Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX (Section Two) THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 WANTED HELPMALE Wanted-Extra sales people in all depart ments. Apply 9:00 o'clock Friday morn ing. Korricks PHONE BRADMAN 4S A 3PHOENIX EMPLOYMENT OFFTCE RELIABLE HELP FURNISHED ON FHORT NOTICE. Ill S. ISt Kl. tf LOST AND FOUND LOST Smal valise containing agents' supplies. Return to Singer Sowing Mach. Co., J. E. Dudley. dm LOST Dark bay mare, white spot on forehead, brand circle bar; dark bay, chunky rabbit headed mare, brand J. R., white spot on forehead; bay mare, white spot on forehead. 8 years old; no brand, weight about 1000 pounds. Notify W. S. Austin, phone S1R3, Chandler. Address Route 2, Tempe. gs STRAYED Bay mare, weight 900; black horse colt, weight 730, left ear split, white marks on hind lejrs. A. J. young. R. 2. Phoenix. Phone 209J2. dn IF YOU want cotton Dickers or any ether reliable help, call CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY IS WALL ST. PHONE 466 tf BARUENT'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE E. II. SARGENT Skilled and unskilled labor on short BOttco. 28 B. First St. Phone 424J. tf LONG'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Ship any part of atate. Phone (24. 41 Wall St. Cor Jefferson St. tf Live wire employment agcv 3 Cactus Way. Phone 693 Competent help sent to any place In the state on short notice. tf RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT OF FICE. 233 S. Central. Phone 1773. Good cotton pickers furnished, any number. tf STRAYED or stolen One mile east of Peoria, one brown mar mule, 4 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; one dark brown horse mule, 7 years old, weight 1200 lbs. Notify B. T. Miller, Peoria. Ariz. dr LOST Lady's black leather handbag between First street and Fourth. Ave containing sum of money; reward Phone 3376. dl BUSY BEE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 237 N. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1083. 12dd STATE or city specialty men 400 per cent profit. Room 238 Jefferson hotel, from 2 to 6 Thursday. It LONG'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 41 WALL ST.. COR. JEFFERSON, t carpenters, header form work road camp, $7. Cement finisher, road work, $7. 10 teamsters, camp, $3.70. Office open till noon. It BUSY BEE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE . REAR OF 237 N. CENTRAL AVE. Z first class bakers, good wages. 1 dishwasher, $50.00, room and board. 1 pantry man, $20.00 and up per wk, It WANTED First class carpenters. Apply Ford garage and ask for Theo, Pten, Contractor. dp . YOUNO man 20 to 20 for soliciting and clerical work, one who Is willing to start n small salary and earn promotion; cartlal knowledge of bookkeeping help ful; one living with parents preferred. Reply in own hand writing. Box 93C, Renubllcan. dm WANTED A number of men with automobiles or motorcycles to travel the southwest taking subscriptions amonr farmers. Good money to bustlers. Liberal commissions. Steady work. Field untouched. Call or write Bueoessful Cotton Growlug, 82 Bouth Central Ave.. Phoenix. dn tW ANTED Several men unable to io hard labor or Inside work to travel the southwest taking subscriptions among fanners. Good money. Liberal enmmlmlons. Steady work. Call or write Successful Cotton Growing, 82 ftc.nth Central Ave.. Phoenix. dn WANTED HELP. FEMALE 23 TAKEN UP 21st, bay horse, 2 white hind feet, star on forehead, about 1200; Indian school road. west, cross grand canal, first road north half mile. Quarter mile east, third house. dn .STRAYED One dark Day mare branded J II L on right shoulder; one iron gray horse. I. M. McKenale, Tr-mne. n. F. D. No. 2. dn FOUND A child's new shoe. The owner can have by paying for