OCR Interpretation

Arizona republican. [volume] (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, April 13, 1921, Section Two, Image 23

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020558/1921-04-13/ed-1/seq-23/

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(Section Two)
Steele, Fred Z.. A Jo.
Steele. J. i 1412 w. Folk St,
Steele. Thomas Edward, 2115 Ash
St., Butte, Mont.
Storm, George W McNeal.
Stroek, Aaron J, 1907 W. Jackson
. St., Phoenix.
Teran, Francisco, 411 S. 4th St.,
Thomas, William E.. 2825 N. Cen
ter St., Phoenix.
V Towers. Mrs. Jay, 1701 E. Van Bu
ren, Phoenix.
Wllky, W. H., 623 E. Van Buren St,
Williams, Mrs. H. R., Prescott.
Williams, John S. Sr., Douglas.
,. Williams, William Mill. Box 1568,
Zent, Mr. FUen, Pox 394. Ray.
Ailken. J. M.. Phoenix.
Burr-nob. I.. Nogales.
Crardell. M-s. M. M.. Gilbert.
Hnrtwn. T ura M.. 842 N. 6th Ave,
Haaer. D. M, R. P. D. No. 2. Phoe
Hx. Keddinton. Mrs. F. H, 297 N.
Church St, Tucson.
Ketcherside. J. F 805 S. Central,
' Phoenix. -
Lovett. Mrs. Carman M, Phoenix.
Martin. D. D, 135 E. Van Buren St,
Pentland, A. W, 243 N. Pleasant
St.. Prescott.
Wager, Victor J, Nogales.
36 Years In Arizona
Adams, James. Cushion.
Allen, Helen H, 1139 E. Monroe,
" Phoenix.
u- Allen, Sonora, Thatcher.
Anderson. R. A, Yuma.
Arbunkle. Angus W, Warren.
j. Barton, James S, 130 E. Monroe,
Bickle, Tj. A, Douglas.
Birchett Joseph T Tempe.
Birchett. John R, Tempe.
Birchett, Mrs. Martha, Tempe.
Birchett. Mrs. Martha, Tempe.
" Childers, Elmer, Stanton, via Con
Cress Junction.
Christofferson, I M, 828 Burwell
Ave, Bremerton, Wash.
Clem, William Elmer, 1310 W. Had
.. lev St, Phoenix.
" Brinkmeyer. Henry. Prescott.
-., Brostrom, Mrs. W. W, Warren.
' Brown, Earl V, 1341 E. Polk St,
Bunch. Mrs. Ellen. Box 89, Phoenix.
Byers, Sim E, 1534 W. McKinley
.St, Phoenix. ' '
Cesner, Mrs. Addie A, Tempe. R.
F. D. No. 2.
Coalter, Thomas J. 1501 W. Adams,
Coleman, Mrs. W. "W.. Superior.
Coulson, Mrs. C B, Aultman. j
. Coulson, C. B, Aultman.
Crumo. William. Laveen.
Tavia. Marv J, Box 912, Phoenix.
Davy, F. L, St. Johns. .
Dines, J. A, Tempe.
" ' Duke. Leverna. A, Thatcher.
Dunn, James R, Wickenburg.
: Dykes, John P, Box 227. Phoenix.
Farwell. Cyrus. Light-
Frier. T. C, R. F. D. No. 6, Phoe
nix. 1
Fuss, Mary A, 909 S. 3d Ave., Phoe
nix. Gibbons, J. O.. St. Johns.
Goff, Mrs. Edith Creighton, 1201 E.
Brill St, Phoenix.-
Goodwin, J. C, Tempe.
Goodwin. T. J, Tempe.
Hancock, J. L, Wilcox.
Harrington. N. A, 132S E. Monroe
Hart. C. P, 1112 W. Adams St,
,, Hart, Dr.F. J, 125 W. Monroe St,
Houston. Mrs. A. J, Tempe.
Hunsaker, J. N, Douglas.
