Newspaper Page Text
3 PAGE TEN THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1921 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT. 521 K. Monroe St. bp NICELY furnished 3-room apart ment, clean and modern, lawn and ehade; use of phone; cheap rent. 710i West Madison. hi TWO-ROOM, clean, comfortaDie apartment, completely furnished, connecting bath, close In; lights paid; $30 per month to healthy adults. 129 So. 3rd Ave. It g.ROOM apartment, furnished, for rent. 516 S. 3d Ave. NICFLY furnished 4-room apart ment; private bath, screen porch, ga rage; located between Capitol park and Library park, on paved street and car line. 1609 W. Washington. Pknn. 9977 ' "3 vTARTH afrotm rnnm and kitchen ette; also garage; summer rates. 742 W. Pierce. Phone 2350. It FOR RENT Nicely furnished nrtnwnt. 344 N. 4th Ave.' bl HIGH-CLASS furnished four-room apt.; summer rates, ifcu vv. wasn- ngton. Phone 1590. bp ELEGANTLY furnished apartment private home on car line and paved street. 802 V. Washington, also sleeping rooms. Coolest house in city. bl HERE'S your opportunity to rent a modern 3-room furnished apart ment at a bargain: rent reduced to 120 par month summer rates; see this aportm-nt at once and v eon-"n''ed. mi b vn n-rTi FURNISHED housekeeping apart ments, from one to five rooms; clean and cool. 640 N. 6th Ave. br 12 ROOMS AND BOARD Desert Inn Sanatorium Reduced ates From April 15th In keeping with reduced prices gen erally including other sanatoriums and hotels throughout the country. Desert Inn offers reduced rates for same excellent table board, genera! medical care and nursing. Prices will be $17.00 a week for patients up and around, and 122.00 a week for bed cases. Individual two-room bunga lows, tray sen-Ice, etc. Phone 602 or 13J3. Special private auto service, bra B-'commoda- I IHST-CLASS ranch a: tions in private home ior tne sum mer." Mrs. A. E. Steele. P. O. Box 181, Scottsdale, Ariz. tf HEALTH SEEKERS Large rooms or screen porches In private home, with board; rates $15 and $20; near car line; tray service free; graduate nurse. Mrs. C. A. No ren 116 E. McKlnley. Phone 4801. tf 14 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE housekeeping room, adjoining bathroom. 672 N. 6th Ave. bm TWO housekeeping rooms, 758 E. Fillmore; nice, clean, cool: summer rates. br CLOSE IN, clean, pleasant house keeping room, $5. 405 E. Van Buren. bl ONE very neat, cool housekeeping room with kitchennette and sleeping porch; very desirable location; rea sonable terms. 1602 W. Monroe. bk DESIRABLE cool and shady; Jefferson. housekeeping yard for car. roora, 430 W. bl ROOMS for housekeeping batching. 446 E. Wash. and bk THREE nicely furnished house keeping rooms; place to keep car. 202 N. Ninth St. tf ROOMS for light housekeeping; summer rates. 321 N. Srd Ave. ONE membership in men's board ing club. If you are looking for good eats, a good home and good fellow ship, apply to P. O. Box 1228. bm PARK VIEW PLACE, open all summer. Phone 1311. Box 1SS8. 4br THREE-ROOM apartment bath. $25. Call 309 E. Folk. Call 3' SNT F with ds FOR RENT For the summer, a modern "furnished 3-room apartment: shade; ground floor: right in town. Street Realty Co, 510 W. Washing- ton. Phone 1041. ' J pm UNFURNISHED four-room, screen and bath cottage. Very close In on N. 7th Ave. Inquire 346 N. 4th Ave. bp BETHANY HOME SANATORIUM Coolest nlace in valley, individual cottages, good board ana competent nurses. Phone 4R4. bp SUB-LEASE apartment at Alexan dria Court. Reasonable. Phone 4112. tf EXTRA good furnished apartment, suitable for large or small family: reasonable rent. 841 N. Third Ave. bk FURNISHED apartment. Second St. 722 N. bl THE ROSEBUD &17 N. 4th A.e. Four-room furnished apartment. modern. Mrs. C. B. Williams. bk FURNISHED atjartment for rent. Ki V Second St. W 11 FOR RENT rURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Well -furnished five-room house, near Capitol, on car line and paved street; garage. SETTLE down for summer; cool. clean home, excellent meals; up and bed patients: ladies and men, rnons 2733, 2021 W. Washington. - tf MOUNTAIN AIR REST CAMP IN THE FOOTHILLS. DRY DESERT AIR, NO HUMIDITY. PHONE 2J11. at GOOD ROOM AND BOARD, $10: 1418 E. Washington. ok HYATT'S "DESERT" CAMP, Cactus, Arizona. Greatly reaucea rates. One, two and three-room furnished cottages, dining room. store, daily mall, two batn .nouses. wtrir lights and fans being install ed. See Dodge car in front of Central pharmacy. tf CALIFORNIA INN Cool, comfort- shio- ir,ta nf shade: splendid meals. SRo Ttf Rtb Ave. " tl HOUSEKEEPING Adams. 720 HOUSEKEEPING Van Buren. 224 E. B-n FURNISHED for housekeeping, 2 rooms, bath and porch, telephone. lights, gas, fine location, shade, large yard. $32 per month. 741 W. Wood land. Phone 3678. tf 19 WANTED SITUATION, MALE 24 WANTED H ELP, MALE WE furnish, plant and prune hrujs. trees and lawns. Phone 3314. tf WANTED Tractor and tun work. Phone 10R2. A GOOD house, 4xi.'ti; work and material, $600. Phone 8.104. bk COLORED man wants house work and yard cleaning. Phone 3870. Blackman. bl PAINTING, kalsomining; stock furnished or unfurnished. Smythe. 