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PAGE TWO (Section Two) BASKET PICNIC YUMA COUNTY SOB IN OFFICIAL H Read Carefully clip this out- show your friends Two years ago, old time prospectors located thir teen (13) mining claims (gold, silver and copper) , a mile north of the end of the paving on North Cen ter Street and have row organized a corporation for developing this prop erty, known as the Center Street Mining company. Recently a Government geologist, as well as pri vate mining engineers, have examined this prop erty and all agree there is every indication that one of the big mines of the state will be opened right at the front door of Phoe nix. Copies of these re ports can be seen at 113 N. 2nd Ave. Surface indications show that at water level, large bodies of sulphide ore will be opened. It is estimated that water level will be about 400 feet. To Bink a two compartment shaft 500 feet will prob ably take from four to five months at which time cop per should have advanced in price to. where hand some dividends should be realized by lucky share holders. In order to sink this shaft, purchase ma chinery and supplies, 50,000 shares of stock are being soldat a pai value of $1.00 per share, every dollar of which is going into the development of this property, thus assur ing each share-holder of a Shares may be purchased in any number of ten or more. At this time when other properties are laying off men it is an excellent time tor Jrnoenix mer chants and residents to come forward, investigate the property and purchase stock, thereby giving em ployment to many people, thus benefitting the com munity at large. The Center Street Min ing Company has advan tages that other compa nies spend thousands of dollars to acquire, namely, good roads and railroad and power facilities close at hand. Every supply needed is right here in Phoenix and will be pur chased here, where the fi nancing is done. Don't think just because thla property Is bo near Phoefilx, mil lions of hidden treasures do not exist there, for those old mountains and mineral contents were there ldngr before Phoenix was ever thought of. They are Just waiting for someone to come and break the cover, revealing: the pnderlylng wealth, the total of which might eclipse the Salt River Valley In value. Full Information can be obtained at 113 North Second avenue, where samples of ore are on display, or by phoning 4171. Make reserva tion any day by phone or personal visit for a free trip to and from the property. Buy your children some Center street Mining stock ror a Christmas present which may mean a competence in later life- Think it over. Act now. Opportunities axe Just as great today as any time In the past. To Insure a Good Time t Put on your old clothes and old shoes. Bring your family and lunch baskets. Remember the day and hour. SundayNov.28 At 10:30 a. m. Due North of Center Street to the Mountains g. Competent men will show you over the property and explain its possibilities, .urive oui. oca for yourself! Apply your own Judgment! Don't take the say-so of anyone! win. I Yuma is now the only county in the state from which the official returns of the general election have not yet been received at the tate house. "When the Yuma returns have been received the official canvass will be made. Official returns were received yes terday from Navajo county, as follows: President: Cox (D) 1031. Harding (It) 1078. United StatM senator: Smith (D) 945. Cameron (R) 1038. Representative congress: Hayden (D) 1320. Dunseath (R) 568. Governor: Sims (D) 1047, Campbell (R) 1081. Secretary of state: Ross (D) 969, Hall (R) 919. State auditor: Munch (D) tZZ, Fair field (U) 998. State treasurer: Earhart (D) 1029, Estill (R) 814. Attorney general: Jones (D) 1055, Galbraith (R) 885. Superintendent of public instruction: Peterson (D) 1354. To!es R) 613. Corporation commission: Vaughn (D) 989, Reed (R) 822. State mine insDector: Foster (D) 954. White (R) 8.0. Justice of supreme court: McAlister (D) 901, Flanagan (R) 583. State tax commissioner: Hughes (D) 738. Kuchler (R) 504, Luke (D) 798, a. at nri j uiu, Initiative and referendum measures 100, yes, 281; 101, no, 1038; 102, yes, 298; 103. no, 1014; 104, yes, 49o; lOu, no. 1039; 300, yes, 329; 301, no, 1042; 302 358; 303. no, 955; 304, yes. 290; 205 no, 1106; SOB, yes. 303; 307, no, 1061: iut; sits, no, 1287; 310, yes, no, 1071; 312, yes, 492; 313, thusiasm as if he had a chance