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!paue twelve THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1921 AD ill OF GITY FORM NEWCLUB M ARE ON LIST Advertising: Writers, Sell- : ers And Buyers Organize i At Dinner At Hotel ;s- Adams Last Night - Name Officers Thirty-three advertising; men of ,. -itw r-nmnrislnsr professional ad vertising writers, sellers and buyers, i met over the dining xauie oi me tel Adams last evening at 6 o'clock and in a meeting full of enthusiasm organized the Advertising club of phoenix. Previous to this meeting, Xyles G. kvatt, Bryan Akers, Capt. Weiss, J. Arthur Tobias. Wesley Knorpp and others met and framed a proposed constitution and by-laws for consid eration of the larger (fathering, and With . the exception of one or two changes, these were accepted as pro posed. : The meeting was called to order by Nyles G. Hyatt, wno actea as chairman pro tem, Capt. Weiss serv ing as temporary secretary. " The chairman of the constitution nnd by-laws committee. W. W. Knorop. read the constitution and by laws which the committee had framed, and after a full and free dis cussion, the gathering adopted the articles as proposed. The constitution- as adopted provides for a mem bership composed wholly of men en raged in advertising as a business, comprising those writing, selling and buying advertising. Affiliation with the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World will Immediately be con summated.' thus giving Phoenix rep resentation In this great organiza tion of the world's advertising men. Elect Officers. 4 Following the adoption of the con stitution and by-laws, the election of permanent officers was held, the fol lowing being elected: J. Arthur To bias. president; W. W. Knorpp, vice president; Capt. Weiss, secretary, and Bryan Akers. treasurer. Nyles G. Hvatt. Charles F. Willis and C. H. - Jvaufman were elected to the board of directors which consists of the of ficers and the three named individ uals. Nyles G. Hyatt was elected Chairman of the board of directors. J The following members signed the constitution, and constitute the char- . ter membership of the new advertis ing club: Nyles G. Hyatt. Capt. I A. Weiss, f'- W. D'AlIemond, J. Arthur Tobias, V. W. Knornp, Leroy Kennedy, B. P. t'arpenter, Fred Mvers, E. P. Col lings. J. Webb Smith, Fred O. Ad ams, John A. Woolsey, Bryan Akers, Kidney Wolf, TemrIe Emery, Jr., C. M. Kaufmann, Hal Hiner, Edgar Ken rison, F. ' O. Voshall, A. S. Mills, Charles F. Willis. S. A. Meyers, Har- 5y F. Leiber. Wm. Francis Seeman. ack Daniels. W. G. Gough, W. L. Longan, H. C. Reed, George McNeil, G. M. Dean, R. A. Watkins, Harry Austin Davis. Vpon assuming the duties of the office of nresident, J. Arthur Tobias outlined the purposes of the Adver tising club of Phoenix, the service to be rendered by It to the business men and 'general public of the city, and the high aspects of truthful adver tising. Address of President. Mr. Tobias spoke aa follows: I want to tell you that I gTeatty appreciate the honor conferred on me tonight, and doubly so, for the confi dence placed in me, as I have only been In your city a little over nine months. But I want to make you one promise, and I want the Press to get this as long as I am president of the Advertising club of Phoenix, the advertising faker and the fly-by-night who make this city, are going to have a "hell of a stormy career." "And now gentlemen, a few remarks about advertising. I might use a lit tle rough language and "take the bide" from many of my friends as , well as from the friends of those here tonight, but please do, not take of fense at what I might say for the reason I am going to tell you the truth. . v "Fifteen years ago had I asked one of you for an advertisement you would have considered me a grafter: but today the advertising seller, the advertising writer and the advertls ing manager are considered profess lonal men. It Is a legitimate business and one that it takes brains to handle, i Advertising, is not a game being played only in your own locality, but is one that is being played the world over. It is not a business of today, but a business of tomorrow and the most vital feature in advertising is truth. No man can advertise un truthfully and survive and every ad vertiser knows it. "Advertising today is the most po tent factor In the business world. It is the door of your business house and through your advertisements the people must see what you have, what prices you are selling at and what quality you are selling. If you teli them In advertisement that you are giving them something