215 E. Polk. Phone 3520. , bn STRONG young man wants steady work of any kind any place. Box 72B, Republican. bn EX-SERVICE MEN SEEK JOBS When you want help give the first chance to ex-service men. A number of men who have servc'3 their coun try now are looking for positions here Phone American Legion Headquar ters. 49S8, and we may be able to fill your needs. tf COLORED man wants cooking job in small hotel or private family, in or out of city. Phone 3264. bn CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 15 WALL ST.. PHONE 4668 tf 23 WANTED HELP, FEMALE WHITE woman for light house work and assist in care c-f child; preferably one that can go home at nights: nine blocks from car line. Call 5949. It 27 BUSINESS CHANCES A GOOD business for sale. 47 N. 2nd St. Phone 1480. bm FOR SALE Good garage, neari Phoenix. Equity for auto or cash. See Mo, at 314 N. Central. bm WANTED Woman to do general housework, no cooking and no wash ing. Small family. Please call after 10 a. m.. 325 W. Willetta St. bm LADY would like refined woman, not tubercular, to share modern house on desert; fresh eggs, milk, ice. all supplies. , P. O. Box 436. bl WANTED Reliable woman to do general housework and help care for babv; good salary to responsible par ty. Call 331 E. Culver St. br CALL Mrs. Perkins to do your mending and alterations. Phone 1J2. br 20 WANTED SITUATION. FEMALE ROOMS for rent with housekeep ing privileges to ladies or married couple. 417 N. 7th. Ave. No sick or small children. bl HEALTHSEEKERS Furnished housekeeping cottage Phone 3024. tf 15 FOR RENT LAND PRACTICAL NURSE Phone 1015. bn 23'a WANTED AGENTS AND SALESMEN RESPECTABLE lady would like housework. No other woman in charge: Phone 5122, Republican. It WANTED Experienced sales people for an exclusive proposition ana territory, A-i seller, advances d?iily, gen'l agent here. Box 9 IB, Re publican. It WANTED By a first class laun dress, laundry work, rough dry or finish. Called for and delivered. Phone 2120. bn FOR RENT 2-acre chicken ranch, three-room house, furnished if I necessary; Scottsdale stage.- Henry A. Langdon. Phone 20R2. bm GOOD bookkeeper would like po sition. Phone f655. bl BARGAIN for cash. Small confec tionery and lunch business; well lo- j cated; dandy proposition for man and) wife. Box 77B, Republican. bl FOR SALE Beauty parlors with Turkish baths and public baths in connection. On reasonable terms. Owner callea away oq other business. For particulars address. Home Apart ments, 135 N. Montezuma St, Pres cott, Arizona. bk 28 PERSONALS EX-SERVICE man, best references, will drive your car to Denver for ex, penses. Box 66B. Republican. bp BETTER PRICES ON MAY .We Have a Special 5-Ton Offer Call Us for Quotations Alfrdd J. Peters & Co., Inc. 7th St. and Madison Phone 3546 Li NOTICE Majcie N. Davis. Sister Lou needs you. Come at once. Reg istered letter there. bl I AM going to Los Angeles Tues day or Wednesday. Have room for two or three passengers. Inquire O. K. Reaitv Co.. 30 S. 2nd Ave. bl 16 FOR RENT STORE AND OFFICES LARGE, light office rooms over Berry hilFs. Inquire at Goldberg's Store. ' ATTRACTrVE rooms, excellent meals, private modern home. 910 N. th St. hk SCHMIDS, 2021 W. Washington. Excellent meals; cool, clean home for sick. Phone 2733. tf SCHWARTZ CAMP in Paradise Valley. Wonderful place for health seeker. Our summer rates begin April 1. All supplies at camp. Office 31 N. Second Ave. tf Well-furnished six-room house in Kenilworth Addition. - This is cer tainly a lovely place. , BOLIN REALTY CO. ! Phone 4252 12 W. Van Buren St. It ' FOR RENT Completely furnished house, five rooms and screen room, on Indian car line; -two large lots; garden, old shade; $35; available at once. See Mr. Rose at Boston Store. bm THREE-ROOM and bath modern house, furnished, close in. Apply 359 N. Sixth Ave. It FOR RENT 4-room and screen room, furnished 'or unfurnished. 1537 W. Jackson. Call 2298 after 5:" 30 p. m. , bm MODERN , six-room house, fur nished: cool and plenty of shade. 208 E. Pierce St. It FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. 1921 W. Washington. Call between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. ds FOR RENT 3 rooms, half house. furnished;' healthy adults. 910 N. 3d Street. -bn 13, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IDEAL room for one or two gen tlemen, connecting batn, screen sleeping porch, private entrance, gar age if desired. . $20 For One Person Walking street. distance. 1130 N. 2nd FOR RENT Business room. 36x75. corner of Jefferson street and 3d ave nue; rent very reasonable. Inquire of C D. Dorris. bm GIRL would like to assist in house work. Phone 113R2. G'.endale. bk LAUNDRESS wants day work; done at home. Phone 8259. bk HOME laundry rough dry 60c a dozen. Flat work finished. Phone 3129. ' 5-bd DAY WORK. Phone 83:19. bl LAUNDRY wanted. Phone 8400. br SEWING by the day. Phone 8853. hk PRIVATE family laundry, call and deliver. Phone 7J5. Will bp FIRST CLASS laundry. 