this ad nt Republican office. dl FOUND Auto license 2323ft. Owner may have by paying for ' this ad at Kenubllcan office. dl LOST At fair. Eastern Star past matron Din. name of Elizabeth Wen gar; reward for return to Mrs. Bert WinErnr, Mesa, Ariz. dl HEMSTITCHING AUTO TIME TABLE QULLIAM'S STAGE LINK VOLLESCN CASHION ..VONDALB LITCHFIELD Stages leave First and Washington. streets at I a. m.. 10 a. m. 11 oooo. X p. m. 4 p. m. and 6 p. dl Telephone 183 For Christmas Doilies, Scarfs, Cush ions, Towels, Pillow Cases, Collars, beautifully embroidered on sewing ma chine, made to order. Mrs. Torres. 1022 E. Polk St. 12-bd Mrs. Boland Hemstitch Shop, with i New Home Sewing Machine Co., 231 W. Washington. Will call and deliver. Mail orders solicited. Phone 1249. tf THE "MUMS" ARE SMILING ON FOOTBALL GAMES AND IN ANTICIPATION OF THANKSGIVING DAY INSURANCE AWNINGS Meaium and heavy grade COTTON SACKS and TENTS made to order. We make everything known that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co, corner Flrut and Monroo Sts. Phone 1411. tr J. E. GEARE New location. 142 W. Wash. St. Fl-e. Auto Ins.. Loan. Notary Public. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER M. Meckler & Co.. 805 E. Washington. expert watchmaker and Jeweler. tf CHAS. A. SHELDON ICS N. First Ave. Phone 888$ AUTO REPAIRING Third Avenue Garage, formerly Apache Trail Garago. Third Ave. at Adams. We repair Fords and Dodges especially. Our service satisfies. dl PETE THOMASON'S GARAGE Automobile Repairing 461 N. Center St. tf ACCOUNTANTS JOHN W. WAGNER Certified Public Accountant. Room Central Bids. 139 N. Cent. Phone 1223 tf LAWNS FIXED If you want good fertilizer for lawns dirt hauled, plowing, call 4203 or 8554. tf LAWN MOWr.RS SHARPENED Neal sharpens repairs, buys, sells anything. 202 N. Ninth St. Phone 8627. tf LIVERY STABLES Star corral and feed yurii. General livery. Saddle horses a specialty. 2nd Ave. and Madison. William S. Cavness, Prop. tf X-- ee ' vT 1 v . ' Je f kf A'-' A .V.' . . -V v .-.'V.'. . 1 5: 'AMMKu.' X ... . A?f 4t 0( . is. MACHINES LOST Two horses; one bay mare, three white feet; one brown, mane clipped; weight 1300 lbs, 8 years old; the other a brown horse, 1350 lbs, 7 years old, mane clipped; both horses have collar marks; all pasture and damages will be paid If any finder will call Andres Korstain or Phone 10R4, Tempe. dm STRAYED or stolen from pasture at Lehi, black mule, wire cut left front leg; bay mule with left ear spilt; no brands; $10 reward. Oscar Helmhout AUTO PAINTING FIVK POINTS AUTO PAINT SHOP SS2 W. Van Buren St. Phone 42S0. Largest and best equipped shop In the state. Expert work. Rates very low. One year written guarantee. tf DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 1 S. Central v. 477 FAIRBANKS. Morse & Co.. engines. pumps, motors, etc. Smith Hughes A Co. Third Ave. and Jefferson. Phone 606. - tf MILLINERY BICYCLES PHOENIX CYCLE COMPANY Harry Crsndall. Prop. 108 East Adams Phone 1717 tl KING BROTHERS UO E. Adam CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER J. L. CRISMAN Trimmer Milliner. Home calls. Best possible work. (Frames). Phone 8568. tf LADIES' HAT SHOP Old hats remodeled. 115 E. Roosevelt. MINING ENGINEERS FRED H. BOWLER Prescott. Ariz. Mines examined and reported on; Arizona mines especially: certified member A. A. of E. tf 1LI 4Nf" Jt . 4JK' "SM n. . ' "V. t . -aF i GENERAL CONTRACTOR, Esti mates furnished on all classes of con struction. No building too large or small. 308 W. Washington. Phone NOVELTIES Mesa, Ariz. fll 1979. tf TAKEN UP Two mares, small, one branded II on Jaw and W on hip; other brand Z on each hip; 44 Lexington s venue. 