PAGE SEVEN THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 Who Are The Men Who Made Pathway For Civilization In Arizona And Where Are They? PIONEERS OF ARIZONA Who Are They? Where Are They? Name Ag How long in Arizona. Present address " I " Fill cut this blank and mall It to Pioneer Editor, Arizona Republican, Phoenix, Arizona . ' they posses a treasure which Arizona canot afford to lose. Soon those who would have the perils and excitement, the hardships and heart-burnings, the battles and the vistories of another agre detailed to them must go to the dry pages of books and the musty leaves of dead records. That something: may be done to per petuate the memory of these men and women for many a wife braved the desert with her husband, and many a daughter learned to guard the lonely rsnch TimiflA In fVtA riava nf nn o zrr The Arizona Republican is taking Pacific steps to collect their names and ad dresses and the length of years they have spent In Arizona. It does not in tend to file those names away In a desk drawer, but It desires to have them on hand for two definite puruoses. The first Is that it may have an ac curate record of the pioneers of the state and one that Is as complete as pqossible. The second is that the pro posal has been made to collect the names and addresses of the pioneers and to bring them together early next year in a grand re-union which Is de slkned to be a, great "gthernr toseth of all those to whom is due the EXPERT DEFINES REASON FOR GAS RATE INCREASE kin, L. C. Updike and Miss Francis Thomas. Accepts Position Clarence Sellers has accepted a po sition with the local branch of the Standard Oil company. Phoenix Visitor R. Henderson of Phoenix is spend ing a few days here as the guest of friends. Notice, Knights of Pythias It Is very urgent t hat all the members of the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias attend the regular weekly meeting at Freeman hall on Wednesday evening, as Grand Chan cellor J. Gilbert of Arizona will be present and wants a large attendance. Promotion R. Pine, connected with the South west Cotton company at . Tempe, as Gas and Electric Company Opens Hearing Before Commission Bv TpfTiniPal KYtVlnnuKrvn rrP assistant gin clerk, has been appointed CaUSeS Necessitating dler to succeed A. Renaud who re Tj;,v-U GliAlii1An signed to go into the ranching bus! xxiiici iconic a - ness Returns Home Messrs. D. P. Madray and Lester Mad ray have assumed their duties again after spending the past month visit uiienng testimony largely or a technical nature in support of the ap plication of the Pacific Gas and Elec tric company for an increase In Its gas ln their old home at Skidmore. Texas. Alio Alia, iuaiuajg win iciuiu nuiuo Who are the pioneers of Arizona? Where are they living and what have they observed of the change In the Youngest State since the ray of the stage coach, the Apache, the .43 with the notches on the handle and the bur ro with his pack-saddle supporting a ck of flour and a shovel? In real pioneers men who marked "ut the path for civilization In the Southwest, who entered the desert and passed between unknown hills that those who came after them might find a pleastnt place In which to live, who paid with hardship and suffering com panionship with death for the privilege of bequeathing peace and prosperity to their children Arizona is the richest of the states. More than this, many of those who came to her 30 and 40 and 0 years ago are still living In the state which they made possible. In their lives and in their memories i A Month Ago 2.35 sk. 2.35 sk. 3.65 sk. We Are Inviting You to a Special Sale FEED PRICES are always MAR KET PRICES and the present grain market is DOWN. Compare our prices today with those of a month ago. Today's ' Prices Bran, 65 lb. sk. . . . .2.10 sk. Rolled Barley 70 lb. sk. ......... 2.20 sk. Ground Barley, ';.,I.:...:325sk. White Corn, 120 lb. sk. . 3.25 cwL 4.25 cwt. Cracked Corn, 100 lb. sk........ 325 cwt. 4.50 cwt. Shorts, 85 lb. sk...... .3.25 cwt. 3.50 cwt. Milo Maize, 100 lb. sk...,...,. 2.75 cwt. 3.35 cwt. Oats, 90 lb. sk 3.35 cwt. 4.25 cwt. Wheat, 100 lb. sk. .5.00 cwt. 5.50 Wt. Alfalfa Meal 100 lb. sk. . . ... . . .3.00 cwt. 3.50 cwt. Beet Pulp, 100 lb. sk. . . ... . . .3.10 cwt. 3.50 cwt. "Ari-Zona Brand" Scratch Feed . .,.,.3.75 cwt. 4.50 cwt. "Ari-Zona Brand" Laying Mash .... 3.75 sk. 4.00 sk. Buy Right and You Can Feed Right ' Buy Here Phoenix Seed and Feed Company 133 E. 'JEFFERSdN ST. Order Phone 1067 er ' thanks of Arizona for what they have done lor their state. in another column, therefore. The Arizona Republican la carrying a blank with spaces for the name, address, age. lengxn or residence in Arizona, and names of relatives, and it is asking that these blanks be filled In and mailed to the Pioneer Editor, Arizona Renub- lican, i-noenuc, Arizona. The request to fill In the blanks is not directed to the pioneers only, but to ineir relatives and friends. Read ers of The Republican who know nio neers who may not see this" request. mo sneu io sena me name or such a pioneer to this newspaper. Relative can do this, too, especially if the pio neer is in another part of the state it l necessary only to fill out the blank and mail it. Jf, however, It Is aesirea to add somethine about the pioneer's personal