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PAGE FOUR THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1921. B. E. at c U s Jl' en lal i sc! v di? T 3 Se f Ea 1 act C Ea 1 Se I Ink th lr ri' w is wi Pi 9 i THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PHOKNIX, ARIZONA Published Every Morning 7 th ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPANY Ester at the Postofflce at Phoenix. Alisons, U VkS Matter of th Second Claaa President and Publisher Dwlght B. Heard Oenarai Manager Charles A. Btauffer Business Manager W. W. Knoro Bdltor J. W. Spear News Bdltor K. A. Toua BUBSCKTPTION RATES IN ADVANCE) Daily and Sunday OUTSIDE) STATE OF ARIZONA On year lie.! moa,. .7I; t mot., $3.50; 1 mo, xs Arizona bt mail or carrier On year. f moa , $4.00: t moa.. 12.00; 1 mo., 75c SUNT) AT 4DITION by mall only . Pr ysar DL- ylOOt Prlvat Brsneh Exchange "One tOO l Connecting All Departments Gsneral Advertising Represen tad-res: Robert M. Waid, Bruniwlck Bid.. New York. Mailers Bids-., Chicago: W. R. Barranger. Examiner Bide Ban Franctsc. Post Intelligencer' Bids.. Seattle, Title Insurano Bide, Los Angeles.', MEMBERS OP" THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Receiving Full Night Report, by Leased Wire) Th Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the as for re-publication of all -news; dispatches credited t It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. AO rights of re-publication .f special dispatches hsrela are also reserved. TUESDAY MORNTNG, APRIL S, 1921. Tlie laws of conscience which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom. Montaigne Ameriosn Taxpayer in Mexico There Is another beside a legal question involved , In' tbe cases of American citizens In Mexico who are resisting payment of taxes on incomes derived and expended In that country, according to a dispatch received yesterday. People pay taxes for the support of their government, chiefly for the protection it affords them, the security it offers for life and prop eAy and its guaranties of their well-being. These things arc not to be had for nothing. The American residents in Mexico may rightfully claim that during the past eight years they have not had this protection and these guaranties, and that, therefore, they should pay nothing for goods which have not b-en delivered to them. Taxes, though, are not paid for past benefits, but in expectation of future benefits, much as insurance premiums are paid, so that these American citizens are now asked to pay for guaranties of the protection which their government will afford them in Mexico, or wherever else they may be in a country with which ours has exchanged mutual guaranties of protection of the citizens of each. . An American citizen could not reasonably expect th protection of his country while remaining in an enemy country. Nor could he expect It while residing in a country with which his country had no exchange of mutual guaranties. A citizen so situated has tem porarily placed himself beyond the protection of his country. It owes him nothing and fca owes it nothing but his allegiance, which he may throw off at any. time by tbe trocess of naturalization. The Mexican revolution, beginning in 1911, found many American citizens in that country. They were there under guaranties of protection given in a treaty between the two countries. Theoretically, they were as safe ihere as they would have been at home. They had the protection of the Mexican laws as far as the govett-ment was able to enforce them. They could not always be guaranteed against banditry; and assassination, for In this country the government cannot absolutely guarantee Us citizens. , But a time came when our government not only ceased to demand protection for Its citizens, but Mr. Bryan, as secretary of state, formally withdrew all pretense of claims for their protection, especially of those who were possessed of wealth, and thus adver tised to the various Mexican factions that the "open season" for rich Americans had come. Therelore, rich Americans who have survived the last eight years feel that they are under no obligation to their government. They have come into a reason able degree of security under Mexican laws as they are administered by the Obregon government. They have had no trouble under the present regime, ante dating by come months the Harding administration. They therefore feel that whatever they owe for the security they now enjoy they owe to the Mexican government. .: . In another dispatch appearing yesterday, the Mexican government, according to a statement by President Obregon on Sunday, proposes to strengthen its guarantees of protection: Absolute observance of laws imparting complete guaranties to the lives and interests of nationals and foreigners is the motif of the government. There also is frank hospitality toward all business men. A decree has