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PAGE TWO THE ARIZONA RFPUBLJCAN. THURSDAY MORNING, ..NOVEMBER 25, 1920 EXPERIENCE TEACHES Teacher Jimmy. Rive an example of minority ruling. Jimmy When tbere Is a baby In the family. Boys' Life. 5 MILL OPERATORS DEVISE NEW WRY TO I FARMS COTTON TODAY The vacuum-scaled tin lis the only way for you to "get coffee at its very best, ilt brings it to you with the full original flavor, and ground evenly and'1 just fright. You get the full fragrance and rich taste. 1 All the coffees packed In vacuum tins are good. !.Two or three are really fine, j Your money back (at your grocer's) if you don't Uike Schilling Coffee. I Schilling Coflee WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 24. A new way to relieve the -wheat farmer of his difficulties, as the result of low prices and a strained money situation, has been devised by mill and elevator op erators here and in other grain centers ofthe southwest. A plan of advancing to grain gpowers fl a bushel on wheat carried on con tract, so that they may deliver now and sell at some future date, has been adopted by a large line of elevators and mills. The Inauguration of this plan is primarily to relieve the money situ ation, It was said. Millers declare the pla nwill move considerable wheat and stop talk of forcing the farmers to sell their grain. Tho Inauguration of the plan, mill operators said, already has been re ceiving much favorable comment by farmers as well as bankers. The plan as outlined by mill and elevator men follows: "The contract with the farmers Is very simple. lie now has the opportunity to dispose of his wheat at once and receive in turn $1 down. Then as he watches the mar ket quotations he finally decides the quotations have reached the top and he can draw the remainder of his money from the miller or elevator at tho basic market "price. The result of the plan can be easily seen. It will relieve the farmer of holding his loan. The wheat will not be subject to weevil and the market will become more stable." o NO YEARNINGS- (Washington Star) "Don't you sometimes wish for the old days?' "Nope." replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. "When prohibition struck I owed the bartender so much that Vm. perfectly willing to forget It if he is." o Old floors mad like new. Phone 3059. dl MONEY TO RED CROSS Boys and girls of the Indian school here will go out tomorrow and spend the day picking cotton for the benefit of the Red Cross and the European Relief council, the combination of sev eral organizations which is feeding the destitute children of the war-torn coun tries of Europe. More than 175 Indian boys and girls have agreed to take part of the cotton nirkintr dav. It was announced last night, and as many more can be sent out if they are wanted. Farmers who Indian Dickers can obtain them if they call the Indian school be- fnrA noon. Prizes will be given to the boys and girls picking the most cotton. . AH the proceeds of the day. howover. will be divided Between tne iwo great uibi- izations of mercy mentioned aoove. Competition Golf at Country Club Today The competition golf seasaon will open at the Country club today with a handicap against par and qualifying for the monthly class handicap. The course is In excellent shape and a large gathering of valley golfers will take advantage of the holiday to try their clubs today. The club professional is arranging several events to be held on the club links this winter and today's competi tion season opening will be the official start. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FURNISHED modern apartment, 1023 E. Piercer. dn TWO nicely furnished rooms; pri vate entrance, telephone and bath; one block frm car line; with meals if de sired; men only, no sick. Phone 2275. 1715 W. Madison. dp $400 CASH Three-room frame, big lot, fenced with poultry wire; good location, one block to car line; price $1400; $400 cash, balance like rent. Phone S591 Call for Mr. Yarborough. 122 W. Wash. It I Report of the Condition of y CITIZENS 8TATE BANK At Fnocnix, In the Stats of Arizona, at the close of business November 15th, 1920 I Resources Loan and Discounts, less due from Directors $ Dua from Directors ......w.. ......... Overdraft United States Bonds Other Bonds, Stocks, Securities, etc. ......... axJtng House, Furniture and Fixtures Specie ..' ...$ 8,395.48 LCJ Tender and National Bank Notcs ................. 