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AMI AW INDEPENDENT PROGRESSJVE JOURNAL ill, it, 11 4& THIRTY-FIRST YEAR 1( PAGES PHOENIX, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 Hi PAGES VOL. XXXI., NO. 212 IRISH SECBETARY IS PLOT T DESTROY BRITISH POT TES Sir Hamar Greenwood Says Sinn Fein Plot Included Attacks On 21 Points Along England's Coast Last of Conscientious War Objectors Granted Freedom WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. AU army conscientious objectors Imprisoned during the war have now been released from custody. Secretary of War Baker announced tonight. A total of 33, the statement said, have been discharged by recent orders. Including B. J. Salmons, who started a "hunger strike" while confined In a government hospital here a month ago. "The cases of the 33 conscientious objectors who remained in custody some weeks ago have now been finally reviewed by the secretary of war," Mr. Baker's statement said, "on the recommendation of the adjutant general's office, and the remainder of sentences remitted and" the men discharged. "Each case has been considered on. its merits and the principle on which they have been considered Is to remit so much of the sentence as exceeds the normal peace time penalty for the offenses charged. "The major part of these men "have been in confinement for more than two years. Those last discharged were men who had refused to do any sort of work while In confinement. "Benjamin J. Salmons of Denver, whose case has attracted some atten tion, was the last case disposed of by reason of the fact that legal pro ceedings Instituted In the civil courts have delayed consideration of his case." BUILDING TRUST PROBE BRINGS 3 NEW 1IC1ENT Brindell's Held Chief Of Staff Under' $100,000 Bond On Charge Of Ex tortion; Builders Defeated (Republican A. P. Leased Wire) LONDON, Nov. 84. The most con eplcuous In the Irish debate In the house of commons today was the reve lation by Sir Hamar Greenwood, chief secretary of Ireland, of Sinn Fein plans to destroy property in Liverpool and Manchester a revelation which waa greeted by Joseph Devlin with the exclamation: "All that was written In Dublin castle!" In other respects the debate followed the customary lines. Former Premier Asquith moved a resolution expressing abhorrence on the recent Dublin aa asslnatlona and condemnation of re prisals and urging Immediate steps to bring about Irish pacification. An imnndmrnt b'v Col. John Ward con verted thU motion Into an expression of admiration for the courage and de votion of the crown forces In Ireland. This was adopted by 303 to 83. and the motion as thus amended was adopted by acclamation amid cheers. The chief secretary appealed to the house to show every consideration by word and by resolution for the police, aoldiers, civil servants and Judges, who. he declared, were obeying the orders of parliament and fighting a battle against assassination and not against the Irish people. He appealed espe citlly to the "great Catholic c&urch In Ireland," which, he said, by appeals from every altar could greatly assist In this fight against assassination. Sir Hamar Greenwood ended his address amid cheering, when he sal&t "There Is only one issue left. That is: Who Is for the empire and who is for assassination." Would Destroy Docks Alleged plana for blowing up the Liverpool docks and the Manchester power and water plants are sa"id to show that they were made in military fhinn ftr detailed reports with drawings had been rorwaraea 10 insn uurmit mo uay. republican army officers by spies at Tb.e company's each place. The plans, which are saia to have been captured when the docu ments relating to the spreading of ty phoid and glanders were captured, were made public tonight after the statement of Hamar Greenwood in the house of commons. The Liverpool plans called for 33 officers, 27 engineers and 75 privates ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL MAKE CHICAGO 'DRY' BY. CHRISTMAS Five Millions in Gold Received by New York Bankers Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, Nov. 24 Arrival to day of $5,000,000 worth of gold on the steamship Olympic, part of which is consigned to J. P. Mor gan & Co., for the account of the British government, was regarded in financial quarters as the begin ning of another extensive move ment of the metal to the United States. The gold received today makes a total of $17,000000 this week. The steamship Layland, now enroute to New York, is reported to have on board nearly $4,COO,000 in gold, the greater part of which Is for Kuhn, Loeb 6. Co. -o Sub Chaser Halts Cable Connection On Florida Beach Republican A. P. Leased Wire MIAMI, Fla., Nov. 24. An armed force from a navy submarine chaser was still standing guard tonight over a Western Union Telegraph company cable barge In Blscayne Bay here to prevent connecting the shora ends of a submarine cable, work on which was Interrupted by the government craft employes, sent out this morning to connect the cable ends, were still on the barge