50c dozen. Only rough dry. 1022 E Polk St, dm NURSING by day or week. 2214. Phone 4dg PART of salesroom for rent or will rent desk space; can use part of large window for display. Arizona Electric Appliance Co.. 325 W. Adams St. bm OFFICE SPACE for rent and desk for sale. Phone 4203. V bk FOR RENTv-Brick warehouse oOx 137 with basement, wholesale district. S15 W. Jackson. . Phone O'Malley Lunmber Co., 1204. tf THE building, 40x100. eorner Van Buren and 2d street, lease or monthly rental. Inquire George O. Ford, 220 E Washington St. tf FOR RENT Brick warehouse, galvanized iron roof, 50x150. Phone Mr. White. 4813. tf WANTED Family laundry. We call and deliver. 317 N. 12th St. Phone 3336. tf COLORED A'OMAN wants laundry work. Ring 5132. bm BOYDS HOME LAUNDRY call and deliver. Phone 3901. will bl COLORED hand 2366. laundry. Phone 4bm FIRST-CLASS Laundry ? reasona ble. Phone 2667. tf WANTED Side line salesman to sell to drug stores, pool halls, con fectionery stores, restaurants, etc., in small towns. Sales boards Two minutes talk does it. Commissions payable monthly. Address the Cen tral Distributing Company, Cedar Rnpids. Towa. It 24 WANTED HELP. MALE AND FEMALE YOUNG men, women, over 17, for postal man service. $120 month: ex aminations April; experience unnec essary. For free particulars of in struction, write S. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner), 966 Equit able Bldg., Washington. D. C. .-bm TRIPS to Agua Caltente. Phone 712. Hageman, Second street and Adams. tf 29 ANNOUNCEMENTS SUPERIOR CAFE. 201 W. Wash ington is now serving regular dinner at 30 cents, supper at 30 cents. All kinds of short orders. We also serve Ranier beer on draught, 10 cents, bot tle 25 crnts. Budweiser, bottle 25 cents. All Kinds sandwiches. Dono frio's ice cream served any style. Booths and tables for ladies and gen tlemen. Give us a trial. tf HEMSTITCHING THE HEMSTITCH SHOP Hemstitching, pleating, buttons and buttonholes; mail orders solicited. Phone 1441. 33 West Monroe St. tf 25 MONEY TO LOAN You With Money We have for sale on good discount: $200 contract, $.10 per mo. $450 contract, $25 per mo. $500 lot contract. $1000 contract. $40 per. $1800 contract, $100 per. 10 and 15 discount and they draw WOOTTON Wide Awake Realty Phone 4927. 335 West Wash. bl 20!4 WANTED TO RENT ' ATTRACTIVE furnished, apart ments for men ; close in; cool country air; club arrangement; lawn, tennis court, electrically lighted for danc ing; very reasonable, pnone Liv.ii it FOR RENT In the business cen ter; the yard (partly covered) cor ner of 3d Ave. and Washington St., 60x100 feet. Suitable for the sale of mnrh! nprT automobiles and 'all rnm - bk ; modities of bulk. Inquire Ford's Store. 17 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WF.Tr. - VENTILATED bedroom with double bed. 213 E. Van Buren. hk GARAGE for rent. Could be used for repair shop; room in connection for batching. 411 W. Monroe. bl FOR RENT Nice, comfortable double or single rooms in a nice, com fortable place; close in. Call 1729. 321 W. Jefferson bk BUSINESS lot to rent, corner of Van Buren and 2nd St. 40x100 ft. Suitable for garage, paint shop or store. Inquire Geo. O. Ford, 220 E. Wash. tf SINGLE cots on screened sleeping porch. 213 E. Van Buren. bk THE ABODE SUITES Attractive double rooms: electric privileges. 311 W. Jefferson. br HALF house, 6 rooms, beautifully furnished; garage; flowers, lawn etCi; Ideal home, in select neighbor hood: very attractive rental to right party. 1605 W. Monroe. bu FOR RENT Small cottage, all mddern conveniences; furnished. 725 E. Portland. It FOR RENT Six-room furnished house in city's best residence district, lo rent for summer at $60 per month; available about May first. Box SOB, Republican. bl TWO-ROOM cottage, free water; shower bath; gas, electricity; $20 monthiy. 912 Grand Ave. tf ONE-HALF house, cool, shady, new clean, on carline, walking distance. E or 3 adults. Reasonable to perma nent people. 925 E. McKinley. tf ' NICELY furnished six-room house. AH modern conveniences. Garage Will lease to responsible party 6 months or a year. - Phone 2899. 324 N. 18th Ave. bp FOR RENT Furnished room in private home, with or without board. Prefer lady or gentleman employed. 1246 E. Pierce street. bl SLEEPING porch; Call after 4 p m. 368 N. 1st. Ave. bl CLOSE in furnished room. Gentle man preferred.- 395 N. 3rd Ave, bp LARGE cool sleeping room suitable for couple at The Glenwood. 245 E. Monroe. bl ONE front or two back rooms, ad joining bath; modern; choice loca tion; positively no sick. 1004 N. 2nd Street. bn HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 733 E. Adams. tf FURNISHED room with privileges. Phone 4801. kitchen bk FURNISHED room adjoining bath; private entrance, situated on car line no sick; summer rates. Phone 3719, bp HOUSE for rent. Partly furnished. Inquire 803 S. Center St. bk BRICK house, furnished. 