Hunsaker. Mrs. Melissia, Mesa
Irvin. Mrs. Ada, 1109 N. 9th St,
Phoenix. . .
Jones, A. L, 321 N. th Ave. Phoe
Jones, K. F,! Douglas. . ...
Jones, W. S, Prescott.,
r Jones, W. S, 532 E. Sheldon St,
Jones. Mrs. W. S, B32 E. Sheldon
St, Prescott. j
Kellner. Sara. M, Superior.
King. Mrs. Nanna Brown, 1033 E.
Garfield St, Phoenix. ,
Lewis, Ed., Mesa. .
n, Lewis, Mrs. E.. Mesa.
Lillywhite, H. F Chandler.
Ixjveitt, May C, Phoenix.
Luhrs. Arthur C, 54 W. Wllletta
6t, Phoenix.
Mann, Mrs. T. A, R. F. D. No. 3,
Martin,' E. H. TJchton.
Martin, Jack, Pioneers' Home, Pres-
McCarty, John A, Elgin. Santa
- Cruz county.
Merrill. Mrs. Esther. Clarkdale.
.-. Merrill, Margaret, R. F. D. No. 1,
AMessinger, Blake, Parker.
Meyer, Mrs. Clara Wilky, R. F. D.
No. 1, Glendale.
Mitchell, Henry, R. F. D. No. 1,
' Tolleson.
n,- Moore, John M, Aguila.
" " " Moreno, Mrs. F. V, Douglas.
Morgan, George C, Grand Canyon.
Morse, Mrs. M. Bingham, R. F. D.
No. 4. Phoenix.
Mullenaux, Horace. R. F. D. No. 3,
i. Mullenaux, Mrs. Horace. R, F. D.
&o. S, Phoenix.
, , Neal J. D- Superior.
Neiman, T. J., 1901 E. Van Buren,
..Phoenix. ,
Nelson, Fred W.. St. Johns.
Parker, Edna V, 2400 W." Adams,
Payne, Edwin C Puttenney.
Payne, Mrs. Edwin C Putenney.
Peter, D. J 906 N. 1st St, Phoe-
""" Peterson, Mrs. H. S., Mesa.
Pinney, William I. Phoenix.
. . Powell, Sam F.. Wickenburg.
Prina, Z. C. Safford.
Putnam, Edward E., Mammoth,.
'" Rhodes. Frank, Central hotel, Phoe
nix. Ringgold. Frank M, Box 1154.
Riordnn. Michsel J Flagstaff.
Rosenberg. Magnus, Winsloiw.
Rnffner, Mrs. George C 220 S.
Cortez St., Prescott.
Shill. Llllle E R. F. D. No. 1.
Shill. R. E., R, F. D.' No. 10, Mesa.
Shirley, Frank, 16 N. 9th St, Phoe
nix. ; ...
Silva, Alex. L, R. F. D. No. 1, Glen
Stanley. Mrs. Polly, Mesa.
St Claire. Mrs. Annie M., Phoenix
St Claire. H. B., Phoenix,
Storm. Adolph. Dougles.
Stuart Charles E., 133 E. Van Bu
ren St.. Phoenix.
Thoma, Andrew J., 118 S. 1st Ave.,
Trippel, Eugene J., 49 W. Willeta
S XTj-ippel, Mrs. Eugene J., 49 W. Wil
letta St., Phoenix.
Udall, Mrs. Emma J.. Eager.
Wallace, Barto P.. 611 E. Roose
velt St.. Phoenix.
Walters, C. T., 1604 E. Washington
St.. Phoenix.
Walters, Lucy M.. Glendale.
Wieder, J. A., Highland Ave.. Phoe
. TllT
Wilhy. Emma Mosler, 523 E. Van
.' Buren. Phoenix.
Williams. Sarah E., Warren.
Williams. Perry M., 2950 N. Cen
tral Ave.. Phoenix.