9,746.00 Exchanges for Clearlnr, 41.0S1.49 Other Cash Items 8,312.86 Dim from Stats and National Banks, Approved Reserve Agents -.... 102,962.16 Assets not included under above heads, viz:- Oocaty "Warrants ..................... $3,373,527.93 5,433.85 330,842.03 713,214.07 7,900.00 4,465.41 112,950.00 596.14 15,901.38 V 170.467.99 - 1,502.65 Tstal ...$ I Liabilities Capital Stock paid In ........ Onrplu "Undivided Profits, Leas Current Kip. Jb Taxes ft Interest paid En dividual Deposits subject to check $625,474.85 ....$1,026,997,62 25,000.00 12,000.00 4,297.70 Qwftagn Deposits Demand Ceritiflcates of Deposit Tim Certificates of Deposit Certified Checks ...,...'. Cashier's checks outstanding Bills Payable Bin Redlscounted Dividends Unpaid 4 0,28 1.8 8 4,934.98 44,137.77 2.50 16,817.94 ... 731,649.92 190,000.00 64,000.00 60.00 ..$1,026,997.62 Total -.. Stat of Arizona, County of Maricopa, so. X. I 1 Steward, Cashier of th above named hank, do solemnly swear that dot i(emeni is trua to tho best of my knowledge and belief. J ' ' Ij. I, STEWARD, ' i lv . ' - Cashier. ttnbaorrosd and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, 1920 Correct Attest W. L. TRIMBLE, Notary Public. GEO. H. N. LUHRS, W. C ABERCROMBIE, B. S. WAKEUN, Directors. Exceptional Bargains in R e b u i 1 1 Typewriters ROYALS REMINGTONS UNDERWOODS L. C. SMITH AND OLIVERS Each Machine Is Fully Guaranteed ' THE TYPEWRITER INSPECTION CO. Telephone 1498 .40 S. Fourth Ave x Report of Condition of THE NATIONAL BANK OF ARIZONA At Phoenix, in the State of Arizona, at the close of business on Nov. 15th, 1920, Kesources 1. a Loans and discounts, including reuibuuumn v- cept those shown in b and c) ,3m,;u-.u Total loans $3,903,202.73 d Notes and bills redisoounted with Federal Reserve Bank (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item 54a) .. $317,500.00 e Notes and bills rediscounted other ' than with Federal Reserve Bank (other than bank acceptances sold) (see Item 54b) 211.874.80 629,674.80 2. Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $5,433.85... .- 4. U.S. Government securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) $200,000.00 d Pledged as collateral for State or other deposits or bills payable- 98,000.00 f Owned and unpledged 32,842.03 Total U. S. Government securities 5. Other bonds, securities, etc.: a Bonds (other than'U. S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits $15,000.00 b Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 20,000.00 c Bonds and securities (other than U. S. securities) pledged as collateral for state or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable 50.0d0.00 e Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not including , stocks), owned and unpledged 70,851.32 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than TL S 7. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) 8. a Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered $260,461.83 9. Furniture and fixtures . 11. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve-Bank 13. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 14. Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies In the United States (other than included in Items in cluded in Items 11. 12. or 13) 15. Exchanges for clearing "house . Total of items 12. 13. 14. 15. and 16. . .$1,066,455.38 17. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items ,- 18. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 19. Interest earned but not collected approximate on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due TOTAL ,,.... Liabilities i - 21. Capital stock paid in : I 22. Surplus fund 200,000.00 23. a Undivided profits $221,276.33 b Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 74,064.30 - 25. Amount reserved for taxes accrued 27. Circulating notes outstanding i...... 29. Net amounts due to national banks ......J.... . 30- Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies in ' the United States and foreign countries (other than included in Items 28 or 29) 31. Certified checks outstanding ' .... 32. Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding , Total of Items 28, 29, 80, 81 and 32 $214,713.38 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 80 days):, 83. Individual deposits subject to check 34. Certificates of depositee in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 98,324.76 35. State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge "of assets of this bank Total of demand deposits. -"(other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34. 