12 I CLEANERS LOST A brown bog. white breast white spot on head, white front feet; answers to name A. C. Reward $5. M. II. Shelton, 215 West Washington. Phone 4495. tf If you have anything to clean, from carpet to gloves, take it to San Fran cisco Cleaners and Dyers, 451 N. Cen tral Ave, or Phone 3563; we call and deliver. 12-bd -Moan a. Beautiful bead necklace j made from and has the fragrance of finest flowers, when worn takes the place of perfume. Regulation Yosary also carried. Ideal Xmas or New Year presents. Sold in twelve colors. Sent C. O. D. $2 each postpaid. L. W. Brown. 1010 E. McKinley St., Phoenix, Ariz. 12-dm ' tan. 4 lv y j If Billie Burke, Paramount star, consented to lend her loveliness to these chrysanthemum blossoms. Japanese Give Fanciful CORSETIERE BUSINESS CHANCES 71 A REAL ESTATE BUSINESS for sale; down stair location, centrally lo cated.or will sellhalf Interest In an other real estate business in a good lo cation. Phone 8591, call for Mr. Tar borough, 123 W. Washington. It SPIRELLA CORSETS Miss Smith, 1014 E. Taylor St. Phone 8169. tf Nu 2525. Bone. 314 N. 3rd Ave. Phone 41S Fleming Building. CABINET WORK ON ACCOUNT of sickness will sac rifice best auto laundry In town; this business will net you $150 a month; no need to take any of your time; will consider automobile or lot In exchange. Box 3D, Republican. tt Cabinet work, carpenter work; first class. Albert Joret. 22 North 8th Ave. 12-bn CARPET CLEANING D? TOU WANT your carw.s cleaned dean, nhone 733. The Electric Carpet Cleaners tf Cleo Paris Hotel Lobby. Names to Their Favorite Flower Chrysanthemums suggest Thanks giving holidays. And these fall days return the favor by making you think of chrysanthemums. Whether at a football game, and you wear a huge yellow chrysanthemum Bluthardt. Commercial I pinned to your fur. meeting the crisp PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC Stenographer, copy work. 1 110 N. Central avenue. Phone 3056. 12-dk Phone 1399. 12-br Notary Public. tf CHIROPODIST Wanted-Extra sales people in all depart ments. Apply 9:00 o'clock Friday morn ing. Korricks , u WANTED Two chambermaids at tHinentT Sanatorium. Phore 4159 dn WANTED A girl to wait on ta ble, board and room If preferred. Phone 3181 or call 373 N. Second avenue, dm WANTED A chambermaid Trrrnn hotel. dn WANTED Wide awake man with small amount of money to Invest In a good leglmate business; be your own boss; experience not essentlaL Phone calls not accepted. Inquire 602 XL W. Van 1 Buren. Apt, 8. dp Vulcanizing Outfit Practically new, at a bargain. Phone 1R01 or call nt 8 S. Second Ave. dr ARE YOU looking for this? Account of ill health owner will sell newly established grocery located en the most traveled road out of Phoenix, eight miles from , town; splendid location and good trade; living rooms In connection. Phone 34J4 or write J. M. Graham, R. F. D. 4. dr CHIROPODY Bunions, corns, cal louses removed; painless and blood less; 60o each; moles, wai'.s, etc re moved by electricity. 29-31 E. Adami Ft. Frank Shirley Phon 1704. tf CEMENT CONTRACTOR ", T. H. MARTIN Concrete walks, drives and. founda tions. 1149 E. Pierce. Phene 8S14. 12-bn CARPENTcW WORK CARPENTER work, repairing. Job bing. Phone 8960. O. A, Jones. 1638 E. Van Buren. CHIROPRACTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS For Fine Portraits THE RUSSELL STUDIO Phone 4Sg. K. Washington. tf PAINT SUPPLIES MATHEW S PAINT CO- 121 S. FIRST AVE.