3 rooms nd bath, permanent adults preferred. Call 1154 E. Jefferson. Summer rates. , bk FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED houses for rent. Apply 405 E. Wash. Phone 4773. bk FURNISHED bungak', 4 rooms and bath, including screen room; paved street, near car line and capi tol. Inquire 1218 W. Monroe. Phone 2656. bl SUMMER RATES For permanent guests. 'Screened roof and free show er baths. SAVOY HOTEIJ 2nd. Ave. and Jefferson. Phone 4348 5-bd TWO screen sleeping rooms. Tel ephone and bath. Brill car. One for $7, two for $12. Ladies. Phone 2?S9, tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, good shade; also sleep ing porch; close in. 392 No. 1st Ave. It FOR RENT Desirable three-room furnished cottage, in rear of 51 West Holly Ft. br FOR RENT 2-room cottage, fur nished, plenty shade. 1 block to car line, $20 per mo. Water and lights paid; no objection to one child. Phone 8317. Call 1238 E. Adams. bk NICELY furnished cool room; also screen room. Summer rate. 800 N 1st Ave. br FURNISHED cottage. Washington. 715 E. bn FOR RENT -Trellis Cottage." 6 rooms and bath, quiet location, fur nished or unfurnished, reasonable rent to permanent tenant. 1501 W. Jackson . FOR RENT Two rboms with screen porch, partly furnished; old shade, walking distance. Apply at 243 E.'Lincoln. bl THREE-ROOM furnished house. Inquire 308 W. Madison. bk THREE ROOM cottage: furnished modern: shade. 714 East Washing ton. bp SIX-ROOM house, completely fur nished, garage. On paved street, no sicK or children. 417 N. 7th. Ave. bl FOUR rooms and bath, furnished house for rent. Call 2838. br FOR RENT Half of brick house. furnished, good shade: close-in summer rates. 723 W. Madison. FOR RENT Furnished house, five rooms, brick, bath, lawn, shade, ce ment walks and car line, northeast; nearly new and newly furnished would cpnsider lease. Apply at place 917 E. Pierce street. bk FOR RENT For semmer, cheap nicely furnished bungalow, near stage and store. Box 74B. Republican. bk E bl THREE rooms and bath; 1334 McKinley: $30. Call after 4 p. m. 3-ROOM brick, JjO; will make summer rate; healthy adults. Key 349 N. 7th Ave. Phone 3423. tf ONE-HALF of my residence, four rooms and bath, 1612 West Washing ion: rent $50; suitable for quie couple, furnished comfortably. In nuire 220 VaM. Washington. U Fard. . V ROOMS Three to seven dollars per week. V, block from postoffice 33 N. 2nd Ave. ds tf FOR RENT Pianoy 818 N. Second Ave. Phone 8915. bm GARAGE for rent. 509 E. Portland bl WANTED TO RENT Furnished house, northeast; must have two bedrooms and sleeping porcfi. mod ern; will pay $40 for summer. Box 90B. Republican. It WANTED IN PRESCOTT OR IRON SPRINGS To rent furnished six or seven room house or camp, from May 15 to Oct. 1. Will pay good rent for really first class desirable place. R. R. Stevens. 423 Heard Bldg.. Phoenix. ! RESPONSIBLE party, no children, wants to lease six-room, modern, un furnished house, centrally located. Must be attractive both inside and out. Address Box 65B, Republican. bk WANTED To clean your ditch by contract. Box 62B. Republican. bp MONEY TO LOAN ON HIGH CLASS CITY PROP ERTY AND RANCH LANDS. HERBERT S. PRINCE CO. REALTORS 303-304-3OS HEARD BLDG. tf I NEED $500 quick. Good milk cows and .car as security. Pay good bonus for same. Box 79B, Repub lican. bk WANTED TO BORROW I3O00 on first class city property, $8000 home. Phone 8906. ds WANTED TO BORROW $8000, years at 8 per cent on high class in come business property, value times amount. Address Owner. P. O. Box 522. It 30 SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO REALTORS All list ings for sale of my lot at Seventh street and Coronado are hereby can celled. A. E.'Stelzer. 708 E. Brill SU Phone 5101. It NOTICE TO REAL ESTATE MEN My property at 17 East Columbus ave. is off tne marKeu airs, r rea Clock. It AUTO TIME TABLE Phoenix-Florence stage leaves Glendale Stage office 4 p. m. daily, tf THE WRIGHT SHOP Hemstitching. 12c and 15c. We fur nish thread; all kinds and widths pleating: also pinking and buttons. The wide hemstitcher is here. Mall orders receive prompt attention. If N. Second Ave. Phone 33i9. tf CUE AND HILL ' WILL MIX MITTS FRIDAY EVENING Work called for and delivered; mail orders solicited. Mrs. J. W. Boland, S31 W. Washington. Phone 1249. tf JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER CHAS. A. SHELDON log N. First Ave. Phone S583 tf LIVERY STABLE Star corral and feeJ. yard. General livery. Saddle horses a specialty. Second Ave. and Madison. William F. Cavness. Prop. Phone 4121 tf LAWN MOWERS If you want your mower fixed right, ring 5275. I guarantee your mowers will cut and last a season; makes no difference what part is broke, I can fir it. Nesl. 202 N. 9th St. tf GUILLIAMS STAGE LINE TOLLESON CASHION AVON DALE LITCHFIELD Stages leave First and Washington Streets at a. m 10 a. m, 12 noon. 2 p. m.. 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. Telephone 4183 tf AUTO PAINTING DETROIT AUTO PAINT SHOP 613 S. Central Ave. Phone 4677. tf MONEY to loan on well improved city property. E. E. Paacoe. 