you must produce that something or your ads In the future -will be ineffective. The people will read them, maybe, but they will not believe them." "The purpose of this Ad club is not to further the interest of any one braftch of advertising or anyone s class of business, but. It Is to study the elements, of advertising and there is only one way for success, and that Is through co-operation and unity. You have live organizations in the chamber of commerce, the M. & M.. the Rotary and Klwanis clubs and you should support .them. The Ad club will not conflict with the work of these organizations, but on the con trary should benefit them and work in conjunction with them. "Now down to the Ad club itself. Tbe most vital feature of the organi zation is the educational department. The value of an educational commit tee Is the greatest factor. Through lectures arranged by them and through careful study the members of this committee will be In a position to show you where your ads are Inef fective, where they are not producing results and will offer suggestions to remedy this. When they arrange a lecture, by all means attend it. Even though you take time away from some thing else, gentlemen, it will not have been wasted for 1 have never attended an ad club meeting that- I did not learn something that helped me in my business. "Not long ago I was in a certain city and while riding on the street car I heard a woman ask the conductor to let her off on a certain street. The conductor told her that he was going to the end of the line and that he did not know where her street was. Do you think that woman was favorably- impressed with the city? Do you think it is good advertising for a cltv when that woman, who undoubt edly was a stranger, left there and told her friends about that little in cident? "Why, over In Dallas, Texas, the street railway officials are made to print a book, bound in morocco, so that they would not sweat it out dur ing the summer, listing all of the streets, public buildings and largest business buildings. The Dallas Ad club was behind that movement and they gave the city valuable advertis Ing by doing it. It is community ad vertising that counts. The chamber of commerce and the M. & M., will bring people here, but you men. you business men, must have attractive window displays, attractive advertise ments In newspapers and on tbe bill boards. Tou must have your address on the ad in large letters so that a stranger can find you. Advertise correctly In the city and the city will then advertise itself. "Many newspapers of the United States Bhould be ashamed of them selves for taking advertisements of patent medicines and other advertise ments that would make a woman blush should Bhe read them. It is done by many of the newspapers in the United States and I assure you that clean advertising can never be brought about until this sort of ad vertising Is eliminated. "Tell the truth in your advertising. If you are a merchant do not say in an ad that 'This is undoubtedly the biggest bargain ever offered in this city,' when you know that your com petitor across the street is selling the same thing at the same cost. The people will find it out and will look upon your advertising purely as catch pennies and not as guides to your business as they should be. "The established probity of Ameri can advertising has never been more dramatically displayed than in this reconstructive campaign of the past few months. Without it, the read justment of prices would have been an uncertain, laborious and haphaz ard process. Advertising has provid ed the huge volume of business, with out which such price reductions would have been flatly unprofitable. It has procured the rapid turnover. The rapid turnover is the only thing that compensates for reduced profit mar gin. . "A two per cent profit on $100 is only $2; but If it happens once a month it is as good as 24 per cent a year. That Is why present prices are possible. They mean a drastic CONVOCATION ENDED WITH TH IS APPOINTMENTS Many Buildings Under Way and Are Contemplated for Phoenix TWO BARRELS OF Last Day Includes Two Sessions Of Convocation And Luncheon To Dele gates Bishop Stanford Speaks With the appointment of diocesan officers and the naming of commit tee members for the next year, the 1921 convocation of the Protestant Episcopal church in Arizona came to an end yesterday afternoon. The convocation, with which was allied the consecration of the new Trinity cathedral and the. celebration of the tenth anniversary of the elevation of the Rt. Rev. Julius W. Atwood to the episcopate as