Newspaper Page Text
THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 (Section Two) PAGE FIVE .3 i r FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A complete farm outfit: a ood work horse, weight 2500; har ness and 2 Inch farm wagon with double bed. Will sell separat or trad. fetar Corral, cor. 2d and W. BLUE turqolse eano 4-wheel baby Bossy for ealo. Call 2884, or 609 X. t. dm FAT URNS; wicker bahy buggy, la dles' saddle. 1501 K. Wash. dl FENINSULAR coal and pas range, practically new; $100; terms. Colo's Hot Blast heater, size 15, $20. H. C. Healy, 625 East Culver St. Phone 8238. ilr X'OH SALE; thoroughbred Airedale pap. 1014 South Third Ave. dm Foil SALE Lumber; only best qualify, it pays to use (rood lumber; carrtiter work too expensive to put In timofatchlng and fitting: lieap lum ber. . McCALLA LUMBER CO. 317 South 11th Ave. Phone 1368 tsh lOH SALE National cash register, cheap; like new. Phone 2151. dl FOK SALE Nearly ncjff high grade piano. Box S8B. dp TAPPOON CANVAS RIQHT PRICE. Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. 12S K. Jeff Pt tt IF TOU WANT good light have your reflectors reputed. Phoenix Plating Co.. 215 E. Adams. tf AT FORD'S STORE 220 E. Jeff. Fhona 1776. Paints a specialty. Tents both Gov't and new at bargains: Trunks and Crips cheaper than others. Hardware. Oraniteware, Tools, Musi cal Instruments, Guns. Ammunition, Gas Ranges, Wood and Coal Ranges, Heating Stoves, Oil Heaters, Gas Heaters, Electric neaters, and Lamps: Bedding, Furniture: every article mentlonable, new or used. REMEMBER I go anywhere to buy any quantity and deliver free. Ford's Store, phone 177(5. tf PIANOS, PIANOS PLATER-PIANOS. PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS AT FACTORY RE- TfM. FRTCFS CASH OR EAST TE?lMS. TUNING AND REPAIRING. EMERSON, CHASE BROS.. LIN DE- MAN A. SONS PIANOS. J.W.DAWSON ' 105 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 897$. tt 200,000 Feet Of Arliona lumber. We now have In stock at Seventh avenue and the railroad, 200,000 feet of Arizona lum ber; all grades from mill culls to No, 1 clears, surfaced or In the rough, we are selling $10 to $35 below the regular retail prices. Don't pass us tip until you sea this stock. Mont Anderson Lumber Co. tf MUST sell at once Oak dining room table, chairs, buffet, settee, rocker, rug, vacuum cleaner, maple dressed. Make offer. 519 E. Culver. dl 20 PER CENT OFF ON TENTS CxlO ten ounce $21.50 V4X12 ten ounce $27 8x8 miner's tent $13.35 9x9 miner's tent $15.85 8-10 12-ounce army tent. .... ..$29 t4.xl2 12-ounce army tent $38.50 12-14 12-ounce army tent $52.75 12x13 12-ounce army tent $66.75 Above prices Include stakes and ropes 10-inch 17-ounce army duck, $2.70 yd. 10 per cent cash discount from above prices. BARROWS FURNITURE CO. 1ST STREET AT JEFFERSON tf GOOD second hand piano for sale. Cheap. 209 W. Wash. tf WANTED Double disc harrow. What have you? Give full particulars, price, and where it can be seen. Ad dress P. O. Box 415, rhoenix, Ariz, dm FORSALE AUTOMOBILES 4', Your Credit Is Good LIBERAL PRICES AND TERMS TO MOVE THESE CARS QUICKLY. EVERY CAR IS IN GOOD SERV ICEABLE CONDITION AND WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. 1921 ESSEX. LIKE NEW, $1500. 1920 CHANDLER. 4-PASS.. $1300. 1920 DODGE ROADSTER, $350. 1919 OVERLAND 90. $475. 1918 OLDS 6, $750. 1918 CADILLAC SPORT, $2750. 1918 DODGE ROADSTER, $675. Inspect Them Satisfy Yourself HAVE YOUR MECHANIC LOOK THEM OVER. SALISBURY'S CARS SATISFY 233 WEST ADAMS -dl For Sale 1-ton truck. Call 1450 and In excellent condition, ask for Jack Sharon. dm USED GARS VERY REASONABLY Priced "90" $5 .. .$600 ......$650 OVERLAND BUICK OLDSMOBILE AND OTHERS. Our terms are very reasonable. PHOENIX NASH COMPANY 521- N. Central Ave. dm FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Cars Painted HIGH GRADE AUTO PAINTING BY PAINTER DIRECT FROM THE BUTCK FACTORY: FORDS, $20.00 UP. LARGE CARS. $35.00 UT SPECIAL RATES TO DEALERS. 520 W. WASH ST. tf AUTOMOBILE WANTED Any standard roadster not having been run 15,000 miles aud for sale at a speculator cash price I wyll buy. As this Is for speculation, please don t answer unless you expect to sacrifice badly. Geo. O. Ford, 220 E. Washing ton St. Phone 1776. tf 1H18 FORD touring $350. Phone 686. in A-l condition, dm FOR SALE $2000 Dodge Brothers roadster. Has nearly every known convenience, Including steel wheels and cord tires. Will accept a price you will Immediately recognize as a bar gain. This car has only been driven 2C0O miles and Is adjusted perfectly. DULMAGE & DUNBAR, Distributors Hudson, Essex. Twin City Tractors. 