Newspaper Page Text
;AGE FOUR (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 Li L W 0 SPARK Mi ' hrA 'nfL WORKS WONDERS STARTING THAT GASOLINE ENGINE, CAR OR TRACTOR THESE COLD MORNINGS PRAT7-GSLBERT CO. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 3 FOR SALE OF OWNER, one lot on East Willetta, 50x150; $700. rhone 2933. dp JOBBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Th Arizona Republican Is th rec gnizad vxant advertising medium Arizona. !,. 111, I ..I,. 1 .( I Mil V RATE lHe pir word per day. bo count lor time or apace: with order; mln. charga PHONE YOUR ADS TO 4331 Ada received before 8 p. m. wUl b properly tissued. After 8 P- ra ppear under -To Late to Claasiry i following mornir?. and tberaiiw under proper classification. Orders by mall should be CCOT" tanled by remittance and odd"8!1 w THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN WANT AD DEPARTMENT PHOPNir.. A R I70N A . AUCTIONS Auction Sale ARIZONA EASTERN UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. BALE STARTS FRIDAY 2mh, 10:00 A.M.. COR 3rd AVE. AND HARRISON STS. Hundreds of trunks, boxen, milt-cases, bedding, etc. C. O. McMCRTRY, AUCTION EER. dn? TAYLOR'S Auction Is now a second hand store. There is a licensed Hiictionoer. It you wish to sell any thing: phone 1776 Rnd the buyer will call, hut REMFMBER we come to buy not appraise, and will pay values and spot cash. 21 a.. rhone tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Homestead Land of extra fine quality soil under ap proved irrigation project. A. C. Haigler rhone 672 18 No. 2nd Ave. dl What We Call Bargains In Small Acreage 1 Acre $32 FOR SALE HOUSES On West Adams Good 6-room, brick, P".D., almost new, modern, hardwood floors,, built in features, beautiful lawn, some fruit, all for $1750 and i cash will handle this. GREEN WAY J. S. GRIFFIN "ALONE" 11!. N. Ave. Phone 1093 dk 1 acre, 4 room, 1 screen, frame bouse. corner location, on car line; only $3200, 11,000 cash. 1 1-3 Acre $4500 1 1-3 acres m milo maize, 5 room house, fine well and pump, chicken runs, all fenced, 1 block to car line; $2,000 cash. 5 Acres One Acre 4-Room House, Bath Fifty laying hens, one good milking cow, chicken house and run, acre all in good alfalfa, house Is new and in good condition, electric lights and run nine? water in the house, located north cast, close to car line and school; $1250 will handle, balance $45 per month, In cluding interest,' at $5500. AUCTIONS every Jsaturday. Fifth Ave. We buy and sell. 4779. T. TV riiiex. Aettoner FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC LAND How to find it and all information. PARRISII & RICHARDSON, l.H N. First Ave. tf LOT 63x142 !n Stor yaddit'on. Just across Seventh h venue cm W. Moreland street. Price, $875; terms :65 cash, balance three vears. Phone 3591 or see Mr. Yar- borough. 12.1 W. Washington. dl 120 ACHES lor $225 per acre; highly Improved, absolutely good soil; must m!1; going east: $7500 will handle; nood terms on balance. See Mr. Slrois 17 V. Adams St. Phone 1937. dr See Mr. Sirois STEWART REALTY CO., 17 W. Adams St., Phone 1997. dm you Will like casa grande valley When the San Carlos reservoir is se cured it will fully equal the Salt River Valley In land values and crop produc tion. We have been handling these lands for six years. Know the valley thoroughly. Have its best bargains. A little money will buy a lot of land there right now. McADAMS & HICKXIN Phoenix Office: 139 North Central Ave, Room 1 Upstairs. Phone 4494 Casa Grande Office: Casa Grande Valley Bank Bid dm Excellent Investment Choice Improved business property for sale by owner pays 12 per cent. Box 6. Temrte, Ariz. dr 5 acre lruit farm, all fenced. 