bishop of Arizona, is regarded as having been the most successful and important ever held. It was said yesterday that It undoubt edly will have a profound effect upon the future welfare of the Protestant Episcopal communion in this section of the Southwest. , The diocesan appointments made yesterday are as follows: The Rev. J. Rock wood Jenkins, archdeacon; the Rev. Bertrand R. Cocks, general missionary; M. A. Morford. diocesan treasurer; the Rev. J. Rock wood Jenkins, registrar; Ernest L. Lewis, chancellor. The chief committee appointments I follow: I Council of advice The Rev. J. Rockwood Jenkins, M. A. Morford, Dean William Scarlett, Harold Bax ter, Gordon Tweed and the Rev. George C. Golden, Bisbee. Nation-wide campaign and the church's mission The Rev. W. J. Dixon, Tuxson; the Rev. E. W. Sl monson, Douglas; V. O. Walllngford and E. C. Clark, Tucson. Religious education Dean William Scarlett, the Rev. H. G. Gray, Wins low, Guy P. Berry and E. A. Marshall. Social service The Rev. H. C. Smith, Nogales; the Rev B. J. Dar meile, Clifton; Franklin D. Lane and H. M. Claggett. The last day of the convocation opened with a devotional service at the cathedral at 9:80 o'clock in the morning, the convocation convening a half hour later. The address was delivered by the Rt- Rev. L. C. Stan ford, bishop of San Joaquin, Calif., whose theme was a general one and embraced all the activities of the Protestant Episcopal church. Lunch eon was served at 1 o'clock to the delegates and the convocation was convened again at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, when the Rev. W. J. Dixon read his report on the state of the church in Arizona. This and the appointments for the ensuing year brought to the convocation to an end. o- Gradual decline in building costs promises an early revival in building activity in Phoenix, local builders and contractors declared yesterday. In addition to considerable private con struction enterprises which are now under way or are to be started in the near ftfture, there is to be consider able public work. Present building costs are approxi mately 20 per cent lower than during the 1919 peak, builders announced. This decline has been gradual over a period of several months. The pres ent trend is downward. It was pointed out, indicating that the pre-war level soon will be reached. Among the new construction to be started in the near future or actually under way at the present time is the new union depot to be jointly occu pied by the Santa Fe, and the Ari zona Eastern. Plans are steadily go ing forward for this addition to the city which will rob comedians of their most 'favorite Joke. Excavation has been completed for the foundation of the $500,000 Elks clubhouse at Second avenue and Adams street. It is expected that this fine structure will be occupied by fall. Phoenix Elks then will have a home second to none in the West and one of the finest In the country. The new Rialto theater on West Washington street is so far advanced that the interior is beginning to as sume proportions and give some idea of the fine amusement house this city is to have, a theater to take its place with the beat in cities several times the size of Phoenix. Other structures under way and which will be completed in the near future are the Walker hotel, the Deaconess hospital, and three grade school buildings. The combined out lay contemplated for these five struc tures totals well over $500,000. Among new construction soon to be undertaken is the new Country club, revised plans for which were recent ly completed by the architectural urm of Lescher. Kibbey & Maloney. Bids for the structure are now being re ceived and will be opened at o'clock p. m., April 12. Other substantial structures, plans for which have been announced and which are certain In the near future, are the office building and theater to be erected at Washington and First streets and two buildings to be added to the high school group. Faith in Phoenix remains unshaken during the present financial slump and it is confidently expected that within a few months this city will experience a general building boom which will continue for some time. CONDITIONS OF LIVE GROCERY SPECIALS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Cane Sugar,. ' . AQn 5 lbs , 4oC Prunes, OC 2 lbs. .tC Sun-Maid Raisins, nnn 15 oz. Honey, 9Qp ?uart jar JUV loney, 7ft half gallon JC Honey, QA 5 gal. can fPUV Snowdrift, Q Q g 1 lb. can AOL Picnic Hams, OA. per lb 6V)L Boss Flour, Ci A ( 24 lbs $.fHJ Boss Flour, CQ nf .48 lbs lU Kellogg's Korn Krisp, OKt 3 for ... OC Cane Sugar, Q OA