which they had been "requested" by the bluejackets, they said, not to leave. The cable was laid to connect Miami Beach, and passes under water Republican A. P. Leased Wire! NEW YORK, Nov. 24. New York's warfare against the altered buildln trust today brought forth three new indictments charging extortion,' as well as testimony linking the wrought iron and steel Industries as to the long list of other producers of construction materials which are alleged unlawfully to hold prices uniform thrdughout the country. While the alleged forces of an ex- , traordinary, grand Jury and Joint legis lative commuieB maae tnis progress in their major offensives, legal skir Don't Wait to Be Called on to Enroll in the Red Cross Here is a call to make the work of the Red Cross lighter and to help out in a cause which should at once enlist the best sympathies and efforts of all. Owing tq the diminished working force of hte Red Cross it has been impossible to cover every district In this city In the annual Roll Call now in progress. There are many people, doubtless, who have waited to be so licited and are ready to answer to the roll call if called upon. But this has been impossible in all cases. Therefore, it is requested that all who have not been called upon at their homes or places of business will themselves call at the Red Cross rooms at the chamber of commerce and enroll in this roll call which should include every man, woman and child in Phoenix. There will be a repre sentative at the desk at the chamber of commerce all day today and Friday to accept these memberships. It costs only $1.00 to get on this roll of honor, although there are other classes of memberships at higher prices for those who wish to aid the Red Cross that much more. There is urgent need for every'dollar that can be collected as the Phoe nix service section of the Red Cross is expending more than $1,000 each month In taking care of the returned soldiers and their families and in other work. - PEACE TREATY MUST BE ASSURED BEFORE DISARMAMENT COMES (Republican A. P. Leased Wire) CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Chicago will be the most unhealthy place for crooks and the driest city in the United States mishes occurred in two courts and the by Christmas," federal, state and city city's independent inquiry into its mil- Republlcan A. P. Leased Wire GENEVA, Nov. 24 The committee's UJtiSJiiVA, Piox. 24 The committee s i wy m jCf sub-committees and steering commit- I oritlSll Jk 1" ICerS tees or me assemoiy ana council oi ioe officials declared tonight after they had taken part today in a drive against the liquor dealers, which included suits to close 72 saloons and cabarets, injunc tions shutting down eight such places and federal indictment of 31 persons on charges of conspiracy to violate the Volstead act. Attorney General Edward J. Brun dage, who instituted the 72 suits, to night Baid that several hundred more were contemplated and that the state would continue the drive "until there was not a drop of Intoxicating liquor In any of Chicago's 3000 'dry saloons.' The federal officials Joined In the drive shortly after the attorney general had filed his suits, when Charles Clyne, United States district attors ey, pro cured temporary Injunctions from Fed eral Judge K. M. Landis closing eight cafes. Shortly afterward the federal grand Jury, which has been Investigat ing alleged Illegal liquor traffic for sev eral weeks, returned Jury indictments against 31 persons. City officials welcomed the state and lions or dollars in contracts was post poned until Monday. - Twice during the day the joint com mittee was diverted from its investi gation to defend itself against on slaughts in the courts. The commit tee was victorious in both occasions. Decisive defeat marked the efforts of the builders' material bureau in both the supreme and appellate courts to restrain the committee from ffetting league were in session today, but be yond the announcement f the coun cils decision in the Armenian case and that regarding the Vilna expe dition little could be learned of what was accomplished. The sub-committee on typhus heard the report of the typhus committee, which recently returns to Poland. The overcrowding of the population in the area recently evacuated by the Bol shevik! after the destruction of a great many houses has Intensified the spread hold of its books and from examining of tne disease, according to the com Two injunctions were secured by coun sel for the bureau, but were quickly vacated and later in the day an appli cation for a stay was denied. Then counsel for the bureau agreed to produce the books and papers un der the subpoena and to have an of ficer of the bureau on hand to testify. Miss O Dea already had . been ad judged In contempt by the committee for failing to answer a summons. Robert P. Brindell, president of the building trades council, and alleged "king" of building trades workmen in the metropolis, was named -In two of today's Indictments, both charging ex tortion. The other indictment, also