6 ft Page wire and ledwood posts, 400 bear ing fruit trees, peaches, plums and apricots, apples and pears, 3 sets of chicken runs, lJ acre cotton, good 14 story frame house with basement, 2 car garage, corner location, 1 mile of city limits; owner In Texas said sell for $6,500, part cash: possession at once. 10 Acres $4000 All fenced and cross fenced with Page and barb wire, good 3 room house and. basemenL garage, chicken runs and fine well of soft water, S h. p. en gine and pump, large cabinet tank 12x 12x5 feet: improvements alone last summer cost over $3,500; the healthiest place in the valley, north of Scotts dale 2,miles; $1,000 cash will handle. Balance'easy. 10 Acres $8000 10 acres Just outside city limits, ail fenced and cross fenced with 6 foot Page wire, 5 room frame house, milk house and sheds, engine and pump. 2 cows, 3 heifers, 18 pigs and hogs, zoo turkeys and chickens, 400 egg incu bator, cream eeparator. 50 fruit trees all varieties, all for $8,000, $1,500 cash, balance arranged. Some Bargains With Small Payments $2000 Cash $400 2 room and large screen and toilet, well located. 2 blocks Brill car line and paved street, and only $40 m. inc int.; fine neighbors. $2250 Cash $500 4 room and toilet and bath, built in features, large lot 60x150, chicken house and runs. $4200 Cash $800 4 room and breakfast and screen, p. d. house, built in features, h. w. floors, sideboard, h. w. tank, cement porch; only month old, now vacant. $4500 Cash $1000 6 room solid brick, h. w. floors, every built in feature, good garage and lawn and garden, fine location, pos session at once. $5750 Cash $1200 6 room solid brick, every built in feature, 3 piece toilet and bath, hard wood floors In every room, high ceil ings, good location, possession at once. See MR. BARNEY or MR. HULETT Texas City Realty FOR SALE 10 or 20 acres; buy of owner and save commission. Phone A BARGAIN if soid at once; new house, corner 13th Ave. and Garfield; modern, gas, lights, etc.; half block from school. Want all cash. Key over door. Thone 136S. gb Mr. Homebuilder Here is a chance to plan your own home. I have a nice lot in Los Olives which I will build on to suit buyer, with small payment down, balance like rent. J. D. Howell, general contrac tor. Phone 42 Glendale. dr Lo.N'T buy a When you can build it for less -money. Let us figure your lumber bill. We specialize on best grades lumber- McCALLA LUMBER CO. SI 7 South 11th Ave. Phone 1268 gb BEAT THE high rent; will build to suit on easy payments. Carl H. Johnson c Co., Contractors, Realty Investments. 128 E. Adams. tf OWNER OFFERS 8-room modern house, fares east, fine shade, corner lot, 100 foot-frontage ; walking dis tance. 524 N. street. Price $8,500, half cash. Phone 2354. tf JEROME For sale. 20-rgom hotel, well furnished; good location. Inquire Jerome. Ariz.. Box 465. " 11-dm WATCH PHOENIX GROW Five room modern house, $1,000 cash, $30 month; close In; $5,250. Four new' modern houses, close in, on 125 foot lots; $8,000 cash takes them all. Furnished house, well located, $7, 500, $2,500 cash, $200 every three months. M. H S HELTON 215 W. Washington tf Country Home We have acres, modern 3 -room and screen, lights and water, shade, fruit and winter garden, at only $4200; $700 cash, balance $40 per month. It's right on car. SEE HILL INVESTMENT CO. 37 North 1st Ave. dr FOR SALE Six-room brick bunga low, within walking distance; garage; desirable location. 738 W. Pierce. See owner at 730 W. Pierce. dr r r -1 Www V, If', yn u r"uH vf V s.-f V-..'Srif till B SS &&&&&&& : Hoosier Grale Drills 33 W. Monroe St. Tel. 1756 dl 20 Acres at a Bargairi Located six miles northwest of Phoe nix; very best soil, free from Johnson gtasn, alkali, waterlog, etc.; good 4 room house; wiU sell for $50U per acre, pood terms. .NF.E MR. SIROIS, WITH Stewart Realty Co. 17 W. Adnms St.. Thone 1997. dm . Dandy South Face Lot On W. Portland St., in 700 block, 63 NHJ; only $300. FRANKLIN IX LANE. 42? Heard V,z.. Phone T234. dm 121J3. dp FOR Sale Cheap; two lots 7th ave nue and Portland, by owner. Phone 8207. KS Who Has $2250? Wo can sell you ten acres within 2 miles of Phoenix; no better soil or lo cation: right In corner of Central and Temp road. Central now bein? pave i. Just think of it. $425 per acre takes thiM if sold by Saturday; first comes, first served. Donart & Arnold 4 4 E. Ad.ims Street It ou-uitc rt'linuuiHlimcnt, oast of M't-a. under Mormon Flats Project IJ ier acre, or will take cotton at 60c. M. Maloney, 409 Nat'l Bank of Ariz. BMir. It LOT latin north in Bella Vista ad dition. 