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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ONA PTT J AIM INDEPENDENT PROGRESSSVE JOURNAL THIRTY-FIRST YEAR PHOENIX, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 (Section Two) VOL. XXXI., NO. 212 (Section Two) THE AMI z -8 JlMMiM b I fores lv$ twM v mm f V OliD-FASHIONED PUMPKIN PIE AND ROAST TURKEY REIGN ON THANKSGIVING TABLE, SAYS SISTER MARY Simplicity and Abundance Bet Preserve Spirit of Day BY SISTER MARY Copyright, 1920, N. E. A. Remember the Young: American who didn't like pumpkin pie be cause It dis agreed with his ears! We're ail that way to a certain ex- icui, doi party manners restrain us. And Thanksgiving: dinner does call for pumpkin pie, Nesselrod puddins: and dainty parfalta fulfil their mission at many & dinner, but Dumokln Die touch es the apot in the hearts and appetites i every citizen. Traditional Spirit Our Thanksrlvine Day is so essen tially an American family-day that the dinner may well have the informal, homely touch. "From soup to nuts" the feaat beat preserves the traditional spirit of the day by its simplicity and aounaance. Ever since the Pllarim Fathers diK nlfled the wild turkey by providing it tor their first Thanksgiving, we have accepted it as the national bird for the day. So even If turkey Is expensive vhnot serve it and subordinate the restTof the meal to It? The cost will be the same in the end. Let all the Other things to eat be merely filling, supply lng the 'homely traditional spirit.' Highly flavored appetizers, elaborate alads and desserts really have no plae in the Thanksgiving dinner. Menu for Thanksgiving Dinner Consomme Roast Turkey Cranherry sause Mashed Potatoes Glblet Gravy Creamed Onions Celery Home-made Pickles Pumpkin Pie Coffee Raisins Nuts My Own Recipes The centerpiece for the Thanksgiv ing table may be an attractively ar ranged dish of fruits and nuts. Shiny red apples, golden oranges, white and Tokay grapes placed in a silver or cut glass bowl will rival the largest mums s and b useful as well as ornamental. Or Instead of the usual bowl use u pumpkin shell. A big pumpkin, cut In half with the top scalioped, filled to overflowing with fruits and trally vines from the woods could not be criticized by the most artistic guest. Bittersweet berries are In their prime the last of November and give a gor geous bit of color ararnged in a basket with pine branches. - A big basket of these in a rather dark corn or of the living rooms suggests a ray of sun shine. P.OAST TURKET ' Choose an 8 or 10 pound hen turkey. If you are serving so many people that 1 this size will not be enough,, use two birds rather than one bigger one. The meat of a big turkey Is not as tender or fine flavored as that of a small one. After the turkey has been tfleaned, stuffed and trussed, rub the entire sur face with salt. Work 5 tablespoons of butter with 8 tablespoons of flour and epread over the breast, legs and wings. Put on the rack In a self-basting roast- " ft t - i - - - 7 v ' v h - - NX i - - i was. It didn't matter if it was not linked up to the big event of the after noon. v Ann had not forgotten her bouquet for Deb. It was a bunch of lilies-of-the valley, , enormously expensive in No vember, Ann had confided to me, but the only flower . because Deb loved them. Such were the contradictions in Ann's character. Sometimes I had thought that Ann s mental gears did not fit. For events proved that even while Ann bought the lilies for Deb's wedding, she was mess ing up that affair completely. The sultriness of the day changed in an instant, so, that we looked at each other and spoke about it. A copper-colored sky hung behind us. "Some storm coming." was Ann's quick comment. "Let's button up the curtains and get out the big coats and rugs." "Some storm" it proved to be. Dark ness like that of the chaos whTor. pre ceded creation settled around us. Rain like that of the Flood pounded through the joining of our curtains. "Gosh, what if the ignition gets grounded'" screamed Ann above the rattle of the hail on the roof of the car. We had parked after skidding, sliding and slipping in the slush. "Such tornadoes pass swiftly," said Deb with a glance at the auto clock. "And we have still an hour." I didn't remind her that the mud would last a long-time after the storm had passed nor that no car could safely descend the muddy Valley