Wilson, Curtis, 145 W. Monroe St
I Winsor. Mrs. George. Eager.
cl Armstrong. A. A., 740 E. Portland
Pavis. M. J-. Phoenix.
ljvton, A. A. Thatcher.
1 .nylon. H. C. That. her.
Martin, Mrs. John H.. Tucson.
Martin, John H.. Tucson.
Moore. William A.. I.aveen.
Reillv. James, 022 S. Central Ave
Statey, Aaaron A, 15 W. Washing
ton St, Phoenix.
Stroud, Mrs. Earnest E, 403 E.
Monroe, Phoenix.
Tompkins, Ida, 90 8X. 3d St, Phoe
Vance, Oscar, 2017 W. 10th St,
Chenewith, Dr. Harrv, Nogales.
Bellas, A. J, 524 N. 3rd Street,
Bellas, Mrs. A. J, 524 N. 3rd St,
Ostin, C. O, Tempe.
I'arker, Mrs. Frank H, Phoenix.
Baden, Mrs. D. A, 414 W. Buchan
an, Phoenix.
35 Years In Phoenix
Crisby, Geo. Jr., Mesa.
Kane, Mrs. Geo. W 432 E. Mon
roe, Phoenix.
Gray, Mrs. J. H, Somerton.
Norton. Mrs. Etta W.. 351 West
Portland, Phoenix.
Smoot, A, G, R. F. D. No. 3. Phoe
Brunett, Miss Blanche, 403 East
Adams. Phoenix.
Alexander, James. Mayer.
Anderson, Nils, Douglas.
Ashley, E. J, 1142 E. Culver St,
Bennett, Lyman R, 1310 W. Polk
St, Phoenix.
Benton, J. J, Douglas.
Brack, M. W, Mesa.
Chittick, Mrs. S, Box 583. Phoenix.
Britler, Clarence Sr., Mesa.
Brown, Charles M, Chandler.
Barritt, Mrs. Melissa, Mesa.
Brundage. W. H, Box 381, Mesa.
Burmister, A. J, Mayer.
Byers. Mary I, 432 E. Washington
St.. Phoenix.
Cadwell. Ralph, Douglas.
Cannon, Mrs. L. B, Congress Jet.
Cannon, L. B, Congress Jet.
Cavaness, Mrs. Matt, Wickenburg.
Compher, Luke B, Harden.
Crabb. Mrs. A. D, R. F. D. No. 2,
Creighton, Wm, R. F. D, No. 1,
Cresswell. : O. N, Wickenburg.
Day, James S.. 724 Valley View
Ave, Monrovia, Calif.
Demer, Andrew, Florence.
Doolittle, John L, Box 912, Phoe
nix. ' Dugas, Fred. Maver.
Dunlap. Rob. W, Kirkland.
Fuller, Mrs. R. W, Thatcher.
Fuller, R. W, Thatcher.
Gant. William M, 27 E. Adams St,
Gibbons, Mrs. Edward. St. Johns.,
Gibbons, Edward, St. Johns.
Gilbert W. J, Wickenburg.
Globe. W. B, Wickenburg.
Graham, Mrs. Annie Neff, Clayton,
iN. M.
Graham, Mrs. J. W, 902 S. 2d Ave,
J. W. Graham, 902 S. 2d Ave, Phoe
nix. , t
Gray, Mrs. James W, Hillside.
Grossman, A. G, Quartzsite.
GrossTnan, A. G, Quartzsite.
Gruwell, Louis, Mayer.
Haines, Charles, Mayer.
Hammels, H.' A, 844 N. 4th Ave,
x noemx.
Hance, George W, Camp Verde.
Hash, Mary Funston, 1746 W. Ad
ams St, Phoenix.
Haynes-Newton, Ada E, 1310 E.
Taylor St, Phoenix.
Hewins, L. E, 1203 E. Washington
St, Phoenix.
Hill, Elonzo. Humboldt.
Hill, Mrs. Elonzo, Humboldt.
Hill. Mrs. Lucy L, Mayer.