1KO0: terhis. I'lione 5.1.1. b FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE Twenty or forty acres. Owner has 20 cr 40 acres; will sell or exchange for ymallor Dlace. from 5 to 20 acre. You r.n't beat this. Rich sandy loam soil; fun; cotton. First year in cotton. 20 and 40 each f cured; bus well and jiuinp, good water, good 16x16 tent Price for the 20, $8500; $5000 ash. bal. $1S00 yearly. For the 40 .17,000; terms $.000 cash, $3500 yearly. If interested write for appointment F I! Williams. Route 1, Tolleson, Ari'. It Small Acreage Wo have some special bargains in 1. 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts, well located, ios to car; a few hundred dollars will handle. Now Is the time to buy a little country home. These are good and will Fell at once. Let us show you. Donart & Arnold Nothing Down And $15 Per Month Buys It A nice little chicken ranch, S blocks from car. Joining corporatoin limits on the north. Build you a shack and live. S. F. Williams, owner, 10o Monihon Bid. dr Sacrifice Sale Acres, BEARING orange and grape fruit orchard, over 720 trees, mostly young, now paying 25 per cent on tne purcnasing price or s,uuu.u. Phone 203J3. No agents. 12-hg Thanksgiving Offer BUY THIS AND BEAT THE IL C. I One acre in full, all fenced for rais ing chickens, coops and houses all that you need." Nice 4 room house, fruit. shade, lots of berries, 100 foot well and this is the best water in the coun try; gasoline engine and pump and a 5.000 gallon tank; there are six houses that use this water at $1.50 per month Located northeast near car lino, close enoughfor delivery of groceries. The price for immediate sale Is $1,000, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. See MR. HALL or MR. JOHNSON, with F. A JEFFERSON. 32 S. Central Ave. Phone 710. It Government Land You can still get a good homestead not too far out and near railroad, with irrigation water assured. Only a few left. For information write P. O. BOX 439 PHOENIX , dl OUR CREED Spectacular CATTLE RANCH BARGAIN! $10,000 cash will handle, balance of $15,000 easy terms. One of the best cattle ranches in Ari zona, Boulevard to ranch 12 miles from Tucson. 160 acres lies along the river, about 60 acres bottom land, for cotton, let tuce, potatoes, or other crops; 25 feet to water. Sale price includes 480 acre stock raising homestead relinquish menf adjoining. Two wells and pumping- plants. Nine room ouse, two porches. Rent income, $35 per month. 12 head Holstein cows. 5 head Jerseys. 13 head range cows. 14 calves up to 1 year old. 1 Hereford bull. Address F. C. Wright, Wrightstown. Arizona. b "HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY" 'IT PAYS TO BUY REAL ESTATE" I 5 Acres N. E. Close in: $1250 cash, $1300 at $30 per month, $1950 mortgage, long time; new framo house, good well, about two bales of cotton go with place. SEE MR. ATWOOD 44 E. Ad;ims St. It hv owner: or will trade for ity property. Phone 912. Ul C. A. Dagley Co. 14 W. Van Bnren St.. Phone 3897. It For Sale or Rent Ten acres, all fenced and cross fenced with Page and barb wire, good houpo and basement and garage, chicken runs, some garden; Just put ting in four acres barley; pump, engine and tank, 12x12x5 feet; possession at once; in citrus belt 24 miles i.orth of Scottsdale across canal. For quick sale $41100, j.iOO cash, oaiance arranged, or will rent. See Mr. Barney on place Thanksgiving clay, or TF.XAS CITY REALTY, FRIDAY, 33 W. Monroe