build ing, First avenue and Adams street. Mr. Thalhelmer and Mr. Hart were originally connected with Herman Lew kowltz under the name of Lewkowitz, Thalhelmer and Hart but by mutual agreement this firm was dissolved, and a new one formed between Thalhelmer and Hart.- They were formerly located at 417 Fleming building. MINING COMPANY IS DEFEND ANT Declaring that he suffered in juries to the extent of $2,999 as the re sult of being Btruck by a car in an ore train in the mine tunnel. Euseblo Vala dez yesterday brought suit against the Ray Consolidated Mining company for a Judgment. He alleges that he was employed by the company as a manual and mechanical laborer and says that the accident took place in March 1920. One of the cars In an ore train carrying ore in the mines lurched he alleges as the train was passing him and crushed him against the wall of the tunnel. He declares his' injuries to be permanent. o TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY STOLEN New Hudson 7-passenger touring car, engine No. 94S79, Callfor nla license 447-340. Windshields front and back; "All-Weather cord tires all around. Car was stolen la9t night from Second avenue and Adams street. Notify Mrs. Grace Wllle, 21 West Port In ml. Phone 1857. It WILL exchange 8-16 Avery tractor and tractor cultivator. Will trade for mules. Chas. Shouse, phone BR4, Mesa. Tt Aim? mm? Stop, Look and Read! Sugar, per lb., 7c Some price, don't you think? 5 lbs. Pure Granulated Sugar for 35c with every $6.00 order of groceries, not including sugar. BACON! BACON! Army Bacon The finest Bacon manufactured government inspected. 12-lb. can, " net weight In less than can lots, per lb . We Parcel Post this Bacon to any place in state. For Your Thanksgiving Dinner Bulk Mince Meat, per lb , 2 large cans Pumpkin Gallon cans Pumpkin L Currants, When it comes to stuffing that Thanksgiving bird, just bear in ' mind that the prime essential for that purpose is the incom parable Butter Nut Bread Whether stuffed with oysters, chestnuts, or any other f avored ingredient, the dressing will be better if the bread is cut from a loaf of Butter Nut Bread Just bear that in mind when you are making your prepara tions for the Thanksgiving f Gcist. Butter Nut Bread, the bread that made mother quit baking P HO E NIX 4 BAKER Y Since Eighteen Eighty-One The new regular army division of the United States will be made up of 18,- OOOxmen. Germany had a number of vegeta rlan regiments in active service during the World war. It is reported that Fort Riley, Kan., is be made the largest cavalry sta tion in the United States. The art of tatooing, as it Is known in the South Seas, is rapidly passing with the death of the old professionals. Every piece $3.60 35c b Heavy Pack Bellf lower Apples, per box Walnuts, per lb. COFFEE! COFFEE 3 lbs. Hill's Blue Can Coffee 35c 35 c 50 c 35c $2.65 26c Large can Solid Pack Tomatoes Sweet Peas, per can , Lemons. per dozen 10 bars Lennox Soap 2 largs cans Sauerkraut Dry Peaches, per lb Dry Peaches, by 25-lb. box, per lb : We deliver orders of $1.00 inside the city limits. We pack and ship mail orders of $10.00 or over. $1.03 19c 16c 21c 50c 35c 25c 22c Marvin Smith Grocery Phone 1387 329 E. Washington St. on a than APPLES Jumble-Pack Box Extra Fancy JONATHAN Box BELLEFLEURS $2.19 Box Harry Ballah We Retail at Wholesale Prices 129 West Jefferson Some of the ancient Moorish walls of Spain are being dynamited for use as paving material. . s SPECIALS Sugar Sugar 8c Granulated Sugar, per lb. We will sell you 5 lbs. at the above price , with every $6.00 order of otheV groceries . None-Such Mincemeat. " Qp per pkg X7C Fancy Potatoes, (none 9?a better), 10 lbs. for ,JU Onions, 7 lbs. for 25c Toilet Paper, QQf 3 big rolls OK, Salt Pork, per lb. ,28c Breakfast Bacon . Qfi Per pound..... . Picnic Hams, per Peanut Butter, 3 lbs. for .... Star Flour, 24 lbs. sack .. ......30c ...90c $1.70 Crystal White Soap, HKn 10 bars (new size) tlv 89c 43c 98c .87c P. & G. Naphtha Soap, , 10 bars for Fancy Japan Rice, 3 lbs. for Pink Beans new crop 10 lbs Good Bulk Coffee. 3 lbs. for Bananas. Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Nuts WE DELIVER Send Us Your Mail Orders GriebleV Grocery 218 W. Washington St. Phone 1508 . We Straighten and Machine Crank Shafts, make Bearings, Babbitt, Bronze, C. I. or Steel, Weld, Braze and Reinforce broken parts. If your work is difficult try us. HANSON & KARLSON 737 Grand Ave. Phone 1360 S. HARRY ROBERTSON i SON Mrs. Con Cronin. wife of the