federal drive as an adjunct to the city charging extortion, was against Brln roundup of criminals started on Sun day and said It would make it easier for them to keep crooks out of the city At the same time they frustrated an attempt to steal $60,000 worth of liquor being transported througn the city on trucks and arrested two persons in connection with a $50,000 theft of wine. The cases of the 72 saloon and cafe owners whose places Attorney Gen eral Brundage wanted closed will be heard Friday by Judge Landis. An as 8istant attorney general was assigned to direct a staff of attorneys in prose dell's "chief of staff,". Peter Stadt- miller, a member of the building trades council. Stadtmiller's bail was fixed at $100,- 000. Brindell,- already under $100,000 ball on previous indictments, was not required to furnish additional bail. Cholera also -broke out in the same region in September while the prev alence of typhoid completes the pic ture of misery, presented by the com mission. The council was unable to get the powers to unite on a necessary program of relief and the problem of the assembly It Is understood the committee on armaments, new members and amend ments, practically decided to report as follows: No amendment this session and no general disarmament until conditions! have become more settled in eastern Europe and execution of the peace treaties is assured: admission of Aus tria. Bulgaria, Luxemburg and Fin land to membership and postponement Of action on other applications. It was pointed out today-by some del egations that the speed shown by these committees . in. getting on with their work mean prolonged discussions when PHIX PEOPLE WILL IN TODAY OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING Postoffice and All ' Public Offices to Be Closed All Day and Most Stores Will Do Likewise Union ser vice at First Baptist. In the certainty that, all things con sidered, there has been much for which to be thankful for during the year just passed. Phoenix in general will ob serve Thanksgiving; day today in the full spirit of the occasion. The general health of the people has been excellent. Industrially, commer cially and socially, the city has gone forward during the past twelve months and there is every reason to believe that this advance will continue. The stores, and especially those deal ing in the necessaries and luxuries of the dinner table, were crowded yester day "with people preparing to celebrate one of today's greatest features, . the Thanksgiving, dinner. Home-going automobiles and street care to the res idential sections carried an unusual weight of satisfied people loaded down with turkeys, cranberries and the other adornments of the festive board In a fully as great measure as in former years. It is certain that Phoenix is to dine well today. Thanksgiving day will be observed in the business district today as usual. All public offices will be closed all day. This includes the state house, court house, city halL federal building and Water Users building. The Merchants' and Manufacturers association announces that the stores Charges against Brindell alleged that their reports come before the assembly, he forced Louis J. Cohen, a building contractor, to.' pay him $500 ' under threat of stopping work on a construe tion job Oast. July. Stadtmiller was accused of extortion of $1000 from the Garden City Wrecking company by as the committees may aeciae Dy a majority ' vote whole that of the as sembly must be unanimous. The Question of amendments, no tably promises further debate, as the Scandinavians do not acceet the re- Killed in Dublin Will Be Honored Republican A. P. Leased Wire DUBLIN), Nov. 24 A notice is sued at Dublin castle today states that the bodies of nine British of ficers who were murdered last Sun day, will be taken from the George V hospital at 10 a. m. Thursday. The cortege will pass along the quays to the north wall, where the bodies will be taken aboard a de stroyer for transport to England. The castle authorities requested that as a mark of respect for the gallant dead all shops and places of business in the city, be closed be tween 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. o Crown Forces In . Dublin Commence T?Q1f1c At" PS IvfoTXT generally will close all day today ex A. VU1J.V I rent trrnoorv stores and other nrovislon Republican A. P. Leased Wire stores which will keep open until noon. DUBLIN, Nov. 24. Dublin, long ac- This does not include drug stores, con- customed to tragedy, has settled back fectionary stores and cafes which will with two days of outward calm, which be open all day. as usual. In addition has, however, an indefinable and un- to the postoffice being closed all day, healthy quality, cloaking much be- there will be no mail deliveries. hind the scenes, and there is activity The principal amusement feature of in both camps. the day will be the football game be- While the daylight hours pass almost tween the Phoenix high school and the without incident, the curfew has come Indian school, which