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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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.-J THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 PAGE THREE i V. I' 01 EI! AFTE101 AT TIE ELKS PROVES m BUfflUE AFFAIR Thoroughly delightful In evry Jtall as the "souvenir afternoon" given at tin Elks theater yesterday Immediately following the matinee performance of "Cupid's Prescription." The afaflr. whiv-h reption. was held on the stage and the members of the Brandon Stock company were the hosts. Nearly all who attended the matinee availed themselves of the opportunity to meet the members of the cast, and inclpentally to welcome George Banta, the new leading man who only a week ago became a member of the company. Punch was served to the guests by different members of the cast, among those presiding at the bowl being Miss Uoberta Deane. Miss Ida Mae Golze and Miss Irene Noblett. ' , The "pouvenlr afternoons" are to be come a regular part of the Elks pro gram, and each Wednesday following the matinee the players will meet their friends behind ttie footlights. Another clever Innovation of the wa ,n tne nature ot an Inrormat re- Brandon Brothers la the "caharet" which YOU'LL BE THANKFUL IF YOU BUY ONE OF THESE GENUINE VICTOR VICTROLAS will be 6taged at the conclusion of the evening performance every Thursday. Tonight, following the performance, the second of these scenes will be put on, and Judging by the enthuslams with which the first one, a week ago, was received, the "cabarets" are sure to be come a popular feature of the week's program. Clever songs and dances by the members of the cast and chorus constitute the program for this part of the show, and those who have seen It declare It Is a thoroughly delightful fin ish to a splendid evening. O 1 " HB Victrola No. IV. $25 Victrola No. VI. $35 if f ""UWt- 1 I ' - - "I These Instrument have the earn features that have made tha Victrola famoua tha world over. Every homo should know and enjoy flood muaio. $1.00 IS ALL YOU NEED $1.00 TO PAY DOWN And $1.00 a Week on the Balance GET YOURS TOMORROW The Berryhill Co. Victor Records and Victrolas 42-48 East Washington St. PHOENIX FIRST Hl-Y TO IP PE1 TONIGHT Miss Jeanette Kllng, one of the four most artists on the American platform in dramatic recitals, will appear to night aa the first number of the "Hl-Y" lecture course at the high school audi torium at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Klins la recognized as one of America's most successful and brilliant readers. Among her most prominent presentations are "The Thief," which experienced such an unprecedented run in New York when played by Margaret Ellington and the Frohman company; Booth Tarklngton's "The Country Cousin," which Miss Kllng glvep by special permission of the author; "The Girl Who Came Back." by Galsworthy; The Truth," by Clyde Fitch, and "The Big Drum, by Sir Arthur Pinero. Theodore Ballou Hinckley of the Uni versity of Chicago and editor of "The Drama." has said "such service aa Miss Kllng renders Is a distinct rain to the drama culture of America." The "Hl-Y lecture course for this season Is composed of seven - high trade entertainments. which are brought to Phoenix purely for educa tional purposes by the Phoenix union high school and the Young Men's Christian association. The reservation of season tickets has been very large, but the committee in charge reports that on account of there being no many musical numbers on the course there are still some very good seats that may bo secured at the Y. M. C. A. or at the door this evening. , . o EXPERT AT IT (Boston Transcript) ' "Jim married a masseuse, didn't he?' "Yes, and she certainly rubs It into '-,5m." - HELP T SPECIAL SgMMg Miner Specially Arranged Course Dinner RAISINS 51.00 BILL Miguel Saldevar yesterday was held to answer to the federal court by Unit ed States Commissioner Henke after a hearing on a charge of attempting to defraud the United States covernment. He was committed to the county jail when he failed to furnish a bond of 1000. Saldevar is alleged to have had . Jl bill which had been raised to rep resent a $10 bill in his possession, with the intent to pass It as a $10 bill. Sal devar admitted having the bill, but de nied that he intended to pass It. According to the testimony of Capt L. T. Sutherland of the police depart ment Saldevar was arrested by the police for another offense and in searching him at the station the bill was found In his vest pocket, folded in such a manneras to show only the two figure "10s" which had been past ed on the upper corners of one side of the bill. At the time, Captain Suther land said, Saldevar said the two nu merals had been given him and he had pasted them on. One of the numbers, the officers say, was cut rrom a Mexican counterfeit bill and was printed with black ink. The other number is In green ink. They had been pasted over the numeral "1," but no effort had been made to change the other figures on the bill. PLE1DS HOT GUILTY TO ASSAULT CHARGE Benito Chicago, a Pima Indian, al leged to have been the man who as saulted Yee Joe, a Chinaman, with an iron bar on the night of November 18, pleaded not guilty yesterday when ar raigned before Justice Charles DeSales Wheeler on a charge of assault with Intent to commit murder. The date of the hearing was set for December 8 Chicago was committed to the county Jail under a bond of $15,000. According to the Mory told by the officers, Chicago is alK-ged to have t- tered the store of Joe at Second and Lincoln streets with the intent to roo the place. When Joe Interfered Chi cago, according to the ponce, struck the Chinaman on the back of the head with the bar, fracturing the skull and rendering him unconscious. Joe is slowly recovering at the hospital. Chicago was