per 100 lbs tDU.OU Beet Sugar, Q H per 100 lbs Pi7.UU Swansdown Cake Flour, J-Op per pkg rlix Sanitary Cash & Carry Grocery 46 North First Avenue BAD STOCK IT SO AS WERE REPORTED That livestock conditions are not as bad in the west as many stockmen have been led to believe and as stock buyers would like to have them be lieve, is the opinion of Secretary Stephens of the livestock sanitary board. Prices of beef cattle, he says, are ridiculously low. much lower than actual conditions warrant. Stock -growers have been told by buyers for the large packing houses, especially those of the Pacific coast, that there is a plethora of beef cattle, when, as a matter of fact, there is a shortage. This propaganda has enabled them to make purchases at ruinously low prices. He instanced a recent sale of fat steers at $7.10, a.t a loss to the seller ot not less than J25 a head. There Is. said Mr. Stephens, much more feed in the country than is gen erally supposed to be and there will be more in consequence of the tem porary lull of activity in the mining camps. There will shortly be much more pasturage in the valleys. Range conditions, he said, have been exaggerated. While the desert ranges are below par In consequence of the belated rains, the mountain ranges are in very good shape. The scrub leaves are coming out and are furnishing good browsing. Word received at the office of the livestock board yesterday indicated that the rain of yesterday was quite general throughout the state. Flag staff reported a heavy fall of wet snow. It was raining at Globe and Jerome. reduction of profit on each single sale; but advertising has increased the rapid frequence of sales to a point at which the merchant gets a rea sonable return on his investment, yet at prices so low that the man in the street is at last realizing that his dol lar is again approaching 100 cents In value. "This should kill once and for all the silly and obsolete argument that advertising is expensive and an ex travagance. It is either. It is the most beneficent Influence In modern trade. It is good for those who write, those who sell and those who read advertisements. It is a strong, staunch pillar of modern economy." GAMEWELL ALARM SYSTEM TO BE ASKED BY CHIEF OF POLICE Convinced that the Phoenix police department is greatly handicapped by lack of modern equipment. Chief of Police Brisbols announced yester day that he intends to ask that an appropriation of $10,000 for a Game well alarm system be included in the city budget which will be made up July 1. "Without an adequate alarm sys tem it Is impossible to keep in close touch with patrolmen on beats." the chief declared. He expressed himself as very much in favor of patrol methods used by the police depart, ment at San Diego, Calif., where two motorcycle policemen remain on duty at headquarters to answer all calls from outlying districts. This ar rangement gives two men to handle every arrest, and in case a prisoner is tractable, the patrolman In the case can turn his man over to the motorcycle officer and continue on his beat. Other immediate needs of the local department as outlined by the chief yesterday include a combined am bulance and patrol wagon, an emer gency hospital and a new jail. Ha said that although these things could not be expected very soon, plans for their future adoption were being made. Referring - to the need for a new jail, the chief said that the Phoenix jail now is housing more prisoners than were confined in the jail at San Diego when he visited it about a week ago. He also drew a compari son between the jail at San Diego where meals are prepared for the prisoners at a cost of 10 cents a per son, with the meals served prisoners here under contract at 25 cents each. In connection with the identifica tion bureau which has met with the approval of Mayor Plunkett and al ready is under process of establish ment here. Chief Brisbois said he contemplated adding a professional photographer to the force. "Agreeing that photographic work can be done outside the department at a lower cost, there are other phases of this work to be consid ered," the chief said. "We may sub mit a negative to an outside photo grapher who finds a personal interest in the subject. There is no way we can hold him responsible for the suc cessful development of that nega tive." The Importance of photographs was emphasized by the chief by the declaration: "Picking up a criminal is the easiest part. The real work in a modern police department is done In the identification bureau.' To illustrate, he showed how crimi nal records were kept in the