been issued extending terms - fixed for the admission of claims for damages caused during the revolution, and a law regu lating these claims is about to be published. Restitution of all properties which have been seized by former governments is about to be completed. There also will be sent to congress shortly , a bill destined to grant greater guaranties to national and foreigners against transgressions of those who, under the name of rebels, com mit outrages. It is to be observed that what Mexico has .ac complished within the last eight months it has accom plished alone, entirely from within. "Whether its work will bt permanent is yet to be demonstrated. It Is unsupported yet by our government. There is no relation between the United States and Mexico, such as recognition by the former would establish. Perhaps if our government would extend this recognition and thus put itself in a position to guarantee the well- being of Americans in Mexico, our citizens there would be less hesitant to resume their duties as citi zens and taxpayers. The Canadian Monetary Times, in an investigation touching the Issue came to the conclusion recently that the war prosierity of that country did not rep resent a normal increase in the trade, but an actual decline when allowance was made for the changing standards of value. Paper profits the world over have doubtless con tributed their quota to the world-wide depression through which the country is now passing. Citizens in every country committed themselves to various forms of expenditure when trade conditions were not what tney appeared tobe. That is the reason so much difficulty is now being experienced in finding funds with which to meet general running expenses in many lines of business. The fluctuating and deceptive character of monetary standards is now practically presented to the entire world in a way not soon to be forgotten. NEEDED AN UMBRELLA! Checks and Deposits The Republican has received thja communication: Editor of The Republican: The cards, "We Deposit Every Day, Every Dollar We Take In," etc., are all right, but now that the crisis is, past I would suggest the "We cash no checks" signs be taken down. They "don't look good," and we can use judgment the same as in the past. If a man who writes a check has a checking account, his check is as good as it was a year ago. These signs cast a bad reflection, so let's re move them. ' T. J. SIMONDS. The doctrine of a common sauce for the goose and gander appears to be set out In the foregoing. But we should take into account the reason why the "We Cash No Checks" signs were put up. Many of them were, in. fact, up years ago, and, of course, had no relation to any recent financial situation. They contained no imputation against the stability of any institution, but they expressed, rather, a suspicion of tbe financial integrity of the drawers of checks. That, of course, was too sweeping a suspicion. It was proper for the man who displayed the sign to guard himself against the forged or fictitious check uttered with the sole purpose to defraud; or against the check offered by a man who had no intention of eventually defrauding, but who intended to make it good, though it was not already good. There was such a large number of checks of the latter class issued some three months ago that many found it advisable to exhibit such signs because the task if ascertaining the character of so many checks was too great. As a temporary expedient, the sign a-as excusable. But in ordinary conditions it is not. Payment by check has become so much a business practice because of its convenience that those to whom it is Offered should accept the duty of ascertaining in doubtful cases whether or not a check so offered is good. That may be some trouble In many cases, but in our dealings with our neighbors and the public we are expected at times to put ourselves slightly out ol our v.ay. The former kaiser claims that he originated the idea of a league of nations. But his idea was to force everyone into his league at the point of the bayonet and keep them there in chains. Dr. Earvey V. Wiley, pure food expert, says that beer is without medicinal value. Somebody is always taking th joy out of 'life. It appears that beer Is now medicine in Ohio, but tiot ln -Michigan. That news will probably complete the evacuation of Detroit. Chicago, Is a more religious town than anybady has be.