to Speaking yesterday of party matters, he said that the southern part of the state is for Hoval A. Smith for national committee man to succeed the late Alien 11. Jaynes. They are urging in behalf of Mr. Smith the fact that he was chairman of the territorial com mittee in 1908, when Ralph Cameron was elected delegate in congress; was a running mate with Mr. Cameron for the United States senate in the first state elpetion; that he has an extensive acquaintance throughout the east with the leaders of the Republican party. It is also pointed out that for the ast eight years Mr. Smith has not taken an active part in politics and has. therefore, not been identified with any of the divisions of the party. o 308. yes. 326; 311. no, 929. SOUTH FAVORS SITU for conn Col. M. E. Cassldy of Bisbee is In the city for a stay of three or four days. , He is a busy individual and Is, therefore, an infrequent visitor outside Douglas and the Warren district. He was still Jubilant over the events of November and the part in them of Cochise county. In which, as susual he had a foremost part. The Republi cans of Cochise until this year have had a hard row to hoe and were seldom ( blessed with results. But Colonel Cas sldy always labored with as much en- THREE ARE BITTED TO FI01EI EIS HE Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Whitney of Mayer will spend their remaining years at the Pioneers' home. They were admitted yesterday following the action of the board of directors of state institutions, which acted favorably on their application and that of E, E Reissman of Octave. In admitting the three pioneers from Yavapai county the board has filled the home to its capacity until the comnle tion of the new wing. The home then will accommodate 100, while today only 65 of Its "oldtimers can be cared for by the state. Clayton Bennett, secre tary of the board of directors of state Institutions, asid yesterday that the wing will be completed shortly, when the furnishing will be the considera tion. O ! Around the Thanksgiving Dinner Table xnanKsgivmg day nas long Deen called the first really American holiday Probably no festival day has a warmer place in people's hearts than the on observed on the last Thursday in No vember. Invitations for Thanksgiving Day should be decorated with some of the many symbols associated with the day turkeys, cornstalks or pumpkins. The merriest hour is that around th dinner table, when the last bite of pie or pudding has disappeared, and nuts and rosy apples are passed. Riddles like these turkey and Pilgrim can be thought of by the dozen, and it will be Dealer. a serious guest indeed who won't think they are good fun. Turkey Conundrums 1 What part of the turkey assists my lady in making her toilet ? 2 What part of the turkey opens the front door? 3 What part of the turkey will ap pear on the day after Thanksgiving? 4 What part of a turkey Is part of sentence? 5 What part of a turkey is used for cleaning purposes? 6 What part of a turkey does the farmer watch with a.nxiety? 7 Why is the man who eats too fast like a turkey? 8 What part of the turkey is .an Oriental? 9 Why ought the turkey to be ashamed when he is being served? 10 What color gets its name from the turkey? 11 WThat feathers find place on my lady's dresser? lz When the turkey is cooking, in what country is he? id wnat part or tne turkey is a story? 14 What part of the turkey appears on the battlefield? 15 Why has the turkey five reasons for being sad? Pilgrim Contest 1 In what coarse goods did the Pil grims live for a time? Holland. 2 To what efflorescence did they trust their lives? The Mayflower. 3 What broad letter did they travel on? C the sea. 2 What fowl was used in. landing? Plymouth Rock. 5 What very bewildering thing did they find growing In the new soil? Maze (maize). t 6 They numbered among their party two old-fashioned pen and ink cases, What were they? Standishes. 7 What long name did one of the Pilgrims have? Miles. 