10 West Van Buren street. tf FIVE POINTS AUTO PAINT SHOP B22 W. Van Buren St. Phone 42S0 Largest and best equipped shop in the state. Expert work. Rates very low. One year written guarantee. tf PIANO for sale, very cheap ' for cash. Can be seen at 40 S. Fourth Ave. m PIANO for rent. Delivery Co. Apply Lightning bk WANTED TO RENT 3 to 5-room furnished or partly furnished cottage, prefer near Five Points. Would like trees and lawn. Rent must be rea sonable summer rate. VPhone 4943. bk WANTED TO RENT Four or five room furnished house. Box 7SB, Re publican. bk 18'a WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted, Listings . The best 5-room house that $5,000 will buy. Located between Seventh street and Seventh avenue, south of Roosevelt. Have numerous buyers for well located lots and moderate priced houses with small cash payments. F. A. JEFFERSON 23 W. Monroe St. Phone 710. bl Can Pay Cash For 1 to 4 lots, located ten blocks west or north of Center and Wash ington St. Owners only need answer. 84B Republican. bp Good Listings Wanted Both ranch and city property. We have ready buyers for good 40 or 80 if priced right. LIVE WIRE REALTY CO. 142 W. Adams St. Phone 1353 bn I WANT to buy from owner a good home; the price and terms must be right. State price, terms and loca tion in first letter. Box 70B Republi can, bk 21 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Cotton We are in the market for No. 2, IS to lH-inch Pima cotton. Agency W. R. Grace & Co.. Room 219, 306 W. Washington St. Phone 1875. bn WANTED TO BUY Second hand lurniture. tools, guns, etc. I pay highest cash prices. See me before selling. Phone 1753. D. C. Whitlock. 5-bm $1000 TO $5000 limited amount to loan, on improved city property; rea sonable interest; no commission. O. B. Kinzel. Phone 3007. it CHATTEL LOANS EASY TO GET in sums up to $300 at lawful rates on your furniture, piano, automobile, livestock, implements, etc. Repay in small monthly installments, if de sired: ample funds; Just and court eous treatment: strictly confidentiaL People's Loan and Invest Co.. 23 East Washington street. Phone 1396. tf ACCOUNTANTS JOHN W. WAGNER Certified Public Accountant. Room 8. Centra) Bldg. 139 N. Cent. Phone 1223 Gene Cline and Freddie Hill, prin cipals !n tomorrow night's fight card, are due in Phoenix this morning. Gene is hurrying over the desert from Cal and Freddie Is hammering the cushions between El Paso and Phoe nix. . v - Nothing like having a reputation to get a 'ollowlng and Mister Cline has taken on a man's size rep since he started brushing the leading lights out Vernon way. Gene carries a mighty wallop, a good defense and a fighting heart. He has the boys car rying his record around these days, trying to figure how far he will go with Hill. And Fred Hill is not com ing to Phoenix unknown. The red haired bricklayer from Santone gained Arizona prominence in his fight with Tommy Carter. Prior to his Carter fight he battled 10 .fast rounds with Young France over at Miami. Hill is the . busiest licrhtweisrht in the FIRST CLASS MILLINERY AND 'southwest. He has half a dozen towns always bidding for his next fight and he keeps right on filling all dates. The boys will work out this afternoon, provided train connections don't de lay their arrival. . Joe Brown and Kid Sharkey are In town and working hard. The little fellows met Monday for the first time. Joe says: "Pleased to meet you Mis ter Sharkey" and Sharkey says: "Same to you boy." Then they parted Joe gave Sharkey the once over and Sharkey took a peck under his cap. : They measured up about 50-50 on the street how they measure in the ring will be worth the price of admission to find out,' Ira O'Neil and Kid Mack, the fight ing blacksmith will do the overture in four numbers. Ira will play, the dark notes and Mack will fill in the light ones. And they both chirp in MILLINERY DRESSMAKING. Beading, patch work. Alterations. At 33 W. Mon roe street. 5-bk Ladies' Hat Shop Hats remod eled; new hats made (frames). 115 Fast Roosevelt. tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MRS. A. MONETTE. Public Sten ographer, Notary Public, State agent for Line-a-Time machines. Phone 1955. 703 Heard Bldr tf Cleo Paris Bluthardt. Commercial Hotel Lobby. Notary Public. tf PHOTOGRAPHERS For Fine Portraits THE RUSSELL STUDIO Phone 46S. 3S E. Washington. tf PAINT SUPPLIES PAINT CO.. 128 S. MATHEWS FIRST AVE. RETAIL DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ETC. PHONE 1259. PROMPT DE LIVERY tf PRINTING AWNINGS SPOT CASH for Highest prices paid. Liberty bond. 128 E. Adams. tf 26 LOST AND FOUND 5 Reward Offered for "the return of small fe male Boston bull dog. No questions asked. Address 600 -N. Second Ave., or nhone 2520. tf WANTED TO BUY Second hand soda fountain, cheap for cash. Box 75B. Republican. bk WANTED Small gas engine. T. Bowles. Phone 47J3. J. bm WANTED People to know I want to buy furniture. I pay cash. Phone 4296 or 4779. Must be reasonable, bp CALL 1776 when furniture for sale. Any quantity, anywhere. Ford's stores. tf "I MEAN IT." Highest price paid for furniture, clothing and shoes. Ari zona Supply House, 341 E. Wash ington. Phone 1476. tf LOST Bunch keys, possibly in lock. Notify Box 87B Republican. Reward. bm COUPLE with every reference would like nice home to taite care of through summer, beginning May 1st. Address 717 N. Second St. br TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE. We make everything known that will fool rain and sun. Phoenix Tent & Awning Co, comer of First and Monro. Sts. Phone 1411. tf BARBECUED MEATS East lake Barbecue Stand. Hot barbecued meats. Fresh every dav. Will deliver. Phone 2550. 