4th Ave. and Adams. dl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 ACRES Will trade for city property up to $10,000. This 20 is located 3 miles from Phoenix; very best soil; what have you to trade? SEE MR. SIROIS, WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 W. Adams St. Phone 1997 dm WILL trade $1000 note and some cash on good automobile or lot under $ir-00 or small house and lot and as sume your debt. Phoenix-Casa Grande Realty Co.. 110 N. Central Ave. dn WILL TRADE lot unincumbered as first payment on Ford car. 1235 E. Adams. Phone 8317. dp FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES WILL LEASE handsomely furn ished 10-r'oom home; garden, garage, on North Central avenue, very close in. $200 a month. Phone 2209. dp FOR RENT Three-room furnished house at Warner Heights, on Tempe road. dm THREE housekeeping rooms; no sick or children. 1.226 E. Monroe. om ONE side double brick, furnished; modern: block to car; $60. Call C34 N. Kth Ave. dl FOR RENT Two houseKeeping rooms. 80o . .Montezuma ui ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD for two in private family, rear Capitol and Standard Oil. Break fast and dinner, $8 per week. 325 N. Ifith Ave. dm THREE furnished rooms. month, also housekeeping adults. 321 North Third Ave. Buick Light "6" $400 Cash This Is your opportunity to get a good car; it looks like new. The balance can be paid fifty dollars monthly See It and be convinced. Holmes Motor Sales Company' PHONE 691. COR. 1st AND VAN BUREN. , tf WILL exchange 8-16 Avery tractor and tractor cultivator. "Will trade for mules. Chas. Shouse, phone 5R4, Mesa. gs WILL exchange Phoenix property for Los Angeles or Riverside. What have Keystone dl ROOM and board for two In private home, near Capitol; lovely home, with every convenience; no sick; $15 each per week. 323 N. 18th Ave. dm you? Shaw, 15 N. First Ave. Realty Co. FOR EXCHANGE 20-acre beautiful home ranch. North Central Ave. Modern nice house, trade this fine place for Texas or Oklahoma or city property; might consider Cali fornia property. , ASK MR. BROWN WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 W. Adams Phone 1997 dl DOUBLE apartment. Phone 8857. 2938 N. 3rd St. dp 6-PASSENGER Nash, perfest condi tion, for sale very cheap. Might take building lot for It. Box 70C, Repub- EXCHANGES Good building lot, close In, for piano; -no Junk. Johnston. 31 N. 1st Ave. tf STRIPPED Ford, 1917 model; motor In excellent condition; good casings; a bargain at $225 if taken next few days. Phone 3541 or 2051. dp FOR SALE Cadillao roadster. In first class condition; price reasonable; for demonstration address owner, P. O. Box 1325. ' dn FOR SALE or trade for lot. late model Overland; good condition; $400. F. P. la. Kersting Hotel. It FOR SALE Maxwell touring car In perfect running order; very reasonable price. Call evenings after 5 p. m. 703 E. Adams St. dn WrE HAVE a number of Ford light delivery cars for Bale cheap. Also a Bulck four-cylinder touring-car. All in running shape, with good rubber, Can be seen at Phoenix office. Ask for "Baker." Southwest Cotton Co. dn WANTED Will pay cash for small Nviring tar. Must be bargain. Box 66C. Republican. dk FOR SALE Olive green broadcloth suit, size 38, last year's model; good bargain. Phone 3108. dm FOR SALE Indian rugs, mornings at 716 E. Adams St. Call in dm WANTED Will pay cash for light touring car; must be bargain, Tel, 38J12. dtp Cut This Ad Out Take It To CalMessner's USED CAR LOT And we will allow you $10 on the value of any used car that you pur chase from our stock. Our cars are all ready to run. FORD TOURING GOOD RUBBER , MECHANICALLY GOOD. 606 W. WASHINGTON dl WILL sell 1918 Ford touring, good shape, minute wheels, other extras, also 12x14 tent, double cot. Kamp Cook gas oline stove cheap. Box 82C, Republi can. ' dl WANTED A Victrola as part pay ment oh stripped Ford. Gardner, 4277, daytime. dm TRUCKS 1920 2i ton Jumbo-Budda mo tor. Like new, run only 1,700 miles, at half the new price; will trade and give terms. Ford 1 ton truck, Al condition, fine stake body, $425. SEE SALISBURY' 233 West Adams Street dm SEVEN FORDS CW1NU to the remodeling and re furnishing of our office, will sell at a bargain our present office furniture. Carl H. Anderson Ins. Agency, Adams Hotel Bldg. ' tf POP CORN POPPER Looks and is Just as good as new for $250 less than a new one. See Machine at 312 N 9th nvnii or phone 26-R-3. ' dm FOR BALE At liberal discounts. $175 equity In new piano at Redewlll Music company. Apply Service Sec tion. Red Cross. tf GOOD used piano at a bargain. N. 2nd St. 805 tf REMINGTON -WAHL posting and computing typewriter, split cylinder tabulator and stand, $750. See Merrill, Water Users. Phone 1613. tf CARBON-BTSULPHIIJE KILLS ANTS AND GOPHERS. Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. 125 E. Jtf-.FF. SL U TENTS FOR SALE Baby's bed. Phone 1962, Apartment F. dm ARMY GOODS We carry a full line of army tents, wagon covers, folding cots, shoes, shirts, overcoats, sweaters. underwear, etc. The Army Goods Store, First St. and Adams. gs FOR SALE One upright piano, one q'lvter sawed oak dining room set, 1 pail-T cabinet, gold leaf; Al furniture Phon 188. Glendale. 221 V. A. FOR SALE 10x12-14 oz. wall tents, used only a few weeks: special price of $20. N. Porter Saddle & Harness Co. gs CHANDLER 18. 7-PASS. HAYNES, '18, 7-PASS. STUDEBAKER '18, 7-PASS. HUPMOBILE '18, 6-PASS. DODGE '17, ROADSTER FORD '15, TOURING. OAKLAND '16. TOURING. OAKLAND '20, TOURING. ALSO TWO REPUBLIC TRUCKS. 3 Ford tourings. 3 Ford trucks. J' 1 Ford speedster. ) S Buicks. 1 Studebaker. 4 Maxwells. 3 Dodge "cars. . 1 Chevrolet. These cars are all price, from $200 to $600. Can giv you good terms and take your old In trade. RAY EX3AN "WHO BUYS AND SELLS USED CARS." 520 W. WASHINGTON. dm lean. dr TO TRADE for 5 bales cotton, Cleve land touring car; good as new; wine wheels, five cord tlrs, bumpers, shock absorbers, motometer. Phone 110J12, Glendale. dk FOR SALE Six lots in Oklahoma on auto. Call 310 North 5th Ave. dl WANTED To trade nearly new one-ton Ford truck, in good condition, for Ford Coupe. See A. A. Carrick, Glendale. dl FOR EXCHANGE International tractor and plow. Phone 46J3. dg FOR SALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE FOR SALE Fresh, sweet grapefruit at the "Darling" grove. Camel Back road. 12-bd GREEN tomatoes, Zc at ranch. Be delivered east of Capitol. Bell, S. W. corner 16th Street and Henshaw road. V2 mile S. of Eastlake park. Phone 8070. KS COME to Hoyer Grove for fine, rine oranges and grapefruit. One mile west of old Country club on Canal road and one-eighth mile south. dp Grapefruit Oranges Get your grapefruit and oranges from the grower and save the middleman's profits. Best fruit in Salt River' valley. Drive out to end of N. Central Avenue, turn west and go one mile on canal road, turn south and go to the red, white and blue .water tank. J. P. Txmstalot. It ROOM and board for two or three ppople. 910 N. 7th street. dl SCHWARTZ CAMP Wonderful place for health seekers; new cottages, newly furnished. You will be the first to occupy them; all supplies at hand. Office 31 N. Second Ave. 12m NOT only the tourists, but regular residents of Phoenix, are moving to the Universal Tours Community; thor oughly modern aro these tent houses. equipped for light housekeeping if de sired; electricity, hot and cold water. shower and tub baths, heat, shade. grass. ISth St., two diocks norm oi East Van Buren. Reasonable rates by day, week or month. Phone 3328. gb -MOUNTAIN air rest camp, on the desert; bed patients, $18 per week; table boarders. $15. Phone 2J11. gs FOR health seekers, housekeeping, single and double screened cottages, fitted for one or two people; rates moderate. Phone 3024, Mesquite Camp. tr HYATT'S "DESERT" Field Camp Cactus, Arizona. "Only Desert Camp. One, two and three-room cottages fitted for light housekeeping, semi soft water piped to every house, 2 bath houses, store, dining room, daily mail. Stage in front of Central Pharmacy twice dally. Call phone 1304 or leave orders. "See Dodge Car." tf FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING 20 acres on Christy road. 76 acres 6 miles out. 80 acres 6 miles out for one crop of grain or oneJyear lease. SEE MR. SIROIS 17 W. Adams St. Phone 1997 STEWART REALTY CO. dm CAUlKOKiXU INN 50 N. Sixth Ave. Comfortably furnished rooms with board: no sick. tf CARE In private horns for tubercu lous patients by rraduate nurse. Terms $20 a week. Mrs. C. A. Noren. 1109 W. Fillmore Street. tf MOUNTAIN health resort (desert); private cottages, excellent board, com petent nurse in attendance; accommo dations limited. Office, Saufley Rub ber Co.. First and Monro Sts. dr BETHANY HOME Sanitarium In dividual cottage, good board and gen eral nursing, $16 week up.. Phone 4R4 FRONT room and board $15 per week; employed men, no sick, 738 W Tavlor. dn FHlST CLASS accommodations for convalescents in country home. Phone 3748. dp ROOM and board. Buren street. 