8 What famous book does the Jour rey of the colonists suggest? "The Pil grim's Progress.'" ' 9 Why should we think the first New England girls were bicyclists? number of spinning wheels were seen 10 W hat distant ; islands were the Indians to the colonists at first Friendly. The prizes could be either a copy of "The Courtship of Miles Standlsh," or a picture of Prlscilla, plainly framed Other prizes may be turkey and pump kin bonbon boxes filled with corn ker nel candy. o r . See Korrick's Ad in Thursday's Gazette and Fridays Republican THE GREATEST GRAPEVINE A grapevine which is said to be the largest In the world grows In Carpln teria, Cal. Beneath its spreading branches 300 or more persons can find protection from the sun's heat. The first election In Santa Barbara bounty under American rule was held under I Its ripening fruit. Cleveland Plain NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE 8ALE ui I -J ui O z ml Z3 Z z HI CO to z a. 2 o o lil o X CO z o CO ml 111 Z iiifiiiiiai if. ii in 1 1 ui fpfr beraii-Aimiaal- I l ..aU 'i "". Ui; ' ' " 1!U 1 It - . " .. III I mm- ! ntiiMf0n rnrn 111 1111 wCTri fl QHOTfT TF fl UTin-llwui r III. Hi 11.. in I ..ui ii- in ii i i , ..mi ' - - --j ui CO UI o X -1 z w LJ i m Z D. 2 O O iui o X CO Z o CO -J UI IZ EGBNEIG FRIDAY RiORNING, NOVEMBER 26 Greater Reductions than ever on our entire stock of Men's Women's, Children's and Boy's Shoes, with nothing reserved! That, in a word, will char acterize this Semi-Annual Shoe Sale event! 1 These twice yearly sales of the Nelson Shoe Company have always been an event of character, merit and integrity. Reductions that are real, substantial and bona fide have always brought their culmination to a high success. Because of the actual loss on many lines of high grade and seasonable shoes, it will be impossible to spend a great amount for advertising purposes, so we suggest that you read every item listed below and bear in mind that there are many other like bargains included in this sale that limited space does not permit of listing. The doors open Promptly Friday morning at 8 o'clock. SPECIAL Lot No. 1 SPECIAL Lot No. 3 "Women's patent leather button boots, welt soles, cloth tops, plain and cap toes, Cuban and military heels, sizes to 34; widths while they last. Sale Price the pair $1.00 Children's patent leather and kid button shoes, kid and cloth tops, turn soles, cap and plain toes. While they last, Sale Price the pair $1.00 A limited number of pairs of children's black kid and patent one strap pumps, and scuffers. Sale Price the pair ... $1.00 Women's two-toned tan vicl kid lace boots, turn soles, full dress heels, plain toes, very classy. $13.50 values. Sale Price the pair .$2.93 Women's patent lace boots, cloth tops, plain toes, full Louis dress heels, very chic. Sale Price $95 Women's tan calf, grey, two-toned. Ivory tops, lace boots. A very limited number of each pair. Values up to $10.00, Sale Price $25 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 4 Women's Black Kid vicl turn button shoes, military heels, plain toes. Very dressy and comfortable, values to $S.00, Sale Price the pair $1.95 Women's black vicl kid button boot, turn and welt soles, Cuban and military heels; short vamps. Values to $5.00. The pair, Saje Price $1.95 Women's black kid lace boots, "white and tan silk cloth tops, turnsoles, dressy Louis heels, plain toes. $7.50 values, Sale Price , r $1.95 WOMEN'S SHOES u ml 0 UI o X CO 1 Z Z i UI CO CO z 0. 2 o o UI o X CO z o to ml UI z Women's white wash kid lace boot, turn sole, full Louis heel, high arch, long slender lines, medium vamp. $16.00 value, Sale Price i $8.95 Women's pearl grey lace boot, turn sole; full Louis full breasted heel. Very dainty and dressy, $16.00 value. Sale Price J $8.95 Women's field mouse grey lace boot, very light welt sole. Dainty dress heel; a handsome fitter. $16.00 value. Sale Price $8.95 Women's Ivory kid lace dress boot, light welt sole, full dress heel. An excellent fitter and a winner. $16.00 value, Sale Price : $8.95 Women's French bronze kid, lace boot; turn sole, full dress neel, turn solo. A wonderful shoe and very timely. $15.00 value, Bale Price - $8.95 Women's custom made calf button boots; pearl and field mouse, grey tops, light welt soles, full Louis full breasted dress heel, high arch. Beautiful fitters and an excellent buy. $18.00 values 'Sale Price $8.95 Women's Havana and Chesnut brown lace boots, welt soles, plain toe and Imitation tip, full Louis heels. Fashion's latest decree. $18.50 values, Sale Price . $11.45 Women's Cocoa Brown calf walking shoes, welt sole, imitation tip; Cuban heels. A shoe tht is adapted for street and office wear. $12.00 values, Sale Price $7.45 Women's Imported Russ Calf lace walking shoes, light welt soles, imitation tip, military' heels. A splen did shoe and very dressy for street. $12.00 values, Sale Price $6.45 Women's dark brown Elk