1618 E. Jeff. 6-m Commercial work, pamphlets, book lets, hand bills, etc. Arizona Repub llcan Print Shop. Phone 4331. tf PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPHS repaired any style or make in our complete! equipped shop. Case RedewlU Co. 226 W. "ashlngton. tf PIANO TUNING S. I. HAMILTON. Piano Tuner 17th Year In Phoenix. Phone 2206 tf BARBER SUPPLIES Razor and safety blade sharpening our specialty. Blanton Co. 206 W. Washington. tf BICYCLES KING BROTHERS 110 Adnms CHIROPODIST Dr. A. J. Johnson, ton. Room 12. 26 Jl Washlng-tf LOST at Roosevelt dam. Saturday, one Kodak Junior No. 1. Reward. Edna Cameron, 804 North Fourth street. Phoenix Telephone 2713. bk LOST Tuesday, March 29, D. K. E. fraternity pin (diamond shaped). Finder please return to Republican office. Reward. bl STRAYED From 603 S. Central Ave, one span small mules, one black and one red with halters and ropes. Phone 4664. br LARGE room and screen porch, at 51 N. 4th Ave. bm FOR RENT Excellent furnished front room, and sleeping porch; pri vate entrance and adjacent bath; gentlemen preferred; garage if de sired; summer rates. 805 North Sixth ave.; phone 8065. bl DRY mesquite wood, $4.50 our yard or $5.25 delivered anywhere. Phone 128R5. tf "1CE rooms, sleeping and house- kttuping; summer rates; close in; rent by day, week or month. Phil lips House. 323 N. 4th Ave. bm WANTED To buy a house, from $3000 to $4000. Will pay $750 to $1000 down, balance monthly. I am per manently employed in Phoenix and can meet the monthly payments up to $40 a month. Will consider house with furniture, too. Leave informa tion for "Mr. Johrtson, care Arizona Republican." bm WANTED TO BUY A light deliv ery truck; must be priced right. Ap ply 324 W. Wash. It SECOND HAND GUNS bought, sold, repaired. PINNEY & ROBIN SON. tf WANTED SWEET POTATO, TOMATO AND PEPPER PLANTS. If you have plants for sale, see us at once. We can use any amount. Phoenix Seed and Feed Co. 133 E. Jefferson street. " tf WANTED To buy from owner, a good six or seven room house, in or near Kenilworth, if priced right will make substantial cash oayment. Box 85B Republican. It WANTED Good second hand shot gun. Box 55 B. Republican. bk E HAVE buyers for several me dium priced houses that can be han dled for $500 down, balance monthly. What have you? Thomas Realty Co.. 20 W. Adams. It ROOMS and apartments; reason able rent. Stacy Hotel. Second Ave. and Jefferson. Phone 1337. 4bm FURNISHED screen porch for rent. 214 E. Van Buren. Close in. tf LISTINGS WANTED Phoenix homes, residence lots, rentals. L. W. McAdams. 12 West Adams St., Phone 1234, ask for Mc Adams. bl 19 WANTED SITUATION, MALE LAD i" WOL'LD SHARE large room, j Phone 8437 507 N. 7th &t. bm NICELY furnished front room wl4 bath connecting; no sick. 355 Nort Fifth Ave. bm HOUSES cleaned, windows washed. Work guaranteed. C. 1L Vann. Phone 4502. 5-bk TRY HOTEL NAVAJO 646 W. Adams. Rates from $3.00 to $7.00 per yeek. Porrh cots included. S-bs FOR building wreckers and exca vating contractors. J. L. Mack and M. Wilds. Phone ?c?:!9S484. ds WANTED Sheep pelts. Highest prices paid. Effron & Co., 1009 E. Madison. tf WANTED Refrigerator, 150 to 300 lbs., ice Capacity. Must be bargain for cash. Call Don Fiatti. Phone 8516. It SEWINO WORK GUARANTEED, Dresses $1.50 and up. 224 E. Van Huren bk LOST DOG On Central avenue Sunday, 1 male Bull Terrier, brindle with white face neck and feet. No tify G. C. Taylor, Northern avenue. Route No. 6 and receive reward, bp LOST A leather brief case, con taining papers. Leave at Republican office tf CHIROPODY Bunions, corns, cal luses removed, painless and blood less; 50 cents each; moles, warts, etc, removed by electricity. 29-31 E. Adams. Frank Shirley. Phone 1704. tf CARPET CLEANING If you want your carputs cleaned clean. Phone 733. The Mectric Clean ers, tf CORSETICRE Nu Bone. 25JS; 314 N. 3rd Ave. Phone tf Splrella Corsets. Mrs. Kuhlwilm. Phone 1442. 706 W. Madison St. tf RUBBISH AND WASTE L A. RLBBISH AND PAPER CO. We haul your trash. Phone 4414. dr SCHOOL OF MUSIC Everything in music, expression, languages end dancing. Phone 1009. tf STALLION6. MAMMOTH JACK, registered: guaranteed colt getter, will stand this season, at H. Opie ranch. Mesa. Phone 20R2, Mesa 4gs SPANISH TEACHER WANTED Students for Spanish; translating done. 507 North 3rd. St. tf SEWING MACHINES PHOENIX SEWING MACHINE EXCHANGE 16 S. Fourth St. Phone 5909. Machines rented and repaired. Special authorized representative White Sewing Machine Co. 5k TYPEWRITER REPAIRING SP1RELLA CORSETS Miss Smith. 