-n imagining. Its religious daily newsoiper lasted for sixty-six issues. ' "LITRACHURE" "The class will please take their readers and turn to page 43. John, what is the subject of the story on that page? "Now, stand up and read .till I tell you to stop; stand up straight, please, and hold your book in your right hand. Speak clearly hold your head up. There that's the first sentence; now tell us what mood the verb is in. What is the rule for the sub junctive mood? Can't anybody remember that? Why, we had it just day before yesterday. I will write on the board; for that is something you must know before you go On to the next grade." She writes: The subjunctive mood is used in a subordinate proposition when both contingency and futurity are expressed, or when the contrary fact is implied. The children look at it somewhat as a puppy looks at the house cat with its back arched and tail inflated: they look at it reproachfully, and turn away sadly. "Now, go on reading, please. "There, stop there. Caroline, what would you say was the particular feature of this story as far as we have gone?" Caroline says, "Well, I should call it sad or I don't know I don't care much about it." "Oh, that's not what J mean," says the teacher, "I mean its literary feature. Don't you think it Is the way the adjectives are used? Hugo had a great reputation in his day for adjectives. He eeemed to know more of them than anybody else, and this is an excellent example of his style. "And don't you notice, too, how short his sen tences are? Now, why did he use such short sen tences? Why every author has his style, and Hugo chose this as his because he liked it. I was always sorry he did, for it makes his writings so jerky. "Do you know anything else that Hugo wrote besides this piece we are reading?" Nobody know, (nd there was every chance that nobody ever would know. They would always read pieces rarely books, for they were trained to read pieces. Edward Yeomans in the Atlantic Monthly. Paper Profits The unreliability of comparative statistics in the face of the recent depreciation in the value of money is hoft'here better illustrated than in the recent report of the British tariff commission. Its investigation was undertaken to ascertain the reasons for trade depres sion in England, notwithstanding what was believed to be a normal increase in foreign trade. Statistics cf exports for the first year following tho armistice showed increases as measured in pounds starling in excess of 50 per cent over the year 1913, which were Interpreted as indicating a tremendous trade revival that threatened the markets of the entire world. Reduced, however, to the values of 1913, the tariff commission finds that England suffered an actual decline from the level o fl913 of more than 40 per cent. Application o fthe same principle to the trade of the United t-iates would doubtless reveal much the same situation as regards the post-war increases of trade. In fact, much of the prosperity that attached to that period is now recognized as a paper prosperity that had no foundation when measured in volumes C? goods. NAVAL HOLIDAYS This is not the first time in recent history that the air has been filled with talk about a "naval holi day." On the last occasion, in 1913, just ten months before the outbreak of the great war, Winston Churchill, in his capacity as head of the British Admiralty, delivered a aspeech on the naval strength of the European powers in which he said: "You will remember the proposals which I made in introducing the navy estimates of this year for what has been called a 'naval holiday.' .... Our relations with Germany have greatly improved without the loss of our friendships with other coun tries. The moment, therefore, is not unfavorable for taking up the friendly reference to the question of a naval holiday which is to be found in the Ger man Chancellor's speech Now we say, while there is plenty of time, in all friendship and sincerity to our great neighbor Germany: 'If you will put off beginning your two ships for twelve months from the ordinary date when you would have begun them, we will put off beginning our four ships, in absolute good faith, for exactly the same period." That would mean that there would be a complete holiday for one year so far as big ships are concerned between Great Britain and Germany. There would be a saving, spread over three years, of nearly $6,000,000 to this ;ountry, and the relative strength of the two countries would be unchanged. The Freeman. CUBAN NOTE "I presume there is considerably more humidity in Cuba than there is here," remarked the Stay-at-Home. "No," replied the Returned Traveler, judicially, "I can't say there is any more of it, but the prices are lower." Are We Responsible for Bad Thoughts? BY DR. FRANK CRANE tCopyright. 