will take place at to be the signal for the crowd forces Eastlake park. to commence unceremonious raldng of . There will be union Thanksgiving all sorts of premises, the seizure of any service .today at the First Baptist wanted documents and arrest of sus- church at 10:39 o'clock. The Bermon pected persons. These arrests are be- win De given by tha Rev. Mr. Pritchard coming almost indiscriminate, but in 0f the Nazarene church. At 1:30 o'clock many cases the detention ends after in" the afternoon the Rev. B. B. Blav- an examination at headquarters-wmcn t ock deliver a sermon at tha cutlng the cases and Mr. Clyne volun- threatening to put the firm out of port of the amendments committee and I showa absence of connection with the riteroelvtihle Roeka on th dePrt republican movement, as no ciass oi There will be a special choir present at the opening in the new causeway. and 800 pounds of a high explosive for I The section of cable for this purpose tta-uinir 21 ooints. most of them dock I . gates, witn a view 10 Bimnuuii tiv everv precaution was taken for dealing with the "enemy forces" the police of both Liverpool and Manchester. The Manchester plan called for destruction of the street car power plant serving both industries and tram lines and also the Clayton valley pumping station, which fur water to a large part of Man chester. Hammers and explosives were to have been used. o- E FFOnnocoimft STATE SEHRTE SEEN IE KMT HE the company's cable work was first Interrupted by direction from Wash ington several months ago. The work men went aboard this morning on orders from the New Tork office of the company to connect the cable ends Immediately, It was said, but the sub chaser took charge of the situation be fore splicing actually hud begun. o . Bisbee Man And Sister Charged With Drug Sales Republican A. P. Leased Wire BISBEE, Ariz., Nov. 24. Unusually large amounts of narcotics, alleged to have been purchased recently by Dr. J. "W. Douthitt, local veterinarian, aroused suspicions of Thomas May, federal narcotic inspector here, who today arrested Dr. Douthitt and his sister, May Douthitt on charges of selling habit forming drugs. When arraigned before United States Commissioner James Allison this afternoon, May Douthitt admitted hav ing furnished narcotics to James Wiley, one of the governments wit nesses at the hearing, but said that her brother had taken no part in and had not been aware of, the transaction. Both of the accused were ordered held teered the assistance of his office. The theft of $175,000 worth of whis key from local railroad yards started the Investigation which found its cli max in today's drives. It was charged that this liquor, t brought here illicitly from Louisville, was guarded by no licemen and then stolen from them by another band, which also included members of the police force. The in junctions issued and the suits filed to day cover many of Chicago' nost no torious cafes, while the indictments in clude men well known here and In other cities and several members of the police force. o Wealthy Publisher' Dies in Chicago Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Robert O. Law president of the Robert O. Law Pub lishing company., dropped dead todav while testifying In an automobile ac cident damaue suit against his wife. Heart disease is believed to have aused his death. business in case of refusal. i will fight it on the floor. Of the most important subjects on the agenda, there remain the economic blockade, the in ternational court, the mandates and the relations between the council of the league and the assembly. The last Tlvvoo CUl A named subject is expected to give rise 1 liretZ v'rcI to- the sharpest contention. It in volves discussion of the proposition of Wealthy Farmer Kills Wife and In an effort to get control of the enate, which according to official re turns shows a majority of one for the Republicans, the Democrats in Tavapal county are making an at tempt to declare illegal the election of David P. Morgan and Charles E. Burton. Th. finim that Mr. Morgan s nom inating certificate was not sljned by for trial ln the federal COUrL himself, as he was in Europe at mo time of the electior. Air. Kurion. uiey c j 1 claim, was elected under an assumed OtantlarCl vJll name, for aithougn ne nas aiways wen .lenown a Burton, his true name Is Samuels. .. Up to the present time no action has been taken other than to freely circulate the story throughout the state. It was the main gossip at the tiLte "house yesterday, the consensus to Sell Stock to Employees Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW YORK, Nov. 24 Directors of 1 K.inr that the ouestlon' can the Standard Oil company of New Jer- be raised only when the legislature sey today announced that they had .ni arh house beine the solo voted to submit to the stockholders 4..r. f t onallflrations of its mem- on Dec. 20 a plan made public some h.r- n case an objection is filed. months ago by which about 37.000 of unmn rhn 1h one of the best- the concern's employes In America