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t . 3 .i i J I' OF DEPJUTTMEIIT TO BE AT ONCE After inspecting state highways in various parts of the state, Thomas Maddock, state engineer, returned to Phoenix yesterday from which point he will direct the completion of work halted in the north by the snow or later stopped there and elsewhere for lack of funds. The Topock-Oatman camp will be transferred to Coconino county to continue work on the Flagstaff-Wil-Jjams road, which was closed dow n by October snow The Topock'Oatman road is prae - tically completed, according to Mr. Maddock, who said that grade work was finished and that state forces would continue on the surfacing work, which will be finished shortly. The new road reduces the distance from Needles to Kingman by four miles. The state forces also will build a road between Pica and Peach Springs, Vtitch. will eliminate Nelson -canyon. The road already has been surveyed and the construction camp will be established shortly and begin opera tions. In Gila county the state highway department will open bids on Friday for another section of the Superior Miami highway in the region of Pinto Creek. C. C. Small, location engineer, and a crew are preparing the work for the contractors so that construc tion may proceed Immediately after the bid is accepted. Contractors are again at work on the Douglas-Rodeo road in Cochise county, Mr. Maddock said. The road will be completed July 1, which will result in a first class highway from New Mexico to within 20 miles of Florence. The completion of the Miami-Superior highway ill mean a nine-hour drive from Phoenix to Clifton. "Motorists are making from Globe 1 to Tucson over the El Capitan and the splendid new construction be tween Oracle and Mammoth in four and one-half hours, while speeders are making it in three and one-half hours," Baid the state engineer. Other state forces are now located in Sonoita in bant a Cruz .county where they have started 14 miles road construction. This camp was for merly on the Benson Vail road. E TO "Paying the Piper" is at the Strand the rest of this week and it probahly will be localized in the minds of many who see it, for it deals with a social problem that is not confined to any city or state. Here is the pith of the story: A rich society girl is the daughter of two victims of the divorce court. The decree provides that she spend half of each year with each of her parents. Her father is a would-be masher and rake and her mother Is a dignified club woman who prides herself on the number of cigarettes she can smoke and the .way she can handle her liquor. Into this double environment this girl is thrust each day of her year. Is It any wonder that she makes a marriage of convenience with a dis solute member of the social set? The man she marries has been making a Liilaything of a member of a Follies WORK MPU IIIU.I RESUMED mi moth rflillib in COMES STRAND y company and his marriage causes the him. Then come the complications this loveless marriage engenders. From them comes a strong heart story that ends well, but not until the puppets of this human drama are shuttled through oceans of grief. "Paying the Piper" introduces for its big punch the most wonderful dancer since Mrs. Vernon Castle, Dorothy Dixon, who set all New York agog last year with her . sensational dancing. "Paying the. Piper" is a society -j picture with a world of dress display and should find a ready response at the Strand. It is augmented by a good Pathe news reel and a comedy, "Vamps and Scamps.'' o The summer school system of edu cation at Columbia university, N. Tf.. was established 22 years ago. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS FORDS, DODGES, HUDSONS Metropolitan Garage Phone 4008 The FACE V A L U E of the GEM is many times its price. (Millions of faces prove it I AJ all dmalarw 41 SAFETY RAZOR 1 Gear Ihmaskeene Blades r ffij PAYS OUT 5250,111 ' ON STATE WARRANTS Registered state warrants to the amount of a quarter of a million dol lars were cashed yesterday by George Krhardt, assistant state treasurer. The warrants were presented by banks and individuals, and the amount does not begin to cover the number presented to the state treas urer's office .n view of the fact that the rush of office business prevented the handling of the vast amount of mall receiVtea on the first day that warrants were cashed, as the result of the state coming into over a million and a half dollars through the sale of tax anticipating bonds. "There was a "bread line' when I reached the office at 9 o'clock," said Mr. Erhardt, who was busy cashing warrants all day long. "We paid out fully $250,000. which did not include the mail." .Raymond Earhart is expected home arly in the week from Chicago, where the state treasurer completed the sale of bonds on Tuesday when he placed $1,507.3112.50 to the credit of the state in the Continental Commer cial bank of Chicago. - o OPENS IN PHOENIX The second quadrennial state con clave of the Brotherhood of American Teomen met at the K. of P. hall in Phoenix at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Delegates from Bisbee, Don Luis, Tucson and other points in the state were in attendance. The busi ness session was closed and adjourn ment was taken yesterday evening. Today will be devoted to pleasure and sight-seeing, and the conclave will conclude tonight with a banquet and j dance giver by the Phoenix lodge. ( The principal business of the con- j clave was the election of national delegates. The honors fell to former State Senator