742 East Van dn HEALTH SEEKERS Board and room; home comforts, garage; $20 weekly. 96B, Republican. It TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY furnished room in private family, large closet, connecting bath, no sick. 114 E. Roosevelt. dn NICELY furnished sunny room private family; gentlemen only, sick. 818 N. Fifth St. in No dp FRONT room, bath connected, board if desired, to lady employed. 1530 West Jefferson. dl FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at the Jackson rooms. 724 Wrest Jackson St. dl FOR RENT-HOUSES 9 THREE-ROOM house in Paradise Valley: water, trees, chicken runs. 337 East Wash. dp FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms with bath; board If desired near capitol; no sick. 817 N. 18th Ave Phone 3723. dl TWO rooms downstairs and a large sleeping room above, accommodations for auto. 1426 North First street. Price, $55: no sick, no children. dm UNFURNISHED house for rent, 3 rooms and screen porch, $30 a month; close in. Box 69C, Republican. It THREE rooms, ten minutes from the center of town; $20. 1008 East Fill more. It FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Forty head 'of high grade Holstein . cows; Al stock, fresh and coming fresh. Gem Dairy, Jerome Junction. Ariz. - p FOR RENT LEASE ONLY. ONE HALF OF UNFURNISHED DOUBLE HOUSE, FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, MODERN AND WELL LOCATED: NO SICK OR CHILDREN. 1008 NORTH THIRD ST. dm THERE will be a carload of mules for sale at the Stockyards at Glendale Nov. 25th and 26th, with or without harness; one or the whole lot. dl DON'T FORGET THIS AD IS WORTH $10. FOR SALE Pigeons cheap If taken at once. roe. WILL TRADE FOR SMALL CARS, COTTON IN BALE OR CASH CAN GIVE TERMS THOROUGHBRED heavy milker Jersey cow, now fresh, mile west of Cash- ion on Buckeye road, on Nortoi ranch. dn SEE STEPHENS ON THE, LOT CAL MESSNER Corner Fourth Ave. and Adams dn I WILL SELL your car on commis sion, cash and more money. Salisbury, 233 W. Adams. Phone 682. tf CASH ifOR your auto, see Salis bury, no Junk wanted. 233 W. Adams. tf 1920 SPORT model Nash, perfect condition, almost newr good reduction or trade on dty property. 631 N. Third Ave. dn 1918 TODGE SACRIFICE MUST SELL 715 W. WASHINGTON dn FOR SALE 100 point Six Kissell, in good condition: will take lot or cotton aspart payment. 401 W. Jefferson, tf FOR SALE any quantity. -Choice cabbage plants, 1021 N. 16th St. dm FLAT top desk and office chair. Box 90C. Republican. dm SOLID walnut dining1 table. Box, 89C, Republican. dm FOR SALE Two violins, very rea sonable. Mrs. R. E. Lawrence, 1110 E. Culver. dl 1920 CHEVROLET, run 8.400 miles; must sell; a bargain;, see owner at 37 N. First Ave. - dp FOR SALE 1020 Ford, bought' new Oct. 2u. oVi miles south on Center St and y2 west on Highland road. Yookum. Chas. dm 191S FORD touring car; first class condition; terms if wanted. 1C17 N. 1st St. dp BRING your goods "to the auction. 7 S. Fifth Ave.; then you will get the value. Thone 4779; J. B. Guess, Auc tloneer. dm FOR SALE One large oak library table and one sanitary conch. 15 North 16th Avenue. Phone 8883. tf FERTILIZER for lawns. 42038554. tf PURE bee honey, $8 for 6 gallons; 1 quart. 60c. 722 S. Third Ave. 121 WE ARE CUTTING PRICES On tents, wagon covers and picking bags. Look at our stock and get in on the right price. PHOENIX SEED AND FEED SO, 133 E. JEFFERSON ST. tf a FERTILIZER for sale. J. H. Nie meyer. Phone 1573, between 6 and 8 evenings. tf PLANT A GARDEN You can still raise a fine winter gar den. Use our seeds. PHOENIX SEED &- FEED CO. 133 E. JEFF ST. tf FOR SALE AUTOM OBI LE3 4'V Auto Salvage Co. Part for all models. Expert me chanics to wait ca you. Everything binned and tagred. Pav money and tlm. MU orders filled same day re tvtvoA Nw ordered by wlr. 432 W Adam St Pbon 77 tf PT7r HALE Ford sedan in pood rendition; good rubber, shock absorb ers; $400. Mandd, 3-0 No. 1st Ave. dm OLDSMOB1LE touring car; good rubber, perfect condition: $500. Owner leaving city must sell. 914 S. 3rd Ave dm 1919 NASH, 7-passenger; good me chanical order; must make quick sale Phone M404. dm MUST sell my 1919 Olds 8. chummy roadster; good tires, motor Just over hauled; somebody with real cash will get a good buy, as it must sell at once Phone 8110. 2 FORD CARS FOR SALE One with a starter; brand new, at actual cost. Other second hand car without starter, in good condition Pi'ce $225. M. E. Yarborough, 122 W. Wstsh. It and rabbits, 538 W. Mon-dm COW and calf for sale; good milker. Inquire for Oakley at State Asylum, dp FOR SALE Six year old 2,800 lb. team of horses; house and lot; very reasonable. Box 96, or 253 N. Robson, Mesa, Ariz. dr COWS for sale. Phona 12R4. dl FOR 11R2. SALE Head maize. Phone dn FOR SALE Team of good big mules with wagon and cotton rack; double harness. 