trm-sAi minine men of the state, has would be assisted in acquiring stocks vt returned to the county where Increases in the common shares by hti received a flattering vote as its $10,000,000, accompanied by reductions r,Titatlve ln the senate. He has of the present $10 par value to $25 ,8en basent In Europe for several i3 included in the proposition, it was months, but will rturn shortly, it is understood. Mr. Burton, who has large cattle in terests also la popular ln the county which elected him. When a small boy he went to live with a relative and al though never legally adopted, was known by the name of the relative, which he always has retained. "It was a bitter blow to the Demo crats to lose control of the senate, and their attempt to 'get by' on a thing of ..I. im ! nitiful." declared a state HUN jvii.v. ' ,, . official. "Nothing will come of it,' he prophesied. o Shattuck-Arizona Lays Off 100 Men Republican A. P. Leased Wire BISBEE, Ariz., Nov. 24. One hun dred men were laid off here this morn ing by the Shattuck-Arizona Mining company and announcement was made that the Shattuck mine will be com pletely closed down Jan. 1. 1921. The lenn mine, controlled by the Shattuck company, ceased operation Nov. 1. Officials of the Calumft Sc Arizona and Or p per (jueen companies, the two largest copper producers in this dis trlct, ro'-i tot;iy that no immediate re-durtl-" t f th!r mine forcrs was con-temilitd. said. Employes who have been active in tha company's service for a year or more would be eligible to acquire stock under the new plan. o New Revenue Bill Not Popular With People of Mexico Republican A. P. Leased wirej WASHINGTON. Nov. 24 The rev enuo bill and budget recently prepared bv the Mexican treasury department was withdrawn because of the popular outcrv. oartlcularly against . the pro posed income tax, according to advices from Mexico City today. The bill as submitted abrogated a number of ex lsting taxes, including the stamp tax on sales that date back to colonial times. The Income tax provision called ror a 4 per cent rate on all incomes over 1,300 pesos a year ana was expected to yield 276.966.931 pesos. After with drawal of the bill, Salvator Alvarado, minister of Hacipnda, issued a state ment declaring that "no income tax provision will I e included in the rev enue bllL" Republican A. P. Leased Wire PENDER, Neb, Nov. 24 GeorgW H. Binklage, a farmer of near here, reputed to be wealthy, today killed his wife and three children with a hatchet, badly wounded his baby, v and then hanged himself to a raft er in the barn. Neighbora of Bink lage said they believed he waa de spondent because of the falling off in the value of his land and because of the reductions in the price of farm products. , o DEWITT, Ga Nov. 24. The body of Curley McKelvey, a negro, brother of Ophelius McKelvey, who yesterday ;hot and killed James E. Adams of Worth county, was found hanging from t tree here today. The body had been riddled with bullets. residences, even the first class hotels, is exempt from these searches, there has been a marked diminution of cross-channel traffic and an - almost total cessation of tourist arrivals. Reports from various parts of the country today recount a widespread seizure of bicvcles. which the authorl- Honorl Pueyrredon of Argentina thattleg at Dublin castle interpreted as a move on the part of tne acuviscs 10 counter the motor licensing restric tions. . o all members of the council be elected by the assembly, which might take i possession of the council irom tne pow ! ers, who, under the treaty of Versailles, I were give five out of nine members of the council, to be appointed by them selves. , . o Butter Drops Three Cents on Chi Mart CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Butter dropped from one to three cents a pound or the local market today as a result. trade leaders said, of an over-supply, including large Argentine stocks. I Creamery extras were quoted at 63Vi cents, a drop of three cents. Military Froces Raid Dublin Hall For Sinn Feiners DUBLIN, Nov. 24. Military and police forces raided Liberty hall, head quarters of the Irish transport work ers, the raid, which started at noon, was still continuing this evening. Among those arrested were Thomas Johnson, secretary of the Irish Labor party, and Thomas Farren, formerly president of the Trades Union con gress. The search of Liberty hall was thorough, the walls were opened and the floors torn up and it is alleged arms, ammunition, bombs, uniforms and gunsight testers were found. A large quantity of documents and flags was carred into the street and burned. -o- under the - direction of Evangelist Cheek. A general invitation to the public is extended. . The .atart to ' the Hieroglyphic Rocks will be made at 10 o'clock from Calvary Baptist church. 