Hudson, Robert M, 515 E. Madison
St, Phoenix.
Hughes, II. H, 11 W. Adams St,
Jones, D. Paul, Phoenix.
Jones, Mrs.' W. L. W, Buckeye.
Kays. Emery, 610 N. 6th St, Phoe
Kays, Mrs. Emma C, 510 N. 6th St,
La Crade, Fernando T, Winslow.
Lessard, A. W, Stoddard.
Lessard, Mrs. A. W, Stoddard.
Levy, E. H, Phoenix.
Lincoln. John A, Mayer.
List, M, Box, 533. Glendale.
Loohey, John", Mayer.
Massie, C. A, R. F. D. No. 12. Los
Martin, George, Roosevelt.
Mayer, Mrs. Joe, Mayer.
Mayer, Miss Mamie, Mayer.
McClintock, Mrs. Alice. 531 E. Wil
letta St, Phoenix.
McClintock, Frank C, 531 E. Wil
letta St, Phoenix.
McCourt. Larrv. Wilcox.
McFall, B. E, 523 N. 10th St, Phoe
nix. McFall, Mrs. B. F, 523 N. 10th St.,
McMaster, E. G, "04 N. 11th St,
McMichael, William, Prescott.
McMichael. Mrs-. William. Prescott.
Meritt, John L Prescott.
Merritt, Mrs. John L, Prescott.
Mintz, George A, 311 N. 4th Ave,
Monroe, F. W Camp Verde.
Monroe, Mrs. E. W, Camp Verde.
Moody, William A, 520 W. Port
land St, Phoenix.
Nellis, L. P, Mayer.
Nellis, Mrs. L. P, Mayer.
O'Cannell, Mrs. B, 1030 N. 2nd St,
Oreteig, Jean, S. 7th St.. Phoenix.
Penney, Mary J, Box 309, Bisbee.
Price, W. R, Phoenix.
Richardson, Mrs. Minnie. Douglas.
Riley, Mrs. Clara B, 825 N. 12th
St.. Douglas.
Roberts, Effie J.. Palo Verde.
Robinson, Will H, Chandler.
Romizer, J. E, Phoenix.
Rufl'ners, George C, Prescott.
Scholey, George, Mayer.
Scott, Andrew, Phoenix.
Shropshire, A. S. J, Douglas.
- Smith. Mrs. A. H, Hunt.
Spence. Mrs. M. E Maver.
St. Claire, H. B.. Phoenix.
Stance!. A. J, Winslow.
Steele. Henry Earle. Ajo.
Stivers, John I, Boid hotel. Jerome.
Sturges, C. M 902 N. 4th St,
Thompson, Mrs. George, Mayer.
Thompson, Thomas, Mayer.
Thoman, A. J., Phoenix.
Thoman, Mrs. A. J, Phoenix.
ITdall, Joseph K, Eager.
Wade,' Theodore H, Box 55,8 Clark
dale. Webb. Milo C, SO W. Cypress St,
Wells, John R, Mayer.
Whitney, A. D, Mayer.
Whitney, Mrs. A. D, Mayer.
Car. Mrs. Buron, Tempe.
English. Mrs. R. M, 746 W. Fill
Twenty-Five Years of Pioneer Leadership
Have Cast About The Name of Korricks' An Atmosphere Of
Dependability Which Lives In The Minds of Many Phoenicians
The Korrick Idea Pioneer of Low
The Korrick
Our rigid censorship over style and quality, as
How Do We Do It?
First We buy good merchandise as low as a specially trained corps of buyers can se
cure it.
Then set a selling price which includes a small profit.
These low prices turn our stock over time aiter time each year.
We find that a small profit, repeated, is better than a big profit.
And it is a GREAT THING for our customers.
The Store
more St.. Phoenix.
Goodwin. Mrs. Garfield, Tempo.
Graham. Louis E, care of State
hospital. Phoenix.
Graham. Mary C, care of State
hospital. Phoenix.
Johnson, Carrie V, Toleson.