St., Tel. 1756. It m 1 f 1 $3250 , Easy Terms Five -room modern, lovely, charming home, shade, fruit, garden, flowers, beautiful wire fence around place, chicken park and chicken coops, extra fine large lot. This place is on a corner and is block to car and paved street. Ask Mr. Brown WITH STEWART REALTY CO, 17 W. Adams. Phone 1997. dl A Great Bargain $2600 Four room and bath, gas, lights, wa ter, fine old shade, grape arbor, near the High school. This is no cheap house. It is weather-boarded, ceiled, and has a good shingle roof. Only takes $600 to handle; balanc very easy monthly payments. This is absolutely the best buy we have had for some time. Davie Realty Co. BUILT FOR THE MAN WHO APPRECIATES GOOD WORK BELIEVING that the average fanner cares more for good work and durable construction than he does for low price, the builders of the Hoosier grain drill have put into it the thought, time and expense necessary to produce a machine that will stand up under seeding conditions, favorable and, unfavor able, found on the average farm. The Hoosier drill as it is built today represents the tireless effort of fifty years of careful manufacturing. It is the best that cari be found in seeding machinery. Owners of Hoosier drills ask nothing better. ' They have proved by yeara of use and observa tion that there is nothing better. These fine old drills, made good by quality and kept good by careful manufacture, are now in the height of their popularity. Under present conditions, no farmer can afford to risk a reduc tion in yield by using an uncertain drill. It is simply good business judgment to use the drill that will do the most. See the Hoosier first. -Talk to Hoosier owners. Get a Hoosier in the proper style and size, and you will never regret it. The O. S. Stapley Co., Inc. Phoenix EVERYTHING IN FARM EQUIPMENT Glendale Chandler Mesa FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Modern brick, four rooms and bath, large pantry, screen porch and garage, on paved strceL two blocks from car; splendid neighbor hood. 1829 W. Jefferson street. Price $6500, terms. See Owner E. J. Patton, Arizona Grocery Co. dn 126 N. Central Ave. Tel. 3599 It $500 Cash Whv ra v this hieh rent when we can sell you a house at from $1,500 to $3,500, with a $500 cash payment, the balance like rent? CRAVENS 40 E. Adams St. Phone 1080 dm Will Take . two good lots and $300 as first pay ment on a fine' new home on E. Van Buren street valued at $o750, $60 per month. GEO. MacDONALD. 25 East Adams. Phone 658. - 1 Suburban Homes Dandy 4 room frame near car line, northeast, good location and a good buy at 11 F.on. J40O rash! , 5 room frame, plastered, cement foundation, new. Just Deing iinisnea, close to car line, northeast; $320O, $1000 cash. CRAVENS, 40 E. Adams St. Phone 1080. dl Thanksgiving Offerings NORTHWEST, IN WALKING DISTANCE "Why pay all your money out for rent? You may be the owner of a home at a reasonable price. The man that is building and placing these homes on the market has a heart and is in sympathy with those that have a little and not a lot of means. Drop in or call me and I will be glad to give you the opportunity here offered. The price is $1,650, $500 cash, balance $35 per month, including interest. A. J. HALL with F. A. JEFFERSON, 32 S. Central Ave. Phone 710. dm l'OR SALE Dandy five-room com pletely modern brick bungalow, at 736 East Willetta St. For. price and terms see owner on premises. gs FOR SALE By owner, good house, arranged for one or two families; close in; excellent corner lot; beautiful ehade; no agents. 