0 PAH OF SIXTEEN VILLLSAS IS HALTED BY DISH JUDGE England Lost America by Not Giving in Time, Grey Says Republican A. P. Leased Wire " LONDON, Nov. 24. The debate in the house of lords on Irish home rule tonight was made memorable by a not able appeal from Viscount Grey, for mer secretary for foreign, affairs, to the government for- an eleventh hour attempt by generosity to Ireland to fashion the bill into an acceptable measure. In a speech displaying no resentment and taking full account of the govern ment's extreme difficulties in Ireland he urged that unless the government was able to secure effective control In Ireland it would be better to withdraw all the armed forces and leave Ire land to . find her own salvation. Whether the appeal will be heeded time will show, but it is slgnifcant that Earl Middleton intends tomorrow to move adjournment of the debate for a fortnight to allow the government time to consider what amendments, fi nancial and otherwise, it will propose, Viscount Grey declared the real cause of failure in obtaining a settle ment was the difference of opinon m Ireland itself. Unless these differences were composed, he asserted, there could be no settlement and the bill be fore the lords, to put it mildly, had not made the differences less. It had con ciliated Ulster, Viscount Grey said, but had brought the southern Unionists and Nationalists into opposition. Lord Grey argued that it would have been better had the government, in stead of preparing a detailed bill, started by laying down on broad lines the limits within which Ireland could have complete autonomy and the mini mum which England must reserve for the security and safety not only of her self but of Ireland. He outlined this minimum as, first placing Ireland in precisely the pame position with regard to foreign affairs as the great self-governing dominions with the same right to be consulted about commercial treaties, and second, only one army ln these two islands He would not, however, contemplate the maintenance of any imperial troops in Ireland after home rule had passed, unless Ireland desired it. "I am perfectly certain, and the his tory of war shows it, that unless there is only one navy and one naval au thority, neither Ireland nor Great Britain could be defended," said Lord Grey. "That must be without qualifi cation. Whatever dominion home rule might mean, we must from the begin ning have no ambiguity on this ques tion." With England and Ireland so close together and under modern conditions of mines and submarines, he continued. it was absolutely inconsistent with the safety of either country that there fehould be divided naval authority. He admitted that after what had happened in Ireland in the past few weeks he could hardly advocate a predicable course, as he did recently, that Ireland should be left to say what form of government she desired. But the time might come when the govern ment would have to consider that method of precedure again. He would have it clearly understood in Ireland that Great Britain could not go on indefinitely being maneuvered into the position of either coercing na tionalist Ireland or coercing Ulster, and the greatest lever the government could bring to bear to secure a settlement would be to make, it perfectly clear that the ultimate responsibility for the government of Ireland rested with the Irish people and that the government could not continue indefinitely to gov em any part of Ireland by force. He desired to qualify his previous suggestion, madi before reprisals were heard of, that the armed forces should be withdrawn from ireiana two years hence; he would admit frankly that under the present state of affairs in Ireland he would never advocate that the armed forces should be kept there for another two years or any specified time. Expressing indignation at the mur ders and anxiety for the lack of disci nline of the crown forces. Viscount Grey declared that unless the govern ment could assume direct, real and ef fectlve control in Ireland It would he Says Bill Now Pending Not Satisfactory to Either Side Republican A. P. Leased Wire : SANTA FE, N. M Nov. 24. Release of trie 16 Villlstas from the state pen itentiary was halted, temporarily, at least, this afternoon when Judge Reed Holloman, of the district court, on ap plication of Albert W. Clancy of Santa Fe issued a writ of mandamus directed to Fidel Ortiz, warden of the peniten tiary, commanding him to show why he should honor the pardons issued by Governor O. A. Larrazolo a few daye ago. The case was set . for hearing December. 