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(Section Two) PAGE THREE THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN RIGHT EARFUL "The man who calls this strenuous" The Canuck loudly said, "Has never had a hockey 6tick Imbedded in his head." LEFT EARFUL W Canuck from Montreal Went visiting one day. Ana whIU across tha Una ha saw Two college 'tevena play. OTOT 1 i i 1 s4k& $WWT Phoenix Coyotes and Indians meet on tho gridiron today in their tenth annual Thanksgiving battle, the fea ture sporting event on the Turkey day program. The battle will hr waxl over a fiat field at Lastlake park, stai t lng at S o'clock sharp. Interest in the battle Is at hih pitch with a result that record breaking crowd In expected. Klabnraie arrange ments have been made, for properly , handling a crowd of 5.000. Memer of the High school cadets will police tha field- and keep all spectators back of the aide lines eatablished by -wire fences. Indications point to one of the fast est and most evenly waged contests ever fought between representative teams of the two schools. Both squads are on edge for today's canflict, re carded by both as the biggest of the year. The two teams have rone through their schedules without defeat against teams of their class. They have made enviable records this season. The record of the Indian team slight ly overshadows that mad by the Coy ote ""iuad on paper. For example, the Intfiiia trounced Mesa High 79 to 0. wMe the best Coach Robinson and his men could do against the Gateway City eleven was a 69 to 0 victory. Records of the two teams for the season follows v Indiarts Indian school, 40; Maricopa Indi ans. 0. Indians, 52; Lehigh Indiana, 0. Indians. 20; V. of A. Vartdty, 51. Indians, 73; Mesa High, 0. Indians, SI; Rasaton Alumni, 14., Total points scored by Indians, 222; opponents, 65. High School Coyotes, t; Alumni, 13. Coyotes, 0: U. of A. Reserves, 7. Coyotes, !; Mesa High, 0. Coyotes, 79; Frescolt, 0. Coyotes. 6S; Tucson High, 0- Total points scored by Coyotes, 222; br opponents". 20. State football honors hinge on the outcome of this afternoon's battle. The Coyotes have already won honors In Jnterscholastio honors, while the In dians have defeated all teams in their class. The interscholastic title will not he at stake today, however, for the Indian team cannot n'tallfyas high school squad. Coach Durand will send e!;ht vet erans against the red Jerseyed players this afternoon. Pome of the players have been members of the squad for three or four seasons. With only three green men In the linup the Indians will have a decided advantage In the matter of experience In today's con flict. and experience is likely to play an Important part in determining the winner. Captain Webb, full back, Adams as half back, and Puella as tackle are all playing their third year on the team. . r.. r jr "4 1 ' f 'A: e COACH ROBINSON HAS BIG SEASON FIRST YEAR OUT IrT this, his first year as coach of the Phoenix high school football team, Coach Robinson has had a most successful season. The above "cut" shows him In football regalia, when he was a member of the Colorado Aggies a few yar ogo. During his college term, he was considered one of the hett. players in the Rocky Mountain ccfcrence and was selected on the ali-conference eleven. Robinson did not com to Thoe nLx high as an athletic director or coach, but whm a vacancy occurred in mid-season, he gladly took up the reins where they had been dropped by bis predecessor. And the fact that he succeeded in moulding a championship squad speaks volumes for Ms ability. Of a quiet, unassuming person ality, he goes about his work in a business like manner and gives everything he has to his coaching dntles. It is frequently stated by oM time fans that the 1920 Coyote eloven plays more football than any nuad of recent years. 1 -u r,. ; j ' T itt- 7i iv1 0 WW . - i r V it Puella la considered one of the best lineman ever developed at the Indian school. Other, veterans on the Brave squad today are Ryrd, half back; Stew art, quarter, making a veteran back field; "Walker, guard; Norton, tackle; and Evans, guard. Men playing their first year on the team are Dooley and Throsslle, ends, and J. V. Adams, as center. Coach Robinwm was not so fortunate when he assumed coaching reins at the High school, for he had only six men left over from last year's championship squad. Captain Gllleland Is the only veteran backfield man who will wear a Coyote uniform this afternoon, but Rosser. who plays the other half, acts like a veteran of many seasons. His defensive work Is easily the best seen in Pohonix in years. On the line Robinson will have five veterans in Heard and Gray, ends; Tal-. hot, tackle; Friend, guard; and v ort- man. center. Othe-s who will start the scame are Davis, quarter; Miilage, full; Goodwin, guard; and Middleton, as tackle. - - L : - j 1 1 . -m,t,....