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES. BRUSHES. ETC PHONE 1259. PROMPT QFUVERY. RADIATOR REPAIRING air, or In a cheery living room, and you arrange Just a few of the big blossoms In a tall vaso, where they catch and seem to magnify the sun light this is the reign of the chrysan themum. Mums and Crimson Leaves Yellow, white, lavender or deeper purple or whatever other variations of color best suit your mood, no other fall flower Is quite so favored, quite so suited to the zest of the fall air. Chrys- andthemums and the glossy, crimson leaves swirling down they seem to ' "belong." From the first touch of frost in the fall to Thanksgiving Day, and sure-enough winter weather, the mum" has its day. In Japan special festivals are held In its honor every year. Indeed, a Jap anese author writes that as early as A. D. 8S9 the ruling emperors held fes tivals in honor of the chrysanthemums, to which they invited all their subjects. These imperial fetes were held on "the ninth day of the ninth moon." Now the imperial chrysanthemum garden party is the most beautiful and. elab orate of all the chrysanthemum shows In Japan. The origin of the lovely blossom Is too far back to be known. Students say that Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, wrote of it as early as 2400 years ago: "The chu-hwa vchrysanthe mum) has now its yellow glory." Fanciful Names Many wrote of it and cherishedit in China before it was taken to Japan, where it was renamed kiku, the name, it still holds there. And the word "chrysanthemum" itself, we are told, is taken from tho Greek chrysoa, meaning golden, and anthemom, mean ing flower: the "golden fljwer." But the Japanese names for the va rious blossoms are the most Interesting and fanciful. They see resemblancea and suggestions in the flowers and name them for what they suggest. One writer, describing the sights of one of the imperial fetes, told of such names as these: The Fountain of Milk, Night ingale's Delight, the Queen's Fingers, Mountain Mist, White Bird of the Moonlight, Golden Glory of the Hill. Winglet of White Duck, Star of Sir Hundred Rays, Autumn Cloud, Rlains; Sun, Splendor of Japan, and Ten Thou sand Times Sprinkled with Gold. Looking at the beauty of curlinf petals in so many shades, aren't these tames e.iffy to understand? C. K. SEFTON 135 E. Washington PhoneJSTT. tt WANTED Two experienced wait resses. Bell Cafe. 233 W. Washington. It WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Malestro Hotel. 24 E. Washington. dm YOUN'jr lady who Uvea with parents for clerical office work, not a stenogra pher; small salary to start; opportunity for promotion. Reply own hand writing, Box 94C. Republican. It voUNO lady, general work and wait tables. Albright's, 112 N. Im Avenue. 1 dl woman wanted for a little house work mornings at small apartment on -"tnirs. N. Fifth St. Apply 207 Monihon be KESTANRANT FOR SALE Best location and long lease, seats about CO tn An nennle- fhftn raaVi hal- ApPy anco reasonable terms. Apply Guaran tee Employment Office, 47 N. Second bt., corner Adams. Chiropractic classes, 7 and 8 p. m. 327 N. Tenth Ave. M. S. College. tf DR. E. E, HELFRICH. licensed chi ropractor. Phone 4&49. J0I N. First St. Office hours 8 a. m- to 3 p. m. tf dtiEst, Am in no way conneciea wun any j y 1V ?-"wi .uom.f. hours 8 a. m. to 3P.rn. tf PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPHS repaired any style or make in our completely j equipped shop. Cass Redewill Co, 226 W. Washington. tf PRODUCT For table use and canning. Phoenix Fruit and Produce Company. Phone 17801402 ?01 West Jefferson tl I PIANO TUNING 8. L. HAMILTON, Piano Tuner.' 17th year in Phoenix. Phone 320. -e CHICAGO GIRLS SEND HARDING HIS THANKSGIVING GOBBLER REFRIGERATION PLANTS Clark-Monteith Engineering Co. 17 W- Adams St. Phone 1997 e I tf business and well equipped; will sac rifice cn account of sickness. The Home Cnfe. Peoria. dr 160,ACRE DAIRY LEASE Cood house; stack of hay for sale; nogs, cattle, ir oestred; 3 to 6 years, i at only $20 an acre. See Gardner, with ! STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adams St. Phone 1997 ltl DENTISTS DR. MORRISON Sanitary System Phone 3089 Sfi E. Washington SCHOOL OF RAGTIME Popular music. Ragtime