depart ment at Berkeley, Calif. Every com plaint there Is recorded In detail Notation is made bf whether the per son attacked was an agent, profes sional man, paymaster or engaged lr other occupation, also in case of b glary whether the place entered wae residence, bank, depot or other busi ness building, church or school. Then the method of attack or entrance Is minutely decribed and also the weapon used or tools used. Explaining that most criminals worked along peculiarly character istic lines, the chief showed how such a record would immediately identifv a paroled convict who returned to his old habits. "It fingerprints are left 'on the Job.' complete identification can be made by comparing them with fin gerprints on file in the bureau," the chief explained. worn is being rusned on the new record room at headquarters. The finishing coat of paint was added ves- terday and the installation of filing equipment for the inauguration of a modern identification bureau prob ably will be compteted this week. MRS MID GIVEN LIQUOR I KEN AND 4 MEN ARRESTED Vast quantities of precious stones in an old Iron trunk deposited years ago in the treasury of Austria were recently brought to light by the fi nance minister, who was searching the treasury. The treasure for the most part consists of opals and other precious stones. DIAMONDS Are the best Invest ment for all time. I aell 'em. Mack Gardner 45 NORTH CENTRA!. c PROPERTY E IS AND THE DIVIDED On grounds of cruelty and desertion, Mary C. DeMund yesterday waa granted a decree of divorce from Charles E. DeMund by Judge Joseph S. Jenckes. The division of the com munity property was made by Judge Jenckes in accordance with a stipula tion filed prior to the hearing. Lnder its terms. Mrs. DeMund Is granted personal property, consisting of notes. Liberty bonds and cash, amounting to 63,000, and all of the real property or the state now stand ing In her name. Neither the value of the real property nor Its extent was given in the sitpulation. Mrs. DeMund also was granted an auto mobile, her personal effects consisting of Jewelry and clothing and all of the household effects. She was not allowed attorney fees, the cost of the suit nor alimony. Mrs. DeMund testified that In April 1920 her husband deserted her in Los Angeles where they were residing temporarily. Later in the same month, she said, two detectives in the employ of her husband attempted to take her automobile from her on the streets of Los Angeles, but were prevented by a policeman. Mrs. De Mund said she was on the point of leaving her husband several times because of his cruelty, but refrained from doing so upon his promises to do better. Mrs. Jane McGrath and Harry DeMund were the only other witnesses in the case. DeMund was not present in court and offered no testimony In defense of the suit, lie was represented by Bullard and Jacobs of Phoenix and Neill McCarty of Los Angeles. Mrs. DeMund was represented by Alexander, Christy and Baxter and Hays, Laney and Allee. Upon motion of Mrs.- DeMund's counsel, a suit for a divorce filed last October in the superior court here was dismissed by Judge Jenckes and the defendant was granted permiss ion to withdraw his answer to the suit. The hearing was had upon a second suit filed several days ago by Mrs. DeMund. An agreement has been reached be tween California oil companies and the government whereby the former will turn over titles to all oil lands in controversy. The government will lease the property and retain one eighth royalty on all' future produc tion. o For the first time since 1913, cash and securities in the national treas ury have been checked up. 90 to 125 Miles on a Gallon of Gasoline TAX ANTICIPATION BIDS ARE SIGNED The Shaw Motorbicycta A high-grade, easy running, speedy nwtorbicycle of dependable power at a saving of from a third to a half in actual money. Equipped with 2V& H-P Motor, famous Breeze carburetor, hi h tension magneto. Automatio lubrication. Chain drive. Simple, efficient control at all times. Thousands in use. Write today for prices and terms, also sbont the Sbaw Attachment nts any eld bike. ARIZONA nND NEW MEXICO Tax anticipation bonds, authorized by an act of the fifth legislature, in the amount of $1. 