Hill which separated her from Ted Moore. "Ted will wait until doomsday I ventured. "I'd like my wedding to move per schedule," said Deb. The perverse ii.fant, Ann, whistled "Waiting at the Church" while ve waited and shivered In the darkness. er in a hot en for 20 minutes. The flour should"begin to brown. Reduce heat and add 1 cups of hot water. When this water cooks away add more water and butter and baste the turkey with a spoon. If a self-basting roaster is not used the turkey should be steamed for an hour before roasting. Steam and then stuff and rub with butter and flour and roast as usual. The giblets are cooked separately and the water used for gravy. When the giblets are tender, put through the food chopper and strain Ask him what he's thankful for! the gravy over them. A plain bread stuffing Is always acceptable with turkey. , . ! j STUFFING 2'2 cups stale soft bread crumbs cup melted butter 1 teaspoon aalt , 1 Yz teaspoon pepper Yz teaspoon sage (optional hot water Use Just enough water to hold the crumbs together. An egg Is not neces sary if the stuffing Is to be eaten hot. It's the pumpkin pie that kin pump the thanks into the dinner. , A Great Food For Boys and Girls If you find It hard to satisfy the appetites of your ,boys and girls try Life O' Wheat. A big package which makes 12 pounds of cooked food costs nly a few cents. Life o Wheat Is more noruishlns than meat and decidedly more health ful. It comes la sterilized, air-tight packages, and Is pure la every way. If you want to serve a food that is a builder of strong, healthy bodies, try life O' Wheat. All rrocers have Just received a fresh supply and are auth orized to return your money if you are not satisfied. mm CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Of Those Unsightly Skin Blemishes. e the Guaranteed BLACK and WHITE Beauty Treatment. Some people dislike to use face powder, creams or rouge, but they cannot suffer the erabarassment of a dark, sallow, blotchy, pimply skin. They therefore depend on powders and rouge to cover up or hide their em harassing facial blemishes, little realising that the longer their use is continued, the mora aggravated, the trouble becomes. Why don't you clear your com plexion, remove those unsightly skin blemishes which so distress you? It's easy, no more trouble than applying cold cream or rouge. You cleanse the skin with Black and White Soap Just before retiring and then apply Black and White Oint- nf Tn fhm mornlmr VOU wash off the Ointment. No trouble, and the results are so satisfactory. - m vniif nearest druff Store Or VJU w toilet counter today and get you a package of Black ana wnue uini- mrA hap of Black and White Soao. You can buy both for 60c. Fauty Parlors would charge a hun Wfsd times more for tho same re t vim rinnot find the Oint ment and Soap, accept no substitute but send 60c to tne mnuiiui!' a -mr.i literature and a Black m nrv Tiirthdav and Dream Book free If you will clip and mall White, Box 1057, MemphJf, Tenn. . t . ,f J HQ THE BOOK OF DEBORAH We Start Out to Meet Ted and Run Into a Heavy Storm The Valley Parsonage where Deb was to meet Ted Moore was next to the famous Valley Inn In the picturesque mountain section of our state, about 30 miles from our town. The road was hilly and sandy and in order to cover all emergencies, Ann and I picked up ve- borah at her home an hour earlier than was necessary. Ann at the wheel, wore her smartest motor toggery. Deb was in white as a bride ought to be even when she elopes. The day was sultry for the time of year, but heavy clouds began to darken the sun as we pulled away from Deb's door. We rode without talking. Deb couldn't talk, I fancied, because she was taking the most important volun tary step of her life without her par ent's permission. That Mrs. Burns should have a daughter who was obsessed by a posi tive reverence for the truth struck me as one of life's little sarcasms. For Mrs. Burns herself never shied at any trick by which she could achieve her pur pose. She was one of those highly re spected persons who talk continually about the horrors of lying, who contin ually call all mild prevaricators to ac count She was one of those who look for lying In others because they think that thus they prove themselves truth ful. Mrs. Burns painted splendid camou flage for her own hypocrlcy and she had so deceived her family that the truth had