taught in ten to twenty-five lessons. Write for circular. I. Hogrewe, 108 S. 11th Ave. 12-d Thanksgiving Favors and Place Cards ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical repairing of all kinds; mo tor and generator rewinding; wiring. Addressograph repairs and supplies. SCHOOL OF MUSIC SMALL ROOMING HOUSE for sale cTicap for cash. 27 12. Adams, up- Perry Brothers, 113 So First St. Phone dm 1580. tf ween 11 and 1' dl BUSINESS clearing $20 day; good reasons; investigate. Richardson, 210 E. Adams. dl FOR RENT A barber shop; good location ;also 3 unfurnished rooms in rear of nhop. 701 E. Jefferson St. dn RESTAURANT for sale; paying! WANTED Several women driving proposition, good location; reasonable Everything in music, expreasloa. languages and dancing.- Phone 1009. tf REAL ESTATE OFFICES ' CENTRAL ARIZONA LAND CO. Sneclaltv Paul Rritnda Vallev Lands. 416 National Bank of Arizona Building of plain white cards with five kernal or Held corn glued on them would toe A Thanksgiving hostess may gind a unique idea for place cards in the tra dition that there was one dark Thanks-1 giving when five grains of corn- were all that stood . between the dauntless! Pilgrims and hunger. Place cards made WANTED Young woman as maid for elderly lady. Box 72C, Repub lican, dm - WANTED Competent cook housekeeper. 311 E. McDowell. and dm FURNITURE REPAIRED - MARE ISLAND Furniture Shop. 1 repair your furniture, do your pack ing and refinishlng. SOS S. 1st St Phone 8767. tf DRESSMAKING ROY NEBLETT REALTY CO. 110 North Central Phone 1701 tl I clever and inexpensive. Real Estate Loans Insurance FRANK R. STEWART M. of R. B. PHONE! H3I Phone 1997 17 W. Adams St tf Jr. i, ' - r I 4 ' f : t" V , k-v . t i v REPAIRING automobiles and having spare time to take subscriptions in the southwest among farmers. Work on your own time. Good money to be made. Lib eral commissions., steady employment, field untouched. Call or write Suc cessful Cotton Growing, 32 South Central Ave.. Phoenix. dn WANTED Girl or woman to help With general hcusework In mornings. S021 W. Washington. Phone 2733. dl WANTED Lady to assist in house work and care of children; light work. Applicant must be In good health. Ad dress R. A. Cook. Ray. Arizona. dn MONEY TO LOAN WANTED J500 to $1000 on close in dear lot for building; 10 per cent. Post Office Box 251. It $2000 To LOAN on city property; rau?t be well located and conservative ly valued. See Newland Jones, 136 N Central Ave. Thone 1527. . , And $4000 on either good ranch or close In city property. dl COTTON i CONSIGNMENTS i.Vdvanccs made on bale receipt and gin sample at Room 219. 306 W. Wash ington St.. Agency W. R. Grace & Co. Prone 173. dp price. Merchants' Cafe, Chandler, Ariz. dp FOit SALE OR RENT LONG TERM LEASE ON DESntABLE BUSINESS LOCATION IN PHOE NIX. PROSPECTIVE TENANT MUST WANT TO INSTAL A MEN'S OR WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS ES TABLISHMENT. , P. O. BOX 57. GLENDALE. tf PERSONALS 28 WILL the party that called up George Gerber nt the Hassayarnpa Creamery kindly call him up again. dm J. UOODLOE Have valuable iiv formation for you. Send address to Iox 6C. Republican. dn SPECIAL NOTICES Mining Men, Attention I represent a great aerial invention. If you have shipping ore and need as sistance in getting it to railroad or smelter, let ua tell you our plan. Re mote properties a specialty. Address P. O. Box 648. Phoenix, Am. dl . WANTED From and by a private party, $3200 on improved 10 acres for three years; houso alone worth more. Ho ROC Renubllcan. dm "WANT to borrow for two years at 10 per cent $5,500 on well located city income property. As a $20,000 invest ment It pays 13 per cent annually. No commission. Box 6SC, Republican. dl J1.250 on city property. $2,500 on city property. $4,000 on approved city or country nronert v. lnauire E. E. Pascoe. 