1921. by Frank Crane) AN ALASKAN PARK BY FREDERIC J. HASKIN .. WASHINGTON, April 4. The work of surveying the boundaries of Mount McKinley national park, which is said to be the most remarkable of all the areas which the United-States government has set aside for the pur poses of conservation and public pleasure, is to begin this spring. These boundaries will enclose a great area of primitive wilderness, teeming with game, in which it will be unlaw ful to kill that game except for min ers and prospectors who are actually dependent upon it for a living. It is hard at present to arouse pop ular interest in a national park in Alaska because it seems so far away. Yet the new government railroad in Alaska will bring Mount McKinley within three weeks of New York city, and you can travel all the way, ex cept the last 20 miles, by boat and rail. This means that Mount Mc Kinley will be no harder for the tour ist to reach than is Hawaii, which in recent years has attained such wide popularity. It will soon be possible to go, on a summer vacation of a few months, from the most populous city in the world to one of its most remote places, where wild life exists i in the abundance of pre-Columbian days. This is an opportunity which the American tourist will not miss. It is said that plans are already un der way for a big hotel there to ac commodate him. It is probable, too. that the national park service will in due course install there the shelters for travelers which it has in other parks. Here, as in all national parks and forests, everything will be open to all. If you cannot afford a hotel, you can take your own outnt and camp, or build your own cabin if you want to stay longer. It is the prospect of this movement of tourists to Alaska which has prompted the government to set aside Mount McKinley as a national park. The prime purpose in creating the park is to protect the big game herds within it, and the reason for this is that game is an absolute necessity to the development of Alaska, The ex ploring, prospecting and surveying which are the necessary preliminaries of civilization n such a country, can not be carried on unless can can live off the country as they go along. Our own West could Jiot have been opened up without the great herds of bison and antelope that covered the nrairles and the deer and elk that abounded in the mountains. No pro tection was ever afforded these wild herds, but they were not finally de stroyed until they had served their purpose. The West was so far from civilization that it was not menaced by tourists. Conditions in Alsska The case of Alaska is different. It Is ranidly being made accessible to the clvilzatlon which owns it. If sportsmen and tourists are allowed to slaughter the game, soon there will be none left for the men who ac tually need it. The Alaskans are said fully to realize this and therefore to favor the establishment or me park. By preventing the shipment of game from it, and the carrying of arms into it by tourists, the game can without much expense be given all the pro tection it will need for years to come, The region will In this way serve as a reservoir from which game will over flow in all directions, keeping the country stocked. The northern slope of Mount Mc Kinley is said to be one of the finest game regions in the world. A great varietv of game and fur-bearing ani mals exist there in abundance, but the most valuable ones from the standpoint of food supply are the mountain sheep, or bighorn, the moose and the caribou. The moun tain shep, which is elsewhere a rare animal, here exists in great numbers. The caribou rang ein enormous herds that are so tame they trot alongside the pack trains that enter the coun try, fascinated by the curious spec tacle. Moose are found on the lower slopes in great abundance. There are many bears and abundant small game. All of this Is on the northern slope for the southern side is almost devoid of life. This curious state of affairs is caused by the fact that the north ern slope of the great mountain Is warmer by winds blowing off th Japanese current. As a result it has a warm summer. In winter the ther mometer sometimes drops far below zero, but the snow is not very deep nor the climate difficult to endure. "We are accustomed to think winter there is cold," said Charles Sclden who spent a whole year alone on Mount McKinley. "Winter is the most delightful season of the year." He went on to say that he did not suffer from the cold even on the cold est days, and that he wore no more clothing than he would have in winter In the Adirondack mountains. W in ter, be fcays. is the best time for trav eling over the mountain because then the ground is frozen and the footing is good. In the summer there are many bogs and marches. Qualifications as a Park Sits This northern slope is described as one of the most beautiful regions in the world, rich in animal life, full of wild flowers, healthful all the year round. The southern slope Is a vast rock slide where almost nothing can live, covered in winter with snow which sometimes reaches a depth of 60 feet. Mount McKinley Is said, by those who have, seen it to be the most spec tavular peak in the world. It rises in a great dome, crowned with glittering ice and snow, to an elevation of 17,000 feet, and is flanked by smaller moun tains 14,000 to 15,000 feet high. A few hunters and a few prospectors, most of whom work on placer gold de