Skin lace boot, suitable for ranch, and mountain wear; heavy welt sole, Good year Rubber heel. $12.00 value, Sale Price .' $8.95 Women's black vicl kid lace "Comfort Shoes," heavy turn soles, military heels with ruber tops, cap and plain toe. A ehoe that is designed for comfort, service and a dash of style. Values up to $8.00. Sale Price $5.95 GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Pearl Grey Buck lace shoop, welt soles, imitation tip, low block heels, English last. A very dressy shoe and a fine fitter. $11.50 values, Sale Price $6.45 Black calf lace shoes, with Pearl Grey Buck top, light welt soles, imitation tip, low block heel, long slender lines. A beauty. $11.00 values, Sale Price : $6.45 Patent leather lace shoes, white washable kid top, imitation tip, welt soles, low block heels. An elegant dress up shoe. '$3.50 value, Sale Trice $5.95 Patent vamp lace shoes, English last, low block heels, black kid tops. An excellent purchase. Sale Price, the pair '. $4.45 One lot of Growing Girls' pumps In black and tan kid, welt soles, imitation tip; low block heels. $8.00 values. Sale Price the pair $4.45 Women's black kid lace and button boots, welt soles, plain toe, full Louis heels; excellent, dress hoes. $10.00 values. Sale Price $4.95 Women's grey kid lace boot with cloth top; full Louis heels and also military heels. For street wear, plain and Imitation tip. $10.00 values. Sale Price the pair $4.95 Women's Havana brown kid lace boot, welt soles. Imitation tip; full Louis heels; for dress also; Cuban heels for street and office wear. A limited number of pairs, up to $15.00 values. Sale Price $4.85 Women's Black and Cocoa brown calf lace boots for street and office wear; welt soles, imitation, wing tips. Fine values up to $10.00, Sale Price the pair $4.95 WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS Women's Cocoa Brown calf, five eyelet Oxfords, Imitation tip; full Louis heel for dress and also military . heel for street wear, both of these numbers are wonderful shoes. $15.50 values. Sale Price ........ $11-95-. Women's chestnut brown vicl kid Oxford; five eyelet, welt sole, imitation tip, Cuban heel. A very dressy Oxford for dress and street wear. An exceptional purchase. $14.50 value, SaVe Price $9.85 Women's Havana brown kid Oxfords, welt soles, Imitation tip, military heels, medium and long vamp. $12.50 values, Sale Price ; $6.95 Women's Havana brown kid lace, five eyelet Oxford, turn sole, dainty dress heel; medium long vamp. A beautiful fitting shoe. $14.50 value. Sale Price th pair $9.95 Women's black kid, five eyelet Oxfords; welt sole, imitation tip, Cuban and military heels; a shoe for ser vice and street. Excellent fitters. $14.50 values, Sale Price $9.95 Women's beautiful ivory kid pumps, full dress heel, turn sole, high arch and throat, long slender lines. A very dressy creation. $16.00 values, Sale Price the pair i..- $9.95 Women's Havana brown kid pumps, dainty dress heels, high waist line and arch; long slender vamps. A beauty. ' $14.00 Values. Sale Price $9.95 Women's Cocoa brown calf Colonial pumps; welt sole, imitation tip; military heel, a pump suitable for street and dress wear. $12.50 values. Sale Price $9.95 Women's black kid Colonial pumps; turn soles, full Louis heels, very excellent fitters, $13.50 values, Sale Price :. $955 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' patent kid lace and button shoes; white kid and cloth tops; welt soles, plain and capped toes. Sizes 11 to 2. Values up to $7.00, Sale Price v.;.. ; $3.95 Misses' smoked Elk Skin lace shoes, pony cut, welt soles, cap toe, nature toes, a very serviceable shoe. . $6.50 value, Sale Price ; $4.45 Misses' and Children's scuffers In tan calf, black calf, smoked calf, button and Blucher patterns. Shoes for service and hard wear, size: 114 to 2, Sale Price $2.95 8Vi to 11, Sale Price $2-45 5 to 8, Sale Price ' 11.95 A liberal discount will be given during our CLEARANCE SALE on all this year's purchases," which includes the newest and best patterns in children's footwear which are too numerous to mention. No Exchanges, No Refunds, No Charges, No Approvals 42 West Washington Phone 676 NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NELSON SHOE COMPANY'S SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE X to X o Plj o 2 Z CO 01 HI 3 z .z c r CO o PI CO PI z PI r 00 o z CO ,x o P o z - CO CO 2 r CO X o PI CO r pi z m 1 r CO o z CO X o o o 3 CO