3Vi miles west of Cart wright store, on Maricopa road. L. Conovaloff. - dl WANTED TO BUY Valley feeder cows. Phone 81 6S. W. P. Hogan. tf HAY market and corral. 325 S. 9ih Ave. Live stock boarded. B!Uy Wolfe. Phone 4799. tf FOR RENT BY YEAR LEASE Five rooms and two screens, new brick, strictly modern, built in features, hard wood floors, garage, nice lawns and nice shade; located close In, northwest. walking distance, near car line. To re sponsible party this may be had on a year's lease at $80 per month. Phone 710. It For .Rent 5-room and large screen room solid brick house and garage; oak floors and draperies, . beautiful built-in features, inst. hot water heater, large cement porch, walks and sidewalks. 1021 E, Willetta St.; paved; 4 houses from car line; or Tel. 2030, Mr. Dowell, or Texas City Realty, 33 W. Monroe St. Tel 1756. It THREE-ROOM house. 1710 West Roosevelt, $15 month, two rooms and screen; 1704 W. Roosevelt, $12.50 per month. S. G. Thrift, Phone 2283. dp FIVE-ROOM house Recorder's Office. for rent. Call dm FIVE-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT ON CAR LINE AND PAVED STREET. 12 W. VAN BUREN, BOLIN REALTY CO. dm FEED YOUR COWS A balanced ration and increase their milk. Beet Pulp, Cotton Seed Meal, Alfalfa Meal and Bran will do It. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 133 E. JEFF. ST. tf JERSEY dairy cows. Phone 8776. tf FOR SALE Two good fresh fam ily cows, one with calf three weeks old at her side. Star Corral, cor. 2nd and W. Madison. tf ROCK, BLOCK AND SHEEP SALT. Phoenix Seed & Feed Co. 12a E. Jeff. St tf HOLSTEIN cow for sale, 4 years old. Hotel Rosswell, Tempe road and roth street dn FOR SALE EGGS AND POULTRY PRIZE WINNING Barred Rock rooster; price, $5. 919 W. Adams, dn WANTED Iheavy bronze turkeys; also 1 gobbler, 25 pounds or more. Tel. 8144 after 5 p.m. dm FOR SALE Plymouth Rock chick ens, one rooster and six pullets. Phone 2006. 1324 E. Pierce St. dn FOR- SALE About 6 dozen eggs pel week. Address Box 2D .Republican dm BARGAIN Overland 85-4 touring gcod rubber, new battery, mechanically right; owner must sell quick; best cash offer will be accepted. Phone 8110. dm FOR SALE Nice bunch of White Leghorns. O. Kr Exchange, 1341 East Van Buren. dm A Million Auto Parts For all makes of cars, at a saving of 35 to 90 per cent We satisfy or refund your money Steinberg Wrecking And Auto Parts Co. 421-31 N. Centr. Phone 4292 Oldest, largest .and most reliable nuto parts .house in the Southwest. buy cars in any condition. tf Hill SAI.E good condition, coupe. 352 N. Ford wdan, perfectly or will trade for Ford 3rd Ave. dl FOR SALE 2 hens, 4 pullets; Reds; $9. 767 E. Brill. dl FEED YOUR POULTRY RIGHT, WE WILL GLADLY ADVISE YOU. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 133 E. JEFF. ST. tf PRATT'S REMEDIES Will cure Chicken I'ox, Roup and other poultry diseases. PHOENIX SEED & FEED CO. 133 E. JEFF. ST. tf FOR SALE A few good Rhode Isl and Red cockerels (Mears strain) C. E. Heath. 209 Indi.inola Ave. dm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FIVE-ROOM new modern brick, un furnished; $65. Call 634 N. 6th Ave dl FOR RENT APARTMENTS Knickerbocker Apartments FOR RENT HIGH CLASS APART MENT, STRICTLY MODERN. YEAR LY LEASE ONLY. $100 PER MONTH. ADULTS ONLY. PHONE 3372. tf FURNISHED room for rent, $4 week, suitable for one or two men. 1109 E. Monroe. . dr SMALL ftirnished room for gentle- men to batch. 1328 E. Washington, dl FRONT room for one or two gentle men. 512 E. Monroe. am NICELY furnished screen room for rent; re;isonable. 37? N. Sixth Ave. dl NEW Savoy Hotel, 75 rooms open for business, all new furniture and linen, new building, hot and cold water, private phones and steam heat, lovely rooms, low rates for permanent guests Second Ave. and Jefferson, Phone 4348. dn NICELY furnished room for lady employed, one block BriU car. 102 N. 9th St. al FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, separate entrance, connecting bath. In private family. Close in on Ave. Phone 3950. SMALL room, suitable for shoe re pair shop. 22 So. 1st St. Phone 1994 dl FOR RENT Screen sleeping room. suitable for gentleman employed. In quire at 512 N. 3d St. dn LADY employed will share five room newly furnished apartment, walking distance, with two or more adults. Tn quire 106 W. Adams. ' tfp SLEEPING ROOM, close in, $15 per month. 