Morrison, Robert E, Prescott.
Mullen, J. B, Tempe.
Mullen, H. P.. Skull Valley.
Mullen, J. .Oscar. Jerome.
Mullen. W. E, Ray.
Mullen. Robert L.. Tempe. '
Osenburg. Mrs. Ellen. 744 E. Tolk
St, Fhoenix.
Palmer, Mrs. Lynn, oueDlas.
Peterson, Mrs. Flora. Mesa.
Robinson, W. H, Phoenix.
Roberts. Oscar, 2004 W. Madison
St, Phoenix.
Simson. Willia mE, Elks' club,
The following pioneers have lived
in Arizona 35 years or more, tha ex
act number of years not given.
Wood, M. L, Bonita.
Zeek, Williams, Patagonia.
Asburn, O. T, Patagonia.
Burgoon, N, Nogales.
Burnette, Harry, Patagonia.
Douglas, F. S, Douglas.
Duffy, Frank, Nogales.
Furrel, Dick, Patagonia.
Fenter, George, Fairbanks.
Gettings, Tom. Nogales.
Greenwood, Bluford. Nogales.
Hand. Frank, Douglas.
Harrison, Jim, Nogales.
Kane, Jim, Jerome.
Mason, Frank, Hereford.
McDonald, Neal, Patagonia.
Moore, R, J, 336 W. Lynwood St,
O'Donald, Tony, Tucson.
Chusen, Henry, Dugueane.
Parker. Jr.. Sr., Parker Canyon.
Parker, Wm, Canille.
. Peck, Al, Nogales.
Purdy, Dr., Nogales.
Pyeatt, Henry. Canille.
Roath, Will, Elgin.
Sayer, George, Patagonia.
Vail, Edward, Tucson.
Whiteside, B. J, Jerome.
43 Years In Arizona
Bates. Nelson A, Kelvin.
Blackford, Napoleon, Pioneers'
Home. Prescott. ( .
Clan ton. T, N, Buckeye. .
Cluff, Sarah MeBride. Cc'lonwood.
Cluff. W. L, Cottonwood.
Brewer, Rosina P Mesa.
Cosner, Lucy A. Gregg. Tempe.
Curtis, Chas. G, Thatcher.
Curtis, Mrs. Monroe M Eden.
Curtis, Monroe M, Eden.
Curtis. Virginia, Thatcher.
Davy, Mrs. F. L, St. Johns.
Dial, Mrs. Mary. Safford.
Edwards, Mrs. Emma F, Phoenix.
Eichelberger, Chas. E. Wiseken
burg. Flake, Chas. M, Snowflake.
Flake. Osmer D, Snowflake.
Follett, Isaac A, Pima.
Follett Joseph E, Pima.
Follett, Wm. L, Pima.
Foster, Mrs. J. W. Pima.
Franklin, Mrs. J, Winkelman.
Franklin, Mrs. Sam, 1237 '- Alvar
ado St, Los Angeles.
Idea1 Is
well, assures certain satisfaction.
Boys and girls, particularly girls
of the pioneer days were all that
reallv counted, in the opinion of J.
W. Ellison of Payson and Phoenix.
Recollections of Indian raids. Pleas
ant Valley wars, early political life
in which he figured are alive in the
memory of Mr. Ellison along with
other thrills of the 80's. but the
brightest memory to him is the way
his family stood by him. He does i
not give himself a particle of credit
for the big fortune he made in cattle.
Shucks, no! The girls did it and
the girl who had the most to do with
it was Duett, now Mrs. George W. P,
Hunt wife of the United States min
ister to Siam, who, according to her
father, "can double discount any cow
hand he's seen around here."
The Ellisons came to Arizona from
Shackleford county. Texas, in 1885.
Part of the trip was made in a
freight wagon, the family locating
in what is now known as the Ellison
ranch, 20 miles northeast of Payson.