721 N. 3rd St. dn Price & Price Co. RANCHES FOR TRADE 40 acres improved, 2 miles west of Phoenix for an apartment house in the city. 10 acres northwest, highly improved. Including, a good 5 room house, value $10,000. Win trade for a city home. CITY PROPERTY NEW HOUSES BELOW THE MARKET Beautiful 5 room residence, new, on W. Palm Lane, cut to $6,000 for quick sale; additional cut for one-half cash payment. Bungalow in highly restricted Kenil- worth district, new, 6 rooms, finished In ivory and white enamel; cut from $8,500to $7,750; $2,000 will handle; near the splendid Kenilworth school. WELL LOCATED LOTS Two on Palm Lane, 50x156 each, $750, $100 down, balance easy. Price & Price Co. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. dm , OUR CREED "HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY" FOR 'SALE HOUSES Two Family Brick Brand new 6 rooms and bath, north east, near Brill car on Moerland Street, a bargain at the price: $4300. This is the best six-room brick in the city for the price. Phone 3591 for an appoint ment. Call for Mr. Yarborough, 122 W. Washington. . It APARTMENT house; rent,"asale or exchange; easy terms: large lot on car line. 2938 N. 3rd St. Phone SS57. It "IT PAYS TO BUY REAL ESTATE" This Is Easy New house,. 3- rooms and bath, elec tric lights, city water, near car line, full sized lot. Price, $1,800, $350 cash, balance easy; immediate possession; close in. Fcur room thoroughly modern brick and two screen looms, all built in fea tures, cement front porch, shade, con venient to High school; splendid neigh borhood; immediate possession. Price $3,500, $C00 cash, balance $35 month. $150 CASH Makes first payment Small house and lot; Lots fruit and shade; Located northeast; $20 per month on balance. J. S. Griffin "Alone" FOR SALE HOUSES A Bargain New four-room frame "house, on car line; electric lghts; lot 50x137 Vi: price $2000: small down payment, balance monthly; or will accept auto as down payment. Call after 7 p. m. 2009 N. 10th St. ' R Beautiful Home Pebble dash brick, 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors in every room, fin ished In enamel and ivory, tinted walls, built-in bookcases, cabinets and china closets, etc.; roomy closets, fruit cel lar: earage: concrete porch on Iwo sides; exceptionally well built . and modern in every respect; city con veniences and good location; without city taxes. Built for a home, but will sell If taken soon for $6500. A pleas ure to show you a house li'.ie this. Call Mr. Tilton. STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams St. dl NEW 4-room bungalow, corner lot, half block from schooL 3 blocks from car line; modern in every respect; quick sale for cash. Call owner. Phone 1368. dm 118 N. First Ave., Phone 1093. dl FOR SALE Two apartment 6 room house. 3 sleeping porches and bath. See J. S. Marxson. 1005 E. Taylor St. 12g PARTY leaving city will sell prac tically new modern 4 room furnished bungalow in West Capitol addition; $2,000 cash, balance monthly. See own er at S34 N. Third Ave. dp $2750 Bargain in nice little cottage, four rooms, lot 50x250, lights, shade, well and garage, beautiful palms, equipped for chicken raising; no city taxes. With a fair amount down the payments on this place are only $10 per month and interest. Let us show you this bargain. SEE MR. TILTON STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams St. dm $500 Down $30 per month, including, interest. New 4 room cottage for' $1500; block from car line, in northeast part of city; rear church and school. An unheard of bargain. Call Mr. Tilton. with Stewart Realty Co., 17 "West Adams. dm FOR SALE HOUSES 4-ROOM BRICK TWO LOTS Numerous fruit trees; an unexcelled opportunity to secure a very desirable home at a ridiculously low figure. You will aree with me that this kind of an offering is rare when you sea the property. The price is only $2950. Hanson, with M. F. GREEN REALTY CO. Commercial Hotel Bldg. .15 So. Center. Phone 1229. dm FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Look The first reasonable offer takes mod ern 4 room brick, screened porches, all built in features, fruit trees, etc. Call Friday at 830 N. Eighth Ave. "dm A Bargain Six-room modern brick, hardwood floors, built-in features, close to car line in Capitol addition; $6250,. $2000 cash. V. M. FIKE REALTY CO., 17 E. Adams St.. Phone 8993. dm SEE MR. GILL C. A. Dagley Co. 14 West Van Buren Street Phone 3897 It HERE IS A GOOD BUY 5-room house on West Monroe In fine repair; Hardwood floors, Built-in features Price $4000. $1500 cash will handle. J. S. Griffin "Alone" 118 N. 1st Ave. dm FOR SALE Tent house, 12x16, floor. 