361 N. Third avenue; for gen tleman. dn SMALL batching room or bedroom $10 month; no sick. 745 Grand ave nue. dm FURNISHED rooms with privilege of kitchen. 1943 W. Adams street, dn SINGLE bed on screen porch for ren 75c a day and up and also sleeping rooms, Apply 502 N. First St. SIX room modern brick house. See own er at 830 N. Eighth Ave. UNFURNISHED room for rent. W. Monroe St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOUR rooms; suit couple; no cnu- - . . . . , r , mic . ren. mo tj. jenmore. rnuiw cit.i. uin HOUSEKEEPING ; ate. 2175. sleeping; pri-dr 2o per rooms: dl WANTED SITUATION, MALE IB Ji-SKKV'ICE MEN SEEK JOBS When you want help give the. first cLanco to ex-service men. A number oi men who have served their country novv are looking for positions here. Phone American Legion H quarters. 4938. rnd we may be able to fill your needs. . tf WANTED SITUATION, FEMALE 20 HOUSEKEEPER Position as house keeper in motherless home. Box 26, Inglewood. Calif. - - - - dp froR real family laundry call 4527. We call and deliver. 12-dd WAITED Refined Christian middle-, aged woman wants position as house keeper. Address box ID. Republican, dm POSITION by yourig woman keeping small set books, answering telephone and light stenographic work; references fur uished. l'hone 8386. dtt MAN health seeker wants small room alone, please state terms. Box 97C, Re publican. It YOUNG woman, capable of general office work desires position. Phone 1914. fit FOR RENT LAND RELIABLE colored woman wants work to elean office. Phone 3628. dn WANTED By lady, office work; can do typing. Phone 4836 or call 1331 E. Roosevelt. dm WANTED To rent 40 acres on 50-50 asis; half In cotton and half in feed Reference if desired; 3 years farming in vallev. Box 71C, Republican. dn FOR RENT STORE & OFFICES 18 LARGE office space and storeroom with basement for rent; reasonable DONART & ARNOLD, 44 E. Adams. dm OFFICE space for r-nt; most cen trally located office In the city. Use of telephone. Call 22 W. Adams. Thorn ton Typewriter Co. tf DESIRABLE light office Call Room 9, 11 Wr. Adams. for rent dp For Lease The Republican Building, Corner Second St. & Adams SEE SAMUELL, OWNER. TOLLESON-SAMUELL 806 HEARD BLDG. PHONE 4282 dm FOR RENT PASTURE PASTURE For sale or rent, thirty acres 34 miles out. Phone 3662. dn WANTED REAL ESTATE Wt WANTED Laundry, rough finished. Phono 8009. dry or dr PRACTICAL nurse would like care ' elderly people. Phone 8960. "dm THOROUGHLY experienced book keeper, posting machine operator and cashier, accustomed to responsibility. desires position; permanent, excellent references. Box 74C. Republican. dl WANTED Family laundry. We call and deliver. 117 N. 12th SL Fhon S336. tf 1 1RST-CLASS Laundry; reasonable.' Phone 267. tt WANTED TO RENT 20'a I CAN RENT your house Immedi ately. Ask for "Mallicoat," Phon 3599. dl TWO business women desire com fortably furnished room, twin beds. with healthy refined private family; poort location. Box ,"D. Republican. It WANTED To rent.' unfurnished 6 or 6 -room house by December 1. Box 83C. Republican. dm WANT TO RENT Five or six-room modern house, unfurnished, by family of three; no sick. Am located per manently in Phoenix and want a year's lease. Want possession by middle of December. Box 62C, Republican. dl OFFICE ROOM WANTED All or part of favorably lecated office, by per manent tenant. Box 41C, Republican. tf Wanted A Home I have a buyer with $3000 cash who wants to purchase at once modern 5 or 6-room house, located in the northeast section, on or near paved street: value from $5000 to $7500. Call us today and get quick results. BACON-WEAVER CO. 227 W. Adams St. Phone 167 om WANTED TO BUY Five or six-room house not over $5000. Can nay $2500 cash. What- have you to offer? Ask for Mr. Brown WITH STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams Phone 1997 dl WANTED MISCELLANEOUS "Liberty Bonds BOUGHT FOR CASH B. H. Dodt . 3 WEST ADAMS. 