-a w e re I tiaekil re! If Man Wears It, We Sell It HANNY GUARANTEE GUARANTEES CLOTHES INSURANCE Home of Hart SchafFner & Marx Clothes COYOTE HERD IN ACTION t .t A i 7- .v 9 fr f 4 ,r e f x 4 j"-- 5i RESULTS OF TEN YEARS' FOOTBALL BETWEEN INDIANS AND HIGH SCHOOL Results of 10 years of football war ring between teams representing the Phoenix Indian school and the Phoenix high school are clven below: Tear Coyotes Indians S 39 4 I 0 0 14 0 B 9 14 12 1911 . 1912 . 1912 . 1913 . 1914 . 1914 . 1915 . 1916 . 1917 . .... .... 0 20 ....14 .... 0 0 20 J917 . .17 . . 33 ...20 1919 . 1919 . 191S- -No game owing to influenza. Of the 12 games played the Coyotes have won six, the Indians four and two have been tie games. For all of the bUssings that other people have and those we have ourselves. We're tliaiikjvl for the patronage that our friends have given us, and were thankful that we can serve them in a satis factory manner. Especially are we gratified that we are able to offer good, honest merchandise at next year's prices. s We have made up our minds to take our losses, and do it cheerfully j and we're thankful for your appreciation of our endeavors to adjust prices. 7 " Id 'T Xi - 0 J . . .. : 5, ' ... Women Can Attend New Orleans Fight Republican A. P. Leased Wire NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 24 Judge Skinner, in the civil district court to day enjoined the police from taking any action to prevent attendance of women at a prize, fht here tonight be tween "Happy" Littleton of New York, and Harry Krohn of Akron, O. o Brooklyn Man Wins Fourth Billiard Game CHICAGO. Nov. 24 Charles Otis of Brooklyn today won his fourth straight game in the preliminaries for the na tional three cushion billiard champion ship, defeating Jesse Lean of Denver, 50 to 42, in 78 innings. Otis had a high run of three and Lean one of 4. Hugh Heal of Toledo won from Charles Morin of Chicago, HO to 33, in 65 innings, a high run of 7 helping in the victory. , MARATHON FIRST Din SEGDNQ,! tiitri rnnTnai I i No ruUlDKLL 1 The piece cle resistance of today's sport menu will be ottered in a ten mile modified marathon race billed to -Hi , Crrrr start at 10 o'clock I EElhls morning. The savory aroma uiat floats through the Mone carries the happy thought that Mister Turk is sim mering in the kitch hn range and Thanksgiving ia here. Thoughts of Thanksgiving always ti'X brings thoughts of dinners and athletics 1 iirlrn m.-rrrr- , aacaava off with a long dis tance race to be fol lowed by a gridiron battle after the folks have tasted, of the appetizing dish that is provided for them "that has." Gardner's Modified Marathon brings out fifteen of the leading athletes of the Salt River valley, each one eager to be hailed as the southwest champion and wear the diamond studded medal that goes to the victor. At 10 o'clock this morning, weather permitting, the athletes will start from the line in front of Gardner's Diamond Shop on Center street and maKe their way down Center street to Bethany Home Road where they will turn and cover the same course, finishing at the line from which they started. The first man home wins the dia mond studded medal offered by Mack Gardner and the runner up will be pre sented with a diamond stick' pin of fered by Mack Gardner and a Stetson hat offered by Vic Hanny. The run- ! ning time of every contestant will be kept by the official timekeeper for ref erence in future races. Last year's time will be cut. down several minutes in the opinion of local sportsmen who witnessed last year's marathon and have been watching several of the ath letes work out for today's race. The following runners will be at the scratch at 10 o'clock this morning: Gordon Coola, Leon Hallian, Jimmy Gardner, James F. .Lewis, Louis Ten akhonynewa, Havler Jose, Mixa Po linsryowma, Loyde Kooyouhoma, Juan Patrico, Jose Pablo, Jay Waldman, J. R. Martin, Forest Hart, Ellis Beau mont and Arthur Bryant. In addition to the fifteen already entered five or six local boys will probably don their running togs before the start is made. Owing to the traffic regulations and the danger of blocking the traffic on Center street autoists are requested to park their cars beyond Van Buren street on Central avenue. The race can be watched over the entire course 1 1 1 ( 3 r&rfm mmm TODAY'S SPORT MENU 10 a. m. Gardner Marathon Center Street 3 p. m. Football game Eastlake Park Coyotes vs. Indians 3 p. m. Trapshoot, Phoenix Gun Club Traps, McDowell Road Golf play. Country Club, All Day Field Meet at Goodyear, starting at 10 o'clock this morning Middle West Will Wind Up Football Schedules Today Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Football elev ens of the Middle West will wind up ihelr 1920 seasons tomorrow with only three games of more than local interest scheduled. Nebraska will meet Wash ington State at Lincoln, Neb., in an inter-sectional cla?h, which will fur nish a comparison between the elevens of the Middle West and of the Far West, while the