500,000. have been received at the office of the governor and have been signed by the state auditor and the governor. State Treasurer Earhart will leave with them for Chicago tonight, where the money is held to be placed to the credit of the state on the acceptance of the bonds. ltie state treasurer, as a precau tion, will withhold his signature until after his arrival at Chicago. The affixing of the signature will engage mm tor a day. It is not expected that there will 'e any other delay, for the validity f the bonds has been passed upon jy the attorneys of the purchasers, so that the proceeds of the bonds will be available by the latter part of the ! present week. DENIES ANY GROUND RECENT ARREST William F. Seeman, who was ar rested Saturday afternoon on tele graphic advices from Vale, Ore., by the sherifrs . office, yesterday was ordered discharged from custody by Judge Joseph S. Jenckes after a hear ing of a habeas corpus proceedings before him. The order was made upon the grounds that Seeman-was being held without a warrant. The wire from Vale stated that Seeman was wanted there on a felony war rant. Seeman had been released from custody Sunday under a bond of X500. According'to a statement made by Seeman. the charge arose from the moving by him of an automobile pur chased on contract to Phoenix from Idaho. The purchase, pe said, was made in Oregon and permission was given to move the car to Idaho. Dur ing the past five months, Seeman said, he has made the regular monthly payments on the car. making the last one after his arrival In Phoenix in the latter part of March. The car, he said, was moved from Oregon by the consent of all Involved. HEREflSPECT Developments involving the taking recently of two barrels of grain al cohol, consigned to St. Joseph's hos pital, from the Santa Fe depot and their removal by others after the al leged taker of the alcohol had buried it near Chandler, brought four men before United States Commissioner Henke Saturday afternoon. Chesley M. Ball, allias C. F. McDonald, pleaded guilty to taking the alcohol and was held to answer to the federal court. W. T. West. Ross M. Chilvers and James Marshall Tabor waived a hearing on a charge of conspiracy and taking the alcohol after it had been buried and were held to answer. All four were committed to the coun ty jail when they failed to make bonds of $2,000 each. According to the story told by the officers, the tlcohol arrived late one afternoon and disappeared that night. Ball, who had been employed by the Santa Fe In the freight house, failed to appear for work the next day, they said, and later waa arrested In Chandler by Deputy Sheriff Beck ham. The officers said they found where Ball had buried the barrels of liquor, but someone had removed them. A search was then made, the officers said, for men selling alcohol, with the result that West. Chilverf and Tabor were arrested by Deputy Marshal Fred Weage, who, according to the officers, found the barrels, dug them up and removed them to Phoe nix. One barrel had been disposed oi. the officers said, but the other was recovered. Ball is charged with breaking W depot and taking an IfWerestate shipment in violation of the act or Feb. 13,-1913. The other three are rhara-ed with taking, concealing and harboring certain goods stolen from an Interstate shipment in vlolatlo of the same act. o ATTORNEY DECLARES ARIZONA ALONE HAS RIGHT OVER LANDS That Arizona may force the secre tary of the interior and the commis sioner of the general land office to desist from disposing of public lands In this state is the gist or a com munication received yesterday by W. J. Galbraith,. attorney general, from Walter Holland, of the law offices of Benj. F. Nysewander, Washington. D. C. Holland's letter. In which he declares that a recent ruling of the United States interior department has given a precedent concerning the public lands and that he is willing to begin an injunction suit upon only a contingent fee, follows: We propose that you bring suit for your state, against the secretary of interior and commissioner of the gen eral land office In Washington, en joining them from further disposition of the public lands within the boun daries of your state. W e believe so strongly In the jus tice and success of the proposed suit that we will undertake to assist you in tbe prosecution of the suit, on a contingent basis, and take as our fee lands when and if recovered. Our proposition is made to you in view of the recent decision of the United States Interior department holding that the state of Texas has the power to make grants of public lands within its borders, not by virtue of a grant from congress but by virtue of its sovereignty as an Amer ican state, citing the fact that all. the original states have this power. The supreme court says ''To this we may add that the constitutional equality of the states is. essential to the harmonious operation of the scheme upon which the republic was organized. When the equality dis appears we may remain a free peo ple, but the union will not be the union of te constitution." Coyle vs. Smith. 