'tf WANTED 600 fence posts. P. O. Box 415, Phoenix. . dp - WANTED to purchase, gentleman's bicycle, good condition, second hand. 1245 E. Culver St. dr WANTED to buy fresh yard or ranch eggs, 4 dozen per week; will pay best price; also butter. Phone 2407. dp A LIGHT Ford or Hup truck; I have the cash. 1029 E. Madison. dl WANT an acre good .land, with water. In fruit district, improved or unimproved, on terms. Address B 405, Pottsvllle, Pa. i WANTED SITUATION MALE UNIVERSITY graduate, with ini tiative and executive business experi ence, desires permanent position; cap able; correspondence. M. M. M. 625 N. 7th St. WANTED A steady job ttruck driving preferred) by an energetic yovnsr man. Box 6D, Republican, dm POSITION by young man capable of office and sales or any kind? of work. Address Box XY. Republican. dn TEACHER of French from the east, accustomed to preparing pupi5i for Yale, Princeton, Vassar, etc., would like room In private family for 1 hour's work a day; credentials with me. Box ITS 'Renuhllran. dm CONTRACTORS will build house and take Ford car or truck as part payment. P. O. Box 69. J WANTED Position by thorough ex perienced bookkeeper office man. credits nnd collections. Give me an interview. r?rv 9SCT RMiublican. dr .DAIRYMAN 20 years experience, wants position as dairy ranch manager, on shares. Box 95C, Republican. dr ELDERLY man wants yard work, good gardner, good prunner; steady job pre ferred. 1017 E. Portland St. It WANTED Carpenter work, small houses and garages a specialty; can save you money and good work. Phone 8304. dn dp NICELY furnished front room. 8501. Tel. dn "THE ABODE" suites, Individual comfort for 2 or 3 adults In a suite. 311 W! Jefferson. dl FURNISHED POOM with screen porch, for rent; gentleman only. Call at 1515 West Adams street. tf WANTED By young man. position in city as chauffeur or light work preferred, am well acquainted with city; oun drive any make of car or truck; state hours. Box 99C. Republican. dn WANTED A second hand Phone Arizona Grocery Co. desk, tf WT ANTED Plowing, disking or silo filling or any kind of work with trac tor. Th on p 27 J 1 2. gs I DON'T cart if it's iurniturc, v.agons, buggies, tools, , farm impls-' ments, clothing, or anything. I buy and sell them alL O. IC EXCHANGE. 14th and Van Buren. Phone S029. tf I WANT your furniture, tools, guns, stoves, trunks, musical Instruments, hardware," men's clothes, harness and saddles, bedding, blankets, electric fans, office fixtures, tents, every thing; go anywhere, buy In any quan tity, pay spot cash. Ford's Stores, 220 E. Washington, Phone 1776. gb WANTED TO BUY sectional book cases; must be practically good as new and bargain. Address "Bookcases." Car Republican.' tf "I MEAN IT." Highest pric paid for furniture, clothing and shoes. Ari tcna Snpply House. 141 E. Washing. Phone 1476. tf. BRING US YOUR OLD"SACK3. ' PHOENIX SEED AND FEED CO. 125 E. JEFF. ST. tf WANTED Clean white rags at Th Republican office. tf SECOND-HAND GUNS bought, sold. repaired. PINNEY A ROBINSON, tf WANTED Second hand piano for cash. Box 95B, Republican. tf HIGHEST price paid for men's clothing, shoes and hats. 407 E. Wash. Phone 4776. tf WANTED Second hand bicycle, good condition, cheap. Phone 3401. 810 N. First St. dl WANTED HELP. MALE 22 WANTED By young man, carpenter work. Phone me if you have any work to do, would hire to contractor. Phone 4836 or call 1338 E. Roosevelt. - ' dm FRONT room for rent, furnished: one half block from Brill car line. 1020 E. Moreland St. Phone 8222. dm HANDSOME brass bed, box springs and hair mattress; also handsome ma hogany chiffonier and dresser. Call at 102 E. Willetta. dp CLOSE IN, large clean front sleeping room, next to bath, private entrance. $22. Phone 8216. dm FOR RENT $40 per month, half of double 4 rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone 1795. dp TWO room apartment and 1530 Wr. Madison. garage, dn LARGE room suitable for one or two gentlemen, also screen room. 800 N. First Ave. dr NICELY furnished room in modern home; furnace heat; gentleman pre ferred. 606 N. Fourth Ave. dm WILL share apartment with young couple; no objections to one child. Ap ply morning's 416 E. Van Buren. dm FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment, modern. 321 N. 13th St. dk FURNISHED, modern, sunny, four room apt. Adults only. 1238 E. Mc Kinlev St. dr NICELY furnished four-room apart ment. Phone 22J3 or call M. H. Shel- ton, 215 W. Washington. dn FURNISHED 2060. apartmntit. Phone dr APARTMENT 521 E. Monroe St. dm UNFURNISHED apartment; four rooms and screen to permanent healthy couple. 376 N. 4th Ave. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT House in rear, three rooms, furnished, near car line. 3316 N. Central avenue. Phone 8404. dm TWO room furnished cottage in rear; sick taken. 1246 E. Pierce. dn I HAVE 40, 80. 160 acres best land in valley under project. .Will exchange equity for Casa Grande, Deer valley or Paradise valley under proposed proj ects. H. C. Healy, 525 East Culver St. Phone 8238. Phoenix dr MODERN four-room and sleeping porch cottage, furnished; on car line; lease, $65 per month; no sick, no chil dren. See owner. 