posits, are the only human beings in the vast wilderness. Although It Is rich in minerals it is said that no mining industries have yet been es tablished within the park boundaries The establishment of the park will not in any way interefere with min ing and prospecting. It will, how ever, prevent private individuals from getting hold of tbe land and control! lng It. It means that this region will be free to all Americans for all time. This freedom is perhaps the great est boon which is conferred by our whole system of national parks and forests and it is one that will be ap predated more and more as time goes on. The pity Is that national parws and fortsts were not also established in the East before all of its wild lands fell into private hands. There are, of course, a few state, and national parks in the East, but not nearly enough Reasons for Park Reservation These national parks and forests in the West mean that there are great areas of beautiful country which will never be devastated, and where any man may roam, hunt, fish, camp or build his own cabin. What this is worth in health and pleasure the people of the Rocky Mountain States well know. What is equally Import ant, though perhaps not so generally recognized, is the mental value of physical freedom. A man who has wandered freely in the great out doors, building his campfire wherever he pleases, enjoying the sense of free dom, of escape from worry and of physical well belnv vhtch springs from such a life, is always a man with a fine sense of his individual liberty. . . All of the men na. founded the American state, and who insisted so strongly upon the value of individual liberty, were men of the great out doors. . Patrick Henry and George Washington were both hunters and lovers of the wilderness. They had a feeling for personal liberty which sprang from the constant enjoyment of it. It Is in great cities, with their crowds, their "don't" signs their policemen on every hand that a man loses his sense of personal liberty and becomes a little cog. Liberty lives outdoors, and individuality ex pands when you take the crowd pressure off it o - - a We are not responsible for our mere thoughts. A deal of useless but very real suffering would Jie saved if we only realized this. mL. In a way, we may be responsible, indirectly, for we may be to blame for conditions that present thoughts. but even then it is not accurate to say that guilt lies in suggestion. , . All responsibility lies in the Will, and there alone. For that is the only part of us that is absolutely free. You can will what you please. You cannot think as you please, nor want what you please, although vnu may control thought and desire to some extent byvt direction. A good, wholesome and helpful book is Andre Tri don's "Psychoanalysis, Sleep and Dreams," for it is clear, sound sense on a subject that is full of mor bidity to many people. "The first requisite for a normal mental life," he says, "is the acceptance of all biological facts. Biology is ignorant of delicacy." If we have lewd or murderous cravings, they are ours, of course, but ours as our hands and feet are ours; we are not responsible for them. They are like as not an inheritance from some cave man ancestor, and we are to be blamed for them no more than we are to be blamed for red hair or a club foot. Many a person, especially many a youth in the teens," has suffered intense humiliation from his dreams. They seem to him to prove that he is base and gross. Unfortunately, if he believes this it is likely to lower his self-respect, and to lead him to wrong deeds. For nothing is more provocative of crime than for one to fancy he is naturally criminal. What the youth needs, to combat this despair, is not so much spiritual excitement and struggle, prayer and fasting, as it is clear, scientific truth. That truth is that any suggestion, good or bad, beau tiful or filthy, angelic or beastly, is liable to come to us out of the abyss of our personality, and we are not to blame for it any more than if it had been presented to us by another person, but are guilty only when we; harbor, coddle, dally with, and yield to unworthy promptings. . .': The did belief in a personal devil, not ourselves, but1 our enemy, who urges us to evil, and whom we are to resist, was psychologically more correct than to be : lieve that we are guilty of thoughts which are ours, but not of our own making. , " ' Q- Questions And Answers a (Any reader can get the answer to ! any question by writing The Repub lican Information Bureau, Frederic i J. Haskin, Director, Washington, D. C. 