10 W. Van Rnren tf CHATTEL LOANS EASY TO GET In sums up to $300 at lawful rates on vour furniture, ctano. automobile, live stock, implements, etc. Repay in small monthly installments, if desired: am ple funds; Just and courteous treat ment; strictly confidential. Peoples Loan and Invest Co.. 23 East Washing- ton St Phone 1396. " SPOT CAHII for Liberty Bonds, hiehest prlfes rcld. 12S K. Adwmg tf Rent a Royal Vacuum Cleaner Charge per 1 day $1.25 Charge per 4 day 75 Buy a Royal A $2.00 deposit will hold one for Christmas delivery. Six dollars puts one In your home; balance easy payments. HOME APPLIANCE CO., 37 W. Adams. Phone 8289. tf Fashionable dressmaking; altera tions. 321 E. Pierce. 12-p MRS. WEATHERHOLT. STYLE SHOP. 145 W. MONROE. UP-TO- DATE DRESSMAKING AND TAILOR ING, tf Tailoring, remodeling, alterations, accordion pleating, repairs. 1342 Grand Ave. Phone 684. tf DRESSMAKING AND ART NEEDLEWORL. Miss Smith Room 31 Annex Hotel, tt THE WRIGHT SHOP; NEW GOWNS EXQUISITE: OLD GOWNS MADE NEW. PHONE 8379. 16 N SECOND AVE. ' ti ELECTRICAL DEALERS VINSON BROS. & CARTER Electrical supplies, contracting, mo tor winding, repairs. 28 N. Second Ave. Phone 3598. tf HATTERS All kinds of hats cleaned and blocked. California Hatters. 224 E. Adams.. 12-r FLOOR SCRAPERS For auick service and good work, phone 4638. W. E. Smith, expert floor man . Work by day or contract. tt Old floors sanded by machinery to look like new. Herbert Mann Build ing Co.. 119 N. First Av- Pl-ortr 3059 tf SPECIAL NOTICES ACCORDIAN PLEATING At 627 East Washington St, Phoe nix, Ariz., E. VV. Peters, Mgr. Also agent for pleater. 12-bp PHONOGRAPHS, bicycles, etc- re paired: saw filing done right. 131 East Monroe. Phone 4699. tf TYPEWRITER REPAIRING The Typewriter Inspection Co. . All makes overhauled, repaired and rebuilt. 40 S. Fourth Avo. Prompt service. Phone 1498. tf STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES Manufacturers of batteries and elec trical appliances. PHOENIX AUTO ELECTRICAL CO. 407 W. Vashineton tt TRANSFER AND STORAGE CHAMBERS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Any kind of hauling. Fireproof storage. Phone 1228 or 8626. tt Baggage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage. Lightning Delivery Co. 42 S. Center. Phones 8094 and 4128. tf VACUUM CLEANING OHIO TUEC H-LECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPERS For sale or rent on easy payment plana ARIZ. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO. 2& West Atiuma Phone 8531 tt VULCANIZING & RETREADING MOST modern equipment in town. and In charge of a man with 15 years' experience: satisfaction guaranteed. WILKY-WART MAN ll. CO tf UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALM ERS V V 1J W -5 r -Vv -V j, t: X - f-Vi,i; i-in i 'i to v - WHICH IS THE TURKEY GOBBLER?, CHAS. G. FULLER. BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS. 606 E. ADAMS. 3304. tf KAE SHOP. Marcelling, hair dressing, hot oil and special scalp treatments, electrical fa cials, combings made up. 31 S. 3rd Ave. Phone 8260 tt WANTED To borrow J'IJa for 3 or 4 months, 10 per Cent and $20 bonus; will give $1,200 chattel security. Apply at 126 .'. Central Ave. Phone 35P9. It SIGMA CHI'S of Arizona please send name, 'address, chapter and year to secretary Phoenix Alumni chapter. J. C. Green, care Arizona Republican, dl WILL anyone knowing "The7" address of W. H. ilarter communicate with Box 85C, Republican, for Information of value? tf PRIVATE tutoring in grammar or high school subjects by former college professor. Phone 2709. dp DAIRY LEASE For rent, 60 acres at $20 an acre; small house. If you want to buy cows and have part cash we can arrange finances for you. See Gardner, with STEWART REALTY CO. 17 West Adama St. Phone 1997 It IL M. MAUS, 31 i N. First Ave, Phones 1570 and 1929. 