27 S. 5th Ave. J. B. G. dl THREE-ROOM furnished cottage, garage, one mile northeast Country club. 2042 W. Adams dl FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, connected with bath. Near Cap itol. Gentleman preferred. 1C1S W. Washington St. dm NO ROOM trouble if you call Uni versal Tourist Community. Modern, delightful, nicer than ordinary room. These are tent houses, accommodation for from 1 to 6 persons in each tent house; no tuberculars. Phone 3328. gb FOR RENT Screen room, with kitchen privilege. 721 W. McKInley. dl FIRST floor front room, strictly private, gentleman or married couple preferred; no sick. 237 W. Monroe Street. dl NICELY furnished room, private en trance, telephone, bath, walking dis tance and one block to car line; suit able for one or two gentlemen. 22 S. Ninth Ave. dm ROOMS. 521 E. Monroe Street. 12-bg TRY Hotel Navajo; ail rooms re modeled; under new management. B46 W. Adams. 12-1 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 14 TWO light houspKeeping rooms in new house. 506 N. Twelfth St. dn FURNISHED housekeeping room V3 block of car and paved street; no sick 'or children. Phone 19d9 It RESPONSIBLE young married man. experienced- m general oince work, desires position .where there is chance for advancement; permanent and not sick. Box 91C. .Republican, gs WANTED Wc ar the carpenters that will do your work right. Let us figure with you. Call or drop card. Kewpie Buffet. Elks Theater Bldg. g'3 THOROUGHLY experienced office man, active, 28 years old. seeks posi tion. Anything considered but position with outdoors part of the time anJ plenty of work, preferred. Box 84C, Republican. dl WANTED Flour salesman to handle either California, Arizona or New Mex ico; must give high class references. Guthrie Mill & Elevator Co, Guthrie, Okla. T2m WAITER wanted, (colored). $75 per month and meals; must be first class man. Apply to Mr. Keenan, Mgr., Yavapaf club, Prescott, Ariz. dm WAITED One or two good live wire newspaper sclicitorst See Mrv Kine. Arizona Republican. tf LIVE WIRE salesman open for posi tion with high grade concern; best ref erences. Box 8iC, Republican or phone 2101. dl POSITION desired. by competent ac countant and general office man, have held position with large corporation. now liquidated; perfect health; can furnish best of references. Box 88C, Republican. dm ENERGETIC young man w"ants work of any kind with living wage. Address 318 N. Ninth Ave. dl POSITION wanted. Cost account ant, experienced, wants permanent po sition; not afraid of work; references furnished. Box 60C, Republican ell HOUSE building, repairing and gen eral carpentering, by day or contract. It will pay you to phone 24R3 for prices. 12b CARPENTER wants work; small jobs and repairs. William Livingston, 323 North 2nd St. Phone 2889. dn WE are In a position to furnish, plant and prune any kind of shrubs, trees, lawns and handle your landscape work. Phone HoUowelt at 3314. tf 1 CLEAN your house nr.c ri-s sulis factorlly. John King. Tel. 1249. tf HELLO Now is the time for gen eral house cleaning, chimney cleaning, tinting, ; painting and polishing floors. Phone 32S2. G. II. Haywood. 12-bp JUST RETURNED from a trip to vacant homestead land. For Information see Parrish & Richard son, 139 N. First Ave. tf YOUNG man, 16 to 20 years of age, net afraid to work. Albright's, 112 N. Firs. Ave dl WANTED Boy to carry papers In southwest part of city who lives be tween 11th and 15th avenues. Eouth of Jackson street. Apply Circulation Dept.. Arizona Republican. tf WANTED High school students after school; must speak Spanish. Call 225 E. Washington St. Call Thursday and Friday. " It WANTED Sophomore and fresh men boys, who are not now attending Sunday school, to join a real live Sun day School class at First M. E. church, corner 2nd Ave. and Monroe, 9:45 a. m. Sunday. Call for Johnny Phillipps or Clarence Mills. Captains.- - HIGH class man wanted to sell 2 and 4-ton motor trucks lor the man ufacturer. Splendid opportunity to right party. Must be producer and earn over $10,000 yearly. Write for liberal offer, sales plan, exclusive ter ritory still available. Room 1405, 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. It WANTED A live advertising so licitor for the Arizona Mining Journal to work in Phoenix and vicinity; lib eral commissions. Apply Arizona Mining Journal, Basement Noll Build in e:. gs Brown's GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Second Sc. and Adams, Thons 1480. ti i I