'This offer applies strictly to in-I foiftrfon. The bureau cannot give advice on legal, medical, or financial THE ONCE OVEi U. By H. I. PHILLIPS il T" INTRODUCING SPRING FEVER RUPPERTS EMULSION DR. PALMER'S extreme swelling of the thirst PREPARATIONS -Adults matters. It does not attempt to settle I ?ry for it. Put-up m fluart cans See How Those Pets of Pulchritude Dress Up' Your Monthly Mental Food! Read Frances Boardman's Ssucy Rhymes On Fads and Fancies of the Times Ticket seller savs coolest seat in the theater in Z row. Observe the Current Magazine, Purveyor to the Public Bean! See how its Cover aims to vex the Members of the Weaker Sex by proving that they cannot hope, though armed with Powder, Paint, and Soap, to seem a thing but Crass and Crude beside the Pets of Pulchritude which represent Jlc Meinial Tasks. In vain they imitate the Masks which Clarence Underwood, craft frames to beautify his News-Stand Dames. Sometimes, when Leyenileckerates, it is the Males who Curse their Fates, and wish their Tailors knew the Trick of making Men look Thin, though Thick; while Penrhyn Stanlawsuits would pend if Anybody should pretend that Duplica tion of his Sprites were possible to Neophytes. So much for Externalities. The Palpable Realities are found where Those who Advertise are slipping Words unto the Wise. And as for what lies in between the literary Stuff, I mean don't l"'t that worry you a I.ot. If any of it has a Plot you'll get it, blatant, though unheard, when it's been Cinemassaered. domestic troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive research on any subject. Write your question plainly and briefly. Give full name and address and enclose two cents in stamps for return postage. All replies are sent direct to the inquirer.) Q. Please give me th names of ststes which hsv ordinances agsinst the us of exhaust whistles on motor vehicles. C. C. S. A. The American Automobile as sociation says that practically all states prohibit the use of anything on automobiles that makes noise except a sound of warning. All cars should be equipped with mufflers. Q. Sines Hoyl has been dead for a century, why do we still ssy "ac cording to Hoyle?" Haven't rules for csrd gsmes changed sincsT R, A. A. The word "Hoyle" has come .to stand as an abbreviation for "En cyclopedia of Indoor Games." "Played according to Hoyle" simply means "correctly played." or "accord ing to established rules." The orig inal book of Edmund Hoyle was the first attempt to collect in one volume the rules of popular indoor games. This collection has been added to and changed, but many people have the delusion that Hoyle wrote about games such as pinochle and poker, which in reality he aever knew. Q. Has th mayor of a city any authority to call out th state mili tia? F. F. A. The war department says that the state adjutant general in the capital of each state Is the only one. aside from the governor of the state. who has the right to call out the state militia. Q. Please explain the provision of tho postal law regarding th return to the postal service of ex-service men. M. B. M. A. The postofflce department says that a man who has been In the service of the army and has been a regular postal employe receiving leas than $1,800, can get Credit for the number of years he has served in the military or naval service. When he returns to the postal service after being in military service promotion will go on automatically just as though he had been serving that time in the postoffice department. . .Q. What should silver be packed in to prevent tarnishing? J. H. A. We suggest that you wrap the silver in canton flannel. The jewel ers n. rf, I prs .1 r .rAin I'intnn flannel, but never white, becausw tno chemical that has bleached the white canton flannel often causes the silver to darken. If the drawer, chest or bag where the silver Is stored con tains a few pieces of gum camphor, the tarnish will not form so soon. Q. Which is th greatest river in the world? L. C. M. A. The Amazon is the greatest river in the world, being said to con tain cne-tenth of all the running water on the globe. Q. In what country was golf first played? F. J. H. A. The.-e is much evidence to show that this game is of Dutch origin. From a royal letter of James VI of Scotland (James I of England) who forbade Pve importation from Holland of the balls and clubs used in the game, and from pictorial rep resentation of the game which are chiefly Dutch, the evidence Is in sup port of the above assumption. It was introduced into Scotland before the middle of the lith century. Q. How may oil paintings be cleansed? I. W. T. A. To clean an oil painting, wash ! the surface gently with clear, warm water, usinu a soft cloth or fitj sponge, let drv, and rub gently Witt ! a soft flannel oloth I pure olive oil. The i I accumulated i and the oil a None genuine without the Blue Rib bon trademark. Take as much as you can stand every hour. BUDWEISER CAPSULES Accept No Substitute! Will Positively Cure That Tired Feeling.. No Horn Should Be Without Them, (One Beer Opener With Each Capsule.) TRY OUR FAMOUS PILSENEK PILLS For That Fag Feeling. Di rections: Drop one pill in a growler