4, and the convicts cannot be released before that date. They were to have been given their liberty as soon as immigration officials could prepare the necessary papers to have them deported to Mexico. The day the pardons were issued. Governor Larrazolo left for Mexico City to attend the Inauguration of Tumulty Denies Advising Coal Jl"ltlr 1 oa r1oiC I Iresident-elect Obregon and he could -OltlivC ICaQciO not be Interviewed regarding the new better to withdraw the armed forces now. He wished the government to have all powers for punishing crime, but these powers must be exercised with real discretion and control, and if that were impossible then withdrawal was the better course. Voicing his doubt as to whether a constituent assembly or convention to settle the question was practicable now and criticising the financial clauses of the bill, the speaker urged the govern ment to try to amendt the bill and make It more acceptable by more generosity regarding finance and by offering fiscal autonomy ln the hope that It would bring about peace, instead of demand ing peace as a condition of giving fiscal autonomy. Alluding to foreign opinion. Lord Grey hoped the government would endeavor to make the bill sufficiently strong and generous to appeal to all moderate opinion. "We have the greatest empire in the world," he declared, "but it has not been without its reverses. We lost America through not giving in time and not giving enough. Have we ever in our history lost through giving too much?" He instanced South Africa as an Il lustration and Said it was not yet too late. As it stood, the bill would only mean trouble In Ireland, but if the bill were improved there waa a real pros pect. He begged the government to take courage from the history of the empire and not throw away this oppor tunity, but give the house the oppor tunity of recording its verdict upon a larger and better measure. - Viscount Bryce said that instead of cutting Ireland in two, It would have been better to have one parliament, with all possible guarantees that Ul ster would be looked after. The bill, as it stood, offered no prospect of fulfill ing the hopes they all cherished and it was only by going still further that a settlement could be accomplished. Republican A. P. Leased Wire WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Secretary Tumulty today denied that he had advised leaders of the bituminous coal strike last fall to call off the strike under penalty of exclusion from mail and telegraph facilities, as stated by John L. Lewis, persident of the United Mine Workers of America, in an ad dress last night at Belleville, 111. Mr. Tumulty also denied that he had told strike leaders that troops would be used should the walkout continue. "I know nothing about It," Secretary Tumulty said in commenting on Mr. Lewis' statements. "I cannot under stand the remarks attributed to Mr. Lewis." o Three Coloradoans to Obregon Fiesta TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 24. Three Coloradoans will represent this state at the inauguration ceremonies of Gen. Alvaro Obregon as president of Mexico at Mexico City on December 1. Lieutenant Governor-elect Earl Coo- ley, former State Senator Casimiro Ba rela and J. J. Cordova of Trinidad left today for El Paso en route to the Mex ican capital. The New Mexico party. headed by Governor O. A. Larrazolo, will meet the Colorado delegation at El Paso, from where they will be con veyed by a special train provided by the Mexican government to Mexico City. o Benson's Stenographer Notified to Appear WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Adolph Amende, stenographer to Chairman Benson of the shipping board, was to day summoned to appear before the Walsh committee in New York inves tigating board operations Friday. He reported the statement rrade by R. W. Boiling, treasurer of the board, Satur day in answer to charg-es of bribery preferred before the committee and was phase which the case has taken. The men were alleged to have par ticipated in Villa's raid on Columbus, N. M., March 9. 1916. They were cap tured in Mexico by General John J. Pershing's punitive expedition and re turned to the United States. Fifteen of them, when arraigned in the district court of Luna county, pleaded guilty to a charge of murder in the second degree and were sentenced to the pen itentiary. One man, who entered a plea of not guilty, subsequently was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to hang, but the then gov ernor commuted his sentence to life ImprlsonmenL The Albuquerque American Legion post last night adopted resolutions protesting against the governor's ac tion in granting the pardons, claiming among other things that it was illegal because the question was not first sub mitted to the penitentiary commis sioners as provided by law, and an nounced that a fight would be insti tuted to prevent the pardons from be- coming effective. Today the Kiwanis club of Albuquerque passed resolutions of protest, and it is understood that ether protests have been received here from other points in the state. o Jamoke Ginger Not Intoxicant Unless Sold as Beverage Republican A. P. Leased Wire BOSTON, Nov. 24. Unless Jamaica g'ng-or is sold as a beverage, it is not to be considered as intoxicating liquor, the full bench of the supreme court to day ruled in setting aside verdicts of guilty in the case of Sam Soakey and Michael J. Rcagen, store keepers in Pittsfield. Jiidpe DeCourcey held that the sale of Jamaica ginger as a disguised sub stitute for liquor "is not so notorious that we can assume without proof that Jamaica ginger has the distinctive ordered to produce his notes and a cer- character, use and effect of an ir'oxi- tified copy of tha transcript. eating liquor. '