1623 E. Van Buren. good dn Beautiful Home On E. Moreland, 6-room brick, all modern, hardwood floors, etc.; $5500, $1000 cash, $50 a month. Sandige, 331 W. Washington St. It $1500. Neat new cottage, 4 rooms, nice -lot; $500 cash, balance terms. James B. Gillespie A Beautiful 5-Room. Brick Bungalow Completely furnished, electric lights, Bath, some built-in features, lots of shade and fruit trees, nice lawn, roses, located northeast, right on car line; a bargain at $5000; only $1250 cash, bal ance $50 per month. See Mr. Sirois STEWART REALTY CO. 17 W. Adams St. Phone 1997 dm New Bungalow New modern brick on the Berkeley road; hardwood floors in living room and dining room ; ivory finish, garage, etc.; $6000. Also Another good house, ' thoroughly modern, well located, northwest, for $4750. F. D. LANE 426 Heard Bldg. Phone 1234 dm Recleaned Seeds Seed barley, both bearded and beard leas; seed wheaL Early BarrL Club and Marquis; Texas Red seed oats and Nebraska white oats; winter seed rye. common and hairy Peruvian alfalfa seed. Phoenix Flour Mills, cor. Van Buren and 9th Sts. tf DENTIST chair, $9; baby buggy, typewriter, electric heater, new gtetson hat, blue tilcolette dress, entire furni turo. oruck, chickens, auto. 2175. It u.N'K ball tearing clothes wringer. one vacuum carpet sweeper. 922 N. 6th St ' it FOR SALE 40 tons of hay in stack; also 20 acres pasture, ready to turn in. Phone 1I1R4. Glendale Exchange. It Jr OR SALE Avery motor cultivator, new this year; part cash; cheap. Ap ply at 126 N. Central. dm NO. 10 ROYAL typewriter, used only few months; will sell for $75 if taken next few days. Phone 3541. d FOR KALE-5-BookcHse lamp, 1 31K gallon hot water tank and stand for same. 376 N. 5th Ave. dn FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring body at Vogel's, the Radiator Man, opposite the Western Auto Supply. Phoenix. di Zti CANVAS covered sash for screen room; also one complete window. nn.l frame. 922 N. 6th St. "-tit l'OR SALE Cheap. One 22 Rem ington repeating rifle; one Stevens 20 gauge single barrel shotgun. 25 West Monroe St. dm LIQUID BREAD extract, etc, dry; write for free price list, confidential"" service. A. Angermoyer, 1425 Pleasant avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. It HANDSOME brass bed, box springs ad hair mattress; also handsome ma hogany chiffonier and dresser. Call at 102 E. Willetta. dp HEAD maize for sale, $35. Phono 1279, ask for Edwards, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. dr COAL range in first class condition; reasonable. 2134 W. Jefferson. dp FOR SALE Fencing; Jackson stiff stay fence: poultry, hog and stock. Complete stock on hand. The 0"Ma,lley Lumber Co. Phone 1204. gs FOR SALE Iron roofing. Galvan ized roofing, in 5, 6, 8 and 10 ft lengths The 0"Malley Lumber Co. Phone 1204 219 N. Central Ave. dn 2 1-2 Acres 10-Room House 2s acres with 75 fruit trees, grapes and berries; this house has 10 rooms and hardwood floors, good garage and chicken houses and lots of cement walks; city water and well water, electricity, close to town and near car line and paved street; $2000 cash will handle. Also-40 White Leghorn chick ens; Just think, eggs 90c dozen. This place is a corner tract and well located for a building site; for a small place this is a dandy; look it over. 12 W. Van Buren. Phone 2892. BOLIN REALTY CO. dm BOUGHT AND SOLD ' The logical place to buy or sell a Used Ford Car is through an authorized Ford Agent . . Ed HydoEph PHOENIX or GLENDALE A : 4