"When 1 left Texas, conditions there
were just about as they are now,"
said Mr. Ellison in his review of the
oast. "In '85. when I left there. I
bought yearlings for $7 and which j
1 later soia nere ior ior oaa
$r6n ji-k i jf
THIS business has ever been alive to new conditions, and
this institution of which we are so proud, represents the
visible working home of .
MEN, who have meant to progress,
MERCHANDISE, that can always be depended on for quality
and service,
METHODS, that will always stand for honorable dealing.
; times"' had not yet reached Arizona.
' I sold enouch to nav mv expenses.
although 1 was compelled later to sell
j my stock at $fi a head."
Mr. Ellison said that in one way
; and another he lost until he had to
admit to himself that he was tlat
I T --i nn. An? nl.in rnlr Tkllt T
! owe,l $10,000 and I not only had to
face it, but I had to make mv family
' is. i. .i..,
who had had everything that money i The nearest "neighbors of the FJ-j lent color to the existence in the bu
could buv." lisons were eight and ten miles dis-' cow camp. - -
When it came to him. Mr. Ellison ! tant. The children on these "nearby'-1 Mr. BUlison recalls the Plrasam
said, that the eirls had to Im told. Jie I farms came to the Ellison ranch to i Valley war between the factions th
rhose to tell them out in the open.
Out there in the woods he spoke to
them as man to man
"I Rave them my financial rating
and then I charged them not to peek !
escape from hardship by marriage to
a scalawag, and there were plenty of
them as there are now.
' 'We helped you spend it when
you had it. and we'll stay with you
until you have it again.' mv girls
We invite you to come
and hear the
play your favorite Songs and Music
Here you wiH find a convenient place to rest while you
listen to a genuine musical treat
Feel free to make this store your headquarters while
down town. We will appreciate the opportunity of meeting
and entertaining you.
You will experience the joy of listening to real music
when you hear the Brunswick play Brunswick records.
Brunswick exclusive artists are of the highest class and
Brunswick methods of reproduction bring out the true tones
of the artist in such a faithful manner that all who listen
to Brunswick music are more than surprised they're de
lighted. Hearing the original voice brings no more pleasure or
enjoyment than hearing this new Brunswick. Come in
today or any tima you're in town.
Electrical 33.35 west
Telephone 4026
! said to me, and they stood by me.
"The girls" lo this day have it all j
i over the modern cowboy, the father!
i declares.
- 'They were all good ropers and
i Kood shots and. believe me. they
j wo, ked like Turks. Thev drove cat-
j tie instead of playin bridge and they j
li-o.l fin llADtla K hf T We f'OUM Cet
, em. and sweets of any kind were un-
i known, l or five years we did not
i K .i o , v,it nf citmr fnr nut- fnf fee."
when , fnr voune teua n.uison. wno
had been to school in Texas, agreed
to teach the vounsrsters.
The neighbors formed the habit of
going to llie Ellisons in time of trou-
ble. and in '86 when word wjjs passedj
that Geronimo was on the warpath.
men, women and children ran to the
Ellison ranch for protection. This
proved to be neither more nor less
than a scare, for the Indian chief
Music Lovers!!
Adams Street
And Record
The House
was at that time bended for Mexi. ':.
according to Mr. Ellison. Lo nt-ver
theless found himself host to a hou
party for a month, A lew yerfs 1'
ter anolher report of an Indiarf rai-i
was brought and a fort was built
the Ellison rani h. Excitement ra.-.
high for three weeks and then ti.f
news reached Ellison that Geronir;
nai again crossea me "CJ- ,
I -Only scares. as the Geron.n
! ru mors failed t o mat er la lize, out uv
, were lieninie ior a raio...juuiuu,
be was stationed directly betwe
the warring cattle and sheep men. h
took no part in their controversy,
which resulted in the death- of c
least 30 men
It would have gone on forever if
we had not succeeded in electing n
man for sheriff who refuse!-tfr ta .(.
sides. Because he did nothiUK, 1 s:;y
"Buckv O'Neill ended that 'Troubli.-.7'

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