35, 36, 37, and 88 $3,873,604.25 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice," and postal savings) : 39. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 186,268.2a 41. Postal savings deposits 18,580.5 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 39, 40, 41, and 42 4 .. .$204,848.84 43. United States deposits (other than postal savings) : 43. o Other, United States deposits, including deposits of U. S. , disbursing officers 7,877.35 47. Bllla payable, other than -with Federal Reserve Bank, Includ ing all obligations representing money borrowed other than rediscounts) v. 454,500.00 53. Liabilities other than those above stated (See Line 20 of Resources) 45,270.51 155,851.32 12,000.00 260,461.83 13,487.38 262,732.90 678,455.01 243,380.98 144,619.39 8,135.06 10,000.00 45,270.51 $5,544,198.24 147,212.03 176.83 195,995.00 11,782.92 152,075.03 3,270.86 47,584.58 3,677,279.49 98,000.00 TOTAL $5,544,198.24 64. a Liabilities for rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank (see Item Id) 317,800.00 to Liabilities .for rediscounts other than with Federal Reserve Bank (se-Item lc) 211,874.80 Tolal contingent liabilities (54 a, b, C and d) (not including items in Schedule 23) $529,674.80 State of Arizona, County of Maricopa, ss: I. E. W. Clayton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. " E.XW. CLAYTON. Cashier. X-Ray Gas Administered All Work Guaranteed Reliable" Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1920. ES TELLE McCOT, (Seal) Notary Public (My commission expires Feb. 4, 1924.) Correct Attest: EDWARD EISELK, LEO GOLDMAN. DAVID GOLDBERG. .Director. that maybe relied upon; trustworthy; .worthy of dependence or reliance. Reliable Dentistry at "Prices Within Rea son," is what we offer you. No matter what your teeth need fillings, a crown, a bridge, plates or straightening irregular teeth, the work is done here with the most exacting conscientious, profession al skill. , The material used is the highest quality obtainable the best that money can buy, and all work done is fully guaranteed. Phono 605 for appointment or call in person. A careful examination of your teeth is given without charge or ob ligation. Yours for Better Dentistry DR. JOHN J. SITKIN Washington and First Avenue Telephone 605 Monihon Building, Opposite Phoenix National Bank DON'T, MISS SBh i' I iS" Our Special Thanksgiving Dinner SI. 25 BUUE POINT OYSTER -SOUP SLICED TOMATOES, CELERY, OLIVES STUFFED YOUNG TURKEY WITH WALNUT DRESSING CREAMED POTATOES GREEN PEAS OYSTER PATTIES CANDIED YAMS CRANBERRY SAUCE HOME MADE PUMPKIN PIE PLUMB PUDDING WITH HARD SAUCE COFFEE HOT TEA MILK BOOTHS FOR LADIES DAY AND NIGHT AND FAMILIES COUNTER SERVICE PORTOLA CAFE I . p ' . : . Ij. ... -T;- ' ; A 1 See KorricKs Ad in Thursday's Gazette and Friday's Republican --' - - - FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR 234 W. Adams Street CO. Phone 1331 Specializing in Grands, Player Pianos at REDEWILLS v Home-coming time draws near those fine festival days of family reunion Thanksgiving and Christmas. Will they find music in your home good music? And you in turn pass the question, along to us because we are Piano Wholesalers and Specialists in distributing the better grades and makes. Can we, responding to the spirit of this season's special offerings, supply you with a superior instrument at an attractive price? We can. And you owe it to your family to at least investigate these unusual values. A Baby Grand for ?975 During the past 12 months this player has sold for as high as $1015. It is carefully built, easy to operate and may be used by the child at its practice or by every member of your household from the oldest to the youngest. A Player $QQK Piano for 000 Here's . a 'splendidly, built Baby Grand re quiring no more floor space than an upright. It possesses singing qualities 'and tasting merits of Instruments priced much higher. In design, it favors the Colonial period; and in finish, follows the new English shades of mahogany. It goes without saying that an institution such as ours has many special values among the 75 or more instruments in our stock. And if we emphasized any other particular one, it would be that splendid value in the Upright class a full sized, beautifully finished piano, in mahogany or walnut at $495. REDEWILL MUSIC CO. CASH OR LIBERAL TERMS 222-224 West Washington St. Eugene Redewill, Owner 26 East Washington St. Phone 683 Established 1881 "A just dentist not just a dentist"