221 U. S. 559. Surely you will not stand Idle, when other states are claiming their equality with the original states. The original states and Texas, are now actively using this power, and the federal government is without power to make grants of public lands, with in the boundaries of states, as that is a state power and function. The power of disposition by the govern ment is only to dispose of "territory and other proDertv of the TTnitoH ("States" and when congress disposes ui ifuerci territory by making it a state it clothes the new state with all the power of original states, this power carries the land granting puwer. ininK it over. Furnished house for rent, good for two iamiues. iew plaster inside. newiy rurnisnen. jo sick. Lease for six months. 801, N. Second street. aov. n o A French explorer believes he has found signs of a great river that once iiowea across the Sahara desert. SARATOGA CAFE Has Reduced Prices To a "Pre-War" Basis We Specialize In Steaks, Chops and Sea Foods Try Our Merchant's Lunch Our Service Is Unexcelled Open Until 1 a. m. Ill WEST WASHINGTON ST. 1 66 Protection! 99 A tin box is too often the cause of sad thoughts after its contents have been car ried off or destroyed by fire. It is very often the only protection given important documents or valuable securities. A very small rental will provide you with a Safety Deposit Box in our modern safe deposit vault absolute protection against theft, fire and water. You can get as large or as small a box as your needs require at a com mensurate cost. Come in and reserve yours today. Affiliated with Phoenix National Bank SAVINGS THUSTS mSDRANCE The Convenience Of Our Office In locating our offices in the Balke Building at the corner of First Avenue and Adams Street, we did so for the express purposel of getting a central location, easy of access ji r - nnf;nfn f Vinf nn matter f rnm W 1 XUl UUl pHCJ.lU5 OU UMli what part of the Valley they came, it would be most convenient for them to visit our offices. ' No one likes to wait, and for that reason we urge our patients to call 1297 and make an pnomorpmPTit so that thev can get right into the operator's chair and have the work done without delay. Our practice includes X-Ray examina tions and all of the treatments indicated by advanced methods in the science of dental surgery. DOCTORS B. C. SMATHERS and H. B. NALL DENTAL SURGEONS Balk Building, First Ave. and Adami Entrance, 119 North First Ava, Th Friend of Your Teeth' Phona 129 SALVATION 1 Y Phoenix, Arix. nND NEW SALES CO. 204 Monihon Bldg. Phone 4007 An act ' providing for drainage of ! lands of the five civilized tribes of ; Oklahoma Indians has boen vetoed 1 by the president who informed con gress that he believed the measure would reduce the number of safe guards thrown around, the Indians' Diocerty. Colonel and Mrs. Turner, the chief secretaries of the Western territory of the Salvation Army, are paying; a visit to Phoenix In the Interest of the Salvation Army work here and will inspect the different properties and institutions and make plans and sug gestions for the progress and ad vancement of the good work which the army is engaged in in this city. Colonel Turrer is second in com mand of this territory and is a man of wide experience in dealing with the problems of the different depart ments of the army v.ork. The colonel will give an address at the Salvation Army meeting on Wed nesday evening, April 6. Brigadier C. IL Boyd also is ac companying the colonel and will be present at the meeting. There will be an open-air service at 7 p. m., Wednesday evening conduct ed by the colonel at Washington street and Central avenue. The in side meeting will commence at Sj o'clock. All are cordially invited to j hear these distinguished officers. Commandant and Mrs. Westacott, j officers in charge. i The Detroit and Cleveland Naviga tion company have discontinued Lake Huron service during 1921 because of burdens imposed upon the company by the La. Follette seaman's act. Attention Water Users Tuesday, April 5th, 1921 Election of Governor and Member of Council in each of the ten Council districts. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Your zanjero or neigh bor will tell you location of your polling place. It is the duty of every Farm Bureau member to vote and to influence his non-member neigh bor to vote. A heavy vote encourages honest, efficient management Maricopa County Farm Bureau FRED TAIT, Chairman