history or some note or explanation, this also may be Bent to me jpioneer Editor. Then, if it is made certain that thAr Is a definite interest In the pioneers, especially among themselves, The Re win ueiau us pian in iuu a plan which has for its obiect onlv th desire to see that the pioneer gets the creaii tnai is aue to him. Fill in. Gut out ana man the Blank todav. Ad dress It to Pioneer Editor, Arizona Re publican. Phoenix, Arizona. S OF IKElTf CUE E rates, H. L. Aller appeared before the corporation commission yesterday in behalf of the company. Mr. Aller based his arguments for the Increase amounting to Bo cents per 100 feet of as, on higher cost of labor, fuel oil, taxes and Increased expense due to ex pansion of, the working fund Mr. Aller offered direct testimony all morning while the afternoon was given over to "cross examination of the wit ness by "WV J. Huddle, rate expert en gaged by the city of Phoenix to look after the consumers' Interests, which will be continued at 10:30 o'clock this morning. While it was believed that the hearing could be completed within a short time, Mr. Huddle and J. E. Nelson, assistant city attorney, asked for a continuance that they might go over the testimony in detail before presenting their case. We cannot say what we will go Into when the case Is called tomorrow,' said Mr. Nelson last evening. "Be fore we outline our case we want to go into the evidence offered by Mr. Aller." Discusses Depreciation The first points taken up by Mr. Aller were the matter of depreciation of reserve and the matter of minimum return on investment. Mr. Aller In tills connection presented the test! mony offered In a former case, the ap plication of the Arizona Gas, Electric Light and Power company for author ity to increase Its allowable rate of return and reserve charges. The-com mission has not yet ruled on this ap plication, but the decision, it Is under stood, will govern the commissions ruling in the present case, The hearing was well advertised and civic organizations sent representa tives, while a number of gas consumers also were present at the morning ses sion, but the technicalities frightened them away before the hearing was far advanced Mr. Huddle and Mr. Nelson appeared for the city, C. M. Gandy for the at torney general's office, and Ben Fer guson for the corporation commission The hearing was conducted by Amos A Eetts, chairman of the commission, and D. F. Johnson, member. High Replacement Cost Replacement cost sine "1915, when the commission allowed the basis for fixing rates, has greatly advanced, stated Mr. Aller. The depreciation cost, he saic was greater than the amount set aside to meet it, and in order to survive, the company was making its application for an increase. , i-iuw- urv oaCK io ... elGment3 enterin into the produc- crown ana raimer were louna .r. M c UUIl VI gas Blum Hl mm i.v- an averasre or si per cent, wnue iur Dower and gas the Increase In costs had been 66 per cent, he testuiea. He urged that It was necessary to grant a higher anowame rate oi re turn In view of the fact that on ac pount of its remoteness from large fl nancial centers the cost of money is irrfntfr than in the East. Mr. Aller testified that the company had put lit $800,000 in Phoenix in the past two years, ana m tne next mreo jcaio exnected to spend $1,500,000 in expan sion. Under cross examination it was shown that the amounts were usea prd nrnnoaed to be used by the com np n v covered both gas and electric Ho-ht features. "To draw the money we must have a return nr other means of 'industry win secure the capital which we need to rnntimiA mir ooerations, saia Air. Al ler. "The earning power oi puonc utilities must be advanced to induce capital to invest." Money Hard to Get In stating that the corporations were in the markets for money, he quoted tha iroriniia rates or interest. Dem about the first of December. . o Center College Is Invited to Coast Republican A. P. Leased Wire LOS ANGELES. Nov. 23. A tele graphic Invitation was forwarded to day ' to Centre college, Kentucky, to send Its football team to Los Angeles to meet the Pacific Fleet team, ac cording to an announcement made to night by Lieut. Jack Cook of the sub marine base at Los Angeles harbor. DECKi HUSBAND MAY SPM WIFE When a wife refuses to remain at home, but insists on going about In the comDanv of other men, her hus band may spank her, Justice Charley DeSales Wheeler yesterday decided, and he dismissed a charge of aggra vated assault against Leopoldo Galvan preferred by h! wife, Antonia de Galvan: The charge against Galvan arose from a severe beating he was alleged to have given his wife several days ago. At the hearing or tne case yes terday Galvan said that he met his wife about a month ago In a restaur ant where she was a waitress. After a courtship of three days, he said, they were married. Several days later, he said, he saw his wife with another man in a picture show and, when they came out, he said, he took them to the police station. There, he said, the police told her she must not go with other men. A day or two later he found his wife In the company of an other man and took her home. There he said he administered the Spanking which caused his arrest. o Four million persona make returns under the federal income