arrested by Officer Nick Pappo of the police department last Tuesday and taken before Joe at the hospital. Officer Pappo said that Joe identified Chicago as his assailant The Chinese association of Phoenix offered a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the man who assault ed Joe. Yee Joe managed the Amer ican Kitchen during the time Yee Sing the owner, was in China several morths ago. Chicago admitted to Justice Wheeler he had served 22 months In the state penitentiary on a charge of grand lar ceny and said he was released on No vember 8. ' o portal of the tunnel, said Mr. Maddock, who stated that the machine had been expected since last April. It has the capacity to handle four Jack hammers. A portable gas engine to run the com pressor was received 60 days ago and already is located at Superior. The work there is progressing splendidly under paid forces. For lack of funds it was necessary to break up the prison camp, and last week the pris oners were returned to the state peni tentiary at Florence. From the north word has been re ceived at the state highway depart ment that the first camp haa moved from Coconino to Mohave county. The camp will be several days in getting settled and work will be begun there on the Topack-Oatman road by No vember 30, ' HOLIDAY Hi 50 at the Americae Kitchen 'Additional Service and' Table Room Is Being Arranged for and . ' Reservations Can Be Made in Advance A Real Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving Treat at the ynenc an A itcneo 33 North Central Avenue Eat Your Thanksgiving Turkey , at the 'American , Kitchen A Whole Table of Best Foods for Every Course Thursday OEISOHIL ROAD BY The entire 28-milo stretch of th Benson-Vail highway will be open by February 1, according to Thomas Maddock, state engineer, who has Just returned from an inspection trip of the state highways in the southern part of the state. Mr. Maddock stated that the 50 head of stock that have been in use have been returned to the owners. The department has received a 356 cubic foot air compressor which wil be sent to Superior for use in tho con straction of the Superior-Miami high way. It will be set up in the west II Hill. AT ELKS THEATER The holiday matinee at the Elks the- ter today nt 2:30 will be the big feature n tne amusement line ror Thanksgiving Day. The Brandon Stock company, in ts latest success, "Cnpld'a Prescription, has an offering that will give you some thing to be really thankful for. Th play la bright, smart and snappy, with clever lines and situations and the catch iest set of song and melody numbers that have so far been offered. George Banta, the new leadinr man. has scored a dlstince hit He is a moat likable chap who grows on you with ac quaintance. Ed Redmond is exception ally good this week In the role of the country sheriff and. the Harmony Quartet, Bobby Dean, Jay Allard, Irene Nobmrt and Glen Hood, put over some comedy numbers that veritibly "stop the show." All in all "Cupid's Prescription" is a wonderful holiday bllL Interest Is also aroused In the "Minstrel Cabaret" which will be staged after the regular performance Friday night. Eddie Young will be responsible for the minstrel undertaking and while he doesn t pretend that he will arouse any jealousy from Al G. Fields or "Honey Boy" Evans, he declares that he will have a minstrel show that will surprise the patrons. There will be another matinee on Sat urday and the engagenteat closes Sat urday night The new play "Why Grow Old," with Miss Marie Wch, the "new prima donna In the cast will open for the week Sunday afternoon. Eighteen Countries Represented in Chile Republican A. P. Leased Wire! SANTIAGO, Chile, Nov. 14. With, the arrival today of the Portuguese delegation headed by Amebassodor Al berto Boliviera, special representatives of 18 countries are now in Santiago to attend the festivities incident to the celebratlon of the 400 anniversary of the discovery of the Straits of Magel lan. The celebration will begin No vember 26. o JugoSlavs Make Appeal to Italy LONDON, Nov. 24. An appeal by tho Juge-Slav government to the Italian government to clear upt the situation created by the stand of Gabrlele d'An nunzio, Italian insurgent commander at Fiume is Imminent, says the London Times' Milan correspondent. If thi.i appeal fails another will be made to tha entente, according to the dispatch. BUDWEISER Now en Sale at All Fountains, Cafes, Pool Halls, and Grocery Storae HALL-POLLOCK COMPANY Diatributora PHOENIX u t ARIZONA i We Are acnhcing A rofit On These $60 to $90 Custom Tailor Values failored to yoiar order at $5 We are obliged to keep our high-priced tailoring organization busy at all times and at this particular period we have selected some of our choicest Fall and Winter Woolens which we will tailor to your measure at the actual cost of $50 a suit. These unusual values will stand comparison with the weaves and patterns that ordinarily command double the remarkable price that we have marked them. You'll be thankful if you make an early selection Come in and Get Yours Tomorrow Whether you had planned on ordering any clothes now or notdon't miss this oportunity of visiting Arizona's leading custom tailoring t establishment. You'll be welcome whether you come to look or buy. . , Your absolute satisfaction is guaranteed or 7 your money will be cheerfully refunded! BYRD Tailoring Co. BALKE BLDGL 42 WEST ADAMS ST. '&f'J? ; f " v 1 . '. -wv. . J 1 - .m i t i Every Garment sold by us is hand-tailored in Our Own Shops. The money you spend here stays in Arizona. "LET ALL THE WORLD REJOICE" f t 1 1; I w D ay OUR STORE WILL BE tifased All Day TODAY OPEN FRIDAY MORNING WITH SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS xmzi.Mci Oct CMef Mnvfura .U . IV " 51 g yv fcr Jim I I i 'V, 7: va- v'ygy'fl' - r i - - ' ' -v t - -IT. A,...-.. - , J