H. A. Davis of Phoenix and to E. D. Stinson of Bisbee, The Tucson delegation put up a winning fight for the next conclave. Officers for the next four years are as follows: State foreman, H. A. Davie; state correspondent, Mrs. Amanda McGovney of Tucson; mas ter of ceremonies, Bert Davis of Phoe nix; master of accounts, G. B. Brownell of Don Luis; chaplain, Mrs. C. C. Finlayson of Bisbee. BANKRUPT STOCK L The sale of. the entire stock and fixtures of the Arizona Music Stores company, successor to Kerr and Smal- ley, was completed yesterday by Sims Ely, trustee in bankruptcy, and ap proved by the federal court. Judge Thomas W. Nealon, referee. The Redewill Music company was the pur chaser. . Musical instruments and supplies and fixtures to the total value of ap proximately J40.000 were involved in the sale, which was attended by J. H. Stockton and John M. Longan, at torneys representing the largest cred itors of the company, and by Mr. Ely. The stocks of the Phoenix and Mesa stores of the bankrupt concern, as well as its reserve stock, were in cluded in the transaction. It is understood the entire stock will be put on sale by the new owner in the near future. o HUM PICNIC TO BE HELD SATURDAY A big time for all the Hoosiers of the Salt River valley is scheduled for Saturday afternoon and evening, when the Indiana society will hold its annual picnic at Eastlake park. Sports, music, a family dinner and a general good time make up the pro gram features. The family dinner means that the picnickers will bring their own lunch. Letis Templin will have charge of the sports program, and the music and entertainment features are under the direction of Mrs. Clyde Gandy. All Hoosiers are requested to register at the Y. M. C A., in order that the committee in charge of the picnic may ascertain the number to be cared for. Over 150,000 Fans See First Games In Major Leagues Republican A. P. Leased Wire! CHICAGO, April 13. The umpire's cry of "Play Ball!" waa heard by more than 156,000 fans in seven major league parks today in what officials heralded as the "comeback of base ball." The figures, which were unofficial estimates, included two records for opening day attendance at the Chi cago National league park, where nearly 23,000 saw the gam-, and at the home of the New York Yankees, who played before 37,000. The Chicago-Detroit game at Detroit in the American league was postponed be cause of rain. The unofficial figures for other cities were: Cincinnati, National. 30.40P; Boston, National, 12, 000; Washington, Amer ican. 18.200; Philadelphia. National, 19.000; St. Louis. American. 15,000. Washington Street GARAGE 806 West Washington St. Federal S. Goodyear Tires Red Seal Dry Cells and Sparkers Open Evenings and Sunday GASOLINE . OIL Phone 4490 Harry Cresswell YEOMEN CONCLAVE SOLD TO HEW L THE ARIZONA Parade f Pioneers Down Central Avenue . On Way To Big barbecue Riverside Park Big Barbecue Meld At Hiverside Park On Tuesday As Feature Of Pioneer's Reunion d ijMpww tester " ' lawf-iim il in hi ni i in tm.1l mith Jn- -a.MworiBafc&Biattt. ' . .. The barbecue was one of the most enjoyable features of the Pioneers' Reunion in Phoenix. It was prepared and served under the supervision of I. R. Haughey, a barbecue expert, who has had charge of some of the ' largest and most successful barbecues ever held in the valley. More than 1,200 were served at the barbecue at Riverside park Tuesday and everything went off without the slightest delay or inconvenience. Two expert meat cutters, whose services were donated for the occasion by the California WILDCATS PUT TRO JANSTHIS Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons of this week the Univer sity of Arizona 'Varsity will meet the University of Southern California Trojans in the first intercollegiate baseball games on the Arizona cam pus this season. The booking of these games was received with great enthusiasm by the Wildcats, for they have an excellent team this year and their ' regular competitors in New Mexico and Texas offer no opposition whatever. Then, too. games with the coast teams mean a lot more to Arizona in her fight for recognition ot the Southern Pacific Coast confer ence. Coach Porter will probably start big "Cowboy" Stewart on the mound Thursday, with Doyle, Cusick ani Atwood in reserve for the other two games. Hubbard will be on the re ceiving end of the battery. Complet ing a strong factor in the Wildcat of fense. The lineup of the Trojans has not yet been received, but will he published on arrival. The coach, however, declares that he is af;er ev The weak, worn, or defective battery is made sturdy and powerful in our shop for HERE the work is done by real Bat tery Specialists with everything necessary at hand in a complete, modern shop. Service that is REAL and uniform. Arizona Battery & Ignition Company C. E. MORELL 9 East Van Buren Phone 1050 WEEK NTUGSON REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, , . . 