1 tt FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE REPAIRING Refininshmg, Upholstering Packing by expert workers DORRIS-HEYMAN FURNITURE CO tf A. L. MOORE & SON (Successor to Moore & McLellan) Funeral Director and Embalmers Lady Assistant Auto Ambulance 829 West Adams St, Phone 601 tt A. H. McLELLAN Undertaker and Funeral Director Phone 4940. 617 N. Central Ave. tt FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Send us your order for Grapefruit. Oranges and all other assorted fruit. -Chipping Is our specialty. SANITARY FRUIT CO. 81 West Van Buren Street tf YARWOOD 6c HOCKREY Funersl directors and embalmert. $84 W. Monroe. Phone 801 tf J. T. WHITNEY ' 114 WEST ADAMS STRET3T tt HAIR DRESSING THE GEO. F. MERRYMAN CO, 124 North SeconA Avenue. Vhon HT. tt Hair permanently, waved. Hair dressing. Marcel waving. Hair goods of every description. Twenty years of knowing how. The Permanent Wave Shop, Columbia Theater Build ing. 106 W. Adams. dl HEMSTITCHING Initials. Monograms, Scallops, dainty embroidered on sewing machine, made to order. Mrs. Torres, 1022 E. Polk St. 12-bd VETERINARIAN DR. J. E. COBERLY. Veterinarian. 1135 E. McDowell. Phone 8205. tt WOOD, COAL AND FEED For Sale Cottonwood. Phone 1562. 12-r For Favors Corn makes novel end appropriate favors. Wrap a large cupful of salted and buttered popcorn in a sheet of par affin paper, making it into a long roll like an ear of corn. Twist the ends! tightly and fringe them, then wrap lnl green or corn design crepe paper for the outside covering. Cut some green plain tissue paper into "silk" mixing it with a little yellow fringe. Paste this at the top and wind the large end with) a strip of plain green paper. o Roofing Material Makes Big Decline Republican A. P. Leased Wire CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Price reduction in asphalt shingles and prepared roof ings ranging from 3 to 35 per cent were announced today by two large roofing manufacturers. O. A. Hepps, president of one con cern said in announcing the nrice cut: 'Our new quotations are below pres- THANKSGIVING PUZZLE: li u vuoio, auu aisu (unci liiau a.Mbi-- pated costs of 1921. The one purpose is to stimulate business." o Youth Drops Gun Second Time Killed Republican A. P. Leased Wire WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 24. A second accidental discharge of the same revol var caused the death today of James H. Blutchard, 18, student at Fairmont college. Twe years ago the youth droped the revolver and it was dis charged, the bullet striking him in ttie foot. Today while sitting in the office of the marshal of the city court he dropped the revolved and it was again discharged. The bullet struck him in I th chest and he died an hour later. o Boys Play Soldier; Little Fellow Shot Republican A. P. Leased Wire WILTON JUNCTION, Iowa, Nov. 24. Harold Lincoln, a youngster took his father's .22 calibre rifle and went out to play soldier. He lined up three other lads but all grew frightened and ran away except little Dick, six years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kamp, of Moscow, the youngest of-the trio. The boy fired the rifle at close range. the bullet passing thraugh the upper part ot Ulck's left shoulder. He will recover. o A GOOD BOY (London Mail) Mrs. Morgan And so .your boy has been taken off to a reformatory, Mrs. jomeson. What a shame! Mrs. Jameson Yes, isn't it! And him such a good boy. too. Always t 4 1 Order wood at the East Side Wood Yard, where you get service and your money's worth. Deliveries made from lo up. ji,. mauidun. xnuue -iiiiii outii a. uuy, iao. Always j 12r brought everything home to his mother. WHICH IS THEL TURKEY GOBBLER