1014 E. Taylor St. Phone 8169 tf COLLECTIONS SHEDD collects slow accounts; no tary public, bus. agents: credit rat ings. Shedd's Merc. Service, Phoenix. Ariz.. 212 Fleming Bide. Phone 1866 tf 27 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR LEASE Splendid store building in Mesa, suitable for dry goods, house furaishings or automo bile tires. L. H. Stewart. Mesa. br CHIROPRACTIC $500 CASH BUYS my interest in established local business. Fine op portunity for man capable of calling on groceries, confectioneries, etc. Call 1757 and ask for Mr. Hedrick. bl 22 WANTED HELP. MALE WANTED Good ranch man. Bolin Realty Co., 12 W. Van Buren St. bl ARIZ. AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL No better instruction anywhere. Adams and Fifth avenue. Phone 797. tf ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, 90 uays, will give good security and one third profit on investment for time. I have your money. Good business proposition already operating. If you have the money idle and wish to make a piece of money quick, answer, Box 89B Republican. dl ELDERLY WIDOWER owning nice small improved ranch, close in, would like middle aged or elderly lady with some means, to stock with chickens and small dairy. Partnership. Box 86B Rppuhlican. bn 14 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PAINTING, tinting, kiilsomiiiing. I re-varnishing and refinishing done very reasonable by eitner aay. or con tract. Phone 639 or 44041& bn FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. Phone 2959. 906 E. Pierce, bk THREE modern housekeeping rooms, with bath. 942 E. Van Buren Street. bl HOUSEKEEPING rooms, use of telephone, summer rates. 712 W. Madison. bl ROOM for batching, with screen sleeping porrh, gas and lights free: S13.S0 mo. 507 North 12th St. It LAWN work wanted, reasonable, bv contract or hour. Phone 2139. tf IF VOL want a good man to cut that lawn or any other kind of work, call 5275. tf MARRIED MAN wants work; ranch preferred. Chas. F. Moeny, Glendale. Box 644. bm I MOW LAWNS and do light haul ing. G. M. Brazil. Phone 1S37. dd PHOENIX WINDOW CLEANING guarantee Employment office 47 N. SECOND ST. PHONE 1480 i tf FOR SALE Bakery and grocery good cash business. If you have $1200 cash call owner, 3292; this is a bi bareain. It won't last long. bl BARBER wanted to run shop in pool hall. Gilbert Pool Hall. bk WANTED Representative in each city, 3,000 population or more, distrib ute advertising and take orders, of fice supply line. Permanent to hust lers. Duplico Mfg. Co.. 120i,i N. Rob inson. Oklahoma City, Okla. bk PHONE BRA DM AN 49S8 PHOENIX EMPLOYMENT OFFICE RELIABLE HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. Ill S. First street. tf .,,.... 2 , , - i CO. Odd jobs promptly done; house; FoR RENT 2 turnlshed rooms for! ,":T7l T,h tlt t lieht housekeeping water and lights Fbone 639: Geoige1 furnished: $20 per month, 5 per I CLEAN your house and rugs sat-1 tf week. 806 E. Monroe. 3 LIVE WIRE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY CA'"TUS WAY. PHONE 9S tf tfV lslactoruy. joon Jving. rnone iiJ. ti LONG'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 40 WALL STREET. PHONE 624 FOR FIRST CLASS HELP tf FOR SALE Home made candy and ice cream shop. Just right for man and wife. $800 cash. Knox Bailey. Florence. Ariz. bp WANTED A dairyman with cows. Have 160 acres best alfalfa land in valley, good house, barns and every thing, on paved road. See Levi Young, 915 East Van Buren street. Phoenix, bk E. E. HELFR1CH, licensed chiro practor. Phone 4949. 309 N. First t. Office hours n. m. to 3 p. rn. The Typewriter Inspection' Co. All makes overhauled, repaired and re l ullt. 40 S. Fourth sve. . Prompt service. Phones 1498 and 4208. tf TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE C. & II. TAXI 106 E. Adams. Phon 1717. Day and Night Service, tf TRANSFER AND STORAGE CHAMBERS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Any kind of hauling. Fireproof storage. Phone 1228 or 3526. tf that same one'll b-flat before the fourth bing sounds. Soldier Brown is coming back for another event with Kid Wayne as his opponent. Nobody seems to know Soldier Brown until he played a lullaby for Joe Lepo in two rounds. H5s .the new talent that keeps the fans on edge ' -The first bout is- announced for-. 3 - o'clock Friday evening at the Arizona Attiletic club arena on East Wash ington street. , -o White Sox Going : To Mesa Sunday f The White Sox will Journey to Mesa Sunday, where they will tangle with j the fast Mesa Jewels. The White Sox are Just hitting their stude anl several shifts in the line-up will be made Sunday, showing a vast differ ence from the club that p'ayed the Casa Grande last week. They are hitting the ball hard in practice to do s their "darndest" against Mesa. The Sox will work out neain this evening at Eastlake Park and another practice tomorrow. Then Manager . Haldiman will be ready for the Mes.i vt game. Gill and his gang of feno busters look very promising. Th?y started the season with a victory ind " hope to keep a clean slate the rest of the season. The Mesa team i made up of the best on the south side, rep resenting the town's best baseball. Haldiman invites all Sox boosters to accompany the team to Mesa Sun day to root for the team. The Sox want Phoenix behind them, and in turn they hope to boost Phoenix by delivering good clean baseball that will afford real entertainment for the fans. o ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Nice home for two children. Phone 3741. EXPERIENCED saleslady in music store: must furnish good references. 