1 ery "game and will meet the Wildcats with the best team U. S. C. has bad in years. The probable lir eup of the Arizona team is: Hubbard, catcher; Sie-vart, pitcher; Smith, first base; Thurman, second base; O'Connor, shortstop; Cusick, third base; Seaman, lef man. lf'Ttember. field; Bush, center field; Marshall, right field. LET COiTUT FOR Contract for the construction of the new Country club, to be erected on the club's property on Seventh street and Osborn road. ras let yesterday to HEW COUNTRY C MONEY RAISING Sale Starts Friday 9 Meal Market of Phoenix, assisted in preparing the meat. Ten men from the local post of the American Legion served the barbecue, and their ex cellent work showed that they had had much experience in that line, gained while in the war. After everyone at the reunion had been served with all they could eat, there was much meat, beans, pickle and other articles of food, all of which was sent to the Salvation Army to be dis tributed among the needy. the Eagan Construction company. According to H- W. Asbury. chairman of the building committee, the con tract price is something over $40,00. while the furnishings will round out the amount to $50,000 before the club is readv for occuDancv earlv in Sen tember. Several weeks ago the p'ns of Lescher & Kibbey were accepted for the building, which will be of the Spanish mission type. White brick will be used in the construction and the roof will be of red tile. A larsre ballroom, two dining rooms, lounging rooms, dressing rooms, an office and service quarters will be features of the building, while porches play an important role in the plans. The Country club sold its property at the end of North Central avenue a year ago when it acquired 160 acres on the Thomas road and Seventh street. It continued to use the old Country club, although the golf PHOENIX, ARl2eT wiV be closed to prepare for ir.AFx ,,si o 1921 course on the new property has been in use all winter. Of the property purchased 110 acres will be retained for club grounds, while 50 acres have been put in for building lots, many of which have already been sold. The contract awarded yesterday calls for the completion of the club by September 1. The furnishings will be arranged shortly afterward and the clubhouse opened with a smart event early in October. WESTERN LEAGUE . At Joplin, 3; Des Moines, 5. At Oklahoma City, 6; Omaha, 4. At Tulsa-St. Joseph, muddy grounds. At Wichita -Sioux City, rain. o Of the 1S.6S1 teachers in Massachu setts. 3.2T3 are college graduates and 12.839 are normal school gradu ates. today a big A. M. LAUTARIO APPEAL STAYS EXECUTION Ricardo Lautario, who murdered his common-law wife, Adelena Sozo de Barillos, will not be hartged at the state prison at Florence a week from today, his appeal filed in the suyreme court yesterday acting as a stay of execution. With a knife he made, "in case he needed It," Lautario stabbed the woman, who for eight months lived with him as his wife. He drove the weapon Into her forehead with such force that it required two men to ex tract IL The tragedy occurred last' Novem ber, the woman living 12 hours after the wound had been inflicted. At the trial Lautario testified that he stabbed Adelena because she would have nothing to do with him. Knraged when he saw her kiss the foreman of the ranch on which they both were employed, Lautario charged his sweetheart to leave the foreman PHONE 11478 Sam Fields 211-47 N. 25c Sjm THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN'S AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY ROADS Coast roads in poor shape. Best route by way of Ehrenburg. Black Canyon rough; Wlckenburg, good; Florence-Superior, good; Apache Trail, rough; Ajo, via Laveen, pood, fse caution in crossing drain ditches. Roads in Apache and Navajo counties good, excepting in mountains. Slight fall of enow In Coconino county has not affected the roads there to any extent. Main roads in Mohave county in fair shape, excepting Oatman Topock, which is being constructed, travel being routed by way of Tucca. Yavapai county roads in fair shape. Care must be used in Chino Valley en route to Ash Fork. Main roads in Gila, Greenlee Cochise and Graham counties in good condition. Valley roads rough in Pinal county. Tucson to Nogales good. AUTOMOBILES AUTO ACCESSORIES GENUINE FORD PARTS HOME OF THE FORD AND FORDSON ED RUDOLPH Authorized Ford Dealer 316-48 East Adams Street Buick Cadillac TIRE3 ACCESSORI ES BABBITT MOTOR West Washington at Fifth Ave. CHANDLER a M. C. TRUCKS CAL MESSNER , Corner Fourth Avenue and Adams Street Chevrolet Little Four, Big Four BERT O. BROWN, Distributor 316-18 East Washington Street AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Western Auto "EVERYTHING TIRES, SUPPLIES 141-147 North GARAGES ARIZONA RADIATOR WORKS Radiators repaired and rebuilt. anv kind installed. Fenders nd reosired. Windshields installed. I welding. All work done by experts. Agent For Staggand Copper 307 North Central Avenue. AUTO TRUCK BODIES BUILT to urder. All sorts hardwood repairing for farm machinery. HOME BUILDERS PLANING MILL GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Phone 41E8 350 South First Street HANSON'S GARAGE FRED HANSON, Manager FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Corner First Avenue and Bennett Lane ROGER HUNT GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR WORK ON ALL MAKES Or CARS 1,614 West Van Buren Street PAGE THREE and return to him. He called at her tent in the early morning hours and, when she declined to listen to him, att;ukcd her. Hrr small brother, who slept at the foot of the bed, was awakened by her screams and her cry, "Ricardo has killed me," accord ing to testimony at the trial. FOSTERING CLEAN SPORTS FOR PHOENIX! NEXT MATCH FRIDAY APRIL 15th ARIZONA ATHLETIC CLUB ARENA 8ih St. and Washington !UM JlUBlWIll . New Cars! Safe Drivers! Day and Night Service Auto Livery Central Ave. BULLETIN Mack Trucks PARTS PAINT SHOP CARS DIVISION Phone 1450 TRAILMOBILE Supply Agency FOR THE AUTO" AND ACCESSORIES Central Avenue SERVICE New cores of auto bodies Oxy - acetylene Best work in Core gigi9rj3 Phone 609 feffiSS?? ittlJ Phone 680 Phone 611