become the breath of life to her daughters. Because she was deceiving her par ents, Deborah set off to meet her bride groom in a depressingly melancholy frame of mind, I did not interrupt her train of thought, and I was glad that Ann had decided to respect it also, until I sud denly perceived that Ann had some thing on her mind. She was behaving as I bad seen here a, score of times when she had been in mischief. Ac cording to Chrys, Ann's silence was her only symtom of conscience. What she had on her conscience that day was a mystery to me and I didn't are what It Cuticura Talcum FciHal Frasrmnt Healthful kw. Krrwher 2m. Alwavs THE BEAUTIFUL PERMANENT WAVE Guaranteed for Six months Jefferson Hair Store Phone 4139 Another Royal Suggestion 3 -Egg Angel Cake and Mocha Layer From the New Royal Cook Book, AN Angel cake so good . that it fairly melts in your mouth. Instead of eight eggs, it can be made with three and the yolks of the eggs can be used for a. Royal Sunshine cake. Here, too, is a Mocha Layer cake which you will want to try, and clip for future use. Ansel Cake 1 cup sugar 1 cups flour y teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder H teaspoon Bait ft cup scalded milk X teaspoon almond or vanilla extract whites ef I eggs Mix and sift first five ingred ients four times. Add milk very slowly, while still hot, beating continually; add va nilla; mix well and fold in whites of eggs beaten un til light Turn into ungreased angel cake tin and bake in very slow oren about 45 min utes. Remove from oven; in vert pan and allow to stand until cold. Cover top and sides with either white or chocolate icing, v Mocha' Layer Cake M cup shortening 1 cup sugar S eggs BAKING POWBER Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar, derived f rwa grapes. cup strong coffee 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder y teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons mixed spices Cream shortening and sugar until light; add well beaten yolks of eggs; add coffee slowly; add half of flour sifted with baking powder, salt and spices; mix and add well beaten whites of eggs; add remainder of flour and mix lightly. Pour into two greased layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven. Spread sweetened whipped cream between layers and cover top with . Mocha Icing 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup confectioner's sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa 3 tablespoons strong coffee 4 teaspoAx salt Cream butter and sugar; add cocoa, coffee and salt and stir until smooth. If too dry, add coffee; if too moist, add sugar. FREE By all means get the new Royal Cook Book Just out. Contains these and 400 other delightful, helpful recipes. Fre for the asking. Write TODAY to EOT1X BAKTJO POWDER CO. 11 Faltoa & treat Kw York CXtr "Bake with Royal and be Stare gill I ''"'.MWP"waiWaBJSMSSWSM J r - ' ' "" 1 Made by PHOENIX FLOUR MILLS 43 Year of Successful Milling , FLOUR SEED FEED Plenty of Milk for You All the Time Pure, fresh milk. Nothing but milk, and all of the milk except the water. Thatis Klim. You add the water to Klim and instantly you have fresh, whole milk in the quantity you want to use. Make up the amount you want, then there is no 'i Spell it backwards waste none left to sour or to throw away. With Klim in the house, you have all the milk you want at any time for emergencies and for daily use. Good for babies excellent for growing children. Klim is milk that the whole family will like. , BRAND POWDERED MILK No matter if it is the season when the milk supply is lowest, no matter when you use Klim the quality and the quan tity of supply are always the same. Eminent physicians and leading food authorities endorse Klim. Many hospitals are using Klim, as are many1 schools. Ask your own physician about Klim. Klim comes in two forms: Klim Pow dered Whole Milk (full cream) for drinking, cereals, coffee, etc, and Klim Powdered Skimmed Milk, which is excellent and econom- ffEs r n F .s icai ior an cooking purposes, t It is difficult to appreciate the many advantages of Klim until you have used it. Get a supply today and see for your self what Klim means' to you. milkJ Flagstaff. Arizona MERRELL SOULE sAlES CORPORATION S15 E. Railroad St. Klim is on sate at these selected stores: ARIZONA GROCERY SUGAR LOAF BAYLESS GROCERY BONTON GROCERY WETZLER'S BASKETERI A PORAGE POT