of water and let it come to a head. Pour into steins and serve before or after eating. Or without any refer ence to eating, for that matter. BOCK-EOO-OIL The Cure or tne Century. Can Be Taken Externally, Internally, or Eternally. Directions for internal use: Rub on the inside of a pitcher until the pitcher is full: then empty the pitcher until the pa tient is full. For externals use: Rub on the arms; then wring out the arms over a beer glass and serve. OLD DR. BREWER'S NUXATED ALE Has "That Agreeable Taste." Gives Tou That "I Don't Care" Feel ing So Essential to Good Health and Happiness! Makes the Blooa Kea orM the Taste Dark Brown! Ask Tour Doctor for a Half Dozen Bottles Today! On Sale at All Drug Stores. Read These Testimonials Seth Souse, 235 Yeast Thirteenth street. Manhattan, retired foam flick er, says: "Ever since Jan. 1, 1920, I have suffered from dryness of the throat dandruff on the tongue, and MM Send health questions to Informa tion Editor, U. S. Public Health Ser vice, Washington, D. C. Give name and address and you'll receive a per sonal reply. Catarrh How does catarrh of the throat or head affect a person? The term "catarrh" is so loosely used that It is not possible to give any satisfactory answer to this ques tion. It all depends on the form of catarrh present. friend of mine recommended ' Dr. i Brewer's Nuxated Ale. I took a doreri"' bottles the first day and can now trim three cops without effort. I wouldn't be without a case in my bedroom." LYDIA DRINKEM-S FAMOUS PINK STILLS FOR "PAIL" PEO PLE. These "Stills" Come DetachnS But Can Be Set Up In Any Sickrf"wVt.7 Ask the Man Who Owns One. Book- let On Request. ,s DR. HAIO'S SCOTCHOLA-OLA. A Beverage That Builds You Up. Not Disagreeable to Take. Relief Guaran teed With the First Application. Comes in Pint and Half Pint Bot tles. All Druggists Give a Refund ( Upon the Return of Empties. DEWARS GIN-WAFERS They Make Sickness a Pleasure! Look for, the Genuine Label on Every Wafer! Each wafer positively cooked in bond, t Directions: One wafer to equal pirts of orange Juice, Vermouth and siupirj-.i shake well, strain, and take fire evjr hour. Repeat dose between pert Xs of unconsciousness. Recommendation Listen to Col. Slocfizz of 234 Nightcourt avenue. Inebriateville, " Kentucky: "It gives me great pleas ure to recommend your t afers. I have not known a depressed day since starting to take them. Before hear ing of your wonderful medicine I was morose, retiring, and inclined to- , ward melancholia. My friends avoided me. I opened a box of wafers at a social gathering the other day and my -list of friends has been on the in crease ever since. I am chipper, fes- t tive, and almost hilarious. Speed the day when jou will make the wafers larger. More power to 'em." OLD DR. TAYLOR'S ELIXIR OK GREEN IUVER. Guaranteed to grow satisfaction on a bald thirst. Put up . in case lots by all leading physicians. Ask vonr doctor for a sample quart. SMITH BROTHERS ROCK-AND-RYK DROPS. Put One in the Mouth at Bed Time and Let it Dissolve on the Tongue. Cure that Cold. TRY OUR NEVER-FAIL CORN' LIQUOR PLASTERS. Heat one and apply to the thirst until relieved. When the plaster loses its taste re turn "it and have It reflavored at our Kentucky laboratory. (N. B. Booklet on request. Get our other remedies.) ' Tuberculosis Can tuberculosis be cured, and. if so, why are there so many deaths from it? There Is no specific medicine which will cure tuberculosis, but if the pa tients take treatment early, and especially if they can afford to do the things necessary, a large propor tion of them recover. The essen tials of treatment are rest, fresh air and good food . Milk for Children I live in a small town and the milk sold here is not pasteurized. Would you advise drinking it raw? I have three young children and the nurse said I should pasteurize the milk. You ought not to give the children raw milk. Instead of pasteurizing It. you can easily put it on the fire, and bring it to a boil. Do not let it boil for more than a few seconds, and then place it at once in a oool place. Carbon Monoxide Please tell me if living continually where the gas and smoke of auto mobile exhaust is in the air has any effect on a person's health. The exhaust from an internal com bustion engine, the type of engine used in automobiles, contains consid erable amounts of carbon monoxid". Inhalation of this gas. efecially when in a confined place, is dangr. moistened with oils and mav be fatal. The constant . liter softens the ! inha la tion of carbon monoxide yives smoke, dust, and dirt rise to heads' he. anemia and oilier sists in wiping it away. ' symptoms of chronic poisoning. I oersi i anner i Th less said the soonest mended Th 'kids that used V be too laxy t practice their pianna lessons no-v fuss with each other as " who wiil put on a fresh record and go t' th trouble of wind in th' machine.