tax. Java furnishes the larger part of the world's supply of quinine. Sir Charles Renaud, a black fox used for breeding purposes, is valued at $10,000. It Is estimated there are at least 30,000 caribou at large In Tukon territory. Phone 3748 Mrs. Whyte FOR GRAIN FED urkeys c PER POUND DELIVERVED ORDER WOW """"a j. x-niuins resterdav wan found not guilty by Justice McTTaa after a bearing, on a charge of errand larceny. The complaint was made bv jurs. iNeitie Boston, who alleeed that Phillips told her son. Robert Boston. to take the car of Delmar Williams of Chandler. Phillips .denied the chares. According to the testimony of Robert Boston, he went to Phillips and bor rowed a car belonging to Boston's father, telling Phillips, he said, that he intended to get some tires. Boston thensa Id he loaned the car to, E. C Brown and Oscar M. Palmer, while he took the car of Mr. Wililams from its parking near the Coliseum theater. They al ldrove north of town, he said, where he removed the tires from the Wililams car and threw them Into his father's car and drove back to town, not guilty of ac barge of grand larceny In connection with the taking of the Williams car last Saturday after a hearing before Justice McKee. Boston vtast uned over to the Juvenile court for action, o- REPORTS rO SD1N E OF Mr. Holmes of 1213 East Brill street reported to the police yesterday that an Airedale dog valued at $125 was poisoned. Mr. Holmes had just brought the dog here frora California at con. slderable expense and several days ago refused an offer of considerably over $100 for the animal which was less than one year old. "In order to protect others of this neighborhood from incurring a similar loss I am willing to pay a liberal re ward for information leading to the nn(1 nffered on public utilities and arrest and conviction of the one who .lt1nal hnnfl. The cost of procuring poisoned my last night. dog," Mr. Holmes said lnra- -ii i" -t -i in iinniwiiiiiiwiiiMiM nmi x "' " mmmimmmmimmmimtm t Place Yowself Where Yoo RlgSmtf oily Belong REALIZE that you are master of your owii destiny. Repognize that it is quite as possible for you to reach the goal of financial independence as for your neighbor. He, too, began with a small checking account, which furnished the incentive to watch his reserve grow. This great organization is back of you, and will lend its aid at every corner. Permit us to serve you NOW. nnn v. Raid, was 50 ner cent greater than in 1915 and declared it unfair to give the consumer a value of 100 cents on the dollar when the purchasing power was reduced to 00 cents. In advocating a large working cap ital, Mr. Aller pointed out that Phoenix was remote from the large centers of supply, making it essential that large stores of materials De Kepi on iiu He stated that Ihe present working capital was $94,000, one-seventh of the company's total capiuiiin.iu". fr Ailfr rmDhasizea tne cosi. or. iuci oil stating that the price in California was $2.15. Yesterday, he said, he re ceived an offer from Texas, the price hpinir reduced to $2, but the rreignt oi c font a more ter barrel than that shipped from the coast would not re diio the tost to the company. He was asked ir tne oirer migm not be an indication mat tne price oi oil was coming down,-but he said that h Tsiaa crice might not control tne California field. He stated that tne city, county and state taxes in was $28 419.58, wnue in xvzq tne taxes jumped to $40,976.26. o Phoenix, Arizona Affiliated Bank The 1'hopnix Savings Bank & Trust Company GIVES HOUSE Pin FOR L A. VISITOR CHANDLER, Nov. 23. A beautifully appointed house party was held at the home of Mrs. Nat Herzberg Monday afternoon In honor or Mrs. a . mo-' Gowan, the house agent of Mrs. J. Karnoff of Tempe. The home was artistically decorated for the occa sion, the predominating colors being yellow and green with fjowers in profusion- The afternoon was spent in playing hearts, dice and cards, and the prize winners were Mrs. Monroe Miller and Mrs. A. S. Herzberg .with Mrs. Hugh Gardner being consoled. A beau tiful gift was presented to Mrs. Mc Gowan as a token of everlasting friend ship and also as a remembrance on the eve before her departure for her home in Los Angeles. After the cards the guests were ushered into the spacious dining room where they partook of a dinner. Among those present were Mrs. T. McGowan of Los Angeles, Mesdamcs A. S. Herzberg, J. Karnoff, Mosher, Lemmons and It. Krause of Tempe. and Mesdarues Monroe Miller, Hugh I Gardner, A. Miller, E. Jacobs, A. Lu- 42-Piece Set of Dishes eautiral Amencaia Ch ma Priced for TOD A Y, $ $5 t I You people who need Disheshere is your chance. Just think of a 42-piece set of beautiful decorated American China at $12.85. Don't miss this opportunity! "WATCH OUR WINDOWS" YrVTrTKy If ii imi! Vfl XL 04 rap d 116-120 West Adams I TP L THANKSGIVING CANDIES Buy your Thanksgiving Candies of us. You will be as sured of the best. All our candies are strictly fresh and packed in various size boxes. iggett's, Crane's, Whitman's Johnsons The above candies are all nationally advertised and are only found at the best drug stores, such as The Rexall Store The climax of a good Thankskiving Dinner as a nice box of candy. 0V MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY-1ST. AVE.CAmMS