226 W. Washington. , bl DRESSMAKING Dressmaking, alterations, repairs. accordeon pleating made. 1130 Grand Ave. bp DRESSMAKING bungalow e.prons. shirts. Skirts made and pleated for $5. Bethell's, 223 W. Monroe. Phone 2405. tf DRESSMAKING TAILORING AND ART NEEDLEWORK Miss Smith. Room 31. Annex Hotel tf OtNTISTS DR. MORRISON i Sanitarr System Phone 3089. 36 E. Washington St. ELECTRICAL DEALERS WIRIN G F1XT U RES S U PI LI ES Motor Repairing and Rewinding a specialty. New State Electric Co., Phone 4436 214 W. Washington St. WM. BAIRD. ELECTRICAL CON TRACTOR, with Harris Bros- 141 N. 1st. Tel. 4989. House wiring, supplies and fixtures. '-1914 prices. 1921 work. bn ELECTRICAL REPAIRING FOR SALE; Soft drinks and cigar stand, central location. Reasonable price. Pox 64 B. Republican. bk LEASE AND FURNITURE, eleven single housekeeping apartments; good living assured for small invest ment 405 Fast Van Buren. 4"r FOR SALE The best gasoline and oil s'ation in Phoenix: will sell at a sacrifice. Answer box 80B, Repub lican, bl Electric Washers, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons and Fans cleaned and repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. Arizona Electrical Appliance Co.. 235 West Adams St. Sen-ice dept. Phone FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE REPAIRING Refinishing and Upholstering Packing hv Erpert Packers DORRIS-IIETMAN FURNITURE COMPANY. -v tf HOUSE MOVING NEW KlfiSI Williams Housemoving "and Wrerk ing Co. Estimates cheerfully given. 23 W. Monroe. Phone 1738. tf Baggage checked to destination. All kinds of hauling. Fireproof storage. Lightning Delivery Co.. 42 S. Center. Phone 3094 and 4126. tf CITY TRUCK & TRANSFER CO. Phone 4414. Reasonable rates for Rapid Transit. b UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS A. H. Mcl.ELLAN Undertaker and Funeral Director Phone 4940. 617 N. Central Ave. tf H. M. MAI'S, 311 N. First Ave. Phones 1570 and 1929 tf YARWOOD & HOCKREY Funeral directors and embalmers. 3H4 W. Monroe. Phone 3099. tf FOR SALE One-ton Ford truck equipped with self-starter, top snd side curtains, oversized cord tires, only run few miles. For particular people for summer trip. Sacrifice. Phone 1368. bl TWO-ROOM house Modern, shaxie and car line; healthy adults. 925 E. McKinley. ds NEW CAPITOL BARBER SHOP NO. 2. at room 23. Monihon building, corner of Washington and First ave nue, will be open for business thi morning. Managed by J. T. Post, bm LOST One gold chain and two lockets. Reward if returned to W. H. C. 212 East Washington. A. L. MOORE & SON iSuccessors to Moore & McLellan) Auto Ambulance 329 West Adams St. one 601. tf 245 W. D. A. PARKS Funeral Director Adams. I. O. O. F. Temple Phone 5925 tf THE GEO. F. MERRY MAN CO., 124 N. Second Ave. Phone 651 tf GREEN & AHART Undertakers and Embalmers. , 421 S. 7th Ave.. Phone 5393. gs J. T. WHITNEY 134 W. ADAMS ST. f LOST Pair glasses in case, either A. & E. shops or comer 7th St. and Wash. Return to 803 E. Van Buren. Phone 3636. Reward bl FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 802 N. 2nd St. 3-room bl FOR RENT Blacksmith shop and garage with tools, residence on same lot, close in. J. W. Branch,-2184 W Washington. VV, THEATRICAL, talent wanted-t-x- perience unnecessary. Engagement if satisfactory. Apply to Ramona theater. 7t FOR RENT Thiee-room furnished house. Call at 1145 East Portland street. 3t BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern four-room apt. two sleeping porches excellent location Cool for sum mer. Reasonable rent Phone 31T2. tn Republican A. P. Leased Wire Lansing; Mich., April 13. a bill defining libel. Introduced in the Michigan house by Representative (i. W. Welrh is designed "to end Henry Ford's criticism of Jews." its author declared in a statement today. The measure defines general libel to consist of "the circulation of ma licious defamations tending to im- ; peach the honesty, integrity, virtue, i renutntion. character, or - FOR SALE A lot of good lains hens and 4 dozen 2 months old pu!- lets. 1341 E. Van Buren. Tshi SIX-ROOM house with 2 sleeping , porches. completely furnishrl":' I Modern to the minute. Garajte. r--- ! neighborhood. At Bel N. 2nd St.. or I inquire "Gust," Portola Csf. bn 1 ! EGGS that hatcii Fhone 8378. Douce. Mx- Al'TO R A P. GAT N patriotism j well. Ford. I'ullu an. Will s-eli or cx- of any reliRious soct. thereby exiws- 1 chance ary of thm. IN e nuy sp.i ing them to iiublic hatred, ridicule, or ' and exchange auios. TS7 G:anU Ave disfavot nue. bi