Drake-Oklahoma and the Missouri-Kansas games will decide the championship in the Missouri val ley conference, where Oklahoma leads with no defeats, but a tie with the Kansas Aggies on its record. Nebraska this year did not produce the supreme eleven which has charac terized Comhusker teams of past sea sons, but Coach Schulte has, never theless, turned out an aggregation which is considered at least on a par with the average middle western team. It lost, however, to Notre Dame, was f-tied by Kansas and went down before Penn State on its ea.stern trip. Notre Dame will meet the Michigan Aggies at Lansing, Mich., in a contest which on the basis of comparative scores should prove easy for the In diana eleven. At St. Louis, Washington university of St. Louis and St. Louis university meet in their annual-battle. o Big Auto Races on Coast Today Thirteen pilots will start in the big Thanksgiving day auto races on the Beverly Hills saucer track at Los Angeles this afternoon. The list of entries includes the leading race track pilots of the work! driving the fastest machines ever built. Barney Oldfield will pace the pilots on the first lap and speed the boys on their way. The track officials expect to see the drivers break all records for broad tracks in today's contests o Bid for Indians CLEVELAND Vero, a small city. 66 miles, from Palm Beach. Fla- is bid ding to furnish the spring training camp for Tris Speaker's Indians. Tris will look it over. if drivers exercise caution in driving their cars down the street. Driving too close to the runners makes them nervous and interferes with the view of persons scattered laong the roadway. The race will" start promptly at 10 o'clock and will be over in sufficient time to eat dinner and attend tho foot ball game in the afternoon. Excetdhtf Attractive Tim Payment Plan f The man who starts out to get the ut most for his money in a five-passenger motor car, will be driven to the good Maxwell by sheer force of logic and facts By any and every standard you choose to apply first price, running-cost, power, responsiveness, wheel base, roominess the good Maxwell $ 11 95 will prove itself by contrast and com parison the greatest buy in the market today. Touring Cai . Roadster $1195 Coupe $1195 Sedan F. O. B. PHOENIX R. D. ROPER MOTOR CO. 402-14 N. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 4251 BIG ftTHLETIG MEET st am TODAY An all-day athletic field meet and' fiesta will be held at Goodyear today under the auspices of the Goodyear, Athletic association. All employes of. the Goodyear company are invited to participate and enjoy the day's pro gram. A crowd of 5,000 is expected. The program will open, at 10 o'clock', this morning with horse races. Twi match events are scbedulcd, to be fol-. lowed by a relay race. From 11 o'clock until noon footrunners will hold thti' center of interest. The first event will be a 100-yard dash, followed by a 440-, yard dash, half mile run, one-half mile relay, a mile run and a broad -jump. The little fellows, boys and girls, will engage in athletic contests from 12 o'clock until 12:40. The program includes an apron race for girls, banana eating contest, a potato racct for girls, a sack race for girls, a relay race, show race and tug-of-wr. Luncheon will be enjoyed from 12:40 o'clock until 1:30 o'clock. A band con cert will also be given between those -hours. A greased pig contest is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock. There will be tliree 1 entries from each of the four units. A . tug-of-war elimination contest "will start at 2 o'clock. Four teams are en tered in this event, the two successful teams to meet for first hondrs. A. burro bucking contest, a match race between burros and a free-for-all race, with burros will furnish the amuse ment from 2:30 until 3:30. One of the big features of the day is the baseball game between the Sacaton Indians and Goodyear Mexi-' cans, scheduled to start at 3:30 o'clock., A boxing program will follow at 5:3v' o'clock, consisting of two four-round, bouts and one six-round bout. Supper will be enjoyed from 6 to 8 o'clock followed by dancing at the theater and arrade from 8 o'clock until 2 o'clock Friday morning. - o , Army and Navy Will I ; Battle Saturday Republican A. P. Leased Wire ANNAPOLIS, Md, Nov. 24. Navy's, football warriors this afternoon put inj their last practice on Farragut field In preparation for the season'3 su-' prcme test with Army on the Polu grounds. New York, Saturday after noon. The practice was lengthy but of a light order. There was only a brief scrimmage, the program consist-" ing mostly of signals and drills' in new formation. . o k Billy McCann Draws With Phil Salvador Republican A. P. Leased Wire LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24 Billy Mc-; Cann of Cleveland and Phil Salvadore. of Los Angeles boxed a 4 round draw at Vernon arena here last night. They, met at 135 pounds. $1890 $1995 121